download BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ADVERTISING 2. ADVERTISING’S ROLE IN MARKETING Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating.

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THE MARKETING CONCEPT/ FOCUS ON CUSTOMERS Historically marketers used to develop a product and then try to find a market for the product. But recently this procedure is changed. Now marketers try to include the customer in the product design and development process in the concept of marketing. Marketing concept is an approach that suggest marketing should focus firstly on identifying the needs and wants of the customer rather than on finding ways to sell products that may not meet with the customer’s needs.

Transcript of BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ADVERTISING 2. ADVERTISING’S ROLE IN MARKETING Marketing is an organizational...

BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ADVERTISING 2 ADVERTISINGS ROLE IN MARKETING Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stake holders. There are some concepts of marketing which have importnat implications for advertising and its role in marketing. These concepts can be classified as; the marketing concept or focus on customers, concept of exchange, concept of branding, concept of added value. THE MARKETING CONCEPT/ FOCUS ON CUSTOMERS Historically marketers used to develop a product and then try to find a market for the product. But recently this procedure is changed. Now marketers try to include the customer in the product design and development process in the concept of marketing. Marketing concept is an approach that suggest marketing should focus firstly on identifying the needs and wants of the customer rather than on finding ways to sell products that may not meet with the customers needs. In todays marketing, marketers know taht to compete effecttively with the competitors they must focus on their customers problems and try to develop products to solve them. Dell lets you check online various options and then you specify what you want. You pay for it and then Dell builds it for you and delivers it 10 days later. The marketing concept has two marketing steps. First step is to determine what the customer wants and needs. Second step is to develop, market and service goods that fill those wants and needs. So second step can be considered as creating solutions and solving problems for customers. Both steps are addressed in advertising planning through consumer research and the methods used by planners to develop insight into consumer decision making. This information feeds back into marketing plans where it can takes action for new product developments that are better designed to meet customer needs. THE CONCEPT OF EXCHANGE Marketing helps to create exchange means that the act of trading a desired product or service to receive something of value in return. In other words; company makes a product or service and offers it for sale at a certain price and the customer gives money to the company to buy that product. This the economic exchange. Second one that marketing makes exchange of is communication exchange. Advertising provides information as well as the opportunity for customer-company interaction. THE CONCEPT OF BRANDING Branding can be told as the process of creating a special meaning for a product. That meaning that makes it distinctive in the marketplace and in its product category. This is the special meaning of branding and it is called brand image and it is the result of communication among advertising, as well as your own personal experiences with the product. Branding transforms a product into a brand which has a distinctive identity and personality. So we can say that advertising tries to create a brand imaje with two elements; brand identity like; high-quality, expensive etc. and brand personality like a persons qualifications like; cute, attractive etc. Consumers tend to purchase in terms of brand image. Advertising creates familiarity with branding. Cause individuals feel more comfortable with the brands they know. And thats why a familiar brand is importnant when people major purchases like cars, house ware etc. People tend to think there is a less risk in buying familiar brands than in buying the brands that they dont know. Branding is useful to consumers buying clothing and fashion items, where self identity may also be linked to the brands that they wear. These brands are fairly complex psychological messages whose meanings are built up over time through advertising. Brand equity is the reputation, meaning and value that the brand name or logo/symbol has acquired over time. It measures the financial value the brand contributes to the company. THE CONCEPT OF ADDED VALUE The reason market,ng and advertising activities are useful for both to consumers and to marketers is that they add value to a product. Added value means a marketing or advertising activity/effort makes the product more valuable or useful or appealing. Somethimes it is functional or somethimes it is psychological. MODERN MARKETING TYPES Permission marketing Relationship marketing Guerilla marketing Mobile marketing Data-base marketing Green marketing Experiental marketing Maxi marketing Word-of-Mouth Marketing Viral marketing E-marketing ADVERTISING & SOCIETY ADVERTISINGS SOCIAL ROLE Advertising has the potential of both forming society and mirroring it. Ads can give a shape to society by dictating people how to act and which action would be the proper one. According to critical perspective the products of media like advertising gives concious messages to society about what is right/wrong, what is fashinoble and what is not, which products must be used/not. etc. Sociologist and pshychologist which have critical perspective proposes that individuals have the espousal for the media to guide them. By this kind of action ads tend to shape the society. The decisions we make are not ours, they conveyed us from outside. But we tend to persuade ourselves that we have made them. But in reality we act like the way which the others want us to, because of the fear of loneliness. Eric Fromm On the other hand, advertising professionals tend to believe that the best they can do is spot the societys trends and then develop messages that connect them. So advertisers claim that they only mirror the values rather than producing them. The other potential of advertising is to help cultural imperialism. In this condition we can call it marketing imperialism. This is a term used to describe what happens when Western culture is imposed on others, particularly such as the Middle East, Asian and African cultures. Some Asian and and Middle Eastern countries are critical of what they see as Americas materialism. They worry that international/global advertising, as well as international media will encourage their young people to adopt these viewpoints. ADVERTISING ETHICS Ethics can be defined as; a set of moral principles that guide actions and create a sense of responsible baheviour. Advertising ethics is; the moral evaluations and questionings about advertisings effects on the society and advertising industry. The critical definitions of advertising can be as; the art of lying in the legal way, a cultural production area, The tool of making the economical/political structure continue with leading individuals to consume The most effective way of getting into the minds of individuals Looking from the ethical perspective advertising performs two functions. Economic function of advertising is to make individuals consume. The ideological function is the role that advertising plays in operation of social values and behaviours. There are some ethical considerations and criticisms about some issues which is concerned with the economical and ideological functions. To create unrealistic needs and remind the needs to make individuals purchase To give false information to consumers about product specialities which the product doesnt have To keep the individuals minds with materialism and consumption To show incentive/appealing life styles To exagerate the product/services benefits To target the audiences like children which can be damaged pshychologically To provoke the cultural differences To target the audiences with lack of knowledge To position the masculine and feminine roles wrongly To give role models The approach to woman The approach to sexuality Having an uncontrollable pshychological effect To touch mostly to individuals emotional motives. CONSUMPTION SOCIETY Consumption culture is; the condition of marketing products/services and making those products/servicess consumption is primary in the cultural way in modern capitalist societies. The individuals body in the consumption culture is passive but the mind is active with purchasing. Consumption is an experince and a mental fact which has to be solved day by day. For Bauldrillard the individual in the consumption society will be alianated. Alienation is; the big changes which took part in the societys norms and rules that is against to the nature of human beings causes the individual feel senseless to his/her life and values or becoming distant to them. The emotional motives are mostly used in advertisements. Emotional motives are based on feelings, dreams, pshycological conditions like; being beautifiul/sexy, being noticed etc. With these ads it assumed that the consumers ignore the functional speciliaties of the product and purchase just for the emotional and pshycological satisfaction. According to Jean Baudrillard ads tend to send personalized messages like they are producing friendly relationships with the target and they use a special familiar language. Ads tend to call the house wife with another house wife, an employee with a collegue or to every person of society like a friend or inner personality that tries to make a confession etc. There always hopes and dreams are given in the message like they would reach that dream or hope with purchasing Advertising gives society some role models with star/celebrity strategies. But in reality after purchasing the product the individual finds out that he/she couldnt be that person or couldnt reach that role model and finally this process end with depression. In reality some people be misserable in all of their lifetime, envy to the others. This has only a reason. Because they try to be someone else. Alfred Adler 540 people involved in the survey with the quesiton of who is the most effective celebrity with his/her suggestion? 1 Cem Ylmaz 31 2 Seda Sayan 28 3 Acun Ilcal 26 4 Uur Dndar 24 5 Kadir nanr 24 6 Hlya Avar 20 7 Beyazt ztrk 19 8 Orhan Gencebay 15 9 brahim Tatlses Glben Ergen Sibel Can R. Tayyip Erdoan 11 13 Arda Turan ahan Gkbakar 9 15 Kenan mirzalolu 8 16 Derya Baykal 7 17 Trkan oray 7 18 Hakan kr 6 19 Ebru Gnde 6 20 Tarkan 6 The other criticsm subject of advertising is targeting the audiences with lack of knowledge. Nestle made milk powder advertisements for Africa countries and suggested that milk powder is better than the original mother milk. The other way is that the lack of medical jargon. Advertisments make benefit from words like chlorinated , fluorided that the audience dont konw exactly what it means. With these kind of words ads tend to provide excellence and class. The other criticsm is that the ads remind the needs to make individuals purchase. Ads mostly creates this situation with the third and fourth stage (State of belonging and ego/esteem needs) of the Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs. If the individual leaves his/her unique personality and lets the others give advices, there must be a reason; to live in harmony with them and especially for the need of their Sigmund Freud Advertisers mostly use of those needs like belongingness. Siz hala annenizin margarinini mi kullanyorsunuz? LUNA The other criticism is that the ads create unrealistic needs. In Chuck Palahniuks Fight Club there are lots of criticm about consumption and the unrealistic needs. There is class of strong women and men and those people try to sacrifice their life for something.Advertisements make people run after some unneeded cars or clothes. For long decades people used to work in the jobs they hated, why? To buy some things which they dont really need. The people I know used go into the toilets with porn magazines but now they go in there with IKEA catholugues. Tyler: Yes we are consumers, we are products of a passionate life style. We are not interested in murders, crimes, poverty. Magazines, 500 channelled tvs, the name of the brand written in my underwear are more interesting for me. Television is the most effective tool to continue the capitalist system. For this approach capitalism uses tv. in two ways; to make consumption and to make people stupid. And also for this approach we make consumptions because we go stupid and we become stupid because of consumpting. mages are mostly used in tv texts and content gets lost because of the effective images. So in tv ads if some product is called good the individual tends to think thats good. In tv ads mostly the shown picture is the happy family, a golden retreiver dog, a nice house with a garden etc. So ads mostly offers the American dream with the product. According to Worldwatchs World Profile 2005; more than 1 billion and 700 million of the world is a consumer and that is more than a quarter of world population. GENDER ROLES Sex is the biological, physiological and genetical differences of two different species. In this regard the difference is called as woman and man. Gender is the social role of woman and man in society so the difference is called as feminine and masculine. Sex defines the reasons of behaviours of woman/ man biologically but gender defines them social and culturally. Gender roles are given to woman and to man by society and that societys culture. MASCULINE SPECIALITIES OF 25 NATIONSS SURVEY Hareketli (23) Salkl (24) Macerac (25) Ciddi (20) Agresif (24) Sade (23) Hrsl (22) Hain (24) Kibirli (20) Duygusuz (23) ddial (20) Heyecansz(20) Otokritik (24) Dncesiz(19) Kendini Beenmi (19) Akll (23) Ak Dnen (21) Umursamaz(20) Kaba (21) Gereki (20) Kendine Gvenen (19) lerici (23) Acmasz (21) Frsat (20) Cesur (24) Pis (19) Kararl (21) Grltc (21) Dzensiz (21) Mantkl (22) Dominant (25) Tembel (21) Bencil (21) Yaratc (22) Enerjik (22) Mao (21) Giriimci (24) Bamsz (25) Etkin (25) Akl Banda (20) Akgz (21) Becerikli (19) Kat (21) Elenceli (19) Tek Bana Karar Alabilen (21) FEMININE SPECIALITIES OF 25 NATIONSS SURVEY Sahte (20) efkatli (24) Merakl (21) ekici (23) Byleyici (20) Baml (23) Tedirgin (19) Hayalci (24) Duygusal (23) Korkak (23) Seksi (22) Kibar (21) Uysal (19) Yumuak Bal (21) Cana Yakn (19) Hassas (24) Utanga (19) Yufka Yrekli (23) taatkar (25) Batl nanl (25) Konukan (20) Gsz ( 23) Gender roles differences are gained in the socialization process. Socializtation process is the process which the cultural norms, values, roles are learnt and conveyed from to generation to generation with the socialization agents. Socialization agents are family, school and friends and media. According to Albert Banduras Socio-Cognitive Learning Theory; the individual observes the socialization agents in the socialization process and then they tend to take them their role models. So firstly this starts with parents and then friends and finally media. Gender roles are learnt in this process in Socio- Cognitive Learning Theory. If the societies gender roles are modern than the child will have modern roles but if they are conventional then it will improve in that way. Gender roles are in every media text and also in advertisements so the ads effect the way of gender role developments. If a girl is taught that playing with dolls is convenient to that sex and if she sees that her friends play with dolls, then she would understand that girls play with dolls. But if she sees that a girl from media/ads who plays with dolls she would develop her role in that way and understands that it would be the right thing to do. The researches has shown that man are mostly created in ads more superior to woman. Woman are likely to be married, young, beautiful. Mostly they take advice from man. Woman are shown in two ways mostly in ads; mother/house wife and sexy/beautiful woman. In first type woman mostly shown in hygenic product ads and in these ads they compete with each other to be more cleaner and so to be the best house wife or mom. They are mostly at their home which could be the most secured place for woman to be in their lifetime.s%C3%BCper s%C3%BCper The other type is the beautiful and sexy woman. In these ads woman are so beautiful that every woman would envy and every man would want. In these ads woman mostly try to be more beautiful then ever because in socialization process they always learnt that to be the best woman for a man, she must always be beautiful and sexy. According to John Berger ideal audience is always be the man and woman body is shown mostly to make them happy. Man watches woman body and woman watches herself to getting watched. In these case woman is the meta and being watched and addored is the success of her.WO/ WO/ Besides woman are shown in advertisements that they are the primary objects of consumption and they are made only for consumpting. In ads men are created as macho, succesful, brave, strong, smart etc. Mostly they are shown in their job working and accomplishing something, or in their cars. They mostly suggest their opinions and they help people with their suggestions as they are the experts. In all these kinds of ads gender roles are shown and reminded to the audience. After 80s there become a movement which is feminism and after those years media texts started to change depending on the globallisation and ICT. In todays ads woman and mans gender roles became more modern.