Basic Practice Unit 1 Test Name: Mark: 20 points Grammar...

Basic Practice Unit 1 Test Name: ................................ Mark: ........... Vocabulary 20 points 1 Elige la respuesta correcta. (9 puntos) 1. We use atlases / paints in geography lessons. 2. A textbook / microscope makes small things look big. 3. In Paris, people speak French / English. 4. You use a laptop / stapler to put pieces of paper together. 5. A calculator / globe helps you do maths. 6. You play basketball in a sport / music lesson. 7. You can use paints / scissors to cut things. 8. A globe / paintbrush is like a round map. 9. A microscope / dictionary is a book with words and their definitions. 2 Relaciona A con B. (6 puntos) A 1. You use a camera to 2. You can use paintbrushes to 3. When you’re tired, you 4. You can use a guitar to 5. You can use a laptop or a mobile phone to 6. You can’t hit or kick someone when you B ...... a. perform in a band. ...... b. check e-mails. ...... c. take photos. ...... d. do judo. ...... e. take a nap. ...... f. paint pictures. 3 Completa las frases con estas expresiones. (5 puntos) send text messages go horse-riding do experiments play the piano learn a new language 1. I ................................ every weekend. I love animals. 2. I want to ................................ , maybe French. 3. We ................................ in the science laboratory every Monday. 4. You’re a great musician! Do you ................................ every day? 5. I love my mobile phone. I ................................ to my friends all day. Grammar 20 points 1 Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis. Utiliza el Present Simple o el Present Continuous. (6 puntos) 1. They ..................................... (not play) football right now. 2. John ..................................... (put) the paints on the shelf at the moment. 3. You often ..................................... (use) my pens. 4. I ..................................... (not learn) to dive today. 5. We ..................................... (practise) the piano every day. 6. Tom ..................................... (not hold) a globe. 2 Escribe frases con estas palabras. Utiliza el Present Simple o el Present Continuous. (6 puntos) 1. I / study / for a big history test / right now / . .......................................................................... 2. Dad / always / watch TV / on Sunday evening / . .......................................................................... 3. that hat / look / funny / . .......................................................................... 4. you / understand / this question / ? .......................................................................... 5. what / your friends / do / today / ? .......................................................................... 6. Rose / not know / a lot of English / . .......................................................................... 3 Elige la respuesta correcta. (8 puntos) Son: What do you want to see in London? Dad: 1. There are / There is a famous museum, the Victoria and Albert. Son: 2. Are there / There aren’t any dinosaurs at this museum? Dad: No, but there are 3. much / a lot of exciting things to see. There is 4. a / some jewellery, including items from Queen Elizabeth I and Napoleon. Son: That doesn’t sound like 5. much / many fun. 6. How much / How many hours do you want to be at the museum? Dad: There’s also 7. an / a exhibition of Hollywood costumes. You can see the clothes of 8. much / many famous film characters like Spider-Man. Son: That sounds much better! NEW ENGLISH IN USE ESO 2 BASIC PRACTICE Photocopiable © Burlington Books IH-012-330

Transcript of Basic Practice Unit 1 Test Name: Mark: 20 points Grammar...

Basic Practice Unit 1 Test Name: ................................ Mark: ...........

Vocabulary 20 points

1 Elige la respuesta correcta. (9 puntos)

1. We use atlases / paints in geography lessons.

2. A textbook / microscope makes small things

look big.

3. In Paris, people speak French / English.

4. You use a laptop / stapler to put pieces of

paper together.

5. A calculator / globe helps you do maths.

6. You play basketball in a sport / music lesson.

7. You can use paints / scissors to cut things.

8. A globe / paintbrush is like a round map.

9. A microscope / dictionary is a book with

words and their definitions.

2 Relaciona A con B. (6 puntos)


1. You use a camera to

2. You can use paintbrushes to

3. When you’re tired, you

4. You can use a guitar to

5. You can use a laptop or a mobile phone to

6. You can’t hit or kick someone when you


...... a. perform in a band.

...... b. check e-mails.

...... c. take photos.

...... d. do judo.

...... e. take a nap.

...... f. paint pictures.

3 Completa las frases con estas expresiones.

(5 puntos)

send text messages go horse-riding do experiments

play the piano learn a new language

1. I ................................ every weekend. I love


2. I want to ................................ , maybe


3. We ................................ in the science

laboratory every Monday.

4. You’re a great musician! Do

you ................................ every day?

5. I love my mobile phone. I ................................ to

my friends all day.

Grammar 20 points

1 Completa las frases con los verbos entre

paréntesis. Utiliza el Present Simple o el Present Continuous. (6 puntos)

1. They ..................................... (not play) football

right now.

2. John ..................................... (put) the paints on

the shelf at the moment.

3. You often ..................................... (use) my pens.

4. I ..................................... (not learn) to dive today.

5. We ..................................... (practise) the piano

every day.

6. Tom ..................................... (not hold) a globe.

2 Escribe frases con estas palabras. Utiliza el

Present Simple o el Present Continuous.(6 puntos)

1. I / study / for a big history test / right now / .


2. Dad / always / watch TV / on Sunday evening / .


3. that hat / look / funny / .


4. you / understand / this question / ?


5. what / your friends / do / today / ?


6. Rose / not know / a lot of English / .


3 Elige la respuesta correcta. (8 puntos)

Son: What do you want to see in London?

Dad: 1. There are / There is a famous museum, the

Victoria and Albert.

Son: 2. Are there / There aren’t any dinosaurs at

this museum?

Dad: No, but there are 3. much / a lot of exciting things

to see. There is 4. a / some jewellery, including

items from Queen Elizabeth I and Napoleon.

Son: That doesn’t sound like 5. much / many

fun. 6. How much / How many hours do

you want to be at the museum?

Dad: There’s also 7. an / a exhibition of

Hollywood costumes. You can see the

clothes of 8. much / many famous film

characters like Spider-Man.

Son: That sounds much better!

NEW ENGLISH IN USE ESO 2 BASIC PRACTICE Photocopiable © Burlington Books IH-012-330

Basic Practice Unit 2 Test Name: ................................ Mark: ...........

Vocabulary 20 points

1 Elige la respuesta correcta. (7 puntos)

1. Mosquitoes usually bite / reach at night.

2. People often have a child / fall in love after

they get married.

3. When you develop / freeze water, it becomes


4. James hopes to graduate / die from university

next year.

5. Can dolphins survive / fight out of water for

a long time?

6. Doctors try to save / pull people’s lives.

7. Emily wants to get divorced / get a job

because she needs money.

2 Relaciona A con B para formar expresiones.

(5 puntos)


1. improve ...... a. to a new home

2. cross ...... b. money

3. steal ...... c. in a hospital

4. volunteer ...... d. your marks

5. move ...... e. the street

3 Completa las frases con estas expresiones.

(4 puntos)

grow up are born go to university get married

1. Most people .................................... in


2. Bob hopes to meet a nice woman

and .................................... .

3. You must .................................... and study

hard to become a doctor.

4. This is a great place for children. I want my

children to .................................... here.

4 ¿Estas frases son verdaderas (T) o

falsas (F)? (4 puntos)

...... 1. People usually get divorced because they

are happy.

...... 2. Sisters and brothers often fight.

...... 3. Tall people can’t reach things in high


...... 4. Babies develop inside their mothers.

Grammar 20 points

1 Completa las frases con los verbos entre

paréntesis. Utiliza el Past Simple en afirmativa. (6 puntos)

1. The police officer ................................ (save)

many people last night.

2. I ................................ (eat) a salad yesterday.

3. A dog ................................ (bite) Tim last week.

4. We ................................ (study) for the test

two days ago.

5. They ................................ (volunteer) at a hospital

last year.

6. George ................................ (go) home at 11.00 pm.

2 Escribe frases con estas palabras. Utiliza la

forma correcta del Past Simple. (6 puntos)

1. you / meet / interesting people / on your trip / ?


2. he / not ride / his bike / to school / yesterday / .


3. she / go / to university / in New York / .


4. why / you / do / that / ?


5. they / not improve / their marks / in maths / .


6. how many / countries / your parents / visit /

last year / ?


3 Completa las frases con los verbos entre

paréntesis y la forma correcta de used to. (8 puntos)

1. Bill .................................... (not need) help

with his history homework.

2. We .................................... (eat) a lot of pizza.

3. ................................ you ................................

(have) long hair?

4. I ................................ (not enjoy) swimming,

but now I love it!

5. ................................ Adam ................................

(live) here?

6. Mel ................................ (go) surfing often.

7. I ................................ (watch) TV every evening.

8. I’m good at French now, but I ................................

(not get) good marks in it.

NEW ENGLISH IN USE ESO 2 BASIC PRACTICE Photocopiable © Burlington Books

Basic Practice Unit 3 Test Name: ................................ Mark: ...........

Vocabulary 20 points

1 Elige la respuesta correcta. (4 puntos)

1. It’s dangerous to go swimming today because

the sea is calm / rough.

2. We had a wonderful / frightening holiday

and hope to come here again.

3. The party was dull / lively. Everyone sang and


4. I like Mark. He is very pleasant / terrible.

2 Relaciona las definiciones de A con las

palabras de B. (5 puntos)


1. not very interesting ...... a. safe

2. quiet ...... b. terrible

3. very bad ...... c. dull

4. alone ...... d. isolated

5. not dangerous ...... e. peaceful

3 Las palabras en negrita no están donde

deberían. Escríbelas al lado de la frase correcta. (5 puntos)

1. Germany is south of

Australia. ................................

2. There are many types of plants and animals in

a ground. ................................

3. Let’s sit here on the canyon and have a picnic.


4. You can climb down the rainforest to the river at

the bottom. ................................

5. Gibraltar is in the west of

Spain. ................................

4 Completa las frases con estas palabras.

(6 puntos)

cliff fields north glacier harbour east

1. There are a lot of boats in this ........................ .

2. Majorca is an island off the ..............................

coast of Spain.

3. It’s too difficult to climb the ........................

above the beach. It’s very high.

4. Scotland is in the ............................ of the UK.

5. This farm has got many .............................. of

carrots and onions.

6. A .............................. is a large area of

slow-moving ice.

Grammar 20 points

1 Completa las frases con la forma comparativa de

los adjetivos entre paréntesis. (6 puntos)

1. In England, August

is .............................................. (hot) December.

2. Hills are .............................................. (small)


3. An adventure holiday is ............................................

(exciting) a beach holiday.

4. Cliff diving is ..............................................

(dangerous) hiking.

5. London is .............................................. (old) New


6. A five-star hotel is ..............................................

(good) a three-star hotel.

2 Completa las frases con la forma superlativa de

los adjetivos entre paréntesis. (6 puntos)

1. Summer is .............................................. (bad) time

to visit Disneyland.

2. The Amazon is .............................................. (big)

rainforest in the world!

3. I think Florence is ..............................................

(beautiful) city in Italy.

4. The Aletsch is .............................................. (large)

glacier in the Alps.

5. April is .............................................. (good) month

to visit Iceland.

6. New York is one of ..............................................

(lively) cities in the world.

3 Elige la respuesta correcta. (4 puntos)

1. Nick and Dan got 90 in their test. Nick’s mark is

as good as / not as good as Dan’s mark.

2. Jenny always talks to me, but Holly doesn’t.

Holly is as friendly / not as friendly as Jenny.

3. Jane and Tom are 14 years old. Tom is as old as /

not as old as Jane.

4. Kate dresses well, but Mia doesn’t. Mia’s clothes

are as nice as / not as nice as Kate’s clothes.

4 Elige la respuesta correcta. (4 puntos)

1. It’s too hot / hot enough here in the sun.

2. I’m not in the football team because I’m

too athletic / not athletic enough.

3. Don’t see that film! It’s too boring / not boring enough.

4. Am I too strong / strong enough to carry this?

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Basic Practice Unit 4 Test Name: ............................... Mark: .........

Vocabulary 20 points

1 Completa las frases con estas palabras.

(8 puntos)

nephew windy uncle cloudy parents cold

snow sunny

1. Your mother and father are your .............................. .

2. Look outside! Everything’s white! Let’s go and

play in the .............................. .

3. The opposite of hot is .............................. .

4. It’s a beautiful summer day. It’s warm

and .............................. .

5. It isn’t raining, but it’s very dark outside. It’s

a .............................. day.

6. Your sister’s son is your .............................. .

7. Wear a hat and a sweater. It’s cool

and .............................. today.

8. Your father’s brother is your .............................. .

2 Mira el árbol genealógico y luego completa las

frases con las siguientes palabras. (8 puntos)

daughters grandmother aunt husband niece

grandsons son cousin

1. Harry and Betty have got three ………………… .

2. Luke and Amy have got one ………………… .

3. Betty is Ben’s ………………… .

4. Ben is Jason’s ………………… .

5. Karen and Sam have got two ………………… .

6. Luke is Amy’s ………………… .

7. Karen is Ben’s ………………… .

8. Polly is Luke’s ………………… .

3 Escribe estas palabras en el grupo correcto.

(4 puntos)

wife warm stormy husband

1. cold hot cool ……………………

2. cloudy windy sunny ……………………

3. grandmother niece aunt …………………

4. nephew grandson uncle …………………

Grammar 20 points

1 Completa las preguntas prestando atención a

las palabras en negrita. (10 puntos)

1. Who ...................................... in New Delhi?

Vishal and Puneeta live in New Delhi.

2. Where ...................................... to?

Themba moved to South Africa.

3. How often ...................................... French?

I study French twice a week.

4. What ...................................... that noise?

The rain is making that noise.

5. What ...................................... with his friends?

Vishal plays cricket with his friends.

6. When ...................................... ?

Kate usually dances in the afternoon.

7. Who ...................................... to school in the


My mum drives us to school in the morning.

8. What ...................................... in the classroom?

I left my dictionary in the classroom.

9. Who ...................................... with?

Susan is dancing with her cousin.

10. Why .................................................. ?

I do judo because it’s fun.

2 Completa las frases con estas palabras y

expresiones. (5 puntos)

as well as badly quickly more carefully than

less excitedly than

1. I ran ................................................... when I saw

the dog.

2. I rode my bike ...................................................

I usually do because it was foggy.

3. Lucy and I were happy. She

did ................................................... me in the test.

4. Amy was ill, so she

danced ................................................... her


5. Did you sing ................................................... ?

3 Elige la respuesta correcta. (5 puntos)

A: 1. What / What do you do in the winter?

B: My favourite sport is skiing and I ski very 2. good / well. No one in my family skis 3. fast / as fast as me.

A: Who 4. does ski / skis in your family?

B: Everyone. My grandfather still skis, but he doesn’t

do it 5. seriously / as seriously as he used to.

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Harry Betty

Amy Luke


Karen Sam

Jason Dan Anna Polly

Basic Practice Unit 5 Test Name: ................................ Mark: ...........

Vocabulary 20 points

1 Escribe dos palabras para cada definición.

(8 puntos)

1. Criminals use these to frighten or kill people.

k ..... ..... ..... e , g ..... .....

2. These people investigate crimes.

p ..... ..... i ..... e o ..... ..... i ..... er ,

d ..... ..... e ..... ..... i ..... e

3. These are crimes.

m ..... ..... d ..... ..... , ro ..... ..... e ..... .....

4. These people work in court.

j ..... ..... g ..... , l ..... ..... y ..... .....

2 Completa las frases con estas palabras.

(6 puntos)

evidence suspect thief prison fingerprints


1. When we touch something, we leave our

................................ on it.

2. A ................................ saw something and can

give the police information about a crime.

3. A ................................ is a criminal.

4. The police found a knife and kept it as

................................ of the crime.

5. The criminal was in ................................ for

many years.

6. Police think the ................................ did

something bad, but they aren’t certain.

3 Relaciona las palabras de A con las

definiciones de B. (6 puntos)


1. court

2. victim

3. security guard

4. prisoner

5. investigate

6. police officer


...... a. This person prevents robberies.

...... b. To try to discover facts about something

or someone.

...... c. This person isn’t free to go home.

...... d. This person protects people against crime.

...... e. A judge works in this place.

...... f. Someone hurt this person.

Grammar 20 points

1 Elige la respuesta correcta. (5 puntos)

1. The suspect was wearing / were wearing

a black jacket.

2. The children was playing / were playing with

the dog.

3. The man was holding / wasn’t holding a gun.

He had a knife.

4. The witnesses were sitting / weren’t sitting

in court. They were outside.

5. The women wasn’t investigating /

weren’t investigating the crime.

2 Escribe frases con estas palabras. Utiliza el

Past Continuous. (5 puntos)

1. the criminals / drive / to the bank / at 9.00


2. the thief / not listen / to the lawyer


3. at midnight / the police officer / not sleep


4. the detective / wait / outside the court / at 9.15


5. the judge / eat / lunch / an hour ago


3 Completa las preguntas y las respuestas

con los verbos entre paréntesis. Utiliza el Past Continuous. (10 puntos)

1. ................................ the

reporters ................................ (write) in their


Yes, they ..................................... .

2. What ................................ the

lawyer ................................ (look for) in his


He ..................................... his papers.

3. Where ................................ the security

guards ................................ (stand)?

They ..................................... next to the door.

4. ................................ the police

officer ................................ (listen) to the


No, he ..................................... .

5. Who ................................ the

detective ................................ (talk) to?

He ..................................... to the victim.

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Basic Practice Unit 6 Test Name: ................................ Mark: ...........

Vocabulary 20 points

1 Relaciona las palabras de A con las

definiciones de B. (6 puntos)


1. ferry

2. lorry

3. cruise ship

4. helicopter

5. minivan

6. motorbike


...... a. This type of transport flies.

...... b. You must wear a helmet

on this vehicle.

...... c. It is a vehicle with seats for

eight people.

...... d. It takes people and

vehicles across water.

...... e. It takes food to the shops.

...... f. This takes people on

holidays at sea.

2 Elige la respuesta correcta. (8 puntos)

1. It is important to recycle / destroy old newspapers.

2. We want to waste / plant a tree in the garden.

3. Many people use aeroplanes /

the underground to go to work in London.

4. Don’t throw out / protect old bottles.

5. They travelled by motorboat / lorry from

island to island.

6. Please damage / pick up your clothes.

7. I share a room with my sister, but she never

helps me clean up / throw out.

8. The criminal destroyed / unplugged the

evidence and he never went to prison.

3 Completa las frases con estas palabras.

(6 puntos)

waste unplug damage aeroplane protect


1. Parents ................................ their children.

2. We flew in a large ................................ .

3. Remember to ................................ your

computer when you go on holiday.

4. People can ................................ a coral reef

when they get too close with their boats.

5. Our friends sometimes take us out on the lake

on their ................................ .

6. I usually have a quick shower because I don’t

want to ................................ water.

Grammar 20 points

1 Completa las frases con los verbos entre

paréntesis y la forma correcta de will. (5 puntos)

1. ................................ I ................................

(find) a good job after I finish school?

2. We ................................ (not drive) cars in 2100.

3. In the future, people ................................

(grow) food in the sea.

4. Children ................................ (not study) in

classrooms in the future.

5. I’m sure Jade ................................ (look)

lovely in her blue dress.

2 Completa el diálogo con los verbos entre

paréntesis y la forma correcta de be going to. (5 puntos)

A: What 1.................................

you ................................ (do) this evening?

B: I 2................................. (see) a film with Matt.

A: 3................................. you ................................

(have) dinner before you go?

B: No, we 4................................. (eat) out.

A: OK. Dad 5................................. (not come)

home for dinner, so I’ll just have soup.

3 Completa las frases con los verbos entre

paréntesis y el 1er condicional. (5 puntos)

1. Tom will make less pollution if

he ................................ (not use) the car.

2. Unless we clean up our planet,

we ................................ (not have) a place to


3. Wendy ................................ (take) the

underground if she goes to London.

4. If you recycle paper, you ................................

(help) the environment.

5. Ian will get a job if he ................................

(graduate) from university.

4 Completa las frases con los verbos entre

paréntesis y el 2o condicional. (5 puntos)

1. If we ................................ (recycle) bottles, we

would save some money.

2. We ................................ (not have) space for

my friends if my dad didn’t drive a minivan.

3. If we ................................ (clean up) the

beach, it would be more pleasant.

4. I ................................ (help) you study for the

science exam if you asked for my help.

5. I ................................ (not throw out) those

clothes if I were you.

NEW ENGLISH IN USE ESO 2 BASIC PRACTICE Photocopiable © Burlington Books

Basic Practice Unit 7 Test Name: ................................ Mark: ...........

Vocabulary 20 points

1 Elige la respuesta correcta. (5 puntos)

1. Ian was proud / worried to be captain of the

football team.

2. Dad was rude / angry when I lost his mobile


3. I didn’t sleep well last night so now I’m

nasty / exhausted.

4. My uncle suddenly visited my parents after ten

years. They were surprised / frightened to

see him.

5. My little brother often asks silly / upset questions.

2 Relaciona A con B para formar expresiones

y luego utilízalas para completar las frases. (10 puntos)


1. break ...... a. the test

2. go ...... b. lies

3. tell ...... c. lost

4. get ...... d. abroad

5. fail ...... e. a record

1. In the summer, many people like

to .................................... on holiday.

2. At the Olympics, every athlete wants

to .................................... .

3. I know the address, so I

won’t .................................... .

4. If I .................................... , I will take it again.

5. People won’t believe you if you

often .................................... .

3 Completa las frases con estas palabras y

expresiones. (5 puntos)

forget things worried put out the fire

row a boat rude

1. I didn’t get home till midnight and my parents

were very .................................... .

2. It is .................................... to leave without

saying goodbye.

3. .................................... before you leave the

picnic grounds.

4. Old people often .................................... ,

but they sometimes remember everything from

years ago.

5. We can .................................... around the


Grammar 20 points

1 Escribe frases con estas palabras. Utiliza el

Present Perfect Simple. (4 puntos)

1. Kevin / already / put out / the fire


2. our football team / not win / the regional

trophy / yet


3. they / often / not row / a boat


4. it / just / stop / raining


2 Completa las preguntas con el Present

Perfect Simple de los verbos entre paréntesis. Luego relaciónalas con las respuestas. (8 puntos)

1. ................................ the lesson ................................


2. ................................ you just ................................

(move) to our town?

3. ................................ these

athletes ................................ (break) any sports


4. ................................ your

brother ................................ (fail) his motorbike

licence test again?

...... a. Yes, we have.

...... b. No, they haven’t.

...... c. Yes, he has.

...... d. No, it hasn’t.

3 Completa las frases con el Present Perfect

Simple de los verbos entre paréntesis y for o since. (8 puntos)

1. ................................ you ................................

(know) your best friend ................................

Year 1?

2. I ................................ (not see) my

cousin ................................ three months.

3. My father ................................ (work) for this

company ................................ 20 years.

4. She ................................ (not be)

home ................................ 6.00.

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