Beat the Bloat / What you can...

BEAT THE BLOAT: WHAT YOU CAN DO 1. Eliminate every morning Hydrate (quart of water in the morning), eat lots of fruits and veggies, have chia, and move your body. If you’re not going, and you're doing all of the above- we have to see whats going on with you personally one on one. 2. Chew well - Go slow. 30 chews? - Make it fun. See if the food changes taste and flavor as you chew. 3. Eat these Foods - Foods high in resistant starch and inulin are called prebiotics and they help probiotics grow. In general, raw foods have more prebiotics than cooked food. Bananas, dandelion greens, garlic, leek, and onion, asparagus, chicory (often used in coffee substitutes such as dandy blend), and raw oats. - Leafy greens to help cleanse the digestive tract - Fermented foods for probiotics- try sauerkraut, kimchi, raw miso paste (chickpea miso is great and soy free), and coconut yogurt. - Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar- increase stomach acid- try 1 teaspoon in salad dressing or in a glass of water upon waking - Papaya and pineapple- enzymes! - Fruit in general is one of the easiest to digest foods. It gives people problems when eaten after a meal. - Foods with a high water content - Be careful with beans. Soak them overnight for greatest effect. Soak nuts and grains too. 4. Eat small frequent meals + most of your calories in the middle of the day. Breakfast like a princess, lunch like a queen, dinner like a pauper. 5. De-Stress, and eat calmly. Breathe deeply before your meal and in-between bites. 6. Drink tonics or teas! Warm beverage with bitter herbs! - Peppermint tea, ginger tea, chai tea 7. Create a supportive lifestyle for digestion - Move your body in a way that feels good to you.

Transcript of Beat the Bloat / What you can...

Page 1: Beat the Bloat / What you can · -Fruit in general is one of the easiest to digest foods. It gives people problems


1. Eliminate every morning Hydrate (quart of water in the morning), eat lots of fruits and veggies, have chia, and move your body. If you’re not going, and you're doing all of the above- we have to see whats going on with you personally one on one.

2. Chew well - Go slow. 30 chews? - Make it fun. See if the food changes taste and flavor as you chew.

3. Eat these Foods - Foods high in resistant starch and inulin are called prebiotics and they help

probiotics grow. In general, raw foods have more prebiotics than cooked food. Bananas, dandelion greens, garlic, leek, and onion, asparagus, chicory (often used in coffee substitutes such as dandy blend), and raw oats.

- Leafy greens to help cleanse the digestive tract - Fermented foods for probiotics- try sauerkraut, kimchi, raw miso paste (chickpea

miso is great and soy free), and coconut yogurt. - Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar- increase stomach acid- try 1 teaspoon in salad

dressing or in a glass of water upon waking - Papaya and pineapple- enzymes! - Fruit in general is one of the easiest to digest foods. It gives people problems when

eaten after a meal. - Foods with a high water content - Be careful with beans. Soak them overnight for greatest effect. Soak nuts and grains


4. Eat small frequent meals + most of your calories in the middle of the day. Breakfast like a princess, lunch like a queen, dinner like a pauper.

5. De-Stress, and eat calmly. Breathe deeply before your meal and in-between bites.

6. Drink tonics or teas! Warm beverage with bitter herbs! - Peppermint tea, ginger tea, chai tea

7. Create a supportive lifestyle for digestion - Move your body in a way that feels good to you.

Page 2: Beat the Bloat / What you can · -Fruit in general is one of the easiest to digest foods. It gives people problems

- Squat!- It helps us counteract all the sitting that we do. There is a device called a squatty potty that allows the knees to come up to the chest comfortably while eliminating.

- Try practicing nauli kriya- abdominal churning. - Massage your belly with coconut oil. Do it intuitively or use the video in this weeks

resources. Try using lemon, lemongrass, lavender, or peppermint essential oils as well. Lemon and lemongrass support the alkalinity of the body, lavender is calming, and peppermint can break up any pain.

- Yoga poses such as twists, anahastasana (especially in the morning), and feet up the wall at night to calm down.

- Go for walks after eating a bigger meal. - BREATHE

7. Supplement with these, AFTER you implement the above. - Digestive enzymes - Ginger: add some fresh into some tea or 1/4 teaspoon powdered into lemon water - Peppermint oil : 1 drop in the mouth or 3 drops massaged into the belly - L-glutamine - can also stop cravings and heals up the micro biome by using its amino

acids to heal up the lining of the digestive tract almost like a bandaid . - Digestive Bitters: 1 tsp before a meal - Psyllium Husk- if you are constipated - Activated Charcoal- absorbs toxins- take when you are gassy

Page 3: Beat the Bloat / What you can · -Fruit in general is one of the easiest to digest foods. It gives people problems

Anahastasana (Wind-relieving pose)

A pose to get into first thing in the morning or whenever you feel gassy.

Begin in table pose- knees over hips and shoulders over wrists. Walk your hands forward as far as they’ll go and start sinking your armpits into the ground. Relax your chin onto the floor and stick your butt high into the air. With the butt up in the air, suck your abdominal wall back and feel a release in the stomach.

If you try this first thing in the morning, come into the pose and stay for 2 minutes to notice the full benefit.

- Good stretch or the upper and middle back - Opens the shoulders - Softens the heart down to the earth - Creates space in the stomach

Page 4: Beat the Bloat / What you can · -Fruit in general is one of the easiest to digest foods. It gives people problems

Squatty Potty

The modern day toilet is convenient, but has one major fault; it requires us to sit. While sitting to do our business may be considered “civilized”, studies show the natural squat position improves our ability to eliminate.

Page 5: Beat the Bloat / What you can · -Fruit in general is one of the easiest to digest foods. It gives people problems

Sitting in a Squat : Humans natural resting position

For countless ages throughout time, human beings have been able to crouch all the way down into a resting squat for relaxing, working, cooking, communing, and even for using the bathroom.

There is countless evidence showing how sitting is affecting our health- especially that of our colon.

Get into a resting squat at least once a day. Work up to a couple minutes!

Here, you can find more information and some great videos explaining the importance of getting into a squat.

Page 6: Beat the Bloat / What you can · -Fruit in general is one of the easiest to digest foods. It gives people problems

Peppermint Essential Oil

Your muse, your toolkit, your savior. Peppermint essential oil is one of the easiest and best supplements to have on hand for any bloating or stomach pain.

Take a couple drops before a meal or in the middle of the day or apply topically when you feel pain.

You can also put 8 drops in a veggie capsule and take it with your supplements to get a lot in.

Also delicious- 1-2 drops in a morning green smoothie for a mint chip smoothie. 1 frozen banana, 1 cup liquid, 1 drop peppermint, 1 teaspoon cacao nibs, 2 cups spinach, 1/2 cup frozen zucchini, and any other superfoods, greens, or proteins.

You can order some on Amazon. Just search ‘DoTerra Peppermint.’

Page 7: Beat the Bloat / What you can · -Fruit in general is one of the easiest to digest foods. It gives people problems

An herbal tonic recipe

- 2 cups herbal tea or hot water (pau d’ arco, chaga, chai, etc…) - 1 tablespoon raw cacao or dandy blend - 1 teaspoon maca - 1/4 teaspoon ashwaganda (great bitter herb for energy) - 2 tablespoons hemp seeds - (optional) 1 teaspoon coconut oil or ghee - 1 tablespoon collagen - 1 teaspoon raw honey - 5 drops liquid stevia - pinch cinnamon and salt

Add everything to a blender and blend until smooth and creamy to get a nice foam on top.

Page 8: Beat the Bloat / What you can · -Fruit in general is one of the easiest to digest foods. It gives people problems


Repopulate your gut with beneficial bacteria.

The easiest way to get probiotics in is through food. - Raw sauerkraut - Raw Kimchi - Coconut yogurt - Coconut Kefir - Raw miso paste - Kombucha

Other than that, taking probiotics in the morning is a good way to make sure you’re getting them in and keeping your gut friendly.

- Promotes a healthy intestinal flora - Safely helps the body maintain beneficial colonies of microorganisms - Supports the digestive system - Helps balance yeast levels - Performs supportive roles within the body to maintain energy and immune function

I recommend a probiotic you can order online called Latero-Flora, because its a soil-based-organism base probiotic, many of which you can’t find in the stores. It closely reflects what would be found in nature, eating wild or unwashed organic food.

Latero-flora is a probiotic based off of Bacillus laterosporus. It has a strong inhibitory effect on a number of pathogens including candida, and many harmful pathogens.

Page 9: Beat the Bloat / What you can · -Fruit in general is one of the easiest to digest foods. It gives people problems

Collagen Hydrolosate

Hydrolyzed Collagen is the unique combination of amino acids in concentrated levels that promotes rapid re-production of blood cells for healing and conditioning over other proteins especially for bone and joint health care. It is an effective protein powder.

It has no taste.

It’s made from kosher grass-fed beef, not pig.

- It helps regulate the body’s metabolism

- Builds connective tissue in hair, skin, and nails

- 90 percent protein - Rapid absorption for fast recovery - Seals up a leaky gut

This low molecular weight protein is easily digested for healthy enrichment in minutes after ingestion. It will not congeal because it has been hydrolyzed for quick assimilation and improved hydration to the connective tissue.

Simply add 1-2 tablespoons into a smoothie or hot drink.