Bath County High · Students in English...

1 Bath County High School Program of Studies Dear BCHS Students and Parents: To follow is the 2014-2015 edition of the Bath County High School Program of Studies. Throughout the following pages you will find a wide array of opportunities which we hope will open up the pathway to post-secondary career plans. These courses provide an avenue towards college, vocational schools, military and various careers. All students are expected to take 7 courses each year. Those seniors who are employed and wish to leave for employment purposes will need to have their requests approved by me. It is essential that all students pay particular attention to the outlined graduation and SOL requirements. The Virginia Department of Education has mandated many changes over the last few years. If any of this information is unclear, please feel free to contact Ms. Hiner or Mrs. DeBoe, BCHS Counselors for assistance. As we prepare our students for their demanding future please remember that the graduation requirements are the minimum expectation and do not take full advantage of the rich course offerings here at Bath County High School. Colleges, universities, trade schools and employers are all seeking students who are lifelong learners. Every student needs to build the strongest academic foundation possible. Students should also vigorously pursue the elective opportunities made available to them, especially those in our Career and Technical Education programs. Many of these programs can lead to industry certification. Our course selection plan is as follows: 1. Each student will meet with either Ms. Hiner or Mrs. DeBoe to discuss their post high school plans and course selections. 2. The student will take a copy of the suggested courses home for parents and guardians to review. Changes to course selections may be made at this time. 3. The document will be signed by parent and student and then returned to the Guidance Office. Every effort will be made to provide the courses the student and parent have selected. However, demand for courses may cause students to be moved to other selections on their course selection sheet. Also, graduation requirements will be adhered to so that each student will have the same opportunity to graduate with the diploma type they wish to pursue. Thank you for your interest in and support of Bath students and Bath County High School. Sincerely, Sarah Rowe, Principal

Transcript of Bath County High · Students in English...

Page 1: Bath County High · Students in English 8 AS will master the same skills as students in English 8 with the addition of college-level


Bath County High School

Program of Studies

Dear BCHS Students and Parents:

To follow is the 2014-2015 edition of the Bath County High School Program of

Studies. Throughout the following pages you will find a wide array of opportunities

which we hope will open up the pathway to post-secondary career plans. These

courses provide an avenue towards college, vocational schools, military and

various careers. All students are expected to take 7 courses each year. Those

seniors who are employed and wish to leave for employment purposes will need to

have their requests approved by me.

It is essential that all students pay particular attention to the outlined graduation and

SOL requirements. The Virginia Department of Education has mandated many

changes over the last few years. If any of this information is unclear, please feel

free to contact Ms. Hiner or Mrs. DeBoe, BCHS Counselors for assistance.

As we prepare our students for their demanding future please remember that the

graduation requirements are the minimum expectation and do not take full

advantage of the rich course offerings here at Bath County High School. Colleges,

universities, trade schools and employers are all seeking students who are lifelong

learners. Every student needs to build the strongest academic foundation possible.

Students should also vigorously pursue the elective opportunities made available to

them, especially those in our Career and Technical Education programs. Many of

these programs can lead to industry certification.

Our course selection plan is as follows:

1. Each student will meet with either Ms. Hiner or Mrs. DeBoe to discuss their

post high school plans and course selections.

2. The student will take a copy of the suggested courses home for parents and

guardians to review. Changes to course selections may be made at this time.

3. The document will be signed by parent and student and then returned to the

Guidance Office.

Every effort will be made to provide the courses the student and parent have

selected. However, demand for courses may cause students to be moved to other

selections on their course selection sheet. Also, graduation requirements will be

adhered to so that each student will have the same opportunity to graduate with the

diploma type they wish to pursue.

Thank you for your interest in and support of Bath students and Bath County High



Sarah Rowe, Principal

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Bath County High School Mission Statement 3

Introduction 3

Bath County High School Course Offerings by Grade Level 4-6

English 7-8

Math 8-10

Science 10-11

Social Studies 11-12

Health/PE/Drivers Education 12-13

Foreign Language 13

Fine Arts 14

Dabney S. Lancaster Community College 14-15

Career/Technical Courses 15-21

Business Management & Administration 15-17

Hospitality & Tourism 17-18

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics (Automotive) 18

Architecture & Construction 18-19

Engineering & Technology 20

Information Technology 20-21

Special Programs 21

Policies & Procedures 21-28

Program Planning/Scheduling 21-22

Grade Scale/GPA/Class Rank 22

Grade Level Classification 22

High School Credit Earned in 8th

Grade 22

Special Education 22

Alternative Education 22

Diploma Seals 23

Diploma Types 24-26



2011/2012 Sequences for CTE Certification 27-28

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Bath County High School Mission Statement

The mission of Bath County High School is to provide a nurturing, accepting environment that

recognizes individual qualities and needs and enables students to become self-directed, and lifelong






As part of the changes mandated by the Department of Education, beginning with last year’s 8th

grade class, each student will have an Academic & Career plan on file with the Guidance Office.

Beginning in 7th

grade students begin mapping out their high school and future plans. Ultimately,

during the 8th

grade we capture this formally in the student’s Academic and Career Plan. Each year

goals change and new interests develop. Therefore the Academic & Career plan is a document that

changes with the plans of the student and their parents. Students are encouraged to work on this with

their parents. Activities are presented each year to assist the student in preparing for their future

career path such as a Career and College Fair, career interest inventories, a research paper dealing

with the student’s area of choice, creating a resume and potential field trips to college and

vocational centers.

To follow is a listing of the courses that BCHS offers and the course description. As part of the new

process for scheduling we will also be incorporating a more formalized Academic & Career Plan.

Also, the Department of Education has created new outlines and requirements for new diploma

types and credits required for these diplomas. We have listed these requirements for your reference.

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English 8

English 8 Advanced Studies

World Geography

Math 8


Algebra I

Physical Science 8

PE 8



Band Computer Solutions

Digital Input Technologies Introduction to Technology (Shop)



English 9

English 9 Advanced Studies

World Geography

World History I

Math 8


Algebra I


Earth Science

PE 9


Spanish I Keyboarding App/Word Processing

Nutrition & Wellness Band

Technical Drawing and Design Auto Mechanics I

Carpentry I Computer Applications

Information Technology Fundamentals Art I

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English 10

English 10 Advanced Studies

World History I

World History II

Economics & Personal Finance

Algebra I


Algebra Functions & Data Analysis

Algebra II


PE 10 (includes Drivers Education)


Spanish I, II


Keyboarding/Word Processing

Design, Multimedia and Web Technologies


Computer Information Systems

Nutrition & Wellness

Culinary Arts I

Technical Drawing & Design

Engineering Drawing & Design

Auto Mechanics I, II

Carpentry I, II


Art I or II

Economics and Personal Finance

Electricity I

Renewable Energy

Computer Applications

Information Technology Fundamentals




English 11 English 11 Advanced Studies

VA/US History AP US History

Economics & Personal Finance

Algebra I Geometry

Algebra Functions & Data Analysis Algebra II

Discrete Mathematics Math Analysis (Pre-Calculus)

Earth Science II Chemistry


Spanish I, II, III Technical Drawing and Design

Engineering Drawing and Design Auto Mechanics I, II or III

Carpentry I, II or III Electricity I or II

Art I, II or III Band


Keyboarding Applications/Word Processing Design, Multimedia & Web Technologies

Accounting Advanced Accounting

Principles of Business Marketing Business Management

Nutrition & Wellness Culinary Arts I, II

Computer Information Systems Computer Maintenance

Programming Renewable Energy

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English 12

English 12 Advanced Studies

VA/US Government

Economics & Personal Finance

Algebra I


Algebra Functions & Data Analysis

Algebra II

Discrete Mathematics

Math Analysis (Pre-Calculus)

AP Calculus

Earth Science II



AP Biology (Virtual Virginia)


Spanish I, II, III or IV Sociology/Economics

Keyboarding Applications/Word Processing Design, Multimedia and Web Technologies

Accounting Advanced Accounting

Principles of Business Marketing Business Management

Nutrition & Wellness Culinary Arts I or II

Computer Information Systems Technical Drawing and Design

Engineering Drawing and Design Auto Mechanics I, II, III

Carpentry I, II, III Cabinetmaking II

Industrial Cooperative Training Band

Art I, II, III

Programming Computer Maintenance

Electricity I, II or III Renewable Energy

DSLCC Dual Enrollment (Political Science, Speech, Psychology and Welding & Advanced


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ENGLISH 8 - 0 Credit

Students will have an understanding of the parts of speech and how they are applied. Students will apply

these skills to writing logically organized papers. Students will also obtain knowledge of literary terms and

apply these to the analysis and evaluation of poetic and literary works. Students will read a minimum of

four novels throughout the term and be evaluated on the basis of tests, oral reports, and written


Prerequisite: None Grade: 8


Students in English 8 AS will master the same skills as students in English 8 with the addition of college-

level vocabulary, critical thinking skills, and major literary works. (Students are expected to have mastered

the eight basic parts of speech upon entering the class and will be tested on this material within the first

semester.) Students will read outside novels thematically linked to classroom activities taken from

contemporary adolescent literature. Students will complete a research paper using the MLA format from

the Writers Inc textbook, which students must purchase. This textbook will be used for the next four years.

Study of Latin and Greek roots is completed to enhance vocabulary comprehension.

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation Grade: 8

ENGLISH 9 - 1 Credit

Students will expand their knowledge of sentence structure and mechanics. This knowledge will enhance

all aspects of the student’s creative and expository writing. Students will complete an expository research

paper under the teacher’s guidance. Students will use previous knowledge of literary works to increase and

synthesize anthologized literary works.

Prerequisite: English 8 Grade: 9


Students in advanced studies will master the same skills as students in English 9 with the addition of the

study of college vocabulary, critical thinking skills, and major literary works. Students will successfully

complete a 1200 word persuasive research paper using the MLA format from the Writers Inc. textbook.

Students will read outside novels thematically linked to classroom activities taken from Shakespeare and

contemporary adolescent literature. Students will study the history of the English language leading to the

understanding and use of Latin and Greek word roots.

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation Grade: 9

ENGLISH 10 - 1 Credit

Students will continue to develop the knowledge of Standard English usage. Students will also explore the

structure of essays including well-organized thesis statements and conclusions. Students will continue to

read various literary genres focusing on all aspects of literary techniques as well as figurative language. An

I-Search research paper is written using MLA style.

Prerequisite: English 9 Grade: 10


Students in advanced studies will master the same skills as students in English 10 with the addition of

college vocabulary and comprehensive reading skills covering a wider scope and breadth of literary works.

Students will also be expected to complete a 1600 word I-Search research paper using guidelines studied in

Advanced English 9. Students continue the study of Latin and Greek roots and prefixes and suffixes and

apply this knowledge to encoding and decoding vocabulary words. Students will complete outside novels

thematically linked to classroom activities taken from Shakespeare and contemporary adolescent literature.

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation Grade: 10

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ENGLISH 11 - 1 Credit

Students will apply previous grammatical knowledge to writing. Students will write all types of essays in a

logically organized manner. Students will critically analyze works of American literature and its

correlation to historical events. A career and an expository research paper will be completed using the

MLA format from the Writers Inc. textbook. Study of Latin and Greek roots is utilized to enhance

vocabulary comprehension.

Prerequisite: English 10 Grade: 11


Students in Advanced English cover the same skills as students in English 11 but with a wider scope of

literary works and vocabulary. Students will successfully complete a 1600-word persuasive research paper.

Students will read outside novels thematically linked to classroom activities. Authors such as Hawthorne,

Melville, Crane, Wilder, etc. contribute to the anticipated level of required college reading.

Prerequisite: English 10AS Grade: 11

ENGLISH 12 - 1 Credit

Students will write critical responses to literary works. Students will work on correctly formatted essays

for college applications. Students will study British literature and analyze literary techniques. Students will

complete a 1400-1600 world expository research paper using previous knowledge of the MLA format and

make an oral presentation. Write literary analysis responses to previously studied literary works, poetry,

and musical selections.

Prerequisite: English 11 Grade: 12


Students will complete the same skills as students in English 12 with a wider scope of literary works

studied. They will study British literature and analyze literary techniques. Previous knowledge of the

history of the English language will help students understand the evolution of Modern English. Students

are expected to read outside novels thematically linked to classroom activities. Chaucer, Shakespeare,

Coleridge, Shelly, Keats, etc. contribute to the anticipated level of required college reading. In addition,

students will be expected to complete an 1800-word literary research paper.

Prerequisite: English 11AS Grade: 12


MATH 8 - 0 Credits

Objectives for this course are a continuation of the elementary K-8 sequence and will include all Math 8

SOL’s. Problem solving is a major focus of this course. Topics will include, but are not limited to,

proportions, percents, angles, volume and area, geometric transformations, probability and statistics,

solving and graphing linear equations. The student will also use tables, graphs and rules to describe

relationships, measurement, fractions, and decimals, positive and negative numbers. The Math 8 SOL Test

will be given upon completion of this course.

Prerequisite: None Grades: 8, 9

Pre-Algebra – 0 Credits

The objectives will include Math 8 standards of learning and basic Algebra standards of learning, which

include, but are not limited to solving equations and inequalities, statistics, and linear equations. For

eighth grade students, this course will serve as an introduction to the concepts found in Algebra I. Pre-

Algebra is also offered as a bridge from Math 8 to Algebra I during the ninth grade year. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation Grades: 8, 9

ALGEBRA I - 1 Credit

Algebra I is the basic foundation for the advanced mathematics program. Students are encouraged to use

Algebra as a tool for representing and solving a variety of practical problems. Tables and graphs are used

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to interpret algebraic expressions, solve equations and inequalities and analyze functions. The TI-83

calculator is an integral part of the Algebra I curriculum, which is based upon the Virginia course

objectives endorsed by the Virginia Department of Education.

Prerequisite: Math 8 or must pass an admissions test administered by a BCHS faculty member prior

to the scheduling of classes. Grades: 8-9


Provides an opportunity for mathematical ideas to be developed in the context of real-world problems.

Students will learn to attach functional algebra to statistics, allowing for the possibility of standardizing and

analyzing data through the use of mathematical models. Students will use transformational graphing and

the regression capabilities of graphing calculators to find regression equations, and they will use them to

analyze data and to predict the placement of data points between and beyond given data points.

Prerequisite: Algebra I, Geometry I Grades: 10-12

GEOMETRY - 1 Credit

Geometry offers students a means of describing, analyzing, and understanding aspects of their world.

Geometric modeling, visualizing, and spatial reasoning can be used to solve many kinds of problems.

Coordinate geometry and other representational systems allow locations to be specified and described.

Geometry also focuses on the development of reasoning and proof, using definitions and axioms. The

Geometry SOL must be taken.

Prerequisite: Algebra I Grades: 9-12

ALGEBRA II - 1 Credit

Algebra II provides a systematic way to represent mathematical relationships and analyze change. Students

need to understand the concepts and symbols of algebra, the structures that govern the manipulation of the

symbols, and ways that the symbols can be used to record ideas and events. Students will explore patterns

that are exponential and logarithmic and continue to develop the notion of families of functions. This

course is required for the advanced studies diploma. The Algebra II SOL must be taken.

Prerequisite: At least a (C) in previous math classes and a passing score on the Algebra I EOC SOL

test. Grades: 10-12

DISCRETE MATHEMATICS – 1 Credit Discrete Mathematics involves applications using discrete variables rather than continuous variables.

Modeling and understanding finite systems is central to the development of the economy, the natural and

physical sciences, and mathematics itself. Discrete Mathematics introduces the topics of social choice as a

mathematical application, matrices and their uses, graph theory and its applications, and counting and finite

probability, as well as the processes of optimization, existence, and algorithm construction. FOR


Prerequisite: Algebra II Grades: 11, 12


Mathematical Analysis serves as a preparatory course for a study of calculus. Mathematical analysis

extends the study of families of functions and also includes sequences and series, trigonometry, polar

equations, vectors, and parametric equations. An intuitive introduction to the concept of the limit of an

algebraic function may be enhanced with algebraic methods or numerical substitution. This course is

specifically designed for students planning to pursue collegiate study of math, science or engineering.

Prerequisite: At least a (B) average in Algebra II. Grades: 11, 12

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CALCULUS - 1 Credit

This course is intended for students who have a thorough knowledge of college preparatory mathematics.

Students will do extensive work with graphing, limits, the derivative and integration. Use of a graphing

calculator is required for this class.

Prerequisite: Math Analysis Grade: 12



This course provides an overview of basic physical and chemical concepts. Topics include atom structure,

the periodic table, types of chemical reactions, motion, waves, electricity, and magnetism. Students also

conduct guided activities as well as collect data and draw conclusions.

Prerequisite: None Grade: 8


Earth Science is divided into four areas of study. The astronomy unit provides an opportunity to study the

origin, composition and structure of the universe and the position of earth in space. The meteorological

unit provides a study of the forces affecting our weather and their effect on the human environment. In the

oceanography unit, the student learns to identify the dynamic forces affecting the movements of ocean

water and the physical features found on the ocean floor. The unit of geology introduces rocks, minerals

and the forces which shape our planet. Students are provided activities to promote mastery and

understanding of the concepts of science presented in the four basic units of study. Writing activities and

varied forms of instruction are used to enhance student achievement.

Prerequisite: Physical Science Grade: 9

BIOLOGY - 1 Credit

This course will explore the fundamental characteristics of life from the molecular level to the ecosystem

level. Emphasis is placed on the unity, diversity, and interaction and interdependence of living things.

Laboratory and inquiry experiences are a necessary component of biology and many topics will involve

issue analysis by students with respect to practical and ethical concerns of science, technology and society.

Prerequisite: Earth Science Grade: 10

EARTH SCIENCE II (Topics in Environmental Science) - 1 Credit

Earth Science II is the study of the interaction of living organisms with one another and with their

nonliving environment and matter. In this course, students will learn the basic ecological principles that

govern nature. Students will also apply their knowledge to better understand important environmental

issues. The ultimate goal is for students to gain the science knowledge necessary to analyze issues

concerning humans and their interaction with the environment. This class will provide students the third

science required of the state Standards of Quality without taking Chemistry.

Prerequisite: Earth Science and Biology; all Advanced-Studies diploma candidates and college-

bound students will take Chemistry and Physics, or AP Biology

Grades: 11 or 12

CHEMISTRY - 1 Credit

Chemistry deals with the structure and composition of matter that constitutes living things and their

environment. It involves an extensive study of atomic structure and the interrelationships among atoms.

Students will learn to predict products of given reactants and recognize reaction types. Emphasis is placed

on the interdependence of atoms and Stoichiometry. Students are provided activities to help them better

understand the concepts. Chemistry is recommended for admission to technical and nursing schools and to

four-year colleges.

Prerequisite: Algebra II (concurrent) or teacher’s permission Grades: 11, 12

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PHYSICS - 1 Credit

Physics uses concepts and equations to describe the physical world. This course emphasizes the topics of

mechanics, wave motion, optics, electricity, and magnetism. Students will conduct guided experiments and

solve word problems in these topics in order to reinforce concepts. Physics is highly recommended for

prospective science and engineering majors.

Prerequisite: Algebra II, Chemistry Grade: 12

ADVANCED PLACEMENT BIOLOGY – 1 Credit – Course Taught through Virtual Virginia

This course is intended for students who have a thorough knowledge of college preparatory science and are

considering science as a major in college. The course prepares students for intermediate and advanced

level college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those made by full-year introductory

college courses. The topics covered within this course are determined by the guidelines established by the

College Board for AP Biology. They include molecules and cells, heredity and evolution, and organisms

and populations. This course aims to provide students with the conceptual framework, factual knowledge,

and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing society of biology. Mastery of

laboratory science skills and knowledge will also be obtained. Twelve AP Biology laboratories will be

conducted and information from these may be included on the AP Exam. All students will be required to

take the AP Biology Exam and college credit may be earned through satisfactory achievement on this test.

The AP Exam costs approximately $85 and this expense will be the responsibility of the student and/or


Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry (must have scored a minimum of 90 in Chemistry and have

teacher recommendation.) Grade: 12



The course includes a detailed look at the main physical features of the earth’s surface (land, climate,

minerals, and vegetation) and how these elements cause the earth and its people to differ from place to

place and country to country. There is a brief look at the basic ideas of world politics, world economics,

world religions and people’s behavior. With this background, the students survey the culture of the people

over six populated continents. A special emphasis is placed on the study of the changing face of Russia,

Peoples Republic of China, the developing countries of Africa, the Middle East and the United States.

Prerequisite: None Grades: 8-10

WORLD HISTORY I - 1 Credit The Standards of Learning for the students require exploration of people, places and patterns of life from

ancient times to 1500 A.D. Students study the origins of much of our heritage using texts, maps, pictures,

stories, diagrams, charts, chronological skills, inquiry/research skills and technology skills.

Prerequisite: None Grades: 9-10

WORLD HISTORY II - 1 Credit The standards for students cover history and geography from the late Middle Ages (1500 A.D.) to the

present with emphasis on Western Europe. Geographic influences on history continue to be explored, but

increasing attention is given to political boundaries that developed with the evolution of nation states.

Significant attention will be given to the ways in which scientific and technological revolutions created new

economic conditions that in turn produced social and political changes and how the people and events of

the past can be related to contemporary issues. The SOL’s strike a balance between the issues, persons and

documents. (Using texts, maps, pictures, stories, diagrams, charts and a variety of chronological

inquiry/research and technological skills, students develop competence in chronological thinking, historical

comprehension and historical analysis).

Prerequisite: None Grades: 10-12

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This course examines topics dealing with social, economic and political aspects of the American society.

Topics to be examined include: Early exploration of the New World, Colonial America, National Period,

Manifest Destiny the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Westward Movement, World War I, the Great

Depression, World War II, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, present history and it’s relation to past history.

This course is required for a Virginia diploma.

Prerequisite: None Grade: 11


This class is a study of the functions and development of the federal, state and local governments. The

students will analyze the fundamental concepts of government as found within the Constitution and the

governmental process of our political system. This course is required for a Virginia diploma.

Prerequisite: Virginia and U.S. History Grade: 12


Sociology is the social science that studies human society and social behavior. The class is concerned with

the practical aspects of dealing with social problems and changes in varied societies. Economics is the

study of supply and demand, the free enterprise system, business organization, savings and investments,

and personal and family financial planning.

Prerequisite: None Grades: 10-12


The AP VA/US History course is designed to provide students with the analytical skills and factual

knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in U.S. History. The program

prepares students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon them equivalent

to those made by full-year introductory college courses. Students should learn to assess historical materials

– their relevance to a given interpretative problem, reliability and importance – and weigh the evidence and

interpretations presented in historical scholarship. The AP exam costs approximately $85 and this expense

will be the responsibility of the student and/or parent.

Prerequisite: Teacher Permission and placement essay Grade: 11


This course is required for students who entered 9th

grade in 2011 and beyond.

The objectives shall include but not be limited to, personal living and finances; personal and business

money management skills; opening an account in a financial institution and judging the quality of a

financial institution’s services; balancing a checkbook; completing a loan application; the implications of

an inheritance; the basics of personal insurance policies; consumer rights and responsibilities; dealing with

salesmen and merchants; debt management; managing retail and credit card debt; state and federal tax

computation; local tax assessments; computation of interest rates by various mechanisms; understanding

simple contracts and learning how to contest an incorrect bill. This course may be taught through Virtual


Prerequisite: None Grades 10-12



Students in Physical Education 8 concentrate on a variety of physical activities. The development of major

muscle groups, body coordination and fitness training are emphasized as students are exposed to

recreational sports, football, basketball and soccer. Forty percent of P.E. 8 is devoted to classroom

instruction on personal growth and health, exposure to the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

Physical Education classes are used to meet state “family life” requirements.

Grade: 8

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Students in Physical Education 9 concentrate on muscle toning, cardiovascular activities and weight

training. Team sports and recreational activities are used to motivate fitness awareness. Students will

spend forty percent of their P.E. time studying consumer issues, environmental health, disease prevention,

family survival and first aid. State physical fitness tests and “family life” education are administered to

students during this class.

Prerequisite: Health and Physical Education 8 Grade: 9


Students in Physical Education 10 concentrate on in-depth study and practice of individual team sports.

Classroom drivers’ education, mental health and family life instruction account for approximately seventy

days of instruction. Tobacco program presented by Mrs. Mary Adderton is also included. Students will be

assessed by Virginia Fitness Standards two times during the year.

Prerequisite: Health and Physical Education 9 Grade: 10


A student considering a foreign language should have demonstrated above average achievement in English

Language Arts. To gain the greatest benefit from the foreign language offerings, a student is encouraged to

begin his study in the ninth grade. However, students who intend on pursuing the Jackson River Governor’s

School program should consider beginning Spanish in 8th

grade. College bound students are advised to

investigate the specific requirements of the college in which they have an interest. Some colleges require

that you have four years of a foreign language.

SPANISH I - 1 Credit

Communicating in the target language is emphasized at the beginning level. Vocabulary and verb

conjugations in the present tense are highlighted. Activities in reading, writing and listening reinforce the

oral skills. Cultural and geographical aspects of the francophone and hispanophone are explored.

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation. Grades: 9-12

SPANISH II - 1 Credit

Oral proficiency is emphasized at the intermediate level. New vocabulary, grammar skills and verb

conjugations are further refined. Cultural and geographical aspects of francophone/hispanophone nations

are expanded.

Prerequisite: Spanish I Grades: 10-12

SPANISH III - 1 Credit

Fluency in the foreign language is developed and refined at this level. An increase in vocabulary, grammar

skills, verb conjugation (the imperfect tense) and idiomatic expressions allow the student to converse in the

target language.

Prerequisite: Spanish II, Teacher Recommendation Grades: 10-12

SPANISH IV - 1 Credit

Fluency in the foreign language is mastered at the advanced levels. Advanced vocabulary, grammar skills,

verb conjugations, and idiomatic expressions allow the student to express himself in written composition

and conversation. This course is taught in the target language only.

Prerequisite: Spanish III, Teacher Recommendation and 80 or above grade. Grades: 11-12

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ART I, II, III - 1 Credit

Studio-oriented courses which include exploration in two and three-dimensional design. Students will be

exposed to drawing, design, painting, crafts, ceramics, sculpture, print making, commercial art and art

appreciation with emphasis on the Elements of Art and the Principles of Composition. Art III students will

prepare an Art Portfolio.

Prerequisite: None Grades: 9-12

BAND - 1 Credit

The band program is open to any student in the high school who has had previous band experience or has

the director’s permission. The concert and marching band is one ensemble. The Band rehearses during the

school day (band class). Students enrolled in the band course are required to participate in band functions

to include football games, parades, competitions, winter and spring concerts and District Band Festival in

March. During Football season, the band will also rehearse on Fridays after school to prepare for the

games. Students will be required to attend marching band camp at Camp Accovac during late July/early

August. Any student that would like to be a part of band must be enrolled in band class.

Prerequisite: Previous band experience or director’s permission Grades: 9-12



The following courses are being offered through the BCHS Distance Learning Lab. These students will

be expected to follow Dabney S. Lancaster Community College’s instructional schedule, even when it

conflicts with Bath County High School’s schedule, i.e. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring breaks.


Teaches political institutions and processes of the national government of the United States. First semester

focuses on Congress, the Presidency and the courts. Second semester focuses on structure, power and

functions of state and local government. 3 credit hours each semester.


Examines human and animal behavior, relating experimental studies to practical problems. 3 credit hours

offered in the Fall.


Examines the elements affecting speech communication at the individual, small group and public

communication levels with emphasis on practice of communication at each level. 3 credit hours offered in

the Spring.

PREREQUISITES FOR ABOVE: Must pass DSLCC placement test, write a placement essay, and

have recommendation from the DSLCC committee. STUDENTS MUST TAKE BOTH COURSES

EACH SEMESTER. Please see note below about payment of courses.

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The following Welding & Advanced Manufacturing/Wind Energy courses are offered through Dual

Enrollment. All students must attend these classes on the Dabney S. Lancaster campus:

WEL117 – Oxy-Fuel Welding & Cutting

WEL123 – SMAW (Basic)

WEL124 – Advanced SMAW Welding

WEL130 – Inert Gas Welding I

WEL 135 – Inert Gas Welding II

ELE 180 – AC and DC Circuit Fundamentals

MEC 161 – Basic Fluid Mechanics Hydraulics/Pneumatics

All students taking Dual Enrollment courses must pass the Dabney Placement exam (given in March at

BCHS or at DSLCC upon arrangements with DSLCC Student Services). The current arrangement is that

the parent or guardian pays for the tuition for the course in advance. Upon completion of the course, if the

student receives a “C” or better the school board will reimburse these students for the tuition. Due to

budgeting constraints this policy may change in the budget process. Please also be aware that there is

currently a limit of 10 dual enrollment and 2 welding/adv manufacturing students. Enrollment numbers will

be based on tuition and budgeted allotment. Tuition will be due to in July and December and is

approximately $375 per 3 credit course.



Participants in the Jackson River Governor’s School must be nominated by their high school. A selection

committee for each high school reviews the applicants and selects the finalists and alternates from their

schools. Application packets are available in the guidance office. Applications are due sometime in early

March. Participants will be notified by April 15th

. Applicants should be currently enrolled in the 10th


and have completed Algebra I and II, Geometry and Biology with a grade of A or B. While not required,

preference will be given to students who have also taken Trigonometry and Chemistry. Students must

show evidence of aptitude, potential, and strong interest in science and mathematics. Selection criteria

considered by the screening committee include:

Mathematics course grades: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II (B or above).

Science course grades: Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry (B or above).

Stanford 9 scores: 90th

percentile or above.

PSAT/SAT scores: 90th

percentile or above.

Attendance: Consistent

Teacher and Counselor recommendations




Digital Input Technologies introduces new and emerging input devices (e.g.) speech- and handwriting-

recognition software, headset/microphone, personal digital assistant (PDA), scanner, digital camera, digital

video camera, keyboard, and mouse) to prepare students for using tools that are becoming standard in the

workplace and in everyday life.

Prerequisite: Keyboarding skills Grades: 8


This course is designed for secondary school students to develop and enhance touch skills for entering

alphabetic, numeric, and symbol information on a keyboard. Students compose and produce personal,

educational, and professional documents. (Students who can demonstrate touch keyboarding skills may

test out and enter into the applications semester to develop document preparation skills.) (FBLA)

Prerequisite: None Grades: 9-12

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WORD PROCESSING (18 wks) - ½ Credit

Students develop intermediate to advanced level word processing skills, using a variety of software

functions, including graphics, desktop publishing, and telecommunications. Students gain competence

integrating other applications such as database and spreadsheet into word processing activities. Classroom

experiences also provide for skill development in communication. (FBLA)

Prerequisite: Keyboarding Applications (or teacher approved demonstrated and documented touch

keyboarding skills.) Grades: 9-12


Students study the basic principles, concepts and practices of the accounting cycle. Students learn

fundamental accounting procedures using a manual and an electronic system. (FBLA)

Prerequisite: Keyboarding or teacher-approved demonstrated and documented touch keyboarding

skills (recommended) Grades: 10-12

ADVANCED ACCOUNTING - 1 or 2 Credits (See Cooperative Education)

Students gain in-depth knowledge of accounting procedures and techniques used to solve business

problems and make financial decisions. Students use accounting and spreadsheet software to analyze and

interpret business applications. (FBLA)

Prerequisite: Accounting Grades: 11, 12


Students apply problem-solving skills to real-life situations through word processing, spreadsheets,

databases, multimedia presentations, and integrated software activities. Students work individually and in

groups to explore computer concepts, operating systems, networks, telecommunications, and emerging

technologies. Completion of this course may prepare students for industry certifications. (FBLA)

Prerequisite: Keyboarding course or teacher-approved, demonstrated and documented touch

keyboarding skills. Grades: 10-12


Students explore the roles of business and marketing in the free enterprise system and the global economy.

Students study how the American economy operates and prepare to make decisions as consumers, wage

earners, and citizens. (FBLA)

Prerequisite: None Grades: 10-12

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (18 wks) - 1/2 credit

Students study basic management concepts and leadership styles as they explore business ownership,

planning, operations, marketing, finance, economics, communications, the global marketplace, and human

relations. Quality concepts, project management, problem solving, and ethical decision making are an

integral part of the course. Student leadership skills may be enhanced by participation in school-based or

virtual enterprises, job shadowing, internships, cooperative education, and/or the Future Business Leaders

of America (FBLA).

Prerequisite: None Grades: 10 - 12


The Business and Information Technology Program at Bath County High School wishes to incorporate

Cooperative Education into the advanced classes. All occupational courses and special program courses

listed in the Business Program are eligible for the Cooperative Education method of instruction.

Cooperative Education provides for an advanced student to experience hands-on education in an approved

workplace with an individualized training plan and contract. Students will receive one high school credit.

Grades: 11, 12

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Students develop proficiency in creating desktop publications, multimedia presentations/projects, and Web

sites using industry standard application software. Students incorporate principles of layout and design in

completing publications and projects. Students design portfolios that may include business cards,

newsletters, mini-pages, Web pages, multimedia presentations/projects, calendars, and graphics.

Completion of this course may prepare students for industry certifications. (FBLA)

Prerequisite: Keyboarding course or teacher-approved, demonstrated, and documented touch

keyboarding skills. Grades: 10-12



In Nutrition & Wellness, students will focus on making choices that help promote wellness and good

health. They will analyze relationships between psychological and social needs and food choices; choose

foods that promote wellness; obtain and store food for self and family; prepare and serve nutritious meals

and snacks; select and use equipment for food preparation; and identify strategies to promote optimal

nutrition and wellness of school and community. Students will be involved in FCCLA activities and

competition at the state level. This course is offered every other year and will be offered again in the 2014-

2015 school year.

Prerequisite: None Grades: 9-12


This course, developed by the National restaurant Association is for students interested in hospitality and

restaurant field. Foundations of Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts is the curriculum which

combines management skills with guest speakers and field trips in the industry for hands on approach to

this field of study. Students practice managerial, production, and service skills used in government,

commercial, or independently owned institutional food establishments and related food industry

occupations. Students plan, select, store, purchase, prepare, and serve food and food products; study basic

nutrition, sanitation, and food safety; the use and care of commercial equipment; and the operation of

institutional food establishments. Industry career exploration, as well as critical thinking, practical problem

solving, and entrepreneurship opportunities within the field of culinary arts are emphasized. Students will

develop skills in stocks, soups, sauces, potatoes, pasta, and grains. Students may obtain their ServSafe

Certification and have opportunities to cater events for the school and community. If they chose, a

mentorship will be set up and/or as paid work experience with a local chef or restaurant. If working, hours

can be applied to the ProStart National Certification. At the conclusion of this program, students will be

able to enter the workforce above an entry-level position. Students will be involved in FCCLA activities

and competitions locally and at the state level. Teachers highlight the basic skills of mathematics, science

and communication when appropriate in content.

Prerequisite: None required (Nutrition and Wellness suggested) Grades: 9-12


This course, developed by the National Restaurant Association is for students continuing their interest in

the hospitality and restaurant fields. Foundations of Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts, level two

continues to provide a hands on approach to leadership in the field. Culinary Arts II provides students an

opportunity to refine skills in serving, dining room management, and other skills learned in Culinary Arts I.

Students prepare for occupations such as chef/cook, baker/pastry helper, pastry decorator, hospitality

worker, dietetic aide/assistant, food demonstrator, and entrepreneur. Critical thinking, practical problem

solving, and entrepreneurship opportunities within the field of culinary arts are emphasized. Students will

continue work in the ProStart curriculum and work towards passing the second level of examinations.

Students will refine their culinary skills in the areas of cuisines of the world, the Americas and in pastries,

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pies, meat, poultry, seafood, desserts, chocolate and breakfast foods. Salads, vinegars, and salsa, and

garnishes will be included as well as cost control, purchasing and inventory. Students which have passed

the two levels of the ProStart exam and completed the 400 hours of paid internship hours will obtain the

ProStart national certification credential. Teachers highlight the basic skills of mathematics, science and

communication when appropriate in content. Scholarships for post-secondary experiences are available

upon receiving the credential. Students will be involved in FCCLA activities and competitions locally and

at the state level

Prerequisite: Culinary Arts I Grades:10- 12



Students study the resources of all technology, including tools, energy, materials, people, time, information

and capital. This also includes the problem-solving process and various hands-on activities. They explore

up to twelve systems of technology, including medical, agricultural and related biotechnologies, energy,

and power, information and communication, transportation, manufacturing, and construction. Students

relate the impact of technology on society, environment, and culture to future consequences and decisions.

This is intended as the introductory course for Auto Servicing, Carpentry and Electricity programs.

Prerequisite: None Grades: 8



Auto Mechanics I is a class in which students study the theory, practice, and the manipulative skills related

to automotive lubrication, cooling systems, automotive engines, the fuel and exhaust systems and brake

systems. Safety procedures are practiced throughout the course.

Prerequisite: None Grades: 9-12

AUTO MECHANICS II - 2 Credits (for a 2 period class) Auto Mechanics II is a class in which students learn to repair emission control systems, suspension and

steering, transmissions, drive lines and differentials.

Prerequisite: Auto Mechanics I Grades: 10-12

AUTO MECHANICS III - 2 Credits (for a 2 period class)

Auto Mechanics III is a class in which instruction continues with students studying the automotive

electrical system, the air conditioning system, wheel alignment and balance, and cost estimating.

Prerequisite: Auto Mechanics I and II Grades: 11, 12


CARPENTRY I - 1 Credit

Carpentry I introduces students to skills essential to success in the building profession. Students use hand

and power tools to cut stock; learn to read blueprints; build and install foundations, trusses, doors,

windows, stairs, and finishes; and frame walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, decks and porches. All students will

obtain a required OSHA 10 safety credential in the class.

Prerequisite: Completed Math 8, should be enrolled in Algebra. Grades: 9-12

CARPENTRY II - 2 Credits

Carpentry II completes the student’s secondary training for the carpentry profession. Students study

blueprints; build and install foundations, trusses, doors, windows, stairs and finishes; and frame walls,

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floors, decks, and porches. In addition, students are introduces to basic rigging; learn to estimate and select

building materials, and install cabinets. This course meets for two class periods. A student must complete

both class periods before moving onto Carpentry III.

Prerequisite: Carpentry I Grades: 10-12


This course prepares students for success in the carpentry profession. Students use hand and power tools to

cut stock; build and install foundations, trusses, doors, windows, stairs, and finishes; study blueprints; and

frame walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, decks, and porches. In addition to basic rigging, they also learn to

estimate and select materials to build and install cabinets.

Prerequisite: Completion of Carpentry II Grades: 11-12


Students continue to learn workshop and tool safety and enhance their employability skills as they interpret

blueprints; estimate and select materials; cut and shape stock; assemble, fasten, and install components;

install interior finishes; apply wood veneers and plastic laminates; finish surfaces; and transport and install

cabinets. The technical problem solving, leadership and creative skills learned in Cabinetmaking can be

applied in industries well beyond construction trades and professions and can prepare the student for

lifelong learning and success.

Prerequisites: Carpentry I, II and III or Cabinetmaking I Grade: 12


Students will develop skills in the installation, operation, maintenance, and repair of residential,

commercial, and industrial electrical systems. They also study electrical theory, navigate the National

Electrical Code Book, select and install conductors, and work with panel boards, switchboards, and


Prerequisite: None Grades: 10-12


Students continue to develop skills in the installation, operation, maintenance, and repair of residential,

commercial, and industrial electrical systems. They also study electrical theory and mathematical problems

related to electricity, navigate the National Electrical Code Book, select and install conductors, examine

lighting, communications and power systems, and work with conduit and raceways, panel boards,

switchboards, grounding systems and generators. The instruction and supervised on-the-job training in an

approved position with continuing supervision throughout the school year.

Prerequisite: Electricity I Grades: 10-12


Students continue to develop skills in the installation, operation, maintenance, and repair of residential,

commercial, and industrial electrical systems. They also study electrical theory and mathematical problems

related to electricity, navigate the National Electrical Code Book, select and install conductors, examine

lighting, communications, and power systems, and work with conduit and raceways, panel boards,

switchboards, grounding systems, and generators. The cooperative education method is available for this

course. Students combine classroom instruction and supervised on-the-job training in an approved position

with continuing supervision throughout the school year.

Prerequisite: Electricity II Grades: 10-12

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This course will provide fundamentals and in-depth application of various renewable energies. Students

will explore select renewable energy technologies, will gain hands-on experience in their design and

function, and will practice installation skills.

Prerequisite: None Grades: 10-12


In this foundation course, students learn the basic language of technical design, while they design, sketch

and make technical drawings, illustrations, models, or prototypes of real design problems, Students develop

spatial ability as they apply mathematical concepts to visual representations. The course is especially

recommended for future engineering and architecture students.

Prerequisite: Algebra I Grades: 9-12


Students explore the engineering design process and use a graphic language for product design, technical

illustration, assembly, patent, and structural drawings. They increase their understanding of drawing and

the design process and techniques learned in the prerequisite course. Students use computers, calculators

and descriptive geometry and adhere to established standards to solve design problems.

Prerequisite: Technical Drawing and Design Grades: 10-12



Students are introduced to the world of business using the computer as a problem-solving tool. Emphasis is

placed on using basic touch keyboarding skills to complete a variety of projects incorporating word

processing, database, presentation, and spreadsheet software. Basic Internet safety and computer

maintenance issues are important components of this course.

Prerequisite: None Grade: 8


Students develop or review correct keyboarding techniques and gain a basic knowledge of word processing,

spreadsheet, database, graphics, and telecommunications applications. Students demonstrate an

understanding of computer concepts through application of knowledge. Students learn to use software

packages and local and worldwide network communications systems. Grade 8 Computer/Technology

Standards of Learning are incorporated and reinforced in this course.

Prerequisite: Demonstrated or documented keyboarding skills Grade 9-10


Information Technology (IT) Fundamentals introduces the essential technical and professional skills

required for students to pursue programs leading to professional careers and IT certifications. Students

investigate career opportunities and technologies in four major IT areas: Information Services and Support,

Network Systems, Programming and Software Development, and Interactive Media. Students will evaluate

the impact of IT on other career clusters. The focus of the IT Fundamentals course is the introduction of

skills related to information technology basics, Internet fundamentals, network systems, computer

maintenance/upgrading/troubleshooting, computer applications, programming, graphics, Web page design

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and interactive media. Students explore ethical issues related to computers and Internet technology and

develop teamwork and communications skills that will enhance their employability.

Prerequisite: Demonstrated or documented keyboarding skills Grade 9-10


Students explore computer concepts, apply logic procedures and implement programming procedures with

one or more languages, such as Visual Basic.Net, Java, C+, C++. Graphical User Interfaces, such as Alice,

Game Maker, and Flash, may be used as students design and develop interactive multimedia applications.

In addition, HTML or JavaScript may be employed to create Web pages. The cooperative education

method is available for this course. Students combing classroom instruction and supervised on-the-job

training in an approved position with continuing supervision throughout the school year.

Prerequisite: Keyboarding skills and Information Technology Fundamentals Grade 10-12


Students enrolled in this course learn fundamental skills associated with maintenance of computers.

Prerequisite: Informational Technology and Programming Grade 11-12



Phase I prepares students to be “career investigators.” To obtain the title, students must assess their roles in

society, identify their roles as workers, analyze their personal assets, complete a basic exploration of career

clusters, select career fields or occupations for further study, and create a plan based on their academic and

career interest. All 8th

grade students will participate in this class.

Prerequisite: Required Grade: 8

Policies & Procedures

Program Planning/Scheduling

In selecting subjects, the students should recognize the fact that employment and post-secondary

opportunities are highly competitive. The quality of the subjects studied and the quality of academic

performance are crucial factors in decisions made by both employers and college administrations.

Therefore, it is to the student’s advantage to select subjects which present a challenge and which serve as a

recommendation for them.

During the early winter each student meets with their Guidance counselor for an individual conference to

address both their academic and career plan but to also select their courses for the upcoming year.

Counselors explore carefully with each student their courses and SOL tests (verified credits) which are

needed to complete for graduation. They discuss their career path, plans for postsecondary education and

future requirements for employment and courses which are required for NCAA athletic eligibility.

Counselors also discuss students’ academic progress, their interests and aptitudes. Certain placement in

classes will be weighed not only on student interest but also teacher recommendation and diagnostic

placement test results.

Students should give very serious consideration during the registration process and to the classes they will

be selecting. We encourage students to make choices of elective courses thoughtfully as these career paths

can help assist a student in their future career endeavors. If a student needs to make a change in his/her

schedule, it must be done within the first five days of school. After that time courses will not be dropped or

changed without a parent-teacher conference. Seniors who are not meeting graduation requirements are still

required to be in school for a minimum of five periods a day.

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Grading Scale/Grade Point Average/Class Rank

The following system of grading is in effect at Bath County High School:

A = 100-94………………..Superior

B = 93-86………………..Above Average

C = 85-78………………..Average

D = 77-70………………..Passing

F = 69 & below…………..Failing

I = ……………………….Incomplete

When determining the grade point average (GPA) of a student, an additional seven (7) points on each

course grade is added to the following courses: Dual-Enrollment and Governor’s School courses which

are transferable to a four-year college; AP courses, if the student takes the AP exam. GPA is only

calculated once the course credit is awarded, except in the student’s senior year. GPA is recalculated

at the semester point for seniors.

Class rank is determined based on the student’s numerical average.

Grade Level Classification

Students must successfully complete 15 units of credit in order to be classified as seniors; 10 units for

juniors, 5 units for sophomores. Ninth graders must have successfully completed 4 courses during

the eighth grade, including English 8 and a math.

High School Credit Earned in the 8th


When an eighth grade student successfully completes subjects identified as high school subjects, credit

shall be counted for meeting the total number of units required for graduation. For example, Algebra, a

foreign language, World Geography and some career/technical courses taken in the 8th

grade will count

toward fulfilling the credits needed for graduation. The grades earned in these courses will become part of

the grade point average. Parents may notify the high school if they choose for those courses taken in the

eighth grade not to count. Notification must occur in writing within fifteen days following the completion

of the course.

Special Education

Programs are provided for students in need of special services. More information regarding these programs

may be obtained from a school counselor or a specialist currently working with the student. Scheduling is

done on an individual basis according to the needs of each student. Through the cooperation of the special

education teacher and the regular classroom teacher, these students will be helped to achieve the goals of

their regular class. The instructional program in all special education classes is based on each student’s

individualized education program (IEP). Various diploma options for special education students are

available and will be determined by the IEP team, which includes the student and his/her parents.

Alternative Education

An alternative education program (ISAEP) is available upon request and is considered on an individual

basis by an administrative team.

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Diploma Seals

Governor’s Seal for Advanced Studies Diploma

To receive the governor’s Seal on an advanced studies diploma, students must complete the following:

- All requirements for an Advanced Studies Diploma with an average grade of “B” (3.0

unweighted GPA) or better and

- college-level coursework that will earn the student at least 9 transferrable college credits in

Advanced Placement (AP) or dual enrollment courses.

Virginia Board of Education Seal

Students who complete the requirements for a Standard Diploma or Advanced Studies Diploma with an

average grade of “A” shall receive a Board of Education Seal on the diploma.

Career and Technical Education – Virginia Board of Education’s Seal

The Board of Education’s Seal for Career and Technical Education is awarded to students who meet the


- Requirements for a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma

- A prescribed sequence of courses in a career and technical education concentration or

specialization; and

- Maintain a “B” or better average in those courses or pass an examination or an occupational

competency assessment in a career and technical education concentration or specialization

that confers certification or occupational competency credential from a recognized industry,

trade, or professional association or acquire a professional license in that career and technical

education field from the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The Board of Education shall approve all professional licenses and examination used to satisfy these


Advanced Mathematics and Technology – Virginia Board of Education’s Seal

The Board of Education’s Seal of Advanced Mathematics and Technology is awarded top students who

meet the following:

- Requirements for either a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma;

- Mathematics requirements for the Advanced Studies Diploma (four Units of credit including

AlgebraII; two verified units of credit) with a “B” average or better; and

- Pass an examination in a career and technical education field that confers certification from a

recognized industry or trade or professional association, acquire professional license in a

career and technical education field from the Commonwealth of Virginia, or pass an

examination approved by the Board that confers college-level credits in a technology or

computer science area.

The Board of Education shall approve all professional licenses and examinations used to satisfy these


Excellence in Civics Education – Virginia Board of Education’s Seal

The Board of Education’s Seal for Excellence in Civics Education is awarded to students who meet the


- Requirements for either a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma;

- Virginia and US History and Virginia and US Governments courses with a grade of “B” or


- Good attendance and no disciplinary infractions as determined by local school board policies;


- 50 hours of voluntary participation in community service or extracurricular actitives.*

*Activities that would satisfy these requirements include (a) volunteering for a charitable or religious

organization that provides services to the poor, sick, or less fortunate; (b) participating in Boy Scouts, Girl

Scouts, or similar youth organizations; (c) participating in JROTC; (d) participating in political campaigns

or government internships, or Boys State, Girls Sate, or Model General Assembly; or (e) participating in

school-sponsored extracurricular activities that have a civics focus. Any student who enlists in the US

military prior to graduation will be deemed to have met this community service requirement.

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Certificate of Program Completion

In accordance with the requirements of the Standards of Quality, students who complete

coursework defined by the local school board but have not earned the required verified credits for

diplomas are awarded Certificates of Program Completion.

Virginia High School League Rules for Athletics and Academic Bowl Eligibility

28-4-1 Scholarship Rule: The student shall be currently enrolled in not fewer than five subjects, or their

equivalent, offered for credit and which may be used for graduation, and have passed five subjects, or their

equivalent, offered for credit which may be used for graduation the immediately preceding semester for

schools that certify credit on a semester basis. You may not count a repeat class as part of the five is you

have previously received credit for the class.

28-4-2 Age Rule: The student shall not have reached the age of 19 on or before the first day of August of

the school year in which he/she wishes to compete.

NCAA/NAIA Academic Eligibility and Approved Courses

If you are a high school athlete and you wish to participate in athletics as a freshman in college, you must

apply to the NCAA Clearinghouse or the NAIA before graduation or preferably the end of your junior year.

To qualify you must graduate from high school, complete a core list of subjects and attain a certain level on

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your ACT or SAT test. These rules are varied for the different levels. Please see either the Athletic Director

or your Guidance Counselor for more information on this process.



Keyboarding Applications (18 wks)/Word Processing (18 wks) – Grades 9 - 12

And, any two 36-week courses or semester equivalents that equal two 36-week courses

Accounting – Grades 10, 11, 12

Advanced Accounting – Grades 11, 12

Computer Information Systems – Grades 10, 11, 12

Advanced Computer Information Systems – Grades 11, 12

Design, Multimedia and Web Technologies – Grades 10, 11, 12

Principles of Business Marketing (18 wks) – Grades 11, 12

Business Management (18 wks) – Grades 11, 12

Cooperative Education – Grades 11-12


CULINARY ARTS Culinary Arts I – Grades 9,10, 11, 12

Culinary Arts II – Grades 10,11, 12



Technical Drawing and Design – Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Engineering Drawing and Design – Grades 10, 11, 12


Computer Application (Grades 9, 10, 11, 12)

Information Technology Fundamentals (Grades 9, 10, 11, 12)

Programming (Grades 10, 11, 12)

Computer Maintenance (Grade 12)

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All completers of a Trade and Industrial Education program must successfully pass the minimum

competencies of each program. These four programs are Auto Mechanics, Carpentry/Cabinetmaking, and

Industrial Maintenance Technology.


Auto Mechanics I – Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Auto Mechanics II - Grades 10, 11, 12

Auto Mechanics III - Grades 11, 12


Carpentry I – Grades 9-12

Carpentry II – Grades 10, 11, 12

Carpentry III – Grades 11, 12

Cabinetmaking II - Grade 12


Electricity I – Grades 10, 11, 12

Electricity II – Grades 11, 12

Electricity III – Grade 12