Base mapping

Base Mapping and Water Analysis Becky Bujaki Week 2

Transcript of Base mapping

Page 1: Base mapping

Base Mapping and Water Analysis

Becky BujakiWeek 2

Page 2: Base mapping

I used Google Earth and Google Maps to create a basemap for my house. Since I have a small lot, I used the 1”=10’ scale. It was simple to trace and I was able to also walk the property to find additional features.

As I viewed by house from Google’s satellite feature, it appears that I might either have solar panels on the roof or different types of shingles. I do not own a ladder but will have to further investigate as this could be a good start for solar energy. Also, as I walked the house, I realized that I only have one downspout located in the backyard. There is so much potential for water collection lost by only having one downspout on a triangular style roof.

Basemapping Process

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In addition to learning that a lot of water is being diverted to the cement areas around my house because I only have one downspout, I also learned that I have drains around the house that lead to public storm drains. There is great potential for capture and re-use of this water.

Challenges and Opportunities: There is a slight slope (5-10%) in the front yard that makes the water flow into the street. This makes much of the water runoff into the street before it can be utilized in the soil. Since this area is mostly just grass, landscaping using mini-swales or diverting the water to stay on the soil longer could be implemented. Another challenge is finding a way to transfer any rainwater captured in the backyard into the front yard where I will be creating a front yard garden. This creates an opportunity to use the water in different ways other than for the garden, such as using it for drinking sources (after purification), flushing toilets and laundry.


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At my current homestead, the most useful technique for my small space will be rain water catchments and storage tanks. Bane1 (2012) states that the simplest and cheapest forms of storage tanks are made from welded steel reinforcing mesh and lined with a carpet sandwich. I will need to find practical storage tanks like that and also practice proper filtration, especially since I am unsure of what my roofing material is made of and I need to get rid of any debris.

1P. Bane, 2012. The permaculture handbook: Garden farming for town and country.

Water Management Techniques

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Here in California, we have been in drought for a while and water conservation was the policy. Bane2 (2012) also mentions how you can put a bucket under the tap when showering or when you are warming the shower, and to re-use the water in your garden. Although the few plants around the house are succulents and cacti, I could still easily implement this technique and water the plants as needed. I could also re-use this water to flush toilets or for washing dishes.

2 Ibid

Water Management Techniques (Drought)

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After being in a drought for so long, California is now experiencing heavy rains and storms brought in from El Nino weather conditions. After conserving water for so long, Californians are now faced with the issue of preventing flooding. Bane3 (2012) explores this two-pronged approach and mentions how contour terraces in sloping fields or grass buffer strips in low areas could help in the prevention of the overflow of water. This could be implemented by planting buffer strips to carry the water where I need it as water tends to travel in a snake-like pattern. I can prevent it accumulating in one area of the yard and spread it out evenly to maximize use.

3 Ibid

Water Management Techniques (El Nino)

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Basemapping my property gave me better insight into my property’s design and what design principles could best be applied to my homestead. It showed what was lacking and how I could make improvements. Also, by studying the water flow and resources, I am better informed where to develop water conservation ideas and design the land to provide resources for myself, my needs and my homestead’s needs, for both drought and rainy conditions.
