Bbfc lsfjgh


Transcript of Bbfc lsfjgh

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Who are they? The British Board of Film Classification

What do they do? The BBFC gives all the film in the uk its film classification, it decides whether it’s a certificate 12 or an 18!

There are 6 classifications. These are as follows:

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What rating shall my production get? My production will be an 18 for many reasons;

firstly it repeatedly has scenes of death, alcoholism, drug abuse and general violence. On there on the BBFC may classify this as a 25, but due to the repetitive nature of the scenes it will be a higher rating. Furthermore my film will feature scenes where a woman is also depressed because of sexual assault and general abuse from her boyfriend. Scenes that feature him will have lots of discrimination and violence toward her and women in general. Furthermore the film goes on to explore the lack of sympathy those dealing with depression and trauma get so it links to discrimination against the disabled.

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18 c




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Ethical considerations In terms of ethical considerations I have been

extremely cautious. My film shows absolutely no noticeable features of the locations where I have shot at, so therefore the land owners can not receive any bad rumours that my film may cause, also my opening sequence is all tightly filmed and cropped, the only longshot is one that has an entirely different background added to it so the school is un recognisable. Furthermore the violence is exaggerated. The school will not gain a reputation for having people loiter in alleyways ready to stab you, the postmodern audience are also very de sensitised to it so they almost expect it.

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My actress, is her role safe?

My actress doesn’t need to act, she just has to lie there, with closed eyes, so therefore no psychological harm will come to her as she doesn’t have to put herself into the mind-set of the character, she just has to play dead. That made casting easer and the scene more convincing.