Beam and Column Calculator

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Transcript of Beam and Column Calculator

  • Beam and Column CalculatorProcedures | References

    Calculates the straight bars of any section laying on n supports. The program calculates load anddeformation distributions and sizes of reactions in individual supports.

    The application provides the strength check calculation of axially loaded columns. The checkcalculation performs a strength check of the selected column section.

    The calculation is done in metric or English units. The setting ANSI standard means that thecalculation uses English units, even in the relevant section dimensions.

    Note: We recommend that you select components created using Extrude command within AutodeskInventor assembly.

    Tip: See the Engineer's Handbook for calculation formulas for calculating beams and columns.


    Calculate beams and columns

    Calculate beams and columns

    1. On the ribbon, click Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator .2. Specify parameters of the component. There are three ways how to define the parameters of the

    component: Click the Size column and enter the data to the edit fields manually. Make sure that Object is selected. Select the component in the graphics window. The generator

    reads the data from component and enters them to the table. Parameters that were transferred fromAutodesk Inventor by a calculator are grayed out and edit fields are locked, by default. You canunlock the edit fields and edit such parameters. Parameters that were not transferred from AutodeskInventor are displayed in black and you can enter their values manually. You cannot lock such editfields. However, the calculator is not able to read the Section Modulus, (Wx, Wy) Torsional SectionModulus (Wk), and Torsional Rigidity Modulus (Jk) data. However, components inserted from ContentCenter have all data.

    Click Section, select a beam shape and set the appropriate dimensions.3. On the Model tab:

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  • In the Calculation Type group box, select the type of calculation you want to perform. According toyour selection, the Beam Calculation or Column Calculation tabs are enabled. (They can be enabledat the same time).

    In the Material group box, specify the material values. Check the box to open Material Databasewhere you can edit the values in the table.

    4. On the Beam Calculation tab, specify calculation properties, and specify loads and supports.Note: The Beam Calculation tab is enabled if you select Beam Calculation option in the CalculationType area on the Model tab.

    5. On the Beam Graphs tab, view the diagrams of individual beam loadings, force or moment forexample.Note: The Graphs tab is enabled if you select Beam Calculation option in the Calculation Type areaof the Model tab.

    6. On the Column Calculation tab, specify calculation properties, and specify loads and supports.Note: The Column Calculation tab is enabled if you select Column Calculation option in theCalculation Type area of the Model tab.

    7. Click Calculate to perform the calculation. Result values are displayed in the Results area on the rightside of the Beam and Column Calculation tabs, and the Beam Graphs tab.

    8. Click Results to display the HTML report.9. Click OK to insert selected calculation into Autodesk Inventor.

    Enter component section values to Beam and Column Calculator

    When you want to perform beam or column calculation, you need model data to perform thecalculation and set Loads and Supports. You enter model data in the Beam / Column Componentarea on the Model tab. There are three ways to get the model data.

    Enter values manually

    In the Beam / Column Component area, enter values for your beam or column component manually.Click the value in the Size column and enter the value. We recommend entering all values. Howeverthey are not mandatory and the calculation will be inserted into Autodesk Inventor graphics area.When you switch to Beam Calculation tab and click Calculate, the calculation will fail and messagesin the Summary of Messages area inform you that values for parameters cannot be zero to performthe calculation successfully.

    Use the Section command

    1. On the Design tab, In the Beam / Column Component area, click the Section command.Note: The Flip Section button turns beam section by 90 degrees and changes values for the beamsection dimensions. It switches X and Y axes.

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  • 2. The list of possible sections is available. Select the appropriate section profile. In the appropriatedialog box, enter the section values. Dimensions and values such as Section Modulus or Moment ofInertia are automatically inserted into the edit fields in the Beam / Column Component area.Read data from Content Center part

    When your assembly contains a part inserted using Content Center, the Beam and ColumnCalculator is able to read the data of the part.

    Note: You must be connected to Content Center to be able to use this procedure.

    1. In an assembly file, click Assemble tab Component panel Place from Content Center .2. In the Category View, select Structural Shapes, and select the part you want to insert.3. Double-click the part to open the part dialog box. Select parameters of the part.4. Click OK to insert the part into the assembly. In the Save As dialog box, specify the part name and its


    5. On the ribbon, click Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator .6. On the Model tab, make sure the Object command is selected. Select the part in the graphics

    window. All necessary data are inserted into the Beam and Column Calculator. The data in gray arenot editable.Note: Be aware that not all Content Center parts have all data available. Insert the missing data toModel tab manually.

    7. To change values, click the lock icon next to particular edit field. The edit field is enabled and you canedit the value.Edit beams and columns using Beam and Column Calculator

    1. Open the Autodesk Inventor assembly with the already inserted Design Accelerator beamor column.

    2. Select the beam or column, right-click to display the context menu, and then select theEdit Using Design Accelerator command.

    3. Edit the beam or column. If you change calculation values, click Calculate to see thestrength check. Calculation results are displayed in the Results area. The inputs that failthe calculation are displayed in red (their value does not correspond with other insertedvalues or calculation criteria). Reports of the calculation are displayed in the Summary ofMessages area.

    4. Click OK.


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  • Beam and Column Calculator - Model tab

    Calculates beams and columns, and creates graphic representations of their stress and deformations.


    Ribbon: Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column CalculatorBeam/Column Component

    Use this area to specify components.

    Object Click the button and select the component. The generator reads the data fromcomponent and enters them to the table. Parameters that were transferred fromAutodesk Inventor by calculator are grayed out, and locked. You can unlock the editfields and edit such parameters.

    Parameters that were not transferred from Autodesk Inventor are displayed in black andyou can enter their values manually. You cannot lock such edit fields.

    Section Select the desired type of section to enable calculation. Use this option if you do nothave an appropriate component within assembly. Select the type of section from thedrop-down list. When you click a desired type of section, a dialog box is displayed whereyou can specify or measure the section parameters (size).


    Use this option to non-symmetrical sections, I-Section for example. If you click the FlipSection option, the Moment of Inertia and Bending Section modulus values are flipped.


    Displays list of all values necessary for ideal beam and column calculation. You can editthe Size column only.

    Calculation Type

    Select the type of performed calculation (beam calculation, column calculation, or both).


    Click the button and select the component. The generator reads the data entered inthe table. The check box is selected by default. You can clear the check box andedit values for such parameters. Parameters that were not transferred fromAutodesk Inventor by the calculator are grayed out and unavailable for editing.

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  • ColumnCalculation

    Select the appropriate type of section to enable calculation. Use this option if you donot have an appropriate component within assembly. Select the type of section fromthe drop-down list. When you click the type of section, a dialog box is displayedwhere you can specify or measure the section parameters (size).


    Select the component material and its properties. Check the box to open the Material Databasewhere you can select the appropriate material.

    If a material is selected from the Material Database, its values are inserted automatically into thefollowing edit fields, and the edit fields are locked. To unlock the fields clear the box.

    Summary of Messages

    Displays the reports about calculation. To open the Summary of Messages area at the bottom of theCalculation and Design tabs, double-click the double line at the bottom of tabs or click the chevron atthe bottom of the tabs.

    Toolbar Commands

    Beam and Column Calculator - Beam Calculation tab

    Sets parameters for calculation of a beam.


    Ribbon: Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator , and switch tothe Beam Calculation tab.

    Loads & Supports

    Use this area to specify loads and supports. Select Loads or Supports from the drop-down list.Depending on your selection, the commands within the toolbar display. The Options button is alwaysavailable.

    Click the button to add appropriate force, load, or support. A dialog box displays where you can editthe values.

    Selected force or support displays in the list where you can edit or delete it.

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  • The graphical representation of loads and supports is displayed in Autodesk Inventor window. Workwith the preview as with 3D Grips. You can drag the preview to the appropriate position. Double-clickto display the edit dialog. Move the mouse cursor above the graphical representations to display adescription of a force or support. When you select load or support in the list in the Beam Calculationtab, its graphical representation is selected within the Autodesk Inventor window, and vice versa.

    Only one support carries the axial load, and its diagrammatic display is different from others.


    Add Force Opens the Radial Force dialog where you can set the radial force properties, suchas distance or angle.

    Add Axial Force Click to open the Axial Force dialog window where you can set the axialforce properties, such as distance or axial force value.

    Add Continuous Load Click to open the Continuous Load dialog box and set the continuousload properties, such as length or angle.

    Add Bending Moment Specifies moments in all directions. Mx (torque), My (bending - XZplane) and Mz (bending - XY plane). Positive moment actuates in the counterclockwisedirection.

    Click to open the Bending Moment dialog box and set the bending moment properties.

    Add Torque Torque is entered using two forces which are mutually opposite. One of theforces represents the actual torque, the second force must be negative (for example, 150 Nmand -150 Nm). The sum of all torques (Max) must equal 0.

    Click to open the Torque dialog box and set the torque properties, such as distance or torquevalue.

    Add Common Load Click to open the Common Load dialog box and set the common loadproperties, such as force or length.


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  • Add Fixed Support Click to open the Fixed Support dialog box and set the fixed supportproperties.

    Add Free Support Click to open the Free Support dialog box and set the free supportproperties.

    Add Restraint Click to open the Restraint dialog box and set the restraint properties.

    Options Click to open the Options dialog box and specify the 3D and 2D preview settings.

    Loads and supports are editable:

    Opens the appropriate dialog box to edit loads or supports.

    Deletes the selected load or support.

    Calculation Properties

    Use density Check the box to include the mass in the calculation. If you clear the Use densitycheck box, the Density is not included in the calculation. Mass is calculated as ifthe density is used.

    Use sheardisplacementratio

    Determines if the value is used in the deflection calculation.

    Shear displacement ratio: The radial forces acting on the profile cause it both tobend, and to slide. If the profile is expected to bend a lot (long or thin profiles), thesliding effect does not appear and the shear displacement ratio may bedisregarded - switched off. For thick or rigid profiles this effect is more significant.Value 1.18 is used as a default for cylindrical profiles.

    Number ofBeamdivisions

    Specify the number of the beam divisions used for calculation.

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  • Mode ofreducedstress

    Select either HMH or Tresca-Guest mode of reduced stress calculation. Theselected mode affects calculated value of reduced stress.


    To display the Results area on the right side of the Calculation tab, double-click the double line on theright or click the chevron.

    Displays the calculated dimensions values such as mass or length. Click Calculate to display thevalues. The units of the calculated results values can be changed. Double-click the specified valueyou want to change.

    Following output parameters are displayed in the Results pane:

    Results Section Length (L) Mass (Mass) Maximal Bending Stress (sB) Maximal Shear Stress (tS) Maximal Torsional Stress (t) Maximal Tension Stress (sT) Maximal Reduced Stress (sred) Maximal Deflection (fmax) Angle of Twist (f) Load Deflection in Y Axis (fY) Deflection in X Axis (fX) Support Support Force in Z Axis(FZ) Support Force in Y Axis (FY) Support Force in X Axis (FX) Yielding in Y Axis (YY) Yielding in X Axis (YX) Deflection in Y Axis (fY) Deflection in X Axis (fX)

    Note: For more information on the calculated parameters, see the Engineer's Handbook.

    Position markers

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  • Defining points on a beam to which the loads and supports arepositioned. Use ALT + drag to move a force or support andassign it to another position marker.

    Summary of Messages

    Displays the reports about calculation. To open the Summary of Messages area at the bottom of theCalculation and Design tabs, double-click the double line at the bottom of tabs or click the chevron atthe bottom of the tabs.

    Toolbar Commands

    Beam and Column Calculator - Column Calculation tab

    Sets parameters for calculation of a column.


    Ribbon: Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator , and switch tothe Column Calculation tab


    Specifies the input force, coefficient for end conditions, and maximum loaded column length.

    Axial Load Specify the maximum operating force. Its direction is displayed on the schematicimage showing individual end types.

    Coefficientfor EndConditions

    Enter the coefficient according to the schematic picture containing end types in themain dialog box. These values are theoretical only. Also take into account themounting clearance and elasticity.

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  • Click the button next to the edit field to display a schematic image that enables youto specify the coefficient value. Select the appropriate column, and click OK. Thevalue of the coefficient is transferred to the Column Calculation tab.


    Set the appropriate value for the required safety margin (usually in the range of 2 -10).


    Enter the values for column calculation. Edit fields are disabled if the calculator could not transfer theappropriate data from the Autodesk Inventor object. The disabled values correspond with enteredparameters in the Model tab.

    Enter the values for column length, section area, and least moment of inertia.

    Graphical area

    In the graphical area, the graphs of critical stress according to the slenderness ratio are displayed.


    To display the Results area on the right side of the Calculation tab, double-click the double line on theright or click the chevron.

    Displays the calculated dimensions values such as slenderness ratio. Click Calculate to display thevalues. The units of the calculated results values can be changed. Double-click the specified valueyou want to change.

    The following output parameters are displayed in the Results pane:

    Results Slenderness ratio (l) Least radius of gyration (jmin) Rankine formula Rankine's critical stress (sR) Rankine's critical force (FcrR) Rankine's maximum force (FmaxR) Rankine's calculated safety factor (kscR) Euler formula Euler's critical stress (sE)

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  • Euler's critical force (FcrE) Euler's maximum force (FmaxE) Euler's calculated safety factor (kscE) Johnson formula Johnson's critical stress (sE) Johnson's critical force (FcrJ) Johnson's maximum force (FmaxJ) Johnson's calculated safety factor (kscJ) Pure Pressure Pressure stress (sP) Critical force (FcrP) Maximum Force (FmaxP) Calculated safety factor (kscP)

    Note: For more information on the calculated parameters, see the Engineer's Handbook.

    Summary of Messages

    Displays the reports about calculation. To open the Summary of Messages area at the bottom of theCalculation and Design tabs, double-click the double line at the bottom of tabs or click the chevron atthe bottom of the tabs.

    Toolbar Commands

    Radial Force

    Use the dialog to enter parameters for beam radial force.

    Access: Ribbon: Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator Click the Beam Calculation tab. In the drop-down list in the Loads & Supports area

    select Loads, click Add Force from the toolbar. In the Loads & Supports area of the Calculation tab, select Radial Force in the tree

    control, and click Loads properties. Double-click the load preview in the Autodesk Inventor window.

    Properties Enter the value for distance measured from the beginning, middle, or end of thesection defined by active position marker.

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  • Forces Depending on your selection, Force with angle or Forces in Y and X axis, theadditional options display in lower part of the area.

    Force with angle

    Force enter the value of the force.

    Angle enter the angle value.

    Forces in Y and X axis

    Force in Y axis enter the value of the force in the Y axis.

    Force in XZ axis enter the value of the force in the X axis.

    Axial Force

    Use the dialog box to enter parameters for axial force of beam.

    Access: Ribbon: Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator Click the Beam Calculation tab. In the drop-down list in the Loads & Supports area

    select Loads, click Add Axial Force from the toolbar. In the Loads & Supports area of the Calculation tab, select the Axial Force in the tree

    control, and click Loads properties. Double-click the force preview in the Autodesk Inventor window.

    Properties Distance Enter the value for distance measured from the beginning, middle, or endof the section defined by active position marker.

    Force AxialForce

    Enter the value for axial force.

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  • Common Load

    Use the dialog to enter parameters for common load of the beam.

    Access: Ribbon: Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator Click the Beam Calculation tab. In the drop-down list in the Loads & Supports area

    select Loads, click Add Common Load . In the Loads & Supports area of the Calculation tab, select common load in the tree

    control, and click Loads properties. Double-click the load preview in the Autodesk Inventor window.

    Enter the values of the Radial Force, Axial Force, Continuous Loads, Bending Moment, Torque, andDistance. Click OK to recalculate values.

    Continuous Load

    Use the dialog to enter parameters for continuous load of the beam.

    Access: Ribbon: Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator Click the Beam Calculation tab. In the drop-down list in the Loads & Supports area

    select Loads, click Add Continuous Load from the toolbar. In the Loads & Supports area of the Calculation tab, select continuous load in the tree

    control, and click Loads properties. Double-click the load preview in the Autodesk Inventor window.

    Properties Enter the value for distance measured from the beginning, middle, or end of thesection defined by active position marker.

    Force Depending on your selection, Load with angle or Load in X and Y axis, the additionaloptions display in lower part of the area.

    Load with angle

    Continuous Load enter the value of the continuous load.

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  • Length enter the length value.

    Angle enter the angle value.

    Load in X and Y axis

    Continuous Load in Y axis enter the value of the continuous load in the Y axis.

    Continuous Load in X axis enter the value of the continuous load in the X axis.

    Length enter the length value.

    Bending Moment

    Use the dialog to enter parameters beam bending moment.

    Access: Ribbon: Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator Click the Beam Calculation tab. In the drop-down list in the Loads & Supports area

    select Loads, and on the toolbar click Add Bending Moment. In the Loads & Supports area of the Calculation tab, select Bending Moment in the tree

    control, and click Loads properties. Double-click the load preview in the Autodesk Inventor window.

    Properties Enter the value for distance measured from the beginning, middle, or end of thesection defined by active position marker.

    Moments Depending on your selection, Moment with angle or Moment in X and Y axis, theadditional options display in lower part of the area.

    Moment with angle

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  • Bending Moment enter the value of the bending moment.

    Angle enter the angle value.

    Moment in X and Y axis

    Bending Moment in Y axis enter the value of the bending moment in the Y axis.

    Bending Moment in X axis enter the value of the bending moment in the X axis.


    Use the dialog to enter parameters of beam supports.

    Access: Ribbon: Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator Click the Beam Calculation tab. In the Loads & Supports drop-down list select Supports,

    and on the toolbar click Add Fixed Support or Add Free Support. In the Loads & Supports area of the Calculation tab, select free or fixed support in the

    tree control, and click Support properties. Double-click the support preview in the Autodesk Inventor window.

    Distance Enter the distance value which defines the distance of the restraint from the leftside of the element.

    Yielding Define the plasticity for XY and XZ planes.


    Enter the radial displacement values for XY and XZ planes.

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  • Torque

    Use the dialog to enter parameters of beam torque.

    Access: Ribbon: Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator Click the Beam Calculation tab. In the Loads & Supports drop-down list select Supports,

    and in the toolbar click Add Torque. In the Loads & Supports area of the Calculation tab, select Torque in the tree control,

    and click Loads properties. Double-click the torque preview in the Autodesk Inventor window.

    Properties Enter the distance value.

    Moments Enter the force value.


    Use this dialog box to enter parameters of a restraint.

    Access: Ribbon: Design tab Frame panel Beam/Column Calculator Click the Beam Calculation tab. From the Loads & Supports drop-down list select

    Supports, and on the toolbar click Add Restraint. In the Loads & Supports area of the Calculation tab, select restrain in the tree control,

    and click Restraint properties. Double-click the support preview in the Autodesk Inventor window.

    Distance Enter the distance value which defines the distance of the restraint from the leftside of the element.

    Yielding Define the plasticity for XY and XZ planes.


    Enter the radial displacement values for XY and XZ planes.

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    Beam and Column Calculator