Bauple Broadcast · Find-a-Frog in February We are doing a Find-a-Frog in February. On Thursday the...

From the Principal We are almost at the halfway mark of the term. Time sure keeps cking on! Lots has been happening at Bauple State School during the first four and half weeks. We have included some personal reflecons from students in this newsleer. Its been great to see and hear students so posive about school and learningcheck out their contribuons and thoughts. CHANGES TO STAFF/CLASS As discussed at the Parent Informaon Night, there have been some small changes to our school classes and staffing. Student needs and learning have been our focus when planning and implemenng change. Mrs Chin will connue working with the P-3 class and Mrs Bryce will connue working with the Year 4-6 class on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Ms Milne will join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. She will provide addional support to students and release me for the teacher and principal administraon and student case management. She will also work with the P-3 class for Science lessons. Specialist lessons will remain the same, with LOTE on Tuesday, Music on Wednesday and P.E. on Thursday. On Tuesdays, we will work together for some parts of the day. The metable will include the usual LOTE lessons for each class, mental math/math acvies, buddy reading, library and B4L/social skills lessons. There will also be other learning tasks throughout the term/year including design and technology, fitness, gardening, the arts and newsleer contribuons. Students and staff have adjusted to the new metable smoothly and we thank families for being supporve. SENIOR LEADER PRESENTATION On Thursday, 13th of February, we proudly watched our Year 6 leaders present their senior pledge to our school community. All students spoke well and confidently accepted their school badge and leadership role. We thank Mayor Seymour for joining us to present these badges. We also thank families who joined us and our P&C for helping with the Aſternoon Tea. It was a great aſternoon and celebraon. Well done, Bauple! School & Community CALENDAR For more details please phone the school office. FEBRUARY 27 Find & Frog - free dress gold coin MARCH 18 Bauple SS Cross Country 9am Number 3 26 February 2020 Term 1 Our 2020 Explicit School Priority Agenda is: Reading Comprehension Bauple Broadcast Bauple State School Newsletter 44 Forestry Road Bauple 4650 A/Principal: Jess Chin [email protected] Phone: 07 4193 8222 Mobile: 0491 226 052 President: Rebecca - 0448 426 093 Secretary: Courtney - 0458 157 114 Treasurer: Jess - 0428 214 513 Bus: Hinter-Coast Transport - 1300 658 971

Transcript of Bauple Broadcast · Find-a-Frog in February We are doing a Find-a-Frog in February. On Thursday the...

Page 1: Bauple Broadcast · Find-a-Frog in February We are doing a Find-a-Frog in February. On Thursday the 27th, you can bring a gold coin donation. There’s free dress. You can wear any

From the Principal

We are almost at the halfway mark of the term. Time sure keeps ticking on! Lots has been happening at Bauple State School during the first four and half weeks. We have included some personal reflections from students in this newsletter. It’s been great to see and hear students so positive about school and learning… check out their contributions and thoughts.


As discussed at the Parent Information Night, there have been some small changes to our school classes and staffing. Student needs and learning have been our focus when planning and implementing change. Mrs Chin will continue working with the P-3 class and Mrs Bryce will continue working with the Year 4-6 class on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Ms Milne will join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. She will provide additional support to students and release time for the teacher and principal administration and student case management. She will also work with the P-3 class for Science lessons. Specialist lessons will remain the same, with LOTE on Tuesday, Music on Wednesday and P.E. on Thursday. On Tuesdays, we will work together for some parts of the day. The timetable will include the usual LOTE lessons for each class, mental math/math activities, buddy reading, library and B4L/social skills lessons. There will also be other learning tasks throughout the term/year including design and technology, fitness, gardening, the arts and newsletter contributions. Students and staff have adjusted to the new timetable smoothly and we thank families for being supportive.


On Thursday, 13th of February, we proudly watched our Year 6 leaders present their senior pledge to our school community. All students spoke well and confidently accepted their school badge and leadership role. We thank Mayor Seymour for joining us to present these badges. We also thank families who joined us and our P&C for helping with the Afternoon Tea. It was a great afternoon and celebration. Well done, Bauple!

School & Community

CALENDAR For more details please phone the school office.


27 Find & Frog - free dress gold coin


18 Bauple SS Cross Country 9am

Number 3 26 February 2020 Term 1

Our 2020 Explicit School Priority Agenda is: Reading Comprehension

Bauple Broadcast Bauple State School Newsletter

44 Forestry Road Bauple 4650 A/Principal: Jess Chin [email protected]

Phone: 07 4193 8222 Mobile: 0491 226 052

President: Rebecca - 0448 426 093 Secretary: Courtney - 0458 157 114

Treasurer: Jess - 0428 214 513 Bus: Hinter-Coast Transport - 1300 658 971

Page 2: Bauple Broadcast · Find-a-Frog in February We are doing a Find-a-Frog in February. On Thursday the 27th, you can bring a gold coin donation. There’s free dress. You can wear any


Thanks to Tiaro Landcare for organising this fantastic experience. We all thoroughly enjoyed having Martin and his critters join us last Friday. Martin shared a great wealth of knowledge with us and we all loved being able to touch and see the animals up close and personal. More photos on page 3.


There has been lots of planning behind the scenes and we are now getting closer to starting some planting. Over the coming weeks, volunteers will be working on getting the soil ready for planting, planning for items needed (tools/seedlings, etc.) and working on timetables for garden work/maintenance. Thanks to staff and parents who have indicated they are able to volunteer time or items for our garden. Please see us if you can help.

Students have been challenged to think of a name for our garden. We want all suggestions in by this Friday 28th February, so we can decide on a great garden name. stay tuned for the name.


We will be conducting another online NAPLAN trial during March. This will provide staff and students another opportunity to become confident and comfortable with the online environment. Please see the links below for further information about NAPLAN and an example of the online NAPLAN environment. Parents are invited to contact the school if you have any further questions about NAPLAN or the Online NAPLAN environment.


Our Bauple State School Cross Country has been set for Wednesday 18th March at 9am. Students have been

training at school but are strongly encouraged to work on fitness and stamina at home.

BAUPLE e-Kindy

The Bauple e-Kindy Pod started today. Sarah Brischke and the e-Kindy students will work with Claire Ivey, teacher

with Distance Education, and parents throughout the year. We look forward to seeing students engage in the

program and start their learning adventures. There is still space for e-Kindy enrolments. Please see the school if you

have a child turning 4 by 30th June 2020.

Jess Chin



Our grass heads have been growing very slowly. Some have been growing mohawks, some have been growing patches and some are still looking quite bald. This has led to questions about WHY. We have been wondering if the seed was dab, was the soil not quite right, did they not get enough sun and warmth, even experiments that don’t quite go to plan provide great opportunities for learning and enquiry!

During HASS we have been exploring personal and community celebrations. P-2 students have been identifying symbols and traditions for birthday celebrations. Year 3 students have been discussing Australia Day and considering different perspectives and the views of others.

Students have enjoyed daily writing activities and have been preparing for our narrative task. We look forward to seeing the stories our Year 2 and 3 students create in coming weeks. Prep and Year 1 students have been identifying features of narratives and sharing their ideas about favourite text.

Jess Chin

4-6 NEWS

Can you believe it’s already halfway through Term one?????!!!!!!!

Page 3: Bauple Broadcast · Find-a-Frog in February We are doing a Find-a-Frog in February. On Thursday the 27th, you can bring a gold coin donation. There’s free dress. You can wear any

The Seniors have been busy working on their Narratives in English and are enjoying drafting and editing using our laptops. There are some extremely creative writers in the Senior class and we are looking forward to sharing some of our stories once they are published.

In Science we have investigated the germination and growth of bean seeds, comparing those watered with plain water to those watered with salty water. Some students overwatered their plants and it was interesting to see what happened to them too! Next we are looking at the Life Cycle of vulnerable species, and investigating mould growth on bread.

In Art we are experimenting with different styles in the lead-up to our sculptural assessment piece. The students have chosen an animal that they believe represents aspects of themselves, and will create a sculpture in clay.

Now is a great time for students to start collecting recyclable materials from around the home to use in the creation of their Easter Bonnets for our Design Technology task. This project will get into full swing in the last few weeks of Term.

Loretta Bryce



Students continue to engage and enjoy B4L lessons to learn and practise our five keys to success. Congratulations to the students below for Keys to Success behaviours. Congratulations also to those students who have received a prize from the

prize box for their ongoing efforts in the classroom. Effort and persistence

are the behaviours that make a difference to learning.

Doing the Right Thing Student of the Week

Ada, Eva,



Ariella &


Connor &


Star &




Jackson E,

Heidi &


Page 4: Bauple Broadcast · Find-a-Frog in February We are doing a Find-a-Frog in February. On Thursday the 27th, you can bring a gold coin donation. There’s free dress. You can wear any

Breakfast Club

On Wednesdays the P&C and

the Student Council give us the chance

to enjoy a free breakfast! Thanks to the

Food Basket we can enjoy this breakfast

without paying money. I like this

because it is delicious and my family

needs to save!


Geckoes Wildlife

On Friday the 21st of February Geckoes

Wildlife came to our school and Martin gave

us a presentation of all of his wonderful animals. We learnt

about endangered animals, the Mary River turtle and other

animals such as the baby squirrel glider, which was by far the

favourite critter of the day. She was so soft and cute. We also

met a baby goanna and a giant carpet python. I think we all

enjoyed Martin’s visit and his educational presentation.


Find-a-Frog in February

We are doing a Find-a-Frog in

February. On Thursday the 27th, you can

bring a gold coin donation. There’s free

dress. You can wear any colour but you

have to wear one green thing. The seniors

are decorating the cupcakes for people to

eat. The Student Council are organising fun

Froggie Games!

Star and Ariella


This year in music we have been working on a

song called, “Click Go the Shears” and we have

also been learning about notes like ti ti, za, tika

tika, ta and treble clef with Mrs Beausang. The

best bit about music is that we can sometimes get

to listen to our favourite songs.



On Thursdays Mrs Mathiesen comes to our school to teach us P.E. We’ve

been playing dodge ball.

It’s been fun.



This year in LOTE we have been practising speaking

German words for colours, months, greetings and

lots of other words. We get to play games like Silent

Ball and Colour Games. Our teacher is Frau Dieteren.

The best thing is Silent Ball.

Jackson W

Cross Country

On most Tuesdays and Wednesdays most students

go to the tennis court and do Cross Country with

Sarah Mooney. We do warm ups and then we run

laps—10 for some people and 15 for others. 17 for

seniors and 5 for Prep, 1s, 2s and 3s. I think Cross

Country is fun but tiring. I love

running through the sprinkler.

Abby and Jack

Leader Presentation

On the 13th of February the Mayor of the Fraser

Coast came to our school. He presented the badges to

the leaders. The badges are cool. It has my name on

it. I like it. After it was finished there was a big

afternoon tea. It was the best part other

than the badge. The badges are cool.


We thank the Year 4—6 students for contributing to our

Week 5 newsletter. A job well done!

Page 5: Bauple Broadcast · Find-a-Frog in February We are doing a Find-a-Frog in February. On Thursday the 27th, you can bring a gold coin donation. There’s free dress. You can wear any

P&C NEWS A big thank you to all who attended the P&C AGM last Monday. Congratulations & thank you to the following people for taking on the roles to keep the P&C operational.

President - Bec Gundry

Secretary - Courtney Whyte

Treasurer - Jess Watson

Tuckshop Convenor - Sarah Mooney with Gemma Johnston as assistance

Uniform Convenor - Sarah Mooney

Bauple Bulletin - Sarah Brischke

The first fundraiser for the year will be a bake stall at the Local Council Elections at 28th March. Please contact Bec for more information and offers of help.

Page 6: Bauple Broadcast · Find-a-Frog in February We are doing a Find-a-Frog in February. On Thursday the 27th, you can bring a gold coin donation. There’s free dress. You can wear any