BDVA Summit Handbook 0 7.1.pdf


Transcript of BDVA Summit Handbook 0 7.1.pdf

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New Territory:

In June, a group of intrepid explorers entered new territory. One of wood and forest, of pink roses,

good humour, good nutriment, more good nutriment, and sparkling rooftop summit views of the

world; but also one of hard work, stressful circumstance, limited time, and emotional roller-coasters.

They took their resources, their knowledge, and their enthusiasm to cross the boundaries of ambition

and deliver a new future with the help of many friends along the way.

But that year was not 2015. It was June 2014. But the place was the same: Madrid and the

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid School of Forestry and Madrid’s’ famous Plaza Santa Ana. For it

was exactly here one year ago that the Big Data Value Public Private Partnership proposal was born

stemming from the work of many. Especially the then 21 partners of the NESSI Software, Services

and Data ETP who, along with others founders, inaugurated the Big Data Value Association (BDVA)

representing the Private side of the BDV PPP initiated in January 2015 .

So it is highly suited that we will shortly be, or are, in Madrid at the BDVA 2015 inaugural summit.

The BDVA structures, and hence BDV PPP private-side framework, is already place and now we

need to go further: “strategizing and operationalising” – in EU-speak. New resources, New

knowledge and Continued enthusiasm; but now with greater ambition, a greater number of industry

and academic researchers to explore, and to catalyse the information and experience to establish

Big Data Value in the years ahead. Since January, a further 37 Full Members, 25 Associate

Members have joined BDVA and connected through them an active interest of around 250

individuals currently driving our subject forward. But more.

As of writing this letter we are nearly closing the doors to summit registration; from an initial internal

target of 150 we are now at the stage of 300 and thinking of turning people away – fire safety is an

important subject in this forest! Day 1 will be about strategy, purpose and application with nearly 20

key presentations; Day 2 and 3 will be practical with nearly 66 sessions organised on subjects and

with stakeholders ranging from Agrifood to ZED.

But be sure the sessions should not be to solely to listen or to email. But to be active, to contribute,

to decide, to act, and to say how YOU and YOUR ORGANSIATION can contribute and to practically

“drive forward the Big Data Value ecosystem and its Digital Agenda for the benefit of Europe, its

Companies and Citizens; and to engage in the Big Data Value Public Private Partnership, its

Programme and Opportunities”.

But to get to this stage required a basecamp; so I want to thank the Sherpa’s who have worked like,

well, Sherpas, to make this happen; there are many of course, and many of you are involved in

sessions, speeches etc…but I would particularly like to thank the primary organisation and working

team of Tonny (Answare), Roberto (UPM), Stefano (Engineering), Marta (U-Tad), Nuria (ATOS),

Daniel (ITI), Jesus (INDRA), Ross/Oscar (BDVA Secretariat) and Stuart (SG & Information Catalyst)

to make this event happen.

Finally I want to thank our sponsors. From micro-companies and research organisation, to global

corporates; you all will help this us make Data Waves in our community: EGI, THALES, INDRA, U-

TAD, SIEMENS, VTT, CEA, ScraperWiki, SINTEF, Answare, TNO, ATC, Philips, CINI, INSIGHT,

DTU, Orange, ITI

Finally if you are not yet a member of BDVA – why not? You are already half way with us! Join us!

Details at and the treasurer is on-site with part of your summit fee reimbursable against


I wish all of us a successful event

Stuart Campbell Secretary General BDVA Director and CEO Information Catalyst

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1. Objectives of the BDVA Summit .................................................................. 9

1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 10

1.2 Day 1 .................................................................................................................. 12

1.3 Day 2 .................................................................................................................. 13

1.4 Day 3 .................................................................................................................. 13

2. Practical Information ................................................................................. 14

2.1 At a Glance ......................................................................................................... 15

2.2 “Restricted” Meetings ....................................................................................... 16

2.3 Wifi .................................................................................................................... 17

2.4 Room Plan .......................................................................................................... 18

3. BDVA ........................................................................................................ 19

3.1 Big Data Value Association ................................................................................ 20

3.2 Activities ............................................................................................................ 21

3.3 Join Us ................................................................................................................ 22

4. Sessions .................................................................................................... 25

4.1 Session Backgrounder ....................................................................................... 26

4.2 Session Plan ....................................................................................................... 27

4.3 Classroom #1 ..................................................................................................... 29

4.4 Classroom #2 ..................................................................................................... 36

4.5 Classroom #3 ..................................................................................................... 43

4.6 Classroom #4 ..................................................................................................... 50

4.7 Classroom #5 ..................................................................................................... 57

4.8 Classroom #17 ................................................................................................... 64

4.9 Classroom #7 ..................................................................................................... 71

4.10 Classroom #8 ..................................................................................................... 78

4.11 Classroom #9 ..................................................................................................... 85

4.12 Meeting Room #3 .............................................................................................. 92

4.13 Meeting Room #4 .............................................................................................. 99

5. Exhibition corner ......................................................................................... 102

5.1 CINI .................................................................................................................. 103

5.2 OPTIQUE .......................................................................................................... 104

5.3 Technical University of Denmark ..................................................................... 105

5.4 Engineering ...................................................................................................... 105

5.5 INDRA............................................................................................................... 106

5.6 OW2 ................................................................................................................. 107

5.7 Scaperwiki ........................................................................................................ 107

5.8 Synergic partners ............................................................................................. 108

5.9 SINTEF .............................................................................................................. 109

5.10 STRATIO BIG DATA ........................................................................................... 109

5.11 TU Berlin .......................................................................................................... 110

5.12 VTT ................................................................................................................... 110

5.13 ZED ................................................................................................................... 111

6. Sponsors .................................................................................................... 112

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7. Participants profiles .................................................................................... 125

8. Logistics, Transport, Maps, Events ............................................................ 188

8.1 Coaches services .............................................................................................. 189

8.2 Taxis ................................................................................................................. 190

8.3 Metro ............................................................................................................... 191

8.4 Bus ................................................................................................................... 198

8.5 How to get to the dinner Day 1 ....................................................................... 204

8.6 How to get to the dinner Day 2 ....................................................................... 207

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PLEASE CHECK THE website for the latest

version of this handbook and any

important updates

Handbook Version 1

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Many thanks to all our sponsors who have helped make this event happen.

Please check further sections for full sponsor profiles

SPONSORS – Please check further sections for full sponsor profiles

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BDVA Summit was Constructed and Powered by:

The Madird Summit was constructed and powered through the help of many; but with particular thanks to the following individuals and organisations who contributed day and night with (more than) significant amounts of unpaid* time and enthusiasm to deliver the Summit. * With the exception of specific individuals in the BDVA Secretarait.

Organization Contact Role

Tonny Velin Coordinator and Finance

Answare provides its customers with quality Hi-Tech solutions. Its European customers have benefit from the know-how of the company in strategic IT areas like Monitor & Control of infrastructures, mobility, GIS and 3D/VR.

Stuart Campbell Concept, Sessions, Register

ICE, Information Catalyst, is a specialist in assisting partners on commercial RTD, Software Development, ICT consultancy, and European Union Research and Development project activity in the fields of Data and Integration

Roberto Martínez Location and Logistics

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) - Technical University of Madrid is the largest Spanish technological university. With two recognitions as Campus of International Excellence, it is outstanding in its research activity together with its training of highly-qualified professionals, competitive at an international level.

Daniel Saez Marketing

ITI is a Private Reference Technological Centre specialized in RDI in ICT. It has a team of 150 technologists, which develop their activity in four main areas: Intelligent Information analysis, FI, CPS and Enabling Technologies, contributing to generate solutions for: Intelligent manufacturing, Intelligent Society and IT industry.

Nuria de Lama Day 1 Speakers

Atos SE is a leader in digital services. Serving a global client base, providing Consulting & Systems Integration services, Managed Services & BPO, Cloud operations, Big Data & Security solutions.

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Stefano Scamuzzo Exhibition

Cristina Klein

Engineerings Mission is to design and create innovative architecture that guides and supports all the organizations' business and service models in all markets. Our Vision is to promote innovation in organizations, processes and services with the passion and enthusiasm of an Italian company.

Jesús Angel García Contact with institutions

Indra is a leading consulting and technology multinational in Spain and Latin America. It provides solutions and services for the Energy and Industry, P.A. and Healthcare, Financial Services and Telecom and Media sectors.

Marta Izquierdo Sponsorship

The U-tad is the first University that is specialized in training in the major areas associated with the value chain of digital economy: Digital Business, Engineering and Art & Design.

Stuart Campbell Oscar & Ross

CRM and Handbook

The Big Data Value Association AISBL is a fully self-financed non-for-profit organisation under Belgian law. The BDVA presents an industry-led contractual counterpart to the European Commission for the implementation of the Big Data Value PPP. Summit contributions by the Secretary General and the paid Secretarait Oscar and Ross

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1. Objectives of the BDVA Summit

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1.1 Overview

Why The aim of the BDVA Summit ( is to drive forward the Big Data Value ecosystem and it’s Digital Agenda for the benefit of Europe, its Companies and Citizens. Key players, including BDVA members will be present to discuss the goals and drivers of the Big Data Value domain; how it will affect businesses and how industry can drive technological developments .This includes funding opportunities in the field and setting-up dialogues and operational activites to discuss opportunities and challenges offered by Big Data for the European Big Data Community. The Summit will foster networking, the ability to network with peers, and the cooperation on research and innovation activity around Big Data. The Summit is also expected to collect input for Europe's future Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in the Big Data Value domain.

Who The attendance to the BDVA Summit is fully open to BDVA Members, Big Data Value stakeholders and any entity interested in the field of Big Data regardless of membership. From Large organisations to SMEs, from Universities to User Organisations, from Business professionals to Technology implementers. The Summit will include the presence of representatives from Industry, the European Parliament and Commission, several institutions from Spain (the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Centre for Industrial Technological Development) as well as managers of EC funded projects and major stakeholders and entities active in the field of Big Data.

How The BDVA Summit will be organized across 3 days: The first Day will be high-level and dedicated to inform about the initiatives and the strategies evangelised and adopted around the field of Big Data in Europe and Spain - goals, activities, roadmaps, expectations. Attendees will be informed about Big Data Market Trends & Opportunities and European Technology Platforms will inform on their activities related to Big Data. All the presentations will be provided in a plenary session format. The second and third days will be organized around multiple parallel sessions where existing and dynamically established working groups covering a specific Big Data topic will meet and debate to drive the ecosystem and their business or research forward; for example groups for: data management, data processing, data analytics, data visualization, impact, application areas, skills, etc. Participants can raise their issues in their field and find partners and groups to help resolve them. The dynamic engagement will allow all parties, including non-members of BDVA, to propose new topics for further exploration by all. The expected number of participants per Working group is 5 to 20 persons for maximum cross-talk and operational, impactful delivery. Working Groups will meet in parallel sessions of 2 hours and these can be both duplicated

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and extended further depending on the interest for the topic. New topic sessions can also be crowd-sourced at the event. In these parallel sessions participants will be able to contribute to the discussions on the BDVA topic addressed by the Working Group: ● Challenges and issues to address ● Opportunities and strategies ● Provide technical feedback ● Impact expected BDV work areas

The Working Groups are ideal work spaces to network on a specific topic of Big Data, for example in initiating networks for the forming of consortia for future proposals and activities. Working groups are also relevant to provide technical input for the updated SRIA of the Big Data Value Public Private Partnership. Each will be expected to deliver concrete results in terms of outcomes, recommendations, or a plan for concrete future activity At the end of the second and third day each Working Group will report in a plenary session on the main highlights discussed so that everyone gets feedback of the achievements of each Working Group. There will be an exhibition corner where organizations having solutions around Big Data can make demonstrations. Please contact the organization if you have an interest in presenting your solutions in Big Data.

When From Wednesday 11:00 on 17th June until 16:00 Friday 19th June 2015

Where Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos Campus Ciudad Universitaria, C/ Profesor Aranguren 3 - 28040 Madrid, Spain Metro: Ciudad Universitaria

Info BDVA web site For more info, please contact [email protected]

Themes Projects, Working Groups and Events that are planned to meet during days 2/3 include:

BDV Lighthouses Project Participation & Programming

BDV Metric and Impacts BDV Communication and Social Media Task force

BDV Innovation Space Strategic Research and Innovation Road mapping

BDVA Stakeholder Platform National Representations

NESSI Software services and Data Initiative

BDV Web Entrepreneurs and SME’s

Future Calls Working group Skills and Education

Legal, Policy and Regulation Business Society and Societal Application domains Data Analytics Data Engineering Data Visualisation BDVA General Assembly

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1.2 Day 1 Wednesday 17th June

9:00 Registration / Exhibition / Welcome Coffee

11:00 Welcome and Opening Roberto Prieto, Vice Chancellor for Research, UPM

Roberto Sánchez, Head of the Cabinet of the General Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

Agustín Morales, Head of Division Industrial Technologies and Information Society, Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)

Francisco Javier Martín, Director School of Civil Engineering, UPM Stuart Campbell, Secretary General Big Data Value Association

11:30 Big Data Value PPP: The Private View José María Cavanillas, Vice-President BDVA

12:00 Big Data Value PPP: The Public View “Data -The currency of the Digital Single Market” Giuseppe Abbamonte, Director, DG CONNECT, European Commission

12:30 Leveraging Value from Big Data – Keynote Volker Markl, TU Berlin

13:00 Introduction to BDVA and Its Activities Stuart Campbell, Secretary General Big Data Value Association


LUNCH / Exhibition

BDV PPP Partnership Board

[PB Members only (1)]

14:30 Big Data Value Market Trends & Opportunities Gabriella Cattaneo, Associate Vice President IDC European

Government Consulting

14:50 Flagship case: Big Data in the Finance Sector: "Data? What to do? Why me?"

Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez, New Data Products & Data Stories; BBVA Data & Analytics

15:10 Flagship case: Big Data Value in the Energy Sector Victoria Llamazares, WorldGrid

15:30 Flagship case: Big Data Value in Healthcare Sector Mario Romao, Director, Intel Public Policy

Computing for Personalised Medicine BDVA Board of Directors 05 *

[Existing BOD Mebers only (1)]

15:50 Flagship case: Big Data Value in Mobility / Video-Games Javier Pérez Dolset, Founder and CEO ZED & Co-Founder

Ilion Animation Studios, Pyro Studios & U-tad

16:10 Coffee break / Exhibition

16:30 PLANETIC: Big Data Value in Spain Clara Pezuela, President PLANETIC

BDVA General Assembly 03*

General Assembly 04*

[ALL Full and Associate existing or prospective Members max (1 each]

16:45 BDV in ICT Labs: a view on Education & Entrepreneurship Fabio Pianesi, Research Director – EIT Digital

17:00 Open Innovation with Big Data Value in UK Maurizio Pilu, Director of Collaborative R&D & Executive Lead,

Internet of Things; Digital Catapult UK

17:15 Empowering Communities with Big Data Value technologies Sören Auer, Big Data Europe Project Coordinator

17:30 Socio-economic challenges of Big Data Anna Donovan, Trilateral Research, Byte project

17:45 Keynote on Data Skills Óscar Corcho, Ontology Engineering Group, UPM

18:15 Conlusions and the Days Ahead

Conclusions and the Days Ahead

18:30 End of Day 1

20:30 DINNER

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1.3 Day 2

Thursday 18th June


Keynote Speaker Big Data: towards a European Industry transformation

Carme Artigas, co-founder & partner of Synergic Partners

9:30 Parallel Sessions / Working Groups NESSI Board Meeting* [NESSI Partners only]

11:15 Coffee break / Exhibition

11:45 Parallel Sessions / Working Groups NESSI Board Meeting [NESSI Partners only]

13:30 LUNCH / Exhibition

14:30 Parallel Sessions / Working Groups EuDEco Meeting*

[EuDEco Partners only]

16:15 Coffee break / Exhibition

16:45 Parallel sessions / Working Groups EuDEco Meeting*

[EuDEco Partners only]

18:30 End of Day 2

20:30 DINNER

1.4 Day 3

Friday 19th June


Keynote Speaker SAP: Big Data Strategy

Demed L'Her, Vice President and Chief Technical Advisor, SAP

9:30 Parallel Sessions / Working Groups EuDEco Meeting*

11:15 Coffee break / Exhibition

11:45 Parallel Sessions / Working Groups EuDEco Meeting*

13:30 LUNCH / Exhibition

14:30 Wrap-up & Conclusions Parallel Sessions

15:30 Closure ceremony


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2. Practical Information

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2.1 At a Glance

Joining BDVA If you are not a member of BDVA, please visit our website on how

to join. See also later in this handbook. Get Involved!

Cloakroom A cloakroom will be provided - but all is at your own risk

Refreshments There will be complementary refreshments (coffee, tea, juice, wáter):

All breaks and lunches

Before formal start on first day

Lunches Complementary lunches will be provided on all 3 days.

Note: For Partnership Board members, the lunch on Day 1 will be provided in

the meeting room

Dinner On both Day 1 and Day 2 a complementary evening buffet and drinks, posible

surprises, and a networking opportunity will be provided at locations near to the

main venue. See later sections for details

Community Photo We hope to make a community photo most probably before Lunch on Day 2; so

please being your brush and polish your shoes.

Coach We will provide some coach transport back to the airport on Day 2 and 3 - see

later sections for details

Dietry Please contact the reception desk for specific diet issues – we will try to


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2.2 “Restricted” Meetings There are several private meetings taking place where attendance is restricted;

some comments below, see agenda for romos and timing:

Day 1 BDV Partnership Board

BDV Public-Private Partnership Meeting. EU + 1 Member from already nominated BDVA Board of Director organisations. See external agenda for details.

BOD 05 BDVA Board of Directors meeting 05. One Member from –existing– BOD organisations. See external agenda for details. BOD 05 will follow on from the Partnership Board and starting announcement will be made in the Main sumit event (be prepared)

GA 03 BDVA General Assemby meeting 03. One Member from founder, existing accepted, provisionally accepted, or up-for acceptance organisations – either FULL or ASSOCIATE. Only founder/existing FULL members may vote. Provisional or up-for-acceptance organisations will be classed as observers with the main purpose to formally approve them so they can participate on GA 04. See external agenda for details. For both GA03 and GA04 it is suggested that due to the nature of the agenda, that associate members (at least) should consider, solely at their discretion, if the attendance of the main Summit may take precedence for them

GA 04 BDVA General Assemby meeting 04. One Member from all the organisations mentioned in GA 03 (although now fully approved for Member participation). Only FULL members may vote. See external agenda for details. NB For logistics reasons, if you wish to be at GA04 please go to GA03 as well since the start time will be a Little ‘indeterminate’

Day 2 NESSI Board NESSI ETP Board meeting. NESSI Board members and potential members only

Day 2/3 EuDeco EuDeco Private project meeting – invited participatns only NB: On day 2 there are two OPEN EuDeco sessions

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2.3 Wifi

1. Connect to the network called "InvitadosUPM".

2. Once connected to "InvitadosUPM", open a browser. When you try to

connect to any webpage, the following authentication portal will appear:

3. You need to enter the following data:

User ("Usuario"): bdva.summit@invitadosupm

Password("Contraseña"): summit2015

4. Why not now turn off your Wifi and be even more active in the Summit – you

paid to be here. Go on, give it a try.

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2.4 Room Plan

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3.1 Big Data Value Association The Big Data Value Association AISBL is a fully self-financed non–for-profit organisation under Belgian law. It contains members from large and SME industry and research. The BDVA presents an industry-led contractual counterpart to the European Commission for the implementation of the Big Data Value PPP cPPP. A basic principle is openness, transparency and inclusiveness. The main role of the Big Data Value Association will be providing the Big Data Value strategic research agenda (SRIA) and its regular updates, defining and monitoring the metrics of the cPPP and joining the European Commission in the BDV PPP partnership board.

The objectives of the Association are to boost European BIG DATA VALUE

research, development and innovation and to foster a positive perception of BIG

DATA VALUE. It aims at:

Strengthening competitiveness and ensuring industrial leadership of providers and

end users of BIG DATA VALUE technology-based systems and services;

Promoting the widest and best uptake of BIG DATA VALUE technologies and

services for professional and private use;

Establishing the excellence of the science base of creation of value from BIG


The Association shall carry out acts, take steps and commit to all activities that

are deemed appropriate or useful in view of achieving its Objectives. This is to


Collaborating with the European COMMISSION (including to establish a Public-

Private Partnership, and to develop and implement a strategic roadmap for

research, technological development and innovation in the BIG DATA VALUE and

other ICT domains);

Developing strategic goals of European BIG DATA VALUE research and innovation

and supporting their implementation;

Improving industrial competitiveness of Europe through innovative BIG DATA

VALUE technologies, applications, services, solution;

Strengthening networking activities of the European BIG DATA VALUE community;

Promoting European BIG DATA VALUE offerings and organisation;

Reaching out to existing and new users;

Contributing to policy development, education and technology raminfication in the

widest possible sense and addressing ethical, legal and societal issues

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3.2 Activities

TF1: Programme: Contributing to the H2020 Programme content of the BDV PPP

TF2: Impact: Maintain the various KPIs defining the expected Impact of BDV PPP

TF3: Community: Big data community engagement and participation

TF4: Communication: Communication plan for creating awareness around the

BDVA activities

TF5: Legal: Bridge Big Data technology with legal and policy matters

TF6: Technical: Identifying and refining the technical challenges of the programme

– eg Data Management

TF7: Application: Domain usage group which can influence other task forces – eg


TF8: Business: Examining the business and economic influences and business

areas such as Web Entrepreneurs and SMEs

TF9: Societal: Examining the societal impact on business, citizens

TF10: Skills and Education: What skills are needed for the next general of

knowledge workers

TF0: Administrative and strategic activities requested by the BDVA General

Assembly or Board of Directors

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3.3 Join Us

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Your Interest The Opportunities Your Engagement

A You want to simply be on the BDVA mailing lists

Stay informed via the BDVA website and the official European Commission websites for information and call openings

Low level - reactive

B A + You want to contribute in identifying key issues in your sector and are interested in discussing with peers on special occasions and participate in research and innovation projects …

Please provide us with your contact details we will invite you to relevant workshops and keep you up to date e.g. regarding sector roadmaps

Low level – occasional summit

C B + You want to stay involved continuously but contributing occasionally, review outcomes from the BDVA on a regular basis and take part in discussions …

You can consider either to participate in the Stakeholder Platform and relevant tasks forces

Would attend workshop events, possibly General Assembly* and would be involved in some specific areas that interest you to have some influence and shape BDVA and the BDV P

D C + If you want to continuously contribute to the BDV PPP and want to commit financial and human resources for significant contribution to the activities of the BDVA and take part in organisational and strategic decisions

Commitment is taken more seriously and is expected and monitored by the BDVA and the European Commission. If you feel comfortable with that, a full membership in the BDVA is worthwhile to be considered by your organisation

As Associate plus....Would need to participate in around 2 General Assemblies (as observer) each year and would be involved in typically several task forces dealing with both your own specialist areas but also the wider interest of the BDVA to help shape strategy – typical 4-5 meetings or more with virtual activity and work also expected*

E D + If you want to have a very strong influence on the outcomes of the BDVA by helping implement general assembly decisions, lead task forces, etc.

The strongly shape the organisation and it remit acting as a leader in the field

As Full plus Voting Rights in Board of Directors (4) and General Assembly (2) meetings, around 8 Activity Group meetings including assessing new and ongoing task forces, several tasks force events, i.e. a resource intensive commitment show a leadership role*. Note that the BOD candidates are restricted in number and elected whilst ensuring the balance of the BOD in terms of membership types, geographies, expertise etc.

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4. Sessions

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4.1 Session Backgrounder

From the summit flyer: The second and third days will be organized around multiple operational parallel sessions, where existing and dynamically established working groups covering a specific Big Data topic, will meet and debate to drive the ecosystem and their business or research forward with each delivering output from their group The second and third days will be organized around multiple parallel sessions where existing and dynamically established working groups covering a specific Big Data topic will meet and debate to drive the ecosystem and their business or research forward; for example groups for: data management, data processing, data analytics, data visualization, impact, application areas, skills, etc. Participants can raise their issues in their field and find partners and groups to help resolve them. The dynamic engagement will allow all parties, including non-members of BDVA, to propose new topics for further exploration by all. The expected number of participants per Working group is 5 to 20 persons for maximum cross-talk and operational, impactful delivery. Working Groups will meet in parallel sessions of 2 hours and these can be both duplicated and extended further depending on the interest for the topic. New topic sessions can also be crowd-sourced at the event. In these parallel sessions participants will be able to contribute to the discussions on the BDVA topic addressed by the Working Group: ● Challenges and issues to address ● Opportunities and strategies ● Provide technical feedback ● Impact expected BDV work areas

The Working Groups are ideal work spaces to network on a specific topic of Big Data, for example in initiating networks for the forming of consortia for future proposals and activities. Working groups are also relevant to provide technical input for the updated SRIA of the Big Data Value Public Private Partnership. Each will be expected to deliver concrete results in terms of outcomes, recommendations, or a plan for concrete future activity At the end of the third day each Working Group will report in a plenary session on the main highlights discussed so that everyone gets feedback of the achievements of each Working Group.

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Emphasis: These are OPERATIONAL SESSSIONS Due to popularity several sessions are duplicated twice, some time thrice – see session table for details. Each session is a mirro copy of the other so please spread yourself across them. What they are NOT:

They are NOT mini-conferences where you need to organise initial speakers, run panels, have 4*20 minute presentations and 5 minutes to conclude

They are NOT talking shops with no conclusions or no operational outcomes

They are NOT \ chance to do your emails

They are NOT about you and a cosy club of friends – engage all NOTES TO Session Leads based on the above:

In terms of reporting, you will be allocated a Task Force (TF) lead to report in to and be issued with a 1-2 slide form to annotate; this should be delivered to the TF lead who will report to the plenary. Deputy Secretary General Andreas will coordinate this activity

In this form each session is expected in the outcomes section to have 3 bullets of short terms actions and 3 bullets of longer term ones – a short term one might be simply when the next/first meeting is, or a 1 page template, or to make a plan…a long terms (6-12 month) might be to make a white paper, do a survey, have a physical meeting, etc

As a lead you must LEAD the discussion so THINK what you want to achieve in advance. Ie

o THINK what might be on those slides o THINK what would be good for BDVA and the BDV PPP

You should expect to do a 10 minute presentation at the start to POSITION the subject, perhaps raise some questions and challenges, introduce the background

Some do NOTs:

Only do a Tour De Table if there is a small group and then limit to name/affiliation only

Do not allow the session to be dominated by a few people or just members (including YOU!). Try to encourage OTHERS and ALL to say something. Think about the people who can be really active BEYOND the summit

4.2 Session Plan See over

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BDVA Madrid Summit EGI





DAY 2 Session Plan: NB * Indicates There will be dup/triplicate sessions due to demand and the greater numbers expected; Please look out for notices board / web for any changes TF= Related BDVA Task Force

ID PLENARY Class Room 1 Class Room 2 Class Room 3 Class Room 4 Class Room 5 Class Room 17 (!) Class Room 7 Class Room 8 Class Room 9 Meeting Room 3 Meeting Room 4

Style/People Auditorium/500 Auditorium/250 Auditorium/125 Auditorium/125 Auditorium/250 Auditorium/51 Auditorium/51 Auditorium/51 Auditorium/51 Auditorium/51 Meeting/20 Meeting/20

Sponsor TNO ATC CINI ANSWARE Orange SINTEF ICT Philips Technical University

of Denmark

Insight/NUIG ITI


09:30 BDVA for Beginners BDV Lighthouses* Transport and Logistics FinanceEmerging Research

Themes in Big Data *


Computing ETP & Big


Cyber Physical SystemsBig Data in Emerging

Application Domains*Data Visualisation *


(NESSI Board members)

EuDEco - Towards Self-

sustaining Data Reuse in


Stuart Campbell - ICE/BDVA Nuria de Lama - ATOS Andreas Metzger - Paluno Jesús Ruiz - Santander Bank Alfredo Favenza - ISMBMarcin Ostasz - Barcelona

Supercomputing CenterBjorn Skjellaug - SINTEF Milan Petkovic - PHILIPS Carlos Iglesias - UPM Colin Upstill - IT Innovation

Daniel Bachlechner -




BDV PPP Strategic

Research and Innovation

Agenda *

BDV Lighthouses*Manufacturing and

Industry 4.0*

NEM Content, Media &

Big DataAgrifood Data Management

Pitching Big Data

InnovationData Architectures *

Emerging Research

Themes in Big Data *


(NESSI Board members)

EuDEco - Towards Self-

sustaining Data Reuse in


Sonja Zillner - SIEMENS Nuria de Lama - ATOS Henk-Jan Vink - TNO Jorge Calderon - ZED Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll - DTU Dumitru Roman - SINTEFMaurizio Pilu - Digital


Walter Waterfeld - Software

AGISMB - Alfredo Favenza Colin Upstill - IT Innovation

Daniel Bachlechner -


TF1.SG1 TF1.SG2 TF7 TF7 TF7 TF6 Via TF0 TF6 TF5 N/A N/A


14:30BDV Communication and

Social Media+++i-Spaces * Geo Information

Mixed Emotions - Data

and Sentiment Analysis

in Social Networks

BDV Work Programme

+++ *Data Analytics *

National Representation

+++Health and Wellbeing

BDV PPP Strategic

Research and Innovation

Agenda *

BDVA Stakeholder

Platform +++Private Project Meeting*

Daniel Saez - ITIWalter Waterfeld - Software

AGWolfgang Steinborn - EUROGI Carlos Iglesias - UPM Ernestina Menasalvas - UPM Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll - DTU Nuria de Lama - ATOS Milan Petkovic - PHILIPS Sonja Zillner - SIEMENS INDRA - Jesús Angel García

Daniel Bachlechner -



16:45 BDVA for Beginners i-Spaces* Telecoms Cyber Physical Systems Skills and Education Data Visualisation *BDV Metrics and


Manufacturing and

Industry 4.0*Data Analytics *

Big Data Software

Engineering – jointly

with NESSI

Private Project Meeting*

Stuart Campbell - ICE/BDVAWalter Waterfeld - Software


Maurizio Cecchi - Telecom

ItaliaBjorn Skjellaug - SINTEF Ernestina Menasalvas - UPM Carlos Iglesias - UPM Wolfgang Gerteis - SAP Henk-Jan Vink - TNO Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll - DTU Andreas Metzger - Paluno

Daniel Bachlechner -


TF0 TF1.SG4 TF7 TF7 TF10 TF6 TF2 TF7 TF6 TF5 N/A


09:30Web Entrepreneurs and


Big Data in Emerging

Application Domains*Energy

Big Data within the

Smart City of the future*

BDV Work Programme

+++ *

Data Protection and

Privacy*Membership Matters +++

Emerging Research

Themes in Big Data *Data Architectures *

Standards - an essential

foundation for the

European Data Economy

Private Project Meeting*

Tatjana Gornostaja , Tilde Milan Petkovic - PHILIPS Didier Van den Abeele - CEALanfranco Marasso -

EngineeringErnestina Menasalvas - UPM Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis - IBM Tonny Velin - ANSWARE ISMB - Alfredo Favenza Arne Berre - SINTEF Felix Sasaki - W3C

Daniel Bachlechner -


TF8.SG1 TF7 TF7 TF7 TF0.SG2 TF6 TF3 TF5 TF6 Via TF6 N/A

11:45 Non-technical projectsBig Data Business and


Technologies for

Multil ingual Data Value


Big Data within the

Smart City of the future*

Societal Impact of Big

Data: Data - Human


Data Architectures *

BDV PPP Strategic

Research and Innovation

Agenda *

Data Analytics *Data Protection and

Privacy*Workplan Methodology Private Project Meeting*

Antonio Alfaro - AnswareSonia Taborcia Hernández -

EVERISAsunción Gómez - UPM

Lanfranco Marasso -

EngineeringFreek Bomhof - TNO Arne Berre - SINTEF Sonja Zillner - SIEMENS Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll - DTU Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis - IBM Ed Curry - Insight

Daniel Bachlechner -




*2 BDV Lighthouses*Big Data in Emerging

Application Domains*Cyber Physical Systems

BDV Work Programme

+++ *

EuDEco - Towards Self-

sustaining Data Reuse in


*3 BDV PPP Strategic

Research and Innovation

Agenda *

Emerging Research

Themes in Big Data *

Big Data within the

Smart City of the future*

Manufacturing and

Industry 4.0*i-Spaces*

Data Protection and

Privacy*Data Visualisation * Data Analytics * Data Architectures *

Constructed and Powered By



Scraper Wiki

Duplicate Sessions for:

Application/Implementation Engagement and Empowerment Partner and Projects Research and Coordination By Invitation or Membership only

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4.3 Classroom #1 Note these are ordered chronologically within room

Classroom Classroom #1

Sessions BDVA for Beginners

BDV PPP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

BDV Communication and Social Media

BDVA for Beginners

SMEs and Web Entrepreneurs

Non-technical projects in the BDV programme

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Stuart Campbell, Secretary General; ICE CEO

Organization BDVA

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: BDVA for Beginners Objectives: To inform recent new members, or potential new members about BDVA at a high level through a 20 minute presentation and an interactive Q&A session with the Secretary General Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Understand the background, current situation, and future expectations of BDVA ● Understand how they could be involved or more involved in task forces, subgroups etc ● Raise questions for guidance in a Q&A format

Note: due to its nature this session will be a little different than others and will be composed of a longer presentation and a long Q&A session. There will be no open debate as such but this could also happen. Dependent on numbers & interest, there will also be a ‘drop-in’ session for individual discussions Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● A list of topics or points which were raised at the session, for BDVA to consider implementing administratively, or within its structures by other groups

● New member conversions ● More engaged recently joined members ● Administrative queries resolved

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● New Members ● More engaged recently joined members ● New directions and changed directions for the BDVA

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Sonja Zillner

Organization Siemens AG

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: BDV PPP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda Objectives: The Big Data Value Association (BDVA) is responsible for providing regular (annual) updates of the SRIA defining and monitoring the priorities as well as metrics of the PPP. In this context, we want to engage with the wider BDVA community to ensure a comprehensive perspective concerning the technical and business impact of the SRIA technical and non-technical priorities. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Get an overview of the BDV Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) ● Learn about results of the community survey encompassing BDVA member responses ● Discuss the business impact of the technical priorities covered within the SRIA

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Develop a comprehensive perspective concerning the technical and business impact of the SRIA technical and non-technical priorities

● Identify emerging priorities with high impact for the European big data economy Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

To understand whether the SRIA – e.g. the technical and non-technical priorities -- needs to be changed.

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Daniel Sáez-Domingo

Organization ITI - Instituto Tecnológico de Informática

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: BDV Communication and Social Media Objectives: This is a Task Force 4 meeting, which is addressing Communication aspects in BDVA. In this session we will discuss and complete the communication strategy to follow the KPI to establish & generate a big impact in Europe and position BDVA as the reference in Big Data. In addition, the network of country coordinators will be launched and completed aiming at establishing bidirectional links among BDVA and national initiatives related to Big Data. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss opportunities on the positioning of BDVA ● Provide feedback on related events, country activities around big data, channels to be

used ● Provide some new ideas about materials to be used, communication initiatives

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● A redefined communication and monitoring Strategy ● A list of events where BDVA will be present ● Awareness of best practices

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Continuous feeding of website, newsletter, social networks, including YouTube. ● Antennas’ network consolidation ● ICT 2015 exhibition and networking sessions

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Stuart Campbell, Secretary General; ICE CEO

Organization BDVA

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: BDVA for Beginners Objectives: To inform recent new members or potential new members about BDVA at a high level through a 20 minute presentation and an interactive Q&A session with the Secretary General Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Understand the background, current situation, and future expectations of BDVA ● Understand how they could be involved or more involved in task forces, subgroups etc ● Raise questions for guidance in a Q&A Format

Note: due to its nature this session will be a little different than others and will be composed of a longer presentation and a long Q&A session. There will be no open debate as such but this could also happen. Dependent on numbers/interest, there will also be a ‘drop-in’ session for individual discussions Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● List of topics or points which were raised at the session, for BDVA to consider implementing administratively or within its structures by other groups

● New member conversions ● More engaged recently joined members ● Administrative queries resolved

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● New Members ● More engaged recently joined members ● New directions and changed directions for the BDVA

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Tatjana Gornostaja

Organization Tilde

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: SMEs and Web Entrepreneurs Objectives: The session is meant for everyone, particularly current and future BDVA members, who are interested in SME and Web Entrepreneurship topics. The session aims at a result-orientated discussion. The main outcome of the discussion is to plan SME and WE group activities and results. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Present visions about group activities and results (prepared in advance) ● Provide feedback on presentations ● Suggest and discuss group activities and results ● Draft a plan of main group activities and results

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● 5 main group activities to focus on by 2020 ● 3 main group activities to focus on during 2015 ● 2 main results to deliver by 2016

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcome following the session is a final plan of:

● 5 main group activities to focus on by 2020 ● 3 main group activities to focus on during 2015 ● 2 main results to deliver by 2016

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Antonio Alfaro

Organization Answare-Tech

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Non-technical projects in the BDV programme: Main priorities and strategic view Objectives:

To briefly overview the BDV KPIs and expected results

To generate an open discussion and brainstorming process with participants in the session

To define a coherent set of non-technical priorities that can be considered essential to support the overall BDV programme completion

Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Gain an overall vision of BDV objectives and KPIs ● Discuss on main necessary actions, risks and opportunities related to these objectives

and KPIs ● Participate in the definition of necessary non-technical actions ● Meet and network with other BDV stakeholders interested in this programmatic aspect

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Draft list of non-technical actions that shall be covered in the short, mid and long term by the BDV programme

● Matching among KPIs and non-technical actions ● Work plan for further actions after the summit

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Set up a group of BDVA members and other relevant stakeholders to actively work in this subject

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4.4 Classroom #2 Note these are ordered chronologically within room

Classroom Classroom #2

Sessions Lighthouses


i-Spaces (European Innovation Spaces)

i-Spaces (European Innovation Spaces)

Big Data in Emerging Application Domains

Big Data Business

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Nuria de Lama

Organization Atos

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Lighthouses: the instrument to drive Big Data Impact Objectives: You will get an overview of the instrument and the way it can be used in the PPP (based on WP2016-17) as well as the relationship with other instruments and the BDVA SRIA. We will discuss which additional requirements should be met to promote a lighthouse in BDVA and which criteria will drive the prioritization of the lighthouses. We will discuss existing sectorial initiatives and will relate them to the previous points. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Understand what a lighthouse IS and IS NOT ● Discuss opportunities on specific sectors that could be the basis of a lighthouse project ● Provide feedback on the instrument and the criteria to promote a lighthouse within BDVA

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Further refinement of the Lighthouse as instrument of the Big Data Value PPP Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● White paper on the extended concept of Lighthouses ● Identification of major topics for lighthouses to be promoted by BDVA and their

relationship with main challenges described by the SRIA

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Nuria de Lama

Organization Atos

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Lighthouses: the instrument to drive Big Data Impact Objectives: You will get an overview of the instrument and the way it can be used in the PPP (based on WP2016-17) as well as the relationship with other instruments and the BDVA SRIA. We will discuss which additional requirements should be met to promote a lighthouse in BDVA and which criteria will drive the prioritization of the lighthouses. We will discuss existing sectorial initiatives and will relate them to the previous points. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Understand what a lighthouse IS and IS NOT ● Discuss opportunities on specific sectors that could be the basis of a lighthouse project ● Provide feedback on the instrument and the criteria to promote a lighthouse within BDVA

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Further refinement of the Lighthouse as instrument of the Big Data Value PPP Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● White paper on the extended concept of Lighthouses ● Identification of major topics for lighthouses to be promoted by BDVA and their

relationship with main challenges described by the SRIA

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Walter Waterfeld

Organization Software AG

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: i-Spaces (European Innovation Spaces) Objectives: European Innovation Spaces (i-Spaces) are hubs for bringing technology and data providers together for conducting large scale Big Data experiments. I-Spaces will offer services for all dimensions of the BDV PPP like technology, business, legal, social and skills. They are an important cornerstone for the implementation of the BDV PPP. In this session the i-Space concept of BDV will be explained together with examples. BDVA is conducting a state of the art analysis of i-Space related activities in Europe. The current status will be presented. You will have the opportunity to contribute with initiatives in your environment. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Understand the i-Spaces concept ● Provide Feedback on i-Spaces ● Bring in i-Space related initiatives in your environment

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Complete the initial overview on i-Space related activities in Europe ● Identify i-Space related activities in your environment and provide them as input for

state-of the art gathering Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● State of the art on i-Spaces

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Walter Waterfeld

Organization Software AG

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: i-Spaces (European Innovation Spaces) Objectives: European Innovation Spaces (i-Spaces) are hubs for bringing technology and data providers together for conducting large scale Big Data experiments. I-Spaces will offer services for all dimensions of the BDV PPP like technology, business, legal, social and skills. They are an important cornerstone for the implementation of the BDV PPP. In this session the i-Space concept of BDV will be explained together with examples. BDVA is conducting a state of the art analysis of i-Space related activities in Europe. The current status will be presented. You will have the opportunity to contribute with initiatives in your environment. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Understand the i-Spaces concept ● Provide Feedback on i-Spaces ● Bring in i-Space related initiatives in your environment

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Complete the initial overview on i-Space related activities in Europe ● Identify i-Space related activities in your environment and provide them as input for

state-of the art gathering Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● State of the art on i-Spaces

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Milan Petkovic

Organization Philips

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Big Data in Emerging Application Domains Objectives: The main objective of this session is to discuss and identify application domains in which big data technologies can create the biggest impact in Europe. We will also define the objectives, plan and 2015 deliverables of TF7.SG1 (Emerging application areas) in this session. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss opportunities (use cases) on big data applied to different industrial sectors ● Discuss and identify open data sets, technologies, and big data challenges per domain ● Provide feedback on the initial charter of TF7 and TF7SG1, TF7SG2 ad TF7SG3

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● List of emerging domains with concrete big data opportunities ● List of open data sets, technologies and challenges per emerging domain

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Prioritised list of emerging domains, with the highest impact big data will have on them ● List of potential use cases that could lead to Lighthouse projects

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Sonia Taborcia

Organization EVERIS

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Big Data Business: Economics & Opportunities Objectives: To discuss on the state, of the art of data economics, trends and innovative approaches in order to depict a picture of current business models based on Big Data. Focus on detecting challenges and opportunities of these models to establish a roadmap for the future of data business models to boost data economy in Europe. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Analyse current business models on Big Data start-ups: data/analytics-as-a-service, data aggregation and analysis.

● Discuss business opportunities on opening data by traditional industries – monetizing. ● Share views on trends and innovation on the economics of data. ● Envision the future of data business models in Europe.

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● A Big Data Business Models Chart: taxonomy, dimension, challenges, opportunities. ● Establish the relevant strands of work for the subgroups on the TF8.

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Observatory, on data economics, through the TF8, to keep the Big Data Business Model Chart up-to-date.

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4.5 Classroom #3 Note these are ordered chronologically within room

Classroom Classroom #3

Sessions Transport and Logistics

Manufacturing and Industry 4.0


Big Data in the telecommunication industry

Big Data in Energy

Multilingual Data Value Chains

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Andreas Metzger

Organization Paluno, Univ. Duisburg-Essen

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Transport and Logistics in relation to Big Data Objectives: To identify the potential for Big Data technologies (in particular Big Data analytics) for transport and logistics by brainstorming and discussing innovative application scenarios and usages of open and closed data sets for the transport and logistics sector. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss the potentials of big data technology for transport and logistics ● Exchange ideas on novel application scenarios for increasing efficiency, sustainability

and user-friendliness of transport and logistics services ● Identify synergies, but also road-blocks towards realizing these application scenarios

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● List of novel application scenarios for big data in transport and logistics ● Candidate set of relevant data sources (such as Cargo 2000) and open data sets (such

as GIS) ● Synergies with other application domains and potential road-blocks

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Shaping of a potential BDV Lighthouse Project (ICT4.3-2016) on Transport and Logistics

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Henk Jan Vink

Organization TNO

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 Objectives: The concept of Industry 4.0 reflects the fourth industrial revolution with so-called cyber-physical systems, emphasizing that everything is now digitized and digitally interconnected. The technological innovation will lead to business and social innovation. Traditionally a product was designed, the bill-of-materials compiled, the parts bought or manufactured and eventually the product was assembled and sold. Today, however, we see ever-increasing complex products and associated services coming out of value constellations of suppliers, manufacturers, and brand owners. In the near future the value chain is yet to experience another shift with the introduction of product personalization and 3D printing. Products themselves are also becoming increasingly intelligent, with embedded – and eventually printed – computing inside. This not only enriches the intended functionality of the products, but smarter products will also be able to follow their intended and unintended use, and failure in all phases of the life cycle. This information will be fed back into the value chain. Hence, the days that ICT in industry encompassed merely storing product and manufacturing information are past; in tomorrow’s industry life cycle data of every individual product will be stored, used, and shared across the value chain. This will enable production at higher yield, higher quality, lower costs and increased flexibility. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss opportunities on Big Data for Industry 4.0 and to discuss if and how we should prioritize the different aspects.

● Provide feedback on our ideas on Big Data for Industry 4.0 Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Create a moment where partners interested in Industry 4.0 can meet and connect on topics they have a special interest in.

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Partnerships

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Wolfgang Steinborn

Organization EUROGI

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Geo-Information (GI) Objectives: To understand the innovative potential of GI, especially the tracking of environmental changes, predictive analytics and to provide location-based decision support (“Dynamic GI”) and identify specific European assets and competitive advantages Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss opportunities on exploiting all modern technologies of data capture, data assimilation, processing, determination of motion vectors, fast forward modelling and dissemination

● Discuss usable architectures of compiling de-centralised, multi-source GI input including motion data

● Provide feedback on own involvement in relevant past and running projects (EU and national)

● Provide information on developers of relevant technological elements Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Create ideas on pilot application domains, especially for dynamic GI ● Identify qualified potential partners from practice (industry, administration) and research

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Generate ideas for EU lighthouse projects, e.g. on Geo-Mobility (enhanced local services for society)

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Maurizio Cecchi

Organization Telecom Italia

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Big Data in the telecommunication industry Objectives: Setting a Big Data strategy for Communication Service Providers (CSP). CSP, such as Telecom Operators, need to invest in next generation Big Data technologies, not only to increase capacity and customer experience, but also to implement strategies to turn technical features and capabilities into flexibly “productize-able” service differentiators. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss, constructing business cases (e.g.: monetize the availability of data from telcos) around an infrastructure of pre-existing functionality which delivers elements of the value and introduces significant extra cost.

● Discuss how data coming from telecom operators could be shared in the Big Data Community without infringing legal and business barriers? Which are the best scientific and technical solutions to protect the privacy of the CSPs customers when their data are used in collaborative research. Which solutions are compliant with local and international policies? (e.g. in case of data roaming or correlation of data)

● Which are the best opportunities in relation to other industrial sectors? Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Building an informal working group to launch a proposal for a Big Data collaborative R&D project in the telecommunication domain

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Involve the European Telecommunication Network Operators (ETNO) in this initiative.

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Didier Van den Abeele

Organization CEA

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Importance of Big Data and its Value Chain regarding the challenges in Energy Objectives: To identify with the actors of the community the key challenges that the energy system will have to deal with in the near future. A key message in the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan Integrated Roadmap is that the energy system must be optimized from a holistic perspective. Consequently future energy systems with an increasing, fluctuating and non-dispatchable renewable power generation must be designed such that it is possible to activate flexibility on many different scales and aggregation levels. Today forecasting, control and optimization show challenges on which Big Data will have an important role to play. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss challenges and opportunities on Big Data and Value from Big Data ● Provide feedback on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda ● Identify projects that could federate actors of the 2 sectors (not limited to) ● Establish networking between the 2 communities

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Consolidated challenges and areas for Value on Energy for Big Data ● Topics and Priorities to be reported in SRIA ● Planning of actions and actors

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Reports Value from Big Data on Energy ● Update of SRIA ● Presentations to European Platforms

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Asunción Gómez-Pérez

Organization Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Technologies for the Multilingual Data Value Chains Objectives: This session will explore the various facets related to multilingualism in the data value chain, identifying the most urgent topics and challenges to be solved. Addressing these and other language-related issues can help to identify existing problems, propose new mechanisms and guidelines or adapt the ones in use for analyzing, publishing and using multilingual data and creating multilingual data value chains. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Market requirements to deal with multilingual data. ● Technology and business challenges ● Discuss opportunities and challenges on Multilingualism in the Data Value Chain ● Feedback on language technologies & Resources in the Multilingual data value chain ● Role of Standardization Bodies

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Identification of potential actors ● Identification of challenges and opportunities ● Initial list of potential language technologies and resources ● Identification of standardization activities.

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Working group analysing multilingual features on the data value chain ● Completion of requirements, challenges and opportunities ● Completion of the list of potential language technologies and resources

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4.6 Classroom #4 Note these are ordered chronologically within room

Classroom Classroom #4

Sessions Big Data in the financial sector

NEM Content, Media & Big Data


Cyber Physical Systems

Big data within the smart city of the future

Big data within the smart city of the future

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Jesus Ruiz

Organization ISBAN - Santander Bank

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Non-Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Challenges of the application of Big Data for product design in the financial sector Objectives: Big Data as a tool for designing and operating innovative data-driven financial products Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss possibilities for using Big Data for the design of innovative financial products which are good both for customers and financial institutions.

● Discuss the challenges associated to Data Privacy when the customer data is used for designing financial products adapted to customer behaviour.

● Discuss possibilities for combining private data from other industries to define better financial products for the customers, and associated technical and legal challenges.

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Define characteristics of data-driven financial products and how they can be better for customers than current ones.

● Define possibilities for customer cooperation in implementing data-driven financial products.

● Identify technical and legal challenges related to data-driven financial products. Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Create a collaboration to elaborate on the identified possibilities and challenges.

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Jorge Calderon

Organization ZED Group

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Full member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: NEM Content, Media & Big Data Objectives: To discuss with relevant stakeholders in the media and content sector; the directions, ideas, concepts, gaps, etc. of their sector with relationship to Big Data (technology, business models, skills, etc.). Media and Content companies collect a large amount of data every minute. Big Data services could boost impact in the media and content sector in term of innovation and business. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss opportunities that Big Data offers to the Media and Content Sector ● Provide feedback on relevant issues such as: What technologies? What Skills?

What products and services? What impact? (Business, political, other sectors...) ● Know relevant activities in place, already working on this issue: BDVA and NEM ● Meet new people

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Identify opportunities and challenges that Big Data technologies bring to the media and content industry.

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Identify the needs of the content industry at a technological and non-technological level, in order to assess the impact that Media and Content industry can have at a European level.

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Carlos A. Iglesias

Organization Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: MixedEmotions. Big Data and Sentiment Analysis in Social Networks Objectives:

To identify challenges and solutions for Big Data Analysis in Social Media

To propose and assess on the creation of a WG for Social Media Analysis

To identify application domains and availability of pilots in multiple sectors Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Provide feedback on the specific challenges (e.g. Social Semantics, Emotion) of social media and sentiment analysis

● Present ongoing solutions and how they can contribute to BDVA SRIA ● Present and discuss opportunities and project ideas

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Proposal (or not) of a new WG ● Recommendations to BDVA about Social Media and Sentiment Analysis

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Set up a new WG ● Liaison with W3C CG on Linked Data Models for Sentiment Analysis ● Contributions to BDVA SRIA

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Bjørn Skjellaug

Organization SINTEF

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Cyber Physical Systems: What can Big Data add to this area? Objectives: The main objective of this section is to discuss and understand better, the role of Big Data in context of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). Since data is an important asset for modern businesses / industries and is believed to be even more valuable in coming years, it should not come as a surprise that Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) will be a major source, collector and distributer of data, not only in volume, but also in velocity, variety and veracity. Hence, the combination of Big Data and CPS will be a must to remain competitive in the current professional environment, cf. initiatives such as Industry 4.0, Smart Industries, Factory of the Future, etc. Expectations: This session will reveal the importance of the intersection between Big Data and CPS by sharing experiences from work both in the area of CPS and that of Big Data that are relevant for understanding the intersection between the two. It's working session where all participants are expected to be prepared and take active part, so please prepare 2-3 important topics and present them orally on own initiative as starting points for our discussion. We expect that we are able to:

● Characterise, i.e., identify, define and discuss, relevant Big Data topics in context of CPS based on participants own experience from their projects, products/services, business cases, etc.

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Identify Big Data challenges in context of CPS ● Identify Big Data opportunities in context of CPS ● Prioritize among the input presented and discussed

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Share findings with other BDVA stakeholders

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● Give input to SRIA process

Name of Promoter / Coordinator Lanfranco Marasso

Organization Engineering Ingegneria Informatica

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Big data within the smart city of the future Objectives: Cities will be more and more at the core of the global production in the coming decades and those that will ensure better socio-economic conditions will be the most attractive. The idea of this workshop is to investigate the "behind and beyond Smart Cities", trying to identify the tools needed to make cities smarter and to understand how the huge amount of available data could be used for that. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Define the role of big data in open innovation ● Define the role of big data in smart city project ● Define the role of Public & Private data provider as main actor in a city ● Provide road map towards a smart community

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Create a "community" of stakeholders orientated to big data in the smart city domain

● Share a common road map for big data perspective in smart city ● Define a common ground to apply experiences in big data looking at the next EU

opportunities Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● To define a position paper on the role of Big Data for the city of the future ● Collections of relevant sources of data ● Management of relevant data scattered in the city ● Contributions to city policies

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Lanfranco Marasso

Organization Engineering Ingegneria Informatica

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Big data within the smart city of the future Objectives: Cities will be more and more at the core of the global production in the coming decades and those that will ensure better socio-economic conditions will be the most attractive. The idea of this workshop is to investigate the "behind and beyond Smart Cities", trying to identify the tools needed to make cities smarter and to understand how the huge amount of available data could be used for that. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Define the role of big data in open innovation ● Define the role of big data in smart city project ● Define the role of Public & Private data provider as main actor in a city ● Provide road map towards a smart community

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Create a "community" of stakeholders orientated to big data in the smart city domain

● Share a common road map for big data perspective in smart city ● Define a common ground to apply experiences in big data looking at the next EU

opportunities Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● To define a position paper on the role of Big Data for the city of the future ● Collections of relevant sources of data ● Management of relevant data scattered in the city ● Contributions to city policies

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4.7 Classroom #5 Note these are ordered chronologically within room

Classroom Classroom #5

Sessions Emerging Research Themes in Big Data


BDV Work Programme

Skills and Education

BDV Work Programme

Societal Impact of Big Data

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Alfredo Favenza

Organization Istituto Superiore Mario Boella

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Emerging Research Themes in Big Data Objectives: The objective of this session is to stimulate the discussion around Emerging Research Trends in the field of Big Data with a particular attention to the applied research topics and the technological transfer to the industrial application domains following the approach and the guidelines of the European research. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss emerging research trends and topics of interests ● Match research trends with industrial application needs ● Provide feedback on you research topic of main interest for your company and

how are you foreseeing to apply them on real use case Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● A matrix which matches identified research trends and real use cases and industrial needs

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Inputs for Application TF ● Inputs form Lighthouse project TF ● Input for SRIA and BDVA Workplan

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll

Organization DTU - Technical University of Denmark

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3

TF7 & TF1.SG2

Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Agrifood Objectives: Target of the session: every stakeholder along the agrifood value-chain records data. As is often the case in Big Data, such data is not compiled and analysed together with data from other stakeholders. There is clearly an enormous potential for business development in this sector. Agrifood is therefore an excellent model for research, development and innovation within all relevant Big Data issues. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to: ● Share experiences from their work in the field and discuss how it can feed the BDVA

objectives and work ● Identify common areas of interest and discuss related opportunities in the context of

the BDVA activities ● Get a brief overview of the sector development project on Big Data in agriculture and

the food industry conducted in Denmark by DTU and share views on how it can provide a useful input to the work of the BDVA

● Discuss how to translate the outcome of the session into input, to the work of the BDVA Application Task Force

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are: ● Identification of opportunities for Agrifood in the context of the BDVA activities ● Preliminary definition of scope of an Agrifood application area/lighthouse project ● Preliminary appointment of a working group to continue the activities suggested Outcomes beyond summit:

The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Production of a document outlining recommendations for the possible scope of an agrifood application area/lighthouse project and its impact on European society

● Identification and development of generic knowledge and methods which can easily be transferred to other domains

● Propose enhancement of the whole value-chain of the European food industry thus bringing back the leading edge

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Ernestina Menasalvas

Organization Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: BDV Work Programme Objectives: To further discuss the BDV Work Programme Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss on the main instruments and topics regarding Big Data in the Work Programme

● Provide feedback on the topics and ideas Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Feedback to the BDVA/SRIA Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Update the BDVA/SRIA with the outcomes of the session

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Ernestina Menasalvas

Organization Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Skills and Education Objectives: BDVA is the reference for Big Data in Europe and consequently, one of its goals is the definition of the education and skills required for development and deployment of technology. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss on current curricula ● Analysis and definition of missing skills ● Development of new curricula and courses ● Definition of expected learning outcomes

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Discuss the skills required in the next years Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Provide feedback on how to exploit the Big Data technology in innovative projects ● Provide feedback on how to develop the next generation of technology for Big


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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Ernestina Menasalvas

Organization Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: BDV Work Programme Objectives: To further discuss the BDV Work Programme Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss on the main instruments and topics regarding Big Data in the Work Programme

● Provide feedback on the topics and ideas Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Feedback to the BDVA/SRIA Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Update the BDVA/SRIA with the outcomes of the session

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Freek Bomhof, Christine Balch

Organization TNO

Email address [email protected]; [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Societal Impact of Big Data: building bridges between inventions and humans Objectives:

To create a common understanding within BDVA on the meaning and impact of Big Data on society, and vice versa

To establish a group of BDVA members (of the Taskforce Societal) that want to actively contribute to the elaboration and dissemination of this common understanding

Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss the analysis and understanding of big data related to societal issues ● Give input on, and decide on, the TF structure (subgroups and subgroup leads)

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Endorsed and deepened understanding of societal impact of big data ● Action Plan for the way ahead within Taskforce 9 Societal ● Group of people identified that will execute the Action Plan

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● An active Taskforce that builds bridges between societal needs and technological possibilities

● Practical inputs for all other Taskforces of the BDVA

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4.8 Classroom #17 Note these are ordered chronologically within room

Classroom Classroom #17

Sessions ETP4HPC

Data Management

Data Analytics

Advanced Visualisation and User Experience

Data Protection and Privacy

Data Processing Architectures

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Marcin Ostasz

Organization ETP4HPC - European HPC Technology Platform

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Non-Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: High-Performance Computing European Technology Platform and Big Data Objectives: HPC is as a key tool in the processing of large amounts of data and on the other hand, HPC-supported methodologies are the source of data. ETP4HPC will outline the development of European HPC technology and its relationship with Big Data. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss ETP4HPC's Strategic Research Agenda, a roadmap towards the achievement of Exa-scale computing capabilities in Europe, with an emphasis on its links to Big Data (as a separate area)

● Discuss the process of coordinating and monitoring the development of the European HPC Eco-system, reflected in the work of the HPC contractual Public-Private Partnership

● Discuss the goals and operation of the Association, with an emphasis on the strengthening of the European HPC Eco-system and its impact on European science and industry

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Familiarising the Big Data community with the work of ETP4HPC, its objectives and HPC technology road-mapping.

● Awareness of the Big Data Use Models area of ETP4HPC and its links with other Big Data fields

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Preparing both communities for future technical and non-technical interactions in order to align the two roadmaps and other strategic elements

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Dumitru Roman

Organization SINTEF

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Data Management Objectives: The goal of this group is to monitor and collect information about ongoing and emerging technical trends (approaches, tools, start-ups, etc.) in the data management area, and provide recommendations for future actions related to data management within the BDVA community. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

Share experiences from work in "Data Management" (projects, products, business cases, etc.)

Characterise Big Data Management as a problem/solution

Define and discuss the scope of "Data Management", and the relationship to the other TF6 groups

Identify "Data Management" challenges that should be addressed in context of BDVA

Prioritize the industry/business use cases

Identify a set of success metrics/KPIs for solutions to "Data Management" challenges

Identify key players in this domain and discuss how they can be involved with the work of this group

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

Clarify the scope of "Data Management" and the relation to the other TF6 groups

Identify a list of challenges that fall within "Data Management" to be addressed in a wider BDVA context, and success metrics/KPIs for solutions potentially addressing the identified challenges

Identify a common starting point for activities within this group, next actions, and who is doing what

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Communicate the scope of this group to the other TF6 groups ● Clarify with the other TF6 the over-lapping’s and complementarities ● Come up with a plan on how to involve relevant parties with the work of this group

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll

Organization DTU - Technical University of Denmark

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Data Analytics Objectives: Data analytics is a vast topic and a BDVA meaning of this topic must be defined. Many subgroupings of data analytics may be thought of: e.g. descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, and confirmatory data analysis. An alternative subgrouping might be: unsupervised methods and supervised methods. A final example might be: methods for data at point of data-generation (on-line analysis) vs more traditional off-line analysis.

Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to: ● Discuss and focus contents of the topic “Data Analytics” within the framework of BDVA ● Share experiences from their work in the field and discuss how it can feed the BDVA

objectives and work ● Identify common areas of interest and discuss related opportunities in the context of

the BDVA activities ● Discuss possible ways of sub-dividing SG3 into 2-3-4 smaller meaningful topics and

assign a group leader to each ● Identify topics which are in need of special attention w.r.t research and development

and/or dissemination/education ● Discuss how to translate the outcome of the session into input to the work of the

BDVA Technical Task Force

Outcomes at Summit:

The expected tangible outcomes of this session are: ● Identification of opportunities for Data Analytics in the context of the BDVA activities ● Preliminary definition of how to translate the outcome of the session into input to the

work of the BDVA Technical Task Force ● Preliminary appointment of smaller working groups to continue the activities suggested

Outcomes beyond summit:

The expected tangible outcomes following this session are: ● Production of a document outlining recommendations for the possible scope of

projects relying on research, development and innovation in Data Analytics and its impact on European society

● Identification and development of generic knowledge and methods which with benefit can be transferred to domain/application areas

● Create a strong European network to facilitate research, development and innovation within Data Analytics

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Carlos A. Iglesias

Organization Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Advanced Visualisation and User Experience in relation to Big Data Objectives:

To identify challenges, issues, topics and solutions in the big data visualisation domain

To foster networking and creation of opportunities

To provide recommendations for BDVA and BDV PPP

To set up the working group and define a plan for future activity Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Provide feedback on the priority "Visualisation and User Experience” ● Present and discuss opportunities and project ideas ● Contact other interested parties or potential partners

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Definition of challenges, issues and topics of Visualisation ● Identify short and long term actions for the working group

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Regular meetings in the working group ● Recommendations about challenges and state of the art

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis

Organization IBM Research-Ireland

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Data Protection and Privacy Objectives:

Discuss on the focus of SG4 and its alignment with the objectives of BDVA

Identify common areas of interest and related opportunities in the context of BDVA activities

Discuss on the state-of-the-art research and products in the area of privacy

Identify the main directions of privacy that will be used to organise the work within the group

Discuss on the current requirements in the privacy area and on how to progress beyond the state-of-the-art

Decide on future actions of SG4 and provide recommendations to BDVA Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Share experiences from their work in the privacy area ● Discuss on collaboration opportunities in the context of the BDVA activities ● Provide feedback on limitations of the state-of-the-art privacy tools and

approaches ● Discuss on how privacy work should progress beyond the state-of-the-art

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Identify the directions of privacy work that will structure the topics within the group ● Identify common areas of interest and potential collaboration opportunities ● Identify limitations of the state-of-the-art in privacy and discuss on the current

needs Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

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● Identify ways to translate the outcome of the session into input to the work of BDVA TF6

● Start a document detailing the state-of-the-art and current gaps in the privacy area

Name of Promoter / Coordinator Walter Waterfeld

Organization Software AG

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Data Processing Architectures Objectives: Data Processing Architectures are one of five technical topics of the BDV SRIA. This session will discuss enhancements to the current challenges of data processing architectures. Additionally the corresponding BDVA task force will start gathering the current state of the art for this topic. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss the current challenges of data processing architectures ● Discuss enhancement for data processing architectures for future SRIA ● Provide feedback on the state of the art in data processing architectures

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Input for a state of the art in data processing architectures ● Enhancements for future data processing architecture challenges

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● State of the art in data processing architectures ● Update on the SRIA for data processing architectures

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4.9 Classroom #7 Note these are ordered chronologically within room

Classroom Classroom #7

Sessions Cyber Physical Systems

Pitching Big Data Innovation

Mapping Big Data Strategies in Member States

BDV Metrics & Impacts

Membership Matter

BDV PPP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Bjørn Skjellaug

Organization SINTEF

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Cyber Physical Systems: What can Big Data add to this area? Objectives: The main objective of this section is to discuss and understand better, the role of Big Data in context of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). Since data is an important asset for modern businesses / industries and is believed to be even more valuable in coming years, it should not come as a surprise that Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) will be a major source, collector and distributer of data, not only in volume, but also in velocity, variety and veracity. Hence, the combination of Big Data and CPS will be a must to remain competitive in the current professional environment, cf. initiatives such as Industry 4.0, Smart Industries, Factory of the Future, etc. Expectations: This session will reveal the importance of the intersection between Big Data and CPS by sharing experiences from work both in the area of CPS and that of Big Data that are relevant for understanding the intersection between the two. It's working session where all participants are expected to be prepared and take active part, so please prepare 2-3 important topics and present them orally on own initiative as starting points for our discussion. We expect that we are able to:

● Characterise, i.e., identify, define and discuss, relevant Big Data topics in context of CPS based on participants own experience from their projects, products/services, business cases, etc.

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Identify Big Data challenges in context of CPS ● Identify Big Data opportunities in context of CPS ● Prioritize among the input presented and discussed

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Share findings with other BDVA stakeholders

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● Give input to SRIA process

Name of Promoter / Coordinator Maurizio Pilu

Organization Connected Digital Economy Catapult

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Pitching Big Data Innovation Objectives: The objective of this session is to debate in an interactive format, pitching big data innovation to investors and customers. How can latent value be communicated? How to differentiate from the crowd? How to overcome internal resistance to innovation? How to take the first steps with customers? How to prove a solution is scalable before you have scaled? How should cascade funding be designed to allow the best ideas to be pitched and funded? Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to share, debate and learn from experiences with (or plans of!) pitching big data innovation The format will be fun and a highly interactive. A number of participants will volunteer to stand up and give their 2-3 minutes perspective on pitching innovation (no slides), which will be followed by a moderated session where the participants will be invited to suggest and debate recommendations. Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● The session will generate a set of learnings/recommendations for participants and the BDVA working groups, especially the business one

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● A particular outcome relevant to the BDVA is helping scope out a cascade funding mechanism for the Big Data PPP

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Nuria de Lama

Organization Atos

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Mapping Big Data Strategies in Member States Objectives:

To inform representatives of Member States, about the Big Data Value PPP and on-going activities in BDVA.

To promote BDVA in other countries and engage new members into the ecosystem.

To understand existing national strategies and initiatives focused on (big) data and to align them with European roadmaps.

Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Understand the way BDVA can support national strategies in Big Data Value ● Discuss opportunities and expectations in different Member States ● Present and promote their assets (eg Related national programmes, existing

infrastructures that could be considered innovation spaces…) ● Provide feedback and influence future phases of Big Data Value PPP

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● An overview of existing national strategies around (Big) Data Value, including funding programmes, initiatives and ecosystems

● A draft plan to align existing activities at National and EU level, exploiting synergies for a greater result

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● A refined and executable plan to align National and EU activities in Big Data Value and create greater value

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Wolfgang Gerteis

Organization SAP SE

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: BDV Metrics & Impacts – How the Big Data PPP will be measured Objectives: To raise awareness and knowledge about the KPIs that the PPP is measured on Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Get an overview on the KPIs that are important, for the KPI based on the contractual agreement, the SRIA and the work programme 2016/17

● Discuss the way in which, & how data from their own organisation (that is important for some KPIs) will be collected

● Discuss necessary steps to collect KPI data from ongoing the projects Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Data to be collected from BDVA members that are required for the KPIs ● Initial steps towards the collection of data required for the KPIs from PPP projects

and PPP partners Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Set up the roadmap for extracting and analysing the data that will be gathered

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Tonny Velin

Organization Answare-Tech

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Membership Matter - Building the BDVA community Objectives: This session will focus on activities related to enlarging and strengthening the community involved in the BDVA activities, either in terms of direct membership, liaisons with external stakeholders, or tools for the engagement of BDVA members in ongoing activities. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Gain deeper knowledge on BDVA community, both current status and growth strategy

● Contribute to the definition of the BDVA stakeholder platform ● Propose additional actions or tools that can be implemented by the BDVA

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Present ongoing activities and short-mid-term plans ● Get feedback and additional inputs and suggestions from the BDVA community

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Feedback received will be integrated in the BDVA community, activities implemented in TF3

● Mechanisms and tools to facilitate BDVA members involvement will be improved accordingly

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Sonja Zillner

Organization Siemens AG

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: BDV PPP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda Objectives: The Big Data Value Association (BDVA) is responsible for providing regular (annual) updates of the SRIA defining and monitoring the priorities as well as metrics of the PPP. In this context, we want to engage with the wider BDVA community to ensure a comprehensive perspective concerning the technical and business impact of the SRIA technical and non-technical priorities. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Get an overview of the BDV Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) ● Learn about results of the community survey encompassing BDVA member

responses ● Discuss the business impact of the technical priorities covered within the SRIA

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Develop a comprehensive perspective concerning the technical and business impact of the SRIA technical and non-technical priorities

● Identify emerging priorities with high impact for the European big data economy Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

To understand whether the SRIA – e.g. the technical and non-technical priorities -- needs to be changed.

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4.10 Classroom #8 Note these are ordered chronologically within room

Classroom Classroom #8

Sessions Big Data in Emerging Application Domains

Data Processing Architectures

Health and Wellbeing

Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

Emerging Research Themes in Big Data

Data Analytics

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Milan Petkovic

Organization Philips

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Big Data in Emerging Application Domains Objectives: The main objective of this session is to discuss and identify application domains in which big data technologies can create the biggest impact in Europe. We will also define the objectives, plan and 2015 deliverables of TF7.SG1 (Emerging application areas) in this session. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss opportunities (use cases) on big data applied to different industrial sectors ● Discuss and identify open data sets, technologies, and big data challenges per

domain ● Provide feedback on the initial charter of TF7 and TF7SG1, TF7SG2 ad TF7SG3

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● List of emerging domains with concrete big data opportunities ● List of open data sets, technologies and challenges per emerging domain

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Prioritised list of emerging domains, with the highest impact big data will have on them

● List of potential use cases that could lead to Lighthouse projects

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Walter Waterfeld

Organization Software AG

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Data Processing Architectures Objectives: Data Processing Architectures are one of five technical topics of the BDV SRIA. This session will discuss enhancements to the current challenges of data processing architectures. Additionally the corresponding BDVA task force will start gathering the current state of the art for this topic. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss the current challenges of data processing architectures ● Discuss enhancement for data processing architectures for future SRIA ● Provide feedback on the state of the art in data processing architectures

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Input for a state of the art in data processing architectures ● Enhancements for future data processing architecture challenges

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● State of the art in data processing architectures ● Update on the SRIA for data processing architectures

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Milan Petkovic

Organization Philips

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Health and Wellbeing Objectives: The main objective of this session is to discuss and identify opportunities of appying big data in the health and wellbeing domain. We will also define the objectives, plan and 2015 deliverables of TF7.SG3 (Healthcare) in this session. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss shared best practices of applying big data in the health and wellbeing domain

● Discuss opportunities (use cases) on big data in health and wellbeing ● Discuss and identify open data sets, technologies, and big data challenges in this

domain ● Provide feedback on the initial charter of TF7.SG3

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● List of use cases for applying big data in the health and wellbeing domain ● List of open data sets, technologies and challenges in the health and wellbeing

domain ● Updated objectives, plan and deliverables of TF7.SG3

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Prioritised list of potential use cases that could lead to a Lighthouse project in health and wellbeing

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Henk Jan Vink

Organization TNO

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 Objectives: The concept of Industry 4.0 reflects the fourth industrial revolution with so-called cyber-physical systems, emphasizing that everything is now digitized and digitally interconnected. The technological innovation will lead to business and social innovation. Traditionally a product was designed, the bill-of-materials compiled, the parts bought or manufactured and eventually the product was assembled and sold. Today, however, we see ever-increasing complex products and associated services coming out of value constellations of suppliers, manufacturers, and brand owners. In the near future the value chain is yet to experience another shift with the introduction of product personalization and 3D printing. Products themselves are also becoming increasingly intelligent, with embedded – and eventually printed – computing inside. This not only enriches the intended functionality of the products, but smarter products will also be able to follow their intended and unintended use, and failure in all phases of the life cycle. This information will be fed back into the value chain. Hence, the days that ICT in industry encompassed merely storing product and manufacturing information are past; in tomorrow’s industry life cycle data of every individual product will be stored, used, and shared across the value chain. This will enable production at higher yield, higher quality, lower costs and increased flexibility. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss opportunities on Big Data for Industry 4.0 and to discuss if and how we should prioritize the different aspects.

● Provide feedback on our ideas on Big Data for Industry 4.0 Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Create a moment where partners interested in Industry 4.0 can meet and connect on topics they have a special interest in.

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Partnerships

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Alfredo Favenza

Organization Istituto Superiore Mario Boella

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Emerging Research Themes in Big Data Objectives: The objective of this session is to stimulate the discussion around Emerging Research Trends in the field of Big Data with a particular attention on the applied research topics and the technological transfer to the industrial application domains, following the approach and the guidelines of the European research. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss the emerging research trends and topics of interest ● Match research trends with industrial application needs ● Provide feedback on you research topic of main interest for your company and

how are you foreseeing to apply them on real use case Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● A matrix which matches identified research trends and real use cases and industrial needs

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Inputs for Application TF ● Inputs form Lighthouse project TF ● Input for SRIA and BDVA Workplan

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll

Organization DTU - Technical University of Denmark

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Data Analytics Objectives: Data analytics is a vast topic and a BDVA meaning of this topic must be defined. Many subgroupings of data analytics may be thought of: e.g. descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, and confirmatory data analysis. An alternative subgrouping might be: unsupervised methods and supervised methods. A final example might be: methods for data at point of data-generation (on-line analysis) vs more traditional off-line analysis. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to: ● Discuss and focus contents of the topic “Data Analytics” within the framework of BDVA ● Share experiences from their work in the field and discuss how it can feed the BDVA

objectives and work ● Identify common areas of interest and discuss related opportunities in the context of

the BDVA activities ● Discuss possible ways of sub-dividing SG3 into 2-3-4 smaller meaningful topics and

assign a group leader to each ● Identify topics which are in need of special attention w.r.t research and development

and/or dissemination/education ● Discuss how to translate the outcome of the session into input to the work of the

BDVA Technical Task Force

Outcomes at Summit:

The expected tangible outcomes of this session are: ● Identification of opportunities for Data Analytics in the context of the BDVA activities ● Preliminary definition of how to translate the outcome of the session into input to the

work of the BDVA Technical Task Force ● Preliminary appointment of smaller working groups to continue the activities suggested

Outcomes beyond summit:

The expected tangible outcomes following this session are: ● Production of a document outlining recommendations for the possible scope of

projects relying on research, development and innovation in Data Analytics and its impact on European society

● Identification and development of generic knowledge and methods which with benefit can be transferred to domain/application areas

● Create a strong European network to facilitate research, development and innovation within Data Analytics

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4.11 Classroom #9 Note these are ordered chronologically within room

Classroom Classroom #9

Sessions Advanced Visualisation and User Experience

Emerging Research Themes in Big Data

BDV PPP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

Data Analytics

Data Processing Architectures

Data Protection and Privacy

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Carlos A. Iglesias

Organization Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Advanced Visualisation and User Experience in relation to Big Data Objectives:

To identify challenges, issues, topics and solutions in the big data visualisation domain

To foster networking and creation of opportunities

To provide recommendations for BDVA and BDV PPP

To set up the working group and define a plan for future activity Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Provide feedback on the priority "Visualisation and User Experience” ● Present and discuss opportunities and project ideas ● Contact other interested parties or potential partners

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Definition of challenges, issues and topics of Visualisation ● Identify short and long term actions for the working group

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Regular meetings in the working group ● Recommendations about challenges and state of the art

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Alfredo Favenza

Organization Istituto Superiore Mario Boella

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Emerging Research Themes in Big Data Objectives: The objective of this session is to stimulate the discussion around Emerging Research Trends in the field of Big Data with a particular attention on the applied research topics and the technological transfer to the industrial application domains, following the approach and the guidelines of the European research. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss the emerging research trends and topics of interest ● Match research trends with industrial application needs ● Provide feedback on you research topic of main interest for your company and

how are you foreseeing to apply them on real use case Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● A matrix which matches identified research trends and real use cases and industrial needs

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Inputs for Application TF ● Inputs form Lighthouse project TF ● Input for SRIA and BDVA Workplan

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Sonja Zillner

Organization Siemens AG

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: BDV PPP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda Objectives: The Big Data Value Association (BDVA) is responsible for providing regular (annual) updates of the SRIA defining and monitoring the priorities as well as metrics of the PPP. In this context, we want to engage with the wider BDVA community to ensure a comprehensive perspective concerning the technical and business impact of the SRIA technical and non-technical priorities. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Get an overview of the BDV Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) ● Learn about results of the community survey encompassing BDVA member

responses ● Discuss the business impact of the technical priorities covered within the SRIA

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Develop a comprehensive perspective concerning the technical and business impact of the SRIA technical and non-technical priorities

● Identify emerging priorities with high impact for the European big data economy Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

To understand whether the SRIA – e.g. the technical and non-technical priorities -- needs to be changed.

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll

Organization DTU - Technical University of Denmark

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Data Analytics Objectives: Data analytics is a vast topic and a BDVA meaning of this topic must be defined. Many subgroupings of data analytics may be thought of: e.g. descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, and confirmatory data analysis. An alternative subgrouping might be: unsupervised methods and supervised methods. A final example might be: methods for data at point of data-generation (on-line analysis) vs more traditional off-line analysis. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to: ● Discuss and focus contents of the topic “Data Analytics” within the framework of BDVA ● Share experiences from their work in the field and discuss how it can feed the BDVA

objectives and work ● Identify common areas of interest and discuss related opportunities in the context of

the BDVA activities ● Discuss possible ways of sub-dividing SG3 into 2-3-4 smaller meaningful topics and

assign a group leader to each ● Identify topics which are in need of special attention w.r.t research and development

and/or dissemination/education ● Discuss how to translate the outcome of the session into input to the work of the

BDVA Technical Task Force

Outcomes at Summit:

The expected tangible outcomes of this session are: ● Identification of opportunities for Data Analytics in the context of the BDVA activities ● Preliminary definition of how to translate the outcome of the session into input to the

work of the BDVA Technical Task Force ● Preliminary appointment of smaller working groups to continue the activities suggested

Outcomes beyond summit:

The expected tangible outcomes following this session are: ● Production of a document outlining recommendations for the possible scope of

projects relying on research, development and innovation in Data Analytics and its impact on European society

● Identification and development of generic knowledge and methods which with benefit can be transferred to domain/application areas

● Create a strong European network to facilitate research, development and innovation within Data Analytics

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Walter Waterfeld

Organization Software AG

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Data Processing Architectures Objectives: Data Processing Architectures are one of five technical topics of the BDV SRIA. This session will discuss enhancements to the current challenges of data processing architectures. Additionally the corresponding BDVA task force will start gathering the current state of the art for this topic. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss the current challenges of data processing architectures ● Discuss enhancement for data processing architectures for future SRIA ● Provide feedback on the state of the art in data processing architectures

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Input for a state of the art in data processing architectures ● Enhancements for future data processing architecture challenges

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● State of the art in data processing architectures ● Update on the SRIA for data processing architectures

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis

Organization IBM Research-Ireland

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Data Protection and Privacy Objectives:

Discuss on the focus of SG4 and its alignment with the objectives of BDVA

Identify common areas of interest and related opportunities in the context of BDVA activities

Discuss on the state-of-the-art research and products in the area of privacy

Identify the main directions of privacy that will be used to organise the work within the group

Discuss on the current requirements in the privacy area and on how to progress beyond the state-of-the-art

Decide on future actions of SG4 and provide recommendations to BDVA Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

Share experiences from their work in the privacy area

Discuss on collaboration opportunities in the context of the BDVA activities

Provide feedback on limitations of the state-of-the-art privacy tools and approaches

Discuss on how privacy work should progress beyond the state-of-the-art Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

Identify the directions of privacy work that will structure the topics within the group

Identify common areas of interest and potential collaboration opportunities

Identify limitations of the state-of-the-art in privacy and discuss on the current needs Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Identify ways to translate the outcome of the session into input to the work of BDVA TF6

● Start a document detailing the state-of-the-art and current gaps in the privacy area

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4.12 Meeting Room #3 Note these are ordered chronologically within room

Classroom Meeting Room #3

Sessions NESSI Board (members only) NESSI Board (members only) BDVA Stakeholder Platform

Big Data Software Engineering (jointly with NESSI)


Work Plan Methodology

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Colin Upstill

Organization IT Innovation

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: NESSI Board (members only) Objectives: NESSI is the European Technology Platform for the Digital Information Society and Economy powered by software and services and data. ETPs provide industry-led frameworks for stakeholders to define research priorities and action plans. Expectations: The mission of NESSI is to

● Provide thought leadership in Europe on the convergence of the networks of data, things and services and the transformation into a new digital society, on the technological and socio-economic implications;

● Drive technology convergence and transformation for strengthening and advancing the software and service-based economies in Europe;

● Stimulate the creation of ecosystems around software, services, and data; and ● Provide visionary, comprehensive input to the European Commission, thereby

shaping the European research and innovation agenda. NB: This is a private meeting for NESSI Board Members only

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Colin Upstill

Organization IT Innovation

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: NESSI Board (members only) Objectives: NESSI is the European Technology Platform for the Digital Information Society and Economy powered by software and services and data. ETPs provide industry-led frameworks for stakeholders to define research priorities and action plans. Expectations: The mission of NESSI is to

● Provide thought leadership in Europe on the convergence of the networks of data, things and services and the transformation into a new digital society, on the technological and socio-economic implications;

● Drive technology convergence and transformation for strengthening and advancing the software and service-based economies in Europe;

● Stimulate the creation of ecosystems around software, services, and data; and ● Provide visionary, comprehensive input to the European Commission, thereby

shaping the European research and innovation agenda. NB: This is a private meeting for NESSI Board Members only

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Jesús Angel García Sánchez

Organization INDRA

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: BDVA Stakeholder Platform Objectives: BDVA has to be composed of a representative community of stakeholders involved in Big Data. BDVA community shall properly represent European challenges (both societal and technological), diversity and priorities. As such it needs to attract organisations with different profiles and nationalities. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss potential communities by sector to be created ● Provide feedback on current work breakdown (Activity Plan) structure ● Identify potential partners to be involved in

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Identification of the communities to be created ● Identification of sectors ● Identification of partners to be involved in

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Activity plan roadmap ● Periodical working group meetings

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Andreas Metzger

Organization Paluno, Univ. Duisburg-Essen

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Big Data Software Engineering (jointly with NESSI) Objectives: To explore emerging topics at the intersection of big data and software engineering, in particular scrutinizing how to perform software engineering for big data systems, as well as how to exploit big data analytics for improving software engineering techniques and methods. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss software challenges of designing and engineering data-intensive/big data software systems

● Identify potential uses of big data technologies (such as analytics) for addressing open software engineering problems

● Elaborate on potential gaps in software engineering education (missing big data skills)

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● List of challenges for design and engineering of big data systems ● List of big data solutions of open software engineering problems ● List of software engineering skills required for big data software engineering

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Contribution to BDVA SRIA 2.0 (in particular “Technical Priorities” and “Skills Development”)

● Shaping of a potential BDV R&I Project (ICT4.4-2017) or Future Internet R&I Project (ICT3.4-2016)

● Organization of 2nd Int’l Workshop on Big Data Software Engineering @ ICSE 2016, Austin, Texas

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Felix Sasaki

Organization World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Non-Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Standards - an essential foundation for the European Data Economy Objectives:

Gather a critical mass of people interested in standardisation on specific topics.

Produce clear ROI success examples for standardisation, based on the performance indicators relevant for BDVA.

Identify a set of standardisation areas for the data value chain, including their current state and future standardisation needs.

Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss what the best approach is to engage with, and grow the standardisation community?

● What de jure and de facto standardisation bodies are relevant for achieving global adoption of Big Data technologies in international standards?

● What are examples of successful standardisation, or failure in certain technical areas relevant to the data value chain?

● In which concrete areas of standardisation do you want BDVA to engage? This may include both aspects of technical interoperability as well as e.g. legal interoperability.

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● An overview of relevant standardisation organisations and groups related to big data topics.

● A description of the current state and needs in standardisation areas, prioritising what to address.

● A list of areas in which we can expect economic growth if the big data community engages in the standardisation.

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● Integration of detailed information on standardisation (relevant organisations, topics) in the update of the Big Data Value SRIA.

● A list of liaisons that BDVA could engage with continuously to assure appropriate standardisation of Big Data technologies.

● Suggestions for future project areas that should engage in standardisation.

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Edward Curry

Organization Insight

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: Work Plan Methodology Objectives: To define a cohesive and integrated work plan for the PPP activities. The session forms part of the on-going activities of TF1.SG5 to establish an overall work plan that incorporates the different elements of the Big Data Value Programme. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Define the key elements needed in an overall methodology for the Big Data Value Programme.

● Provide feedback on the initial methodology ● Identify the key challenges and issues the work plan must address ● Discuss the necessary interactions between key elements including Lighthouse

Projects, i-Spaces Projects, Research and Innovation Projects, and Non-technical Projects

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● Identification of key elements needed in the methodology ● Initial methodology for the work plan ● Identification of the key challenges and issues ● Identification of key interactions in the work plan

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● The work will continue in TF1.SG5 on the definition of a suitable work plan

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4.13 Meeting Room #4 Note these are ordered chronologically within room

Classroom Meeting Room #4

Sessions EuDEco - Towards Self-Sustaining Data Reuse in Europe

EuDEco - Towards Self-Sustaining Data Reuse in Europe

Private EuDEco meeting

Private EuDEco meeting

Private EuDEco meeting

Private EuDEco meeting

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Daniel Bachlechner

Organization Fraunhofer ISI

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Non-Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: EuDEco - Towards Self-Sustaining Data Reuse in Europe Objectives: Companies, government bodies and academic institutions face the issue of finding the right model for collecting, storing, curating and publishing data in a way that both allows large-scale data reuse and is economically sustainable. The EuDEco project and this first clustering workshop will provide a platform for the discussion of related questions. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Share their views on the data economy ● Discuss opportunities and challenges ● Provide feedback on solutions and recommendations

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● A motivated User Expert Group for EuDEco ● Visualisations of views on framework conditions and their impact on the data

economy ● A refined description of the EuDEco concept and research framework

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● A model of the European data economy ● Recommendations for laying the ground for a self-sustaining data economy ● An observatory for tracking the development of the data economy

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Name of Promoter / Coordinator Daniel Bachlechner

Organization Fraunhofer ISI

Email address [email protected]

Current BDVA Membership Status Non-Member

Name of TF/SG which is most related to this in BDVA structure – eg TF1.SG3


Title of the Parallel Session/Working Group: EuDEco - Towards Self-Sustaining Data Reuse in Europe Objectives: Companies, government bodies and academic institutions face the issue of finding the right model for collecting, storing, curating and publishing data in a way that both allows large-scale data reuse and is economically sustainable. The EuDEco project and this first clustering workshop will provide a platform for the discussion of related questions. Expectations: In this session, participants will be able to:

● Share their views on the data economy ● Discuss opportunities and challenges ● Provide feedback on solutions and recommendations

Outcomes at Summit: The expected tangible outcomes of this session are:

● A motivated User Expert Group for EuDEco ● Visualisations of views on framework conditions and their impact on the data

economy ● A refined description of the EuDEco concept and research framework

Outcomes beyond summit: The expected tangible outcomes following this session are:

● A model of the European data economy ● Recommendations for laying the ground for a self-sustaining data economy ● An observatory for tracking the development of the data economy

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5. Exhibition corner

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5.1 CINI Company: CINI - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica

Company logo:

Contacts: Donato Malerba - [email protected]

Fabrizio Riguzzi – [email protected] Andrea Maurino – [email protected]

Title: Vi-POC: Predicting the output of renewable energy production plants

Description: The project Vi-POC aims at designing and implementing a prototype which is able to predict the output power of renewable energy production plants distributed on a wide territory. Due to the heterogeneity and the high volume of data, Vi-POC exploits suitable Big Data analysis techniques. The demo (web application) will show the Vi-POC prototype

The demo aims at presenting two web sites for performing inference for probabilistic logics:

The first - - performs inference with probabilistic logic programs

The second - - performs inference with probabilistic description logics under the distribution semantics.

The demonstration (web application) will show the results of a disambiguation algorithm able to identify possible different meanings of a given named entity (e.g. McDonald:Restaurant, Politician, Corporation) in user generated contents. Each entity will be subsequently associated to its corresponding description in a knowledge base.

The demonstration (web application) will show the results of a scalable algorithm for detecting communities and their leaders in a social network, taking into account both network relationships and user-generated contents.

The demonstration (web application) will show the results of a scalable algorithm for detecting communities and their leaders in a social network, taking into account both network relationships and user-generated contents

The demo (web application) will show how create a summary of a given linked dataset The summary shows in a compact way not only the knowledge represented in the dataset, but also its frequency. The summary is exported as RDF too so that it is possible to query via SPARQL or to browse for exploring data

Find more info:

Demo currently available at:

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5.2 OPTIQUE Company: Project Optique

Company logo:

Contacts: Tore Hartvigsen –[email protected]

Arild Waaler – [email protected]

Title: Scalable End-user Access to Big Data

Description: Optique is a large-scale integrating EU project (IP) under FP7-ICT Objective 4.4 Intelligent Information Management. The programme runs over 4 years (Start December 2012). Optique will bring about a paradigm shift for data access by providing a semantic end-to-end connection between users and data sources enabling users to rapidly formulate intuitive queries using familiar vocabularies and conceptualizations seamlessly integrating data spread across multiple distributed data sources, including streaming sources exploiting massive parallelism for scalability far beyond traditional RDBMSs and thus reducing the turnaround time for information requests to minutes rather than days These objectives will be achieved by bringing together leading experts and cutting edge technology from diverse communities to develop an extensible platform that will provide a complete and generic solution to the data access challenges posed by Big Data. The platform will: Use an ontology and declarative mappings to capture user

conceptualizations and to transform user queries into complete, correct and highly optimized queries over the data sources;

Integrate distributed heterogeneous sources, including streams;

Exploit massively parallel technologies and holistic optimizations to maximize performance;

Include tools to support query formulation and ontology and mapping management;

Use semi-automatic bootstrapping of ontologies and mappings and query-driven ontology construction to minimize installation overhead.

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5.3 Technical University of Denmark Company: Technical University of Denmark - DTU

Company logo:

Contacts: Bjarne Kjaer Ersboell – [email protected]

Title: Research, innovation and education in Big Data

Description: DTU is a leading university focused on engineering sciences and technology, renowned for its business-oriented approach, its focus on sustainability and its modern and attractive study environment. DTU offers BSc, MSc and PhD degree programmes in all engineering disciplines of the highest international standard. Research involving Big Data is carried out in 19 departments, for example in the fields of bio- and life science, energy, material and nanoscience, climate and environment research. Of 5,700 employees, more than half are researchers. DTU is the biggest recipient of EU R&I funding in Denmark. DTU is clearly strong both generically and application-wise in Big Data. Recently both a Big Data/Data Science and a Cyber Security educational track – developed in collaboration with the industry - have been released.

Find more info:

5.4 Engineering Company: Engineering Ingegneria Informatica

Company logo:

Contacts: Stefano Scamuzzo – [email protected]

Title: Engineering Group’s value proposition for Big Data Analytics

Description: Engineering Group - the leading Italian software and services company, full member of BDVA - presents its integrated offer and value proposition for Big Data with continued commitment to both research and technological innovation, including service and social innovation. In particular SpagoBI - the 100% open source suite for Big Data and Business Analytics – is presented through live demos and presentations which show how it supports exploration of Big data sources, data federation and social/sentiment analysis through its new generation BI capabilities, such as interactive cockpits, advanced charts and network analysis.

Find more info:

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5.5 INDRA Company: Indra Sistemas

Company logo:

Contacts: Nuria Gómez Rojo – [email protected]

Title: Creating Big Data capacities with Indra solutions

Description: Indra solutions include three major components:

SOFIA2: Sofia offers a semantic interoperability platform, which allows to exchange information among several systems and devices by offering a semantic platform which allows to integrate information from real world and make it available for intelligent applications using Big Data techniques. It can be used in Smart Cities, Smart Energy, Smart Home, Smart Health, Smart Banking, Smart T&T, Smart Retail, Smart Tourism, etc.

Analytics Lab is Indra raw data repository and the laboratory of synthetic variables which help to explain behaviors. Nowadays it keeps data from enquiries, tests; equipment and trends; expenditure data and consumption profile; income data and activity; home and business data; population census and places to live; cartography.

Combination of Analytics Lab and Sofia2 are the seed for i-Space specialized in socio demographic data which can be applied to many sectors.

GPaaS is a cloud native platform which includes applications server, non structured data base, BPM technologies, portal and middleware combined with tools to develop, deploy and run applications and services. It provides a wide variety of cloud characteristics as it can be elastic scalability, self-provisioning, multitenancy at application server and database level and application server related features.

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5.6 OW2

Company: OW2

Company logo:

Contacts: Catherine Nuel – [email protected]

Title: OW2 Big Data Initiative: Community-driven Generation of Big Data Open Source Tools

Description: OW2 is an independent industry community dedicated to developing open source code infrastructure. The OW2 Big Data Initiative attracts a vibrant ecosystem around open source Big Data and Business Intelligence technologies, by identifying and working on actual business scenarios in which these technologies can bring valuable results. The initiative also focuses on Open Data, as a primary source of information. The initiative members work together to develop both technical integration between projects and business synergies in order to address specific needs related to Big Data.

Find more info:

5.7 Scaperwiki

Company: ScraperWiki

Company logo:

Contacts: Aine McGuire – [email protected]

Title: Data engineers and scientists who use artificial intelligence to bring the true power of computers to everyone

Description: ScraperWiki is a Liverpool technology company that offers software and services to solve data problems. We’re data engineers and scientists who use artificial intelligence to bring the true power of computers to everyone. We work with organisations to automate data flows, improve data skills, and ensure that data systems are grounded in user needs.

We’ll analyse and improve your business data flows.

We build data rich web applications.

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We’ve a team of highly qualified scientists.

We'll demonstrate projects incl. UN OCHA (, UK Cabinet Office, Civil Service People Survey (, the Office for National Statistics DataBaker project, and a project re: trade legalisation for the OECD. We will also talk about our FP7 #NewsReader project which builds structured event indexes of large volumes of financial and economic news articles for decision making.

Find more info:

5.8 Synergic partners Company: Synergic Partners

Company logo:

Contacts: Carla Martinez / Marketing Manager /

[email protected] / +34647648133

Title: Connecting Data with Business

Description: Synergic Partners is a strategic and technology consultancy founded in 2007, specialized in the fields of Big Data, Data Science and Data Engineering with the aim to turn companies' information into strategic assets for the business. Synergic Partners, with offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Zurich applies experience and industry specific knowledge to develop high-value solutions. The firm aims to be the trusted partner for it's client companies in the implementation of strategic business initiatives where Big Data is the key factor to success.

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5.9 SINTEF Company: SINTEF

Company logo:

Contacts: Dumitru Roman – [email protected]

Title: Reusable data transformations and SINTEF’s data-related projects portfolio

Description: The exhibition will consist of some of SINTEF's data-related technologies and projects portfolio. The exhibition will show a few small posters on four data-related projects:

DaPaaS (Data-and-Platform-as-a-Service for Open Data):

proDataMarket (Enabling the property data marketplace for novel data-driven business products):

SmartOpenData (Linked Open Data for environment protection in Smart Regions):

Infrarisk (Novel indicators for identifying critical INFRAstructure at RISK from Natural Hazards):

The exhibition will include a demonstration of the approach for reusable data transformations currently developed by SINTEF as part of the above mentioned projects

Find more info:

5.10 STRATIO BIG DATA Company: Stratio Big Data

Company logo:

Contacts: Steve Galache – [email protected]

Title: Making Big Data child’s play

Description: Stratio’s aim is to make Big Data child’s play. The company offers a 360º platform as well as Stratio Analytics and Stratio Real-time to cover specific use cases. Stratio is the first Spark platform released and one of a handful of certified distributions. We focus on time to value, reducing it with agile methodologies and a second to none platform.

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5.11 TU Berlin

Company: TU Berlin / Berlin Big Data Center

Company logo:

Contacts: Christoph Boden([email protected])

Jack Thoms ([email protected])

Title: Apache Flink: A fast, scalable, and declarative open-source platform for Big Data Analytics

Description: Apache Flink ( is an open source software stack for scalable big data analytics developed as top level project of the Apache Software Foundation with numerous European contributors. Having evolved from the Stratosphere project (, Apache Flink’s provides a declarative query language and both: batch and real-time stream processing capabilities. Furthermore, Flink provides treatment of user-defined functions as first-class citizens, automatic program parallelization and optimization, support for iterative programs, and an efficient, scalable execution engine. In this manner, Flink enables data scientists to focus on their respective problem and relieves them from scalable systems programming details.

Find more info:

5.12 VTT Company: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd

Company logo:

Contacts: Caj Södergård (in Big Data issues) – [email protected]

Title: Book recommendation system

Description: VTT – Technology for business VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is the leading research and technology company in the Nordic countries. It uses its own research and knowledge to provide expert services for domestic and international customers and partners, and for both private and public sectors. VTT uses 4,000,000 hours of brainpower a year to develop new technological solutions. In particular we will show how our UPCV recommendation algorithm is supporting the book recommendation system used by many libraries in Finland.

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5.13 ZED Company: ZED

Company logo:

Contacts: Fernando Pérez – [email protected]

Title: InGraph: the power of graphs

Description: Zed is the leading company in advanced mobile services with over 18 years experience. Its Big Data technology platform offers personalized services to each customer’s needs. Based in Spain, Zed operates in 70 countries across all 5 continents and has agreements with more than 170 large companies. What is InGraph? Big Data Product

Model, process and analyze Big Graphs. Ability to work over real business scale graphs

Data Science New algorithms and insights defined by experts in graph theory and business requirements

Business language Translate complex network metrics into Business Insights, with:

Powerful visualizations

Actionable Insights for real time integration into business production

Find more info:

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6. Sponsors

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Innovations are the foundation of our company and ensure its long-term success.

For nearly 170 years, ground-breaking technologies and business models built upon these

technologies have been the cornerstone of our success – innovations that, by their very

nature, do not simply offer new ideas but actually set new market standards for products,

solutions, and services. Innovations are what allowed our company to expand from a

start-up in a Berlin courtyard to a leading-edge global enterprise, and innovations are the

ingredients of a successful future – for our company, for our customers, and for society.

Corporate Technology (CT), as the central research and development arm of Siemens, has

a critical role to play here. Under the leadership of the Chief Technology Officer and in

partnership with the operating units, CT develops the technology and innovation strategy

of Siemens, creates and industrializes basic technologies, promotes business excellence

through consulting and engineering services, and protects the company’s intellectual


Scientists and engineers of all stripes, mathematicians, and software developers at CT

work hand in hand with the business units to identify the technologies of tomorrow and

leverage them in support of our businesses. Our aim is to ensure that our developments

prevail in the marketplace and become true innovations.

Corporate Technology is both a creative driver of disruptive innovations and a partner to

the Siemens businesses with high-quality research, development, and consulting services.

In many research projects, we work closely with scholars from leading universities and

research institutions. These partnerships, along with our close collaboration with start-

ups, are an important element of our open innovation concept developed to make the

company even more innovative.

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We’re data engineers and scientists who use

artificial intelligence to bring the true power of

computers to everyone.

We’ll analyse and improve your business

data flows. We make processes more

efficient. We’ll introduce automation,

we’ll give you cleaner data flows, and

we’ll help you draw new insights from

your data.

We build data rich web applications.

We’re experienced in building websites which front large collections of data. This

gives the user the power to explore and understand the data, to reuse and repurpose it and to visualise it in imaginative ways. We’ve a team of highly qualified scientists who are able to understand and implement complex analysis in natural language processing, machine learning, quantitative analysis, and artificial intelligence. Our customers include the UK Government Cabinet Office, Office for National Statistics (UK), UN OCHA, OECD, Unilever, and ASICS. We're part of a successful ongoing FP7 project, @newsreader and we are in the @Timon Horizon 2020 project.

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The CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic

Energy Commission (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique

et aux énergies alternatives). The CEA is active in four

main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security,

information technologies and health technologies. In

each of these fields, the CEA maintains a cross-

disciplinary culture of engineers and researchers,

building on the synergies between fundamental and

technological research.

CEA Tech, as the CEA’s technology research unit, (3

Labs: Leti, Liten and List) develops a portfolio of

technologies for ICTs, energy, and healthcare. CEA Tech leverages a unique innovation-driven

culture and expertise to develop and disseminate new technologies for industry, bridging the gap

between research and business.

Within CEA Tech, CEA LIST institute carries out research on digital systems. Its R&D programs, all

based on major economic and social implications focuses, deal with advanced manufacturing,

embedded systems, ambient intelligence and ionizing radiation control for health applications.

Regarding big data, CEA LIST institute develops algorithms and software tools for a great variety of

data analysis and processing. Our researchers make exploitable data sets through advanced raw

signal processing methods and automated learning statistical models allowing developing results

analysis or decision making support tools.

CEA LIST institute develops non structured data automated analysis and description tools for

knowledge extraction and delivery to the user under the form of an exploitable synthesis. We work

on texts for translation, summary or social networks scanning purposes, on image search and

indexation, on documents semantic processing or media flows.

Our Assets are

Ability to process complex or heterogeneous data and large-scale data volume management

Generic know-how capitalised through algorithmic bricks and reusable software platforms

Information extraction and structuring for operational use

Time patterns extraction and dictionary learning

Massive data visualisation and e-learning on status or behavioural statistical models

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Founded in 2002, Answare is a Spanish ICT-based SME operating in national

and international markets. The portfolio includes the provision of ICT consultancy services and development of turn-key

and R&D projects in a large spectrum of technological sectors (ICT, Telecommunications, AeroSpace, Defence, eHealth,

Energy and Tourism). Answare has various lines of R&D: Software & Services Engineering, Monitoring and control

systems, Decision making systems (expert systems), Augmented Reality, 3D models, Optimization and Planning, Security,

Mobility, and Geospatial Information Systems (GIS). Answare has been involved in R&D projects at european level for

FP6, FP7 and EUREKA clusters (ITEA2 / Software & Services, CELTIC / Telecommunications and EUROSTARS / SMEs), at

national level (Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Science) and also

at regional level (Innovation Plan from the Madrid Community). Answare also provides active support in R&D&i issues to

national institutions and associations such as the Centre for the Development of Technology and Industry (CDTI) and the

Chamber of Commerce of the Madrid Community.

Answare is very active in national and European initiatives around Software & Services, being member of the Board and

Steering Committee of NESSI (European Technological Platform for Software & Services - and

being member of the Board of Directors of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA - Answare is also

member of PLANETIC, the NESSI mirror in Spain

Founded in 1987, ATC is an Information Technology Company (SME) offering solutions

and services targeting specific sectors incl. the Media, Banking and Retail Sectors, Utilities

and Public Sector Organisations as well as horizontal solutions focusing on Content

Management, Enterprise Software, Web Applications, Human Capital Resource

Management and eLearning, and Mobile Applications. The activities of the Company span

among several countries in EU, Eastern Europe and CIS countries, as well as the Balkans. Central to the Company’s

strategy is the conduction of vivid Research and Development, focusing both in improving current Products and Solutions,

as well as in exploring new technologies for future growth. All ATC own products and services are based on early

prototypes and/or “proof of concept” obtained through R&D Projects, whether funded by the Company, the Greek State

or the European Commission. The ATC Innovation Lab ( carries more than 25 years of expertise in

Research and Development. The focus is on innovation aspects, which are often overshadowed by research concerns, and

on turning promising ideas into concrete and robust products, in a cost and time-efficient manner.

ATC, is a partner in the NESSI ETP ( and a full member in the Big Data Value Association


CINI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica,

is a consortium of 41 public Italian universities which promotes and coordinates

scientific activities of research and technological transfer, both basic and applicative,

in Computer Science and Computer Engineering, by involving 1,300+ professors.

Established in 1989, it is under the supervision of the competent Italian Ministry for

University and Research. CINI is submitted to the periodic quality evaluation of its research activities by ANVUR, the

Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research.

CINI is currently equipped with six network-structured National Labs, one of which is the Big Data Lab. The CINI Big Data

Lab is an Italian expertise centre for the development of knowledge and technologies in the fields of Big Data and Data

Science. The Lab is structured in 33 nodes distributed over the country, for a total of 300 permanent

researchers/professors. The nodes correspond to 33 Italian universities which belong to the CINI consortium. The

research addressed in the CINI Big Data Lab ranges from methodological to applicative and technological topics. CINI is a

founding member of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA).

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DTU is a leading university focused on engineering sciences and technology,

renowned for its business-oriented approach, its focus on sustainability and

its modern and attractive study environment. DTU offers BSc, MSc and PhD

degree programmes in all engineering disciplines of the highest international

standard. Of 5,700 employees, more than half are researchers. DTU is the

biggest recipient of EU R&I funding in Denmark.

Research involving Big Data is carried out in 19 departments, for example in the fields of bio- and life science, energy,

material and nanoscience, climate and environment research.

All relevant topics along the Big Data value chain are covered in a generic sense by DTU ranging from: sensors which

collect the data, over data transmission strategies, to data storage technologies and technics, and further to the

development and application of algorithms which can analyze the data flow and finally visualize the results and aid the

final interpretation and decision support. A key issue along the whole value chain is the challenge of privacy. Recently

both a Big Data/Data Science and a Cyber Security educational track – developed in collaboration with the industry - have

been released.

DTU is a full member of BDVA. DTU is leading the Data Analytics subgroup of Task Force 6 ´Technical’ as well as work in

the application area of Agrifood.

Insight is Ireland’s leading research centre for the study of Data Analytics. In a joint

initiative between Dublin City University, NUI Galway, University College Cork and

University College Dublin, Insight brings together more than 300 researchers from

these and other Higher Education institutions, with 150+ industry partners, to position

Ireland at the heart of global data analytics research.

Supported by Science Foundation Ireland and industry partners, Insight focuses on new ways to capture and understand

data from the world around us, make better decisions for people, communities and industry, and create a more informed

society in a healthier, more productive world.

Insight is a founding member of BDV Association and is leading Task Force 1 – Programme.

ITI is a Private Technology Centre specialized in R&I in Information and

Communication Technologies (ICT). It was established in 1994 by a joint

initiative of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), the Institute of

Small and Medium Enterprises of Valencia (IMPIVA, now IVACE), and a

group of companies in the IT sector. With a team of 150 technicians, ITI develops their research activity in five main areas:

i) infrastructures for data collection and communication (Wireless Sensor networks, Industrial Communications), ii) Cyber

Physical Systems (Embedded Software, Real Time Systems, Safety Critical Systems), iii) Infrastructures for Data

Management (Cloud Computing, Databases, Interoperability), iv) Information analysis and visualization (Pattern

recognition, Context Awareness, Machine Learning), and v) Optimization (Forecasting, Scheduling, Routing), contributing

to generate solutions for its three main Business Units: a) Intelligent manufacturing, b)Intelligent society and c) IT


ITI is founding member of BDV Association and is leading Task Force 4 – Communications.

Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with sales of 39 billion euros in 2014

and 155,000 employees worldwide at 31 March 2015, including 98,000 employees in France. Present in

29 countries, the Group has a total customer base of 247 million customers worldwide at 31 March

2015, including 188 million mobile customers and 16 million fixed broadband customers. Orange is also

a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies, under the

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brand Orange Business Services. In March 2015, the Group presented its new strategic plan “Essentials2020” which places

customers’ needs at the heart of its strategy with the aim of allowing them to benefit fully from the digital universe and

the power of its new generation networks.

Royal Philips is a diversified health and well-being company, focused on improving

people’s lives through meaningful innovation in the areas of Healthcare, Consumer

Lifestyle and Lighting. Philips posted 2013 sales of EUR 23.3 billion with sales and

services in more than 100 countries. The innovation is central to Philips. In 2013,

Philips invested EUR 1.7 billion in Research and Development. The company is a leader in cardiac care, acute care and

home healthcare, energy efficient lighting solutions and new lighting applications, as well as male shaving and grooming

and oral healthcare. As a global leader in health care, we focus on delivering the most technologically advanced products

and solutions that improve and expand care around the world. We harness the power of clinical information by providing

clinicians and health care providers with real-time information all in one place – across modalities, time zones and

technologies – for more confident decision-making and efficient workflow. Philips is becoming a big data company

focusing on data-driven digital services and solutions. In BDVA Philips is the leader of the application task force (TF7).

SINTEF is the largest independent not-profit research organization in

Scandinavia. We create value and innovation through knowledge and

solutions that are brought into practical use. SINTEF is a multidisciplinary

research institute with international top-level expertise in technology, medicine and the social sciences. We are 2100 staff

from 70 different countries. In 2014, we performed about 5300 projects for some 3600 customers. More than 90 percent

of our turnover is won in open competition; Basic grants make up around six percent of our turnover; around 20 percent

of our turnover derives from international contracts in 63 countries.

SINTF's goal is to be a world-leading research institute. We create value and develop solutions to some of society's grand

challenges by being at the forefront of our strategic focus areas: Renewable energy, climate- and environmental

technology; Oil and gas; Ocean space technology; Health and welfare; and Enabling technologies. SINTEF is a founding

member of the BDVA and is a member of the BDV PPP Partnership Board, and lead Task Force 6 – Technical Priorities.

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7. Participants profiles

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Sven Abels ([email protected]) – Ascora GmbH – Germany Sven Abels received a Bachelor degree (BSc), Master's degree (Dipl.-Inform) and a PhD Degree (Dr.) from the University of Oldenburg, Germany. He is one of the founders of the International Journal of Interoperability in Business Information Systems (IBIS). Sven organized several international workshops and has over 40 publications in journals, proceedings and books. Sven received several awards and honours in the last years. Sven has been working as a consultant for international companies and has been involved in a broad number of international projects. Since 2007, Sven focuses as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Ascora GmbH on initiating products in the ICT domain, helping Ascora’s clients to exceed their boundaries. His research and business interests are on smart business solutions offering end-to-end integration of IT systems for customers in the health and manufacturing industries.

Manar ABOUREZQ ([email protected]) - Faculty of Sciences, University Mohamed Morocco Software engineering diploma from ENSIAS - University of Mohamed 5 (2009) PhD student - University of Mohamed 5 (since January 2013)

Sergio Albani ([email protected]) - European Union Satellite Centre Mr. Sergio Albani is a Project Administrator at the European Union Satellite Centre in charge of coordinating the Research, Technology Development & Innovation (RTDI) area, managing RTDI projects on incoming issues such as Big Data, ensuring the participation to R&I programmes such as Horizon 2020 and establishing cooperation with key international organisations in the field of Space such as ESA, GEO and CEOS. José F. Aldana Montes ([email protected]) - Universidad de Málaga – Spain Prof. José F. Aldana-Montes (Male) holds the BSc. and MSc degrees in Computer Science, and the PhD degree in Computer Science. Currently, he is a Full Professor at the University of Malaga, and has been involved in a number of national and international research projects as senior researcher. His research activity is focused on the application of database technologies to the Semantic Web, Web of Data and Big Data Anlytics. He has participated in many conferences and most of his work has been published in international journals and conferences, with more than 200 published papers (95 journal papers). He has participated in several innovation and knowledge transfer contracts with companies, and he

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is co-founder of a technological start-up, GTIC, in the application of semantic technologies for content recommendation. Daniel Aleman Hernandez ([email protected]) - IBM – Poland An accomplished Computer Engineer specialized in business and enterprise management with strong abilities in: Software support, QA engineering, data mining, business intelligence, functional system analysis, ISO & W3C standards compliance evaluation and big data infrastructure examination. Felipe Alonso Atienza ([email protected]) – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – Spain Telecommunication Engineer + PhD in Machine Learning and Signal Processing. Senior researcher and senior lecturer. My numbers: +15 scientific journal papers, 2 public funding projects leader (+30 as researcher), h-index = 9, +12 years of experience as lecturer (both Bsc and Msc Telecommunications subjects). Passionate data scientist. Highly motivated and fast learner. Moving from academia to real world problems. Always looking for new challenges. Specializations: data storing (MongoDB), data wrangling and manipulation (python, R, Matlab, Gephi), and data visualization (d3.js, python netwotkx, shinyR). Big data technologies (Hadoop, MapReduce). Antonio Alfaro ([email protected]) – Answare – Spain Expert in public and private funding for innovation projects and companies. Telecommunication Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) and manager of international projects in Answare. He is an expert on innovation management having coordinated more than 15 European R&D projects in the fields of ICT, energy, health or eco-innovation. He has been responsible for secretariat activities in European technology platforms such as NEM and ISI. He is also former vicechairman of CENELEC TC-206 and other standardisation groups as well as DVB representative for Latin America. Federico Alvarez ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain Dr. Federico Alvarez is Telecom Engineer with honours and Ph. D., both by UPM. Currently, he is an associate professor in UPM and develops his research within the Visual Telecommunications Applications group (GATV) of UPM. He has coordinated and/or participated in several EU-funded projects. He coordinates the FI-PPP project FI-LINKS, and in the past the projects INFINITY, nextMEDIA and ARENA. Also he has been participating in numerous projects in FP7 such as the XIFI, SEA, AWISSENET, RESCUER, SIMPLE and many Spanish funded projects. He was the chairman of the Future Media Internet Architecture Think Tank, of the European Commission and he had taken part in standardisation bodies such as DVB or CENELEC TC206. He is author and co-author of (70+) papers in journals, conferences and books in the field of Audio Visual technologies and Media analysis. Aitor Arnaiz ([email protected]) - IK4-Tekniker – Spain Head of the intelligent information systems unit at IK4-Tekniker, where he works since 1991, having participated and led more than 15 international projects. He holds an MSc on ‘Applied Artificial Intelligence’ at Aberdeen University and a PhD at Sunderland Univ. (‘Development of Artificial Intelligence Technologies to support automation of condition monitoring tasks’). During last 5 years he has also been head of the diagnostics and prediction unit and responsible of the research line in maintenance and reliability at Tekniker. Has published more than 75 refereed papers in international journals and conferences.

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Alessandro Arrigo ([email protected]) - 3rdplace Partner digital intelligence 3rd place/ Representative SSIX project (Participant to EuDEco workshop)

Sören Auer ([email protected]) - Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e. V. German Sören heads the Enterprise Information Systems group at the computer science department at University of Bonn. He is also member of the leadership council of Fraunhofer-Insitute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS) and scientific head of the Fraunhofer IAIS department Organized Knowledge. Before joining University of Bonn and Fraunhofer IAIS in 2013, Sören is coordinator of the H2020 project BigDataEurope. Dario Avallone ([email protected]) - Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa – Italy Research and Development Director, member of the BDVA Board Olivier Avaro ([email protected]) - Institut Mines-Telecom Olivier Avaro, CEO & Founder of Skyrods, works with established organizations to support their strategic & “intrapreneurial” initiatives as well as with SME & start-ups to support their business innovations. In his current position, Olivier Avaro supports the IMT in their Big Data strategic positioning. He draws upon the network he developed during his 20+ carrier working with brands like Orange, Deutsche Telekom, Streamezzo, or Amdocs and his 10+ years’ successful experience in executive management of international innovative businesses. Olivier developed solid technology foundations through international industry leadership serving as Chairman of the ISO/MPEG Systems committee for 15 years and CTO of Orange Labs where he initiated and lead several disruptive European R&D projects. In his most recent position, Olivier served as Vice President for Amdocs, a leading services provider for telecommunication operators, where he successfully initiated several businesses in the area of Cust.

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William Baaré ([email protected]) – Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance – Denmark Date of birth: 15.06.1961. M.Sc. in Psychology and Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, UMCU, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Current position: Senior researcher at the Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Denmark. My research focuses on the relationship between brain structure and function, and physiological variables, and normal and pathological behaviour, cognitive function, and genetic makeup using multimodal imaging methods, behavioural assessments, and biological measures in healthy and clinical study populations. Specific interest in population neuroscience aimed at identifying multimodel predictors of individual growth, health, potential and productivity, cognitive and physical development and maturation, as well as psychiatric diagnoses. Christine Balch ([email protected]) – TNO - The Netherlands TNO EU manager Networked Information Aimilia Bantouna ([email protected]) - University of Piraeus Research Center (UPRC) – Greece Aimilia Bantouna received her diploma from the School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences of the National Technical University of Athens in 2007. She obtained an MSc in Digital Communications and Networks from the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus in 2010. Since June 2011 she is a Research Engineer at UPRC, where she is also pursuing a PhD in Machine-Learning Techniques of Future Networks. Her current focus is on Big Data for mining important information, building knowledge through machine learning techniques (especially unsupervised ones), visualizing it and extracting valuable insights in many areas/ domains such as telecommunication (management and or customer related), health, energy, resource planning, etc. so as to guide proactive decisions. She has been/is involved in a few international and national research projects.

Jose Carlos Baquero Triguero ([email protected]) – GMV- Spain José Carlos Baquero is a Software Engineering Executive with over eighteen years’ experience in the ITC sector. He leads Big Data & Analytics initiatives for GMV in areas such as Fraud Prevention, Earth Observation, CyberSecurity, Anomaly Detection, etc. Due to his years of experience of designing high performance solutions, Jose Carlos has acquired a high level of expertise in hardware platforms, security and open source solutions. Francisco Barrientos Garcia ([email protected]) - CARTIF – Spain Computer Science Engineer in 2010 and MEng. in 2012, both from the University of Valladolid (Spain). He started as full-time researcher at Computer Vision and Robotics division at CARTIF. Currently working as R&D Project Manager for ICT division at CARTIF. He has collaborated with the 112 Emergency Service of Castilla y León region (Spain), developing technology consultancy tasks and information extraction from the incident database. His main research areas are supervised and unsupervised decision trees. He is

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a doctoral student at the University of Valladolid, where he obtained Research Proficiency Certificate in 2012 and has several publications in reference international journals. Maria Eugenia Beltran ([email protected]) - INMARK EUROPA – Spain Senior Innovation Consultant at INMARK Europa. Information Systems Engineer and MBA in International Management; 15 years of experience as an ICT as senior functional analyst, business intelligence and business strategic consultant in Mayo Clinic, Ford Motors, Banesto and Inmark. Since 2006 performs behavioural-social sciences research applied to usage of emergent technologies (tablets, wearables, sensor based wearables, cloud), education, environment, gaming, telecommunications, banking and other business sectors; as well as participates in ICT strategic market roadmaps, FP6/FP7/H2020 projects where has been responsible for functional analysis and Exploitation of IT project developments in Big Data and other areas.

Abdellatif BENJELLOUN TOUIMI ([email protected]) - Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. – UK Abdellatif Benjelloun Touimi is a Senior Standards Manager within the Corporate Standards and Industry Department at Huawei Technologies (UK), where he is responsible for Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Multimedia areas. He has been involved a number of Cloud standards and Big Data activities and initiatives, including DMTF, ETSI TC Cloud, ETSI Cloud Standards Coordination, and more recently the ISO/IEC JTC1 WG9 on Big Data. Previously, Abdellatif was with Orange Labs, first in France and then in the UK, where he conducted researches on several Multimedia Communication topics and also Mobile Cloud Computing. He was also responsible for Open Innovation within the UK research ecosystem and was active in standardization bodies since 2001. During his career, Abdellatif also participated in different collaborative research projects. Abdellatif received a PhD in Signal and Image Processing from Télécom ParisTech, France, and an MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, USA. Fadila Bentayeb ([email protected]) - ERIC Lab - University of Lyon – France Fadila Bentayeb received her qualification for supervising research (HDR - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in french) from the University of Lyon 2, France in November, 24, 2011. Before, she received her Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Orléans, France in 1998. She joined the University of Lyon 2, France in 1999 as a temporary assistant professor and became Associate Professor in 2001. She is head of Decision support information systems research team (SID: Systèmes d'Information Décisionnels in french) at ERIC Lab since 2012. Her current research interests regard Big Data Analytics, NoSQL databases and data warehouses, OLAP analysis in Social Networks, Text Warehouses, Text OLAP, and personalization in data warehouses. David Bernstein ([email protected]) - IBM Israel - Science & Technology Ltd – Israel David Bernstein is currently the Program Manager of Technology Collaboration between IBM Research Division and institutions in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries. As part of this job, David is in frequent contacts with local IBM organizations in CEE, as well as he is in charge of developing collaboration opportunities with universities, government institutions and commercial companies in these countries. In addition, David is overseeing IBM’s participation in European collaboration projects in the context of the EU Horizon 2020 framework. David is IBM’s representative in the EU NESSI and BDVA working groups.

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Concha Bielza ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain Concha Bielza received the M.S. degree in Mathematics from Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 1989 and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, in 1996 (extraordinary doctorate award). She is currently a Full Professor of Statistics and Operations Research with the Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Her research interests are primarily in the areas of probabilistic graphical models, decision analysis, metaheuristics for optimization, data mining, classification models, and real applications, like biomedicine, bioinformatics and neuroscience. She has published more than 100 papers in impact factor journals and has supervised 9 PhD theses. She has been awared the 2014 Technical University of Madrid Research Prize. Maria Silvia Boi ([email protected]) -Engineering Ingegneria Informatica – Italy Responsible of Creativity, content and media area in the Business Development Unit of the Research and Innovation Dept. Her skills lie in managing ICT European and National projects mainly in digital content and the digital media sector. Specialised expertise to: Project organisation, EU programme expertise, Web Publishing, market planning, and market analysis focused on innovative technology. She delivers high-level of marketing and communications strategies on various initiatives dealing with ICT and in particular Digital libraries, digital content preservation, new media & multimodal interaction and audiovisual search. She was involved in the promotion, coordination and participation to many projects about a wide range of ICT fields. She was Board Director of BRICKS, CALLAS, CASPAR and ASSETS projects all of them are projects in the CH and Media domain. She is the scientific responsible of Dicet –Inmoto: LivingLab for Culture and Tourism. She is member of the NEM Steering Board. Christoph Boden ([email protected]) – TU Berlin DIMA – Germany Christoph Boden is a research associate at the Database Systems and Information Management Group of Prof. Dr. Volker Markl at Technical University of Berlin. His research foci are scalable data analysis and natural language processing technologies. He received his master’s degree ("Diplom-Ingenieur") at the Technische Universität Berlin in 2011, after studying Industrial Engineering at Technische Universität Dresden, Technische Universität Berlin and UC Berkeley. Mr. Boden has published several refereed scientific papers at prestigious international conferences and workshops and held lectures on Scalable Data Analytics and Text Mining at a graduate level. Freek Bomhof ([email protected]) – TNO - The Netherlands Background in digital pattern recognition. Previous experience as researcher and project manager in many different fields; multimedia, innovation management, business processes. Has coordinated the Big Data research program within TNO for a number of years. Involved in many Big Data projects within TNO. David Botzer ([email protected]) - IBM- Israel Aerospace & Defense 1992-1999 Management roles in IBM Research since 1999 PhD in Computer Science & Information Management from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Expertize: Location Services, Smart Mobile Platforms, Event-driven Systems, Operational Decision Management, Analytics

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Jean-Michel BOUCHET ([email protected]) - Thales Communications & Security – France R&T Engineer Topics of interrests: - Big analytics and Visual analytics - Big data usage and services: law enforcement, transport, security, social networks, bank, security on internet, - Communications & Security - Involved in ETP Networld2020, BDVA, ECSEL, - Involved in all kind of collaborative programmes in France and Europe.

Omar Boussaid ([email protected]) - University of Lyon – France Full professor in computer science at the University Lyon 2, France. He received his PhD degree in computer science from the University of Lyon 1, in 1988. He received the accreditation to supervise research in 2006 at the University Lumière Lyon 2. His main research subjects are Big Data Warehousing, distributed multidimensional databases and OLAP. His current research concerns complex data warehousing and mining, the use of ontologies within complex data warehousing, social OLAP with the detection and analysis of communities, data warehouses and OLAP on the cloud, using the MapReduce paradigm and NoSQL databases to create OLAP cubes in the cloud. Oisin Boydell ([email protected]) – CeADAR – Ireland I am a lead researcher with CeADAR (Centre for Applied Data Analytics Research) based at University College Dublin. My areas of expertise are real-time analytics, machine learning and recommender systems. I lead industry defined data analytics research projects in collaboration with CeADAR's industry partner companies. I hold a PhD in Computer Science and have a number of years of experience working in big data analytics in the telecoms industry. Marco Breda ([email protected]) - Engineering Group – Italy Marco Breda Dr. is responsible for Data Mining and Business Analytics in the Big Data Competence Centre of Engineering. His experiences include telecommunication networks, data warehouses and data mining, both from application and research perspectives, with several publications in international journals.

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Javier Cabrera ([email protected]) - Gigigo – Spain Involved in cutting edge technology organizations for 7 years, leading Innovation, R&D and Business Developement areas. Jorge Calderon ([email protected]) – ZED - Spain More than 30 years of international experience in the Digital Technology Sector ( Spain, Europe, USA, Latam, Russia and former Soviet Union countries). He serves 14 years as member of ZED Worldwide Board of Directors. He is also a Board Member in Unitronics Telecomunicaciones and Mevion Technologies, Member of the Board of Trustees in U-TAD (University Digital Technology & Arts) and member of the Investment Committee of Fond-ICO PYME (an ICO’s fund). He has served 10 years as managing partner of a Private Equity firm (Inova Capital SCR), 7 years in AT&T and Lucent Technologies Spain as managing director and 5 years in Corporacion IBV as managing directors of one of its companies. Academic: BSc & MSc in Engineering, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, and a MBA, IESE (Barcelona). Aida Calviño Martínez ([email protected]) - Universitat Rovira i Virgili – Spain Aida Calviño is a post-doctoral researcher at the University Rovira i Virgili. She received her B.Sc. degree in Statistics from the Complutense University of Madrid, in 2010. She also received her M.Sc. from the University of Santiago de Compostela and her from the University of Cantabria in 2011 and 2013, respectively. She has been a visiting Ph. D. student at McMaster University (Canadá) and visiting researcher at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (China) and West Paraná State University (Brasil). Her research interests include statistics, operation research and its applications, mainly to engineering, as well as anonymization and privacy-preserving techniques. National and International Abertis Chair Prize for her Ph.D. thesis, she has also been awarded, at the undergraduate level, several national and regional prizes, including the Spanish National Award for Excellence in Academic Performance Stuart Campbell ([email protected][email protected]) – BDVA & ICE – The UK Stuart is currently Director and CEO of Information Catalyst (ICE), inaugural Secretary General of the European Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and CTO RDI of listed TIE Kinetix which is a Total Integrated eCommerce provider. He has been involved in the field of e-Business, Software and Data (Commercial, Sales, Marketing, Technical, Research, Standards and Voluntary Organisations) since 1989. Stuart has held notable positions in large and SME organisations, commercial and non-profit. Including: ICL (now Fujitsu) as eBusiness Manager, eBusiness/EDI Workshop manager in the EDIFACT Board (within the European Commission and the European Standards Institute (CEN)), and SME eBusiness consultancy and solutions providers CMASS/Riverland/Vintura. Within these organizations Stuart has been involved in executive management, operations management, sales, marketing, standards, technology, development, group facilitation, dissemination, research and business/technical consultancy. As Technology Visionaire and Director he is

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responsible for defining strategy, tactical planning, operational delivery and portraying technical direction and products including Research, Development and Innovation (RDI). As Secretary General of the BDVA he is responsible for the running of the organisation. He has been involved in / acquired / coordinated multiple RDI projects in EU FP6/7/H2020 Alejandra Campos ([email protected]) - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – Spain Alejandra Campos is a Computer science engineer and a System analyst. She is Research advisor at the International Research Office of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She gives advice to researchers for their participation in international competitive financing programmes, especially on Horizon 2020 pillars of Excellent Science (FET, ERC), Industrial Leadership (ICT, NMP, Space), social challenges (Opportunities interdisciplinary ICT, Transport and Security). She also gives support on other international funding programs such as ESA, NATO, Templeton, Samsung GRO and others Francisco Campuzano Adán ([email protected]) – Answare – Spain Francisco Campuzano obtained the Engineering Degree in Computer Science from Universidad de Murcia in 2009. One year later, in 2010, he obtained the Master Degree in Information Technologies and Advanced Telematics from Universidad de Murcia. Currently, he is finishing his PhD studies. During more than five years in Universidad de Murcia, he has been worked as research fellow in seven national and one international research projects. In addition, during this period he has also obtained a good number of publications in international journals, conferences and books, highlighting 5 JCR papers. Nowadays, he is collaborating with the company Answare-Tech SL, member of the Big Data Value Association, mainly performing research and teaching tasks about different topics. Aline Caranicolas ([email protected]) – CEA – France Industrial Partnership Manager Conrado Castillo Serna ([email protected] )- ROOTER- Spain Degree in Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and PhD in Applied Economics from the Universidad de Alcalá, studying innovation and new technologies as tools for enhancing competitiveness. He is also professor of Strategic Analysis at the University Carlos III of Madrid, at EOI Business School and the School of Telecommunications Engineers. He cooperates with institutions like the Instituto de Empresa and IESE and is member of various European committees and working groups at international level, in the development of the Information Society and Telecommunications. He is currently director of the Master in International on-line e-business of CECO (Centre for economic and commercial studies). Among his many publications, it is worth highlighting the study of "The introduction of new technologies as a source of job creation in SMEs" and his book "Marketing Management Strategies." Álvaro Carrera ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain Álvaro Carrera is a PhD candidate at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He has worked in the industry at Telefónica R&D. His research is focussed on diagnosis systems based on multi-agent systems for telecommunication networks. He has published several papers on topics such as distributed Bayesian reasoning, testing methodologies, and agent architectures. He has taken part in several national and European projects. Esther Casado Moya ([email protected]) - CDTI – Spain

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Part of the NCP group for ICT and SME NCP in H2020 programme Gregory Casier ([email protected]) - Ghent University – Belgium Researcher at Ghent University

Roberto Castillo ([email protected]) - Atos Spain – Spain Software engineer, I implement software solutions for european projects (R & D), at ATOS Research & Innovation (ATOS Spain). Angelo Cavallini ([email protected]) - 3rdplace Software Architect/ SSIX representative (participant to EuDEco workshop) Grazia Cazzin ([email protected]) - Engineering Group (SpagoBI) – Italy Grazia is SpagoBI Labs Director at Engineering Group. With many years of experience in enterprise application development, data modelling, data warehousing, dimensional analysis and business intelligence, she has gained valuable expertise working in several market sectors (industry, finance, public administration), covering several thematic areas (ERP, MRP, MPS, Enterprise Portals, CRM, DWH, BI). Maurizio Cecchi ([email protected]) - Telecom Italy – Italy Head of Collaboration Research Telecom Italia Lab Santi Charramendieta ([email protected]) - IK4-IKERLAN – Spain Dipl. Ing. Santiago Charramendieta (Male) is with IK4-IKERLAN since 1997. In the last years, he has focused his research activities on the engineering of railway control embedded systems based on Model-Driven Product-line approach. At the same time, he has complemented this work with the use of these techniques for wind power control systems in a Cloud Computing environment. He is currently coordinating a research line on Cyber Physical Cloud for wind power scenario. Roberto Corizzo ([email protected]) - CINI Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'informatica – Italy PhD candidate in Computer Science at University of Bari (Italy). Interests in knowledge discovery from stream data, big data analytics and its applications in the energy sector. Eva Alessandra Coscia ([email protected]) - Holonix s.r.l. – Italy Eva Coscia is responsible for Funded Reseaarch and Innovation in Holonix. She has a Master degree and PhD in Computer Science. Since March 2000 she has been In-volved in several European Research Projects in the 5th, 6th and 7th FP as Technical Responsible, Project Manager and coordinator of STREP and IP Projects. Her main interests and competency are in the areas of digital manufacturing, IoT for manufacturing, Technology Enhanced Learning, enterprise networking and interoperability, mobile technologies and applications, Ontologies and Semantic Web, web-based architectures. She is representative of the I3VLab, Italian association for IoT and she is also involved in the AIOTI platform.

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Rui Costa ([email protected]) - Ubiwhere – Portugal Rui A. Costa is the CEO of Ubiwhere, a Portuguese company focused on Smart Cities and one of the founders of the Citibrain initiative, building unified systems for Smart Cities. He is also a member of the BikeEmotion board, a startup building next-generation bike-sharing systems. Edward Curry ([email protected] ) Insight @ NUI Galway – Ireland Edward is a Research Leader the Insight Centre for Data Analytics. Edward has worked extensively with industry and government advising on the adoption patterns, practicalities, and benefits of new technologies. Edward has published over 100 scientific articles in journal, books, and international conferences. He presented at numerous conferences/events and has given invited talks at Berkeley, Stanford, and MIT. In 2010 he was a guest speaker at the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium to an audience of 600+ CIOs and senior IT executives. His research projects include studies of sustainable IT, energy intelligence, semantic information management, event based systems, and collaborative data management. He was a member of the primary contributor team for both the BDV cPPP proposal and the BDV SRIA 1.0 He is a member of the scientific leadership committee of Insight, and was a member of the group to devise the University’s Strategic Plan 2015-2020. He has a PhD from the National University of Ireland.

Davide Dalle Carbonare ([email protected]) - Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa – Italy Davide Dalle Carbonare started his career in Engineering Ingegneria Informatica as web developer in 2005 and became an IT solution architect in 2007. Since 2007 he is working in international EU-funded RTD projects. He focused on project-automation and team-collaboration areas, consolidating on these, an effective experience with tools and methods. Since 2011 he is involved in the FI-PPP: work package leader in FIWARE and FI-Core; in XIFI he coordinates the technical activities of the Engineering team; he is responsible of the FIWARE Catalogue and FIWARE Academy services. Since 2015 he participates to the Activity Group of the Big Data Value Association where Engineering Ingegneria Informatica is Full Member. IN: TW: @davdalle Mariana Damova ([email protected]) – Mozaika Dr. Mariana Damova is the CEO of Mozaika, a company providing research and solutions in the field of data science, reasoning with natural language semantics, and natural human computer interfaces, creativity enhancing applications, and research infrastructures for the humanities. Previously, she was a Business development Manager and a Knowledge Management Expert specializing in ontology engineering and linked data management at Ontotext. She was instrumental in the successful winning and knowledge modelling of large

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data integration and management projects such as the Semantic Knowledge Base for The National Archive of the United Kingdom and Research Space for the British Museum, as well as European FP7 projects such as Europeana Creative and Multisensor. Her work focuses on the design and development of data integration infrastructures which allow efficient querying, access and navigation over linked data. She has managed the building of the official experimental Europeana SPARQL end Pierre-Yves Danet ([email protected]) – Orange Labs - France Pierre-Yves DANET is a graduate of a High French engineer school, he has been involved in many ISDN standardisation activities before taking charge of Home services development within France Telecom R&D. He has participated to many collaborative projects (Eurescom, Celtic, FP4, FP6, …) bringing its competencies on home services and home platforms. He is the France Telecom delegate to NEM, the European technology platform in charge of audio-visual/telecom convergence and is appointed as the vice chair in charge of the strategy and the editor of the X-ETP future Internet SRA and the X-ETP Grand societal Challenges. He has also been elected as a member of the Future Internet Assembly Steering committee. Since the beginning of 2013, he is appointed as the head of collaborative research – Europe at Orange Labs and is also administrator of the SEE in charge of international relationship. He is Head of European cooperative Research, Vicechair of the NEM European technology platform and ETNO/RESI chair. Francesco D'Andria ([email protected]) - Atos- Spain Francesco joined ARI, the Spanish Research and Innovation node of Atos in 2005 and currently he is a Project Manager/Coordinator of IT Research Initiatives. He obtained a high degree in Electronic Engineering from the “Università Degli Studi Di Salerno” Salerno, Italy (2001). His research activities concern the study of distributed technologies (Grid and Cloud Computing) and SOA systems, pervasive technologies, and high performance middleware for distributed systems. He is interested in the employment of these technologies in the business world. He is investigating the use of Commodity Technologies in order to implement Grid/Cloud Services and their integration with COTS components. His research activity on this topic started during his thesis period, which was funded by CRMPA (Research Centre in Pure and Applied Mathematics), with the thesis: “SIMULAZIONE IN (High Level Architecture) H.L.A. E POSSIBILE INTEGRAZIONE IN.NET”. Some of the EU R&D projects in which he has participated in FP5 FP6 and FP7 related to GRID/SOA/Cloud technologies are: GRASP, AKOGRIMO, ELEGI, BeinGRID, SmartLM, Cloud4SOA, ModaClouds. Afterwards he has designed and implemented a .NET monolithic infrastructure (C#, ADO) for Eni ICT in Bologna (May to November 2005). Specialties: Cloud, Computational GRID, GRID, Web Services, WS-Agreement, WS-Negotiation, UDDI, c#, Java, XML, HLA. Eric De La Clergerie ([email protected]) - INRIA – France I am a computer scientist working in ALPAGE, a joint INRIA-Univ. Paris 7 team working on Natural Language Processing (NLP). ALPAGE aims to develop tools and large scale linguistic resources, in particular relying on knowledge acquisition from large textual corporations, such as Wikipedia.

Nuria de Lama ([email protected]) – ATOS – Spain Nuria de Lama studied Telecommunications Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She has been working for 15 years in Research & Development in IT in different environments. After several years managing the department of International projects in an SME specialized in wireless and mobile technologies, she joined Atos in 2005, where she

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first led a Research Unit on Rural and Industrial development. In 2006 she was appointed Head of the Research unit on Semantics, Software and Service Engineering and since 2010 she is Representative of Atos Research and Innovation to the European Commission. In that position she is responsible for the coordination of European research activities, definition and implementation of the R&D strategy as well as contribution to business development. This includes coordination of Atos activities in ambitious initiatives such as PPPs (Public-Private Partnership), mainly in the Future Internet and Big Data domains. She is the formal representative of Atos in NESSI (European Technology Platform on Software and Services), the CELTIC Plus Eureka programme focused on Telecommunications and the Big Data Value Association. Stefano de Panfilis ([email protected]) Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. – Italy Stefano De Panfilis (male) is the Chief Innovation Officer at Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. the leader company of Gruppo Engineering. He actively participated since its beginning to the creation and setting up of the NESSI ETP of which he was the Technical Director and the Coordinator of the Strategic Research Agenda Committee till spring 2010.He is one of the founder of the FIWARE initiative and is now serving as FIWARE Lab responsible. In this function he serves the Project Coordination Committee and, since April 2012, he is one of the two FI-WARE representatives in the FI-PPP Architecture Board. This board is the place where all the FI-PPP projects meets and coordinate the technological success of the whole FI-PPP initiative. Since April 2014 he is the FI-PPP Steering Board ChairHe is one of the founders of the BDVA. Jose M. Del Alamo ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Spain PhD Jose M. del Alamo is Associate Professor at UPM, researching on issues related to identity and privacy management, including privacy-by-design and –by-default. Jose has large experience in EU-funded projects and has been involved in the PRIPARE project since 2013, where a methodology for privacy engineering is being defined and validated. The results from his research are applied, in collaboration with private companies, to fields like telecommunications (Telefonica, Ericsson), banking and financial services (Santander Bank), social networks (Vodafone’s OneSocialWeb, Twitter), transportation (Deutsche Bahn AG), etc. Jose has authored more than 30 scientific publications and 5 international patents in the domain, and is the UPM representative in several privacy-related working groups at W3C, OASIS and kantara. He is the chair of the IEEE International Workshop on Privacy Engineering, co-located to the 36th IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy. Raul del Coso ([email protected]) - European Centre for Soft Computing – Spain - General Manager - European Centre for Soft Computing - June 2010 to Present - Operations Manager - European Centre for Soft Computing - February 2007 to July 2010 - Project and Technology Transfer Manager - Imperial College London - September 2004 to January 2007 - Executive MBA - Imperial College London - 2005 to 2006 - Innovation Manager - IDETRA SA - March 2004 to July 2004 - PhD Applied Physics - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - 1999 to 2004 - MsC Theoretical Physics - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - 1993 to 1998 Rafael Del Hoyo ([email protected]) - Instituto Tecnologico de Aragón – Spain He Received the M. Sc. degree in Physics and the Ph.D. degree in Artificial intelligent at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). Currently he is leader of Information Systems group at the Technological Institute of Aragón. He has participated in several international projects

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related to Information management, text mining and Artificial Intelligent for R&D funded by the European Union in FP5, FP6, FP7 and Eureka program (Celtic) and national programs like Plan Avanza, working as technical director. He was also a lecturer of software engineering at the University of Zaragoza; currently he is lecturer of the University of San Jorge about Intelligent Systems and information processing. He has publication in AI intelligent and Tex Mining publication. He is reviewer in international conference for NLP related to sentiment Analysis. His research interests include Data mining, Artificial Intelligence, Semantics, NLP and Big data in general. Currently he is focusing to apply BigData and artifici Jesus del Peso Quioga ([email protected]) - HI-Iberia – Spain Jesús del Peso Quiroga received his Master degree in Telecommunications Engineering in 2000 at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain, and he received the PhD degree in Computational Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence in 2009 at the same University. His research activities have been mainly focused on the automatic capturing and processing of information within the framework of the Semantic Web, with a particular attention on contents processing in natural language. Moreover, he has a wide experience in working under the framework of projects funded by the European Union. Along with the research activity, he has carried out a long professional experience in the telecommunications industry and in the field of design and development of applications for the search, extraction, processing and classification of information of the WWW, by means of artificial intelligence techniques. Christian Dirschl ([email protected]) - Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH – Germany Christian is responsible for the content structures, metadata, taxonomies, and thesauri within Wolters Kluwer Germany. He manages text mining and automatic topical classification projects. He also represents Wolters Kluwer Germany in international projects like ALIGNED. Christian has worked with the company since 2001. Before that, he worked as an international IT consultant in several software companies. He holds a Master degree in Information science and is located in Munich, Germany. Tore Dokken ([email protected]) – Iqmulus – Norway IQmulus Project Coordinator (Participant at EuDEco workshop) Marc Dorchain ([email protected]) - Software AG – Germany Marc Dorchain (Male), Senior Research Project Manager. He obtained a diploma in business administration with a major in business information technology at the University of Applied Sciences, of Saarland. He has worked as a consultant, architect and project lead in various areas (application server, SOA etc.), focusing on Business Process Management in OEM partnerships. At present, he manages and carries out research projects at Software AG and has been responsible for several publically funded research projects on national and European level.

Anthony Dupont ([email protected]) - SIGMA ORIONIS – France Sigma Orionis 'Societal Challenges' Unit Manager. EuDEco partner

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Giovanni Egidio Pazienza ([email protected]) - Almende BV Giovanni E. Pazienza is a Senior Researcher at Almende BV where he is in charge of the projects concerning Big Data and cyber-physical systems. He received a BSc (2002) and a MSc (2004) in Electronics Engineering from the University La Sapienza of Rome. Then, he moved to the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona for his PhD (2008) in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. He worked as associate professor at the Pazmany University in Budapest (2009-2012) in the interdisciplinary doctoral school in Infobionics and as senior researcher at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2009-2011). He was also a visiting professor at the Math Department of the University of Memphis (2011) as well as a visiting PhD student at the University of Essex (2007) and at the University of California at Berkeley (2008). Demetrios Eliades ([email protected]) - KIOS Research Center, University of Cyprus - Cyprus Demetrios G. Eliades is a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks of the University of Cyprus. He holds a Dipl-Ing (2004) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, an MSc (2005) in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and a PhD (2011) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cyprus.. He has authored and co-authored 29 articles published in journals and conference proceedings, in the areas of water systems, building systems, power systems, control and robotics. His research has been funded by the Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus and by the European Commission. Dr. Eliades has a wide spectrum of research interests, including smart water networks and hydro-informatics, big-data analytics, security of critical infrastructure and computational intelligence.

Eyad Elyan ([email protected]) - Robert Gordon University – UK Dr. Elyan holds a PhD in Computer Vision from Bradford University. His research interests include 3D object Modelling and recognition, advanced machine learning and video-based content analysis. He has published more than 20 papers and he is a principle investigator of a TSB funded project in 3D object modelling and 4D visualisation, and also co-investigator of another TSB project in shape visualisation and 3D human body modelling. Most recent research activities are focused on ensemble learning, namely Random Forest. Bjarne Ersbøll ([email protected]) - Technical University of Denmark - Denmark Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll’s work is mainly on applied statistics and data analysis. He has considerable experience in the application of these disciplines in industrial, medical projects. His research and teaching is largely inspired by finding solutions to actual problems in industry and other institutions - and often in collaboration with these. Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll is a Full Professor in statistics and data analysis at DTU Compute. In 1983 he received the M.Sc.(eng.) degree and in 1990 the Ph.D. degree, both from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll has been employed at DTU since 1983. First he was Research Assistant (1983-1986), then be became Assistant Professor (1986-1992), Associate Professor (1992-2008), Professor (2008-2009), Full Professor (2010-

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present). He gives research based consultancy in applied statistics and data analysis. He has supervised a very large number of master’s thesis projects and also Ph.D. thesis projects. Furthermore, he has organised or co-organised a large number of conferences on image analysis and statistics. Diego Expósito ([email protected]) - Answare – Spain Diego Expósito (Male) is a Senior Computer Engineer from the “Universidad Europea de Madrid”, specialist in Artificial Intelligence and software engineering methodologies. Diego has obtained a Master in Artificial Intelligence at the “University Carlos III of Madrid”. He has worked on consulting projects for the Spanish Tax Office (“Agencia Tributaria”) applying theories of neural networks to detect fraud and for “Iberia” on tax planning issues in Iberia flights. Diego has been professor for several years in the university and also he has taught at Master's in Artificial Intelligence and various subjects related to Engineering. Diego has a long experience in R & D in the field of Monitoring & Control for security-oriented projects such as “Edificio Seguro”, SIASAD, Segur@ and MULTIPOL. Today Diego is the Director of the R & D Department of Answare. ([email protected])

André Faustmann ([email protected]) - Big Data Innovation Center Magdeburg – Germany André Faustmann studied business informatics at the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany. Since 2000, he has been working at the SAP University Competence Center (SAP UCC) in Magdeburg, where he is responsible for hosting a wide range of SAP solutions for universities, universities of applied sciences and vocational schools throughout Germany, Europe, Middle East and Africa. His many years of experience with SAP systems range from Release 4.6C to current SAP NetWeaver 7.40. He is also a certified technology consultant SAP NetWeaver AS as well as SAP NetWeaver Portal and Knowledge Management.

Alfredo Favenza ([email protected]) - Istituto Superiore Mario Boella– Italy Alfredo Favenza is a Senior Researcher at ISMB. He received his Master of Science in Computer Science in March 2007 from the Università degli Studi di Torino with a thesis on information retrieval conducted in collaboration with Centro Ricerche e Innovazione Tecnologica RAI (CRIT). Nowadays, Alfredo is a researcher of Mobile Solutions Area of ISMB. He is active on several Regional and European R&D projects, where cloud computing, big data, mobile devices and navigation technologies are combined to generate innovative value-added solutions..

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Elisabetta Fersini ([email protected]) - University of Milano-Bicocca – Italy Dr. Elisabetta Fersini is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Computer Science Dept.). She obtained her Ph.D. in 2009 with a thesis entitled “Probabilistic Classification and Clustering Using Relational Models”. Her research activity is mainly focused on statistical relational learning with particular interests in supervised and unsupervised classification. The research activity finds application to Web/Text mining, Sentiment Analysis, Social Network Analysis, e-Justice and Bioinformatics. Francisco José Flores ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain Research group on port and maritime engineering Davide Frey ([email protected]) - Inria Rennes – France I received my PhD from Politecnico di Milano in Italy in 2006. I then spent one year at Washington University in St. Louis MO, USA, and at the end of 2007, I joined Inria as a post doc. I was then recruited as permanent research scientist in 2010. Since 2013 I have also been scientific correspondent for Inria Rennes in the context of European initiatives. My research interests are mainly concentrated in the domain of distributed systems and particularly in the design and implementation of protocols for large-scale and dynamic network scenarios. After my initial work on publish-subscribe, I concentrated my efforts on gossip-based protocols both in the context of overlay maintenance and data dissemination. My current work revolves mainly on protocols for decentralized big-data technologies, and dynamic networks.

Marcel Gabor ([email protected]) – Ascora GmbH- Germany Ascora is an SME IT company. Since 1994 Ascora GmbH has been developing and selling software as an Independent Software Vendor with products that are used around the world. In 2007, Ascora GmbH extended its offers to provide business solutions as well. Ascora offers IT consulting services to national and international companies. Ascora is involved in several projects within the research and innovation domain. Ascora offers a variety of services, with the main expertise in the following domains: Semantic interoperability and integration aspects; Development and prototyping of SOA based solutions (services); Technology selection and realization in the eCommerce and eBusiness domain; Implementation of Desktop, Web, and Mobile solutions. In addition to its business solutions, Ascora GmbH is one of the leading providers of Windows Tools in Germany. Ascora software solutions are used by over 750.000 registered users, distributed under own labels and under third party white-label approaches. Seán Gaines ([email protected]) – IK4 Research Alliance – Spain Seán Gaines is the Director of International Projects at Vicomtech-IK4. Previously he has held the posts of Principal Researcher in Security Projects at Vicomtech-IK4, Consultant to the Government of Navarre on Public Procurement under EU directives, Programme

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Manager at Panda Software Bilbao, Principal Software Engineer for Netscape Communications in Dublin, Ireland and Mountain View, California. Software Engineer for Creative Labs. During his time at Netscape he was part of the team that launched the Mozilla Foundation and OSS initiative and was also a representative to ISO JTCs. He is a graduate of school of Business Studies Trinity College Dublin, School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin Institute of Technology and the Informatics Faculty at the University of the Basque Country. He has served as an invited professor at the University of the Basque Country and is currently an invited professor at the University of Ulster and a member of the DCU Research Advisory Council. Steve Galache ([email protected]) - Stratio Big Data Alvaro García ([email protected]) – INDRA - Spain Senior Consultant, involved in R&D activities and business initiatives in Indra. Expertise in EU commission programmes and large national and international R&D projects in European consortiums including ITEA, ARTEMIS, FP7 programs. Currently working in Software Architectures Department. Interested in CPS engineering technologies, IoT, Big Data. Ana Cruz García Belenguer ([email protected]) - CPI2020 – Spain PhD in Physics. Author of many papers about emotional engineering, biomechanics, functionality and comfort assessment of products as well as customisation of products from an emotional and functional perspective. Wide experience in design of Research Projects at EU level. During 2007-2013 (FP7 timeframe) and under my responsibility IBV participated in 60 EU funded projects 36 of those inside FP7. In IBV I also had the responsibility to coordinate the activities in the different EU and National Platforms. Wide experience as evaluator of projects for the European Commission (FP6, FP7, and H2020), ANEP (Spain) and (CYTED) with annual participation in panels. Programmes Director at Lab Human leading the participation of this Research Centre in first calls of Horizon 2020. I am now the Director of a recently created Support Programme for European Projects in the Polytechnic City of Innovation. The Programme called CPI2020 will help Research Groups and Institutes of the UPV Juan M García-Gómez ([email protected]) - UPV – Spain Juan Miguel García-Gómez (Male, PhD), Ph.D in Computer Engineering, 2009 and MSc. in University Pedagogy (2006). He is Professor-Doctor in UPVLC and leader of the Biomedical Mining area of IBIME. In 2007, he was a Visiting Researcher at ESAT-KU Leuven. His research interests are mainly in Machine Learning for clinical and social Decision Support Systems (DSS). He has been the advisor of 3 PhD theses about Clinical Decision Support Systems applied to Brain Tumour characterisation. He is author of more than 30 articles published on specialized magazines (including Nucleic Acids Research, Plos One and Bioinformatics among others). As Biomedical Mining leader of IBIME, he coordinated the Pattern Recognition WP of the FP6 EU eTUMOUR project (LSHC-CT-2004- 503094) and he was PI and WP leader in the FP7 European project Help4Mood (FP7-ICT-2009-4; 248765). Co-founder of Veratech for Health, a start-up company of the ICT for health sector. Oscar Garcia Perales ([email protected]) - BDVA – Spain I'm a Senior Researcher, Project Manager and a Computer Science Engineer (MEng) from the Valencian Polytechnic University. I have more than 10 years of experience in participating in EU projects related to IT interoperability and integration touching topics such

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as system integration, semantic integration, e-Learning, multimedia systems or e-Commerce. In addition, Oscar has a wide experience analysing in-house and cross-supply-chain business processes in different scenarios seeking interoperability solutions being the manufacturing industry the key stakeholder. He has participated to several clusters on the furniture manufacturing such as funStep and also the Adventure Mini-Cluster initiative. I have been managing the administration of a whole set of FP7 projects dealing from Project Periodic Reports to Financial Administration and including Audit assessment and is versed with Agile methodologies and Tools such as Jira. Jesús Angel García ([email protected]) – INDRA - Spain Technical Engineer in Computer Science of Systems from Polytechnic University of Madrid. Project Manager at INDRA from 1999 to 2007 on different business areas like Banking, Telecommunications, Transports. Head of Technology Innovation at INDRA from 2007 to 2011: Management Development of R&D projects, Technical Manager on R&D projects Innovation Manager from 2011 to 2014: Research & Development Strategies on a global basis, innovation support to the whole company in any sector. Since April 2014, main contact point of INDRA in Brussels with the European Commission, Technological Platforms and R&D Industrial Associations. Currently involved in the Steering Board of NESSI, ECSEL, CELTIC Plus, the PPP of Robotics, SPARC and the PPP of Big Data as well as related R&D forums. Bernat Gascón ([email protected]) – Fundació i2CAT- Spain I am currently working as a Research Engineer in European R+D+I projects. I am also a senior analyst programmer and Ph.D. in distributed&cloud storage systems. Previously, I did my Master in Information and Communications engineering. I have taught algorithmics and C/C++ during 3 years at the University. I love data science, applied mathematics, computer communications and developing. Paolo Garza ([email protected]) -CINI Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'informatica – Italy Paolo Garza received the master’s and PhD degrees in computer engineering from the Politecnico di Torino. He has been an assistant professor. His current research interests include data mining and database systems. He has worked on the classification of structured and unstructured data, clustering, and itemset mining algorithms. Marcela Genero ([email protected]) - University of Castilla-La Mancha – Spain Dr. Marcela Genero is an Associate Professor at the Department of Technologies and Information Systems at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain. Accredited as full professor by ANECA since 2012. She received her MSc degree in Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science of the University of South, Argentine in 1989, and her Ph.D. at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain in 2002. Her research interests include empirical investigation on the benefits of model-based software development approaches, software quality, software measures, and empirical software engineering. She has participated in and lead several projects financed by the spanish government. She regularly participates in the Program Committee of several international conferences and workshops and as reviewer of several international journals. She has organised several international and national conferences and workshops. She has several publications in journals included in the JCR (IST, JSS, SOSYM, EMSE, SQJ, DKE, TOSEM, Information Sciences, etc.), and conferences (CAiSE, ER, MODELS/UML, ESEM,

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EASE, etc.). She edited with Mario Piattini and Coral Calero the books titled ‘‘Data and Information Quality’’ (Kluwer, 2001) and ‘‘Metrics for Software Conceptual Models’’ (Imperial College, 2005). She is member of ISERN (International Software Engineering Research Network) since 2004. Massimo Gentilini ([email protected]) – CRIF – Italy About 25 years of experience in the IT Industry as developer, data specialist and now, after 10 years in CRIF, as an IT Manager working as the person responsible of development for the various products and frameworks used by CRIF both for its internal Credit Bureau service and for customers, with more than one hundreds installations around the world in the banking and financial sector. In CRIF Massimo manages also the technical innovation effort, coordinating the development of new tech initiatives for the Italian part of the technology area. In the data management field Massimo was one of the founder of the Italian SQL Server User Group ( and worked in the data management field his entire work life. From data to big data the step is small and so here he is. Jozef Geurts ([email protected]) - INRIA – France Joost Geurts is European Affairs Manager at Inria. He received his PhD in 2010 from the Technical University of Eindhoven (in collaboration with CWI in Amsterdam). He has comprehensive understanding of multimedia content, processes and applications in various domains and operational contexts, including content distribution, search-engine technology, digital library, knowledge engineering, document engineering and, mobile, web-based frameworks. He has over seven years’ experience in the setup and coordination of European ICT research projects. Currently, he works at the European Partnerships Department of Inria, which mission is to initiate and foster international collaborations with academia and industry. LinkedIn:

Guillermo Gil ([email protected]) - Tecnalia – Spain Designer, architect and coacher of new businesses; currently focussed on the merging of Big Data and Urban Communities. He is also the coordinator of the strategic and operational development of the scientific and technological ICT community of TECNALIA, composed of around 350 experts. Roberto Gimenez ([email protected]) - EUROB CREATIVE – Spain Founder and CEO of EUROB CREATIVE Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis ([email protected]) – IBM Research – Ireland Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis received a PhD in Computer Science (with honours) from the University of Thessaly in 2009. His PhD dissertation was awarded the Certificate of Recognition and Honourable Mention in the 2009 ACM SIGKDD Dissertation Award. From March 2009 until February 2010, he was appointed as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Biomedical Informatics of Vanderbilt University, working on privacy methods for medical data sharing. On March 2010, he joined IBM Research in Zurich, in the capacity of a Research Staff Member and in 2011 he was nominated as a member of the IBM Business and Technical Leadership Resources. Since March 2012 he is working in the Smarter Cities Technology Center of IBM Research in Ireland, conducting research on data privacy for Smarter Cities. In this position he has received two Invention Achievement Awards. In the privacy area, he has published more than 70 research works, including four Springer books, and he has filed 12 patents.

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Javier Godoy ([email protected]) - Indra – Spain I lead the social media analytics team at Indra, the leading consulting and technology multinational in Spain and Latin America. We provide solutions and services for the Transport and Traffic, Energy and Industry, Public Administration and Healthcare, Financial Services, Security and Defence and Telecom and Media sectors. Previously I worked as Data Strategist & Managing Partner for Mind Your Group, a Strategy Consultancy focused in data analysis, and co-founded Inspiring Move, a digital agency, working as Strategy Planning Director. My background is in CRM planning and strategy and have a strong focus on measurement and analytics. I teach Social Media Analytics at many business schools and have published several books on Analytics, Strategy and Planning Shalom Goldenberg ([email protected]) – Intel - Israel MSc Computer Science Technion/Israel 1985 with Intel since 1990 recent roles: SW engineering director for visual computing products - until 2012 Program director / University Collaboration Office / intel labs - Since 2012

Nuria Gómez ([email protected]) – INDRA - Spain Nuria Gómez Rojo, (female) has a Master in Computer Science from Polytechnic University of Madrid in 1994 and Executive MBA from Instituto de Empresa in 2001. She was working in international environments (CERN, ESA/ESTEC) from 1992 to 1997, where she was involved in several research projects (real-time and web knowledge-based systems) with USA and European consortiums. She joined Telefonica I+D in 1997 where she has coordinated the activities to deploy the commercial web of Telefonica (, Telefonica trouble-ticketing system and Telefonica QoS monitoring system as well as she has been participating in EURESCOM P-709 project and several FP7 proposals. In 2011, she joined Indra Sistemas where she was project manager of CELTIC IPNQSIS and she has also been working on-site at Vodafone on-line. Currently she is working in the Business Analytics & Big Data excellence centre. Jon Ander Gómez Adrián ([email protected]) - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia – Spain Dr Jon Ander Gómez Adrián is associate professor at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), and a member of the Department of Computer Science ( and the Pattern Recognition and Human Technologies Research Center ( Currently he is Vice-Dean for Lifelong Learning at the School of Informatics ( and is academic director of the postgraduate course on Big Data offered by UPV. Dr Jon Ander Gómez Adrián obtained a Degree in Computer Science in 1990, a MsC in Computer Science in 1993 and the PhD in Computer Science in 2004 by the UPV. He has been teaching in the same university since 1997. From 1991-1993 he held a grant for working in a research project, and from 1993 till 1997 he worked as system manager at DSIC-UPV. His research areas of interest are Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition and Automatic Speech Recognition. He has been involved in different research projects since 1997.

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Asuncion Gomez-Perez ([email protected]) – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) - Spain Asunción Gómez-Pérez is Director of the Artificial Intelligence Department and Director of the research group on Ontological Engineering. She is professor of Artificial Intelligence and Director of the Ph.D and Ms.C programs on Artificial Intelligence at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. In 2015, she won the 2nd edition of the National Ada Byron prize for Woman in IT in Spain. Before joining UPM, she was visiting the Knowledge Systems Laboratory at Stanford University. Her works on Ontological Engineering and Linked Data are world-wide known. She has coordinated four European projects, and she has participated in more than 15 EU projects, and more than 30 with Spanish R&D companies. She has published more than 200 papers and two books on Ontological Engineering. Her works on Ontological Engineering about Methontology and the NeON methodology are world-wide known. H-Index: 48 ( Alicia Gonzalez ([email protected]) - Innovalia Association- Spain Miss Alicia Gonzalez with more than 15 years of experience in the ICT industry as Systems and Networks Engineering received her degree in Industrial Engineering, Automatisms and Electronics. Her professional career has been addressed by extensive experience with Fujitsu’s customers in Spain, with an assignment experience in the UK. She has worked extensively in the provision of support and services in sectors like public administration, banking, health, and assurance, among others. Currently, she is working in Innovalia, in the area of ICT solutions for manufacturing & network security, and with wide experience in R&D projects participation and management. Alicia is successfully leading Innovalia Association participation in FITMAN Phase II Use Case project and in FP7 OSMOSE project on Sensing Enterprises. Javier Gonzalez ([email protected]) - Acciona SA – Spain Since 2014, Manager of Technological and Competitive Observatory of Acciona Roberto Gonzalez Velazquez ([email protected]) -IK4-Tekniker – Spain Telecommunications Engineer Bachelor Degree, University of Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, 1996. He is currently working as a researcher in IK4-Tekniker within the Intelligent Information Systems Unit, with 15 years of experience in developing projects in the ICT sector. Before joining IK4-Tekniker, he worked as a Software Localization Engineer in Microsoft Ireland, Dublin, troubleshooting errors in several operating systems. Dr. Consuelo Gonzalo ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain Prof. Consuelo Gonzalo Martín received the B.A degree from the Salamanca University and the Ph.D from the Complutense University of Madrid, both in Physics, in 1986 and 1989 respectively. Since 1993, she is working with the Department of Architecture and Technology of Computers in the Computer School (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Since September 2012, she is member of the MIDAS (Data Mining and Simulation) research group at the Center for Biomedical Technology of the UPM. Her main

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contributions have been in the areas of image processing through digital and optical implementations of joint as well as the development of new artificial neural networks algorithms related with Boltzman Machines, Adaptive Resonance Theory and Dynamic Self-Organizing Maps. The fields of application have been primarily remote sensing, medical imaging and recognition of faces. In particular, in the area of remote sensing. She is co-author of new algorithms for merging optical satellite images. Tatjana Gornostaja ([email protected]) - Tilde – Latvia Tatjana Gornostaja is an experienced manager, trainer and researcher in multilingual technologies (terminology and translation). Her academic background is in terminology (Bachelor and Master) and machine translation (Doctor), accompanied with more than 10 years in the field, including project, group and service management and recently business development in terminology solutions at Tilde. She has participated in more than 10 national and international FP6-7, CIP and H2020 projects, is a frequent speaker at international industrial and academic events and is active in professional organisations and groups. Eugene Griffiths ([email protected]) - Barcelona Supercomputing Centre – Spain Eugene Griffiths has experience in the execution and management of projects in a variety of contexts including University, multinational corporations, technology centres and public research organisations. While at the BSC he has been involved in the management and execution of the PRACE project and he is currently responsible for the BSC’s research support, transfer and communication area. Maurice Groten ([email protected]) - Data Science Center Eindhoven - The Netherlands Master's Electrical Engineering - Eindhoven University of Technology - 1989 Professional Doctorate in Engineering - Eindhoven University of Technology - 1991 1991-2012 Philips Senior member scientific staff Philips Research Eindhoven - 1991-1997 Department head Philips Research France and Eindhoven - 1997-2006 General Manager Corporate Ventures - 2006-2009 Business Development Mgr LED OEM Europe - 2010-2012 Independent New Business Development and Innovation consultant - 2012-2013- Eindhoven University of Technology Program Mgr Data Science Center Eindhoven.

Elena Guarneri ([email protected]) - Technical University of Denmark – Denmark I have been working on EU research and innovation policy and programmes for the last 10+ years, both at the European Commission and as a consultant for companies and trade associations, mainly in the field of ICT. For the past 2+ years I`ve represented the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Brussels, focusing on the EU research and innovation agenda, and working in close collaboration with industry, academia and other stakeholders. Big Data is one of the key areas I´ve been working on with DTU. Sabina Guaylupo ([email protected]) -INMARK EUROPA – Spain Sabina Guaylupo holds a Law degree and a Master in International Law & Information Society and New Technologies. I have an extensive experience in the field of Intellectual Property mainly in the area of software licenses and technology transfer as well as Data Protection field (Privacy and data Protection). During the last 15 years I have been working

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in R&D projects participating in FP5, FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects, coordinating 5 collaborative projects in the ICT area (SMART VORTEX, SHAMAN, Value-IT, OKKAM, LT-COMPASS). I joined the international team of INMARK in 2006 dealing with legal and financial issues related to RTD projects as well as the European funding schemes, application procedures and the legal/regulations compliance analysis. Additionally, she collaborated in projects for other EU programs like CIP-PSP, eContent, EUREKA, eContent+ and Leonardo da Vinci. Currently I am the Data Protection Officer within INMARK. Roger Guimerà ([email protected]) - Universitat Rovira i Virgili – Spain Roger Guimerà (Barcelona, 1976) graduated in Physics at Universitat de Barcelona in 1998, and obtained a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Universitat Rovira i Virgili in 2003. He then moved to Northwestern University where he worked as a postdoctoral fellow and later as a Fulbright Scholar. In 2008 he became a Research Assistant Professor at Northwestern's Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, before accepting his current position at ICREA in 2010. Roger's research is devoted to the study of the structure of complex networks and the interplay between network structure and dynamics. During his career, he has: (i) made methodological contributions to the study of complex networks, and (ii) used complex network analysis to gain understanding on a number of systems. He has been awarded the Premi Nacional de Recerca al Talent Jove (2010), the Erdös-Rényi Prize in Network Science (2012), and the Young Scientist Award for Socio- and Econophysics (2014). Erdem Gulgener ([email protected]) - TAGES – Turkey Mr. Erdem Gulgener, born in 1966 in Istanbul, he graduated from the Bogazici University Computer Engineering Department. Between 1989-2015 worked in Logo Group Companies and specialized in management of EU Framework RTD Projects, e-Business, Supply Chain and ERP. He was the RTD Manager of Logo Group Companies and Vice Chairman of eLOGO. Developed and managed numerous products and projects, reaching more than 1 million power users. Besides, his ICT management skills he is in worldwide research and innovation since 1995, planned, developed and managed joint research projects including projects funded by European Union research Funding Programmes since EU FP5.). Besides being member of Istanbul ICT Watchdog Group, he represented Turkey's ICT NGO's in Digital Agenda Europe. Mr. Gulgener was also responsible for ICT policy development and policy aligning with EU. He actively contributes to iESA organisation, NESSI, DBI and FINES clusters.

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Nesrine Hamaici ([email protected]) - Centre National de l'Informatique - Tunisia She has a master's degree in communication and information sciences from the Institute of Press and Information Sciences 2012 (Tunisia) and a Bachelor’s degree in communication sciences. She is currently preparing her phD about the appropriation of ICT in tunisian harbour companies (L’appropriation des TIC dans les entreprises portuaires tunisiennes.Etude de cas du projet "Liasse Transport"). She has more than 4 years’ experience in Information and Communication sciences. She started her career as an assistant-director at BEN DURAN (company of audio-visual production) in 2007. She then continued as a Manager-coordinator at MegaPub (Printing office and graphic creation agency) from February 2009 to October 2010. In October 2011, she participated as a web journalist in the Observers of France 24. Finally, she worked as communication-manager in EPPM (Engineering Procurement & Project Management company) She is currently responsible of communication and International Cooperation Unit at the CNI. Thomas Hahn ([email protected]) -Siemens AG – Germany Computer science studies at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen 1986 – 1993: Siemens AG, Product development Industrial networks 1993 – 1997: Siemens AG, Product management SIMATIC; Project manager for product development SIMATIC STEP7 1997 – 1999: Siemens AG, Head of develop. Traffic Control Systems 1999 – 2011: Siemens AG, Head of software development Industrial Automation Systems 2011 – Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Chief Expert Software Tore Hartvigsen ([email protected]) - DNV GL 20 years + software development Oil & Gas, Defence, Public industries Product data models, data integration, business warehouses Project management, Information risk management, Information Quality management Semantic technologies, The Optique project Leonardo Haut ([email protected]) – Ascora GmbH – Germany Jose Alberto Hernandez ([email protected]) - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – Spain José Alberto Hernández completed the five-year degree in Telecommunications Engineering at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Loughborough University (Leicester, United Kingdom) in 2005. At present, he is a senior lecturer at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he has published over 80 articles in both journals and conference in-proceedings. His research interests include computer and communication networks, big data technologies, data science and data analytics and machine learning techniques applied to big data environments.

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Monica Hernandez ([email protected]) - INMARK EUROPA – Spain Innovation Management Consultant at INMARK. She holds a Marketing and Communications degree and a Master in International Management with a specialisation in Digital Business from IE Business School. She has five years of experience in Digital Marketing and Communications among the Fast Moving Consuming Goods, IT, tourism and media industries. She joined the INMARK team in 2013, developing Dissemination and Impact plans for related ICT R&I projects under Horizon2020 and FP7 (No One Left Behind, RAGE, TAG CLOUD, LEADERSHIP and MLi).

Germán Herrero ([email protected]) - Atos Spain – Spain Germán Herrero joined Atos in 2006 where he now serves as Head of the Transport sector, responsible for all technology research and development activities for logistics and transport projects in Atos (ARI). He has experience in FP7 projects related to transport as Cassandra, iCargo and eDash projects. His technical expertise is in semantic technologies, with strong knowledge in ontology development. Germán earned a master degree in Computers Engineering from University of Valencia and he has authored a number of technical papers. Hadmut Holken ([email protected]) - Holken Consultants & Partners – France Hadmut Holken is specialising in b-to-b market research and business consulting. She anticipates new content & services related business models in emerging (digital) markets and intervenes where innovation comes to market. Her company ( is involved in social innovation projects and partner for dissemination in the European co-funded HBB4ALL project on connected TV and accessibility (, and French Media4D ( Within the European funded MOSAIC project (, which aims to set-up technology platforms in the Maghreb and Mashreq regions, her role is to contribute to the SRIA (Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda) and dissemination. Hadmut is part of the Executive Group and Steering Board of the European Technology Platform NEM (New European Media), and in charge of international cooperation (

Jun Hong ([email protected]) - Queen's University Belfast – UK Dr Jun Hong a senior lecturer/associate professor of computer science at Queen's University Belfast, UK. His main research interests are in the areas of artificial intelligence (planning, multi-agent systems, reasoning under uncertainty and machine learning), data management and analytics (Web, social media and enterprise data extraction, search, mining and integration; administrative data linkage, access and analytics) and Web technology (Web mining, recommender systems). He has published over 80 research papers. He is currently involved in five active research projects (as PIs and Co-Is) funded by the UK Research Councils (EPSRC, ESRC, MRC) and other funding bodies, totalling around £6 million. Jochen Hummel ([email protected]) - ESTeam AB – Germany Jochen is a well-known, internationally experienced software executive and serial entrepreneur. He is CEO of ESTeam AB and Coreon GmbH, Berlin. He is chairman of LT-Innovate, the Forum for Europe’s Language Technology Industry.

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He has a software development background and had grown his first company, TRADOS, to the world leader in translation memory and terminology software. In 2006 he founded Metaversum, the inventor of the virtual online world Twinity and was its CEO until 2010.

Abdellah Idrissi ([email protected]) - Mohmmed V University of Rabat – Morocco Abdellah is a graduated Ph.D in Computer Science, speciality Artificial Intelligence. He is currently a member of Computer Science Laboratory (LRI) where he leads a research group on Artificial Intelligence. His research domains include modelling, resolution and optimization of intelligent and complex systems. His applications cover Constraint Programming, Multi-Agent Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems, Cloud Computing, Text, Data and Web Mining, Big Data, Data warehouse, Business Intelligence, Game Theory, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Cognitive Radio Networks, etc. Abdellah is author of three books and author and co-author of several publications in international journals and conferences. He is a member of the editorial board of several international journals and is also a member of the Technical Program Committee of several international conferences. He is Partner of the MOSAIC project, leader of thhe setting-up of the Technology Platform in the Maghreb region. Carlos A. Iglesias ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain Dr. Carlos A. Iglesias is Associate Professor at UPM. He holds a Ph.D. in Telecommunication engineering. He is the director of the Intelligent Systems Group. He has been project manager and scientific manager of several EU projects. Some of the most recent projects are in the area of Big Linked Data Platforms for Sentiment and Emotion Analysis in Social Networks (FP7 Eurosentiment, H2020 MixedEmotions and Spanish R&D Financial Twitter Tracker), visualisation and browsing of Linked GeoData (FP7 SmartOpenData), analysis of social innovation and idea management (Spanish R&D THOFU) and service and mashup discovery (FP7 Omelette and FP7 Romulus). Xabier Insausti Sarasola ([email protected]) - CEIT – Spain Xabier Insausti Sarasola was born in 1985 and received his Telecommunication Engineering degree, M. Sc. in applied Engineering an Ph.D. in Telecommunications Engineering in 2009, 2011 and 2013 respectively from the University of Navarra. He studied at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the academic year 2008-2009, where he completed his Final project. He received this degree with the highest average mark of the class. In 2014 he received his M. Sc. in advanced Mathematics from the UNED. Xabier has won several awards, including the award of Excellence of the University of Navarra and the award of the Best Academic results in Gipuzkoa given by KUTXA, among others. He is currently researcher in the Information Theory, Coding & Compression Schemes for Communication Systems and in distributed computation in Wireless Sensor Networks in the area led by Prof. Pedro Crespo.

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Mustafa Jarrar ([email protected]) - Birzeit University – Palestine Associate professor of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, at Birzeit University in Palestine. Before joining Birzeit in 2009, he was a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Cyprus (2007-2009), and was (1999-2007) a Senior Research Scientist at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where he completed his Masters (2000) and PhD (early 2005). Prof. Jarrar published +75 articles and refereed reports in the areas of Ontology Engineering, Lexical Semantics, Semantic Web, and Databases, chaired 18 international workshops, a PC member of +100s journals/conferences, a coordinator/manager of 20 large EU project, a full member of the IFIP2.6 on Database Semantics, the IFIP2.12 on Web Semantics, the IEEE Learning Standards Committee, and the CEN/ISSS ICT Skills, and UN ESCWA Technology Centre Board of Governors, among others. Prof. Jarrar is also the founder of both Sina Institute for Knowledge Engineering and Arabic Technologies, and the Palestinian eGovernment Academy, at Birzeit Uni David Jimenez ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain David Jiménez received the Ingeniero de Telecomunicación degree (Hons.) in 2004 and Ph.D. (cum laude) in 2012 both from E.T.S. Ingenieros de Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. Since 2002, he was a member of the Signals, Systems and Radio communications Department of the E.T.S. Ingenieros de Telecomunicación where he is combining lectures and research activities. His professional interests include image processing, audio-visual technology, digital video broadcasting, coding and Quality of Experience (QoE) assessment. He has participated in several EU project from the 6th FP till FI-PPP, and many other national projects. Martin Junghans ([email protected]) - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Germany After graduating with a diploma in Computer Science with distinction, Martin obtained a PhD in 2013 from KIT in the group of Prof. Dr. Rudi Studer. His research interests comprise the formal modelling of services and processes as well as the efficient analysis and discovery of such models. Currently, he is a senior researcher at KIT, where he works on the application of Semantic Web technologies in the areas of IoT and Industrial Internet. Martin leads the strategic initiative "Industry 4.0 & Smart Services" at the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute KSRI, serves the W3C Web of Things IG, and furthered the initiative "Smart Service Welt" with acatech to master the digital disruption by creating digital business models for the leading industries.

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Giannis Katsaros ([email protected]) - EXUS Software Ltd – UK I joined the EXUS London office as a Senior Research Consultant in 2014. Part of my current role is to continuously keep up with market trends, technological advances and changing business requirements in the e-health and big data analytics domains, in order to provide new growth opportunities for the company. I am responsible for over 7M Euro of won research subsidies during my career in the industry. Among other roles, I have participated as Project Coordinator, Scientific Coordinator and Exploitation manager in numerous UK National (Innovate UK), Greek National (Ministries of Development and Education) and EC FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects. Gerard Kennedy ([email protected]) - Enterprise Ireland – Ireland I am a dedicated Electronics Engineer, with experience covering a wide range of programme management, project management, and conceptual level and detailed research, design, development, manufacture and test of complex analogue and digital circuits and systems and mixed signal application specific integrated circuit (ASICs). I also have high level and low level programming skills. This professional experience is supported by a very good higher education record and a good publication record. Jim Kenneally ([email protected]) – Intel

Martin Kersten ([email protected]) – CWI - The Netherlands Database research beyond concepts, theory, and micro-experimentation based on individual algorithms calls for a sizeable, high-quality team of researchers and developers. The CWI database group developed under my guidance has become such a world-class leader, which has demonstrated to take long term vision into successful, high-tech endeavours. I hold the 2014 ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovation Award for influential contributions to database architectures, most notably for pioneering work on columnar, in-memory, and hardware-conscious database technology. Prof. Wolfgang Kienreich ([email protected]) – Know-Center- Austria Director of Know-Center. Senior Technology and Business Executive with over 25 years of experience in research, development and application of data analytics and knowledge technologies. Integrates a scientific approach, with over 60 published papers, and a business mind-set, with the first start-up founded in the early 1990’s and hundreds of industry projects conducted since then. Yannis Kliafas ([email protected]) - Athens Technology Center S.A. – Greece A Ph.D. holder in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, California and a B.Sc holder in Engineering and Applied Sciences from Sussex University,

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Brighton, UK, Dr Kliafas serves as the President of ATC since 2003. He has acted as the Managing Director of the Company from 1989-2003. Prior to his involvement with ATC, he has worked as a Research Director in the Hellenic Arms Industry, a Visiting Associate Professor at the Technical University of Crete, Chania as well as a Visiting Professor at Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. Dr. Kliafas is following closely, the evolutions in state of the art ICT in both research and commercial projects of the Company. He is also in charge of overseeing all business development and sales activities in ATC. Svetla Koeva ([email protected]) - Institute for Bulgarian Language – Bulgaria For the last ten years Prof. Svetla Koeva has been involved in research and development of linguistic resources of and applications for Natural Language Processing. At present Prof. Koeva is the head of the Department for Computational Linguistics as well as the director of the Institute for Bulgarian Language. Her research expertise is in the field of semantic analysis, automatic acquisition of cross-lingual equivalencies and semantic relations, ontologies, as well as in information extraction.

Ville Könönen ([email protected]) - VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland – Finland Dr. Ville Könönen received D.Sc. in computer and information science from Helsinki University of Technology in 2004. He is currently Research Team Leader of Intelligent Data team at VTT. His current research interests include real-time and near real-time data analysis, Big Data management/analysis and machine learning. His previous project experience includes both national and international research projects. Examples include RATA (Robot aided test automation, TEKES) SmarcoS (Smart composite user interfaces, ARTEMIS-EC), EnLight (Energy efficient and intelligent lighting systems, Eureka-EC), SmartProducts (Proactive Knowledge for Smart Products, FP7-EC). In addition, he continuously co-operates with the leading companies in the field of data analytics. Konstantinos Konstantinidis ([email protected]) - Informatics and Telematics Institute - Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – Greece Konstantinos Konstantinidis received the BEng. and M.Sc. degrees from the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield, in 1999 and 2000 respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) in 2008. His Ph.D. thesis concerned content-based image retrieval. From 2009 to 2013 he worked as a lecturer at the Alexander Technical Institute of Thessaloniki and from the beginning of November 2012 he is currently employed as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Multimedia Knowledge group of the Informatics and Telematics Institute of CERTH. His research is now focused on the mining, indexing and retrieval of multimedia data from social networks. Angel Kovachev ([email protected]) - Semantic Interactive Ltd| BOA- Bulgaria Managing partner of Semantic Interactive Ltd, a Bulgaria-based R&D company, developing semantic and artificial intelligence projects. Engaged in the project development of the Bulgarian Outsourcing Cluster. Mentor of SMEs interested in EU projects and innovation funding. Formerly a member of the Ministry of the Economy economic policy development directorate.

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Anton Kovachev ([email protected]) - Aii Data Processing | BOA– Bulgaria BDM of the leading data management, indexing, machine training and content producing company in Eastern Europe - Aii Data Processing, with a workforce of 350+ multilingual specialists. Managing partner of an R&D SME - "Semantic Interactive Ltd", of the Bulgarian Business Angels Network and of a Kosovo-based data analytics company "Avax" Ltd. Consultant on EU projects, innovation and funding and actively involved in supporting SMEs and mentorship, managing projects, including the Bulgarian Outsourcing Association Cluster project. Board member of the Bulgarian Project Management Association and head of the Information Society Development Foundation. Jens Krueger ([email protected]) - Fraunhofer ITWM – Germany HPC, Big Data and Cloud Expert at Fraunhofer ITWM since 2008

Pedro Larrañaga ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain Pedro Larranaga is a Full Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) since 2007. He received the MSc degree in mathematics (statistics) from the University of Valladolid and the PhD degree in computer science from the University of the Basque Country. Before moving to UPM, his academic career has been developed at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) at several faculty ranks: Assistant Professor (1985-1998), Associate Professor (1998-2004) and Full Professor (2004-2007). His research interests are primarily in probabilistic graphical models, metaheuristics for optimization, data mining, classification models, and real applications, like biomedicine, bioinformatics and neuroscience. He has published more than 150 papers in impact factor journals and has supervised more than 20 PhD theses. He is ECCAI fellow since 2012 and he has been awarded the 2013 Spanish National Prize in Computer Science. Oscar Lazaro ([email protected]) - Innovalia Association – Spain Dr. Oscar Lazaro is Managing Director of Innovalia Association. Dr Oscar Lazaro has more than 15 years of experience in the ICT field and is leading research and product development activities of Innovalia for Smart Cities and Factories of the Future domains. Oscar Lazaro is also Visiting Professor at the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of the University of Strathclyde in the area of wireless & mobile communications. He is, since 2013, chairman of the Future Internet Networked Enterprise System (FInES) Cluster and a permanent representative of Innovalia in European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) and Future Internet (FI-PPP) Steering Boards. Laure Le Bars ([email protected]) - SAP SE

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SAP Research Partners & Start-ups Yannick LEGRÉ ([email protected]) - – France Yannick is the director of since February 2014. Formerly he was a senior research engineer at the French National Scientific Research Centre - Grid and Cloud Institute (CNRS-IdGC). He holds a Master of Science in Information Technology (MScIT) and a degree in Law (LL.L). Over the last 15 years, Yannick has been involved in more than 30 projects in the areas of healthcare and biomedical research, as well as biodiversity and environmental research, such as the ENVRI & CReATIVE-B projects. Yannick has also been a co-founder and the president of the international HealthGrid association, and the director for International Relations of a French SME. Dave Lewis ([email protected]) - ADAPT Centre Dave Lewis is the Associate Director of the ADAPT Centre, a €50 Million investment by Science Foundation Ireland and Industry in digital media and intelligent content research. He is also the director of the Knowledge and Data Engineering Group, a 60-strong research group at Trinity College Dublin. He researches the engineering and management of knowledge to support decision making in industrial value chains. Recent interests include the management of language resources to support the integration of language technology into content processing chains. He contributes the W3C in developing open data standards for multilingual content processing. Demed L'Her ([email protected]) – SAP Demed L'Her is Vice President and Chief Technical Advisor at SAP. In partnership with SAP’s product development organisation, he works to ensure SAP's technology direction is in line with the needs of its customers and supports SAP’s leadership and long-term vision for growth. While his responsibilities span across all SAP solutions, he currently spends most of his time working on platform technologies such as cloud, Big Data, Internet of Things and business networks. Olivier Lizounat ([email protected]) - OW2 - France Webmaster Marios Logothetis ([email protected]) - University of Piraeus Research Center (UPRC) – Greece Dr. Marios Logothetis was born in Athens, Greece in 1981. He has received the Diploma, Master and Ph.D. Degree in Technology Education and Digital Systems, from the University of Piraeus in 2003, 2006, 2013, respectively. He has been involved in several European projects (WinHPN, FP6/ IST E2rII and E3). Right now he participates to the EU-funded FP7/ICT OneFIT (Opportunistic Networks and Cognitive Management Systems for Efficient Application Provision in the Future InterneT) project (7.2010-12.2012) and to the EU-funded FP7/ICT Univerself Integrated Project (2010-2013). Currently, he is a research engineer at the University of Piraeus, Laboratory of Telecommunication Networks and Services, in the area of network information systems, wireless ad-hoc networks and wireless sensors.

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Jose Lorenzo ([email protected]) - Atos Spain – Spain Atos Research & Innovation. Head of Market. Manufacturing, Retail & Environment. Jean-Pierre Lorre ([email protected]) - Linagora GSO – France Jean-Pierre Lorré is innovation director of Linagora, the open-source company. Main activity deals with research for next generation cloud-based architecture, Big-Data and Enterprise Social Networks. This includes research projects proposal as well as team management. Linagora research is involved in FP7 and H2020 European projects as well as ANR and FSN French funded projects. My main domains of interest are Cloud technologies, Big-Data, ESB, open-source, Enterprise Social Network, distributed technologies and semantic. David Lopez Berzosa ([email protected]) – Nemode Representative of the Nemode project (Participating at EuDEco workshop) Mihai Lupu ([email protected]) -TU Vienna - Austria 2002: BSc and MSc from "Al. I. Cuza" Univ., Iasi Romania 2008: PhD in Information Retrieval on Peer-to-Peer networks from the Singapore-MIT Alliance, National University of Singapore, Singapore 2008-2011: Research Fellow at the Information Retrieval Facility 2011-present: Post-doc at TU Vienna

Donato Malerba ([email protected]) CINI Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'informatica - Italy Donato Malerba, Full professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Bari, where he leads the research group on "Knowledge Discovery and Data Engineering". Member of the Board of Governors of CINI and Director of the CINI Lab on Big Data. Member of the Board of Directors of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and of the Partnership Board of the cPPP Big Data Value. His research activities are mainly focused on machine learning, data mining and Big Data analytics. He is (co-)author of more than 200 papers on these topics. Since 1992, he has been involved with various roles in several European and National projects on machine learning, data mining and knowledge discovery. He is a key person in the FP7 FET OPEN project MAESTRA - Learning from Massive, Incompletely annotated, and Structured Data (2014-2017).

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Andrea Manieri ([email protected]) - Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa – Italy I'm a Computer Scientist with great interest in all ICT technologies and how these can change our business and lives. I've a strong experience in conceiving and running Italian and EU research projects on Cloud and Scientific Computing. Currently, I'm focusing on Education tools and carriers, in particular that of Data Scientists. I'm involved in the EDISON project (; to learn what the best profile is for a Data Scientist in each industry sector and promote the development of a Data Scientist Body-of-Knowledge. My research interests range from the adoption of Open Source Cloud services in Public Administrations, to IoT and Fog/Edge Computing. I'm specialising on Training and Education on Distributed Computing (including parallel and multicore programming) and Scientific Data Management. Ianfranco Marasso ([email protected]) - Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa – Italy Lanfranco Marasso (Italy, 1965), civic technologist, is a P. engineer, Ph.D. on Process Engineering at Polytechnic of Milan. He is in charge of Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa ( - Italy) since May 2003. He has been involved in Public Sector Department developing strategic projects in Italy and abroad (Europe, Middle East and South America area); in 2009 he moved in R&D department where he is currently in the position of Smart City Program Director. He has been involved in management roles (CEO, CIO) in private companies at national and international level (Boston, MA, USA). In 1999 he moved from private to public sector as CIO of Municipality of Parma (Italy). He is co-operating with University of Salento and IUAV Venice on topics related to smart communities. He is currently project director of a master school on "open innovation in public sector" managed by Dhitech. He is the director of the Living Lab PugliaSmartLab (member of Enoll) working on new methodology. Volker Markl ([email protected]) -TU Berlin / DFKI – Germany Education: Ph.D. (computer science), summa cum laude, from TU München, 1997 - 1999 Professional Experience: Technische Universität Berlin (Berlin, Germany), since 2008 Full Professor leading the Database System and Information Management (DIMA) IBM Almaden Research Center (San Jose, USA) 2001 - 2008 FORWISS (Munich Germany), 1997 - 2000 Stefania Marrara ([email protected]) - Università degli studi di milano bicocca – Crisp – Italy Stefania Marrara is a senior research collaborator with the Information Retrieval Group at DISCo – Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca on topics regarding XML Retrieval, Fuzzy Logic and Patent Search. She has a PhD in Information Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (2005), under the supervision of Prof. Letizia Tanca. Since 2005 to 2010 he held a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Information Technologies Department – Università degli Studi di Milano in the research group coordinated and supervised by Prof. Ernesto Damiani.Since 2006 to 2010 se had a also a research collaboration with prof. Gabriella Pasi on topics regarding the definition of a flexible query language on XML documents. Since 2010 to 2014 she worked in companies and as freelance.

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Her main research interests include XML Retrival, XML Query Languages, Biometric Authentication, Fuzzy Logic, with several international publications. Yod Samuel Martín ([email protected]) – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) – Spain Yod Samuel Martín is a Researcher at the Department of ICT Systems Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (DIT-UPM), where he joined in 2004. His research work focuses on different categories of non-functional software and service requirements, especially on the categories of accessibility and privacy, understood from different points of view, focusing on Privacy Requirements Engineering and Privacy by Design, personal data disclosure, the Right to be Forgotten, identity and privacy management, their impact on non-technical realms, and the role of ‘prosumers’ and user-generated contents in relation to these requirements. Juan Luis Martín Ruiz ([email protected]) - Indra – Spain Juan Luis Martín Ruiz (1975). Current position: Director of Innovation Management in Indra. Spanish. Fluent in English. Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Postgraduate in Management of International R&D programs (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). After a long career in IT consulting as an Expert on networks and systems in Telefónica, with special focus in the European Subsidiaries of the company, he joined Indra in 2007 as head of R & D projects in the areas of Telco, Energy and Utilities. He is currently responsible for coordinating the participation of Indra in all R&D National and International programs, aligning the strategic priorities of the company with the public and private funding instruments. Marga Martin Sanchez ([email protected]) - Huawei – Germany Ms. Marga Martín holds a BSc in Physics (Facultad de Ciencias- Salamanca University, Spain). Her experience includes project management, safety&security risks assessments, validation activities (expert in the European Operational Concept Validation Methodology- E-OCVM), risk management and critical infrastructure protection. Since January 2015 she works as cooperation project manager at HUAWEI European Research Center in Munich. She has been the coordinator of several EU funded projects related to cloud computing, she is currently participating in MIKELANGELO project ( H2020) related to cloud computing. Jesús Martínez ([email protected]) - Answare – Spain Jesús J. Martínez (Male) is a Senior Computer Engineer from the University of Murcia, specialist in Artificial Intelligence. Jesus is now a Master in New Technologies in Computer Engineering. He started as research staff in the Intelligent Systems Group of the University of Murcia. He worked in i3Media project with Mediapro, and in the European FP6 project eCospace: eProfessionals Collaboration Space. He worked with ontologies, Java technologies and data mining in these projects. In the Intelligent Systems Group he made research in recommender systems, personalization of electronic program guides (EPGs), ontologies, data analysis, SPARQL. He researched on automatic generators stories and on Intrusion Detection Systems. Finally he worked developing an indoor localization system based on Bluetooth technologies using OSGi services. He joined Answare in 2011 and he currently develops an Expert System with Java, Drools, Maven and Apache Felix (an OSGi container) for crisis management and resource optimization (FP7 E-SPONDER and ITEA2 DICOMA). He also develops an anti-fraud tool using MongoDB as DB, to manage Big Data.

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Roberto Martínez ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid- Spain He is the Deputy Director of the European Projects Office in UPM and National Contact Point for FET Programme of Horizon 2020. He is responsible for the thematic areas of Information and Communication Technologies and SPACE in FP7 and he coordinates the representation of the University in the Technological Platforms and Joint Technology Initiatives related to the above mentioned area. He is evaluator and reviewer for the European Commission. He was graduated as Telecommunication Engineer for the School of Telecommunication in Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, and he has a PhD Degree in Economy and Innovation management and Technology Policy. Mike Matton ([email protected]) - VRT – Belgium Dr. Mike Matton is a senior researcher and project manager at VRT. He holds Master's degrees in Informatics and Artificial Intelligence from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. He obtained his PhD in computer science from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 2009. His Ph.D. research involved example based methods for speech and pattern recognition. He joined the research labs of the VRT broadcasting organization in October 2009, joining a research team on information management. His main research focuses on applying artificial intelligence techniques in the media domain, as well as methods for managing metadata, including metadata models. He has been involved in several European and national projects. He is chair of the expert group on automated information extraction within the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). Andrea Maurino ([email protected]) - Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca - Italy I'm an associate professor at University of Milano Bicocca. My research interest are data quality and open data. I'm current the project coordinator of the COMSODE project ( The list of my publication is available at: and

Emmanuel Mayer ([email protected]) - Orange – France Keith McCormack ([email protected]) - University of Sheffield - UK Electronics Engineer, PhD in Medical Physics 20 years industrial experience: research, design and development 15 years in In Silico Medicine research, management governance (EC FP projects) Business Development and Project Management, Insigneo Institute Aine McGuire ([email protected]) - ScraperWiki – UK ScraperWiki offers technology and services to help users harvest and mine data sources using artificial intelligence, natural language processing and machine learning. Aine builds awareness in the brand. She identifies channels and routes to market. Helps create a sustainable revenue model to attract investors. In addition, she; Develops business in government and intergovernmental sectors.Identifies sectors for a growing set of data tools. PDF, DataBaker, Open Data connector to CKAN, manages relationships with technology partners like Tableau, manages ScraperWiki's public interest journalist community.

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Gary McManus ([email protected]) – TSSG During his time in the TSSG Gary carried out various roles within the group which included software engineer, team leader and project manager. Gary has managed a number of large scale European projects and currently holds the role of TSSG Organisational Systems Manager. Alberto Mendez ([email protected]) - Stratio Big Data – Spain

Laura Merlo Fernández ([email protected]) – ROOTER- Spain Degree in Computer Engineer of Management from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia and Master in Finance and Management from the EAE. She works in Rooter as a financial consultant in different projects. She is responsible for logistics, & economic and financial management in Rooter. she has over two years’ experience in similar activities in other companies and provides support in the preparation of documentation and studies. Enza Messina ([email protected]) - CINI Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'informatica – Italy ENZA MESSINA is a Professor in Operations Research at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Dept. of Informatics Systems and Comm.), where she founded the research Laboratory MIND ( She holds a PhD in Computational Mathematics and OR from the University of Milano. Her research activity is mainly focused on the development of models and methods for decision making under uncertainty and statistical relational models for data analysis. The methodological results of this activity have been applied to different domains, such as knowledge extraction structured and non-structured documents, web mining, ambient intelligence, computational Systems biology. Andrea Metzger ([email protected]) - University of Duisburg-Essen - Germany Andreas Metzger received his Diploma and his Ph.D. in computer science from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern in 1998 and 2004, respectively. He is currently senior academic councillor and head of Adaptive Systems and Future Internet applications at Paluno, the Ruhr Institute for Software Technology of the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany). His research interests include predictive monitoring and proactive adaptation of data-intensive, service-based applications, cloud systems and business processes. He is deputy secretary general of the European Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and steering committee vice chair of the European Technology Platform NESSI. He has co-authored over 90 papers, articles and book chapters, including Automated Software Engineering, Communications of the ACM and the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). Geleyn Meijer ([email protected] ) - Amsterdam University Of Applied Sciences - The Netherlands Dr. Geleyn Roelof Meijer is the dean of the faculty of ICT, Media, gaming and Creative Industries. Geleyn is an inspirational leader with a proven track record on innovation leadership in ICT-led Creative Industries. Together with leading Dutch media companies, SME’s and universities he launched the ICT Innovation Platform for the Creative industry ( He represents the IT and Creative Industries in various national and international eco-systems on the future of the IT services industry and is expert in the Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group, an EU-wide think-tank. He was leading the Dutch Innovation Programme on the Creative Industries “Value-of-Creation” focussed on the wider

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development of creative thinking for societal and industrial growth. He is co-director of the Dutch ICT-research programme COMMIT ( Geleyn received his PhD in Robotics and Computer Science in 1991. He joined CMG-Logica as Group Innovation director, building the R&D and Innovation activities in NL and India. From 2007 to 2011 he was Partner and managing director of Logica’s NL Management Consulting unit. Among other roles Geleyn was in charge of research and innovation solutions into market. He has track record in the European Commission research and innovation programmes and is selected expert in the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument’s advisory board. He publishes regularly and is a (keynote) speaker on various conferences and in expert panels. Ernestina Menasalvas ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid- Spain Professor at the Department of Computer Science of Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM). Her subject area is Data Mining. She studied Computer Science and she has a PhD in Computer Science. She is nowadays member of MIDAS “Data Mining and data simulation group” at the Center of Biotechnology in UPM and data bases and data mining professor at UPM. Her research activities are on various aspects of data mining project development and in the last years her research is focused on data mining on the medical field. She has participated in different research and development project related to data integration and mining on mobile devices. She has published three international books on web mining (edited by Springer in 2003, 2004 and 2009 respectively) and many international journals including Data and Knowledge Engineering Journal, Information Sciences, Expert Systems with applications, Journal of Medical Systems and International Journal Martin Molina ([email protected]) – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) - Spain Martin Molina is a professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Technical University of Madrid since 1994 (full professor since 2012). He was a visiting researcher for approximately 3 years in several research centres in the USA (AT&T Labs–Research, Stanford University and University of California–Irvine). He runs a research group about intelligent systems at his university. His recent research interests in Big Data include data visualization (e.g. robots journalists), data acquisition (data acquisition with unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs), modelling and simulation (e.g., approximate modelling and machine learning). He has authored more than 80 publications related to artificial intelligence and he has more than 20 years of experience working with intelligent systems and their applications. Maurizio Montagnuolo ([email protected]) - RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana – Italy Maurizio Montagnuolo is a Senior Research Engineer working at the R&D Department of the Italian public broadcaster RAI. He graduated in Telecommunications Engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin and received his Ph.D. in “Business and Management” at the University of Turin. His interests are mostly addressed in the context of multimedia data mining and artificial intelligence, fields in which he counts several publications in international journals and conferences. He is involved in several research projects in the field of digital archiving, automated metadata extraction and cloud technologies. He regularly serves in the programme committee of scientific conferences.

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César Montenegro Portillo ([email protected]) - Ideko S. Coop – Spain César Montenegro Portillo has received his M.Sc in Industry Oriented Software Investigation from the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. He has worked on civil, energy, railway and machine-tool sectors, collaborating with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, developing skills on machine learning techniques and data analysis. At present he is a member of the Intelligent Software Group at IDEKO S.COOP, working as a data scientist and artificial intelligence expert. Luisa Monti ([email protected]) – CRIF – Italy Luisa Monti has 15 yrs of experience in the field of credit reporting and related products & services. Regulatory developments, Italy & EU in topics related to credit reporting: Data Protection, banking regulation, ID frauds and AML, Digital Single Market. Public affairs and institutional relations; lobbying. Member of the Public Affairs Working Group in ACCIS ( Business developments: Financial Technology, digital banking, social media and digital marketing, big data and data driven economy. Data quality and data management - credit bureau and related added value services. Project management - compliance, organizational consultancy. Consumers' relations - data protection enforcement measures. Sergio Moreno ([email protected]) - Stratio Big Data – Spain María Laura Mosqueda Tablante ([email protected]) – ROOTER – Spain Strategic Consulting specializing in Digital Economy in Spain and Latin America at Rooter. Excellence Programme International Financial Markets at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Master´s Degree in Economics and Innovation Management from Universidad Complutense of Madrid. She studied an Advanced Specialization Program in Private Equity, Venture Capital, M & A and Financing of Operations from Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles of Madrid and an Honours B.A in Economics from Universidad Carlos III of Madrid. She has coordinated and wrote a number of reports related to the Digital Economy and Contents Industry, such as the Report on the "Most demanded Jobs Profiles in the field of Digital Content in Spain 2012 - 2017", sponsored by the Foundation for Information Technology Spain (FTI) in collaboration with the Association of Electronics, Information Technology, Telecommunications and Digital Contents in Spain (AMETIC), and funded by the Public State Employment Alberto Mozo ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain Associate Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He obtained an MSc from UPM in 1995, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UPM in 2003. His research activity has been focused on network protocols, peer-to-peer networks, learning collaboration systems, distributed systems and protocols, and machine learning. He is co-author of a granted United States patent (“Policy Controlled Offloading Among Neighbouring Networks”, US 8,797,875 B2, August, 5, 2014) in the area of mobile networks. Currently, he is the coordinator of the ONTIC (Online Network traffic Characterization) project, a Framework Programme 7th European Commission funded project running for 3 years that is going to investigate the application of Big Data Analytics techniques to the network traffic analysis and characterization. Marta Mrak ([email protected]) – BBC R&D - UK Dr Marta Mrak (Dipl. Ing. and MSc EE, University of Zagreb, Croatia; PhD, Queen Mary University of London, UK) is a Lead R&D Engineer at BBC R&D. Before joining the BBC in

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2010 to contribute the H.265/HEVC standardisation, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Surrey and at Queen Mary University of London. In 2002 she was awarded a German DAAD scholarship for video compression research at Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin, Germany. She published more than 60 journal and conference papers, co-authored 7 book chapters and co‐ edited a book on High‐ Quality Visual Experience (Springer, 2010). Marta has been involved in several projects funded by EC, EPSRC and TSB, and she is a supervisor in Marie Curie ITN ProVision. She is a member of the Multimedia Signal Processing technical committee of the IEEE, senior IEEE member, area editor of Elsevier journal Signal Processing: Image Communication and guest editor of several special issues in relevant journals in the field.

Thierry Nagellen ([email protected]) - Orange – France Thierry Nagellen has a Master in Telecommunication and Computer Science. After two years dedicated to launch his own company, he works as Programme Manager for Future Internet technologies. In the context of the Future internet Public Private Partnership, a European FP7 initiative, he coordinates Orange involvement in many projects from Smart Grids to Urban Mobility, from Content to Experimental Infrastructure. He is leading the Internet of Things technical activities in the FI-WARE project, a core platform project delivering Generic Enablers. He is also leading Orange research activities related to Big Data Management, Big Data Intelligence and Big Data Platforms. Thierry Nagellen is also President of the Smart Specialization Area (SSA) “Networks, M2M and Mobile Services” of the French competitiveness Cluster Secured Communicating Solutions ( Stefano Nanni ([email protected]) - Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A. - Italy Stefano Nanni joined Unipol in August 2013. In his R&D role, Stefano runs pilot projects regarding Big Data and telematics, drives open innovation and sees to the start-up ecosystem. Stefano is a qualified engineer with a master’s degree in Insurance and Risk Management. Having started his career in system integration, prior to joining Unipol Stefano ran various Risk and Control projects as a consultant and then at another major insurance group. Catherine Nuel ([email protected]) - OW2 – France Catherine Nuel has been marketing coordinator for OW2 since its launch in 2007. Prior to OW2, she was Events Manager for the ObjectWeb consortium. She handles organization of events, marketing support to OW2 projects and members as well as global communication efforts for the community.

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Alberto Ogbechie ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain PhD student in the Computational Intelligence Group (CIG) within the Artificial intelligence Department of the Technical University of Madrid. Alberto received his degree in Industrial Engineering in 2012 from the Pontifical University of Comillas (ICAI), Madrid. He worked as a Senior Consultant at Deloitte Consulting Spain for the Consumer Business and Manufacturing Industry sector where he participated in software implementation and process definition projects. His research interest is focused on machine learning algorithms and probabilistic graphical models applied to cyber-physical systems and Big Data under the industry 4.0 paradigm. Michel Olmedo ([email protected]) – ROOTER – Spain He has experience on matters relating to public tenders, intellectual and industrial property, commercial contracts and regulatory, mainly in the areas of media, digital and telecommunications. He is, as well, member of New IP Lawyers (International Association of Young IP Lawyers). Míchel has been part of relevant studies in the IP area like the ‘Estudio Comparativo y Propuestas de Políticas de Fomento al Incremento de Audiencias de Cine Nacional en el Mercado Local’ for the National Council on Culture and Arts from the Republic of Chile and has been chosen as speaker for international conferences. He regularly contributes to the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice and other specialized Journals and Blogs, such as IP Kat, IP Finance or the 1709 Blog.

Joaquín Ordieres-Mere ([email protected]) – UPM – Spain Active in Data Science in industrial Applciations (Industry 4.0). Working in BD applied to wearable eHealth as well as Business Analytics Interested in new ways for Lean Management to get benefits from Big Data. Jose Felipe Ortega Soto ([email protected]) – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – Spain Researcher at statistic groups (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) Michele Osella ([email protected]) - Istituto Superiore Mario Boella – Italy Dr. Michele Osella is the Head of Business Model & Policy Innovation at Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, being in charge of a multidisciplinary team studying economic, social and policy implications of ICTs. In the academic sphere, Michele is an Adjunct Lecturer of innovation management and business modelling in international master programs offered by the Polytechnic of Turin. In addition, he serves as Adjunct Professor in public sector innovation at the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), a specialized United Nations agency.

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Marcin Ostasz ([email protected]) - ETP4HPC/Barcelona Supercomputing Centre – Spain Marcin Ostasz graduated from the Technical University of Budapest at the Faculty of Electronics with an MSc degree and he also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree awarded by Oxford Brookes University in the UK. Marcin has over 13 years of combined experience gained at various technical, project management, operations management, business analysis and process improvement positions with organisations such as Nokia, American Power Conversion, Dell, GE and Barclays Bank. Marcin is currently working at Barcelona Supercomputing Centre as a business analyst. His tasks include supporting projects and organisations such as ETP4HPC (the European Technology Platform for HPC), PRACE, EUDAT and Mont-Blanc. He specialises in managing industrial relations, road-mapping, workshop management and business analysis. Luk Overmeire ([email protected]) - VRT – Belgium Luk Overmeire obtained his MSc in Electronics Engineering at the University of Ghent, Belgium in 1993. In 2002, he joined VRT's R&D department where he did research on metadata-based video encoding and rate. From 2004, he leads the competence group focusing on audio-visual content processing, media production respectively. At present, he leads the research activities regarding enhanced end user experiences, multi-platform production workflows and automated metadata applications. Luk Overmeire is an active member of several EBU working groups. Since 1996, he was involved in patent applications and authored several papers in international conferences.

Tomás Pariente Lobo ([email protected]) - Atos Spain – Spain I'm heading the Data Intelligence Lab in Atos Research & Innovation. This labs deals with Big Data and Semantics technologies. We have an extensive track record on big data EU funded projects such as BIG, VELaSSCo, Pheme, MLi or LeanBigData among others Stephanie Helen Parker ([email protected]) – Trust-IT services Ltd - UK Stephanie Parker is senior research analyst at Trust-IT. Her main focus is on the business value of cloud computing and the future internet. She is the Exploitation Manager in CLARUS and a member of the Expert User Group in the EuDEco project. She leads communications in SLA-Ready on making cloud service levels more readily accessible to the private sector. She is also communications officer in WISER on cyber risk management. Her involvement in future internet initiatives includes CI-FIRE, with a focus on business uptake of ICT test facilities, business models and sustainability. Amedeo Pata ([email protected]) - Selex ES – Italy Amedeo Pata, Head of Products/Applied Research Developments, in Selex ES Security & Information Systems CTO, manages the Divisional R&D Initiatives Budget and ensures that product development programs are aligned with both strategic, product and technological

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objectives. He ensures the execution is progressed in accordance with the approved investments plan within the Division. Formerly was Head of Technologies and Products / CTO of SELEX Elsag with responsibilities for Technological Plan and Product Catalogue. Marta Patiño ([email protected]) – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) – Spain Director of Distributed Systems Lab, co-inventor of 3 filed patents, co-author of the book “Replicated Databases” and 100+ scientific publications in international conferences and journals. Coordinator of LeanBigData, CoherentPaaS and CumuloNimbo FP7 projects on big data and large scale cloud data management, having managed over 5 ME FP7 funding in the last 5 years. Co-founder of LeanXcale, a startup commercializing a real-time big data platform the outcome of the LeanBigData, CoherentPaaS and CumuloNimbo FP7 projects. Co-founder of the COM joint institute between Santander bank and UPM. Winner of the best European project award from the Madrid research regional council (Madrid+d) and one of the awards on best start-up idea in the EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge start-up competition in 2014 in the Future Cloud topic for LeanXcale.

Giorgio Pedrazzi ([email protected]) – CINECA - Italy Dr. Giorgio Pedrazzi has received his PhD in Statistical Methodology for Scientific Research from the University of Bologna. His research interests include: Data and Multimedia mining, Information Extraction. He collaborated to the Data Mining projects developed in Cineca for the Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas and Italian Tax Administration (Italian Revenue Agency). He developed Text Mining applications for the Italian Research National Portal and, inside the ASTREA National funded research project, he contributed to develop Information Extraction techniques for the monitoring of the Italian judicial system through the analysis of the texts of the Court decisions. He was involved in the European project Papyrus and in the development of Data and Text Mining applications for CINECA customers. Tomas F. Pena ([email protected]) - University of Santiago de Compostela – Spain 1994 - PhD in Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 1990-1994 - Assistant professor in the Faculty of Computer Science in the University of A Coruña (Spain). 1995 - Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Computer Science of the University of Santiago de Compostela. 2010 - Senior Researcher at the IT Research Centre, CiTIUS, University of Santiago de Compostela. Main research lines: high performance computing in general, architecture of parallel systems, development of parallel algorithms for clusters and supercomputers, optimization of the performance in irregular codes and with sparse matrices, prediction and improvement of the performance of parallel applications in general, development of applications and middleware for grid and cloud, Big Data for science and NLP. Fernando Perez ([email protected]) - ZED WorldWide – Spain Fernando Pérez is Big Data & Advanced Analytics Services manager at Zed. He was before at IBM, as a Data Specialist, in the Business Analytics & Optimization service line, developing Business Intelligence and Data Mining projects for main Spanish banks and carriers. Fernando is an entrepreneur, Android and Graphs enthusiast. Creator of Nautka Apps, Fernando has developed applications with over 150K users, providing natural language processing technologies to final users. Fernando is the inventor of the US Patent 7289025: "Method and system for securing an electronic device", on October 2007.

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Fernando completed his undergraduate studies (Licenciado en Informática) at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca in 1997. Pablo Perez Benedi ([email protected]) - ITAINNOVA – Spain Pablo Pérez Benedí is an engineer in Industrial Organization and Master in mobile communications and Economics majoring on Management of Organizations, with more than 20 years of experience. Her experience comes from large multinational enterprises: Vodafone Group as R&D Manager and Microsoft as Microsoft Technology Center Director. At this moment, Pablo is working at ITAINNOVA ( and its role is as Strategist of European programmes for the ICT Divisions within the R&I Technology Strategy Unit. Complementary to his work in ITAINNOVA, he is Professor of Innovation Management and Strategic Direction at the University of Zaragoza ( Pablo is also a Doctoral Student, at Zaragoza University with main subject on New organizational Models and Cooperation. Key Issues: projects of R&D, networks of new generation, convergence of networks, mobile services, engineering services, SOA architectures and Business Intelligence. Milan Petkovic ([email protected]) –Philips - The Netherlands Prof. Dr. Milan Petković is the head of the Data Science department in Philips Research which conducts research and innovation projects for Philips in the domain of data analytics, signal processing, advanced data management and security. He is also a part-time computer science professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology, contributing also to the newly formed Data Science Center. Among his research interests are data science, big data analytics, information security, and privacy protection. Prof. Petković is very active in the EU and Dutch national collaborative projects. He leads the AU2EU and THeCS projects and participates in SuperCloud, ATTPS and CTMM projects. Prof. Petković is also a member of the EC Security Advisory Group for Horizon 2020 and several editorial boards for data analytics journals. He has published more than 50 journal and conference papers as well as several books including a book on Security, Privacy and Trust in Modern Data Management. Slobodan Petrovic ([email protected]) - Gjøvik University College – Norway Prof. Slobodan Petrovic obtained his BSc, MSc and PhD degree from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, in 1986, 1989, and 1994, respectively. His current position (since 2004) is full professor in information security at Gjøvik University College, Norway. His research interests include approximate search in large intrusion detection attack signature databases, cryptology, digital forensics, and security in wireless communication systems. He has published more than 50 papers on cryptology and intrusion detection systems. Clara Pezuela ([email protected]) – ATOS – Spain Clara Pezuela has a degree in Computer Science by the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid. She has 14 years’ experience in R&D projects development and management. Currently, she is the Head of IT Sector at Research and Innovation Group in Atos. Her main responsibilities now are the management of research projects and teams, the preparation of new research proposals and the commercialization of research assets in Atos business units. She is skilled in open business models and innovation processes, collaborative development environments, service and software engineering. She is currently coordinating an Integrated Project in FP7-ICT-Obj1.2 (ARTIST) which is aiming at developing methods and tools for facilitating the automatic migration of legacy applications to the cloud. She is also the President of PLANETIC, the Spanish technology platform for the adoption and dissemination of Electronic, Information and Communication Technologies in Spain. Her

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current research areas are the modernization of software towards cloud, the improvement of software development processes and methods and the fostering of adoption of innovation assets by the industry. Juan Carlos Pichel ([email protected]) - University of Santiago de Compostela- Spain Juan C. Pichel received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Physics from University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). In 2006 he received the Ph.D. from University of Santiago de Compostela. He was a visiting postdoctoral researcher at University Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA). He also worked as a researcher and project manager at Galicia Supercomputing Center (Spain). Currently he is a post-doc researcher at University of Santiago de Compostela. His research interests include parallel and distributed computing, Big Data technologies, programming models and software optimization techniques for emerging architectures. Maurizio Pilu ([email protected]) - Connected Digital Economy Catapult – UK Maurizio joined the Digital Catapult in May 2013. He is responsible for developing new initiatives and R&D programmes to help drive disruptive innovation in new digital markets. Prior to this he worked for the Technology Strategy Board (now Innovate UK). He set up and led a national programme on the Internet of Things, which led to the Hypercat standard, played a key role in developing the UK’s Digital Innovation Strategy and was central in successfully building the business case for the establishment of the Digital Catapult. Formerly, Maurizio worked for two years at a private equity house, and he spent 11 years at HP Laboratories, where he was a highly-rated technologist and innovator. Luca Piovano ([email protected]) - CeDInt – UPM – Spain Luca Piovano is currently the responsible for the R&D activities on Information Visualization and Visual Analytics of the Virtual Reality Group at CeDInt-UPM. His current research interests focus on fostering the visual representation of urban-related data through interactive (web-based) interfaces and on (geo-referenced) data analysis and understanding. He is currently involved into the FP7 European project INSIGHT. He holds a PhD. in computer science obtained at the University of Turin, Italy: his thesis dealt with a stereo matching algorithm to retrieve 3D information from stereoscopic images. He also collaborated with CNR (National Centre of Research of Italy) and Thales Alenia Space - Italy, a major aerospace company, on topics such as 3D reconstruction and modelling for VR, collaborative environments. Pierre Pleven ([email protected]) - Institut Mines-Telecom – France 40 years or Experience of IT management in Industry and Services, Managed also a dozen of Research projects (French National, Eureka, and FP5-7). He also has an activity in coaching start-ups, nationally and at European Level through contributions to the EIT ICT Lab KIC. He holds an MBA from HEC School of Management, with first degrees in Computer Sciences from Paris XI University. Examples of projects managed are FP projects EPSIS, ENREVI, and PHOENIX (with Chinese partners such as CCTV and China Mobile). Among spin-off and start-ups managed: MDS (Santa Clara, semicustom ICs), PGL (Neuilly, Digital Publishing), Neostar (Yffiniac, Biotechnologies), Symah Vision (Vanves, Augmented Reality for TV production). Pierre has negotiated the funding of TeraLab (French National PIA project) and is now managing the platform with a team of 6 persons.

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Pascal Poisson ([email protected]) - Alstom Transport – France Graduated in computer sciences. Technical Information System Manager at Schlumberger Software Department manager at Océ. Business Applications Development Department Manager at Océ. V&V Department manager at Alstom. Program Manager R&D at Alstom. Christian W Probst ([email protected]) - Technical University of Denmark – Denmark Christian W. Probst is an associate professor in language-based technologies at the Technical University of Denmark. He is technical lead of the TREsPASS project, which explores risk assessment in socio-technical systems. He has a strong background in programming languages, and has developed system models for identifying insider threats in organisations, most notably the ExASyM model. His research focuses generally on guaranteeing system properties ranging from embedded systems to organisations. Christian has published on insider threats, attack generation, and verification of security properties.

Marco Francesco Quartulli ([email protected]) – Vicomtech-IK4 – Spain Dr. Marco Quartulli received the laurea degree in Physics from the University of Bari, Italy, in 1997 and a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Siegen, Germany, in 2005. He worked at Advanced Computer Systems, Italy from 1997 to 2010 on remote sensing ground segment engineering, image analysis and archive mining for ESA and national space agencies. From 2000 to 2003, he was with the Image Analysis Group at the Remote Sensing Technology Institute of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Germany, working on metric resolution synthetic aperture radar image understanding in urban environments and content-based image retrieval. Since 2010, he has joined the TV & Media department of Vicomtech-IK4 in Spain where he leads the data intelligence group focusing on large scale stream analytics for multimedia, geospatial, health and industrial Big Data flows.

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Alberto Rabbachin ([email protected]) -European Commission Working for the Converging Media and Content Unit Past: Researcher on wireless networks at MIT Ph.D. in Wireless Networks Antonis Ramfos ([email protected]) – INTRASOFT International – Luxembourg Dr Antonis Ramfos joined INTRASOFT International in 1997 and is currently the Research & Innovation Delivery Director. His main responsibilities include R&D strategy formulation, conception and management of R&D projects, (both externally- and internally-funded) innovation transfer to commercial solutions of the company, and finally the promotion and commercial exploitation of R&D results. Dr. Ramfos has gained considerable experience in managing R&D projects and exploiting R&D results through his participation in numerous EC-funded Research and innovation projects. Bernard Rannou ([email protected]) - DDN Storage – France HPC & Big Data Sales Manager, France DDN R&D teams are based in the USA and in France DDN R&D team has 12 people in Europe and many more to come DDN R&D teams are looking for potential European collaborations Our local Software Development: Big Data, Cloud and HPC Andrea Reale ([email protected]) - IBM Research – Ireland Andrea Reale is a member of the High Performance Systems team at the IBM Research Lab in Dublin, Ireland. His work is mainly centred around large scale, parallel and distributed data management and processing systems. His research interests and activities relate to the design and optimization of the whole software stack supporting Big Data analytics workload, from "bare-metal" or virtualized deployment infrastructures, up to distributed coordination middleware and user-facing support tools. Andrea holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering (Distributed Systems) from the University of Bologna. He received cum-laude M.Sc. and B.Sc. diplomas in Computer Engineering from the same University in 2010 and 2008, respectively. Teofilo Redondo ([email protected]) - ZED World Wide – Spain Teófilo Redondo (BArts -1985, MArts - 1986; Universidad Complutense de Madrid - UCM) is Project Portfolio Coordinator at Zed Worldwide, in the Department of Innovation. He was before Technology Architect & Director of Innovation Projects at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). Previously he developed a career at IBM covering several areas like Cloud Computing and Big Data Architectures, Enterprise Solutions Architect (SAP, Oracle Solutions, Dassault Systemes), and as SOA Architect. He started in the Research Division of IBM with several projects on Machine Translation, during which he produced a number of articles on this subject. He was Visiting Scholar at Stanford University (1987).

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Ruben Riestra ([email protected]) -INMARK EUROPA – Spain Ruben Riestra is Director and shareholder of INMARK. He is an engineer and holds an MBA. He has 34 years’ experience in marketing and business consultancy. Since 1986 he has been consulting for international bodies such as the United Nations, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the European Commission. Since 1993, Ruben has been active in EU funded R&D projects. In relation to FP6 and FP7, Ruben has been coordinator of 4 integrated projects and 3 CSA. Fabrizio Riguzzi ([email protected]) - Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Università di Ferrara – Italy Fabrizio Riguzzi is an associate professor at DMI since November 1999. He obtained his PhD from the University of Bologna in 1998. His current research interests focus on machine learning, statistics relational learning and data mining. He is the author of more than 100 refereed papers and a member of the program committee of many international conferences. He was program chair, together with Filip Zelezny, of the 22nd International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming 2012 and, together with Marco Gavanelli, of the Convegno Italiano di Logica Computazionale 2009. He received the KSEM 2010 Highly Commended Paper and the RR 2013 Best Paper Award. Valere Robin ([email protected]) - Orange Labs – France Valère Robin has been pushing toward the convergence between telecommunications and information technologies for most of his career. Current focus includes cloud computing, end to end security, open source and software infrastructures for modern services. He is participating in the NESSI ETP, in BDVA PPP and in OW2 open source consortium. Miguel Rodríguez Luaces ([email protected]) - Universidade da Coruña – Spain Miguel R. Luaces received his M.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of A Coruña (Spain) in 1998 and a European Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of A Coruña (Spain) in 2004. He undertook research in the area of spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal databases at the FernUniversität Hagen (Germany) under the ChoroChronos project funded by the European Union. Today, he is an Assistant Professor at the University of A Coruña, and he is currently a member of the Databases Laboratory of the University of A Coruña where he has been involved successfully in a number of research and development projects. His research interests include Geographic Information Systems, Spatial and Spatio-temporal Databases, Software Engineering, and Web-based Information Systems. Beatriz Rodriguez Salgado ([email protected]) - Answare – Spain I am a computer engineer. I've been working in Answare for 7 years as Project manager of R & D projects. I am currently director of quality department, Answare, exercising the duties of establishment and continuity of processes of software development. Dumitru Roman ([email protected]) - SINTEF – Norway Dr. Dumitru Roman works as a Senior Research Scientist at SINTEF ICT, which he joined at the end of 2009. He is currently the project coordinator of the H2020 proDataMarket and FP7 DaPaaS projects and was previously the project coordinator of the FP7 Environmental Services Infrastructure with Ontologies (ENVISION) project and the technical coordinator

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for the preceding Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (SWING) project. He holds an adjunct associate professorship at the University of Oslo, Norway. Mario Romao ([email protected]) – Intel – Belgium DIRECTOR PUBLIC POLICY EU José Tomás Romero Calle ([email protected]) - AMETIC – Spain - R&D&i department - eNEM and es.INTERNET Spanish Technology Platforms coordinator - Smart Cities expert Telecommunication Engineering degree (Univ. Carlos III, Madrid) Master on Innovation Management (La Salle)

Tom Routte ([email protected]) - sirris – Belgium Data Innovation Scientist at the Collective Center for the Technology Industry in Belgium. Gema Ruiz Romero ([email protected]) - Acciona SA – Spain Since 2012 Analyst of Technological and Competitive Observatory of Acciona Jesus Ruiz Romero ([email protected]) - ISBAN – Spain Currently Director of Innovation in ISBAN (Santander Bank). Almost 30 years of experience in applying innovative technologies to the finance industry. Has participated in projects in many of the biggest banking institutions all over the world. Sven Rung ([email protected]) - Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung – Germany After completing his Bachelor's degree in economics at the Europa Universität Viadrina, Sven Rung graduated at the Freie Universität Berlin with a Master's degree in economics. During his studies, he focused on incentive theory, statistics and empirical economic research. He used these skills for an internship at the statistical consultancy at the Freie Universität Berlin where he provided advice for student's writing their empirical theses. Since 2012 Sven Rung is employed as junior researcher (Ph.D. student) at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, focusing on ICT. The emphasis of his work mainly lies in socio-economical and statistical analysis. Stefan Rüping ([email protected]) - Fraunhofer IAIS – Germany Dr. Stefan Rüping is the head of the business field of Big Data Analytics at Fraunhofer IAIS. His research interests include Machine Learning and Data Mining in real-world applications.

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Zoheir Sabeur ([email protected]) - IT Innovation Centre – UK Science Director at the IT Innovation Centre (, applied research centre advancing a wide range of information technologies and their deployment in industry, commerce and the public sector. The Centre is an international leader in applied research in multi-stakeholder distributed systems; big data, data analytics, information discovery and decision support; and data preservation, archiving and retrieval. Daniel Saez ([email protected]) – Instituto tecnológico de Informática (ITI) - Spain Telecommunication Engineering from Polytechnic University of Valencia (2001). His professional experience covers areas in the field of innovation policies, competitive intelligence and strategy in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) sector. He is the Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Director in ITI, where he is in charge of leading the Business Development based on R&D&I projects, establishing collaborative partnerships and leading projects related to the innovation and knowledge management and consolidating the reference position at national and international levels and making easier the strategic and tactics decisions in ITI and companies by means of collecting and analysing technology and market information. He is the representative of ITI in NESSI Steering Committee and the Big Data Value Association. Some references to EU projects achieved in last years: FLEXINET, ORIGIN, CRYSTAL, EMC2 or DEWI.

Sergio SALUDES RODIL ([email protected]) - CARTIF – Spain Sergio Saludes Rodil, PhD. He joined Cartif in 1998 and since then he has been involved in R&D projects management and development related to applied data science. Fields of application include manufacturing, power generation and transport.

J.Fernando Sánchez ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain Fernando Sánchez is a PhD candidate at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. His research is focussed on sentiment analysis and Linked Data. He has published several papers on topics such as emotion ontologies and semantic sentiment analysis. He has taken part in several national and European projects. Francisco Sanchez Cid ([email protected]) - Instituto Tecnologico de Informática – Spain Francisco is Head of R&D Services in the Technological Institute of Valencia (ITI) where he manages and runs R&D projects related to Intelligent Data Management, Smart and Embedded Systems, and key enabling technologies for Logistics & Manufacturing. Formerly a software architect and project leader, he developed his skills in projects ranging from rich desktop clients and web applications through to highly scalable distributed systems and service-oriented architectures. He has been also research assistant at Malaga University and City University of London, and he holds an MSc degree in Computer Science (University of Malaga, Spain, thesis received higher honours). His principal research interests are in the area of intelligent data analysis and exploitation and also in

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security engineering. Francisco has been involved in a number of EU Framework projects, including FLEXINET and ORIGIN (for ITI), CASENET (for University of Malaga), SECSE (for City University of London) and SERENITY. Gohar Sargsyan ([email protected])- Amsterdam University Of Applied Sciences- The Netherlands Dr Gohar Sargsyan, MBA is an experienced programme director and business management consultant/adviser in international multidisciplinary environments both in public as well as private sectors. Since 1996 she is employed in the IT business. She creates international business consortium, runs programmes and provides consulting services with great enthusiasm. She is ICT Innovation lead EU at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and is a partner at CGI (prior Logica). She holds an MBA degree and an MS degree in Computer Information Sciences from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), she also accomplished her PhD in Informatics. Gohar is an inventor with IP ownership. She is a regular speaker in international conferences, and publishes frequently in professional business and scientific journals. Nikos Sarris ([email protected]) – Athens Technology Centre (ATC) - Greece Nikos has been working in ATC as a Senior IT Consultant since 2004 and is the Head of Operations of the ATC Innovation Lab since 2013. He received his PhD from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and his Master of Engineering degree in Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. Nikos has been working since 1996 in R&D projects as a researcher, project manager and coordinator of large multinational consortia. In the latest years he has mainly been involved in media related projects focusing on the semantic analysis and ‘understanding’ of multimedia news content. He is the co-editor of a book and has authored numerous scientific publications for international journals and conferences. Dr Sarris is a member in the Steering Committee of the NESSI European Technology Platform and an associate member in the Board of the Big Data Value Association. Felix Sasaki ([email protected]) DFKI / W3C Fellow – Germany Felix Sasaki joined the W3C in 2005 to work in the Internationalization Activity until March 2009. In 2012 he rejoined the W3C team as a fellow on behalf of DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence). He was co-chair of the MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group and co-editor of the Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0 specification. He is currently engaged in the LIDER and FREME projects. His main field of interest is the application of Web technologies for representation and processing of multilingual information. Francesco Saverio Nucci ([email protected]) - Engineering SpA – Italy Francesco is Applications Research Director in Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA, R&D Division. During his working activity he acquired more than 20 years of experience in management of research and technology based innovation. He is author of over 40 referred international publications in Digital Media, Technology Innovation and Multimedia Business. He has been visiting professor at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in a Master in Business Administration of Media Industries. He is CUbRIK evangelist and member of the Steering Board of NEM (Networked Electronic Media) European Technology Platform. In the past he was involved in a collaboration with the MediaLab of the M. I. T., where he also attended summer schools and executive courses (including “Management of Research Development and Technology based innovation” at Sloan Business School).

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Faical Sboui ([email protected]) – Centre National de l 'Informatique CNI – Tunisia Engeneer Director of innovative projects and online services since October 2012 Director of products 2006-2012 Database Administrators 2001-2006 Project manager 1996-2001 Stefano Scamuzzo ([email protected]) - Engineering Group – Italy Stefano Scamuzzo is a Technical Manager in Engineering Group's Technical Innovation and Research Division. He masters the SOA and BI domain acting as Sales and Ecosystem Manager for SpagoBI Labs, the Engineering's organisation which develops and support the open source BI suite SpagoBI. He participates in the OW2 Tehnology Council and Big Data Initiative. David Scarlatti ([email protected]) - Boeing Research & Technology Europe – Spain I received Aeronautics Engineering degree in 1994 (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid), I'm Stanford Certified Project Manager (2008), Master of Science in Technology Management (2010, Open University- UK), and GIAC Certified Incident Handler (2011). In 1989 I started to work with computers at PHILIPS, then I worked at INDRA (1993 to 2000) as Software Engineer, and at ORACLE as Technology Manager (2000-2005) where I led the European Professional Community on Data Warehousing. In May 2005 I joined the first BOEING R&D centre out of USA (Boeing Research and Technology Europe) where I have been working in many data analytic related projects. Currently I'm focused on Air Traffic Management Analytics. Harald Schöning ([email protected]) – Software AG - Germany Dr. Harald Schöning (Male), Head of Research, obtained a diploma and a doctorate in Computer Science at the University Kaiserslautern. He has worked as developer, (chief) architect and project lead in various areas (databases, semantic technologies, SOA etc). At present, he manages the research staff at Software AG. Software AG is market leader in several areas of Enterprise Software, e.g. complex event processing, big data technologies, business process management and is always eager to participate in research projects in these and related areas. Dr. Schöning has been involved in several publically funded research projects on national and European level. Currently, he is serving as chairman of the Software Cluster, a research activity co-funded by the German government and industry (, and as member of the board of the European Technology Platform NESSI. He has published several books and holds more than 30 patents.

Catherine Simon ([email protected]) – Thales - France Dr Catherine Simon, Director of Advanced Studies, graduated from University of Toulouse with a PhD degree in computing sciences in 1986. She led technological activities in data and signal/image processing (neural networks, learning algorithms) for several years. She has a strong industrial & business background as she was in charge of system architects for large industrial projects involving networks, security and information systems and then, was the director of a business activity in secure control & command information systems for several years. At present, she is in charge of innovation as the Director of Advanced Studies in digital technologies: cloud computing, networking, cybersecurity, data / video analytics and machine learning.

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Mike Sips ([email protected]) - GFZ German Research Center for GeoSciences – Germany 2010-Present: GFZ German Research Centre for GeoSciences, Senior Research Scientist, Leading Scientist for Big Data Analytics at GFZ 2006-2010: Research Scientist at Max-Planck-Institut Informatik and Stanford University 2006: PhD in Computer Science at Konstanz University Bjørn Skjellaug ([email protected]) -SINTEF – Norway Member of the BDVA Board of Directors and NESSI Steering Committee. Caj Södergård ([email protected]) - VTT – Finland I am a Research Professor in Digital media and Services at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (see I am a Board Member of BDVA: I became doctor in Computer Science from Helsinki University of Technology. My current research focus is on context aware digital services. Central enablers are wearable computing and big data processing.

June Sola ([email protected]) - Innovalia Association – Spain Ms June Sola is a researcher at Innovalia Association. She graduated as Mechanical Engineer at the Faculty of Engineering (ETSI) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Moreover, she got the degree in Industrial Management Engineering from the same university in 2013. She belongs to the ICT Unit of Innovalia, working in the ICT for manufacturing area, in the development and implementation of ICT solutions for the industrial environment. She is presently involved in national and European R&D projects related to communications and new technologies in the manufacturing sector, mainly in the Factory of the Future, Cloud, and IoT. June is leading the business requirement elicitation & smart trial implementation activities in projects such as FITMAN (implementation of the Internet of the Future in the manufacturing sector), FABulous (support in the development of tools based on the Internet of the Future for 3D printing industry) and FASyS (risk management in in the Factory). Pedro Soria-Rodriguez ([email protected]) - Atos Spain – Spain Engineer by training, with broad experience in Information Technologies (networking, communications and services) with special background in information security. Business Development & Innovation manager in the areas of Financial Services & Homeland Security. Oscar Soriano Enguídanos ([email protected]) - Information Catalyst for Enterprise – Spain Technical Engineering in Computer Systems since 2004. Software developer with over 15 years of experience especialized on JAVA technologies. Involved on the development of different frontend and backend software solutions for different companies including desktop and web based oriented projects. Last 8 years has participated in different European projects like INTUITEL, ADVENTURE and funstep.

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Sergios Soursos ([email protected]) - Intracom Telecom – Greece Sergios Soursos is a Senior R&D Engineer at Intracom S.A. Telecom Solutions, Greece, working on cloud traffic management, information-centric networking, software defined networking and big data analytics. He has also worked peer-to-peer networking and overlay network management, smart grids and demand response systems. He has been a Research Associate at the Network Economics and Services Group of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Greece, working on network economics and pricing, game theory and modelling, overlay networks and grid computing. He holds the BSc (1999) in Informatics, the MSc (2001) in Information Systems and a PhD (2010) on pricing schemes for on-demand resources, from AUEB, Greece. Dr. Soursos has presented his work in numerous academic conferences and workshops and has received scholarships and awards from Greek institutions and companies. He has co-chaired the EC DG INFSO's Future Internet Socio-Economics Task Force. Wouter Spek ([email protected]) - EuroBioForum Foundation - The Netherlands Seasoned expert in policy and funding of life sciences research and innovation, with a special focus on the domain of Personalised Medicine. Samppa Suiniemi ([email protected]) - European Commission / University of Toulouse 1 Capitole – France Post doc researcher / European Commission University of Toulouse 1 Capitole (France), 6/2015 - Topic: Big Data-driven marketing Post doc researcher / Researcher University of Turku (Finland), 2010-2015 Topic: CRM technology utilization Technology sales manager / CRM sales manager Oracle Corp. (Ireland, Finland), 2008-2009 Areas: Database, middleware, CRM applications Klara Süveges-Heilingbrunner ([email protected]) - ICT Associaton of Hungary – Hungary MSc, EU expert, project manager. She graduated at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and she got her MSc in Engineering and Management, in the field of the European Union and innovation studies. She was working for 5 years for BME and was responsible for managing several FP6 and FP7 SSA projects in Hungary, supporting the Hungarian organisations in participating in the EU funded projects. She has experience as EU expert in preparing strategic document due to a participation in a European Tender in the Networked Enterprise area. She has been working for 4 years for the Europe wide Innovation Relay Centre network dealing with transnational technology transfer and was responsible for the ICT sector. Since February 2008 she has been working for the ICT Association of Hungary where she is managing and coordinating EU funded projects of the FP7, H2020, SEE and LLP programmes. She has experience of implementing communication campaigns and tenders.

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Sonia Taborcia ([email protected]) - Everis – Spain Government Data Analytics manager with more than 12 years of experience in the ICT sector. She has specialized in data, big data & analytics for public administrations and is part of the Big Data Key Line in Everis. Jack Thoms ([email protected]) - TU Berlin – Germany Jack Thoms, is working as a project coordinator at the DFKI project-office Berlin, in the work-group Intelligent Analytics for Massive Data. He received his Phd degree in Logistics Engineering (2006) and his Diploma in Business Administration (1999) from the Technical University Berlin. Currently he is actively involved in two research projects Smart Data for Mobility (SD4M) and Smart Data Web (SDW). Jack has been leading several research and innovation projects in the context of data driven businesses. He is author of the study „Supply Chain Analytics in the Automotive Industry“and was Head of project development at the House of Logistics and Mobility in Frankfurt/Main.

Víctor Torres-Padrosa ([email protected]) – Easy Innova S.L. – Spain I am working on the preparation of proposals and management of R&D&I projects in the lines of artificial intelligence (opinion mining, sentiment analysis, natural language processing), recommender systems, social search, digital preservation and complementary and virtual currencies applied to local commerce’s promotion and as incentive/rewarding for behavioural changes in different areas such as health, knowledge exchanges and visual data. Wolfgang Treinen ([email protected]) - European Commission Since November 2012: Project and policy officer at Unit G3, DG CNNECT, European Commission May 2010 - November 2012: Head of department at EIC Trier - IHK/HWK- Europa- und Innovationscentre GmbH January 2000 - April 2010: Project manager at EIC Trier - IHK/HWK- Europa- und Innovationscentre GmbH and Euro Info Centre Trier (main projects: Enterprise Europe Network (see also:, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (see also: and other. Juan C. Trujillo ([email protected]) - University of Alicante – Spain Juan C. Trujillo is a Full-time Professor at the Dept. of Software and Computing Systems in the University of Alicante (Spain), the leader of the Lucentia Research Group and co-founder of the Lucentia Lab. S.L. His main research topics include Business Intelligence applications, Big Data, data warehouses’ (DWs) development, OLAP, data mining, DWs security and quality. He has also participated in the official registration of different tools related to Data Warehouse modelling. He has advised 11 PhD students and published

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more than 180 papers in different high impact conferences and 40 papers in highly ranked international journals (JCR) (eg. DKE or DSS). He has also been co-editor of nine special issues in JCR journals. He is a Senior Editor of the Decision Support Systems (DSS) Journal (Q1). Reviewer of many JCR journals and National and International Agencies (e.g. FP7). Principal Investigator of many Research and Transfer Projects. He holds the credential of the PMP from the PMI. Klaus Turowski ([email protected]) - Big Data Innovation Center Magdeburg – Germany Klaus Turowski (born 1966) studied Business and Engineering at the University of Karlsruhe, achieved his doctorate at the Institute for Business Informatics at the University of Münster and habilitated in Business Informatics at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. In the year 2000, he held the Chair of Business Informatics at the University of the Federal Armed Forces München and, from 2001, he headed the Chair of Business Informatics and Systems Engineering at the University of Augsburg. Since 2011, he has been heading the Chair of Business Informatics (AG WI) at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Furthermore, he has been working as the head of the Very Large Business Applications Lab (VLBA Lab) and of the world's largest SAP University Competence Center (SAP UCC Magdeburg). Tuomo Tuikka ([email protected]) - VTT Technical Research Centre - Finland Dr. Tuomo Tuikka is Head of Research Area at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. He leads VTT’s Digital Systems and Services research including topics such as Cyber Security, Intelligent Data, Service Architecture, and Cyber Physical Solutions. Furthermore, this position provides him an opportunity to contribute in many Finnish and European research forums and frameworks, including EUREKA and European Institute of Technology. Earlier he was in software industry as a Director of software product development at CCC Group. Until 2002 Dr Tuikka was Assistant Professor at the University of Oulu in Finland. Dr. Tuikka has published in the area of collaborative systems, virtual product design, and he has been involved in the research on mobile contactless digital services. Recently, his main focus has been in requirements, interoperability and new opportunities of mobile contactless services, especially Near Field Communication technology. Dr. Tuikka has been in program committee and steering committee of many related ACM and IEEE conferences and moderator of panels in events. He is a board member of NESSI ETP Networked European Software and Service Initiative, European Technology Platform.

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Gorka Unamuno ([email protected]) - IK4-Ideko – Spain Graduated from Mondragon University (Spain) with a bachelor's degree in Electronical engineering in 2003, Gorka Unamuno is a research engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the field of Robotics and Automation systems. He is interested in the integration of IT and industrial technologies, he is currently developing his career in the Intelligent Software department within the IK4-IDEKO R&D Centre contributing to the development of the next generation industrial production systems. He has participated in European, Spanish and Basque research projects. Proven experience in projects involving research and implementation projects in technologically advanced systems. Dr.Collin Upstill ([email protected]) - IT Innovation Centre – UK Managing Director of the University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre; Chairman of the Steering Committee of the NESSI ETP; Director of the Big Data Value AISBL; Member of the Big Data Value cPPP Partnership Board.

Josef Urban ([email protected]) – Nokia Head of Software and Security Research at Nokia Networks

Helena Ursic ([email protected]) - Leiden University – The Netherlands Helena Uršič holds a master’s degree in law from the University of Ljubljana (cum laude) and an LL.M. in international business law from Tilburg University (cum laude). In 2013, she received a Clifford Chance award for the best written memoranda at the Central and Eastern European Moot Court competition in Brno and she also received the dean’s award for her outstanding GPA at the University of Ljubljana. She worked for one year as a consultant for Ernst&Young in Amsterdam advising international companies on EU data privacy issues. Since April 2015 she has been employed as a researcher at the Centre for Law in the Information Society (eLaw) of Leiden University, where she has been pursuing her PhD thesis focused on legal aspects of the European data economy. Hans Uszkoreit ([email protected]) - DFKI GmbH – Germany Hans Uszkoreit is Scientific Director at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Professor at Saarland University and Honorary Professor at Technical University Berlin. He is Member of the European Academy of Sciences and of the International Committee of Computational Linguistics as well as past president of the Association of Logic, Language and Information. From 2010-2015 he served as Coordinator of the European Network of Excellence META-NET with 60 research centers in 34 countries. He co-founded several start-up companies and serves on various industrial and scientific advisory boards. Currently he leads projects in large-scale data analytics, information system applications and automatic translation. He recently received two Google research awards for his work on large-scale text analytics. His research is documented in more than 180 international publications.

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Arjan van den Born ([email protected]) - Tilburg University – The Netherlands Arjan van den Born is professor of Creativity & Entrepreneurship. Moreover he leads the Data Science Center of Tilburg University. He has a broad understanding of data science and represents various faculties from hardcore statistics and math, to competences as legal, regulation and ethics as well as key research domains as marketing, I-o-T, cognitive science, et cetera. Didier Vanden Abeele ([email protected]) - CEA France – France Didier VANDEN ABEELE is CEA List Deputy Director for European Affairs. CEA List is the Institute of CEA Tech dedicated to all the ICT technologies applied to technological platforms and domains. Domains are ICT, Health, Security, Transport, Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Energy. Didier is particularly involved in EERA, in European community on Factories of the Future (FoF) as member of EFFRA (European Factories of the Future Research Association) and as member of FoF Partnership Board. Didier is the CEA representative if the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) that is the new European PPP instrument related to Big Data Value. Before his career at CEA, Didier was responsible for the collaborative projects at Alstom Transport Information Solutions. He was used to address challenges at technical level or business levels by an Innovation Management approach. Before Alstom, Didier was at Thales in charge of the development of systems and software in the domains of electronic warfare and communication systems. Ravi Vatrapu ([email protected]) - Copenhagen Business School – Denmark Ravi Vatrapu is a professor of IT Management and director of the Computational Social Science Laboratory (CSSL) at the Department of Information Technology Management of the Copenhagen Business School. CSSL conducts transdisciplinary basic research at the socio-technical intersections of computer science and social science with specific applications to managers in companies, teachers in schools and residents in cities. The basic research program is aimed at explaining socio-technical interactions and the applied research program seeks to design, develop and evaluate big data analytics applications for managers (predictive analytics, visual analytics) and teachers (teaching analytics, learning analytics), and residents (personal health analytics). Guillermo Vega Gorgojo ([email protected]) - University of Oslo – Norway Researcher on semantic web, big data and open data Jose Maria Veganzones ([email protected]) - Stratio Big Data - Spain

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Angel Velazquez ([email protected]) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid- Spain Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. During the past five years I have developed methods in the context of contracts with the aeronautics industry for the efficient analysis of large multi-dimensional databases. I am used to work with databases of industrial interest, and I have first-hand knowledge on the practical needs of industrial partners in relation to the management of large data bases. Tonny Velin ([email protected]) – ANSWARE - Spain Graduated in Computer Science Engineering from the Universities of Bordeaux (1984) and Toulouse (1985). He has 28 years’ experience in Information Technology and Communication (ICT). He started his career at the European Space Agency (ESA) and then he has been developing and managing many projects and missions in different places in the world: France, Germany, Belgium, Canada and Spain in the ICT, Space and Defence industrial and public sectors. In March 2002, he created Answare that focuses on ICT consultancy and software innovation projects. He has managed and participated in ICT R&D projects at European and national level. He worked as Consultant for the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid and the Spanish Technological Centre for Industrial Development (CDTI) to boost the participation of ICT-based SMEs in R&D European programmes. Tonny is member of the Board and Steering Committee of NESSI (Networked European Software & Services Initiative) and he is also member of the Steering Committee of PLANETIC (Spanish ICT-based technology platform). He currently contributes to CONECTA 2020 (FP7 611517) and MOSAIC (FP7 612076) to foster International Cooperation between Europe and Lat-Am and Mediterranean countries around ICT. Henk Jan Vink ([email protected]) – TNO - The Netherlands Director Networked Information TNO Marco Viviani ([email protected]) - Lab. CINI / Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca – Italy Marco Viviani currently has a senior research fellow position at the DISCo at the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca on topics connected to Information Retrieval in the Social Web, in the IR research group coordinated and supervised by Prof. Gabriella Pasi. He acquired the PhD in Informatics from the Università degli Studi di Milano in February 2008, under the supervision of Prof. Ernesto Damiani. In 2009 he obtained a one-year postoctoral research fellow at the Université de Bourgogne / Le2i (Dijon, France). In 2010 he obtained a two-year postoctoral research fellow at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées / Liris (Lyon, France). From 2011 to 2013 he held a postdoctoral research fellow at the DiSTA at the Università degli Studi dell’Insubria (Varese, Italy), in the STRICT group coordinated by Prof. Elena Ferrari. His main topics of interest include Trust & Reputation Systems, Social Media Analysis, User Modeling, Information Retrieval, and Knowledge Management Guido Volleberg ([email protected]) - Philips Research - The Netherlands Current position: Department Head/Director of department Smart Personal Spaces in Philips Research organisation. Gabriela Vulcu ([email protected]) – Insight Research Associate at Insight/ representative of MixedEmotions project (participating at EuDEco project)

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Arild Waaler ([email protected]) - University of Oslo – Norway Coordinator of FP7 IP Optique ( Director of SIRIUS: Centre of Scalable Data Access ( Leader of the Logic and Intelligent Data research group at the Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo Walter Waterfeld ([email protected]) – Software AG - Germany He obtained a diploma and a doctorate in Computer Science at the Technical University Darmstadt. He worked at different technical positions in R&D of Software AG in the area of databases, application frameworks and information integration. He carried out research and management tasks in several National and European research projects in the area of Big Data, cloud, IoT and factory of the future (e.g. in FP7: iCore, HEADS, IMAGINE). He represents Software AG in standard organisations and research consortia like the European Technology Platform NESSI. Benjamin Wegener ([email protected]) - Big Data Innovation Center Magdeburg – Germany Benjamin Wegener has studied business informatics and is working at the SAP University Competence Center (SAP UCC) at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg since 2010. Since 2013, he is responsible for the setup and operation of the In-Memory Database SAP HANA for research and education at the Big Data Innovation Center Magdeburg.

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Theodore Zahariadis ([email protected]) - Synelixis – Greece Dr. Theodore Zahariadis is the CTO of Synelixis. He was granted a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer engineering from the NTUA Greece, and a Dipl.-Ing. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece. Dr. Zahariadis is the project manager of the H2020 COSSIM project (CPS co-simulator) and technical manager of the FP7 DOLFIN project (Energy Efficiency in Data Centres). He has also been heavily involved in the EU Future Internet PPP activities; he has coordinated the Future Internet Architecture (FIArch) Group of experts, and participles in the Internet of Things and the Future Services Internet subgroups. In the past, he has also lead the Future Media Internet Architecture group. He has been with Ellemedia Technologies as the Technical Director, the Hellenic Aerospace Industry as Chief Engineer, tehLucent Technologies/Bell-Laboratories (NJ) as a Senior Consultant. He is also an Assoc. Professor at the Technological Educational Institute of Sterea Ellada. Gianluigi Zanetti ([email protected]) - CRS4 – Italy Gianluigi Zanetti is the director of CRS4 Data Intensive Computing sector. He holds a degree in Physics from the University of Bologna (1984) and a Ph.D. in Physics from The University of Chicago (1988). Before joining CRS4, he conducted research and teaching activities at Princeton University, Los Alamos National Lab, École Normale Supérieure (Paris) and other institutions. His research spans many areas of computational science and is widely published in major journals and conferences. He regularly serves as program committee member or reviewer for international conferences and journals. Fadi Zaraket ([email protected]) - American University of Beirut – Lebanon Fadi Zaraket is an assistant professor at the ECE department at AUB with a PhD in ECE from UT Austin, a Masters and Bachelor degrees in CCE from AUB, and a dozen years of industry experience at IBM, Sun Microsystems, and Santa Cruz. He is particularly interested in static and dynamic verification techniques and in extending hardware verification techniques to software. Fadi is also interested in computational sciences with a focus on natural language processing applications including information extraction techniques from Arabic text and from medical documents and records. Sonja Zillner ([email protected]) – Siemens AG - Germany Sonja Zillner studied mathematics and psychology and accomplished her PHD in computer science specializing on the topic of Semantics. She is Senior Key Expert in the field of Business Analytics and Monitoring at Corporate Technology, Siemens AG and Lead of the BDV SRIA Editing Team. She is author of many publication and patents, her research focus lies in the area of semantic technologies, big data, knowledge and innovation management.

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Urko ZURUTUZA ([email protected]) - MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA – Spain I am the Manager of the Telematics Research Group at Mondragon University. I am responsible for coordinating the research activities in the fields of Network Security, Smartphone Security, and the application of Data Mining techniques to solve real world problems (Industry Processes, Social Media Analysis, e-Learning Environments,...). I have participated in 15+ public funding research projects, authored 20+ publications, and I've been member of 30+ conference program committees. I have coordinated research projects at regional and national levels, and have experience in FP6 (ReSIST NoE), FP7 (FORWARD CA in critical systems and malware & fraud working groups (WG), ECSEL an H2020. I'm the coordinator of the MANTIS ECSEL project, with 49 partners and +30M budget in "Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance".

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8. Logistics, Transport, Maps, Events

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8.1 Coaches services

Coaches from BDVA Summit to Madrid Airport

A free transfer service will be available from the Venue

to the Airport on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th. The

following schedule is planned:

Thursday at 17:00

Friday at 15:00 and 16:15.

The final schedule will be announced during the

Summit such that changes in this schedule could be

produced and/or a ‘ticket’ may need to be collected to for a place

The journey takes around 30 minutes from the venue to the Airport (40 on

Friday due to traffic).

In the Airport there will be two stops:

Terminal 1-2-3

Terminal 4

IMPORTANT: all attendees interested in using this free service will have to

notify the Registration Desk before the coffee break in the morning of the day of


Stop Terminal 1-2-3 Stop Terminal 4

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8.2 Taxis From Madrid Airport to BDVA Summit event (and vice-versa)


There are several official taxi companies in Madrid. Taxis in Madrid are very

convenient and not too expensive. To get

a taxi you can use for example the

following companies (same official fares):

Radio Teléfono Taxi: +34 91 547 82 00

Tele-Taxi: +34 91 371 21 31

Radio Taxi: +34 91 447 32 32

Flat fare from/to the airport

For services from or to the airport and from or to any destination

within the boundaries of 30st street (bypass road M-30), including

those rides that were contracted via telephone.

This flat fare does not include supplement for luggage or extra


30,00 €

Minimum fare from/to the airport

For routes from any airport terminal taxi rank to a destination across

the limits of the the M-30 bypass road, including distances of 10 km

or less, the fee is 20 €.

Once exceeded the 10 km, the taximeter will continue clocking at

the corresponding tariff rate.

20,00 €

IMPORTANT: Taxi’s should be readily present but attendees can ask for help at

the Registration Desk to call a Taxi.

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8.3 Metro Metro station of the event: Línea 6, station Ciudad Universitaria Metro tickets can be acquired at: Ticket booths at any station in the Metro network (Metro Zona A, MetroSur, MetroNorte, MetroEste and TFM). Automatic ticket machines located in the entrance halls of the Metro network stations, and at the toll entry and exit barrier at the Airport T1-T2-T3 and Airport T-4 stations.

Web site of Metro Madrid:

From metro station: Ciudad Universitaria, walking distance approx. 800 meters

From the airport From: Airport T1 T2 T3 (near T2) Take Línea 8 to Nuevos Ministerios Transfer at Nuevos Ministerios to “Línea 6 Circular” Exit at Ciudad Universitaria. Estimated Time: 0 h. 33 min. 29 sg. Route 9 Stations (Line 8: Campo de las Naciones, Mar de Cristal, Pinar del Rey, Colombia, Nuevos Ministerios: Line 6: Nuevos Ministerios (you should transfer from line 8 to line 6), Cuatro Caminos, Guzmán el Bueno, Metropolitano and Ciudad Universitaria) Price: 4,50 to 5€

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From: Aeropuerto T4 (Floor 0 of Terminal 4) Take Línea 8 to Nuevos Ministerios Transfer at Nuevos Ministerios with “Línea 6 Circular” Exit at Ciudad Universitaria. Estimated Time: 0 h. 37 min. 6 sg. Route 11 Stations (Line 8: Barajas, Aeropuerto T1 T2 T3, Campo de las Naciones, Mar de Cristal, Pinar del Rey, Colombia, Nuevos Ministerios: Line 6: Nuevos Ministerios (you should transfer from line 8 to line 6), Cuatro Caminos, Guzmán el Bueno, Metropolitano and Ciudad Universitaria)

Price: 4,50 to 5€

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From Hotel Jardin Metropolitano:

Well connected with the subway system, less than 100 meters form the hotel door is located the closest station “Cuatro Caminos”. Underground Cuatro Caminos (line 6): route 3 Stations (Guzman el Bueno, Metropolitano, Ciudad Universitaria) Estimated Time: 0 h. 7 min. 37 sg. Price 1,5€.

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From Hotel Los Vascos

Head toward Calle de Justo Dorado on Calle de Los Vascos. Go for 0.1 miles. (3:12). Turn left onto Avenida de la Reina Victoria. Go for 100 feet. (3:34). Arrive at Avenida de la Reina Victoria. The trip takes 0.2 miles and 4 mins. (3:34). Underground exit Guzmán el Bueno, Línea 6 Circular. Estimated Time: 0 h. 9 min. 30 sg. Route 2 Stations (Metropolitano, Ciudad Universitaria). Price 1,5€

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From Hotel Tryp Madrid Gran Vía

Instructions: Underground exit Gran Vía, Línea 5. 6 Stations (Callao, Plaza de España, Ventura Rodriguez, Argüelles, Moncloa, Ciudad Universitaria). Transfer at Callao with Línea 3. Transfer at Moncloa with Línea 6 Circular. Underground arrival Ciudad Universitaria. Estimated time: 20 minutes. Price: 1,5€ to 2€. Other information: from Gran Via Station to Callao Station there is 5 minutes walking, and to Plaza de España there is 7 or 8 minutes.

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Hotel Tryp Madrid Centro Start: Plaza de España Destination: Ciudad Universitaria. Estimated Time: 0 h. 13 min. 14 sg. Underground exit Plaza de España, Línea 3. Transfer at Moncloa with Línea 6 Circular. Underground arrival Ciudad Universitaria Route 4 Stations: Ventura Rodriguez, Argüelles, Moncloa, Ciudad Universitaria. Price 1,5€.

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8.4 Bus Bus (Lines 82, G, F, 132) Price 1,5€ each ticket (valid only for one bus, you can buy 10 travels ticket for 12,20€ without transfer and 18,30€ with transfer) Web site: From Airport Terminal T4 – 1h 55 min Walk 6 minutes until stop 3649 AEROPUERTO T4, linea 200. 76 minutes by bus (línea 200) till stop 4244 INTERCAMBIADOR AVENIDA DE AMERICA. Number of stops: 6 From stop 4244; walking 11 minutes until stop 790 MARIA DE MOLINA-PRINCIPE VERGARA, line 12. 14 minutes by bus (line 12) until stop 4541 CEA BERMUDEZ-GAZTAMBIDE. Number of stops: 12. Walking from stop 4541; walking 4 minutes until stop 4175 AVENIDA REYES CATOLICOS- PLAZA CRISTO REY, line 82. 5 minutes by bus (line 82) until stop 1687 AVENIDA COMPLUTENSE-MEDICINA. Number of stops: 4.

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From Airport Terminal 1: 1h 48 minutes

Walking from europcar-madrid-barajas-t1 llegadas; walking 4 minutes until stop 3540 AEROPUERTO T1, line 200. 42 minutes by bus (line 200) until stop 4244 INTERCAMBIADOR AVENIDA DE AMERICA. Number of stops: 4. Walking from stop 4244; walking 11 minutes until stopping place 790 MARIA DE MOLINA-PRINCIPE VERGARA, line 12. 14 minutes by bus (line 12) until stop 4541 CEA BERMUDEZ-GAZTAMBIDE. Number of stops: 12.

Walking from stop 4541; walking 4 minutes until stop 4175 AVENIDA REYES


5 minutes by bus (line 82) until stop 1687 AVENIDA COMPLUTENSE-

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MEDICINA. Number of stops: 4.

Bus from Hotel Los Vascos or Hotel Jardín Metropolitano

Get bus F as indicated below.

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Bus from Hotel Madrid Tryp Gran Via – 35 min

Get Bus 133 as indicated below.

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Bus from Tryp Madrid Centro – 30 min

Get Bus 133 as indicated below.

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It is about 1.5 km away from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, approximately

18 minutes walk

Head east on Calle Prof. Aranguren toward Plaza Menéndez Pelayo (240


Turn right toward Av. Complutense (26 m)

Turn right onto Av. Complutense (900 m)

At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Av. Juan de Herrera (270 m)

Turn right (64 m)

Turn left (19 m)

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8.6 How to get to the dinner Day 2

Dinner Thursday 18th June

Colonial Norte (Príncipe Pío Center)

Paseo de la Florida, 2, Madrid

The restaurant is booked starting from 8:30 p.m

Restaurant Website

Metro stop: Principe Pio

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