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BASIC EDITION brought to you from Hebrew Nation Online June 29, 2014 Tamuz 1, 5774 New Moon: June 28, 2014 Dear Sara, Greetings to the Hebrew Nation Community! I have been meditating and reflecting on some words that Monte Judah shared last week when he taught on the Korah rebellion . He said, "Sad, but true, seems like most of the times when new fellowships spring up, we multiply through division." I just wonder, how many groups of "disgruntled or offended" people broke away from their fellowships last week, living out the Korah rebellion message in real life? In Africa, in Australia, in Canada, in the Philippines, in the US? This breaks my heart deeply when I see groups fracture, splinter, and separate...multiplying because of division. I cry out to Abba for his mercy, for his grace, for his restoration. There are very few Scriptural reasons for dividing a people outside of gross sin. Messiah hates for his Body to be torn apart for any reason. May we be reminded of this truth from the word: See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Heb 12:15 Are you fellowshipping with people who are disgruntled with their former leadership? Is someone offended and you have picked up that offense? Offense is the bait of HaSatan. Are you staying in a "tent of offense"? Here is a word of wisdom and a warning.... "Step away from those tents".......... "Step away from those tents". Remember Korah.

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BASIC EDITION brought to you from Hebrew Nation Online

June 29, 2014

Tamuz 1, 5774

New Moon: June 28, 2014

Dear Sara, Greetings to the Hebrew Nation Community!

I have been meditating and reflecting on some words that Monte Judah shared last week when he taught on the Korah rebellion. He said, "Sad, but true, seems like most

of the times when new fellowships spring up, we multiply through division." I just

wonder, how many groups of "disgruntled or offended" people broke away from their

fellowships last week, living out the Korah rebellion message in real life? In Africa, in

Australia, in Canada, in the Philippines, in the US?

This breaks my heart deeply when I see groups fracture, splinter, and

separate...multiplying because of division. I cry out to Abba for his mercy, for his

grace, for his restoration. There are very few Scriptural reasons for dividing a people outside of gross sin. Messiah hates for his Body to be torn apart for any reason. May

we be reminded of this truth from the word:

See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Heb 12:15

Are you fellowshipping with people who are disgruntled with their former leadership?

Is someone offended and you have picked up that offense? Offense is the bait of HaSatan. Are you staying in a "tent of offense"? Here is a word of wisdom and a

warning.... "Step away from those tents".......... "Step away from those tents".

Remember Korah.

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Blessings and shalom,

Laura Densmore HN News editor

P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip?

Comments? questions?

Please email Laura at: [email protected]

Syria Strikes Israel! Israeli boy, 14, killed and three wounded in

attack on Syria border

Marks first Israeli death on Syrian border since it heated up a year ago; not known if gov't forces or rebels fired fatal anti-tank missile, but IDF retaliates

at Syrian army positions.

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A 14-year-old boy on Sunday became the first Israeli killed on the Syrian border since

it heated up about a year ago as a result of the civil war. Three other men were

wounded in the attack, one seriously.

The teen, Muhammad Fahmi Krakara, was accompanying his father, a contract worker

for the Defense Ministry doing maintenance work on the border fence in the Golan

Heights. They were in a truck with two other contract workers when the vehicle was hit

by a projectile fired from Syria at around 11:30 A.M. A senior Israel Defense Forces officer said the missile appeared to have been fired

directly at the truck. Although the Syrian rebels control that portion of the border, it

still isn't clear who perpetrated the attack, he said.

The IDF responded with tank fire aimed at the Syrian regime forces' positions across

the border. Israel has said in the past that it holds Damascus responsible for any fire

emanating from Syrian territory.

The Associated Press, quoting the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, reported that the Syrian army had been shelling targets near the border at the time,

so it's also possible that a stray Syrian army shell could have hit the Israeli truck.

Read more (Haaretz)

IAF Strikes Syria, Direct Hits Confirmed

Who were building on the wall. Those who carried burdens were loaded in

such a way that each labored on the work with one hand and held his weapon with the other. And each of the builders had his sword strapped at his side

while he built. The man who sounded the trumpet was beside me."

(Nehemiah 4:17-18)

The Israeli Air Force conducted retaliatory strikes on Syrian outposts near the Golan Heights overnight Sunday after a 15-year-old Israeli citizen was killed and two others

wounded in an attack which took place earlier in the day.

The IDF confirmed direct hits on nine army positions loyal to Syrian President Bashar

Assad, including command posts and firing positions.

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"The IDF targeted nine Syrian army positions in response to the earlier attack that

originated in Syria killing an Israeli teenager and injuring two other Israeli civilians.

The targeted sites include Syrian [regional] military headquarters and launching

positions," an IDF said in a statement. Several Syrian soldiers were reportedly killed in the strikes. Ynet reported citizens in

northern Israel hearing major explosions shortly after midnight. Ground-to-ground

Spike (Tamuz) missiles were used in the attack.

Syrian forces reported that the command center belonging to the 90th Brigade of the

Syrian Army, located in Quneitra, was hit in the strike. Syria's Deputy Foreign Minister

Faisal Mekdad called on the United Nations to take action against Israel, saying Israel

has violated the 1974 ceasefire agreement in the Golan Heights.

Earlier Sunday, Arab Israeli teen Mohammed Karaka was killed by artillery fire as his

father, a civilian defense contractor working on a border fence with Syria, was severely

wounded in the attack. IDF tanks immediately responded with artillery fire towards

Syria, hitting sites where the mortar fire emanated.

The IDF Spokesperson's Unit said that Sunday's attack on Israel was a "continuation of

a number of attacks in recent months against IDF forces near the border in general

and this area specifically." "The IDF will act with determination at any time and in any way it sees fit to protest

the citizens of the State of Israel," the statement added.

Read more (Breaking Israel News)

Like Jews Before Them, Iraq's Christians May Face Extinction After

Jihadist Invasion: Christians in Iraq Asking for Prayer

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For most Westerners, Iraq is a foreboding and dangerous place that is filled with

extremists and daily violence. Yet as little as 75 years ago Iraq was a vibrant country

that was home to many different ethnic and religious minorities, including large Jewish

and Christian populations.

But the latest round of violence spearheaded by the jihadist terrorist group Islamic

State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), which is driving through the heart of Iraq to the

capital of Baghdad and inflicting medieval-style Islamic justice on anyone in its path, might be the last gasp of Iraq's ancient Christian community, which faces extinction

like Iraq's Jewish community before it.

Get the rest of the story! Subscribe to HN News PREMIUM!

ISIS to Christians: Obey, Pay or Leave: Christians in Iraq Calling

for Prayer

(Iraq)-According to a CBN News report, the group ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) have issued an ultimatum to Christians living in the two countries: pay a tax for

being a non-Muslim; leave the area, or lose your life.

ISIS is known as the "world's most brutal jihadist group," and they have sent terror-

especially for non-Muslims-throughout Iraq, and now Syria as well. The city of Bartilla, located in Kurdish Iraq near Nineveh, has offered relative (and

likely temporary) safety to Christians who have fled the parts of the country that have

recently come under the control of ISIS.

"So please raise up prayer for us. This is what we need," he said. "We do believe that

prayer is very important because we hear when man is work[ing], man is working. But

when man is praying, God is working."

"So it is important for the churches outside Iraq to raise up prayers and also to fast for the sake of the people of Iraq," he continued.

"It's important for the other churches to pray for them to be protected," he

admonished. "Please pray for us - this is the only thing for the right time. We have

nothing to do. People outside can do nothing for us except praying."

Kerry Promises Intense and Sustained Support for Iraq

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Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday promised "intense and sustained" U.S.

support for Iraq, but said the divided country would only survive if its leaders took urgent steps to bring it together...

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Iraq's War To Bring Islamic Caliphate To Baghdad?

Analysis by Kimberly Rogers, BeastWatch News editor

Those who understand Bible prophecy have been watching for another Islamic

Caliphate to rise from the ashes of its 1924 demise. That was the year the Turkish

Ottoman Empire lost its control of the Muslim world and its Caliphate. What is a "Caliphate"? It is an Islamic state led by a supreme religious and political

leader known as a "Caliph" who is the successor to Muhammad. The Caliphate will be

to the Muslim world what the Pope is to Catholicism, but with one caveat. The Muslims

intend for the Caliphate to rule the entire globe meaning that everyone on earth will be a Muslim or dead.

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There have been nine prior Caliphates with the tenth and final one to be presided over

by the Mahdi. One of these Caliphates, the second - called the Umayyad Emirate of

Córdoba - ruled from 756 to 1258 from Baghdad.

ISIS and ISIL, two names for the same Sunni group of jihadists, are fighting to get to Baghdad again and they are leaving dead Shi'ites and Christians in their wake. Is

Baghdad where they intend to set up the new Caliphate? I have expected the

Caliphate to be returned to Turkey, but in light of recent events, I may have to change

my mind.

We must take a look at one of Al-Qaeda's leaders who bears the same name as the

city where he wants to restore the next Caliphate. His name is Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.

Baghdadi wants to carve out a Sunni Islamic Caliphate beginning with Iraq and Syria with Baghdad central to it. Restoring the Caliphate in Baghdad will be a 600+ year old

victory for the Sunnis who have been fighting the Shi'ites for supremacy.

In the article, Fear and Loathing in Baghdad, author Justin Marozzi of Newsweek, says:

"To understand the chaos and bloodshed in Iraq, the masked men of ISIS and their

call for an Islamic caliphate, go back 1,239 years. The year is 775. The place is Baghdad.

The Sunni Caliph Al Mansur "The Victorious", founder of Baghdad, City of Peace and

capital of the great Islamic empire that stretches from Central Asia to the Atlantic coast, has just died on his haj pilgrimage to Mecca. His son and heir Mahdi, and

Mahdi's wife Rita, have been given the keys to a secret underground crypt, with orders

to leave the room alone until the caliph's death is confirmed.

They rush down to the storeroom, hearts aflutter, expecting to find piles of golden

dinars, silver dirhams, precious stones and untold treasures. Baghdad is the Athens of

the East, the world's richest and most glorious city.

But behind the unlocked door something very different awaits them. The vast chamber

is filled with corpses. There are men, women and children of all ages. Every body has a

leather tag in the ear detailing the victim's name and genealogy. Apart from their

execution at the hands of Mansur's henchmen, they have one thing in common. All are

Shia descendants of Ali and his wife Fatima, daughter of the Prophet Mohammed. Mansur's Shia death chamber, less than a decade after the completion of his new

imperial capital, is one of the first and most chilling indications of the sectarian divide

between Sunni and Shia that has bedevilled Iraq over the following 13 centuries, is

convulsing the country today and playing havoc across the wider Middle East." Is ISIS/ISIL trying to revive the glory days of the Baghdad Caliphate? Are they

following in the footsteps of their Sunni ancestor, Al Mansur?

I am not the only one who thinks so. Gianluca Mezzofiore of says in his article, Iraq Crisis: Isis 'Close to Realising Sunni Caliphate':

Read more (BeastWatch News Blog)

Iraq Loses Control of Syrian and Jordanian Borders

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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met Iraq's prime minister in Baghdad on Monday to

push for more inclusive leadership, as Nuri al-Maliki's forces abandoned the border

with Jordan, leaving the entire Western frontier beyond government control.

Sunni tribes took the Turaibil desert border crossing, the only legal crossing point between Iraq and Jordan, after Iraqi security forces fled, Iraqi and Jordanian security

sources said.

Tribal leaders were negotiating to hand the post to Sunni Islamists from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) who took two main crossings with Syria in recent

days and have pushed the Shi'ite-led government's forces back toward Baghdad.

Ethnic Kurdish forces control a third border post with Syria in the north, leaving

government troops with no presence along the entire 800-km (500-mile) western frontier which includes some of the most important trade routes in the Middle East.

Read more (Reuters)

Syrian Rebels Press Israel to Enter Civil War

Syrian rebel forces are frustrated that Israel is not striking government targets in their

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country more forcefully, and are urging Jerusalem to play a greater role in the civil war raging just over the Jewish state's northern border.

Get the rest of the story! (Subscribe to HN PREMIUM News)

Jordan is Next Target of ISIS

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria terrorist group has wiped out the border separating

Iraq and Syria in the north and is making its way to Jordan, retired Maj. Gen. Paul

Vallely said on Newsmax TV's "America's Forum."

"We understand their next big move will be against Jordan, and that is very critical because if that border goes down, then the threat to take down the borders into Israel

becomes very apparent, and we know the ultimate takedown over there is Israel,"

Vallely said.

Unrest in the Middle East is spreading rapidly, with numerous factions looking to

establish a caliphate, an all-Islamic state.

In Syria, forces of President Bashar al-Assad are attacking civilians, particularly

hospitals where they are "taking out doctors and nurses," Vallely said. Medical staff can no longer wear white smocks because it makes them a target of militants.

Then there are al-Qaida and ISIS. The former is fighting to topple the Assad regime,

while ISIS members have captured large swaths of Iraq with their eyes now set on


None of the other Gulf States are getting involved, which Vallely attributes to the

United States remaining idle except for deploying a few hundred Special Forces to the


Read more (InfoWars)

Iraq Invaders Threaten Nuke Attack on Israel

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WASHINGTON - The well-organized army of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or

ISIS, claims it has access to nuclear weapons and a will to use them to "liberate"

Palestine from Israel as part of its "Islamic Spring," according to a WND source in the

region. Franklin Lamb, an international lawyer based in Beirut and Damascus, said the

move is part of the ISIS aim of creating a caliphate under strict Islamic law, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to Iraq.

Lamb, who has access to ISIS fighters and sympathizers, said ISIS has been working

with a "new specialized" unit organized at the beginning of 2013 to focus "exclusively on destroying the Zionist regime occupying Palestine."

Lamb added that the ISIS "Al-Quds Unit" is working to broaden its influence in more

than 60 Palestinian camps and gatherings from Gaza, across "Occupied Palestine," or Israel, to Jordan and from Lebanon up to the north of Syria "seeking to enlist support

as it prepares to liberate Palestine."

ISIS is also know as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. "Sham," or "Greater

Syria," refers to Cyprus, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and southern


Read more (WorldNet Daily)

Netanyahu Slams "Disgraceful" Presbyterian Divestment

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the decision of the US

Presbyterian Church to divest from three companies that provide supplies to the IDF

and residents of Judea and Samaria.

Dubbing the recent vote "disgraceful," Netanyahu told NBC's "Meet the Press" that

"most Americans understand that Israel is a beacon of civilization and moderation."

The prime minister explained that while majority of the Middle East was "riveted by

religious hatred, by savagery of unimaginable proportions," Israel is "the one democracy that upholds basic human rights, that guards the rights of all minorities,

that protects Christians."

Netanyahu challenged Presbyterians to "fly to the Middle East, come and see Israel for the embattled democracy that it is, and then take a bus tour, go to Libya, go to Syria,

go to Iraq, and see the difference."

"I would give them two pieces of advice - one is make sure it's an armor-plated bus,

and second, don't say that you're a Christian."

Speaking at an international gathering of Jewish journalists on Sunday, Netanyahu

openly wondered why Israel has been singled out by the Presbyterian church.

"When the Middle East is fragmented in this horrible war, this savage, savage war

between militant Shiites and militant Sunnis...the only place where you have freedom, tolerance, protection of minorities, protection of gays, protection of Christians and all

other faiths, is Israel."

Presbyterian Church USA voted on Friday at its annual general assembly to divest from Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Motorola Solutions in support of the Boycott,

Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.

Read more (Breaking Israel News)

What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News editor) Support Israel! Buy

products from Israel! Support Israel with your tourism trips there! And...don't have

anything to do with organizations that are divesting their investments out of Israel! Do

your part!

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Living Torah in the News: Red Heifer Found in America

Finding a red heifer is like finding a needle in a hay stack. But early this week some

overly industrious Jew managed to do just that in the United States of America. This finding is all the more intriguing considering that on the coming Sabbath

(Shabbat) Jews will read in the synagogues the Torah portion that begins with one of

the mysterious commandment of the Red Heifer: "Tell the Israelites to procure for you

a red heifer that is free from every blemish and defect and on which no yoke has ever

been laid..." (Num. 19:2ff).

The Red Heifer is an extremely rare creature. According to Jewish tradition, during the

two thousand years from the time this commandment was given until the destruction

of the Second Temple in the first century AD, only nine red cows that met the biblical criteria were ever found.

For a cow to be a Red Heifer it has to be without blemish, one that was never put to

work and completely reddish. Jewish law requires keeping the young cow under strict care until it reaches three years old. During this time, leaning on the cow, riding it

even once or even putting a piece of cloth on its back disqualifies it from becoming a

Red Heifer.

Strict rules also apply to its color. Two single hairs of a color other than red

automatically disqualify it from becoming a Red Heifer. A Red Heifer candidate that

that was discovered in 2000 was disqualified after two black hairs were found on it.

Read more (Israel Today)

What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News editor) This is the living torah

coming alive in the news. The torah portion reading this week is: Numbers 19:1

through 22:1. Numbers 19 describes the selection and protocol for the red heifer offering. The red heifer is a "shadow picture" of Yeshua our Messiah. The red heifer

was taken outside the camp, where it was slain (as Yeshua was taken outside the city

gates of Jerusalem where He was slain). The red heifer has to be perfect, with no

blemish; there can be no other hairs of a different color (Yeshua was the perfect lamb of Yahweh who takes away the sins of the world.)

After the red heifer was slain, it was then burned, and then cedar wood, hyssop and

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scarlet were thrown into the midst of the fire. These items again point to Messiah Yeshua, (look at Psalm51:7, Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean, wash me and

I shall be whiter than snow, and also hyssop was used to offer a vinegar soaked

sponge to Yeshua as he hung upon the cross, John 19:29) The cedar wood is shadow

picture pointing to the tree that he hung upon; the scarlet points to the flow of blood that issued from his side when he was speared.

And so, the week that we read about the red heifer offering in the torah portion is the

same week that this RARE animal is found and we read about it in the news! That is the LIVING TORAH in the news this week!

Camp Aliyah for our Youth: Begin the Ascent!

When: August 17-22, 2014

Where: Camp Aliyah, Falls City, Oregon

Speakers: Chris Knight, Dr. Joseph Dombek, and others

Worship: Mason Clover

Campers will enjoy: Lake swimming with "the BLOB"!! * Ropes Course (zip lining

and challenge course) * Swimming pool and water activities * Gaga ball, sports courts

and game room * Nature activities, campfire and KOSHER smores! * Paintball.

Find out more, register today!

Torah Portion for July 5, 2014

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Read more (Hebrew for Christians)

The Story of David and Goliath Is Not Just A Story - It REALLY


I can't ignore the biblical text and I cannot ignore archeology," says Professor Yosef

Garfinkle. Proof of life and events just as scripture describes them are right here in the

archeological discoveries. This clip really gives you food for thought.

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Archaeology: David's Israel made room for


Focus Israel Report by Eddie Chumney_6.26.14

Stay up to date on the latest news from Israel as it relates to end of

days bible prophesy!

This week's update: Insights on the Iraq war in light of end time bible prophesy. Kimberly Rogers is a special guest on the program and shares her analysis of the Iraq

war: is this the rise of the final 8th beast as spoken of in Revelation 17: 9-11. Is this

the rise of the final Islamic caliphate?

Listen now

LISTEN LIVE...airs every Thursday, noon to 12:30pm PACIFIC. Go to to listen!

Visit Five Minute Update website (Watchman of Zion)

Take a moment to worship Yahweh our Elohim

"Bring Back our Boys....",

A "Prayer song" to Hashem, "Bring Back our Boys"

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Bring Back Our Boys- Shmueli


Live Teshuva Worship at Restoration Fellowship, Salem OR, "Full Red Moon in the Sky"

Teshuvah live - Full Red Moon in the Sky

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he 1260 Report_Two Watchers on the Wall_6.27.14

Kimberly Rogers and Laura Densmore Team up to Bring You News

Headlines as it Relates to End of Days Bible Prophesies

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Broadcast on Hebrew Nation Online, airs LIVE at 9am and 5pm Pacific on Fridays or listen to the podcast later.

The 1260 Report_6.27.14

*Iraq has fallen to ISIS terrorists; now they have their sights on Jordan, on Syria, *ISIS rebels have their hands on a nuclear weapon, threaten to use against Israel

*Revived Islamic caliphate in progress? The final 8th beast of Rev 17:10-11?

*ISIS rebels have their terrorist sights set on an American city

*South Texas border is no more, thousands of illegals pouring into the country; being brought to bus stations and dispersed throughout the nation; ISIS militia in their


*Iraq and Syria firing upon each other

*Syria fires at Israel: IAF strikes back *Rapidly becoming a regional war

*Temple Mount in the news and update

*How soon before the altar gets built and daily sacrifices start?

*How convolutedly wicked this is: rise of ISIS leadership, training, equipping goes

back to White House *Close in scripture/prayer, Psalm 137

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Major U.S. City Next Target for Islamic Terror

ISIS militants not planning to stop in Iraq

WASHINGTON - Beyond Iraq, what is the intent of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria? There appears to be short- and long-term goals, with a hint of those intentions in the

name ISIS has chosen for itself.

Its real name is the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, meaning Greater Syria.

ISIS, morphing from the Islamic State of Iraq before it was excommunicated from al-Qaida central in Pakistan last year for its extreme Wahhabi brutality, appears to have

intentions of re-creating Greater Syria into an Islamic caliphate, subject to strict

Shariah law.

Historically, Greater Syria, corresponding to Greater Assyria, included all of the Levant

and Mesopotamia, or modern-day Iraq.

The Levant incorporates the Eastern Mediterranean countries of Cyprus, Israel,

Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, parts of Turkey and northeast Africa, including the Sinai Peninsula.

Already, the terror group's lightning attacks span from northeast Syria into western

and central Iraq. It is knocking on Baghdad's door and could potentially head further

south to take over those oil refineries that provide oil to the world. At that end, there's also Sunni Kuwait, which deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein

once referred to as Iraq's 13th province as justification for invading the country.

At the same time, there's concern that ISIS will move into Jordan where there is major

dissatisfaction of the reign of King Abdullah II bin al-Hussein. The king's concerns are

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so great that he has requested U.S. military assistance to prevent it from becoming part of ISIS' Islamist caliphate.

There are reports that the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, already is meeting

with his war planners to determine what it will do beyond Syria and Iraq.

Read more (WorldNet Daily)

Congressman: Obama Likely Paid Ransom for Bergdahl

WASHINGTON - The congressman gave the distinct impression he didn't

believe President Obama wasn't telling him, or the American people, the truth.

Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, told WND Obama probably did pay a ransom to

terrorists for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, contrary to what the president has said. The congressman based that claim on an exchange of letters with the

administration, including a reply from the White House that was so carefully worded,

Stockman said, it appeared to confirm his suspicions.

And, the congressman told WND, he wouldn't be surprised if the administration paid

millions of dollars to a terrorist group to free Bergdahl.

After disappearing from his unit in Afghanistan on June 23, 2009, Bergdahl ended up

in the hands of a terrorist group called the Haqqani Network. On May 31, Bergdahl was returned to American forces and Obama sent the top five

Taliban commanders held at Guantanamo to Qatar.

It would be a violation of U.S. policy to pay a ransom to a terrorist group, but the reason Stockman thought it worth asking was because the Haqqani is particularly

known for collecting ransoms for hostages, and it's not known to have ever released a

hostage without obtaining a ransom.

Stockman's letter to Obama on June 5, asked, "Did you or anyone authorized by or associated with your administration, authorize any form of compensation, direct or

third party, in exchange for Bergdahl?"

Obama did not respond directly to Stockman, but on June 13, the White House did issue a response to his letter, in the form of a statement from National Security Staff

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spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden.

However, Stockman noted the letter's wording was suspiciously careful.

It stated, "The United States did not provide money in return for Sgt. Bergdahl."

"That is not the question I asked," noted Stockman. "This response is oddly worded and seems intentionally evasive."

Read more (WND)

Pentagon Official: The Obama Drone Kill Memo is out: and It's Murder

The Obama administration had sought to keep the memo secret Joseph Miller is the pen name for a ranking Department of Defense official with a

background in U.S. special operations and combat experience in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He has worked in strategic planning.

On Monday, the White House memo used to justify drone attacks on U.S. citizens was released, and it appears to confirm the worst suspicions of its libertarian critics. The

Obama administration had sought to keep the memo secret, and now we know why:

Because there are no checks and balances; there are no classified courts. Indeed, the

memo reveals that the president of the United States ordered the targeting killing of U.S. citizens overseas - in violation of their constitutional right to due process - sans

any type of oversight outside of the executive.

The 41-page Department of Justice memorandum outlining the administration's

attempt to justify the killing of U.S. citizens accused of plotting acts of terrorism abroad was released on Monday under order of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the

Second Circuit in New York. The court did so in response to a Freedom Of Information

Act request submitted by both the American Civil Liberties Union and The New York


The memo, entitled "Re: The Applicability of Federal Criminal Laws and the

Constitution to Contemplated Lethal Operations against Shaykh Anwar al-Aulaqi," was

written by the Office of Legal Counsel at the U.S. Department of Justice and was addressed to Attorney General Eric Holder.

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Read more (InfoWars)

South Texas Border is Wide Open

A dangerous stretch of Texas highway hugging the Mexican border is heavily patrolled by state and local police, but not by the thinly stretched Border Patrol which has been

told to stand down from enforcing immigration and trafficking laws.

South Texas Border Is Wide Open

What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News editor) This report is truly alarming. What are the possible implications? If the south Texas border is no more,

and border patrol folks are actually paying the bus tickets for illegal
