Be glad then, ye - Randall Grier · PDF fileBe glad then, ye children of Zion, ... Brother...


Transcript of Be glad then, ye - Randall Grier · PDF fileBe glad then, ye children of Zion, ... Brother...

Page 1: Be glad then, ye - Randall Grier  · PDF fileBe glad then, ye children of Zion, ... Brother Seymour, aflame with desire for more of the ... suddenly found she
Page 2: Be glad then, ye - Randall Grier  · PDF fileBe glad then, ye children of Zion, ... Brother Seymour, aflame with desire for more of the ... suddenly found she

Be g lad then , ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. (Joel 2:23) There is a move of God that has been promised by the Bible and many saints have prophesied over the years about this end-time move of God. There are those who say that all the Bible has been fulfilled for the church age and the rapture will happen any minute. I respectfully disagree without being disagreeable. I believe the devil is trying to get us to give up on the move of God so we will not pray and seek God for it. The devil wants the church to think that the way the church is now is all there will be in this age. If the church presently has all the anointing and glory it will have, we are in sad shape. Satan seems to be winning against most of the church world and false doctrine abounds. There are many that have turned away from the Holy Ghost, Gifts of the Spirit and the five-fold ministry offices in the church. Most seminars, conferences and camp meetings, in the church, only have one ministry gift of the five minister. The Bible says it will take them all to bring us to perfection. Why don’t we obey the Bible? The church needs the move of God more than the heathen world does.

Second Coming Christians who

seek the Lord know that there is a move of God that must

come to pass before the rapture of the church

takes place in the earth. I believe there are three things that will happen related to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth. I received this by revelation several years back. I don’t know it all and I am human and I could miss it, but I believe I heard from the Lord. First, there will be an outpouring of the Spirit of God like the church and the world have never seen. This outpouring will be to restore the church to the glory and power of God. It will also be for the church to reach this lost and dying world with the gospel. Signs and wonders will be in great demonstration - way beyond what any generation has ever seen. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. (1 Corinthians 15:51) Second, this outpouring will bring us to the rapture. To be raptured, a person’s physical body must be changed. This will take place while we are on earth, by the Spirit and power of God. Then we will be caught up to heaven like Jesus was. Third, Jesus will return to the earth, which is His second coming.

Page 3: Be glad then, ye - Randall Grier  · PDF fileBe glad then, ye children of Zion, ... Brother Seymour, aflame with desire for more of the ... suddenly found she

Outpouring Of His Spirit The next thing on the agenda of our Father God is the outpouring of His Spirit. This outpouring will begin in the church and flow out to the world. I believe it is right now upon us and prayer is the only method that will release it upon us fully. I am not the only one who has spoken about this outpouring. Church history reveals that others prophesied about the last day, end-time move of God in the earth. Dad Hagin prophesied, “It’s coming, it’s coming, a mighty deluge of God’s Glory, a mighty deluge of God’s Power! Yea, listen to what the Spirit is saying. For if there is to be, and there will be, an outpouring of the Holy Ghost in these latter days, the latter rain - the early rain and the latter rain to gather in the fruit of the earth for which He is waiting to receive before He comes again. Yea, it's coming! For the Church is about to enter into an area, a move of the Spirit that has not been seen heretofore. Many shall turn back and say, "This is not of the Lord." But those whose hearts are right, and those who are walking in fellowship with Him shall rejoice and be glad. And the hand of the Lord shall rest upon you. And the glory of God shall be seen upon you. And the work of God shall be consummated.”

I Believe It Is Upon Us!

Rev. Charles Parham Rev. Charles Parham was stirred to seek God in the late 1800‘s and early 1900‘s for an outpouring of the Spirit of God, as found in Acts chapter two. He supernaturally founded a Prayer and Bible school in Topeka, KS for that purpose. At one minute past midnight on the first day of 1901, the Bible school’s prayers were answered. One of the students, a missionary named Agnus Ozman, declared her belief that the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the power and manifestations seen in Acts 2 was, indeed, for believers today. So brother Parham laid hands on her according to the Word of God and prayed for her to receive it. When he did, a light came upon her and she began to speak fluently in other tongues. For three days and nights, Agnes Ozman was unable to speak any English at all. Instead, she spoke continually in a language that was distinctly oriental. A linguist called in from the local university determined that the language was Chinese, specifically the Mandarin dialect. The miracle was so complete, that when others would ask her a question, she was able to write the answer in Chinese. Many others began to receive this supernatural baptism of the Holy Ghost. This happened because they believed what the Bible said and they prayed until the Spirit fell. I ask you to join me in prayer today.

Page 4: Be glad then, ye - Randall Grier  · PDF fileBe glad then, ye children of Zion, ... Brother Seymour, aflame with desire for more of the ... suddenly found she
Page 5: Be glad then, ye - Randall Grier  · PDF fileBe glad then, ye children of Zion, ... Brother Seymour, aflame with desire for more of the ... suddenly found she

Rev. Parham prophesied back in 1906 that in about 100 years there would be another spiritual outpouring when the former and latter rains of the Holy Spirit would come together. After that outpouring of glory, he said, Jesus would return. Again, I implore you to believe to the point that it moves you to pray earnestly for this outpouring.

Rev. William Seymour A young, black minister named William Seymour met Rev. Parham and the others. Brother Seymour, aflame with desire for more of the Lord, eagerly embraced what the Parham company taught - that the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues is still available to believers today. T h o u g h h e w a s n o t a b l e t o immediately receive the baptism himself, he boldly began to proclaim it. Shortly thereafter, William Seymour was invited to Los Angeles to serve as assistant pastor in a Holiness Church. He preached about this outpouring of the Spirit and was thrown out of the church. He and some hungry believers moved to a house on Los Angeles' Bonnie Brae Street, where a small prayer meeting began and continued for several nights. On the fourth night, April 9, 1906, the meeting was flooded with the power of God. The believers, as if struck by lightning, were all thrown off their chairs and began speaking in other tongues.

One woman, Miss Jenny Moore, who had never possessed any musical abilities, suddenly found she could play the piano and sing like an angel. This supernatural ability remained with her for the rest of her life. The news traveled fast and before long, the crowd extended out into the yard and eventually so many people gathered on the porch that the porch fell in! Clearly, another meeting place was needed. So, the group acquired an old Methodist Church on Azusa Street that had been turned into a livery stable. They cleaned out the place and held their first meeting there on April 16, 1906. In 1910, William Seymour prophesied that in about 100 years there would be an outpouring of God's Spirit and His Shekinah Glory that will be greater and far more reaching than what was experienced at Azusa. Greater because this time it would be all over the world. I believe Rev. Parham and Rev. Seymour saw the day that we live in.

Rev. Kathryn Kuhlman In 1961, Rev. Kuhlman prophesied, by the Spirit of God, that we are coming to the end of this dispensation or spiritual era. She prophesied a restoration of all the Ministry Gifts and the Gifts of the Spirit that were right upon us at that time. This agrees with the Word of God, because the Bible says Jesus is coming back for a glorious church, not a defeated church.

Page 6: Be glad then, ye - Randall Grier  · PDF fileBe glad then, ye children of Zion, ... Brother Seymour, aflame with desire for more of the ... suddenly found she

Rev. Tommy Hicks In 1961, Rev. Tommy Hicks declared, “The greatest thing that the Church of Jesus Christ - that has ever been given to the Church - lies straight ahead. It is so hard to help men and women to realize and understand the thing that God is trying to give to His people in the end-time...God is going to give to the world a demonstration in this last hour such as the world has never known.” In his vision, he saw a giant in the earth that was overcome by hideous-looking creatures. He realized that this represented the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. He saw the giant try to get up, but he would fall back down. This happened repeatedly. Suddenly, the giant reached his hand towards Heaven and the Spirit of God came upon him and caused him to arise. Rev. Hicks realized he was seeing the church coming into it’s final glory in the last day move of God. He saw multitudes anointed with the power of God, going throughout all the earth, setting people free that were held captive by Satan.

Last Words From Dad Hagin The Lord spoke to me in 2002 and told me if I would see Dad Hagin when he was taken up, that I would receive an impartation from him. The Lord reminded me that Elisha saw Elijah when he was carried up into Heaven. That is why I was with him in his last meeting in August 2003, in Canada, a few weeks before he moved to Heaven.

On August 13, 2003, while eating with Dad Hagin that night, he suddenly proclaimed, “My Lord! I sense the Holy Ghost!” He spoke in other tongues and then gave the interpretation. The Spirit of God said through him, “Listen and yield to the Spirit! He has led you in the smaller things of the Spirit, now He is going to lead you into the larger things, then He is going to lead you into a place in the Spirit that you have never been before. When you arrive there you’re going to say, my, my, my, I didn’t know that this world existed!” I knew the Spirit of God was speaking to me. I also know it is for whosoever will receive it! We have now come to a place in the Spirit that we have never been before, just like the Holy Ghost said! We have not passed this way before. This generation, nor any other generation of the church era, has passed this way of the Spirit before. This wave is a coming together of the Word and Spirit, which has never happened before. The Ministry Gifts and the Gifts of the Spirit will be in full operation, manifestation and demonstration. The Glory of God and the Fire of God will be seen with the physical eye. Miracles that we have read about will be common, and will be a witness to the world that Jesus Christ is alive today. Dad Hagin told me I would be in this last day move of God. Lets us go in.

Page 7: Be glad then, ye - Randall Grier  · PDF fileBe glad then, ye children of Zion, ... Brother Seymour, aflame with desire for more of the ... suddenly found she

PARTNERSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee. Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me. (Acts 27:24-25) I remember back in 2008 the Lord told me that a natural and spiritual correction was coming. Jesus said, “There will be a correction in the natural world first, then a spiritual correction will take place in the church because things are out of My divine order.” He specifically revealed to me that our economy would be affected. The Lord said, “Fear not! I will take care of you and I have given you all them that sail with you.” I knew the Lord was speaking of those who were partners with us in ministry. This is the only time that the Lord has spoken to me, in my entire ministry, about finances like this. Since that time, we have had marvelous reports of our partners who were saved from the storm. This is the Lord’s doing, not mine, so He gets the glory and praise for it. This is exactly what the Lord told the Apostle Paul when they were in a great storm. Everyone on the ship was saved because they stayed with Paul. I invite you to sail with RGM and become a monthly financial partner and witness the Lord Jesus Christ perform His Word in your life, church, work and business. Seek Him and be led by His Spirit. Partner online at, on the order form on the last page,

Page 8: Be glad then, ye - Randall Grier  · PDF fileBe glad then, ye children of Zion, ... Brother Seymour, aflame with desire for more of the ... suddenly found she




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