Basic Concept in Assessment


Transcript of Basic Concept in Assessment

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According to Linn and Miller (2005) define

assessment as any of a variety of procedures used

to obtain information about student performance.

Assessment refers to the full range of information

gathered and synthesized by teachers about their

students and their classrooms (Arends, 1994)

Assessment is a method for analyzing and

evaluating student achievement or program


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Assessment for Learning

Is practiced, students are encouraged to be more

active in their learning and associated assessment. The

ultimate purpose of assessment for learning is to create

self-regulated learners who can leave school able and

confident to continue learning throughout their lives.

Teachers need to know at the outset of a unit of study

where their students are in terms of their learning and

then continually check on how they are progressing

through strengthening the feedback they get from their


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Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment

Measurement as used in education refers to the

process of quantifying an individual’s achievement,

personality, and attitudes among others by means

of appropriate measuring instruments.

Educational Measurement

The first step towards elevating a field of

study into a science is to take measurements of the

quantities and qualities of interest in the field.

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Basic concepts in Assessment

As teachers, we are continually faced with the challenge of

assessing the progress of our students as well as our own

effectiveness as teachers.

Educational Measurement

The first step towards elevating a field of study into a

science is to take measurements of the quantities and qualities of

interest in the field.

Types of Measurement

Objective measurements- are measurements that do not

depend on the person or individual taking the measurements.

Subjective measurements- often differ from one assessor

to the next even if the same quantity or quality is being measured.

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The underlying principle in educational measurement is

summarized by the following formula:

Measurement of quantity or quality of interest = true value plus

random error.

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Evaluation is the process of systematic collection and

analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data for the

purpose of making some decision and judgments.

Assessment, Test, and Measurement

Test: An instrument or systematic procedure for measuring

a sample of behavior by posing a set of questions in a

uniform manner.

Measurement: The process of obtaining a numerical

description of the degree to which an individual possesses

a particular characteristic. Measurement answers the

question “How much?”

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Test, Non- test, Examination, Test item and Quiz

A test in the educational setting is a question or a series of question which aims to

determine how well a student learned from a subject or topic taught.

A non- test is a question or activity which determines the interests, attitude and

other student’s characteristics whose answer or answers is/are not judged wrong or

incorrect. Examples: Personality inventory,” What is your favorite sports?”, “Why

do you prefer green vegetables?”

An examination is a long test which may or may be composed of one or more test

formats. Examples: Mid- term examination, Licensure Examination for Teachers,

comprehensive examination.

A test item is any question included in a test or examination. Examples: Who was

the President of the Philippines when World War 2 broke out? Is “Little Red Riding

Hood” a short story?

A quiz is a short test usually given at the beginning or at the end of a discussion


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Indicators, variables and Factors

An educational variable (denoted by an English

alphabet, like X) is a measurable characteristic of

a student. Variables may be directly measurable as

in X= age or X= height of a student.

An indicator, I, denotes the presence or absence of

a measured characteristics. Thus:

I= 1, if the characteristics is present

= O, if the characteristic is absent

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Various Roles of Assessment

Assessment plays a number of roles in making instructional decisions.

Summative Role- An assessment may be done for summative purposes

as in the illustration given above for grade VI mathematics achievement.

Diagnostic Role- Assessment may be done for diagnostic purposes. In

the case, we are interested in determining the gaps in learning or learning

processes, hopefully, to be able to bridge these gaps.

Formative Assessment- Another purpose of assessment is formative. In

this role, assessment guides the teachers on his/ her day- to- day

teaching activity.

Placement- The final role of assessment in curricular decisions concerns

placement. Assessment plays a vital role in determining the appropriate

placement of a student both in terms of achievements and aptitude.

Aptitude- refers to the area or discipline where a student would most

likely excel or do well.

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A Systems Model for Evaluation

Evaluation provides a tool for determining the extent to which

an educational process or program is effective and all the

same time indicates directions foe remediating processes of

the curriculum that do not contribute to successful student

performance.( Jason , 2003)



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Is the process of gathering and interpreting evidence

regarding the problems and progress of individuals in

achieving desirable educational goals.

Chief Purposes of Evaluation

The improvement of the individual learner

Other Purposes of Evaluation

To maintain standard

To select students

To motivate learning

To guide learning

To furnish instruction

To appraise educational instrumentalities

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Function of Evaluation




Areas of Educational Evaluation





A well defined system of evaluation:

Enable one to clarify goals

Check upon each phase of development

Diagnose learning difficulties

Plan carefully for remediation

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Principles of Educational Evaluation

• Evaluation must be based on previously accepted

educational objectives.

• Evaluation should be continuous comprehensive and

cumulative process.

• Evaluation should recognize that the total individual

personality is involved in learning.

• Evaluation should be democratic and cooperative.

• Evaluation should be positive and action-directed

• Evaluation should give opportunity to the pupil to become

increasingly independent in self- appraisal and self- direction.

• Evaluation should include all significant evidence from every

possible source.

• Evaluation should take into consideration the limitations of

the particular educational situations.

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Is the part of the educational evaluation process

whereby some tools or instruments are use to provide a

quantitative description of the progress of students towards

desirable educational goals.

Test or Testing

Is a systematic procedure to determine the presence

or absence of certain characteristics of qualities in a learner.

Types of Evaluation

• Placement

• Formative

• Diagnostic

• Summative

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Educational Assessment serves three important functions

(Bernardo, 2003):

1. Student selection and certification

-To make decisions, about which students get admitted, retained,

promoted, and certified for graduation.

2. Instructional monitoring

- To provide information about student learning and teaching

performance to help teachers monitor manage, and make

decisions about the instructional system.

3. For

- Public accountability and program evaluation

- Making decisions about the different aspects of the educational


- Helping make GOOD decisions, if they provide accurate,

authentic, reliable and valid information about educational:


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Principles of Educational Assessment

• Educational assessment always begins with educational values

and standards.

• Assessment is not an end in itself but a vehicle for attaining

educational goals and for improving on these educational goals.

• These educational goals (values and standards) should be made

explicit to all concerned from the very beginning.

• Desired learning competencies (skills, knowledge, values, ways

of thinking and learning) determine what we choose to assess.

• Educational values and standards should also characterize how we


• Assessment systems should lead educators to help students attain

the educational goals, values, and standards.

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Characteristics of Assessment

•Assessment is not a single event but a continue cycle.

•Assessment must be an open process.

•Assessment must promote valid inferences.

•Assessment that matters should always employ multiple

measures of performance.

•Assessment should measures what is worth learning, not

just what is easy to measure.

•Assessment should support every student’s opportunity to

learn important mathematics.

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Elements of the Assessment Process

-assessment should center on the learner and the

learning process. Huba and Freed (2000) explained the four

elements of learner centered assessment.

1. Formulating statements of intended learning outcomes

2. Developing or Selecting Assessment Measures

3. Creating Experiences Leading to Outcomes

4. Discussing and Using Assessment Results to Improve


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The Three Types of Learning

Believing that there were more than one (1) type

of learning, Benjamin Bloom and a committee of

colleagues in 1956, identified three domains of

educational activities: the cognitive, referring to

mental skills; affective referring to growth in

feeling or emotion; and psychomotor, referring to

manual or physical skills.

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The Three Types of Learning

Believing that there were more than one (1) type of

learning, Benjamin Bloom and a committee of

colleagues in 1956, identified three domains of

educational activities: the cognitive, referring to

mental skills; affective referring to growth in

feeling or emotion; and psychomotor, referring to

manual or physical skills.

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DOMAIN II: Psychomotor (Skills)

In the early seventies, E Simpson, Dave and A, S, Harrow recommended categories for

the psychomotor domain which included physical coordination, movement and use of the

skills body parts.

DOMAIN III: Affective (Attitude)

-the affective domain refers to the way in which in which we deal with the situation

emotionally such as feelings, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation, value, and attitude.

The taxonomy is ordered into 5 levels as the person progresses towards internalization in

which the attitude or feeling consistently guides or controls a person’s behavior.

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Principles of Good Practice in Assessing Learning


1. The assessment of student learning starts with the institutions

mission and core values.

2. Assessment works best when the program has clear statement of

objectives aligned with the institutional missions and core values.

3. Outcomes- based assessment focuses on the student activities that

will be relevant after schooling concludes.

4. Assessment requires attention not only to outcomes but also and

equally to the activities and experiences that lead to the attainment of

learning outcomes.

6. Assessment works best when it is continuous, ongoing and not


7. Assessment should be cumulative because improvement is best

achieved through a linked series of activities done over time in

instructional cycle.

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Kinds of Assessment

Formative assessment

Formative assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. It does

not contribute to the final mark given for the module; instead it

contributes to learning through providing feedback. It should indicate

what is good about a piece of work and why this is good; it should also

indicate what is not so good and how the work could be improved.

Effective formative feedback will affect what the student and the teacher

does next.

Summative assessment

Summative assessment demonstrates the extent of a learner's success in

meeting the assessment criteria used to gauge the intended learning

outcomes of a module or program, and which contributes to the final

mark given for the module. It is normally, though not always, used at the

end of a unit of teaching. Summative assessment is used to quantify

achievement, to reward achievement, to provide data for selection (to the

next stage in education or to employment).

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Diagnostic assessment

Like formative assessment, diagnostic assessment is intended to improve the

learner’s experience and their level of achievement. However, diagnostic

assessment looks backwards rather than forwards. It assesses what the

learner already knows and/or the nature of difficulties that the learner might

have, which, if undiagnosed, might limit their engagement in new learning.

It is often used before teaching or when a problem arises.

Dynamic assessment

Dynamic assessment measures what the student achieves when given some

teaching in an unfamiliar topic or field. An example might be assessment of

how much Swedish is learnt in a short block of teaching to students who

have no prior knowledge of the language. It can be useful to assess potential

for specific learning in the absence of relevant prior attainment, or to assess

general learning potential for students who have a particularly disadvantaged

background. It is often used in advance of the main body of teaching.

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Synoptic assessment

Synoptic assessment encourages students to combine elements of their learning from

different parts of a program and to show their accumulated knowledge and understanding

of a topic or subject area. A synoptic assessment normally enables students to show their

ability to integrate and apply their skills, knowledge and understanding with breadth and

depth in the subject. It can help to test a student's capability of applying the knowledge and

understanding gained in one part of a program to increase their understanding in other

parts of the program, or across the program as a whole. Synoptic assessment can be part of

other forms of assessment.

Criterion referenced assessment

Each student’s achievement is judged against specific criteria. In principle no account is

taken of how other students have performed. In practice, normative thinking can affect

judgments of whether or not a specific criterion has been met. Reliability and validity

should be assured through processes such as moderation, trial marking, and the collation of


Ipsative assessment

This is assessment against the student’s own previous standards. It can measure how well a

particular task has been undertaken against the student’s average attainment, against their

best work, or against their most recent piece of work. Ipsative assessment tends to

correlate with effort, to promote effort-based attributions of success, and to enhance

motivation to learn.

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Evaluative assessment provides instructors with curricular

feedback (e.g., the value of a field trip or oral presentation


Educative assessment Integrated within learning activities

themselves, educative assessment builds student (and faculty)

insight and understandings about their own learning and

teaching. In short, assessment is a form of learning.

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The Effective Assessment

Enhancing learning by enhancing assessment

Assessment is a central element in the overall quality of teaching and

learning in higher education. Well designed assessment sets clear

expectations, establishes a reasonable workload (one that does not push

students into rote reproductive approaches to study), and provides

opportunities for students to self-monitor, rehearse, practice and receive

feedback. Assessment is an integral component of a coherent educational


Three objectives for higher education assessment

•Assessment that guides and encourages effective approaches to learning;

•Assessment that validly and reliably measures expected learning

outcomes, in particular the higher-order learning that characterizes higher


•Assessment and grading that defines and protects academic standards.

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16 indicators of effective assessment in higher education

A checklist for quality in student assessment

1. Assessment is treated by staff and students as an integral and prominent component of

the entire teaching and learning process rather than a final adjunct to it.

2. The multiple roles of assessment are recognized. The powerful motivating effect of

assessment requirements on students is understood and assessment tasks are designed to

foster valued study habits.

3.There is a faculty/departmental policy that guide individuals’ assessment practices.

Subject assessment is integrated into an overall plan for course assessment.

4. There is a clear alignment between expected learning outcomes, what is taught and

learnt, and the knowledge and skills assessed — there is a closed and coherent

‘curriculum loop’.

5. Assessment tasks assess the capacity to analyze and synthesis new information and

concepts rather than simply recall information previously presented.

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6. A variety of assessment methods is employed so that the limitations of particular

methods are minimized.

7. Assessment tasks are designed to assess relevant generic skills as well as subject-

specific knowledge and skills.

8. There is a steady progression in the complexity and demands of assessment

requirements in the later years of courses.

9. There is provision for student choice in assessment tasks and weighting at certain


10. Student and staff workloads are considered in the scheduling and design of

assessment tasks.

11. Excessive assessment is avoided. Assessment tasks are designed to sample

student learning.

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12. Assessment tasks are weighted to balance the developmental (‘formative’)

and judgmental (‘summative’) roles of assessment. Early low-stakes, low-weight

assessment is used to provide students with feedback.

13. Grades are calculated and reported on the basis of clearly articulated learning

outcomes and criteria for levels of achievement.

14. Students receive explanatory and diagnostic feedback as well as grades.

15. Assessment tasks are checked to ensure there are no inherent biases that may

disadvantage particular student groups.

16. Plagiarism is minimized through careful task design, explicit education and

appropriate monitoring of academic honesty.

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The Assessment Cycle

Good assessment follows an intentional and reflective

process of design, implementation, evaluation, and

revision. The Assessment Cycle relies on four simple

but dynamic words to represent this process.

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What do I want students to learn?

How do I teach effectively?

Are my outcomes being met?

How do I use what I've learned?

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