Beat Your Food Cravings With Proactol Plus

A lot of us have had a sudden intense urge to eat a certain food product. It's almost like if we have just that one thing we will be the happiest and most satisfied person on earth.


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Transcript of Beat Your Food Cravings With Proactol Plus

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A lot of us have had a sudden intense urge to eat a certain food product. It's almost like if we have just that one thing

we will be the happiest and most satisfied person on earth.

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It may be for chocolates, chips, some ice cream or one more glass of that sparkling red wine. Commonly cravings

are for carbohydrate products. It's not satisfaction of hunger, but more of a food-specific craving. But these aren't due to a weak will power; they have biological

reasons and processes at work.

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Reasons for cravings

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Whenever we are emotionally upset or sad, our serotonin levels dip. This is the hormone which makes us feel good and happy. Along with this lowered serotonin level, the blood sugar levels also dip creating a condition of low

blood glucose.

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Now the human body is so orchestrated that the minute the blood sugar dips it sends signals to the body to

demand for sugar resulting in a craving. Thus we get a sugar or carbohydrate craving. Once we have the sugar

loaded food, the blood glucose comes to normal and there is a short burst of serotonin and we feel much better.

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But this is very short lived and as soon as the effects are over we crave sugar again. It becomes a vicious cycle. Thus people in depression tend to crave sugar all the time and

put on dramatic amount of weight.

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Some other times, when we have had inadequate sleep or are too tired, there is adrenaline exhaustion. This signals

the brain to give something to help pull itself back together resulting in sugar cravings. Sugar or alcohol just make things worse and do not solve the problem or the

cause of it.

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People who take appetite suppressing agents for too long tend to develop a medical condition called insulin

resistance which is a kind of diabetes mellitus. They develop strong cravings for sugar because the body is not

realising the presence of the sugar in the blood and demanding more sugar.

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So the person starts eating more sugary stuff like aerated drinks and desserts and puts on weight despite the

appetite suppressants.

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So what is it that you should do to beat these cravings?

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Firstly, do not deny yourself any one food group. All foods are healthy when consumed in right amounts and are

necessary for the body, even fats.

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Find out the reason of your sadness and share it with someone or sort out the problem. You will feel much

better and not have the cravings. If its diet pills you are taking, stop them immediately and get on to exercising to lose weight. That is the only right way to lose weight and

you must accept it.

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In the end you are desperate then we suggest proactol. The new version of proactol called the proactol plus can be

your easy way around appetite suppression with its powerful natural ingredients doing the work for you.

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