Battles of World War II

Battles of World War Battles of World War II II What Happened? What Happened?


Battles of World War II. What Happened?. Blitzkrieg- Lightning Fast War. By April 1940 Hitler conquered and occupied: Poland, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Netherlands Quick War tactics. Battle of Dunkirk. German troops trapped Allied soldiers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Battles of World War II

Page 1: Battles of World War II

Battles of World War IIBattles of World War II

What Happened?What Happened?

Page 2: Battles of World War II

Blitzkrieg- Lightning Fast WarBlitzkrieg- Lightning Fast War

• By April 1940By April 1940• Hitler conquered and Hitler conquered and

occupied: Poland, occupied: Poland, Denmark, Belgium, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Luxembourg, and NetherlandsNetherlands

• Quick War tacticsQuick War tactics

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Battle of Dunkirk

• German troops trapped Allied soldiers

• Massive evacuation occurred from May 26- June 3, 1940

• France surrendered June 22, 1940

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Page 5: Battles of World War II

Battle of Britain July 1940- Sept. 1940

• German Luftwaffe attacked British Royal Air force

• New radar used by British• Hitler cancels invasion of

country• Winston Churchill-

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few”

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U.S. reaction- neutrality

• Public opinion vs. Hitler• Solution “cash and carry

system”• 50 ships for Caribbean

bases• Lend lease Act of 1941-

$7 billion to Britain then Soviet Union

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The Battle of the Atlantic• U.S. aid to Britain increases,

German U-Boats concentrate on the Atlantic and stopping supplies

• Convoys organized- US Navy escort

• Atlantic Charter established- US and Britain agreed not to acquire new land as result of WWII

• Germany attacks US destroyer- FDR shoot U-Boats on sight!

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War between the U.S. and Germany seems certain…

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And then BAM!! Attack on Pearl Harbor