Basic Knowledge on Computer

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  • 7/27/2019 Basic Knowledge on Computer



    1. What do you understand by PC?a) Personal Computer b) Personnel Computer

    c) Presidents Computer c) None Of these2. Actual machinery of computer is called

    a) Hardware b) software c) firmware d) none of these3. Major components of computers area)Memory b) Central Processing Unit c) I/O devices d)all of these4. Binary is a counting system using------ digitsa) 2 b) 4c) 6 d) 85. The smallest unit of information in a computer (Bit) can be represented bya) 0 and 1 b) 1 and 2 c) 2 and 3 d)3 and 4

    6. The brain of the computer where programs are executeda) Central processing unit (CPU) b) Memory unitc) I/O devices d) Key Board7. RAM stands fora) Random access memory b) Read Accelerated Memory

    b) Random Accelerated Memory d) Real Access Memory8. ROM stands fora)Random only memory b) Readable only memoryc) Read only memory d) Random other memory9. A byte is equal to how many bitsa) 6 b) 8 c) 12 d) 1610. A Kilobyte is equal to how many bytesa) 1000bytes b) 1024bytes c) 100 bits d) bits11. DOS stands for----------a) Data operating system b) Disk operating systemc) Data Organising system d) Disk Organising system

    12. LAN stands fora) Local area network b) locally arranged networkc) Location adjusted network d) None of these1.13. WWW stands fora) World wide web b) World wide windowc) world wireless window d) None of these14. The activity of inter-linking of different networks is known as ______?a) LAN b) Internet workingc) Homepage d) None of the above15. What is software?a. Machine parts made of soft materialb. Covers you put on the computer parts for protection

    c. Step by Step instructions given to computerd. None of these16. The first screen that appears immediately after booting is calleda. Screen Saver b. Screen Property c. Desktop d. My Computer

    17. Give the expansion of WANa)Whole area network b) Wide Access Networkc) Wide area network d)None of these18. Monitor is a -------a Output Device b. TV Screen c. Colour Screen d. None of the above

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    19. Secret sequence of characters that give approved users access to computer?a) Key word b) Pass word c) Digital word d) None of these20. Mouse & Key board area Input Devices b. Output Devices c. Hard drive device d. None of theabove21. In USB Port USB Stands for

    a. Universal Serial Bus b. Universal Soft Bus c. Universal serial boxd. Unstable Soft Box22. The deleted documents are stored ina. Recycle bin b. Hard disk c. Floppy d. CD

    23. Hard disk in a computer is

    a. Output device b. Input Device c. Hardware d. None of the above

    24. The speed of the CPU is measured ina. Mega Hertz b. Kilo bytes c. Mega Bytes d. Giga Bytes25. The keyboard has ______function keysa. 10 b. 12 c. 14 d. 926. The short cut key for copying a text in a word file isa. CTRL + C b. CTRL + V c. ALT + C d. SHIFT+ C

    27. The short cut key for pasting a copied text in to another file isa. CTRL + V b. CTRL + P c. CTRL + S d. ALT + V28. The contents of your computer are displayed by double clicking ona. The Icon My Computer b. The Icon Local Disk c. My Documentsd. My Network Places29. ATM when expanded will givea) Automated Teller Machine b) Automatic Talking Machinec) Automated Teller Manager d) Automated Talking Machine30. CD means _____________a)Complete Data b) Common Disc c) Compact Disc d) None of these31. One MB (mega byte) means __________a)1024 x1024 bytes b) 1024x1200 bytes c) 1024x1000 bytes d) None of these32. 1024 GB means _____________

    a) one Kilo byte b) one Tera Byte c) one Mega Byte d) None of these33. In a network environment, what is the central system, which suppliesany required file called?a) Workstation b) Terminalc) Dumb station d) Server34. I want to write a letter to my Manager seeking for a Casual Leave, then I mayusea) MS Word b) MS DOS c) MS Excel d) None of these

    35. If I want to have a graphical representation of some data, then I will have tousea) MS Word b) MS DOS c) MS Excel d) None of these36. MICR is ______________________________.a) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition b) Magenta Indigo Colour Rangeb) Magnetic Character Ink Residing d) none of these37. Windows is an --------------a)Application Software b) Operating System c)Computer d)Utility38. The default extension for MS-Excel Files isa).XLS b).TXT c).doc d) none of the above

    39. The default extension for MS- Word files isa).MSW b).TXT c).DOC d) none of the above40. The top line displaying the name of the package and the file is calleda) Menu Bar b) Title bar c) Tool Bar d) none of the above

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    41. The line containing File,Edit, Format etc options in the file window is called

    a) Menu Bar b) Title bar c) Tool Bar d) none of the above42.The line containing icons for New,Open,Save,Print etc is calleda) Menu Bar b) Title bar c) Tool Bar d) none of the above43. Name the type of computer that can be carried like a suitcase wherever you goa) laptop b) Personal Computer c) Mini Computer d) None of these

    44. Computers working with binary number system are calleda) Digital computer b) Analog computers c) None of these45. Give the expansion of IBMa) Indian Basic Machines b) International Business Machinesc) Integerated Business Machines d) India Based machines46. Which of these is not an input devicea) Key board b) mouse c) Printer d) joy stick47. The temporary memory used for short term storage is calleda) ROM b) RAM c) RIM d) None of these

    48. The non volatile or the permanent memory in computer is calleda) ROM b) RAM c) RIM d) None of these

    49. A software is-----a) Machine parts made of soft material b) covers you put on the computer for

    protection c)step by step instructions given to computer d) None of these50.The network system that connects computers over a wide area is known asa) Wide area network b) Office area network c) local area networkd)PC network51.Floppy Disk, Compact Disk,Hard Disk and Tape drives are known as----a) Mass storage devices b) input devices c) Output devices d) all of the above52. The software which performs basic task such as recognizing input fromKeyboard, sending output to screen, keeping track of files and directories ,Controlling peripheral devices is called ?a) application software b) operating system c) File system d) I/O system53. The most popular operating system is --------a) Windows b) DOS c) LINUX d) UNIX54. Windows XP operating system is invented bya) IBM b) Sun Microsystem c) Microsoft d) Polaris55. The following is a text based operating systema) DOS b) WINDOWS98 c) LINUX d) WINDOWS XP56. The only language understood by the CPU isa) Machine language b) Assembly languagec) Human Language d) High- Level Language57. A software which may harm the activities of computera) VIRUS b) Firewalls c) Fireballs d) none58. The device connected to a computer that displays information on screen isa) Television b) Plasma TV c) Digitiser d) Monitor59. The software used for eliminating a computer VIRUS is----a)Trojan horse b) Fire Wall c) Antibody d) Antivirus

    60. Similar data in a computer is grouped intoa) Files b) folders c) directories d) disk61. Related files are stored in a -----a) Files b) folders or directories c) disk d)None of these62. The button used to temporarily hide the current window to task bar isa) Minimize b) Maximize c) Restore d) none of these63. A special folder in windows where you can place all your documentsso as to access quicklya) My documents b) My computer c) My network places d)Recycle bin

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    64. The window that shows all the folders present on the computersa) My documents b) My computer c) My network places d)Recycle bin65. The short cut key for select all is ---------a) ctrl +C b) ctrl+X c) ctrl +V d) ctrl +A66. The short cut key for undo is ---------a) ctrl +C b) ctrl+X c) ctrl +V d) ctrl +Z

    67. Which of the following key combinations can be used for displaying the start menua) Shift + Esc b) Ctrl + Esc c) Ctrl + Alt + Del d) None of these68. For browsing internet as well as intranet pages, which application is useda) Microsoft Word b) Microsoft Excel c) Power Point d) Internet Explorer69. The default start up page we have selected is calleda) Opening page b) Start page c) Home page d) First page70. In Internet Explorer, the button which takes us to the next document isa) Forward b) Back c) Stop d) Refresh71. MS Word is a part of which software package ?a) Finacle b) M S Access c) M S Excel d) M S Office72. M S Word is a------------- packagea) Word Processing b) Accounting c) Database d) None73. Storing a file to the disk is called

    a) Save b) Print c)Edit d) View74.Which menu is used for opening a new documenta) Open b) New c) Search d) close75.Which command searches the complete document for a specified texta) find b) paste c) replace d) copy76. Short cut key for underlining the selected item ?a) ctrl +C b) ctrl +B c) ctrl + U d) ctrl +Z77.Microsoft Excel is a -------- programmea) spread sheet b) accounting c) word processing d) presentation78. Each worksheet in excel consists of -----------a) slides b) documents c) rows and columns d) none of these79.The key which is used for coming back to first cell , A1-----a) page up b) page down c) ctrl + end d) ctrl + home

    80. Which key moves cursor down one pagea) page up b) page down c) end d) home81. Name the application that helps us to make presentationsa) Power point b) Word c) Excel d) Access82. Each page in a Power Point presentation is calleda) Document b) sheet c) slide d) none of these83.What is the extension of a power point filea).xls b).doc c).dot d).ppt84.Number of columns in excel isa) 256 b)65536 c)100 d)52885.Name the function which returns the largest value from a set of valuesa) average b) sum c) product d) max

    86. In internet explorer the button that reloads the current document againa) forward b) back c) stop d) refresh87. A small single user computer based on a micro processor is calleda) Workstation b) Mini Computerc) Super computer d) Personal computer88. The cell corresponding to column A and row 20 is -------a) A20 b)20A c)AB d) B1989. The Command Ctrl +S is used toa) start the software b) Save the file c) Select the file

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    d) None of these90. An extremely fast computer that can perform hundreds of millions ofinstructions per second is calleda) Mainframe Computer b) mini computer c) Super computerd)Personal computer91. Which of the following was supposed to be the first computer?

    a) Super Computer b) Microprocessor c) Abacus d) None of these92. Who developed Calculator?a) Macroni b) Charles Thomas c) Charles Babbage d) None of these.93. First Generation computers are based on _____________a)Transistors b) Vacuum tube technologyc)Integrated Circuit d) Silicon Chips94. Third Generation of Computers are based ona) Silicon Chips b) Transistorsc) Vacuum Tube Technology d) Integrated Circuits95. Fourth Generation Computers are based on ___________a) Transistors b) Vacuum Tube Technologyc) Silicon Chips d) Integrated Circuits96. Second generation computers are based on

    a) Vacuum Tube Technology b) ICc) Silicon Chips d) Transistors97. Expand the term VIRUSa) Very Important Resources Under Surveillanceb) Vulnerable Information Resources Under Surveillancec) Vital Information Resources Under Sieged) None of the above98. UPS stand fora) Uninterrupted Power supply b) Uniform power systemc) Uninterrupted Power system d) none of these99. Icon stand fora) Inter connected b) Internal consolec) Image of console d) None of the above

    100. CPU consist ofa) ALU b) Main Memoryc) Control Unit d) All of the above


    1 a 13 a 25 b 37 b 49 c 61 b 73 a 85 d 97 c

    2 a 14 b 26 a 38 a 50 a 62 a 74 b 86 d 98 a3 d 15 c 27 a 39 c 51 a 63 a 75 a 87 d 99 c

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    4 a 16 c 28 a 40 b 52 b 64 b 76 c 88 a 100 d5 a 17 c 29 a 41 a 53 a 65 d 77 a 89 b6 a 18 a 30 c 42 c 54 c 66 d 78 c 90 c

    7 a 19 b 31 a 43 a 55 a 67 b 79 d 91 c

    8 c 20 a 32 b 44 a 56 a 68 d 80 b 92 c9 b 21 a 33 d 45 b 57 a 69 c 81 a 93 b10 b 22 a 34 a 46 c 58 d 70 a 82 c 94 d11 b 23 c 35 c 47 b 59 d 71 d 83 d 95 c12 a 24 a 36 a 48 a 60 a 72 a 84 a 96 d

    1. CBS Stands fora) Core Banking Solutions. b) Connecting Banking Solutionsc) Credit Banking Solutions d) Current Banking Solutions2. SBIs Internet Banking Site is maintained by

    a. SIFY b. Infosys c. TCS d. Wipro3.Where is the Banks ATM Switch Centre located?a) Kolkata b) Chennai c) New Delhi d) Belapur, Navi Mumbai4. The new name for our Computers and Communications Department isa. ITS department b. Computerisation Departmentc.CoreBankingDepartment d. CDC, Belapur, Mumbai5. CBS software isa. B@ncs 24 b. Bancs Link c. Core Banking Solutions d. None of the above6. CDC meansa. Central Data Centre b. Centralised Documents Centrec. Corporate Data Centre d. None of the above7. CDC is located ina. Belapur, Mumbai b. Chennai c. Kolkotta d. Corporate Centre, Mumbai

    8.The software for general ledger part in CBS isa. B@NCS 24 b. Finacle c. Data shift d. Finance one9. The operations in the ATM are routed througha. Switch Centre, Mumbai b. ATM reconciliation, Mumbai

    c. CBS Department , Mumbai d. CBD, Belapur, Mumbai10. The connectivity between CBS branches is througha. SBI Connect b. Data Craft c. Data Net d. VSAT11. The disaster recovery centre is located ina. Chennai b. Hyderabad c. Bangalore d. Mumbai12. What is the user ID in CBS branches?a) The date of joining of the employee or Officialb) First three letters of the name of the employee or official.c) The date of birth of the employee or officiald) PF number of the employee or official13. For the help of CBS branches bank has hosteda) Service Desk b) SBGeLS c) SBITIMES d) None of these

    14. What is the web address for our Internet Banking?a) b) c) sbitimes d) onlinesbi.com15. What is SBI Connect?a) SBI Connect is the network which links all the Core BranchesData Centre(CDC) at Belapur, Navi Mumbai.b) It is new product released by SBI

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    c) It is a software connecting SBI and its Associate Banksd) None of the above16. Indian Railways has teamed up with SBI Cards to launch a co-brandedcredit card. What is the name of the card ?a) Indian Rail Card b) Railway SBI Cardc) SBI Railway Card d) None of the above

    17. What is the Software used for Core Banking Solutions in our Bank?a) C S Exim Bills b) Finance 1 c) B@ncs24 d) KRAFT18. Internet Banking facilitatesa) Customer can see 2 different account in 2 different branches in a singleserverb) Request for issue of Bank draftc) Booking of railway tickets / pay utility billsd) All of the above19. E-TAX facility being provided to the taxpayers to make income taxpayments through internet using net banking facility can be used forpayinga) Corporation Tax, Income Tax and Wealth taxb) Making payment of tax deducted at source

    c) For making payment of other taxes like interest tax, gift tax etc.d) All of the above20. Our Banks private communication system is calleda) SBICOM b) SBINETc) SBISYS d) None of the above21. What is address of SBI Websitea) b) both a & b d) None of the above22. SWIFT Stands for?

    a) Society for worldwide inter-bank financial Telecommunicationb) Society for worldwide international financial Transationsc) Society for worldwide inter-bank financial Transationsd) None of the above

    23. The CBS software used by our Foreign Branches is __________a) B@ncs24 b) C S Exim Bills c) Finnacle d) Bank Master24. What is the common name for the users in CBS?a) Tellers b) administrator c) customers d) viewers25. Who is the service provider for SBI Connect?a) Data Craft, Singapore b) satyam ,banglore c) TCS Mumbaid) Microsoft , US26. What is the name in CBS for customer day book?a)WVR B) VCR c)VVR d) OLR27. The programme or instructions that makes the computer useful are called?a ) Hardware b) Software c) Output d) None of these28. In which operating system the CBS works?

    a)Disk operating system b)Windows Operating Systemc) Core operating system d) network operating system29. What is the name of the help desk available in CBS?a) Service Desk b)help desk c) central desk d) core desk30. What is the Email site of SBI ?a) b) c) statebankofindia.comd) How many digits are there in the account number in CBS?a)11 Digits b)10digits c) 12 digits d) 15 digits

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    32. What is the name of the last digit in account number/CIFnumber?a)Exact Digit b) Computer Digit c) Check Digit d) AlternateDigit33. Who has customized CBS in SBI?a) TCS b) Satyam c) Infosys d) Microsoft

    34. What is the minimum length of password in CBS?a) 7 b) 8 c) 4 d) 635. Who is vault teller at the branch?a) Branch Manager b) Cash Officer c)Field Officer d) Accountant36. What is the name of the facility to book ticket through INB?a) e-ticketing b) e-booking c) e-pay d) e-payment37. What is the name of the facility to book train ticket through INB?a) e-train b) e-booking c) e-rail d) e-ticket38. What is the name of the facility to pay bills through INB ?a) e-pay b) e- Bill c) e-payment d) e-cash39. What is the name of the first branch to be migrated to CBS?a) PBB Chandigarh b) NRI Chandigarh c) PBB New Delhid)PBB Hiranandani, Mumbai

    40. For using Internet banking of the Bank one has to login into the site ofa) b) B@ncs24c) Servicedesk d) internet banking .com41. The VSAT communication network for banks and financialInstitutions launched by RBI is known asa) SWIFT b) SBI NETc) BANK NET d) INFINET42. What is the expansion for e-Maila) English Mail b) Electronic Mailb) England Mail d) None of these43. Upper Case in Computer meansa) All letters of a word would be in Capital Lettersb) First letter of a word would be in Capital Letters

    c) All middle letters of a word would be in Capital Lettersd) None of these44 . Lower Case in Computer meansa) All letters of word would be Capital in Lettersb) All letters of a word would be small in Lettersc) All middle letters of a word would be in Capital Lettersd) None of these45. SBIs Internet Banking security is certified bya) CRISIL b) ICRA c) SEBI d) VERISIGN46. Where, is the Headquarters of SWIFT, used for financial telecommunicationacross the globe?a) Hong Kong b) London

    c) Brussels d) Geneva47. The Replacement charges of our ATM Cum Debit Card is ______a) Rs 100 b) Rs 200 c) Rs 500 d) None of these48. The duplicate pin in the case of an ATM Cum Debit card is generated onpayment ofa) Rs 50.00 b) Rs 100.00 c) Rs 40.00 d) Rs 80.0049. What is the name of the traveler loyalty card jointly launched by theIndian Railways and SBI Card ?a) SBI Shubyatra b) Shubhyatra

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    c) IR Shubhyatra d) None of the above50. State Bank of India is forging ahead to obtain certification for its ATMand Core Banking Solution under the British standard for informationsecurity management, providing a comprehensive set of controls forbest practices in information security. What is that certification called ?a) SB7788 b) BS7799 c) SB7799 d) None of the above

    51. State Bank of India has launched its Multi City Cheque. These chequesbooks can be issued at :a) Any branch of the Bank b) Only CBS Branchc) Only Bankmaster Branch d) Only MCG Branch52. What amount will be charged from the payee in a CBS branch for everyMulti City Cheque ?a) Rs. 20/- b) Rs. 50/-c) Rs.100/- d) No charges will be levied

    53. Who has launched NEFT ?a) RBI b) SBIc) Both RBI & SBI d) RBI, SBI & ICICI Bank54. Using OnlineSBI, a retail customer cannot do the following

    transaction/business :a) Payment for mobile bills b) View account informationc) Open a new account d) Transfer his account to other branch55. Which bank has launched first-ever floating ATM on a boat ?a) State Bank of India b) Bank of Barodac) Punjab National Bank d) None of the above56. How e-Pay (online bill payment) facility of SBI benefits the customer ?a) It enables the customer to schedule his payments for various bills.b) It enables him to automatically pay on specific amount/day everymonth.c) It enables him to pay/view his transaction.d) All the above57. Name the two organizations with whom SBI has tie up for co-brand SBI Smart cards

    a) Indian Oil Corporation & Indian Air Force b) Indian Airlines and Air Indiac) No such tie up d) None of the these58. National Technology Day is celebrated ona) 11th May b) Ist July c) 11th June d) 11th July59. Under the Fast Cash option , cash can be withdrawn in fixedamounts of ------- from the State Bank ATMsa) Rs. 1000/- , Rs. 2000/- b) Rs. 5000/- , Rs. 10,000/-.c) Rs.1000/-,, Rs. 2000/-, Rs3000/- or Rs. 5000/- d) None of the above60. Which city is known as Silicon valley of Indiaa) Hyderabad b) Chandigarhc) Bangalore d) None of the above6.

    61. Sabeer Bhatia of Indian origin invented which of the sitea) Hotmail b) Googlec) Yahoo d) None of the above62. ________________ is known as the father of Computers.a) Charles Baby b) Charles Babbage c) Fernandez Babbage c) None of these63. Where is the Banks ATM Switch located?a) Kolkatta b) Chennai c) New Delhi d) Belapur, Navi Mumbai64. Expand BGLa)Big General ledger b)Branch General Ledger

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    c) Broad General lead d) Branch Growth ledger65. Reports are generated froma)Finance One b) BGL c) China system d)trade finance66. What is the name of the network system in CBS environment?a) LAN b) TAN c) WAN d) WWW67. What is the software used at branches for foreign exchange

    transactions?a)B@ncs24 b) trade finance c) Forex d) C.S.EXIM BILLS68. The C.S exim bills software for Forex Transaction is purchasedfrom________?a) Microsoft,USA b)China System, Dubai c) Infosys ,New Delhid) IBM ,USA69. What is the key to be used to move from one field to other in CBS?a) Tab or Mouse pointer b) Shift+ a c) F1 d) F370. What is the name for doing other branch transaction from any branch?a)Home two branch transaction b) Non Home Branch Transactionsb) Other home branch transaction d) Second home branch transaction71. What is the name of the day book in CBS?a) Voucher day book b) Voucher report

    c) Voucher Verification Report d) Teller report72. Expand RTGSa) Real time gross settlement b) Real table gross settlementc) Reality time ground settlement d) Reality time gross settlement73. What is the minimum amount under RTGS?a) Rs 1,00,000 b) 50,000 c) 500,000 d) 200,00074. What is the name of the project that connects branches in CBS to CDC?a) SBI project b) SBI link c) SBI tele d) SBI CONNECT75. In which order the VVR is generated in CBS?a) account wise b) Teller ID wise c) Segment wise d)amount wise76. What is the total marks for identification details in CBS?a)100 b) 120 c)110 d)13077. What is the two identity proof which will fetch 110 marks ?

    a) Pass port with same address and Id acceptable to BMb)Ration cardc) Driving Licenced) Pan Card78. What is the name of the software used for CGL?a) B@ncs 24 b) Exim Bills c) Trade Finance d)Finance One79. What is the name of the company from which the software for CGL ispurchased?a)Commlink USA b)Microsoft USA c)IBM USA d)WIPRO India80. EOD in CBS is done bya)Branch b)Zonal Office c) LHO d)CBD Belapur81. What is the starting digit for account opened in CBS after migration ?

    a) 3 b)1 c)4 d) none of these82. What is the first digit for BGL accounts?a)5 b)9 c)8 d)483. What is the function key used to repeat the same account number or CIF number?a) F11 b)F10 c)F12 d)F984. What is the name of security forms in CBS?a) Valuable Paper important System b) Valuable Paper InventorySystem c) Valuable payment inventory system d) ValuablePayment identity

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    85. Expand ECSa)Electronic clearing service b) Electrical clear servicec) Electronic cheque service d) Electric Cheque service


    1 a 13 a 25 a 37 c 49 b 61 a 73 a 85 a2 a 14 d 26 c 38 a 50 b 62 b 74 d3 d 15 a 27 b39 d 51 b 63 d 75 b4 a 16 c 28 b 40 a 52 d 64 b 76 c

    5 a 17 c 29 a 41 d 53 a 65 a 77 a6 a 18 d 30 d 42 b 54 d 66 c 78 d7 a 19 d 31 a 43 a 55 a 67 d 79 a8 d 20 b 32 c 44 b 56 d 68 b 80 d9 a 21 c 33 a 45 d 57 a 69 a 81 a

    10 a 22 a 34 d 46 c 58 a 70 b 82 b11 a 23 c 35 d 47 b 59 c 71 c 83 c12 d 24 a 36 a 48 a 60 c 72 a 84 b

    Murari Lal, Dy Manager HRMS LHO N Delhi [email protected]