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  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Business Continuity& Disaster Recovery

    Business Impact AnalysisRPO/RTO

    Disaster RecoveryTesting, Backups, Audit

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Ackno ledgments!aterial is sourced "rom#

    CISA Review Manual 2009 , $ % ', I(ACA) All rig*ts reserved) +sed ypermission)CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor All-in-One Exam uide! Peter- .regory, !c.ra -ill

    Aut*or# (usan 0 1incke, P*D+niv) o" 2isconsin Parkside

    Revie ers/Contri utors# Todd Burri & !egan Reid

    3unded y 4ational (cience 3oundation 54(36 Course, Curriculum and1a oratory Improvement 5CC1I6 grant '7898:# In"ormation (ecurity# Audit,Case (tudy, and (ervice 1earning)

    Any opinions, "indings, and conclusions or recommendations e;pressed in t*ismaterial are t*ose o" t*e aut*or and/or source5s6 and do not necessarilyre"lect t*e vie s o" t*e 4ational (cience 3oundation)

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    O e e;amples "or# Incremental ackup, di""erentialackup=De"ine cloud computing, In"rastructure as a (ervice, Plat"orm as (ervice,(o"t are as a (ervice, Private cloud, Community cloud, Pu lic cloud,-y rid cloud)

    =Develop a Business Continuity Plan=Per"orm a Business Impact Analasys

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Imagine a company?

    Bank it* @ !illion accounts, socialsecurity num ers, credit cards, loans?

    Airline serving 9 , people on %9"lig*ts daily?P*armacy system "illing 9 million

    prescriptions per year, some o" t*eprescriptions are li"e saving?3actory it* % employees producing% , products per day using ro ots?

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Imagine a system "ailure?

    (erver "ailureDisk (ystem "ailure-acker reak in

    Denial o" (ervice attack;tended po er "ailure

    (no storm(py are!alevolent virus or orm

    art* uake, tornadomployee error or revenge

    -o ill t*is a""ect eac*usiness

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    3irst (tep#

    Business Impact Analysis2*ic* usiness processes are o" strategicimportance

    2*at disasters could occur2*at impact ould t*ey *ave on t*eorgani>ation "inancially 1egally On

    *uman li"e On reputation2*at is t*e re uired recovery time period Ans ers o tained via uestionnaire,

    intervie s, or meeting it* key users o" IT

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    vent Damage Classi"ication

    Negligible # 4o signi"icant cost or damageMinor # A non negligi le event it* no material or

    "inancial impact on t*e usinessMajor # Impacts one or more departments and mayimpact outside clients

    Crisis # -as a ma

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    2ork ook#

    Disasters and ImpactProblematic Event

    or IncidentAffected Business Process(es)

    (Assumes a university)

    Impact Classification Effect on finances! legal

    liability! "uman life!reputation

    Fire Class rooms, businessdepartments

    Crisis, at times Major,Human life

    Hacking Attack Registration, advising, Major,

    Legal liability

    Net ork


    Registration, advising,

    classes, "ome ork,education



    Registration, Major,

    Legal liability

    #erver Failure%&isk$server'

    Registration, advising,classes, "ome ork,


    Major, at times) Crisis

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Recovery Time# TermsInterruption #indo$ # Time duration organi>ation can ait

    et een point o" "ailure and service resumption%ervice &elivery 'bjective (%&') 1evel o" service in Alternate!ode

    Ma imum *olerable 'utage # !a; time in Alternate !ode

    Regular (ervice

    Alternate !ode

    Regular (ervice


    !a;imum Tolera le Outage




    DisasterRecoveryPlan Implemented

    RestorationPlan Implemented

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



    Business Continuity # O""er critical services inevent o" disruption

    &isaster +ecovery # (urvive interruption tocomputer in"ormation systemsAlternate Process Mode # (ervice o""ered y

    ackup system

    &isaster +ecovery Plan (&+P) # -o to transitionto Alternate Process !ode+estoration Plan # -o to return to regular systemmode

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Classi"ication o" (ervices

    Critical ,,,, # Cannot e per"ormed manually)Tolerance to interruption is very lo

    -ital ,, # Can e per"ormed manually "or very s*orttime%ensitive , # Can e per"ormed manually "or aperiod o" time, ut may cost more in sta"" Nonsensitive . # Can e per"ormed manually "oran e;tended period o" time it* little additionalcost and minimal recovery e""ort

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Determine Criticality o" Business


    (ales 5@6 (*ipping 5%6 ngineering 576

    2e (ervice 5@6 (ales Calls 5%6

    Product A 5@6

    Product B 5%6

    Product C 576

    Product A 5@6

    Orders 5@6

    Inventory 5%6

    Product B 5%6

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    RPO and RTO

    -o "ar ack can you "ail to -o long can you operate it*out a systemOne eek s ort* o" data 2*ic* services can last *o long

    I n t e r r u p

    t i o n

    @ @ @-our Day 2eek

    Recovery Point O

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    Recovery Point O

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Business Impact Analysis (ummary

    (ervice RecoveryPoint


  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    RAID E Data !irroring


    AB CD Parity

    AB CD

    RAID # (triping RAID @# !irroring

    -ig*er 1evel RAID# (triping & Redundancy

    Redundant Array o" Independent Disks

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    4et ork Disaster Recovery


    Includes#Routing protocols3ail over

    !ultiple pat*s

    Alternative +outing

    F@ !edium or

    F @ net ork provider

    &iverse +outing

    !ultiple pat*s,@ medium type

    /ast0mile circuit protection )g), 1ocal# micro ave & ca le

    /ong0"aul net$or1 diversityRedundant net ork providers

    -oice +ecoveryGoice communication ackup

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Disruption vs) Recovery Costs



    (ervice Do ntime

    Alternative Recovery (trategies!inimum Cost

    2 -ot (ite

    2 2arm (ite

    2 Cold (ite

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Alternative Recovery (trategies

    3ot %ite # 3ully con"igured, ready to operate it*in *ours#arm %ite # Ready to operate it*in days# no or lo po ermain computer) Does contain disks, net ork, perip*erals)Cold %ite # Ready to operate it*in eeks) Containselectrical iring, air conditioning, "looring&uplicate or +edundant Info4 Processing 5acility #(tand y *ot site it*in t*e organi>ation

    +eciprocal Agreement it* anot*er organi>ation ordivisionMobile %ite # 3ully or partially con"igured trailer comes toyour site, it* micro ave or satellite communications

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    2*at is Cloud Computing

    Data ase

    App (erver



    2e (erver CloudComputing

    GP4 (erver

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    T*is ould cost H% /mont*)This would cost$200/month.

    Introduction to Cloud

    4I(T Gisual !odel o" Cloud Computing De"inition4ational Institute o" (tandards and Tec*nology, )cloudstandards)org

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Cloud (ervice !odels

    %oft$are(%aa%) Providerruns o n applications oncloud in"rastructure)Platform(Paa%)Consumer provides appsprovider provides systemand developmentenvironment)Infrastructure(laa%)

    Provides customersaccess to processing,storage, net orks or ot*er"undamental resources

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Cloud Deployment !odels

    Private Cloud Dedicated to one organi>ationCommunity Cloud (everal organi>ations it*

    s*ared concerns s*are computer "acilitiesPublic Cloud Availa le to t*e pu lic or alarge industry group3ybrid Cloud T o or more clouds 5private,community or pu lic clouds6 remain distinct utare ound toget*er y standardi>ed orproprietary tec*nology

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    -ot (ite

    Contractual costs include# asic su scription,mont*ly "ee, testing c*arges, activation costs,

    and *ourly/daily use c*argesContractual issues include# ot*er su scri eraccess, speed o" access, con"igurations, sta""assistance, audit & test-ot site is "or emergency use E not long term!ay o""er arm or cold site "or e;tendeddurations

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Reciprocal Agreements

    Advantage# 1o costPro lems may include#

    Muick accessCompati ility 5computer, so"t are, ?6Resource availa ility# computer, net ork, sta"" Priority o" visitor

    (ecurity 5less a pro lem i" same organi>ation6Testing re uired(uscepti ility to same disasters1engt* o" elcomed stay

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    RPO Controls&ata 5ile and



    %pecial *reatment(Bac1up period! +AI&! 5ile

    +etention %trategies)

    Registration *"ours RA5&(Mobile #ite6

    2eac"ing 3 day &aily backups(

    Facilities Computer Center asRedundant info processing center



  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Business Continuity Process

    Per"orm Business Impact AnalysisPrioriti>e services to support critical usinessprocessesDetermine alternate processing modes "orcritical and vital servicesDevelop t*e Disaster Recovery plan "or I(systems recoveryDevelop BCP "or usiness operations recoveryand continuationTest t*e plans!aintain plans

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



    T*e amount o" data transactions t*at areallo ed to e lost "ollo ing a computer

    "ailure 5i)e), duration o" orp*an data6 is t*e#@)Recovery Time O

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



    2*en t*e RTO is large, t*is is associatedit*#

    @) Critical applications%) A speedy alternative recovery strategy7) (ensitive or nonsensitive services:) An e;tensive restoration plan

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



    2*en t*e RPO is very s*ort, t*e estsolution is#

    @) Cold site%) Data mirroring7) A detailed and e""icient Disaster

    Recovery Plan:) An accurate Business Continuity Plan

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Disaster Recovery

    Disaster RecoveryTesting

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    An Incident Occurs?

    (ecurity o""icer declares disaster

    Call (ecurityO""icer 5(O6or committee

    mem er

    (O "ollo spre esta lis*ed


    mergency ResponseTeam# -uman li"e#

    3irst concern

    P*one tree noti"ies

    relevant participants

    IT "ollo s Disaster Recovery Plan

    Pu lic relationsinter"aces it* media5everyone else uiet6

    !gmt, legalcouncil act

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Concerns "or a BCP/DR Plan

    vacuation plan# People s lives al ays take firstpriority

    Disaster declaration# 2*o, *o , "or *atResponsi ility# 2*o covers necessary disasterrecovery "unctionsProcedures "or Disaster Recovery

    Procedures "or Alternate !ode operationResource Allocation# During recovery & continuedoperation

    Copies o" t*e plan s*ould e o"" site

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Disaster Recovery

    Responsi ilities.eneral Business

    3irst responder#vacuation, "ire, *ealt*?

    Damage Assessmentmergency !gmt

    1egal A""airsTransportation/Relocation/Coordination 5people,e uipment6(upplies(alvageTraining

    IT (peci"ic 3unctions(o"t are

    Applicationmergency operations

    4et ork recovery-ard areData ase/Data ntry

    In"ormation (ecurity

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    BCP Documents3ocus# IT Business


    Disaster Recovery PlanProcedures to recover atalternate site

    Business Recovery PlanRecover usiness a"ter adisaster

    IT Contingency Plan#Recovers ma

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    2ork ook

    Business Continuity OvervieClassifica0

    tion(Critical or



    Incident or Problematic


    Procedure for 3andling(%ection 8)

    7ital Registration


    5f total failure,for ard re8uests to !9-


    t"er ise, use 3- eek-olddatabase for read purposesonly

    Critical 2eac"ing ComputerFailure

    Faculty &: Recovery/rocedure

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    !TB3 K !TT3 L !TTR

    = !ean Time to Repair 5!TTR6= !ean Time Bet een 3ailure 5!TB36

    !easure o" availa ility#= 9 Ns K NN)NNN o" time orking K 9

    minutes o" "ailure per year)

    orks repair orks repair orks

    @ day ': days

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Disaster Recovery

    Test ;ecution Al ays tested in t*is order#

    &es10Based Evaluation7Paper *est # Agroup steps t*roug* a paper procedure andmentally per"orms eac* step)Preparedness *est # Part o" t*e "ull test is

    per"ormed) Di""erent parts are testedregularly)5ull 'perational *est # (imulation o" a "ulldisaster

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Business Continuity Test Types

    C"ec1list +evie$ # Revie s coverage o" plan E are allimportant concerns covered

    %tructured #al1t"roug" # Revie s all aspects o" plan,o"ten alking t*roug* di""erent scenarios

    %imulation *est # ;ecute plan ased upon a speci"icscenario, it*out alternate site

    Parallel *est # Bring up alternate o"" site "acility, it*out

    ringing do n regular site5ull0Interruption # !ove processing "rom regular site to

    alternate site)

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Testing O

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Testing Procedures

    Tests start simple andecome more c*allenging

    it* progressInclude an independent 7 rd party 5e)g) auditor6 too serve testRetain documentation "oraudit revie s

    Develop testo

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Test (tagesPre*est (et t*e (tage(et up e uipmentPrepare sta""

    *est Actual test

    Post*est CleanupReturning resourcesCalculate metrics# Time re uired, successrate in processing, ratio o" success"ultransactions in Alternate mode vs) normalmodeDelete test data

    valuate planImplement improvements




  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    .ap Analysis

    Comparing Current 1evel it* Desired 1evel= 2*ic* processes need to e improved= 2*ere is sta"" or e uipment lacking= 2*ere does additional coordination need

    to occur

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    InsuranceIP3 &uipment

    Data & !edia mployeeDamage

    Business Interruption#

    1oss o" pro"it due to I(interruption

    Galua le Papers &

    Records# Covers cas*value o" lost/damagedpaper & records

    3idelity Coverage#

    1oss "rom dis*onestemployees

    ;tra ;pense#;tra cost o" operation

    "ollo ing IP3 damage

    !edia ReconstructionCost o" reproduction o"media

    rrors & Omissions#1ia ility "or error resultingin loss to client

    I( uipment &3acilities# 1oss o" IP3 &e uipment due todamage

    !edia Transportation1oss o" data during ;port

    IP3 K In"ormation Processing 3acility

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Auditing BCP

    Includes#Is BIA complete it* RPO/RTO de"ined "or all servicesIs t*e BCP in line it* usiness goals, e""ective, and currentIs it clear *o does *at in t*e BCP and DRPIs everyone trained, competent, and *appy it* t*eir

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    (ummary o" BC (ecurity

    Controls= RAID= Backups# Incremental ackup, di""erential ackup

    = 4et orks# Diverse routing, alternative routing= Alternative (ite# -ot site, arm site, cold site,reciprocal agreement, mo ile site

    = Testing# c*ecklist, structured alkt*roug*,simulation, parallel, "ull interruption

    = Insurance

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



    T*e 3IR(T t*ing t*at s*ould e done *en you discoveran intruder *as *acked into your computer system is to#

    @) Disconnect t*e computer "acilities "rom t*e computernet ork to *ope"ully disconnect t*e attacker %) Po er do n t*e server to prevent "urt*er loss o"

    con"identiality and data integrity)

    7) Call t*e manager):) 3ollo t*e directions o" t*e Incident Response Plan)

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



    During an audit o" t*e usiness continuityplan, t*e "inding o" !O(T concern is#

    @) T*e p*one tree *as not een dou lec*ecked in Q mont*s%) T*e Business Impact Analysis *as not

    een updated t*is year 7) A test o" t*e ackup recovery system isnot per"ormed regularly

    :) T*e ackup li rary site lacks a +P(

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



    T*e "irst and most important BCP test is t*e#@) 3ully operational test%) Preparedness test7) (ecurity test:) Desk ased paper test

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



    2*en a disaster occurs, t*e *ig*estpriority is#

    @) nsuring everyone is sa"e%)!inimi>ing data loss y saving important

    data7)Recovery o" ackup tapes:)Calling a manager

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



    A documented process *ere onedetermines t*e most crucial IT operations

    "rom t*e usiness perspective@)Business Continuity Plan%)Disaster Recovery Plan

    7)Restoration Plan:)Business Impact Analysis

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



    T*e PRI!ARJ goal o" t*e Post Test is#@) 2rite a report "or audit purposes%) Return to normal processing7) valuate test e""ectiveness and update

    t*e response plan:) Report on test to management

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr



    A test t*at veri"ies t*at t*e alternate sitesuccess"ully can process transactions is

    kno n as#@) (tructured alkt*roug*%) Parallel test

    7) (imulation test:) Preparedness test

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Interactive Cross ord Pu>>le

    To get more practice t*e voca ulary "romt*is section click on t*e picture elo ) 3or

    a ord ank look at t*e previous slide)

    De"initions adapted "rom# All In One CI(A ;am .uide

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    3EA/*3 5I+%* CA%E %*9&6Business Impact Analysis & Business Continuity

    0amie Ramon !DDoctor

    C*ris Ramon RDDietician


    Practicing 4urse

    Pat(o"t are Consultant

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    (tep @# De"ine T*reats

    Resulting in Business Disruptioney uestions#=2*ic* usiness processesare o" strategic importance=2*at disasters couldoccur=2*at impact ould t*ey*ave on t*e organi>ation"inancially 1egally On*uman li"e On reputation

    Impact ClassificationNegligible # 4o signi"icant cost ordamage

    Minor # A non negligi le event it*no material or "inancial impact ont*e usinessMajor # Impacts one or moredepartments and may impactoutside clientsCrisis # -as a ma

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    (tep @# De"ine T*reats

    Resulting in Business DisruptionProblematic

    Event orIncident



    Impact Classification Effect on finances!

    legal liability! "umanlife! reputation

    3ire-acking incident4et ork +navaila le5 )g), I(P pro lem6(ocial engineering,"raud(erver 3ailure 5 )g),Disk6

    Po er 3ailure

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    @ @ @-our Day 2eek

    (tep %# De"ine Recovery O

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Business Continuity

    (tep 7# Attaining Recovery Point O

  • 8/9/2019 bcp-dr


    Criticality Classi"ication

    Critical # Cannot e per"ormed manually) Toleranceto interruption is very lo

    -ital # Can e per"ormed manually "or very s*ort time%ensitive # Can e per"ormed manually "or a periodo" time, ut may cost more in sta""

    Non0sensitive # Can e per"ormed manually "or ane;tended period o" time it* little additional costand minimal recovery e""ort