Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD) formerly called Base Catalyzed Dechlorination.

Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD) formerly called Base Catalyzed Dechlorination
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Transcript of Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD) formerly called Base Catalyzed Dechlorination.

Page 1: Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD) formerly called Base Catalyzed Dechlorination.

Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD)

formerly called Base Catalyzed Dechlorination

Page 2: Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD) formerly called Base Catalyzed Dechlorination.

Status & POPs application

Commercial operations: Australia, Mexico for last six years. Systems used for short-term projects in Australia, Spain (2 years) and US

Pilot plant treatment PCCD-and PCDF-soil and waste and at present full-scale plant under construction at Spolana (Czech Republic)

POPs application:All POPs, PCB’s and pesticides

Page 3: Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD) formerly called Base Catalyzed Dechlorination.

Technology description

Hydrogen DonorPCB (POP) (Hydrocarbon oil) Base

Biphenyl Salt Steam


+ R' - H + NaOH

Carbon Catalyst

>320oC+ NaCl + H2O

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Technology description

Principle: Destruction of toxic halogenated + non-halogenated compounds by catalytic transfer hydrogenation.

Process: Mixture hydrocarbon (donor oil) + base (sodium hydroxide) + catalyst formulation of polyalkeneglycol compounds) 300° C Toxic materials pumped into closed treatment vessel.

Toxics decomposition : Atomic hydrogen released from hydrocarbon or

donor oil. Conversion toxic compounds to salts + non-toxic residues.=>carbon, some of hydrogen donor, base, and salt (sodium chloride)

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Technology description

Complete destruction of toxic materials without release of any toxics into environment.

Watch: No continuous but a batch process!

New in Japan Nov 04: introduction continuous process for oils with low contamination of PCB’s

Page 6: Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD) formerly called Base Catalyzed Dechlorination.

BCD Flow Schedule

BCDBCD ReactorReactor

Condenser 1Condenser 2








Carbon Trap

Carbon Trap



Nitrogen HydrogenDonor

Recovered Oil


Page 7: Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD) formerly called Base Catalyzed Dechlorination.

PART I - Adaptation Technology – Country

A. Performance:

1. Minimum pre-treatment:Different types pre-treatment may be necessary:

(A) Removal larger particles by sifting + size reduction by crushing; or

(B) Adjustment of pH and moisture content

For soils often Thermal desorption used as pre-treatment and concentrate into BCD process

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PART I: Adaptation Technology - Country

A. Performance:

2. Destruction Efficiency (DE):

DEs of 99.99–99.9999 % for DDT, HCH, PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs. DEs > 99.999 % and DREs > 99.9999 % for chlordane and HCB.

Reduction of chlorinated organics > 2 mg/kg + non detectable

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PART I: Adaptation Technology - Country

A. Performance:

Destruction of HCB & Lindane (Spolana site Czech Rep.) 2004 update

Material Inlet mg/kg Outlet Oil Matrix mg/kg HCB Lindane HCB Lindane

Chemical waste 29,000 1,500 < 1.0 < 1.0Chemical waste 200,000 900 < 2.0 < 2.0Chemical waste 550,000 1,000 < 2.0 < 2.0Chemical waste 270,000 1,000 < 2.0 < 2.0Chemical waste 160,000 1,000 < 2.0 < 2.0Dust 7,60 7 < 2.0 < 2.0Chemical waste 1,598 19,000 < 2.0 < 2.0Conc Aqueous 630 < 2.0 < 2.0 < 2.0Conc Organic 11,000 < 2.0 < 2.0 < 2.0

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PART I: Adaptation Technology - Country

A Performance:

Dioxin Destruction

Material Inlet ng/kg I-TEQ Outlet Oil Matrix ng/kg I-TEQChemical waste 209,000 0 ( Reported value)Chemical waste 200,000 4.3Chemical waste 11,000 0.23Chemical waste 47,000 0Chemical waste 35,000 0Dust 1,620,000 0.52Chemical waste 78,000 0Conc Aqueous 96,000 0Conc Organics 876,000 0

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PART I: Adaptation Technology - Country

A. Performance:Treatment of Solid Matrices in Upstream Desorber (from pre-treatment step)

Dioxin Removal

Material Inlet ng/kg I-TEQ Outlet ng/kg I-TEQ

Soil 46,500 2.9Brick&Concrete 2,420,000 6.3Concrete 4,780,000 66.0Plaster 3,800 5.6

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PART I: Adaptation Technology - Country

A. Performance:

Treatment of Solid Matrices in Upstream Desorber

HCB & Lindane Removal

Material Inlet mg/kg Outlet mg/kg

HCB Lindane HCB LindaneSoil 2,643 1.34 < 1.0 < 1.0Brick&Concr 49,000 11 < 1.0 < 1.0Concrete 5,100 18 < 1.0 < 1.0Plaster 270 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0

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PART I: Adaptation Technology - Country

A. Performance:

3. Toxic by-products: ---4. Uncontrolled releases: ---5. Capacity to treat all POPs:

Yes, but PCB treatment of capacitors not possible and solvent washing required for transformer components

6. Throughput: quantity [tons/day, l/day] ca 10 m3 per batch, can treat 3 batches/24 hrs. Last

productivity + throughput increase till 1000 t/y high chlorine content PCB’s/Pests possible in single line

POPs throughput : [POPs waste/total waste in %]:30% and new in Spolana upto 55%, no limit on chlorine


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PART I: Adaptation Technology - Country

A. Performance:

7. Wastes/residuals: Secondary waste stream volumes: Sludge with water, salt, unused hydrogen donor oil + carbon

residue =>inert and non-toxic Heavy fuel oils can be used once only, with the used oil being

fed to cement kilns after destruction of POP’s. New option: re-use 90-95% of donor oil (refined paraffinic oils) high improvement economics of process and reduction of

wastes to a solids stream of sodium chloride and carbon from the breakdown of the POP molecule.

Off gas treatment:

activated carbon traps to minimize releases of volatile organics in gaseous emissions.

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PART II: Adaption Country – TechnologyA. Resource needs: example 1000 t/y

Power requirements: 110-125 kWh Water requirements: cooling water 10-15 m3/h Fuel volumes: Fuel gas 40 m3/h Reagents volumes: Vary 1-20 % by weight of contaminated

medium Weather tight buildings: Hazardous waste personnel requirement: Sampling Requirements/facilities: Peer sampling: Laboratory requirements: Communication systems: Number of (un/skilled) personnel required:

1 skilled chem operator, 1 semi skilled operator

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PART II: Adaption Country – Technology

B: Costs for: case related in % of total

1400-1700 US $/t for org. Chlorine 50% & throughput of 150 t/m (Spolana site)

Installation + commissioning: Site preparation: Energy & Telecom installation: Compliance: Reporting: Run without waste: Run with waste: Decommissioning: Landfilling: Transport residues:

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PART II: Adaption Country – Technology

C. Impact & D. Risks Discharges to air: 2-5 m3/h 90% Nitrogen rest H2

Discharges to water: none

Discharges to land(fill): Salt residue 900-1100t/1000 t of 50% chlorine

Risks reagents applied: Hydrogen donor, alkali, bicarbonate, catalyst

Risks of technology: Fire risk low( 1995), as only at 1point oil temp is > flashpoint

Operational risks: most automatic + controls

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PART II: Adaption Country Technology

E. Constructability & F. Output

Ease of installation & construction of plant: easy fixed recipes

Ease of shipping/transit: container sized

Ease of operation: Ease of processing: Generated waste (% of input waste): Deposited waste at landfill (% of input waste): Waste quality properties (pH, TCLP)

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Mexico PCB plant

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Olympic Site, Australia

Soil inlet hopper 3000 litre plant

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Indirect thermal desorption

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BCD Plant - SpolanaActive carbon filter

Water cooled primary

condensers Collection pots for condensate

BCD Reactor

Dumping tank

Page 23: Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD) formerly called Base Catalyzed Dechlorination.

Simple process Pre-treatment needed with solvent extraction with transformers and capacitors

Proven technology New: re-use 90-95% of donor

oil high improvement economics reduction of production of wastes

ca 10 m3 per batch. –new productivity 1000 t/y (50%) high chlorine content PCB’s/Pests possible in single line

Excellent destruction rates Little space needed

Strength’s Weaknesses