BB- Brand Personality

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  • 8/8/2019 BB- Brand Personality


    Brand Building:

    Brand personality

  • 8/8/2019 BB- Brand Personality


    Subj ect: Brand B u ilding

    Topic: Brand Personality

    Subm itted to: Prof. Bernadette D.

    Pro ject b y:Ankita Che mbu rkar (05)

    Om kar Chintale (06)TYBMM 2010-11

    Maharshi Dayanand College.

  • 8/8/2019 BB- Brand Personality


    Anyone know who said this?

    Do yo u kn ow anyOTHER brandname tatt oo edo n pe o ple?

  • 8/8/2019 BB- Brand Personality


    It was

    Do yo u kn ow anyOTHER brandname tatt oo edo n pe o ple?

  • 8/8/2019 BB- Brand Personality


  • 8/8/2019 BB- Brand Personality


    Ju st as h um ans have a set of specificcharacteristics that s um u p to for m their won u niq u e personality, b randsalso have their set of h um an-like traitsthat give the m a personality.

    It is the w ay that a brand:speaks and b ehaves.achieves differentiation.signifies b rand b ehavio u r thro u gh b othindivid u als representing the b rand (i.e.its e m ployees) as well as thro u ghadvertising, packaging, etc.expresses itself in ter m s of h um antraits.

    1. What IS Brand personality?

  • 8/8/2019 BB- Brand Personality


    Brands are much like pe o ple

    m asc u line

    fe m inine

    confor m ing

    yo u thf u l

    yo ungerolder

  • 8/8/2019 BB- Brand Personality


    2. Meas u ring Brand Personality

    Big Five ModelPersonality scale.Five m ain personality characteristics that can b eassociated with b rands.

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    3 . How is b rand personality created?

    It is created thro u gh Prod u ct-related and Non-prod u ctrelated attri bu tes.

    P r o duct attributes:Prim ary drivers of b rand

    personality.Affect the b rand personality.

    No n-pr o duct attributes:Affects the advertising style,

    co m pany, and i m age.

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    P ackaging

    P r o duct Attributes

    P rice

  • 8/8/2019 BB- Brand Personality


    1. User Im agery

    6. Ad Style

    8. Co untry of Origin

    2. Sponsorship

    9. Co m pany Im age,CEO, Em ployees

    4. Mascot

    3 . Symb ol

    5. Age

    7. Cele b rity Endorsers.

    No n- P r o duct Attributes

  • 8/8/2019 BB- Brand Personality


    4. Brand Behavio u r and Brand Personality


    1. Freq u ent changes inposition and sy mb ols.

    2. Freq u ent deals andco u pons.

    3 . Advertise extensively.4. Strong c u sto m er service,

    easy to u se packages.5. Contin u ity of characters,

    packaging.6. High price, excl u sivedistri bu tion.

    7. Many endorsers.


    1. Flighty

    2. Cheap and u nc u lt u red.

    3 . O u tgoing, pop u lar.4. Approacha b le.

    5. Fa m iliar, co m forta b le.

    6. Sophisticated, sno bb ish.7. Friendly.

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    5. Using Brand Personality-

    Why?It helps the advertiser to gainan in-depth u nderstanding of cons um er perceptions towardsthe b rands.

    It is a part of the core orextended identity.

    It serves as a m eaningf u ldifferentiation b etween b randsin the sa m e prod u ct category.

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    6. Using Brand Personality HOW?

    Brand P ers o nality can be used t o create brand equity in three w ays.

    1. Self-Expression Model2. Relationship Model

    3 . Fu nctional Benefit Model

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    1 . Self Expressi o n M o del

    Brand expresses a part of its self-identity.

    Brands that people like and u se also help people self-express.The b rands not only provide f unctional b enefits bu t providem ore m eaning to peoples lives, so it has m any different rolesto play.

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    So m e people m ay never want to have a personality of a co m petentleader bu t m ay want to have a relationship with so m eone who hasthat kind of personality for getting so m e bu siness done.

    Also, so m e people wo u ld find tr u stworthy, dependa b le,

    conservative personalities as b oring, bu t nevertheless they wo u ldexpect the sa m e personalities fro m b anks or ins u rance services.

    2 . Relati o nship M o del

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    3 . The functi o nal benefit M o delBrand personality can also play an indirect b y b eing a m edi um for representing f u nctional b enefits and also b rand attri bu tes.

    Marlb o r o s pers o nality o f a mach o, o utd oo rsy , adventur o us pers o nsuggests pr o duct is

    str o ng.

    Harley D avids o n spers o nality o f a rugged

    mach o kind suggeststhat it is a very

    p ow erful , liberatingvehicle.

    The D uracell EnergizerRabbit is upbeat , and

    never runs o ut o f energy , just like the

    battery w hich lastslo nger than o thers.

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    8. Brand Personality vs. User Im ageryBrand personality is thecharacteristic and identity of theb rand bu t u ser i m agery is theway cons um ers see that b rand.

    Brand pers o nality = set of hum an traits associated withb rand.User imagery = set of h um antraits associated with typicalUSERS of that b rand.

    User i m agery and b randpersonality sho u ld ideally gohand in hand to create a b alance,sta b ility and s u ccess of the

    prod uct.

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    Concl u sionBrand personality is theso u l and even theextension of the b randsidentity.

    Thro u gh it, a cons um ertends to express hi m self thro u gh the b rand andbu ild relationships with theb rand.

    Having a u niq u e b randpersonality is essential inthe long r u n and to standa b ove the rest of theco m petition.

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