Bbc radio

BBC & Radio Broadcasting

Transcript of Bbc radio

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BBC & Radio Broadcasting

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What is Radio BroadcastingRadio broadcasting is a one-way wireless transmission over radio waves intended to reach a wide audience. Stations can be linked in radio networks to broadcast a common radio format, either in broadcast syndication or simulcast or both. Audio broadcasting also can be done via cable radio, local wire television networks, satellite radio, and internet radio via streaming media on the Internet.

Radio Broadcasting is one of the most known ways of reaching out to a wide range of people. This works via a wireless transmission over radio waves. Radio can be found on many platforms. It can be listened to on its own radio platform. It is mainly known to be listened to on a radio. This is a device that plays live coverage of different radio stations. Other platforms are, internet on different radio websites and television.

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Public Service Broadcasting

Public Service Broadcasting is broadcasting in which the purpose is to give a public service or to benefit people rather than for commercial purposes.

All of the BBC's television and radio stations have a public service remit, including those that broadcast digitally.

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How Big is BBC RadioBBC Radio reaches out to million of people across the united kingdom. BBC radio is

one on the most listened to radio companies in the UK. These are some statistics showing the success and the expansion and development of BBC on their radio platform:

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National Radio Stations

National radio is radio that is broadcasted nationally in one country. Majority of countries have their own radio stations that they broadcast nationally. Some examples in the UK are capital, heart and absolute radio.

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Digital Radio Stations

Digital Radio is radio played through a device such as television. Many radio stations work via digital radio and in the modern day the amount of digital radio stations are gradually increasing.

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Local and Regional Radio Stations

Local and Regional radio is radio that is broadcasted locally in a county or a small town. BBC broadcast many local radio stations in various different locations across the UK

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BBC License Fee

BBC do not work like any other radio or television broadcaster in the UK. Unlike other companies the BBC earn their finances from a fee that everyone with a digital device at home has to pay. This fee is about £145.50 yearly.

The purpose of the BBC is purely entertainment purposes and not for commercial advertisements. They produce their own shows and broadcast them on various different channels that they own.

The advantages of earning your money from TV license is that it is a fixed amount yearly and they will not loose money. There only way possible of loosing money is if everyone in the UK threw away their televisions and never watched TV. This is an advantage because this means that the BBC will never go bankrupt or struggle with finances because they can easily budget due to the fixed amount of money coming in.

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What Else Does The BBC Own