BAT conclusions Waste Treatment empty BATC.pdf · Waste Treatment draft BAT conclusions –...

Waste Treatment draft BAT conclusions – Guideline draft for the expression of initial positions WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 1 [Colour codes used in this document] Black: items derived from the conclusions on BAT of the currently adopted WT BREF, including some rewording. Dark red: standard texts Green: additional proposals expected to meet the BAT conclusions criteria set in the BREF Guidance [Blue]: messages to the TWG [in square brackets] [The original numbers of the conclusions on BAT of the adopted WT BREF are indicated below each BAT conclusions statement of this document, e.g. BAT 2, 13, while deleted conclusions on BAT are indicated with struck through numbers, e.g. BAT 82 . The word [other] is used in a list or table to indicate that other items of the list or table are expected Empty cells or suspension points (…) are used to indicated areas where further work is needed] BAT conclusions Waste Treatment (Guideline draft for the expression of initial positions)

Transcript of BAT conclusions Waste Treatment empty BATC.pdf · Waste Treatment draft BAT conclusions –...

Waste Treatment draft BAT conclusions – Guideline draft for the expression of initial positions

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 1

[Colour codes used in this document] Black: items derived from the conclusions on BAT of the currently adopted WT BREF,

including some rewording. Dark red: standard texts Green: additional proposals expected to meet the BAT conclusions criteria set in the BREF

Guidance [Blue]: messages to the TWG [in square brackets] [The original numbers of the conclusions on BAT of the adopted WT BREF are indicated below each BAT conclusions statement of this document, e.g. BAT 2, 13, while deleted conclusions on BAT are indicated with struck through numbers, e.g. BAT 82. The word [other] is used in a list or table to indicate that other items of the list or table are expected Empty cells or suspension points (…) are used to indicated areas where further work is needed]

BAT conclusions


Waste Treatment

(Guideline draft for the expression of initial positions)

Waste Treatment draft BAT conclusions – Guideline draft for the expression of initial positions

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 2


1 BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES.............................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Scope…………… ................................................................................................................................... 4 Definitions............................................................................................................................................... 7 General considerations ............................................................................................................................ 9 Reference conditions for emissions to air................................................................................................ 9 Averaging periods for emissions to air.................................................................................................... 9 Conversion of emissions concentration to reference oxygen level........................................................ 10 Reference conditions for emissions to water ......................................................................................... 10 Averaging periods for emissions to water ............................................................................................. 10 1.1 General BAT conclusions ......................................................................................................... 11

1.1.1 Overall environmental performance .................................................................................... 11 Environmental management systems............................................................................. 11 Monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 12

1.1.2 Waste treatment performance.............................................................................................. 13 Reception, handling and storage .................................................................................... 13 Compatibility to mix or blend........................................................................................ 13 Input pre-treatment and output finalisation.................................................................... 14

1.1.3 Emissions to air ................................................................................................................... 14 1.1.4 Emissions to water and water consumption......................................................................... 16 1.1.5 Consumption of raw materials and chemicals ..................................................................... 16 1.1.6 Energy consumption............................................................................................................ 17 1.1.7 Noise and vibrations ............................................................................................................ 17 1.1.8 Prevention of soil and groundwater contamination ............................................................. 17 1.1.9 Decommissioning................................................................................................................ 18

1.2 BAT conclusions for mechanical treatments............................................................................. 19 1.2.1 BAT conclusions for sorting, sieving .................................................................................. 19 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 19 1.2.2 BAT conclusions for crushing, shredding, or milling.......................................................... 19 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 19 Mercury emissions to air................................................................................................ 19 Dioxins and furans emissions to air ............................................................................... 20 Emissions to water ......................................................................................................... 20 Vibrations ...................................................................................................................... 20

1.3 BAT conclusions for biological treatments............................................................................... 21 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 21 Odour ............................................................................................................................. 21

1.3.2 BAT conclusions specific to aerobic treatment ................................................................... 21 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 21 Emissions to air.............................................................................................................. 21 Water consumption and emissions to water................................................................... 22 Energy efficiency........................................................................................................... 23

1.3.3 BAT conclusions specific to anaerobic digestion................................................................ 24 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 24 Emissions to air.............................................................................................................. 24 Water consumption and emissions to water................................................................... 25 Energy efficiency........................................................................................................... 26

1.4 BAT conclusions for physicochemical treatments .................................................................... 27 1.4.1 BAT conclusions for extraction........................................................................................... 27 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 27 Acid emissions to air...................................................................................................... 27 Emissions to water ......................................................................................................... 27

1.4.2 BAT conclusions for washing ............................................................................................. 28 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 28 Emissions to water ......................................................................................................... 28

1.4.3 BAT conclusions for physicochemical treatment of water-based liquid waste ................... 28 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 28 Emissions to air.............................................................................................................. 29 Emissions to water ......................................................................................................... 29

1.4.4 BAT conclusions for thermal drying ................................................................................... 30 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 30

Waste Treatment draft BAT conclusions – Guideline draft for the expression of initial positions

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 3 Ammonia emissions to air ............................................................................................. 30 Emissions to water ......................................................................................................... 30

1.4.5 BAT conclusions for immobilisation................................................................................... 31 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 31 Asbestos emissions to air ............................................................................................... 31 Lead emissions to air ..................................................................................................... 31 Cadmium emissions to air.............................................................................................. 32 Mercury emissions to air................................................................................................ 32

1.4.6 BAT conclusions for thermal desorption............................................................................. 33 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 33 Mercury emissions to air................................................................................................ 33 Dioxins and furans emissions to air ............................................................................... 33 Acid emissions to air...................................................................................................... 34 SOX emissions to air ...................................................................................................... 34 Emissions to water ......................................................................................................... 34

1.4.7 BAT conclusions for distillation.......................................................................................... 35 General environmental performance.............................................................................. 35 Mercury emissions to air................................................................................................ 35 Dioxins and furans emissions to air ............................................................................... 36 Emissions to water ......................................................................................................... 36

Description of techniques...................................................................................................................... 37

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1 BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES SCOPE…………… These BAT conclusions concern the following activities specified in Annex I to Directive 2010/75/EU, namely: • 5.1. Disposal or recovery of hazardous waste with a capacity exceeding 10 tonnes per day

involving one or more of the following activities: (a) biological treatment; (b) physicochemical treatment; (c) blending or mixing prior to submission to any of the other activities listed in points

5.1 and 5.2 of the Annex I to the Industrial Emissions Directive; (d) repackaging prior to submission to any of the other activities listed in points 5.1 and

5.2 of the Annex I to the Industrial Emissions Directive; (e) solvent reclamation/regeneration; (f) recycling/reclamation of inorganic materials other than metals or metal compounds; (g) regeneration of acids or bases; (h) recovery of components used for pollution abatement; (i) recovery of components from catalysts; (j) oil re-refining or other reuses of oil; (k) surface impoundment.

• 5.3 (a) Disposal of non-hazardous waste with a capacity exceeding 50 tonnes per day

involving one or more of the following activities: (i) biological treatment; (ii) physicochemical treatment; (iii) pre-treatment of waste for incineration or co-incineration; (iv) treatment of slags and ashes; (v) treatment in shredders of metal waste, including waste electrical and

electronic equipment and end-of-life vehicles and their components. (b) Recovery, or a mix of recovery and disposal, of non-hazardous waste with a capacity

exceeding 75 tonnes per day involving one or more of the following activities: (i) biological treatment; (ii) pre-treatment of waste for incineration or co-incineration; (iii) treatment of slags and ashes; (iv) treatment in shredders of metal waste, including waste electrical and

electronic equipment and end-of-life vehicles and their components. When the only waste treatment activity carried out is anaerobic digestion, the capacity threshold for this activity shall be 100 tonnes per day.

• 5.5. Temporary storage of hazardous waste pending any of the activities listed in points 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 and 5.6 of the Annex I to the Industrial Emissions Directive with a total capacity exceeding 50 tonnes.'

In particular, these BAT conclusions cover the following processes and activities, whether these are carried out as the primary activity on the installation or as a directly associated activity to another IED activity:

• the loading, unloading and handling of waste • the temporary storage of waste • the blending and mixing of waste

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• Waste treatment processes such as: o Mechanical treatment of waste: o Biological treatment of waste o Physicochemical treatment of waste o Combined treatment of waste (e.g. mechanical-biological treatment of biological waste)

• Upstream and downstream activities directly associated with the waste treatment (e.g. combustion of biogas from the anaerobic digestion)

• the applied techniques to prevent and control emissions and consumption • site remediation measures needed as a consequence of the waste treatment activity within IED

installations. These BAT conclusions do not address the following activities: • activities covered by Council Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste-water treatment; • temporary storage, pending collection, on the site where the waste is generated; • waste management activities, recovery or disposal of waste not occurring in IED installations and

related acceptance criteria; • recovery of waste to substitute raw materials used in IED installations covered in other BAT

reference documents and related acceptance criteria; • waste incineration and co-incineration and related acceptance criteria; • landfilling and related acceptance criteria (covered by Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April

1999 on the landfill of waste); • underground storage of waste and related acceptance criteria; • waste management in the extractive industries (covered by Directive 2006/21/EC); These BAT conclusions do not address the following topics: • end-of-waste criteria, product specifications These BAT conclusions are without prejudice of the following directives and regulations: • end-of-life vehicles (covered by Directive 2000/53/EC) • electronic waste (covered by Directive 2012/19/EU) • batteries (covered by Directive 2006/66/EC) • [placeholder for the regulation on ship recycling COM/2012/0118 final – 2012/0055 (COD)] • POP-containing waste (Regulation (EC) n. 850/2004) • PCB-containing equipments are decontaminated (Directive 96/59/EC) Other reference documents, which are relevant for the activities covered by these BAT conclusions, are the following:

Reference document Activity / Subject

Emissions from Storage BREF (EFS) Storage and handling of fuels and additives

General Principles of Monitoring (MON) Emissions and consumptions monitoring

Energy Efficiency BREF (ENE) General energy efficiency

Economic and Cross-Media Effects (ECM) Economic and cross-media effects of techniques

CWW Common waste water and waste gas treatments

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WI Waste incineration

LCP, CLM, IS, GLS, […] Waste co-incineration and recovery of waste as a substitute of other materials in IED installations

MTWR Management of Tailings and Waste-rock in Mining Activities

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DEFINITIONS For the purpose of these BAT conclusions, the following definitions apply:

Term used Definition

Biological treatment Treatment of biodegradable waste by mean of aerobic or anaerobic process that degrade the biological matter to stable compounds.

Mechanical treatment […] wet bio-waste Biowaste with water content > 80 % Biogas The gaseous output of the anaerobic digestion process Waste input The incoming waste to be treated in the waste treatment plant Waste holder The subject sending the waste input to the waste treatment plant

Waste producer The subject that generated the waste input sent to the waste treatment plant

Output The processed material flow dispatched from the waste treatment plant Mixing The process of merging solid waste streams Blending The process of merging liquid waste streams Recovery rate

Extraction Treatment of solid or liquid wastes by mean of co- or counter-currant of e.g. vapour, solvent, acid, to extract pollutants as metals, salts, organic compounds.

Immobilisation Treatment of solid waste by mean of e.g. stabilisation, solidification, vitrification, melting, to reduce the rate of contaminant migration to the environment and/or to reduce the level of toxicity of the waste.

Water-based liquid waste […] Washing […] Thermal drying […] Immobilisation […] Thermal desorption […] Distillation […] Dust […] HCl all gaseous chlorides expressed as HCl HF all gaseous fluorides expressed as HF Hg The sum of mercury and its compounds, expressed as Hg CH4 […] VOC […] TOC […] Continuous measurement Measurement using an 'automated measuring system' (AMS) or a

'continuous emission monitoring system' (CEM) permanently installed on site

Periodic measurement Determination of a measurand (particular quantity subject to measurement) at specified time intervals using manual or automated reference methods. A periodic measurement of emissions to air is the average over 3 consecutive measurements of at least half an hour). A periodic measurement of emissions to water is a flow-proportional composite sample over 24-hour.

PEMS Predictive Emissions Monitoring Systems: systems used to determine the emissions concentration of a pollutant based on its relationship with a number of characteristic continuously-monitored process parameters and feed quality data of an emission source.

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For the purposes of these BAT conclusions, the following acronyms apply: Acronyms Definition

POP Persistent organic pollutant MSW Municipal Solid Wastes MBT Mechanical Biological Treatment WEEE Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment EoLV End of Live Vehicles WFGD Wet flue-gas desulphurisation AMS automated measuring system CEM continuous emission monitoring system PEMS Predictive Emissions Monitoring Systems

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GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The techniques listed and described in these BAT conclusions are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive. Other techniques may be used that ensure at least an equivalent level of environmental protection. Unless stated otherwise, the techniques identified in these BAT conclusions are generally applicable. [NOTE: Whilst cross-references are provided to other parts of this document in order to aid the work of the TWG, they will not be included in the final BAT conclusions themselves. Such cross-references are consequently displayed in square brackets.] EXPRESSION OF EMISSION LEVELS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES (BAT-AELs) [TWG: please note that in order to avoid repetition, this section contains general considerations that are essential to the understanding of the BAT conclusions taken as a standalone document, such as:

- reference conditions for air emissions (e.g. dry gas, standard temperature/pressure, oxygen concentration)

- averaging periods - sampling times - conversions to reference conditions - adopted units of measures]

Reference conditions for emissions to air Unless stated otherwise, emission levels associated with the best available techniques (BAT-AELs) for emissions to air given in these BAT conclusions refer to monthly average values of concentrations, expressed as mass of emitted substance per volume of waste gas under the following standard conditions: dry gas, temperature 273.15 K, pressure 101.3 kPa. For combustion processes, oxygen reference conditions for oxygen are given in Table 1.1. Table 1.1: Oxygen reference conditions for BAT-AELs concerning emissions to air from combustion processes

Activities Unit Oxygen reference conditions

Combustion process using liquid or gaseous fuels with the exception of gas turbines and engines

mg/Nm3 3 % oxygen by volume

Gas turbines (including combined cycle gas turbines – CCGT) and engines

mg/Nm3 15 % oxygen by volume

Averaging periods for emissions to air

Unless stated otherwise, BAT-AELs refer to monthly average values Monthly average: average over a period of one month based on valid hourly averages measured by continuous measurements For continuous measurements Daily average: average over a period of one day based on valid hourly averages measured by continuous measurements

For periodic measurements BAT-AELs refer to the average value over the sampling period

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Conversion of emissions concentration to reference oxygen level The formula for calculating the emissions concentration at reference oxygen level (see Table 1.1) is shown below.

ER = 21 – OR 21 – OM × EM

Where: ER (mg/Nm3): emissions concentration corrected to the reference oxygen level OR OR (vol %): reference oxygen level EM (mg/Nm3): emissions concentration referred to the measured oxygen level OM

OM (vol %): measured oxygen level. Reference conditions for emissions to water Unless stated otherwise, emission levels associated with the best available techniques (BAT-AELs) for emissions to water given in these BAT conclusions refer to values of concentration (mass of emitted substances per volume of water) expressed in mg/l. Averaging periods for emissions to water Unless stated otherwise, the averaging periods associated with the BAT-AELs are defined as follows:

Daily average Average over a sampling period of 24 hours taken as a flow-proportional composite sample. Time-proportional sampling can be used provided that sufficient flow stability is demonstrated.

Yearly/Monthly average Average (weighted according to the daily flows) of the daily average values taken with the minimum frequency set for the relevant parameter within a year/month

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1.1 General BAT conclusions Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section are generally applicable. The process-specific BAT conclusions included in Sections 1.2 to 1.4 apply in addition to the general BAT conclusions mentioned in this section. 1.1.1 Overall environmental performance Environmental management systems 1. In order to improve the overall environmental performance of waste treatment plants,

BAT is to implement and adhere to an environmental management system (EMS) that incorporates all of the following features:

[BAT 1, 3, 5, 16, 17, 18, 40, 57]

i. commitment of the management, including senior management; ii. definition of an environmental policy that includes the continuous improvement of the

installation by the management; iii. planning and establishing the necessary procedures, objectives and targets, in conjunction

with financial planning and investment; iv. implementation of procedures paying particular attention to:

(a) structure and responsibility (b) training, awareness and competence (c) communication (d) employee involvement (e) documentation (f) efficient process control (g) maintenance programmes (h) emergency preparedness and response (i) safeguarding compliance with environmental legislation;

v. checking performance and taking corrective action, paying particular attention to:

(a) monitoring and measurement (see also the Reference Document on the General Principles of Monitoring)

(b) corrective and preventive action (c) maintenance of records (d) independent (where practicable) internal and external auditing in order to determine

whether or not the EMS conforms to planned arrangements and has been properly implemented and maintained;

vi. review of the EMS and its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness by senior

management; vii. following the development of cleaner technologies;

viii. consideration for the environmental impacts from the eventual decommissioning of the installation at the stage of designing a new plant, and throughout its operating life;

ix. application of sectoral benchmarking on a regular basis.

Specifically for waste treatment sector, it is also important to consider the following potential features of the EMS:

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x. [additional features]

Applicability The scope (e.g. level of details) and nature of the EMS (e.g. standardised or non-standardised) is generally related to the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the range of environmental impacts it may have. Monitoring 2. In order to improve the overall environmental performance of waste treatment, BAT is to

monitor emissions to: a. air before releasing to the atmosphere b. water at the point of discharge at the boundary of the installation, including

indirect discharge for the pollutants given in each BAT-AEL table of these conclusions, with at least the frequency indicated in the same table and in accordance with EN standards. If EN standards are not available, BAT is to use ISO, national or other international standards that ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality.

[50, 55, 74] 3. In order to improve the overall environmental performance of waste treatment, BAT is to

monitor the process parameters and the additional environmental parameters given below.


Parameter Applicability Point of measurement Monitoring frequency

[Parameter] 4. In order to improve the overall environmental performance of waste treatment

installations, BAT is to improve the knowledge of the waste input by performing waste characterisation with at least the minimum frequency and in accordance with EN standards given below. BAT is to record the outcome of the characterisation onto advanced computerised process control system as described in BAT 7.

Waste(s) Sampling frequency Analysis and

characterisation parameter

[waste] - [parameter] 5. BAT is to monitor periodically odour emissions to air in accordance with EN standards

(e.g. by using dynamic olfactometry according to EN standards). When applying complementary methods for which no EN standards are available (e.g. measurement/estimation of odour exposure, estimation of odour impact), BAT is to use ISO, national or other international standards that ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality.

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Applicability Applicability is restricted to cases where the results of BAT16 show that odour emissions are likely to cause a significant odour exposure to sensitive receptors. 6. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce the environmental risks of

treating hazardous waste, BAT is to monitor in the emissions to air and to water each hazardous substance found in the waste input characterisation/analysis above the concentration level that lead the waste input to be categorised as hazardous.

1.1.2 Waste treatment performance [BAT 91, 117, 118, 119, 130] 7. In order to prevent accidents and to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce

pollution emissions from waste treatment, BAT is to use all the techniques given below: [BAT 2, 7, 12, 40, 53, 60, 62, 66, 72, 78]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] Reception, handling and storage 8. In order to reduce the environmental risks in the waste treatment and to improve the

waste treatment performance, BAT is to have a good knowledge of the waste input and a safe and sound waste input reception by using all the following techniques:

[BAT 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 43, 72, 87, 92, 95, 105]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] 9. In order to reduce the environmental risk of accidents and incidents from the handling of

waste, BAT is to use all the following techniques: [BAT 28, 40]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] 10. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce the environmental risk of

the storage of waste, BAT is to use all the following techniques: [BAT 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 34]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] Compatibility to mix or blend 11. In order to reduce pollution emissions and to prevent incidents/accidents from the waste

treatment, BAT is to use all the following techniques:

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[BAT 13, 14, 29, 30, 72, 78, 79, 80]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] Input pre-treatment and output finalisation 12. In order to reduce the amount of treated waste sent to disposal and increase the waste

recovery efficiency while achieving the output quality requested by the receiver, BAT is to implement the European waste hierarchy by using the following techniques:

[BAT 2, 4, 11, 15, 34, 122, 123, 50, 58, 59, 60, 86, 94, 103]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated recovery efficiency levels are presented in Table 1.2

Table 1.2: BAT-associated recovery efficiency levels BAT-AEPL

New plant Existing plant Waste stream Parameter Unit Monitoring frequency

Monthly average

Waste oil

[other waste streams]

Recovery rate % Continuous measurement

1.1.3 Emissions to air 13. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce diffuse emissions to air

from waste treatment activities, BAT is to use all the following techniques: [BAT 24, 28, 29, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 65, 72, 82, 88, 89, 98]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] The BAT reference document on Emissions from Storage (EFS BREF) contains BAT conclusions that are of relevance for the storage and diffuse emissions of fuels and additives. 14. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce dust emissions to air from

waste treatment, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below: [BAT 41, 93, 107, 128]

Technique Description Applicability a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for dust are presented in Table 1.3.

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Table 1.3: BAT-associated emission levels for dust

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

MSW Metallic wastes

(shredding, crushing)

Spent activated carbons

Ashes Soils


Dust mg/Nm3 Continuous


15. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce VOCs emissions to air from

waste treatment, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below: [BAT 37, 93, 126]

Technique Description Applicability a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for VOCs are presented in Table 1.4

Table 1.4: BAT-associated emission levels for VOCs

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Drums/tanks (washing)




Liquid wastes


VOCs in total C

mg/Nm3 Continuous


16. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce odorous emissions, BAT is

to set up and implement an odour management plan, as part of the EMS in BAT Error! Reference source not found., that includes all of the following elements:

I. [Technique]

II. … Applicability The applicability 17. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce odorous emissions from

waste treatment, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13.

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Technique Description Applicability a [Technique] 1.1.4 Emissions to water and water consumption 18. In order to reduce water consumption and, where practicable, to prevent the discharge of

pollutants to water from the waste treatment, BAT is to use all the techniques given below. [BAT 20, 34, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 54, 74, 116]

Technique Description Applicability a [Technique] BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated water consumption levels are presented in Table 1.5

Table 1.5: BAT-associated water consumption levels BAT-AEPL

New plant Existing plant Waste stream Parameter Unit Monitoring frequency

daily average [process/waste

steams] Fresh water consumption

m3/t Continuous measurement

19. In order to reduce emissions to water from waste treatment plants, BAT is to use one or a

combination of the techniques given below: [BAT 52, 53, 55, 56, 67, 75, 83, 116, 120]

Technique Description Applicability a [Technique] BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for direct and indirect discharge to water are presented in Table 1.6

Table 1.6: BAT-associated emission levels to water from waste treatment

Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average


Sb+As+Pb+Cr+Co+Cu+Mn+Ni+V Cd+Tl



Continuous measurement

1.1.5 Consumption of raw materials and chemicals 20. In order to reduce raw materials and chemicals consumption in the waste treatment, BAT

is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below: [BAT 22, 23, 61]

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Technique Description Applicability a [Technique] BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated raw materials and chemicals consumption levels are presented in Table 1.8

Table 1.7: BAT-associated raw materials and chemicals consumption levels BAT-AEPL

New plant Existing plant Waste stream Parameter Unit Monitoring frequency

Monthly average [Raw material] consumption

[immobilisation, other

process/waste steams]

[chemical] consumption

kg/t Continuous


1.1.6 Energy consumption 21. In order to use energy efficiently in the waste treatment, BAT is to use all the following

techniques: [BAT 20, 21]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] The BAT reference document on Energy Efficiency (ENE BREF) contains BAT conclusions that are of relevance for the reduction of energy consumption and the efficient use of energy. BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated energy consumption levels are presented in Table 1.8

Table 1.8: BAT-associated energy consumption levels BAT-AEPL

New plant Existing plant Waste stream Parameter Unit Monitoring frequency

Monthly average Electrical energy

consumption [process/waste steams]

Fuel consumption MWh/t Continuous measurement

1.1.7 Noise and vibrations 22. In order to reduce noise and vibrations emissions from relevant sources from waste

treatment, BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given below: [BAT 18]

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique] 1.1.8 Prevention of soil and groundwater contamination 23. In order to prevent soil and groundwater contamination from the waste treatment, BAT is

to use all the following techniques, in addition to BAT 9 and 10: [BAT 24, 42, 47, 63, 64]

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 18

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique] 1.1.9 Decommissioning 24. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce the environmental risks

during the decommissioning of waste treatment plants, BAT is to use all the following techniques:

[BAT 19]

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

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1.2 BAT conclusions for mechanical treatments Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section apply to the mechanical treatment of waste, in addition to the general BAT mentioned in Section 1.1.

1.2.1 BAT conclusions for sorting, sieving General environmental performance 25. In order to improve the general environmental performance and reduce the risk of

accidents and incidents from the sorting of wastes, BAT is to implement the European waste hierarchy by using an appropriate combination of the techniques given below:

[BAT 24, 84, 124]

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

1.2.2 BAT conclusions for crushing, shredding, or milling General environmental performance

26. In order to improve the general environmental performance and reduce the risk of accidents and incidents from crushing, shredding, or milling of wastes, BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given below:

[BAT 33, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127]

Technique Description Applicability a [Technique] Mercury emissions to air 27. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce mercury emissions to air

from crushing, shredding, or milling of wastes, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique] BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for mercury are presented in Table 1.9

Table 1.9: BAT-associated emission levels for mercury from crushing, shredding, milling of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Daily average

Mercury-containing waste

[Other] Hg mg/Nm3

Continuous measurement

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 20 Dioxins and furans emissions to air 28. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce dioxins and furans

emissions to air in the crushing, shredding, or milling of wastes, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for dioxins and furans are presented in Table 1.10

Table 1.10: BAT-associated emission levels for dioxins and furans from the crushing, shredding and milling of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Average over the sampling period


Drums/containers [other]

Dioxins and furans


Periodic monitoring Times/year Emissions to water 29. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions to water from the

crushing, shredding or milling of wastes, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given in BAT 18 and 19:

BAT-associated emission levels Specific BAT-associated emission levels for zinc emissions to water from crushing, shredding and milling of wastes are presented in Table 1.11.

Table 1.11: BAT-associated emission levels for zinc from the crushing, shredding milling of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

EoLV [Other]

Zn mg/l Continuous

measurement Vibrations 30. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce vibrations emissions from

mechanical treatment of waste, BAT is to use the technique given below, in addition to BAT 22:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 21

1.3 BAT conclusions for biological treatments Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section apply to biological treatment of waste, in addition to the general BAT mentioned in Section 1.1. General environmental performance 31. In order to prevent at source the generation of pollutants and to improve the general

performance of the biological treatment of waste, BAT is to select and pre-treat the waste input feedstock by using the techniques given below.

[BAT 66]

Technique Description Applicability a [Technique] Odour 32. In order to reduce emissions to air of odorous substances from the unloading, storage and

handling of biodegradable waste, BAT is to use the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 16 and 17.

[BAT 65]

Technique Description Applicability a [Technique]

1.3.2 BAT conclusions specific to aerobic treatment General environmental performance 33. In order to improve the general environmental performance of aerobic biodegradation,

BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 7.

[BAT 67, 69]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] Emissions to air 34. In order to prevent or reduce emissions to air from aerobic biodegradation, BAT is to use

the techniques given below: [BAT 68, 69, 70]

Techniques Description Applicability

a [Technique] BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels to air from aerobic biodegradation are presented in Table 1.15.

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 22

Table 1.12: BAT-associated emission levels for odour, NH3, N2O, Hg, CH4, dust, VOC from aerobic biodegradation

BAT-AEL Monthly average Type of waste Parameter Unit Monitoring

frequency New plant Existing plant

exhaust gas specific volume


odour ouE/m3





[Sewage sludge, biological waste from separated

collection, mechanically pre

treated MSW, other]



Continuous monitoring Water consumption and emissions to water 35. In order to reduce water consumption and prevent emissions to water of aerobic

biodegradation plants, BAT is to use the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 18. [BAT 69]

Techniques Description Applicability

a [Technique] BAT-associated environmental performance levels Specific BAT-associated water consumption levels from aerobic treatment are presented in Table 1.13.

Table 1.13: BAT-associated water consumption levels from aerobic treatment BAT-AEPL

New plant Existing plant Waste stream Parameter Unit Monitoring frequency

daily average Sewage sludge

Biological waste from separated


mechanically pre-treated MSW


Fresh water consumption

m3/t Continuous measurement

36. In order to prevent or reduce emissions to water from aerobic treatment plants, BAT is to

use the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 18 and 19. [BAT 71]

Techniques Description Applicability

a [Technique] BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for emissions to water are presented in Table 1.15.

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 23

Table 1.14: BAT-associated emission levels for emissions to water from aerobic treatment

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

P N (1) NH3

Nitrate Nitrite


[Sewage sludge, biological waste from separated

collection, mechanically pre

treated MSW, other] [Other]

mg/l Continuous


(1) Total Nitrogen Energy efficiency 37. In order to use energy efficiently in aerobic treatment, BAT is to use the techniques given

below. [BAT 69]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique]

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 24

1.3.3 BAT conclusions specific to anaerobic digestion Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section apply to anaerobic digestion plants and their associated activities, in addition to the general BAT mentioned in Section 1.1. General environmental performance 38. In order to improve the general environmental performance of anaerobic digestion plants,

BAT is to use the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 7. [BAT 67]

Techniques Description Applicability

a [Technique] Emissions to air 39. In order to prevent or reduce diffuse emissions of methane to air from anaerobic

digestion, BAT is to use the techniques given below. [NEW]

Techniques Description Applicability

a [Technique] 40. In order to prevent or reduce emissions to air when using biogas from anaerobic digestion

as a fuel in gas engines, gas turbines or boilers, BAT is to use the techniques given below. [BAT 68]

Techniques Description Applicability

a [Technique] BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, SOX, CO, Hg, H2S and VOC in the engine combustion of biogas from anaerobic digestion are presented in Table 1.15.

Table 1.15: BAT-associated emission levels for NOX, SOX, CO, Hg, H2S and VOC in the combustion of biogas from anaerobic digestion

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Type of combustion

unit Pollutant Unit Monitoring

frequency New plant Existing plant




Gas engine


mg/Nm3 Continuous monitoring




Gas turbine


mg/Nm3 Continuous monitoring


WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 25







mg/Nm3 Continuous monitoring


Reference O2: …%; (1) When the abatement technique is applied to the biogas before combustion the measurement may take place also before the combustion. Water consumption and emissions to water 41. In order to reduce water consumption of anaerobic digestion plants, BAT is to use the

techniques given below. [BAT 67]

Techniques Description Applicability

a [Technique] BAT-associated environmental performance levels Specific BAT-associated water consumption levels from anaerobic digestion are presented in Table 1.16

Table 1.16: BAT-associated water consumption levels from anaerobic digestion BAT-AEPL

New plant Existing plant Waste stream Parameter Unit Monitoring frequency

daily average Sewage sludge

Biological waste from separated


mechanically pre-treated MSW

Fresh water consumption

m3/t Continuous measurement

42. In order to prevent or reduce emissions to water from anaerobic digestion plants, BAT is

to use the techniques given below. [BAT 68]

Techniques Description Applicability

b [Technique] BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels from anaerobic digestion are presented in Table 1.17.

Table 1.17: BAT-associated emission levels from anaerobic digestion

Type of waste Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

P [Sewage sludge, biological waste N (1)

mg/l Continuous measurement

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 26

NH3 Nitrate Nitrite

from separated collection,

mechanically pre treated MSW,

other] Cl

(1) Total Nitrogen Energy efficiency 43. In order to increase the energy efficiency and to reduce the emissions to air of anaerobic

digestion of biodegradable waste and associated activities, BAT is to use all the techniques given below. Flaring the biogas is not BAT.

[BAT 67]

Techniques Description Applicability

a [Technique] BAT-associated environmental performance levels The BAT-associated energy efficiency levels are given in Table 1.18.

Table 1.18: BAT-associated energy efficiency levels for anaerobic digestion installation BAT-AEPL Type of plant Parameter Unit

(yearly average)

Existing Anaerobic digester


Biogas generation rate per mass unit

of waste


Gas engine

Gas turbine


Conversion efficiency, LHV basis


WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 27

1.4 BAT conclusions for physicochemical treatments Unless otherwise stated, the BAT conclusions presented in this section apply to physicochemical treatment of waste, in addition to the general BAT mentioned in Section 1.1.

1.4.1 BAT conclusions for extraction General environmental performance 44. In order to increase the general environmental of the extraction of pollutants from wastes,

BAT is to use all the techniques given below:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique] Acid emissions to air [39, 85] 45. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce acid emissions to air from

acid extraction, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in additions to BAT 13:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for acid are presented in Table 1.19

Table 1.19: BAT-associated emission levels for acid from extraction of pollutant from wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Solid wastes as e.g. pre-treatment before immobilisation

[acid] mg/Nm3 Continuous

measurement Emissions to water 46. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions to water from

extraction, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given in BAT 18 and 19. BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for chlorine and sulphate are presented in Table 1.20.

Table 1.20: BAT-associated emission levels to water from extraction of pollutant from wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Oil Solvent

Spent catalysts

Cl- mg/l Continuous measurement

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 28

sludge soils Oil

Solvent Spent catalysts

sludge soils


[Other] [Other]

1.4.2 BAT conclusions for washing General environmental performance 47. In order to improve the general environmental performance of the washing of wastes,

BAT is to use the techniques given below: [BAT 34]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] Emissions to water 48. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce phenol emissions to water

from washing of wastes, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 18 and 19:

Techniques Description Applicability

a [Technique] BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for phenols emissions to water from washing of wastes are presented in Table 1.21

Table 1.21: BAT-associated emission levels to water from washing

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency BAT-AEL

Monthly average

Drums/Tanks Soils

Phenols [or phenol index with EN 14402 analytical method]

mg/l [-] Continuous


1.4.3 BAT conclusions for physicochemical treatment of water-based liquid waste General environmental performance 49. In order to improve the general environmental performance, to prevent accidents or

incidents and to reduce emissions from the physicochemical treatment of water-based liquid waste, BAT is to use the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 11, 18 and 19.

[BAT 76, 78, 79, 80]

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique]

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 29

The BAT reference document on Common Waste Water/Waste gas treatment/management in the chemical sector (CWW BREF) contains BAT conclusions that are of relevance for the physicochemical treatment of water-based liquid waste. Emissions to air 50. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce HCN emissions to air from

chemical oxidation of water-based liquid waste, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

[BAT 39, 77]

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for HCN are presented in Table 1.22

Table 1.22: BAT-associated emission levels for HCN from oxidation of water-based liquid waste

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Chemical oxidation HCN mg/Nm3

Continuous measurement

51. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce ammonia emissions to air

from treatment of water-based liquid waste, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below:

[BAT 81]

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for NH3 in exhaust stacks are presented in Table 1.23

Table 1.23: BAT-associated emission levels for NH3 in exhaust stacks from treatment of water-based liquid waste

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Ammonia-rich liquid waste

NH3 mg/Nm3 Continuous

measurement Emissions to water 52. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions to water from

chemical oxidation of water-based liquid waste, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given in BAT 18 and 19.

[BAT 73] BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for chlorine to water from chemical oxidation of water-based liquid waste are presented in Table 1.24:

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 30

Table 1.24: BAT-associated emission levels to water for chlorine from physicochemical treatment of water-based liquid waste

Waste / process Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Hypochlorite or chlorine chemical oxidation

Cl mg/l Continuous


[other] [other]

1.4.4 BAT conclusions for thermal drying General environmental performance [BAT 126] 53. In order to improve the general environmental performance of the drying of wastes , BAT

is to use all the techniques given below:

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] Ammonia emissions to air 54. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce ammonia emissions to air

from drying, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

[BAT 39]

Technique Description Applicability a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for ammonia are presented in Table 1.25

Table 1.25: BAT-associated emission levels for ammonia from drying of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Sludge NH3 mg/Nm3 Continuous

measurement Emissions to water 55. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions to water from

drying, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given in BAT 18 and 19 BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for emissions of Cl and sulphate to water from extraction of solid wastes are presented in Table 1.26.

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 31

Table 1.26: BAT-associated emission levels to water from drying of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring

frequency BAT-AEL

Monthly average

sludge Soils


sludge Soils

Sulphate mg/l

Continuous measurement

1.4.5 BAT conclusions for immobilisation [BAT 85, 90] General environmental performance 56. In order to improve the general environmental performance of immobilisation of wastes,

BAT is to use all the techniques given below: [BAT 87]

Technique Description Applicability a [Technique] Asbestos emissions to air 57. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce asbestos emissions to air

from thermal immobilisation of asbestos-containing waste, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for asbestos are presented in Table 1.27

Table 1.27: BAT-associated emission levels for asbestos from thermal immobilisation of asbestos-containing waste

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Asbestos-containing waste

Asbestos mg/Nm3 Continuous

measurement Lead emissions to air [BAT 93] 58. In order prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce lead emissions to air from

thermal immobilisation of wastes, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 32

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for Pb are presented in Table 1.28

Table 1.28: BAT-associated emission levels for Pb from immobilisation of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Spent carbon Ashes sludge Soils

Pb mg/Nm3 Continuous

measurement Cadmium emissions to air [BAT 93] 59. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce Cd emissions to air from

thermal immobilisation of wastes, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for Cd are presented in Table 1.29

Table 1.29: BAT-associated emission levels for Cd from thermal immobilisation of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Spent carbon Ashes Sludge Soils

Cd mg/Nm3 Continuous

measurement Mercury emissions to air [BAT 93] 60. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce mercury emissions to air

from thermal immobilisation of wastes, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for Hg are presented in Table 1.30

Table 1.30: BAT-associated emission levels for Hg from thermal immobilisation of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Daily average

Spent carbon Ashes Sludge Soils


Hg mg/Nm3 Continuous


WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 33

1.4.6 BAT conclusions for thermal desorption General environmental performance [BAT 109, 110, 111, 114] 61. In order to improve the general environmental performance of the thermal desorption,

BAT is to use the techniques given below:

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] Mercury emissions to air [BAT 93] 62. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce mercury emissions to air

from thermal desorption, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for Hg are presented in Table 1.31

Table 1.31: BAT-associated emission levels for Hg from thermal desorption of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Daily average

Soils Spent activated


Spent catalysts [Other]

Hg mg/Nm3 Continuous

measurement Dioxins and furans emissions to air [BAT 112, 113, 93] 63. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce dioxins and furans

emissions to air from thermal desorption, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for dioxins and furans are presented in Table 1.32

Table 1.32: BAT-associated emission levels for dioxins and furans from thermal desorption of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Average over the sampling period


Spent activated carbon

Dioxins and furans

ngI-TEQ/Nm3 Periodic

monitoring [n. times] /


WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 34

Spent catalysts Acid emissions to air 64. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce acid emissions to air from

thermal desorption, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

[BAT 39, 115]

Technique Description Applicability a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for acid are presented in Table 1.33

Table 1.33: BAT-associated emission levels for acids from thermal desorption of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Spent activated carbon

[acid] mg/Nm3 Continuous

measurement SOX emissions to air [BAT 108] 65. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce SOX emissions to air from

thermal desorption, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique] BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for SOX are presented in Table 1.34

Table 1.34: BAT-associated emission levels for SOX from thermal desorption of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Spent activated carbon

Spent catalysts SOX mg/Nm3

Continuous measurement Emissions to water [BAT 116 120] 66. In order to prevent or, where it is not practicable, reduce emissions to water from thermal

desorption, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 18 and 19:

Techniques Description Applicability

a [Technique]

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 35

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for sulphate and phenols emissions to water from thermal desorption of wastes are presented in Table 1.35:

Table 1.35: BAT-associated emission levels to water from thermal desorption of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Monthly average

Spent catalysts

Spent activated carbon



Spent catalysts

Spent activated carbon


Phenols [or phenol index with EN 14402 analytical

method ]

[Other] [Other]

mg/l Continuous


1.4.7 BAT conclusions for distillation General environmental performance [BAT 96, 101, 102, 103, 106, 129] 67. In order to improve the general environmental performance and to increase the waste

recovery efficiency of distillation, BAT is to use the appropriate techniques given below:

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] Mercury emissions to air 68. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce Hg emissions to air from

distillation of waste, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

[BAT 97] Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for Hg are presented in Table 1.36

Table 1.36: BAT-associated emission levels for Hg from treatment of wastes containing mercury

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Daily average

Liquid Solid

sludge Soils


Hg mg/Nm3 Continuous


WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 36 Dioxins and furans emissions to air [BAT 99, 100] 69. In order to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to reduce dioxins and furans

emissions to air from distillation of waste, BAT is to use the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 13:

Technique Description Applicability

a [Technique]

BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for dioxins and furans are presented in Table 1.37

Table 1.37: BAT-associated emission levels for dioxins and furans from thermal desorption of wastes

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring frequency

BAT-AEL Average over the sampling period

Waste oils

Waste solvents


Dioxins and furans


Periodic monitoring [n. times] /

year Emissions to water [BAT 104] 70. In order to reduce emissions to water from distillation of waste, BAT is to use one or a

combination of the techniques given below, in addition to BAT 18 and 19:

Techniques Description Applicability a [Technique] BAT-associated emission levels The BAT-associated emission levels for phenols emissions to water from (vacuum) distillation are presented in Table 1.38:

Table 1.38: BAT-associated emission levels to water from (vacuum) distillation

Waste stream Pollutant Unit Monitoring

frequency BAT-AEL

Monthly average

Waste oil Phenols [or phenol index with EN

14402 analytical method ]

[Other] [Other] mg/l

Continuous measurement

WT_BATC_2013_07_AP_MC 37

DESCRIPTION OF TECHNIQUES [TWG: please note that if needed to avoid repetitions a descriptive list of techniques that are frequently used in the BAT conclusions and need be described to the understanding of the BAT conclusions taken as standalone document will be inserted here]