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BASEBALL VICTORIA BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN ADVANCING THE VICTORIAN BASEBALL FACILITY LANDSCAPE 2012 2022 | UPDATED OCTOBER 2013 SUMMARY PLAN | NOVEMBER 2013 Slide 2 CONTENTS BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 2 o Introduction to the Updated PlanPage 3 o Specific Solutions to Meet Baseballs NeedsPage 3 - 5 o Executive Summary (October 2013)Page 6 o Our Plan for FacilitiesPage 7 - 8 o Participation in baseballPage 9 o The structure of baseballPage 10 o Baseball Victoria Planning ZonesPage 11 o Baseball facility landscape Page 12 o Victorian Baseball Facility HierarchyPage 13 - 14 o Baseball Facility Development PlanPage 15 o Strategic PrioritiesPage 16 - 21 o ImplementationPage 22 Baseball Victoria would like to thank the following key representatives for their involvement and commitment to the preparation of the Baseball Facilities Development Plan, Brett Hidson (CEO), Stephen Thompson (Director) and the Baseball Victoria Board for their time, effort and insights. We acknowledge the significant contribution made by a number of other stakeholders in the development of the Baseball Facilities Development Plan. Thank you to the baseball community, local clubs, Leagues and Associations, individuals and organisations that have contributed significant information and feedback throughout the development of the Plan. Without your input and assistance this document would not have been possible. Baseball Victoria acknowledges the support provided by Local and State Government representatives that participated in a range of consultation forums, meetings and telephone discussions throughout the development of the Baseball Facilities Development Plan. Acknowledgements Slide 3 BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 3 INTRODUCTION TO THE UPDATED PLAN SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS TO MEET BASBEALLS NEEDS A little over a year since initial publication Baseball Victoria has undertaken a review of its Baseball Facilities Development Plan. This review noted feedback received on the Plan, as well as recent significant developments including that Ross Straw Field (Melbourne), the founding home of Victorian baseball, will be lost from October 2014 due to the development of the East-West Link, significant pressure for consolidation of local baseball activity at Melbourne Ball Park in the West, and the Gilbert Park Master Plan (Knoxfield) in the East. It further noted the particular focus for Baseball Victoria going forward is, at an absolute minimum, to ensure there is no net loss of baseball facilities across the Victoria facility network. Following this review Baseball Victoria presents this Updated Facilities Development Plan which presents more specific recommendations in relation to a State Baseball Centre that will better meet baseballs needs and is more strongly aligned to the Governments State Sport Centre Objectives, and the locations for Regional and District Baseball facilities across Metropolitan Melbourne. State Baseball Centre Proposal Baseball Victoria propose that a replacement Ross Straw Field be provided in the Royal Park sporting precinct, adjacent to the State Netball and State Hockey Centres, and that this becomes the State Baseball Centre. The proposed State Baseball Centre would be the new home of the Melbourne Aces, the Melbourne University MWBL team and the administration base for Baseball Victoria and the Melbourne Aces operations. This new location would have the major advantage of being located along a major transport hub accessible to people all over Melbourne, close to the Royal Park train station and close to the tram line through Royal Park. If located close to the existing State Netball and State Hockey facilities, the new State Baseball Centre could also leverage the existing car parking and would complement the existing sporting precinct. Accessibility of this proposed facility would be a material improvement over the location of the existing State Baseball Softball Centre at Altona and would achieve greater alignment with the Governments State Sporting Facility Objectives related to Major Events, Support to Sport and Participation. Slide 4 BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 4 Regional Metropolitan Facilities Baseball Victoria proposes two Regional Facilities in Metropolitan Melbourne: Gilbert Park (Knoxfield) in the East and Melbourne Ballpark (Altona) in the West. Knox City Council has developed a Master Plan for Gilbert Park in consultation with the users of the facility (Knox Softball Association, Softball Victoria, Knox Baseball Club, Baseball Victoria) that will continue to support dual use of this facility for baseball and softball as well as delivering a facility that matches the specification of a Regional Facility: 3 fields, main with lights. On completion of the Master Plan this facility will be ideally situated to be the initial metropolitan Regional Facility. Baseball Victoria also proposes that this facility would be the focus of high-performance development operations in the East. The eventual displacement of Melbourne Ballpark from its current position as the State Baseball Centre would not mean abandonment of this facility by Baseball Victoria. This facility has capacity to become the second metropolitan Regional Facility and, in the meantime, would continue to be an important regional location for high- performance development in the West and for ongoing participation. The current joint use of this facility by Baseball and Softball further supports a mirror model of the Gilbert Park Master Plan, subject to alignment with Softball Victorias facilities plans. SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS TO MEET BASBEALLS NEEDS Slide 5 BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 5 Metropolitan District Baseball Facilities Baseball Victoria has identified the following specific locations as the preferred sites for metropolitan District Facilities: KH Wearne Reserve (Springvale Road Keysborough), Boeing Reserve (Boeing Road, Strathmore) and La Trobe University (Kingsbury Drive, Bundoora). These sites have been chosen as, when partnered with the preferred State and Regional facilities, they provide the best fit with the geographic spread to accommodate target travel times for baseball participants (in-line with the participation survey findings). Where possible, these sites also provide high levels of exposure of baseball facilities which has been found to be a key driver of baseball participation. SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS TO MEET BASBEALLS NEEDS Slide 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OCTOBER 2013 Baseball Victoria is the peak governing body for baseball in Victoria and has recorded significant growth in recent years with an additional 3,000 people engaged in formal baseball participation programs in 2012/13 compared to the previous year alone. Baseball Victoria prides itself on achieving over 12,000 registered participants across, 104 clubs and 76 unique sites represented in 43 Local Government Authorities throughout Victoria and we are planning for continued growth. Baseball Victoria has experienced a period of change in recent years with the development of the well regarded Baseball Facilities Development Plan (2012), Baseball Victorias Strategic Plan 2012 2015, the valuable insights of the Participation Research Project (2012), the re-introduction of the Australian Baseball League (ABL) and the expansion of the Baseball Victoria core delivery team, including the appointment of our new CEO, Neale Price. These initiatives, and more, provide opportunities for the sport to grow and thrive. At Baseball Victoria we believe the next few years represent a tipping point for the sport and that it is critical to continue to build upon the hard work and positive momentum achieved to date. Baseball Victoria is establishing a greater focus on participation outcomes and experiences for all who connect with the sport. Baseball Victoria recognises the need to capitalise on the growing baseball and social participation market, enhance stakeholder relationships and become a national leader for the development and improvement of the sport of baseball. A number of significant events have sparked a review of the 2012 Baseball Facilities Development Plan and it was found that the original priorities and goals remain relevant and current. Following a detailed review of the Baseball Facilities Development Plan and in particular noting the pending loss of the Ross Straw field (Melbourne) due to the East-West link development, the need to consolidate local baseball activity around regional participation, the need to increase utilisation at Melbourne Ball Park (Altona) and the opportunity to achieve the Gilbert Park Master Plan (Knoxfield), in addition to the ongoing need for a centrally located State Baseball Centre, Baseball Victoria recognises the potential opportunities that these represent. BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 6 Slide 7 OUR PLAN FOR FACILITIES Three key strategies led the scoping and development of the Baseball Facilities Development Plan and today these priorities remain more relevant than ever: o Secure adequate facilities that provide baseball with good playing conditions with a strong focus on sustainability and accessibility o Retain, and fully utilise existing facilities for baseball across Victoria (ensure no net loss of baseball facilities) o Secure investment into baseball infrastructure. The impacts of being able to achieve and deliver these key strategies have been reflected through the Baseball Facilities Plan and have been reinforced by recent growth and other key developments. A particular focus for Baseball Victoria going forward is, at an absolute minimum, to ensure there is no net loss of baseball facilities across the Victoria facility network. We must continue to move forward and ensure that all facility related outcomes provide a platform from which to achieve additional Baseball Victoria goals of building capacity within the baseball community, developing strong relationships across the sport and increasing participation across all levels of competition. The Baseball Facilities Development Plan has been driven by a number of strategic influences and these have only been reinforced since the development of the Plan: o Baseball Victorias Strategic Platform 1 Secure and upgrade facilities to enable to the sport to continue to grow o Deficiencies in existing facility provision, quality and capacity and inequitable facility distribution across the state o Implications from projected population and participation growth and associated opportunities and challenges for baseball o Identified need to establish key strategic partners to assist and support future facility, sport and game development delivery o Respond to the need for a structured approach to facility development, formalisation of facility development guidelines and the ongoing sharing of information with key stakeholders. 7 Slide 8 OUR PLAN FOR FACILITIES The Baseball Facilities Development Plan aims to guide the planning and development of sustainable baseball facilities and clubs throughout Victoria. It considers the diverse standard of competition, capacity and equitable access to facilities, the optimisation of infrastructure use, support for player development and participation in baseball, and the ongoing engagement with key stakeholders and partners. Delivering the Baseball Facilities Development Plan, in partnership with all stakeholders, will address the changing needs of the baseball community and cater for the growing demand for quality and welcoming facilities, promote wider program opportunities and participation outcomes, facilitate well-governed clubs, and ensure baseball facilities better meet stakeholder expectations and aspirations now and in the future. The Baseball Facilities Development Plan will act as a universal advocacy document that provides Baseball Victoria, government and community stakeholders with: o future development priorities based on evidence o facility development guidelines o an advocacy platform for funding and support o an engagement strategy for potential delivery partners. A complete background report underpins the Baseball Facilities Development Plan and forms the basis of the evidence, information and strategic priorities presented within this Summary Plan. BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 8 Slide 9 PARTICIPATION IN BASEBALL Baseball provides an inclusive sport in a safe, healthy and social environment for Victorians of all ages and abilities to enjoy. The popularity of baseball has risen in recent years in Victoria with steady growth in participation numbers being shown at all levels of the sport. The introduction of the national Aussie T-Ball framework has provided a focus for junior participation and a platform from which the sport can compete with the likes of other mainstream sports in schools and at local clubs. Baseball Victoria provides for a strong baseball market compared with other states around the country, sharing 20.4% of the total registered playing base across Australia. Of significant note is Baseball Victorias membership growth over the past decade. From 2003/04 all Baseball Victoria participation categories, including Tee Ball, juniors, seniors, masters and womens have experienced growth. A strong focus on school engagement initiatives and junior specific programs has seen baseball participation significantly increase in recent years to reach record numbers of over 12,000 participants in formal baseball programs in 2011/12. Combined, playing numbers across the sport have increased by 109% to 12,000 since 2003/04. Of further significance is growth in the key areas of Tee Ball and junior competition. Between 2003/04 and 2011/12 junior memberships have grown by almost 20%, while Tee Ball participation has almost tripled over the same period. With growth in Victorias population projected, and strategies being developed via a dedicated Baseball Participation Research Project (in conjunction with Deakin University) to enhance the participation market for baseball, the future for the sport looks positive. BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 9 Slide 10 THE STRUCTURE OF BASEBALL BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 10 As the sport continues to grow, further alignment of competition, league and association structures will be important to guide and manage resources, including club and facility development initiatives. Creating alignment at all levels of the baseball player pathway and governance structure, from Little League, to Regional Association and through to the National competitions (e.g. ABL). Providing connection to State and Local Government boundaries will assist in refining geographical accountabilities and in establishing dedicated regional partnership networks across the state. The Baseball Victoria Planning Zones strategically align with government planning and funding regions, capture unabridged local government boundaries and support existing baseball centric areas. Baseball Victoria Planning Zones include: INTERNATIONAL Australian Teams, IBAF Events and Professional Leagues: USA (MLB, MiLD, Ind) NATIONAL (ABF) Australian National Events and Programs Australian Baseball League (ABL) - Melbourne Aces STATE (BVIC) Victorian State Teams and Programs Participation Programs REGIONAL (ASSOC.) Regional Representative Teams Little League Teams / Competitions and Winter Associations LOCAL (CLUBS) Baseball Victoria Summer League, Club Teams and some Regionalised Winter Leagues (e.g. Geelong, Dandenong and Melbourne Winter Baseball Leagues) BASEBALL VIC ENTRY LEVEL PROGRAM DELIVERY Baseball Victoria delivery of entry level programs (e.g. schools and Aussie T-ball) Following page... MAP 01 Baseball Victoria Planning Zones (2012) o Bellarine South West o Bendigo Central North o Gippsland o North West Metro o Southern Metro o Yarra East Metro o Ballarat Central West o North Eastern o Regional West o Sunraysia Slide 11 BASEBALL VICTORIA PLANNING ZONES BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 11 BASEBALL VICTORIA PLANNING ZONES MAP Slide 12 BASEBALL FACILITY LANDSCAPE As at March 2012 there were an estimated 88 facilities known to Baseball Victoria, catering for around 147 dedicated (78.2%) and non-dedicated (21.8%) baseball fields. While baseballs facility footprint only touches 43 of 79 municipalities in Victoria, the volume of fields and facilities has the potential to provide well for the sport. At present 88% of known baseball fields are owned or managed via the Local Government network. The Baseball Facilities Development Plan identifies a number of key constraints in facility capacity, functionality and ability to meet changing competition needs and junior growth. Constraints in providing match capable floodlit fields accessible to the club market and in meeting state and national event and ABL objectives will be a focus for the future. At present, facilities are not proportionately distributed across Metropolitan Melbourne, with 79% located east of Melbournes CBD. A key focus of the Baseball Facilities Development Plan is to improve access to baseball facilities within Melbournes western and northern areas and align facility growth and improvement with the significant projected population growth of Melbournes outer areas. Outside of Metropolitan Melbourne, the structure and distribution of baseball facilities takes on a regional city approach, with eight of Victorias ten major regional cities outside of Melbourne hosting at least one baseball facility. State level facility provision in Victoria has experienced a period of transition in recent years with the revitalisation of Melbourne Ball Park (Altona). Melbourne Ball Park is currently fulfilling the high level role of hosting state and national activities as well as providing the administration base for Victorias ABL team the Melbourne Aces. A formal Committee of Management oversee the management of the site, comprising representatives from Baseball Victoria, Hobsons Bay City Council, Victorian State Government and Softball Victoria although, Softball Victoria does not actively use the facility at present. Baseball Victoria continue its commitment to maximising the utilisation of this site for baseball activity (club and regional purposes). However, Baseball Victoria continues its search for a more suitable and centrally located site for state level baseball provision. BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 12 Slide 13 VICTORIAN BASEBALL FACILITY HIERARCHY HIERARCHY LEVEL STATE FACILITY (2 fields main with lights, stadium and office facilities) REGIONAL FACILITY: TOURNAMENT CAPABLE (3 fields main with lights) DISTRICT FACILITY: COMPETITION CAPABLE (2 fields main with lights) CLUB FACILITY TEMPORARY / SHARED FACILITY STRATEGIC TARGET 1 in Metropolitan Melbourne 2 in Metropolitan Melbourne 3 in Regional Victoria 3 in Metropolitan Melbourne 3 in Regional Victoria 100+ across VictoriaProvision as required Baseball is a growing sport in Victoria that requires specialist facilities, at least for the competitive form of the sport, yet does not have a significant facility footprint. Baseball Victoria believes that this dependence on specialist facilities is limiting growth opportunities for the sport, particularly at junior, school, lower level club competition and potential recreation participation markets. The Baseball Facilities Development Plan recognises the importance of providing a mix of facilities to meet a range of participation levels: the Victorian Baseball Facility Hierarchy acknowledges this mix. To support the further growth of the sport at club and grass roots level, consideration is given to maximising and enhancing the use of existing facilities and exploring the potential options for formalised compatible multi-sport use of fields and shared club development outcomes. Baseball Victoria aims to promote the Baseball Facilities Development Plan as a guiding document for the enhancement and development of community level baseball facilities throughout Victoria. Engagement and commitment from Baseball Australia, Australian Baseball League and all levels of the Victorian baseball community in the implementation of the Victorian Baseball Facility Hierarchy will be critical to its success. BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 13 Slide 14 FACILITY DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 14 STATE FACILITY National / international exhibition games, High performance activities, State / National Team training camps, ABL Fixtures and all State competitions Royal Park Sporting Precinct (new Ross Straw Field) adjacent to the State Netball Centre and State Hockey Centre PROVISION LEVEL USE AND PURPOSE POTENTIAL SITES FOR DEVELOPMENT REGIONAL FACILITY: TOURNAMENT CAPABLE National / international exhibition games, High performance activities, State / National Team training camps, State / National tournaments (all ages) and ABL Exhibition games. Melbourne Ball Park (Altona), Gilbert Park, Geelong Regional Baseball Centre (Geelong), Prince of Wales Reserve (Ballarat) and Aerodome Oval Recreation Complex (Mildura). DISTRICT FACILITY: COMPETITION CAPABLE High performance activities, Club baseball (all levels, year round), Social or recreational baseball / softball, school competitions, Baseball Victoria / ABL development programs, Aussie Tee-ball and Little League Centres and a support resource for surrounding clubs and league(s) / association(s) Boeing Reserve (Essendon), La Trobe University (Bundoora), KH Wearne Field (Dandenong), Albert Roy Reserve (Bendigo), Kevin Lythgo Park (Traralgon), and Whitfield Road (Wangaratta). Slide 15 BASEBALL FACILITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Baseball Facilities Development Plan integrates Baseball Victorias vision and goals into clear and realistic strategies in order to deliver a progressive and sustainable future for Victorian baseball facilities. A key outcome of the Plan is to develop a framework and hierarchy for Baseball Victoria to build modern management practices, develop quality programs and services and focus on increasing participation in this great game. It is imperative that baseball infrastructure, clubs, competitions and programs are well planned to cater for the expected growth in local communities and in the sport. In addressing these needs, three key overarching objectives emerged from the Baseball Facilities Development Plan: o Advance the capacity and quality of baseball facilities across Victoria o Develop and strengthen effective partnerships with key strategic partners o Commence long-term planning for the ongoing sustainability of the sports infrastructure. In achieving these objectives, five strategic priorities have been identified and will form the strategic focus for baseball facility investment over the next 10 years between 2012 and 2022. Priorities and actions are focussed on increasing the overall number of baseball facilities in-line with increased need and demand and enhancing the existing baseball facility network to ensure the overall sustainability and viability of the sport in Victoria. The pending loss of Ross Straw Field (current home of the Melbourne University Baseball Club (Melbourne Winter Baseball League) due to the East- West Link tunnel development, provides a unique opportunity to replace the field locally. Parkland in the Royal Park sporting precinct adjacent to theState Netball and State Hockey Centres has been identified as the site for the replacement facility. While immediate opportunities for development are evident, all strategies and actions will be initiated and undertaken in-line with the Victorian Baseball Facility Hierarchy. BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 15 Slide 16 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Advancing the Victorian baseball facility landscape STRATEGIC PRIORITY 1 Enhance baseball facility quality and capacity STRATEGIC PRIORITY 2 Establish a centralised state baseball centre STRATEGIC PRIORITY 3 Develop regional and district facilities in Metropolitan Melbourne STRATEGIC PRIORITY 4 Enhance regional and district facilities in Victorias regional cities STRATEGIC PRIORITY 5 Plan for new facilities in growth areas. SP1SP3SP4SP2SP5 BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 16 Slide 17 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 1 SP1 AIM Support clubs and land owners to improve existing club facilities to better meet community expectations, club requirements and provide a quality baseball experience for all participants. Enhance baseball facility quality and capacity SP1A Initiate a state-wide floodlighting strategy to support baseball competition and activity delivery SP1B Educate baseball and government stakeholders on the requirements for baseball facilities and amenities SP1C Highlight the flexibility of baseball through shared facility models that promote baseball and seasonal and/or compatible sports BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 17 Slide 18 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 2 SP2 AIM Establish a Centralised State Baseball Centre that better supports the Governments State Facilities Objectives as they relate to baseball. Establish a centralised state baseball centre SP2A Review current usage of the Melbourne Ball Park and its importance to Baseball Victoria SP2B Establish Baseball Victoria representation on state facility working parties SP2C Commence planning activities for the development of a permanent solution for a State and National level facility in Melbourne BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 18 Slide 19 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 3 SP3 AIM Support the development of an integrated Metropolitan Melbourne Baseball Centre network to create more equitable access to quality facilities and increase player pathway opportunities. Develop regional and district facilities in Metropolitan Melbourne SP3A Identify and assess priority sites for regional and district facility development SP3B Commence planning activities for development of the regional and district facility network SP3C Support regional and district facilities to deliver desired baseball outcomes BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 19 Slide 20 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 4 SP4 AIM Support the improvement of Regional and District Baseball Centres in Victorian regional cities to meet future participation growth needs and bridge gaps in player pathway development. Enhance regional and district facilities in Victorias regional cities SP4A Identify and assess priority sites for regional and district city facility development SP4B Commence planning activities for development of the Victorian regional and district facility network SP4C Support regional and district facilities to deliver desired baseball outcomes BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 20 Slide 21 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 5 SP5 AIM Initiate coordinated planning with Local Government stakeholders to ensure the establishment of new clubs and facilities in designated Victorian growth areas. Plan for new facilities in growth areas SP5A Increase the profile of baseball within Local Government growth areas SP5B Adopt standardised planning benchmarks to guide future provision levels SP5C Commence planning activities for the development of new facilities in growth areas BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 21 Slide 22 IMPLEMENTATION The historical investment into baseball facility development has been varied and has primarily been driven through the local baseball community (as the main users and beneficiaries of facilities), Local Government (as the main owners and asset managers of facilities) and the State Government (as a key contributor to community facility development). Future investment in baseball facility development and the need for improved facilities is likely to be heavily influenced by available funding, the continued growth in the sport and the ability of Baseball Victoria to generate interest and associated partnerships with key sport and government funding partners. A significant investment in time and information sharing with key partners will be a key role of the Baseball Victoria Board, Executive and staff over the next three to five years. BASEBALL VICTORIA | BASEBALL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PLAN | SUMMARY REPORT | NOVEMBER 2013 22 Slide 23 CONTACT Stephen ThomsonNeale Price Vice President, Baseball VictoriaChief Executive Officer Director of Facilities, Government, Baseball Victoria Governance and ABL E| [email protected]| [email protected] P| 0413 333 560P| 0432 761 007