Barrington Area Library · 2014. 1. 24. · I Jean Loi First Wate • Carnival \nr.i"1" i I IIU'I...

I Jean Loi First Wate Carnival \nr.i" 1 " i I IIU'I R. ". M- (I A( g Wins n Li)ns fs msore'd ub Nludo by at I.Hill" I ,••!•.! '.Ml «10 (or itlU' pi'" t'.'trd queen lull \yuter mid was the honor lire show I i re MM ln*t Friday if i ini'<i |i I,- 'SUVS-T'I , n .- <•»' n tin « F rid il Mi.' priz" i"i;rnii I'l.ii'i' prii •.irniv.'i .. ] . ! II S aare was IUK] rl/.e of $5. I those priat»H. ijifi'Kt np- ••veil inn as part \|.r.' . 'I 1 " . tl I"' win tiv ir to and alt limit; h ret until U'liilc pre-; young sident of apprcria- k and eo- J Kir's iu r.rlii led : Miss, Ii>a Schrei-j M ss'Portia] I..'llj}. il byahe h<- view- on with' *s enrer-i the two! .S2")<) of I ;io(; was I incurred , e balance club pub- lish for: -pofi^or li frmii Riifrinu' . liijjit '•! ,;|.!- (.if ••' V IMIil t»'J. '.. ilian i-VpellM's -•niv Tl Jlf'll: il will taking* of pub- Ii,twon Is Eleeed V I'roidint' of >ewly vertisingj Firm: ,, (1( | IIll I I (noun of BarririK milium i>r of the I ABl't'ii Frai k & Co.,' Hold Hcming t) Lxurn if lia-s bee Albert ii larger urging (i| Estates Pail Full Taxes : •i.ti 11 fractrifn of •Lake c liter which II"W invfstisnt | lit'iinl is [nth oft) million estat ••-I te>i have "iHI; to determine li:n been oipitted li .' years. ~i#ned y-Aflilfred E .vi'vt jjation. : ir was learned, cugh a iiearch of <>ne gich case, •rft>f Highland Park, lit x ie countj $10,000 personal oniitte< "W tut K ( .- \manat ions' 'n |e called vti'llt- !>f pefcsoi •'nes >a id, felt •• Ha 1, I W- :,. H:i8l r.Jice "i i Mil I assessed H! "«"»: i}e r«e 1». Fischer of -'ate of S'ISOJIOO with ••'I val„. „f $28)0.; Rod- " "f La e Forest r. a ir I'state of . former ^400,000 tx vaftejof I.T B0.; ind HI of fcVn'ukcgaji, estate "'li n If till tux <!.!.• : I Park lull ta < Mt-4'1 '" H> witi n ,fiill |t ix value aitiel W estate value 01 Kl i A.' I?o iglas Of Pfk. w fli ' 1 t'SX vjlllll' Others ' li-.vlf, '•<'•• . viilu '•• uiveii 'I I'lWk. tat va I k'la •:' •f.'i,.VH *l'>ll,IKH ' ' ii"t lies an dtate of undpolosed. ,1st ed n restrict ee given of $100 000 and Anna ]'. Smith •state of $05,000 ue of $252; and* Free "Want a Job" and "WantHelp'VAdsinthe Review September 22 wornen, girls and b"y« get o break from this Men J ihould rtnn--. ; , In the fceptemlner 22 Issue of he Harrington Review «15. clas- lifted or want advertising offer-' flit a jel> or nHklnft for a job will bp published free. In other wordr ;{ijtly,crtinement« under the head- jus .."help wanted" and "sttun- tons wanted" will not be chnrg. i'fl'foe. he the Meeond time tint The Key^ew han opened up mi Itn -ndvertlMtna ' eolumiiM frep if charue to' ainn!lnt In plnetn« leople to work ««. the plan wan tried out snceeHNfiilly lnxt year, •'ifteen dollarM ItrcliiitNifled ad- •ertlHinir Mpne P wan donated to liemnnn wanting jobs and em- ployers wanting help with the ti'NUJt thnt Keveral persons pick- ijd up work through the effort. Men or. women who want Steady work, part time work or ju*t a dny> employment , are rnch invited to itiKert an ad. persons who peed help whether fir a steady position or for an. odd jobs are also invited to ad- ijntise in Tlie Review issue of Sept. .22, The ads should he in t ie office before noon on Septem- lmr 21. There Will be no charge, t t nt this offer* will be good for (inly the one week. "P Sijf, Banrington Masons Attend District Meeting at Wheeling Wednesday . l!»t l Masonic i IVII -. held a | nigl,t. Th | ininjiliered all i ban e<! I elected , Frank- J Arm ere- j Albert i were leery. je, Olivt (Jri< sheiine'r -i Hix Bnrrington members of the Miirionic (ii-ganization attended 'the district school which Wheeling, \yednesctay gl|otip attending the school alfout (SfJ Masons, nearly roni the Northwest subur- ir rf them d'fst rict Tjhose fronj Harrington who attend Hurry Hammond, Thoniifs CJeirge -Whit comb, F. Vf, r Hoflister and . Jidin; I Uudotj h Ouen- ni'. well kn<»'."n in fi- Iverttxlig groups e x perie IICJI has iueiit eonrfVtwith- ivestmeit house Barrington'Posl llecfsT. Davis New Commander Joint Installation of Legion and Auxiliary Officers Will Be Held Oct. 6 T at temp e charge dollars which i vah ation, of received Edward Davis, assistnnt coun- cil of Jewel Tea Go.,, Inc., was elected commander of Harrington post 158, the' of tl e American Legion at the annual nty hWj business meeting held Thursday, Sept. 1. Harry W. Brandt was elected pen- ior 'ic e commanden Car] Lovendahl was elected junior vice commander, Geotge .T. Miller wn8\elec.ted chap- lain and Ferguson Hardness elect >d sergeant-at-arms. \ Tt?o.of the old officers were re if i elect property in pre- upon to al prop- de those Villa, es- a full d, Irving Hager, finance ofl and Cecil R. Paxton. historian. . . Tie retiring, officers include Noel Assistant -._ , _ . . . Hall toi Stoyber, comnaander; IVank Diehl, ' ' senior vice commander; Paul K. Purf «f value of Rogers $100,- $2800; re of Li ke For- of Lake .000 wit i estate 1 tat will which has raised' 4 I'nml • f the hot rd. This •"' H nry A. Oray of Ieftp2l0,000^nd was •: Mrs. ' I'lat'e. w mo i 1 . I|l l-'lird T i"h I'll St. Paa plid there Forest, a full v. B. A comb of nty livei, except iths; in ilt. Paul, estionabl i in the if the state is if the already. etll, junior vice commander; Thorald Rolfi, adjutant; R. L: Mundhenk', chnPrain and Carl' Lovendahl, ser- geant-at-arms Ore of the first duties of: a new commander is appointment of an ad- jutait and in- executive committee; Comnander Davis has announced the appo ntment of Russell Johison of the . ewel Tea Co. adjutant ftnd an executive committee consisting of PaulJH. Pohlman, W..H. Kessler, E J. Langendorf,» O. E. Paxton and Noel Stayner. Th ; Legion and - the Auxiliary will hold i joint installation of officers on Octol er; 0, the first meeting day of the nonth. Special Meeting of Board of Trustees to Be Held Friday Night special Leeting of thr village trusties will ie held Friday evening; to ta te care -cf [ several i«ema of *u«l- ness which call for attention. The boarc has ha< two offers to r p t of- fice space; for the treasurer and vil- lage iierk, one of them for the present office space, a id both asking for less rent ban has been paid in the past, It wi is reported that' one, of, the of- fices was verbally accepted by one imjmriir of the board. Further (il*- cuHHiin of the milk ordinance may be ibrouglit up at the medtinf, • . '•• .'• ,; -' Srraich CMIMS Infection Mils Bettyi Plagge/ 100 darfleld street,; was iaken ,to the Hcnrotiw hospl al, Chicago, Saturday suffering from an infection in the index finger of he-; left hand.' Mii« Hagge had received a slight scratrh on Thursday that developed by Siturday [mornlhg into a painful infection. After 24 hours of atten- tion < ' »nd treatment: the condition of the land was such that the patient was .allowed to ffetu,rn to her, home. i * i ' . ' \ i- : ' Greatest Shopp for Friday, ihg Event; Planned Saturday, Sept. 2& Re.4HlentS|0f Barrington and nearby rammtuittM Inivc been watting io» an aitnovneement of.DOWiAR DAYS' in Biriinnton. Phns fw this bargain giving evi>nt lvalues -which' are ilow being worked out, and Ithe days wijl soon be here. Friday nnd Hattufdiiy, Hepfc, 2J» and.24 have bie plHfnnwl iiH>i)OURLE IX)LIAft I>AVS in this coinmtinlty. The n cf- elianlM are nil making their plans for the liarguin festivnl arid several of them have already ordered a ][nrge mipplty of new fall merchandise wltleh will be offered to th« publicHiutljese dnys. • L a s t ! year DOLLAR DAYS 1 wtrf Return From Interesting Tifip Through Yellowstonr Park and the Black Hills Mrl-and Mrs. John Carr,oll ijnd Miss Marian . Jungles, 01? i Sum; nit street 1 ,.- and MrR. F. A. .'Wijlsli. i nd daughter- SMildred of North' jjuisl in, ('hiciiKo, returned Monday afterm on from a two weeks' tri'p to Yeilt w stone park and the Rocky mountains, during which time they covered 31(27 miles,* and traversed *ix stares! Mr.-.Cnrrol'1'repfjrnterf the roadk wfcre wh eh unusually good, most of them panied roaiis while some were-of. gravel or stone surface. The travelers encoun- tered a few dirt roads but tbesi w ire in good condition. Dry weathet with only two rainy days helped mafte {lie vacation pleasant. The Bigj'Hor.n mountains, took three hours- to cross, offered ins much of^-a thrill as any part off Yel- lowstone. The scenery at that' ph ce is beautiful. One stretch of desert, 75 n^iles lohg, was interesting in enn'- trast .to the remainder of the trip, -Not a single tree was i[n sight a nd nothinjg was present t^ bijeak 'the monotony of the desert Cxc'ept shel- ter cabins every ten miles. The B; r- rijigton folks noticed automobiles in the park from 34 states and two in m Canada. The Black Hills formed one of the bemity spots visited. Mount Rushmore lin this territory of We it- em South Dakota is alone worth a trip to see.^ W. Phillips Recovering From Accident, Is Taken to | Chicago for X-Rais Walter Phillips of Barrington, win has been recuperating In the Barrln tt- ton Geueiiil liospllal from Injuries ie. celved In an'accident July 2ft, w i s taken to Chljeligo .Wednesday mornifg for an X-ray exnnilnatinn. Mr. PhillfU received a pelvic.Imjie break .and oilier Injuries, when t|te car in which he was riding with another machine Jin the west highway. ' . He is: recovering satisfactorily., } e Dollar Dmfs, the Season's i t cnuse of the wonderful below 24 unusually successfiil for the nhippers of the Barrington-Lake Zurich tine community, rural and urban, be ninny of tl e merchants. ',- These sitne merchants to offer wi nderftil bargains {his were, handed butj by are gOjillg yiiar, who werl» not and several merchants Included Iu the big valtlie giving burly a year a«> have dec iired they[ Will join the giotip this year, Further announcementM of the iMHinLE DOLLAR DAYS And- the merehafits who will cooperate J i the plan will bj tniide in The Review next week Pnlo- eost Wheei' CometiOff; Spoils Labor Dab TripforQuartet One yotith sustained a fractured arm, three others were lkore oi less shaken up and the front end (f an automobile in which the^ were mak ing a trip tJirough Wisconsin over Labor day was badly damaged when 8 wheel of the car came off, swerving the machin ; into the, ditch. The four hoys were Wayne Grabenkort, Will' iam Beernian, Eugene Miller and Charles Harder, all of Barrington Wayne sustained a splintered bone in his left forearm when he was thrown from the jcar[against a fence ppst." The boys' were traveling from \Vatertown to Juneau, Wis. early Monday morning when the mishap occurred. As they were traveling along, the ". eft front wheel of the car came off, throwing -#hei car across the road in tp the ditch--and narrowly -missing'a taephpne pole, 'The-car did not turn o\er nor upset.-. The boy 3 were picked up and brought to Wntertown where their wounds were, dressed; The car, which was" con^iilerably damaged on the front end, was left at-Water-town. Mild d Nort l- Man Arrested by Bailey Sentence] to Penitentiarii Relief Reorganized for Winter's Progr ^iMHHM M. Schrriber Elected Chair- man; Several New ; Mem- bers in Group i -' A sentence of from one 1 o ten years in the state penitentiary wqs meted out to Walter J. Quinlan Chicago, alleged filling station robb«r| ; who was chased" to Palatine by Pi ttolman James Bailey of Barrington arly in the ( morning of, March 30 an 3 ivSfl was• arrested after the ear he wasxlriving- upset and burned. 0ui> Ian wfcs tried before Judge Job i Prystalskrvinj -criminal court Thuri day on severii charges, arising but it f his episode March 29 arid. 30, an I he was found gujlty of receivin stolen property. Eirly in th^, morninV of March| 3t Patrblman _ Bijley received a cal I from! Crystal Lake that aV automc bileiln which, two gas 8taUon\|hfieve i were ? riding was headed toWardsNpar >• rin|Ton. Mr. Bailey t<)bk up a posi tion, along the'Jilghway and when th i car ^appeared he attempted to; stop it. The machine pearly ran oveir th t patrolman and continued on towardi i Palatine;. Mr. Bailey started iu pur suit neaitly catching up at the villagi limits of Palatine,- : '" One Man Escaped Tlie machine traveled around th' outer highway route but was unablii to make the turn near the fai grounds. It tipped over and cough fire] Mr. Bailey found and orrestct Quinlan, but if there were anothei inn* in the speeding oar, be.escapet whin the machine; upset. . J ' uinlan, was charged in" McHenrj coulity- with theft of gasoline from t station In Woodstock. Mr, Ballej broight a charge aga|nst n ' m o f a t tempted assault with a deadly wea pon. basing the charge on the asser Hon that Quinlan attempted to rut over him when! he was standing alonj the highway,In Barrington. Later th< burned automobile was identified as t stolen; car. TSien the chailgesj oi larceny and of receiving stolen p|rop >rtj weito brought against Quinlat In Cook county. The mSn was fount to lave been 1 convicted of a 1 felony ii 10111. It was planned to try him di m 'habitual criminal," but this wai not done. Quinlan was! found guiltj of "receiving stolen property" am was sentenced' to from one to. tei reals in the. penitentiary. Lake County Real Estate Value Assessments Reduced 1 > Per Cent for 1932 Values . oh Real Estate A 15 per cent reduction; In lusessed valnntlon of all r'ejil ostnte^in J^ike county has been decided by the board of ifovlew which met ,at Wn llccgun early this week. '.This - redact Ion .Is for the 1082 assessed valuutlcn nnd places that valuation) all through tlie county JIB per cent below the vidua? tion of 1031 which was decliled |( by the town assessors last year In, the quadrennial'treat cstat(f settlcn ent. II* D. "Kelseyr and Others o! Bar- ringtjjin appeared before the board of reVlclw urging adoption of tliis (hange. The [board of review consis ed of; Frarjk Stanton of Grant town^ chair man,! Mrs. D. C. White of Gra rslake, and iWilliam Beninger of Waukegan. The lowering of the asseismint ef- fective for 1932 will mean a 15 per cent reduction in real estate taxes in 1933! providing the rates remain the same. Jupt how1;it will effect the ta|xcB in the jsorith half of Barrington next year has not been determined. Suf- ficient taxes must be raised io pay the Expenses of the village, , ichpol, and park district. If the jTeal estate assessment ofjLake county Birring- ton 1,» lowered nvithput a correspond ing (reduction j[n ,. the- real esta te as sessnient of Caok county Barr ngton, eventually''a heavier tax burden will bej loaded onto the shoulders of prop- erty owners in Cook county. The hojird of review has allowed sone re- dubtibns in real estate aSssesi ments in the sojith half o| Barringto|i, but it is not era! ; ass lowered, known how, much th essment level has To Offer Course of Studj in Religious Educatio n to Local School Chi dren After -a. lull of four months, in wliieli the d'emiind fi* fuel and vtfnrm (Nothing has been almost negligible, the Barriniitbn relief committee,.-re- cently' organised,- hi»« found fiictd with the problem of supplying food, fuel, and clothing to Uitejn ployed and needy people, throughout a long full, winter and early spring lieriod : Approximately ;$fi()0 is; still re ijeivnble frrnj ' the Joint Emergency Relief association of Cook cotinty, and the; committee will have to limit relief work/for the next six c|r eight weeks to this amount, Mr. Schreiber, newly elect'd chairman of tlje com- mittee, repcrtedv-. During the month of October a i-elief drive similar to that of a year ago will be'conducted Tlie commit :e e feels that at least $2 000 should be raised locally to insure proper care for needy people' Tlie committee this year includes i representative from each of seven Organizations in the village. The or- ganizations and, representatives are: Lions club, M. H. Schreiber, eh Chamber of Conjmeree, Eiden iGieske; Barrington Woman's club, Mrs. Ar- nold Schauble, treas.; Jewel Tea Co-, Inc.. T. E, Davis, vice president; American Legion, A. W. Davy; Le ion Auxili »ry, Mrs, Inez Brown, lecretary; Ministerial association, ev. Milton S. "Freeman. Retiring embers of the relief committee' and the associations they represented arcj D. Heffornan, American Legion; Mrs. A. L. Robertson, Barrington Woman's cl»b; atad Rev. Hermann ^koenii;, Bairington Ministerial asso- " An optional cnurse in religion i edu cation will he o'fered this year tl the public schools i ndcr" the direction of Miss Maibel : D. Qrebin^-a teach »r es- peelnliy trained for this kind of work. Miss, Grebe has served Isiitlsfai torjly In this 'CQ'piicity for seveirnl yea 's Thfl board of education mil the Buperintejtdent of schools gave i ppro- viil.tb this religious education, it was reported; but the enrollment will bo entirely optional with the 'pupiljt. aiW their parents. The courses hi tlie first ft\> JriideH Include: "The Christian Ilime," "Learning to Know God," "Tin Kinderirarten Enrollment Fjridav; Starts Monday of Jj^ss Dellis Orklnv a teacher ^ix years' exjericnee, has been enjgagtMl to tench the klndergar- teji cjuHH of the Barrington pub- school which will open next 11< M imdity inornli <l» V by a proaihtd ff-om ov;r the wildered, Muskn h id slight movi: igj either way, ear owned by drive i by the wher he h|td sustained' and mino; gen- been Mist a graduate <t the Ui|lversity Ohicitgo and haa been teach- I'm; in a suburb if Cleveland. Her nt GeiKvn, 0, [Nrrenis who inye not jenroHed th'Ir ehildnip In the kindergar- ten, may do s<vj>n .Frlday| of this wielt.. There will hen morning and aft nfiernotiii class 'Vlll^'the <hlldren wlo lire five ycurs old enrolling in tho ofternpijii class nnd the eh ldren hetweet four aid one- half and live;.'enrolling .'in,-the' )ii( r fnlii({ class. Cuba Station blacksmith SJeverelv Iniured DrTien Hit by'.Cuf on highway Orkln irlnn Muska, lifelong black sin it i iba Station,' vns struel;, knockel and severely injured bjr an autc eAvbile cresting, the Northwest Monday" evening at o'clock. * crossed' the road to do som Fl at G down mobi highway at.Cjuba 7:30 He| shb'piling at the ICraus store and wai returning when, the mishap occurrwi Reports stlite thii; Muska was hnl: way across the pivement when t\v > cars, one | paBsin;; the other, a.p- (hill. Be cliance o as struel olter am !olt,er. and he Albert is. son, A. F. Tb|e injured" Jjian was birought,, t< 'Barringtori! General ; ihospita an examination revealed, tha circulation is paid that Is counts. that FIVE CENTS Enrollmert Shows S l i p l (ncrlascs High Slhool and Juwior Hlgn Crowded; Gride School »>oos Slightly Anotlief sllglit b\ ireawe in student populntton war reiwirted flt<«lie Bar rington school Wednt-«dit|f evening af- ter the llijJMt iluy erirUHiieilt,for grails, junior- irttt'd; senior htf h sehonls had e N » IMteded h| J|(pnplh the enrollment for the sitae dlvislof on the first day last year. The toial first da high sehiol, junior not. Incluliiig kinderitarli'i) is 001 as compared i with _ a total first day en- rollment In these dicisions ]|ist year of 050. HJOwevcr, kindergarten.started lflst year k>ii the /samp-day that school opened, a; id \vlfh 34 class the f total, first was 084., The ,193: class -.willi not start day.. , I;.-•/.,';. - Only ope depart in dropped below that grade school,-; from .elusive, h^ts an enroll ment of 230| afni the grad? - school' In st' year- Jiad an enrollment of 260 the two years first d? lows : I^igh .'school Junior high •Grades ...,'. KindecgarTten ....1., icveral bnken ribi s,everje scalp laceratip l beside-' \ injuries. •i of Mexican Found Mangled on )LiM traeks Man Run Over liejved to Hay e Been mine L Ride Tin mangled bptl' of'Felix •Murenw. of Jitsns." VOU1 Testament Sttriea," uiul "Trnyeling Where Jesus L ved." The council of religious odnuition and several churches are cotljieiating in sponsoring this plan."The ehi rches; iH'e the First B iptlst, the Mctl lodist' fvpijScopal, 1 Salem Evangelical, at d SJ. Paul Evangelical. The council ii, reii- resentcdI'by Charles R. Drussel, pres- idsnt: Milto n S. Freeman, Roy Khtp- per, Arnett C. Lines, -secretury; Earl R. Jackson, treasurer; and B. A. Schroeder, vice president. Relief Committee Pays Out $3880 in 10 Months Perod Lll'cj were HJU.11. crush Th< Chnrl ! brong committee succeeded in raising matey $1500 last year, but unt fell short of th b|y nekrly\S iOOO.. The local e needs organi *itibn joineV.thJft Joint Emergency Relief group pledging support to the larger organization in retnyn for help' from hat association if and hen needed During the ten months since join iiig the Joirt Emergency Relief, the local committee has received |1000 njiore from tl»e, group than it has paid Children'i Cllnte Next Tuesday A children's clinic conducted by tie Child's Welfare association will lie held on Tuesday, Sept. 18 at the high school gymnasium. The meet- ing will be leld from 2 to 4 p. m. Df. D. F. Broolc and Mrs. L. Callahan, turse of'Cook county, will be 1» charge. Tliej clinic welcomes ail nofhers -with children of prc-school u|ge T" 1 ' I Injured Arthur by Washing Machine laum, 510 Q. Main street, was Sinfully Injured Monday jjfiorning wlen i i r e e fingers of, 1 his were caught in the belt of a washiig machine.' It probably villi be several days before tlie in- jured hand 'an be used. " A tiftal of $3880.49 was paid (tit to needy'families by the Barrington Re- lief committee during th^ ten mmths from November, 1931, ' to Al gust, 1932, inclusive, according tb th? an- nual report of the .treasurer o' the committee, Mrs. A. L. Robeitson, given at a meeting Wednesday night, The | expenditures per. month were listed |as follows: November $1'0.41, December $454.71, January $6(10.45, February $720.53, March $6V8.0L April i $344.56, May $287.83, June $355.98, July $110.27, August $25 7.74. RJIost of the money went for food, a. tdtal] of $2784.45. The fuel bit was next highest with $432.15 an< the' milk bill was $347.90. Other expmses were listed as follows: clothing ! 140.- 52, mejdical service $45.21, rent $26, gas i and electricity $22.57, work fund $88,93] meal tickets $10, lodgin; $2, miscellaneous $41.76. All but $12 of the $3880.46 wi s al- loted I to local families. Tram tents received $12 of the sum. Slxiy-six families were taken care of bj the committee. t I ' Following Is a list of expenditures for the 1 month of August: food!| 154.- 86, milk $61.72, clothing .$5.25, oil 28 cents, medical services $3.65, mis- cella,neous'$4.50, and work fund $7. State Bureau Helps Arret it Kidnappers Soon After Crime Tlie immediate apprehension o the alleged kidnappers of John B. [Sole- grove, according to poHCe oftkiah, il- lustrates the valucnof the, Illinbis Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation. T. Pi Sullivan, sipcr- intendent of the bureau,, was no Jtied Immediately after the assault upon the aged Taylorville banker. jThiough police co«peratlon, the alleged kid- nappers were under - arrest wpthin, three hours. <,v,^ No he - sv Mex., M-fti E.JJ afitri nia) n ently liei'intke liis right i nn -InbiiroW & M.'rlghti ooii, Sept, t|entitiee man, had been run severed from chest ami d. malnteniuic •s Dill, seetb it the body to it wai held .for inq lest. lehrnfil about the and w a s ab< Sev'entl Mexican cm road 'fere brought ti the undertaking parlors to view the to identify the man nesses made the; idi Tlie Frida,-, decided th, been riding on freight 5 hurs [lay afternoon >twe n the cars, coroners jmy, by: Train Be- Bum- .'lii \VIIH found on <!>'- of way Thursday by a railroad Miireno appar- over by! K triiln, rm and |rlght leg his body! and his other lieg were man.; notified ni foreman, who Bnrt'ingt'on whWe id enrollment for high and grades' A conipar.iHon of y en'rotlnvent ioi : 1931 ...227' .,..157 ....200 .:: 34 6S4 J1932 ,-,245 16(1 250 661 *Kindei|gnrteri,o|>ete next. Monday '"•Several!classes in tlie high school' are overcrowded due o the'steady en- rollmvnt'.increase-over the las« three years. 'Among'the' most• crowded classes are! \hose of c: ieinisti^jge.ncral science,. l|ookkeeping social «<ienco and all off ; the Engli th classes. Some slight <Hhif jliftg around may; ielievo thin s-itotion ;| little, Inil vtlio classes aro b(\ l|c overcrow led. tf thejrato of lncreniie epntinq m for; nh«<fhy>r year, the -school hoH.rd and superinten- dent will jlunv to fnd spme means of exiinndSng the: te idling fnctllttes. One HuggOMtioii; has liewi made jhafc the school! be .operhti d Jn two. shifts with oiie-Sliilf-.' of (lie ptiptls going to H(tho<i'l"an moiir enrlter, and the other- half remaining, hi ichopl mi hour ,Taler, ifl Is .plan will not be used 'till* year,' |MI'. Hnilth KIIUI, St udenis Leaving for Schools to B I! Guests at llnlon CI urch Service A union xeri'li'e of ill eliurchcs will he held tjndel- the iiisplecs of -the Young PeopleV comn itsslnn Sunday eyejihiK nt 7 ;«0 iiVJi ck at the Bap- tist churelii 1 •'.'",. •. ; definite hifmmillion eOuld -be man except thnt is Feljx Mnn'no of Co'uh'iiiln nt 45 yifars old. tloyes oni the rail- remains and try One of the wit- ntificntion. nt an inquest the man had train ,No. 6 and had fallen The jury reported tne nan came to lis death from shock and hemorrha re received in an accident 'while he was tlrespassing on th< E. J. & E. r ght of way. FpilowiiiR the. ii quest;" the body was aken fromj Birrington to 'the Cook ;ounty morgue New Nuisance Ik Created for RurafMi il Patrons 1 throughout United States Res dents on rural routes no longer will e ijoy the semi- irivpcy that was theirs under a general route number, according to the announcement mltde by tht pastoffice depirtment Her etofore,' if Jol h Doe lived on R. F. D. 1, he escapid several pounds of circulars and pditical advertise- ments unless he chanced to be on some (rrm|s mailing list or signed a nominiting petition, Nov. he is legitimate game for any- one w io has a new lostnl guide. The new tulde contains a mailing list whichlcovcrs nearly the entire rural population of the United States. In ;he past, fru)>a listings In the's The entlip BarrlngtJn road from guide hove tabuWet only the num- iirttKjffllago to Uke street will be bcr of routes in.cadi county of each toniewlhU more than >lght miles in stato. I The now; guljle contains com' plete lists of the box holders on each route. ' - * . Population' served by rural routes includis approklmat dy half of the total jopulation of tie United States' Including villages of 1000 or less as rural Impulatlon.' Tie total amounts to abcut 60,000.000 persons. "Deir John Dot/* a politician can w rite, "I am w tltlng to you to ask y<ur support in the coming elec- tion]. . blah, "blab, ilah . , . and as- sure jou that If elected I will give the p<>ple a clean, efficient, business administration . . . blah, blab." The same letter ca s go ouf to each of the boxes and it Is possible they may net some votes. . l .K to&Mi quartette of young me music . is lender 1h« Reverent: was the during the service wil y Intlig jieoi " last year ^reemnn, who fe's^ counsellor vijl. Hpenit. Thi». he foltowel by the insthl- lation sen Ice for tl ; the young Hie ejitireh lifter wliiel jotirn.'to social hour go away to school. proKriMii his been plijnned in which- all will ha -e a part. e new, officers people) will ad* parlors for a !in honor of those who will An interesting - Batifington Road Will\ Be Opened Late Next Week. The Barrington roh I south of, the village will be open by the latter-part of next wick accord! ig to informa- tion from the contractnrs. The pav- ing is set i ind is aire idy being used by farmers along the toutc. Approx- imately one-quarter of a mile of the road < n slip -t distance south of Bar- rington wak not pnvid due to the fneft thjtt | ( complete new grade at that placf was left to settle .over winter HfiWc surfacing, This part of the road*wi 1 he tempt)rarily surfaced With gravel next.week, The pnvi !ig crew is now working nt the 'som b end of the road seat Lake street, .'Paving has been laid from the ,S< houmhurg road -south al- most to La te/ ^street. The crew, will rjiove north fo the Illrgins road this week-end aid pave- Hiuttr to the Schaumburg road, coniplcting the job except for t kcrul new grade sections in seven or eight mor e working dayaj length ;whei completWi All of. the paving will have' bet a laid before winter cxcifpt those ihort sections met new grade and neirly two Juries of road between the Algonquin and Higglna rbnUs. This part will not lie - paved /b< (douse' the stato has npt lucjcccdod til' iiqrchastfg a piece or arid for rig lit of way. Softbal Gaines ccheduled Two game s, in the B irrlngton soft* mil league ire schednlsd for-Friday light at the fRussell street play* irrtUnds, ijne St. Pa it aggregation will play the St. Anne'i team and tha 3alem grouf> will play the Baptists, Seeause the evenings ire shorter the rames will 4tart,st 6:10 p. m. tl" in the pre-Bphool' 'i'diiy, enrollment •83 Idiidergarfcn until next W(on- nt this yoa-f lias f last year... Tlwr first to fifth 'in- ! i .N: Hpetllal mttste hiigS jl ei-n provided; a clitiwts o.f yiuiilg woiii HI ami s double j will -fftng. Wo i Jrect"Ion of the - you nit lieoAle. Milton- s. M

Transcript of Barrington Area Library · 2014. 1. 24. · I Jean Loi First Wate • Carnival \nr.i"1" i I IIU'I...

  • I

    Jean Loi First Wate • Carnival

    \ n r . i " 1 " i I IIU'I

    R. ".

    M- (I A (

    g Wins n Li)ns

    fs msore'd ub

    Nludo by


    I . H i l l " I

    ,••!•.! '.Ml

    «10 (or itlU' p i '"

    t'.'trd queen lull \yuter mid was the honor lire show

    I i re

    M M

    ln*t Friday


    i ini'a Schrei-j M ss'Portia]

    I..'llj}. il byahe hewly vertisingj Firm: ,,(1(

    | IIll I I (noun of BarririK

    milium i>r of the I ABl't'ii Frai k & Co.,'

    Hold Hcming t) Lxurn if

    lia-s bee Albert

    ii larger urging (i|

    Estates Pail Full Taxes



    11 fractrifn of • L a k e c

    liter which II"W invfstisnt

    | l i t ' i in l i s

    [nth o f t ) million


    ••-I te>i have "iHI; to determine li:n • been oipitted

    li .' years. ~i#ned

    y-Aflilfred E .vi'vt jjation. :

    ir was learned, cugh a iiearch of

    ne gich case, •rft>f Highland Park,

    lit x ie countj $10,000 personal


    "W tut K ( .-

    \manat ions' 'n |e called

    vti'llt- !>f pefcsoi •'nes >a id, felt •• Ha 1, I W- :,. H:i8l r.Jice

    • "i i Mil I assessed H! "«"»: i}e r«e 1». Fischer of

    - 'ate of S'ISOJIOO with ••'I val„. „f $28)0.; Rod-

    " "f La e Forest r. a ir I'state of

    . former ^400,000

    tx vaftejof I.T B0.; ind HI of fcVn'ukcgaji, estate "'li n If till tux

    < ! . ! . • :

    I Park

    lull ta < Mt-4'1 '"H> witi n ,fiill |t ix value

    aitiel W estate value 01

    Kl i A.' I?o iglas Of P f k . w fl i

    ' 1 t'SX vjl l l l l '

    Others ' l i - . v l f ,


    ' ' i i " t lies

    an dtate of undpolosed.

    ,1st ed n restrict ee given of $100 000 and Anna ]' . Smith

    •state of $05,000 ue of $252; and*

    Free "Want a Job" and "WantHelp'VAdsinthe

    Review September 22

    wornen, girls and b"y« get o break from this


    Jihould rtnn--. ;, In the fceptemlner 22 Issue of he Harrington Review «15. clas-lifted or want advertising offer-' flit a jel> or nHklnft for a job will

    bp published free. In other wordr ;{ijtly,crtinement« under the head-

    jus .."help wanted" and "sttun-tons wanted" will not be chnrg.

    i'fl'foe. he the Meeond time tint The Key^ew han opened up

    mi Itn -ndvertlMtna ' eolumiiM frep if charue to' ainn!lnt In plnetn« leople to work ««. the plan wan

    tried out snceeHNfiilly lnxt year, •'ifteen dollarM ItrcliiitNifled ad-•ertlHinir MpneP wan donated to

    liemnnn wanting jobs and em-ployers wanting help with the ti'NUJt thnt Keveral persons pick-ijd up work through the effort.

    Men or. women who want Steady work, part time work or ju*t a • dny> employment , are rnch invited to itiKert an ad. persons who peed help whether fir a steady position or for an. odd jobs are also invited to ad-

    ijntise in Tlie Review issue of Sept. .22, The ads should he in t ie office before noon on Septem-lmr 21. There Will be no charge, t t nt this offer* will be good for (inly the one week.


    Sijf, Banrington Masons Attend District Meeting

    at Wheeling Wednesday

    . l!»t l Masonic i IVII -. held a | nigl,t. Th | ininjiliered all

    i ban


    I elected , Frank- J

    Arm ere- j Albert i

    were leery. je, Olivt

    (Jri< sheiine'r

    -i Hix Bnrrington members of the

    Miirionic (ii-ganization attended 'the district school which Wheeling, \yednesctay

    gl|otip attending the school alfout (SfJ Masons, nearly

    roni the Northwest subur-ir rf them d'fst rict

    Tjhose fronj Harrington who attend Hurry Hammond, Thoniifs CJeirge -Whit comb, F. Vf,

    r Hoflister and . Jidin;

    I Uudotj h Ouen-ni'.

    well knd sergeant-at-arms. \

    Tt?o.of the old officers were re if i elect

    property in pre-

    upon to al prop-de those

    Villa, es-a full

    d, Irving Hager, finance ofl and Cecil R. Paxton. historian.

    . . T ie retiring, officers include Noel Assistant -._ , _ . . . Hall toi Stoyber, comnaander; IVank Diehl,

    ' ' senior vice commander; Paul K. Purf


    value of

    Rogers $100,-

    $2800; re of Li ke For-

    of Lake .000 wit i

    estate 1 tat will which has raised' 4

    I'nml • f the hot rd. This •"' H nry A. Oray of

    Ieftp2l0,000^nd was •: M r s . '

    I'lat'e. w m o

    i1. I|l

    l-'lird T i"h

    I ' l l

    St. Paa plid there

    Forest, a full

    v. B. A comb of nty livei, except

    iths; in ilt. Paul, estionabl i in the if the state is

    „ if the already.

    etll, junior vice commander; Thorald Rolfi, adjutant; R. L: Mundhenk', chnPrain and Carl' Lovendahl, ser-geant-at-arms

    Ore of the first duties of: a new commander is appointment of an ad-jutait and in- executive committee; Comnander Davis has announced the appo ntment of Russell Johison of the . ewel Tea Co. adjutant ftnd an executive committee consisting of PaulJH. Pohlman, W..H. Kessler, E J. Langendorf,» O. E. Paxton and Noel Stayner.

    Th ; Legion and - the Auxiliary will hold i joint installation of officers on Octol er; 0, the first meeting day of the nonth.

    Special Meeting of Board of Trustees to

    Be Held Friday Night

    special Leeting of t h r village trusties will ie held Friday evening; to ta te care -cf [ several i«ema of *u«l-ness which call for attention. The boarc has ha< two offers to r p t of-fice space; for the treasurer and vil-lage iierk, one of them for the present office space, a id both asking for less rent ban has been paid in the past, It wi is reported that' one, of, the of-fices was verbally accepted by one imjmriir of the board. Further (il*-cuHHiin of the milk ordinance may be ibrouglit up at the medtinf, • .

    '•• .'•,; -'

    Srraich CMIMS Infection Mils Bettyi Plagge/ 100 darfleld

    street,; was iaken ,to the Hcnrotiw hospl al, Chicago, Saturday suffering from an infection in the index finger of he-; left hand.'

    Mii« Hagge had received a slight scratrh on Thursday that • developed by Siturday [mornlhg into a painful infection. After 24 hours of atten-tion i)OURLE IX)LIAft I>AVS in this coinmtinlty. The n cf-elianlM are nil making their plans for the liarguin festivnl arid several of them have already ordered a ][nrge mipplty of new fall merchandise wltleh will be offered to th« publicHiutljese dnys. • L a s t ! year DOLLAR DAYS1 wtrf

    Return From Interesting Tifip Through Yellowstonr

    Park and the Black Hills

    Mrl-and Mrs. John Carr,oll ijnd Miss Marian . Jungles, 01? i Sum; nit street1,.- and MrR. F. A. .'Wijlsli. i nd daughter- SMildred of North' jjuisl in, ('hiciiKo, returned Monday afterm on from a two weeks' tri'p to Yeilt w stone park and the Rocky mountains, during which time they covered 31(27 miles,* and traversed *ix stares!

    Mr.-.Cnrrol'1'repfjrnterf the roadk wfcre

    wh eh

    unusually good, most of them panied roaiis while some were-of. gravel or stone surface. The travelers encoun-tered a few dirt roads but tbesi w ire in good condition. Dry weathet with only two rainy days helped mafte {lie vacation pleasant.

    The Bigj'Hor.n mountains, took three hours- to cross, offered ins much of̂ -a thrill as any part off Yel-lowstone. The scenery at that' ph ce is beautiful. One stretch of desert, 75 n îles lohg, was interesting in enn'-trast .to the remainder of the trip,

    -Not a single tree was i[n sight a nd nothinjg was present t^ bijeak 'the monotony of the desert Cxc'ept shel-ter cabins every ten miles. The B; r-rijigton folks noticed automobiles in the park from 34 states and two i n m Canada. The Black Hills formed one of the bemity spots visited. Mount Rushmore lin this territory of We it-em South Dakota is alone worth a trip to see.^

    W. Phillips Recovering From Accident, Is Taken

    to | Chicago for X-Rais

    Walter Phillips of Barrington, win has been recuperating In the Barrln tt-ton Geueiiil liospllal from Injuries ie. celved In an'accident July 2ft, wis taken to Chljeligo .Wednesday mornifg for an X-ray exnnilnatinn.

    Mr. PhillfU received a pelvic.Imjie break .and oilier Injuries, when t|te car in which he was riding with another machine Jin the west highway. ' .

    He is: recovering satisfactorily.,

    }e Dollar Dmfs, the Season's

    i tcnuse of the wonderful below

    24 unusually successfiil for the nhippers of the Barrington-Lake Zurich tine community, rural and urban, be

    ninny of tl e merchants. ',- These sitne merchants to offer wi nderftil bargains {his

    were, handed butj by

    are gOjillg yiiar,

    who werl» not and several merchants Included Iu the big valtlie giving burly a year a«> have dec iired they[ Will join the giotip this year,

    Further announcementM of the iMHinLE DOLLAR DAYS And- the merehafits who will cooperate J i the plan will bj tniide in The Review next week



    Wheei' CometiOff; Spoils Labor Dab

    Trip for Quartet

    One yotith sustained a fractured arm, three others were lkore oi less shaken up and the front end (f an automobile in which the^ were mak ing a trip tJirough Wisconsin over Labor day was badly damaged when 8 wheel of the car came off, swerving the machin; into the, ditch. The four hoys were Wayne Grabenkort, Will' iam Beernian, Eugene Miller and Charles Harder, all of Barrington Wayne sustained a splintered bone in his left forearm when he was thrown from the jcar[against a fence ppst."

    The boys' were traveling from \Vatertown to Juneau, Wis. early Monday morning when the mishap occurred. As they were traveling along, the ". eft front wheel of the car came off, throwing -#hei car across the road in tp the ditch--and narrowly

    -missing'a taephpne pole, 'The-car did not turn o\er nor upset.-.

    The boy 3 were picked up and brought to Wntertown where their wounds were, dressed; The car, which was" con^iilerably damaged on the front end, was left at-Water-town.

    Mild d Nort l-

    Man Arrested by Bailey Sentence]

    to Penitentiarii

    Relief Reorganized for Winter's Progr

    ^ i M H H M

    M. Schrriber Elected Chair-man; Several New; Mem-

    bers in Group

    i -'

    A sentence of from one 1o ten years in the state penitentiary wqs meted out to Walter J. Quinlan Chicago, alleged filling station robb«r|; who was chased" to Palatine by Pi ttolman James Bailey of Barrington arly in the( morning of, March 30 an 3

    ivSfl was• arrested after the ear he wasxlriving- upset and burned. 0ui> Ian wfcs tried before Judge Job i Prystalskrvinj -criminal court Thuri day on severii charges, arising but it f his episode March 29 arid. 30, an I he was found gujlty of receivin stolen property.

    Eirly in th^, morninV of March| 3t Patrblman _ Bijley received a cal I from! Crystal Lake that aV automc bileiln which, two gas 8taUon\|hfieve i were? riding was headed toWardsNpar >• rin|Ton. Mr. Bailey t cars, one | paBsin;; the other, a.p-

    (hill. Be cliance o as struel olter am


    and he Albert

    is. son, A. F. Tb|e injured" Jjian was birought,, t<

    'Barringtori! General ; ihospita an examination revealed, tha

    circulation is paid that Is counts. that


    Enrollmert Shows S l i p l (ncrlascs

    High Slhool and Juwior Hlgn Crowded; Gride School

    »>oos Slightly

    Anotlief sllglit b\ ireawe in student populntton war reiwirted fltii the /samp-day that school opened, a; id \vlfh 34 class the f total, first was 084., The ,193: class -.willi not start day.. , I;.-•/.,';. -

    Only ope depart in dropped below that grade school,-; from .elusive, ĥ ts an enroll ment of 230| afni the grad? - school' In st' year- Jiad an • enrollment of 260 the two years first d? lows :

    I^igh .'school Junior high •Grades ...,'. KindecgarTten


    icveral bnken ribi s,everje scalp laceratip l beside-'

    \ injuries.


    of Mexican Found Mangled on )LiM traeks

    Man Run Over liejved to Hay e Been

    mine L Ride

    Tin mangled bptl' of'Felix •Murenw.

    of Jitsns." VOU1 Testament Sttriea," uiul "Trnyeling Where Jesus L ved."

    The council of religious odnuition and several churches are cotljieiating in sponsoring this plan."The ehi rches; iH'e the First B iptlst, the Mctl lodist' fvpijScopal,1 Salem Evangelical, at d SJ. Paul Evangelical. The council ii, reii-resentcdI'by Charles R. Drussel, pres-idsnt: Milton S. Freeman, Roy Khtp-per, Arnett C. Lines, -secretury; Earl R. Jackson, treasurer; and B. A. Schroeder, vice president.

    Relief Committee Pays Out $3880 in 10 Months Perod

    Lll'cj were HJU.11.

    crush Th<

    Chnrl ! brong

    committee succeeded in raising matey $1500 last year, but

    unt fell short of th b|y nekrly\S iOOO.. The local

    e needs organi

    *itibn joineV.thJft Joint Emergency Relief group pledging support to the larger organization in retnyn for help' from hat association if and

    hen needed During the ten months since join

    iiig the Joirt Emergency Relief, the local committee has received |1000 njiore from tl»e, group than it has paid

    Children'i Cllnte Next Tuesday A children's clinic conducted by

    t ie Child's Welfare association will lie held on Tuesday, Sept. 18 at the high school gymnasium. The meet-ing will be leld from 2 to 4 p. m. Df. D. F. Broolc and Mrs. L. Callahan, turse of'Cook county, will be 1» charge. Tliej clinic welcomes ail nofhers -with children of prc-school u|ge

    T"1 ' I

    Injured Arthur

    by Washing Machine laum, 510 Q. Main

    street, was Sinfully Injured Monday jjfiorning wlen i i r e e fingers of,1 his

    were caught in the belt of a washiig machine.' It probably villi be several days before tlie in-jured hand 'an be used. "

    A tiftal of $3880.49 was paid (tit to needy'families by the Barrington Re-lief committee during th^ ten mmths from November, 1931, ' to Al gust, 1932, inclusive, according tb th? an-nual report of the .treasurer o' the committee, Mrs. A. L. Robeitson, given at a meeting Wednesday night,

    The | expenditures per. month were listed |as follows: November $1'0.41, December $454.71, January $6(10.45, February $720.53, March $6V8.0L April i $344.56, May $287.83, June $355.98, July $110.27, August $25 7.74.

    RJIost of the money went for food, a. tdtal] of $2784.45. The fuel bit was next highest with $432.15 an< the' milk bill was $347.90. Other expmses were listed as follows: clothing ! 140.-52, mejdical service $45.21, rent $26, gas i and electricity $22.57, work fund $88,93] meal tickets $10, lodgin; $2, miscellaneous $41.76.

    All but $12 of the $3880.46 wi s al-loted I to local families. Tram tents received $12 of the sum. Slxiy-six families were taken care of bj the committee. t I '

    Following Is a list of expenditures for the1 month of August: food!| 154.-86, milk $61.72, clothing .$5.25, oil 28 cents, medical services $3.65, mis-cella,neous'$4.50, and work fund $7.

    State Bureau Helps Arret it Kidnappers Soon After Crime

    Tlie immediate apprehension o the alleged kidnappers of John B. [Sole-grove, according to poHCe oftkiah, il-lustrates the valucnof the, Illinbis Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation. T. Pi Sullivan, sipcr-intendent of the bureau,, was no Jtied Immediately after the assault upon the aged Taylorville banker. jThiough police co«peratlon, the alleged kid-nappers were under - arrest wpthin, three hours.

    twe n the cars, coroners jmy,

    by: Train Be-Bum-

    .'lii \VIIH found on '-

    of way Thursday by a railroad Miireno appar-

    over by! K triiln, rm and |rlght leg his body! and his other lieg were

    man.; notified ni foreman, who Bnrt'ingt'on whWe


    enrollment for high and grades'

    A conipar.iHon of y en'rotlnvent io i :

    1931 ...227' .,..157 ....200 .:: 34


    J1932 ,-,245

    16(1 250

    661 *Kindei|gnrteri,o|>ete next. Monday

    '"•Several!classes in tlie high school' are overcrowded due o the'steady en-rollmvnt'.increase-over the las« three years. 'Among'the' most• crowded classes are! \hose of c: ieinisti^jge.ncral science,. l|ookkeeping social « will play the Baptists, Seeause the evenings ire shorter the rames will 4tart,st 6:10 p. m.


    in the pre-Bphool' 'i'diiy, enrollment •83 Idiidergarfcn until next W(on-

    nt this yoa-f lias f last year... Tlwr first to fifth 'in-

    ! i


    Hpetllal mttste hiigS jl ei-n provided; a clitiwts o.f yiuiilg woiii HI ami s double

    j will -fftng. W o i Jrect"Ion of the -

    you nit lieoAle. Milton- s.



  • J I

    1 .

    f l »

    ;. v

    ! :'

    i l

    f •



    In. unction Against

    T i

    * IIHV •III




    injn v

    oelkhj Pearces ay Not Restrict se of Lake Zurich

    dan is Is Dismissec by Judge E. D. Shurt


    Local and Pe wnal

    Former Resident . Rev E. A. Irion of

    funeral i>f- Mrs. Olllt' flintier, resident of Lai IIIIMI- Saturday in Chi buried Monday from .a mi Xiirtli avenue.

    Burled tela ted at the Huferman, a ! Zurich who

    ,>iigo and was funeral hottte

    Jong blight' court In ttie over

    ation, frdiing mid bathing rights

    dike Zur eh entiie to a permanent

    Thursday, .Sept. 1, win

    e KdwiiK) D. Slmrtlcff

    an order disso signed

    etioti oijlered in the

    ». l |Wl. T]pe t'njun'ftinn

    FroJlich,- G»f.>rge W. Pea|roe arid

    Mai {tierito earce. from p per> >ns to invigate. fish or

    reveiiting-bathe in

    the waters od the lake. T i e three Icfendnnts nam "d in the

    iiijn iction owned the bulk of the prop-tin- lake including most

    ii je comprising the * lake ertjjj around of |he acre hotljim.

    Î as ed Two Years ftef two

    con its, that I Attlrney A the § public i

    held con nav vey Htnjj'd as federal property, li

    land am waters; ilixsol it ion of the

    ruling of tin

    vat 1 | i

    foil con to OIK

    l ie o t i ILc|-of i* ijoying the laki property there

    iind|rstitiidiiiif that they heli rig! Is.

    I roelieb, njnd the Peari case.,.•'they saul . t iot to ic from he lake, but t peaceful property respi wishing in enjtiy a va a spnt


    feter Jensen i Ird'ni the Victory


    Mrs. iicmlny hospital. " Wuukegiui, u in health.

    Mr. and Mrs. Lee family have returned weeks' trip that, took eight weatern staters. •

    Miss Alice Rockeulnreh Monthly to resume he Buchanan. Mich.

    Mrs. Emma Pepper Lehman of Waukegan Wednesday/ evening to era) days with Mrs. 1> Mrs. J. Hans.

    Miss Li Hie Kropp w the week-end

    Fred Tbies and da were out , to John Thi Uihner 0¾.. Labor" day.;

    Mr. ami Mrs. Chair lea Rudsinski and; famiijy attended thi home-coming piciiic at Huntley on Ls bor day.

    Miss y iva Tibbetts

    Memorial uch improved

    Landwer and from a two

    them through

    returned teaching in

    and Mrs. 1». veut to Elgin visit for sev-epper's sister,

    as home over

    lighter, Ruth >s' home near

    and: Horace Shunkweler of Pontiac were guests over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Blau.

    Mrs. John Howe wall hostess Fri resenting-1 day to .the. 500 players. Mrs. AI

    Prehm and Mrs. Otto G ese were high scorers ami Mrs. .1. F ins eonsolatioji.

    Mrs. Bmma Mills of Jiamond Lake spent Saturday with' ler daughter Mrs. Clarence Snetsing

    Miss Margaret I>m' Belle Taggart of Wa Sunday at the James Sn

    Mrs. Rose Goodluck e Bunco club Thurjsday

    'roelich, Mrs, I

    supreme was not ites sur-t be con-it as pri-

    injunction supreme

    order on

    for pub-

    Zurich ' institute iii Wank i^Miss Dorothea West*" was a guest

    over the week-end at t ton homr

    Harrison Norton catAc •tnons home l'-i'iilay af being toiilined' the pa in St. .losepli's hospital covering from a ffiictur

    Mr. and Mrs. John Waukega'n visited Mon former's parents, .Mr. gust Froeliclt.

    The: Ladies A ill of I'hurch,' "Fairtield, serv+d suppi'r to a evening.

    Mr (>f Chicago and Henry 1 guests over the week-end of Mr., and Mrs. I'M Branding at home at Petite Lake.

    y\v.. and Mrs, Charhs 'Foster and son j of Toledo, O. were visitors over the! week-end at tltje l iome'of Miss


    id Mfs, Williani Wiekersheim audi family visited the' Fred Wicker-.shetm family in Palat ne Sunday,

    r. and Mrs. Albert vohlphine and

    t l ie weeK-Edifh Dyi

    Mr. and

    licit M

    Mr; and Mrs. K. (>rinun were guests over Sundi Mrs. W. F. Ruhr, if

    Miss Ituth Hinchliff I-ooniis will have room the Buhr home.

    Mrs. FraHH-is Prehn the Bunco club Tuesd.

    0 Iscoverjf levSant^ e "I.itnij

    her home. Awards wejre giveii Mrs, Williams and

    he three high-t Froelieh re- Smith, Mrs. George Mis. Carrie Tank for t

    >.est scores. Mrs. Augu eeived- the consolation irize

    1 Mrs. Mary Potts, of Rlgin i? visit-ing Mr. and Mrs. Frid Kro]|p this week.

    is so much < as ier

    on a

    eturned Wed-

    Three-Fourths LakeCountyTaxes PaidBefoteSeptJ:

    Less Than $1,5 standing When Sept. 2 Penalty Date

    More Mian three-foufthf of the 11)31

    taxes for Liike county bare been pa»J

    with .less than JiiiaOO, KM) outstaudin|?

    as delinquent, accord ng to Jaj^

    Morse, county treasu cr. TJte . totajl

    collections {reported up to Tlrursda

    night amounted to $1,512,000. Title

    treasurer reported tha; tl|e last thre»

    days before tljie Septe nher deJinquen

    cy date went into effe

    sums, to the' office

    wishing to" avoid .'an

    t brought largi»

    om taxpayers

    additional one

    his custom' d i i

    effective Sep). >ut allowed this lent before add-

    Bidlwlg Chicago

    'iijoyed a trip

    •?ass and Mrs. unlay evening »ld Huns.

    acjeompauied o Camp Helii' e camp clos,-

    per ceitt penalty effective Fridajf,

    Sept, '2.

    ' The treasurer, as is

    not inake, the penalty I as required by law, the!final date for payi ing the penalty.

    This brought the se :ond penalty oh the second installment of taxes du|e as the first became ef !ective -Aug. I

    Morse considered the collection^ g(?od as the total .a norint due the

    f office in the beginning was $6,000,00(^ Whilej he pointed out that there was a larger than usual ilefault in pa'j

    | merit he added that it fell fa,r short s o f the anticipated default when Mr

    collections opened hut spring. This' year found t le smaller 'tai

    payer meetiijig the but den first of all, with the rural sectioui far in advance of indtistriii 1 e'enters, ] forso explaihec t. It indicated to hint, he said, that the small property ownei sflved a^ain^t the d a y that, taxes wi uld

    Judgment against lie taken Oct.. l O / a n fall Nontetime'nfter,Oct. 1

    Funeral Services for Mrs. Mina

    I^iinerut. aepvĥ M. vj-ere held/Sun-day afternoon for , M •* Mina Sand mniii who idled at La re 5',urich. Wed

    following iin duration.

    Hi. Peteri IC. A. Irion

    l an last week. I »e«d|ty tiiorniiig, Aug. illness of several nin

    A. L. ;-Pay-| Services were held ' ' ." • | Eva ugelicall church..

    to the SI- , ^ ^ ^ . 1 c, ' ernoon after + M l n " Saiidnutl Ht six weeks ..Tamiary,, 18T.8, 1»

    Wight re-' ( '"m o , 0 "ha comttiu tltj when tw ,d vertebra • I •V'111'''' "ll1 with 4ter piretts, Mr. an)

    Ffoelicii of MrH* J'- Hnftmn.'n-' Hur.wii* marriefl lay with the'J'",18 ,77 <

    Wi?'i1ni» S«H"'an, wb

    .nd Mrs. A u - : , l , , d r i ' " . »1 L «''«

    of 10 children, Htx of

    111 nth t


    u vK'as born hi Qeimany. Shf>

    died in l « l l . "She i|cas the mothef

    J |St. Matfiew's' ' '" Jn . « « * : * • Anna,, a chicken I M l , u l i e Heideman, W

    large nujuher Monday «"s t a n d l*«' 8 u "

    ivbom preceeded ICmma, Mrs

    lliam, Jr., Au iving , her ars

    rs, Amanda Stradfo rd, San]ta Mon Calif.; Mrs. Till and Mrs. Kmn et-t Branding , c n ' „ . , ,

    sons, Edward ai d Hei Zurich

    Irandiug were.

    their summer 1 - - ¾ w.aH,!a " " n * * Evarigeiicali chioHjh tnd ai member of the l|Jadies Aid^ I

    of Elk Grove, y of Mr. and

    nd Mrs. Edna i, this year at

    entertained' ty evenjing at


    rpHERE'S no gueasirk when

    Modern Go* Raiige* atlovoa*





    JL you use a m range. An auto regulator holds temperature In thi recipe calls for. Whether yoii are canning or cookin (meaKf, your work is. much Ovens are insulated L ,_ neat inside where it belongi. There is a handy ktensil drawer for pots an< pant. New sanges are also |Snished b colorful porcelain that is as easy to clejan as k china dish.

    rn tie heat

    actly the ven your

    LkKS ZURICH REVIEJW 11. 11 •• ' w ' m i n 11 • ii ' — 1 — '[ »4.'

    )0,004) Out



    lelhtqtients will I tie sale will

    Held Sandman

    at Lake Zirich Sunday

    fall due.

    Ftrst Meeting of pike Zurich Woman's Club to

    , Be Thursday! Sept. 15

    Tlie first nicetitiB of the Lake Zur-ich Community Woman!* club will be held Thttrwlay, Sepf. 15 at 2 p. m. hi the Kin high (school, , >

    Mrs; Atlltn WiHetN-Buruhani Will riive '̂ Around the World .Wlth"n. Paint Bo'x, Family of Six,. l'lu» a

    New Angle D< velops in Church-S mpson Di spu te ' ^ .

    Alderman Albeit Smith, DP of Bvanstoiii on AuRuat 31, JIU tttlttn Iwarlng :th J^names of residentH erf ICvnnston with

    spent niocrat, 4 * pen _.•.,. 10,067 D i r f t s

    Coun.tya Mb» June. Spiegel oi Milwauk#, Clerk Rbbert Sweitzei, of Con« coun-i! wis . ipent tiwi pnat Wieelc ftt the J. | . t>;. nskinii tlmt.a eferendum brcalled, Marrip Koine, j j ' '• ! ll ftir EvaHHtoii resli etttB to perm It MEeiii

    Spare." It wHlbe an open n»eetlii«: thitt tbo votes of

    lieihg placed unde r the Chicajt of electron eomm sslonors,

    Alderntnn ^nil|th'» petltloi r̂ OO EvniiHt

    first vice president. Mrs. J. I). Fink; second 'vitas itresidenf, Mrs. .0..-.Rich-ter: seeretttry, Mrs. George ;A.. Will-iams; itreaatjirett, Mrs; 'William Ton* ne; recording secretary, Mr*. Harold Hiuis; auditor, Mrs. Charles Rudsin-ski; chairman liberal arts, Mrs. Char-les Wendell ij .program. Mr*., J. F. Grittitl,t; applied ediijcntioBJ'.'- Mrs. Charles Weaver. . •} J

    Lake Zurich Ladicjs Aid Group Re*Elects Officers

    . , f • j . ••' I" ;. The September meeting and elee-l

    tion of offieers for the Ladies Aid ofj St. Peter's .Evangelical church, was'j held Thursday afternoon in the parish! hall. The regular routine business was transacted and "the election .re-, suited in all officers being re-elected as follows: President, Mrs. Mayme Prehm; vice president, Mrs. Ed TJmb-denstock; recording secretary, Mrs.. Blanche Stockel; financial secretary, Mrs. Minnie Frank; treasurer, Mrs: William Tdnne.

    This, meeting .was the last for the contests in attendance. Mrs. Ed_ Uinb-' denstoek's group was high, Mrs, Will-iam Poblmaa second and'Mrs. .George T7imftdenstock: third. The\ party will be [held a„t a date to be announced in October,;

    Fifty-four responded to roll call and enjoyed the social hour and refre>h-meuts.

    of the'James S|int tsoii, Jr„ nitl Ralpb' '"I E. (Miurcli nominithJtt eonteHt «'«. m., 6 to 8 p. m.

    lfi W. OimpbeU St. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS,

    Res. 710 N. Mitel «11 Ave, Phjone 655

    t,1l)avlin. tie ;.'.M,'», '..foselrtj

    . At FJome suiji llv nton's F|ve rUUled Thu

    T of. II IH


    e l l 17-yet ir-rs.j Ray Dojv-mdlell liospii a); Bishop

    id Mrs. Go d

    >liss ^ Dorothy Bremer of , spent fjom Thursday to Sun,

    liere. . friends

    Jame r«U«i



    1" and Robert Paddock Waueoijda township high- s,l

    he Springfield fair las

    Roberta Dowell (,f ii spent tlie past week with h> 1 Mfs. Claries Dnvllu.

    - Mr. a cult) La on Sum

    Mr, visited1

    1 nd Mrs. Herman the hitter's father

    Geary site; Bishop


    , principal j>f the graln-as retiirm |n to. Wauc^h-

    su[mmef'with in, 111.

    ng and wife of Chicago Ie|try Gold jug

    |nqi| (weli... ' ' \

    tiimrn of dhi-> bndny with Mrs. FanW

    Fall Supplies tor MICE and COAL

    Tbty Better8«I«r Trap

    4 for IOC Sets AutomaHbally


    # 5 0c " h v

    M A M E I V C f Treated for Dott and Combuitlc«


    Smart Simplicity! st cation Dash and Soph;

    • ^yte?: My- J»J ime STRATEUNE

    th» w

    natne- and leire 0$.^

    Smart i istonish

    A neyf .one-line address stationery!

    very smartest j-iting papers at a|o

    in; low price. Many sti mmer aciivilies and

    vacations will inc eaje co rrespondi nice net da, your probl'im with his

    --^ choose y »ur favor te dj ridual Gieen, Orel tid, WWte Paper with Blael Blue or-Green ink,



    100 ENVEL^ES or

    100 F()LDEDSHEEr*AND

    ^ 1

    fine quality Ve

    color a ml ination.

    your . • Solve qharm-

    lujn paper and in?

    afd Ivory Brown,

    on . Che'



    W. Hoger. Follow luneh was served

    "K th,.

    ml Mr*, Clinton ]{nVe (eaiitiounee lite hir1 h ay even lug.

    'htrspi >' with

    "f Hi.. "»l iii.

    WKp | i ,



    «lf SI .. i' a »,III

    : ' . l ' ' i i ' i;|-t),


    rs. iiiiun IUI , | ,> week-end'itlilh

    10 Be Held at Sprinirfieid

    Wethodlst clttircli reun annual coitfure'nee will

    at Spr nglield on Sunday. S,

    the conference,

    Ernest' Lyi/11 .Weld. W. F. M program, as' th

    Lyi/ti ^ Weld, U'cljUvell an-as (he

    and Transports Bluiiding to bpen Stjpt. 15

    The Travel and' Tni|i>tinn 15,,114. itlgi winder structure of 'Century Progress Exjiositioji, to be

    in'llKi'l, will be u> >r Chi-

    E> ON'T drive on tlln, risky tires this 1 all anjl. Winter. With ire prices so low it doe; n't pair,to take chances. Cone in—get our libiral offi a- for youf old t! -e«. We'll do"etsrytii!nji wa CM i'.to help jau get those thi n, risky tires off y )ur Car. We'll makeaprDp-osî tion to you on the Wd fid's greatest tire for sa ety, long li|fe and fee nomy--theGoody ear ijUl -Weather. Dô n't t tke chiincejs on thin, r̂ iky tir< is. Come in—see us.

  • fu|ver Institution |S l!acl:grofid 0 fScretiife

    I',,- .v'liiiK

    I In- pri l im-i l i iy

    1 - ^ HI ret II

    united a* null Kri:

    dritmni absi c|i>-WRJI

    i - i i tkel ed". }»r the G. A. K. national! encampme in Springfield, Sept. 18+?3/ The campuient nfext year will be held Jacksonville in June. I

    Patrol Wor^ Cuts itown I Illinois Forest F N s

    P|atrol work a|nd the. aid of volu i-tary assistants to the warden ha e been instrumental in minimizing for-est area in Illinois.LewisB. Springf r, superintendent of the forestry divJsji has reported.

    Theatrical Rovers in, China Wel l Patronized

    Like ja'n -American circus, per Imps the most Interesting think about a Ohlneso traveling troupe ta the erection of the "big top" In «hlch the performances nre held, AI> though not ns Ailg as "the Greatest Show on Enrth," the oriental stru ture icj unique in that tt Is con* structed entirely of bamboo, Uber matting, and native wood. One "head canvasman" claimed thai not one nail was used in erecting the temporary playhouse. The fr»me> work WAS entirely of wood, b>und togethejr with thin strips of bninboo bark, peelAdf off and dried. The enormous skeleton was then cov-ered wth fiber matting. The "ient" was ower GO feet high, and hid a large seating capacity.

    The performances given by the Itinerant players are a source of great amusement to the many Chi-nese pjatroris who flock to the nalh entrance. Tbe scenery is prac;ical-ly nil, the spectator being culled -upon.'.to supply in his Imaglnitlon £he lack of stage equipment Most-ly costumes and pantomime an s the principal stock In trade of-the'' Chi-nese, sfage' favorites. The e?cru-jciating "music" .of the nati*y telephonet *•



    central market, business. He hauls his

    the nulrkct. There products. As the

    supply, he immedi-iijiclude that product

    meets the demand ving a telephone

    Order one today.

    SAvmc on HOUSE PAinT IFREE QUART uuith every gallon

    Buy onit flfillen of BEST L

    PREPARED PAlkT and receive an additional quart free, any color. This is for a limited time cnly.

    . Save 25% of your he use paint costnow. Seethe d< aler listed below for detiils.

    •20O© Prize Conteat WIIM lera I«Prbe..»llMHI..M«g«ttSew»JI,Stlw; li,Mo. 2 n d P r i « . . » S O e . . M n . Edwtrd Webb. Nub*

    y ifle, Tern. Stitite..•aee.J. Allen CbtrUi , N« wfm

    JlevhV*. , , -t iJrin• of • « • .|. L H. « • * . t -*3T«^ I *

    J Ip. Roy C5miih, Rtuadiodcr, W*. « n . R. Tbomu, Mtotaio, Mion.

    - A. B. Encbon, BUIiagt, Mont. , ' a«fcKce B. Firrtf, Atlanta, Ga. , Mr*. Arthur O.^Comb*. Canton, ObM.

    Heath *MllHgaa Mfg. Co.

    Lageschalte & Hâ er . Incorporated

    Plione5or4SO Vtniaglmv, WaeMa >


    Cell Barr 111¾ton 1

    ;o knowing thi 1 satlefy yoijir wants—it is advertislnr department view. JInsBrt a classified shortly af1 er we've gone will connect itself with connection

    Bariin 100 E. Miih Street

    xactpetsonu to* call to 1 ' " '

    bu t to cull the ela stifled I / ' i t „

    o| The ]Jarr4ngt(n Be-

    in our celumiis and your teli phone

    A direct

    1 1 <


    M I f *) 4 * I --,

    • ? I • • ^

    I'l - *i

    1-5 4

    h !f

    ' i

    J J


  • mm

    ( >

    / •


    f I

    Kv Th Int

    hig i the for Ov

    Th me l


    in •

    i>rs i

    Set ior Leagi e Elf its Oflkef*

    " h e 8*>n nRelical' r»day, i •rmeiliati

    :-vlr|ue of h school,

    r [oiulitt n)embc

    forty enjfyinu » i>

    Senior ibers. iisw Kun liiet and he First urinal :



    Fit at


    Ink an a ii| am 1«. It I

    'Mil of



    niliet w St. I».ll!

    when ilhtijr of

    MO N of Tin Mart

    me. l?i ted. ir«iti II»* l».rhh»

    oreandv of yell


    * L

    >r league ol St. Paul church gave a banquet epf. 1 iu honor of the league members, who by lug been graduated from or because they passed th birthday, are eligible ip in the' Senior*league.

    voung |H'0|)le responded, 'fifitulile evening together. league gained ten new

    e" Reese presided at tire Charles Pilsner, cashtyr National hunk, gave the ddress. 'Hie speaker "act that* Christian ser-dividends. also eleeti^l the follow-

    to spryp during the en-ear:" Kuniie Reese, presH Miller, vice president;

    ule, secretni'y: Robert inaucial . secretary: and urn. treasurer.. The re->>nt. Walter Meyer. \va« ir'-^ent -the league on the

    the Young People's iininissionf ', x

    it :

    Martens •Furs: -

    •diling was solemnized* at . church Siiturilay even-Miss ' Lucille Martens, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mar-irth iiveune, became the ; nuis,- son of Mr. nn

    •' I " - '• ;i"g group of relatives

    •li a picnic at Silver ml Mi". Marry Decker1

    Ulfd Mrs. J. A. Fletche^ff an.'l Mrs1. A. 1>. Church

    •s. Sns,t(i ChiH-ch, Mrs. Miss Mali' Johnson, Miss . Kenneth Frve, Charles ". and Mrs. Isaksen, all

    i l y

    Mrs.. .John. Scliwenun, Mr. I Seliwetuin and Mr. and [lardilcre, all of Hiuring-' 'he eighth annual re-Widinayer family Mon-

    W. Cunip in Klgin. A relatives; enjoyed the day

    Harrington People Attend Wedding in Wisconsin

    Mr. and Mrs. "Clarence Landwer and Mr. and Mrs."Frank Lngfeschulte of Harrington, attended the wedfliffg of Miss -Elsie, Ohapek iflnd Clarence Rasnnissen sit Alg*>na. Wis. Saturday, Sept 3. Miss Chopek taught in the Kelsey school two years ago and Mr. Rasiniissen \vhb lives | in Milwaukee was formerly of Barripgton.

    Celebrates FoHylflfth Anniversary

    ' Mr. and Mrs '̂ August Gossell. 338 W. ;Lake street, Velebrated thefr forty-fifth wedding anniversary' Siinday by entertaining tjieir sons and daugh-ters with their families. On Mopday Mr. and Mrs, Ben Dobner of Cuba township entertained group in honor of the\anniversary.

    Barringfpn People at Ijike Ripley

    Tile following group of Rarrjngton. people-enjoyed an outing at Lake Rip-, leyj Wis. from Saturday until Mon-day; Mr. and Mrs, John Mollen-kamp and family: Miss Ruth Wieden-tieck, Mr. and Mrs. Fied Sehumnker and soil. Mr. and Mrs! Rudolph Ivocher. Jr. and daughter and Miss Kt'la Mae Hutchinson. . ';'

    ^>ifertains Tu Dex Club

    Mrs. Harry [ Wewet/.er, 113 X. rSmnt avenue,' was hostess to the Tu Tli'x cluh Thursday afternoon, Sept. 1. Prizes ivere awarded M̂ rŝ William Drmujeft dnd. Mrs. A. W; Abbott. Mrs. 'Abbott will entertain the club at the next meeting.

    Surprised on lilrthdiiy

    M M . August Oossell, 338 street, wns pleasantly Thursday evening, Sept, 1 friends gathered nt. her home to oelo hrate her birthday, The evening was s|ient at bridge,

    W. Lak.f surprised1

    when 3(|

    Attend Fiunlly (Jtithiirliig - r.

    . Mr, nnd Mrs, A, L. Wiiggnner inn! family nnd -Mr. and Mm, Khteti Flyuti anil fntnlly of liiiri'lngloii nti teiiiled a family gntherlunr nt Rond-out Monday. About 5!) relatives spent' the day together,

    7 Entertain at Seven o'clock Dinner , Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Muir, 5o, W i s .

    he homes of L. F. Richard-

    Mr. and Mrs. E . ,-F. Wic imnn of Barrington and Mrs. W,. E . J lason of Austin motored l|o Gobleii, M|ich. Fri

    Tuesday. day and returned

    Thomas Dockixy, Version der, Earl Weasel and Schroeder, all of Barringtoii, spent the Labor day v trip at „Waupaea

    acation on 4 fishing Wik. '. |

    Mr., and Mrs. family 'of Glen,-Sears Jioriie, 506 •day*'. .

    E l l / n called Grove averi

    ,Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, N. J. of Mr. and Mrs S, Northwest hithway.-

    Mr. arid Mrs. G. Hattan,. 102 , S. Cook street, spent from Saturday un-til Monday with relatives at B u m -side' and Carthage. *

    Mr. ond Mrs. John Kendriek u»d daughter Lorayn of Chicago, and' H. Meyer of Kehilworth were, guests Sunday1 of the Robert Muir family, 50(1 S. Hough street, ,

    Blium Erlekson of, Barrington and Artliur Stuiiglnnd of River j Fore'sfe left Sunday for-Ames, In. whore they will sjiend n week nt (lie liuntu' of »K. O, Eriekson.

    Mr. and Mrs Grove avenue, ai pel of Elmhurst' of Benseuvtille Rock Sunday.

    J. C. JTan id Miss Frit arid Henry motored to

    Mr, and Mrs, field avenue, spe week with relati

    5;Ir, and Mrs. Jiam Sorce, 5 nyenue, are spe ti

    Rev, anil'Mrs.. Leonard Knuuer of Kluiore, O, nnd Miss Oil nil Inn Krnmer of SiiiuliiNlcy, 0 . , who. wero gui*Kt(i'of


    You Can Play and Sing Tmll

    Join a Seniifr or Junior. Votio Study (?ass for singing rising the ^'oco Study Plan by I>r: Charles Normnri Granville or a Piano Class using the Curtis System of class piano instruc-tion. • . - , . •

    Classes will be taught 'by *Mrs. Agiies Peterson Gage, a well known Chicago teacher. Mrs. Gage is also well known in Barrington having taught here for 'a -number of years.

    Piano pupils four years and u p ; Voice! pupils- seven jjrears and u p ; Class lessons in piano or voice will be 50' cents for one hour. Private -les-sons will be $1.25 and $1.50 for* one-half hour. Call Barrington 97-R.

    \t 'nr'nro du | l * casket

    most peo|

    yet, It 1« proili'lied


    John Heiniich and

    David Hor ridge of were guests Friday Floyd :P la? |e , 144

    II. Fisher, ] nt" several, days this res in Jofiet

    ding two w tori|iig through tlie East,. - T liey w

    at the ie, Sun

    visit motolf Pcnn Kent II

    ,Ed ave.n ie

    relatives in Mil . through Canad

    sylvani^, Washing cky before returi ii

    the urdair,

    I tali

    }H S. • frien Lake

    and Mrst Floyjl l4orthwest highwa

    lis/of Elgin t o . T f i i Geneva Monday.

    Mifs. A. TJ. Hunt a have returned to their mit ; ! treet after spendi ig With* relatives'in Fargo

    ' Mi and guest at in Ii

    t i e

    and Mrs. J; son. 539 Prairie s from Saturday

    home of Dean a City, l a .

    Mfs., Emma Lines Jennie and granddaugli of l a k e street, spent Fr id iy at Starved park While there the;' trip |on tiie Illinois' riv


    fen, 503 da T(5j)-Sweitzer .Starved

    15 Gar-

    ayen urti in r,

    7 Grove eks mo«,

    y of buying 1H one whl

    le miittt fn nt oiifl tlnjie or" nnotlit

    usually .villi n ! foeli

    A s s t d * ICriiiidy' Baps'auM 5 BARS 14«, MAR3 HONEY KLMIOND, 3 MUSKETEER8

    M i l k y " W i B J J r XflN8̂K°ERRCBHA0HC8 3 ^ 4 0 « A n n Fafle P r e s e r T e s 19/A


    Z-15e mello-1tR*ikn«liiRA|i|dM0THER'8 WHITE JDP C a l l T S L I C E D OR UN8LICED •

    ieat '2?Kgi:25e \26^c

    B l sqa l ek . . . . . .

    the summer . D. -,'>•-•

    Friedlaiwer ajrenue, wjpre

    Monday >ert R{euo>V

    ui til

    and dnugSiler i>er

    tliok the boat r I t?" *;.;.

    their I they visited

    rip:4« Iklanehester, l« felatlvcs until ,\[,

    Mr. and Mrs. W. O. D,i East 1 Iain street spent seve this w «k with relatiVeg at and Slabbona.

    and 5*r.-and children, their spendi in Mnjisachu

    Missl spend Mrs, street.



    Mrs. Frnnkliq , will return this

    borne; 114 Kainer aven twsa moujlis with diusetts.*'

    ii ig

    Mary Belle>Reid of ( twi^veeks at the

    fate .Si l ler on Kn> it ig.

    Mi*- Isiibelle Wente of Was. a guest last «eek--of Mi WeriteJ 204 E, St' strc

    Mr. and Mrs. SHm llo ily^ Oi l E. Mairi 8tr%.n, Mondav from Miiierari Pom where they had viijited for t with lelativ^s,

    t. Chapel .An* 11 Wniton

    tioi|, w|s: .4*i-hey Ct^itAiiied

    Our Permahent8 Always Look So Natural

    $5 - $7 !omplete With

    Shampoo, Fing|6r|

    SnNslieii eustonii'i

    you flint our

    Wnvlw nro nliHolu

    n nil glorlounly

    Our .procesHOH iini

    improved 'types.

    y»u j i lint, siif

    liitikn perfectly :iiauir


    Junior ^ wave that,

    can easilv ciirt herself, conu

    ir Cut, Wave

    ill toll




    th> lhtoiit

    'IHny give

    k wn i'« that


    VANIT Beauty

    ''OR W O M E N Wil l

    110 N,, Hough irringto


    The swanky titme market ably,

    charm. The and the price. 16 iv

    This tricky stationery a sens ition amqng where; may be Tail.fellum of quality




    Wood B o c k

    corner of

    You and

    , for-you"

    • paper.

    mdjdern statio|riery with thl;lllvy AND V.\

    30c to S—then 10

    Sl!^.-MON., SEPT. Top J the Moijth's Six


    And} Clyde in "AJiiskii Lojve" News, [Cartoon * Ootn,munl|> Sini;lnr

    s|in. Mat. 4:30 to (:30 & 30c; then 10c ii 40c

    Ijlonday 6:15 to 8:00 & 30c; then 10c * 35c

    TUEJS.-WED,SEPT. 13-14 .

    The F%ht for Life I Frozen^ North

    All Seats 10c in the




    10c3Oc to 8-^then 1 )c-35c

    J l a le-

    p l in

    REVIEW i


    a-Ca/tdtowofftct d%k,us1o showyk i/f ttmC&fiSki frv/ce

    , i


    ^-;*^s2Sw$i for th« Nelker Id the phrase " g o

    j.giUfn ^ f ^ f ^ n ^ V a r l n ' t h ^ w e s t

    f I I , , l l" l |X s merely â euphemism

    Centuries ago ^ . 6 . 1 ^

    es ta o f S r e law to protect *


    w i

    ' S h countries Hull . Hal i fax an hell w ° s^iunynious terms. Thj

    .lUtcration t i , - the n a m e s aWed link them tjfjiether Hn Hhe pop.uTa " , L (t"ft 11¾ t hrue he l l , w a s prllsst { ^ e ( i ' b e c a u s e t J l

    [ ffioSt dlstiuit .-Kxchanfie. ..- , '


    i(n e d" , I 0 . , ' t ): of its laws H a l i f a s wa tb ieve^ . 'be j

    Hull In Yori

    ist dMi

    I w I Java's "Sacred Cannon"

    1 Reverenced by Nativ^ Outsiih' the flute of Old ButayU

    i e n lh«> Inland o t ; J a v < 1> J l e ^ ,th.«

    Ignfin'tl Cannon or "Mnrlnfaj Besarr.' L i rto luiilveH raH U, halt troiUleJ llnJlie ( 'a ' l h ' I I s c r v . C 8 toTre;«ln* I(he frorhl t n n e l e r of t h e Supergti Iflonit uii'li'f which tho Jnvanes* Rtil m ;'' . ' " ! [•.':

    Wljlle jnwety .^),000 squir|e niMe* -ino Jslorfll mippuks n popi^lhdoix a Kot'eM*" -KM'XW.OOO porsinsAnfnk ||n{ II i)t|e "f Hie most .deifSelyi pop Itlitnl IIUI'IH in ttm world. Tlie his Itory of the Kucretl Cajinon Is uu

    I'DOWII nii'l tt litMU'U no thiti». • Tl)< •brcMi leinesetitM n cloHod list Willi | l |)roullar turn of tho thumb, , 'hi lloicrlplleti e a s t . In . t'ho bfohzi

    md»: "l''x n'0 'psn.' rVnatn Hunt,'.' rlilcli tne:itt«s"Oiit of• myself I wns

    Jftbdrn." NIIIIVP*.- bellevp the «uri •to poKsoss^tlic |w)\ver of, gran'lttg Ifwtlllty to humanity, . a n d - for this

    L! Arrange. f 0¾

    * to eat at

    A special hoon-daj and students at


    ^veiiinftDi* v- 1 Sfcrved -5:

    { Reservations are n

    :ET0llsi 114 W. M ^ S t J

    Conlon^NewaLfect With all pfjretilain tub. $7^.50^1 ye ft

    Saturdayand Mon

    9-Tube Electee R

    Sj)ecial atthis sale for onl)f>_ .


    CdmbmatioriAlk ^ves Time, LaWor imi

    OnW Qne;

    Justafcwdayi ,:| " v,|45;w*"

    • ' '''Prices -"• ' '- ----^--- Wi

  • ,., .Another "erm

    ^ f0r the Ne h e r W ^ r l d jlirase "g<

    A Euphemism the town

    the west clivixl, estab i protect r this

    Jtihet law, i.wer of ;iki*n r be

    tc fot

    and rid

    thti'J execut'


    its aw, the se-

    wi hlr led

    gu Hfy alue of

    'ons the

    A fprini of i Kuillot ne-

    j.iuttion,' vaa iMtlfd'Mlliili-•• imbliH led

    ;\.'.'Ution v.i; place \x law" "!

    f u spe B.rt-cd by

    I'.i'rau.̂ e ilailfa* *lis

    liiifvrs, h(g lull in Y\ .•il al inn

    all.) to 111 Ktlgll lid ami SeVMl Halifax I nd terms, I'M uidi'd tin! pnpill

    •, •«„.-:•. d c

    \i,-.• T the g in

    if granti ig

    BARRtfGTON reaSon childless"WdTHe'h' go'there find burn Incense as an offering.

    The Inscription, it la told, is a' reference1, to a recasting of the gun from some other cannon and in a way furnishes some reason why it should! possess" the power! which the Javanese hold sacred. I 1

    According to another hatlvel su-perstitfQnj this old gun will some day be joined by Its mate, which is believed fjo be the old cannon found in Bantam, on another part of the Island, apd that on that day the rule of tfte Hollanders in Java will termlnateL

    Senatorial Election* When the Constitution was first

    written it . provided that senators should be, elected by the legislatures of the states. Gradually the opinion gained ground that senators should be electeoj by direct vote Of tlje peo-ple, and gradually the states adopt-ed laws providing for the name of the people's chotte for.senator on the ballots; ,..'The1 members of the legislature would then pledge them-selves to cast their votes for the person Who secured the largest number oju votes for the people's choice. As a matter of fact, long before the constitutional amend-ment providing for direct election of senator's by.the people the people In most of the states were actually electing f,helr senators by direct vote In this roundabout method.

    Greateit President Two elderly men at the village

    store hud been reading convention news and had fallen Into an argu-ment on the relative merits of Pres-idents Washington and Lincoln. Finally they called in a local nabob; who had a reputation for being a "well-read? man to settle the dispute.'

    "Well, geiitleuien," said he, cho»l on safe and profitable bank-inr. ' • : . ; . ' •' .

    Sir. Graettiiiger, who was selected by the Council of Administration of th i Association, to make the an-noincchient prefaced his statement by

    From time to time editorial wijiter| have culled upon all enlight-en id b miters, in answer to public de-

    and in their own interests, to rk lor a thoroUgh-L'oing revision of 1 K"nking laws of the state. He

    attention to the fact that as :k as 1!>28 a request was made ,cl>inniisNion authorised by the

    geieral assembly,, to,- recommends a re Isiou of the bank'jng act, to In-

    do iij, Its proposed amendments p.rjvlsons which would give the au-ditor (f public accounts broad powers

    along these lines, but which the com' mission refused- to consider. .

    He also .said, "For many year* the association has sponsored move-ments to improve the banking laws, meeting, however, with but li(th» sui cess in these efforts." \

    ' -. BWhs > Mr.1 and Mrs. Roy Kisner, 121 W,

    Station street, are the son born Friday, Sept 4

    Mr. and Mrs. Earl , Hough* street, are the daughter, Nancy Floy,

    J encks, 615 S. parents of a bora Sunday,

    \Sept. 4, at the Barrini;ton hospital.

    r ^ Mr. and Mrs. DeFbrlest Cuba are the parents {Catherine Sept. 5. V

    parents of a

    Jayne of a daughter,

    Frances, bbrn Monday, of

    mi nd w< tlii bn ca led

    fbr your children at the ETON

    riccn-duy lunch for teachers indents at the low rate of

    25 ejenti

    t.verjm^ D Served i

    - l;«-.rr\

    KTON w

    imiis ore

    nner 50 cents .30 to 7:00 , requested for dinners

    S^EETSPOT Main St., Barrington, 111. .


    *• 1

    49 2nd Mo nday Only

    '-Tube Electric fad io

    3 9 5 0 .̂ vecial at this salt $• '•'•'•' o n l y ;

    Kroel til^r Studio Gj>iich With Innei Spring MMtress and 3 Kopak Illlows S^tASO complete for only ,;..r3Wi!™

    8-Piece Walnut Dininfe Room Set Table, 6 Chairs, and 66 in. Buffet-A $ f | * 5 0

    Vjilue for 1 ^ * F — >, $15.00,

    surprising Vjilue for

    .00 each «>I>I) I)RfesSER4- ANJD CHESTS $8.00, $10.00 - . . i , , ^ - .

    Umbinati >n All -Electric Conlon Ironer and Kitchen Table >n^Time,Jaborai(d Worry. ' $70,00



    0 ™iy One Left. Harry! ^

    few da rS left on that windowrshade offer. Until Sent. 15 w s will hang new shaded for you FREE. | Priced oflShades ....^.-. -49c, 79c, 98c each j H \ ra allow lu i each

    agg Everything

    Tel. fearringr on 520

    if old rollers can be used < M shades tjumed « d hemmed for Me « • *

    b Home m fof't^r^^e'^

    -."-.:' •';:' B î̂ nftMiiiriliiwMti

    . • ' - ' • ' : - v - • ' ''• - ' " • - • / ' • •



    Wk Carry a Full Linq of Fresh and Vegetables at Lowest Prices

    ^ e flel^ver ^ne Open on Sunday Morning 8:00 to 10:30


    A ata mpstl, enpug

    An unhealthy, dirty furnace will not heat efficiently and probably cause you inconven-ience right when you will most need it. Call

    ;iohery distinctive and smart enough for your^ exacting iorrespondencfe-l-yet priced low

    h for every pay: letter-writink!

    And i)iow—•a sw|nky, new lar4e folded J^heet with (baron. large

    al envelopes, or, of course,] the eyei popular shee:.

    us and let us go over your heating plant

    right now when the labor cost is reduced to

    the lowest point.



    's surprisi ig. what a c room can do beath of 11

    inting a for it. It's lifte giving it a new 'e-^like donnii ig la new suit of

    cljothes. For the sitiall exi en|e yoU'll find it worthwhile to paint yoiiir home $

    nj»w and brilng new beauty ah well las more vi ilue to you t home. >

    ihult̂ sHager INCORPORAIED

    Paints * Peed -Fuel -iOan en Stones r' • j 1. "r' ' •

    A Complete Lir̂ e of Dependable building Materials

    aA • i i

    h >l i







    i. -'


    M w

    m\ I

    > ••


  • •j-sfcSyj*-'' i


    '•- '•' li

    - r}:.;

    'V ;


    * ; • !

    ' -Vl

    . J'

    j • ' •

    ; ' f: :

    H ! ' ! •

    i !



    100 E. 5 am St., Barrington, 111. Cards of thanks, resolutions.of condolence, obituary. poetry, memorials, and all notices of entertainments or socjety and Iareh 8,

    , AH

    and fa special

    tion is fore Oc of)reli<

    ommunkations should be addressed to BARRINGTON REVIEW,





    RELIEF THROUGH STATE SALES TA3 Speaker Shanahan issues timely warning that conf usion

    ility may descend upon th6 labors of the impending session of the Illinois legislature unless wilse and

    vigorods leadership takes control, shaping tfhe program for furnish ing additional, relief funds. Time for* preliminary ac-

    short.; New sources of revenue must be provided be-tober 1, or a threatening crisis due to the exhaustion f funds, will arise. While Cook (county would suffer

    most, other populous sections wheni- unemployment is rife would wi affected seriously. I '/\

    r In the opinion of the Daily News a small sales ta$T offers the fa rest, most easily administrated and most effective means for meeting the emergency. The fundamental virtue of sue» a tax lies! in spreading broadly the burden which must lie carried, so that undue weight will rest upon the (Should ;rs of none. Any proposal to select particular types of business for special taxation, or to put the incidence of the tax on any particular group—such as owners of autolmobiles inevitably will arouse strong opposition and provoke a pro-longed and possibly disastrous controversy. A: sales tax, with as few exemptions as possible, and those limited to the neeessities of life, would involve tihe minimum of hardship on these who pay!it. It would occasion vastly less disturb-ance fo, business |than would be caused by failure of the legislature to agre|e on an effective means for raising relief funds. The destitute unemployed and their families must not be "left uncared for. ; '

    It s difficult to conceive of any form of taxatioii except the sales tax for which general support can be enlisted, and therefore of any c(ther form which has so good a chance for early jnactment. jNb time should be lost in organising the social uid ecortpmic interests of the state behind a judicious ly con :eived measjire to be limited in its term of operation, and bj the sole purpose of relief. A policy of drift is danger-ous.—Chicago Daijy News. V.1

    f as sub-

    WRONb USE OF LIBRARY BOOKS Bboks are printed arid bound to be read and not

    gtitut* s for chairsj Birrington hjas a public library and a village board

    chamt er under the same roof and in the samfe rbom-pwhich is ecoiomy for th|e taxpayers. The board chamber is sup-plied with a fairjly large collection of folding chairs and other kinds of chairs which are adequate for the use of the board members, village officers and citizens at the majority of borrd meeting^ ? . .

    Once in a wĥ ile more persons crowd into a boair, This practice is hard on tha hooks—which the taspswern pay foh-nand causes extra and unnecessary work fcr tr e librarian and assistants.

    I'or those few persons who have been making seats of Kipliig, Brmyning and Mark Twain, a little thougrt on the subje :t will tie all that is necessary to stop the practice.

    > * • ; •

    1. -

    h :*! f* ••* l '.31.


    O R G E W A S H I N G T O N ' S T K ' ' — — ^ - • ' • * — — — » • • ' • i in imt^^Vmmtm*^~mm^rmnim^^^m^l,^m^mm^K»9fmmt^Ma^^^im^t^^^'^

    O \fU J^^i^MtL^imfSd*)

    J™py>i nr-

    MARKUP DIVISION e s i s 19 dopesters as to

    of, recent pri-atnong the politi al the real signifies nci maries. For! centu

    I.ABOB DAY tuated th« diffeve ised laboi group; spokesmen as to unemployment complaint that agree. William


    WASHINGTON •J : L E 1 T E R . t-.

    By National Edtota l Association (Spi-cial to The Review)

    rieii oracles have «1-with the curious predictions wer^

    wishes of the

    ways bee,n popuhjr especially when the in accord with ,t he biased inquirer, [if- acceptability of interpreta ions vi rite with the tern perment and hopf ĥe petitioners. The trend that a Items'the real poyi-tical campaigners 1̂ the light voting in areas v?here pi rtjr strength is fair-ly well ba lanced. It is the silent type of voter .that k:epst the partisan workers ii|i a fren r.y. [

    the Ameiican Fnlcrutioli of Labor

    nuy "the fuel \ityt Htoppcd liici'i'uciijg coiirHtfing." Thi> tlgn iHinvHilcd nnxl'o iHly

    0IIB0KIN6 (»N Mon returns bci

    told his (.'iillwiguc AiijfiiHt w w nt tli the doprcjHion 1» mnt'OH of the I)' jii'i'HMit a more The labor federal IHIIOIIH lire ImHdd 'iiri'H and t'litlm woiinMi art' out ot. :vL'-< rk, Tlte uitloiw

    ipepcbes have accen-bcPurlKilun—Well, I ilon'i know jour ftntne, but I belk've I can (loHefllic 'you. . /1 • • '•

    New Yorker—ijet's hcar^miT i'lirlslnn—You are jjotne one who.

    is more than n little buluiy.'-KX' change.


    In thisj the beginning nonth of the school year, \ re think bot jjnly of the school but a! 10 of thelchurch: of the Lord Jesus Christ,, yfe' vant to see how many w ill be among those who hear and heel "The f irs: Call." If not worshiping elsewhere jive cordially invite, you.. j:

    9:3j» a.' ni., Church feehool with separclte rooms for each eepartment

    10:35( a. n ., Worship with special mjisic by out large eliprus .choir, and a timely sermon by |the pastor. In the evening « e take 'part n the'union service at t ie Baptist clurch spon-sored by the* Youug P̂ eop e's commis-sion

    M. Si. FREE5IA*!, Pastor.

    FIItST BAPTIST Bible sehoil, i) :30;. M jrning wor-

    ship; 10:35; Eveniriji se ryice, 7:30. Bible study tvery Wejlnec day evening at 7:30.

    The pastor's messafke icxt ?Siindny morhing will be prettnratory to the observance of the Urnl's & upper.. The evening service |s in1 elurge. of the" Young Pi>GpI Christian ironMiiission. Rev. Fri'oma 1,, the liist pear's conn Hfl'Hor will brlpg the inosniige. This Is also the timi for the inntiillntlon of hew oincers. Thin IH a union com-iniiiilty sei'vl-e to whlcli, nil arc vlted: to Join in the worship

    Wpccflal IIH|I*I« will, be I ftintiiro1 of each service. ']•• v

    •"0. n. \xmimmL vmot FItt«T

    v̂ho ar^ at



    421 Host Maifa Sjreet Sunday service, 10:45 t. m. Sunday scbool, 0:30 a. m Sept,1 11—: Subject^) Substance

    ; Golden Test: Johji G not for the meat which ptrisheth, but for that meat which' en|dureth unto everlasting life, whij:h )man shall give unto you God the Father sealed

    Wednesday Evening meeting at 8 p. m.

    The readiijg room, 114 street, Lipofiky building; the pejblic_fr< m 2 to 5. p. day and fron) 7 to 9 p! i)a. on Satur-day.

    27. Labour

    she Son of or him hath

    E. Station is open, to,

    m. each week


    Divine services every Sunday ait 10:30.a. m,

    Bible clasli and Sunddy school at 9:45 a. m.

    The Lutheran church extends to all the present

    a churcmhoiie a sincere attend #8 services and. REV. i . T KRETZMiNri,1

    : ' |T.„ ANNE'^l Sunday, Low, Mass, 8 •

    a, m. Week day Devotions

    Heart, first Mass at 0 a

    ISALB31 I Sunday so Morning

    Sermon by wiM„ nliig a cvitiVhiB wrv

    ). mi and 10

    Low Mas 1, 7 a. m. in honor 6: the Sacred Friday of m

    Confession B, ! iaturday, Baptism liyj ippointmjint>

    REV,: J ^ H N L DtFFICY^Pnstor,

    ('III'IHIIIIII IHl'Ot lit II I'll I'fioiim. • duroil.

    V. II

    •V 3VANGK

    100; nt 9:30 vorihlp ut the miiiister

    linth' the ceii,

    ime Without invitition to :lass4s.


    each month.:

    8 p] m.

    TvICAL nij . ; .

    MJ:30.a. m. The choir

    inornng and

    Kvenlnit njirvlcii nt 7 :HI) p. m, j Mnhwvnr tnclefleH Svlll p, in, hi Ih tip' r(iH|M'Hiv(i

    Oodil eriiRrnuis w III be rcii-

    . IlKimOUfjU, l»iiHlor,


    1):30 n,. ni 10 sm «.

    EllgllHi). . 7:30 p. n

    at the liap

    AVI iinitky, Hcpt

    HIbiiv M'hii

    1 i|ntro4 valleys, began bis

    £ou idati^n Aone, th< only objecw Gn euway Court.

    ., Ullioll t!V« 1st elm fell,

    RVAXJHLlOAb 11

    , - . - ' ! • , • ' '

    i».»' Miknlnr WtlrMhlp In,

    illiig worHlilp »pi)U8orttd by

    . „ ji,.ii,,i-

    he ;-Christian -TCoijiiii llrtiHsioii.

    WednesdnV, 8 p. in.. Monthly

    : Jrotherhood. Thursday

    Meeting of the f}l|aners clajss. will jf Mr. nwd M's. township! Bring

    I >e held at the hon e .fohn Miller of Cu in , our husband or a friend.

    H. E. FODNIQ, Polstpr,

    American Engin ters at Work on Big Pr4jects

    To read the" na n« B of the where American < nglneers been or are carry Ini o* great pro} pets Is like ret dl ig at r indom through the lnde: •« f aj mod^rp at |as.

    The ancient ci :y of. Luhlijn land, was in the fllifdle nourishing, "weal th J sfeeking to keei ibr0as,t times. In order to supply ljs.peo' pie with needed :01 tvenlencej, con-tracts were ente rei Into w master-mep calling for the of water pipes.

    These ancient Rifees w.ere of logs apd the |wijter $$s, through them hy Wheel. On an ajnc written! .in tat in

    contract betwjeei \ thoritles'" and 6ns

    th s uses m J force,

    calling'for the cph traction ng.

    • SomiB of those

    places have

    I Po

    ajges a rounlclplUity

    l i f t Its

    th its laying

    made forced

    ent pare; iment^ li| 1506, ttere Is

    the cl:y au-Tah Rurlmistra

    of the pipes and their ljiy

    That such me hdds werej used, American engineers discovered when putting. in :o, operatic! n the first modern wati*n^prks. Slime of tfie pipes were uncovered; iih»*leni tunnels ,wereJ .cut ntross.


    used as secret m»nr n of cscn ie dur Ing the numorou)

    t'onsure w«s un lions. Even earthed,

    Digging In the sflrpots of to Inntnll snnlthrr urns wore fouw H. C. Also n vt'ty was noted.1

    / i n

    tit ojirly tlint'i Now Bnglî nd w»ri

    ?nrs and

    Bark • • 1 >ellc«oy

    ,-,,7,T «V,,f«,I^,IU. . , , L..;, . , 1 , . . ^ . . , , . , , . . . ,yi*y

    tlic tender bark « 1, i . j

    White Mmhoginy The forest , service says thatl

    white mahogany is n trade numel for. Prima vera, which s fonml onl .tbe western' const of Mexjco and| southward t6 Giiotemnl 1. Tjn' WI Is mpderiately heavy, nn̂ l works well nnd Is snld to JJIVA lit tte' trouble by warp ng. It \\\ creamy'White to _ yellowish hrownj to CQ\»r. Tho 'grain k l|nd the pores are of s a W «lr.a as In true 11


    that j;ho -flffiiro* prJnliiecJ, cHpei-lHlljj whou finished with t NtJtini li ilinlinr. to. 11 fiiiiho^nny.

    AnJ Will Toimrrew TI10 mail who spentlH

    wing about what he lX heap of Aones near Aldie, on U. S, youthful adventurer pressed on ̂ > report at Belvoir. One lesson he had learned fro dental to hit travels, waa that a heavy head would insure balance in crossing

    ?!; i ! J

    p 1 .Si

    Scoring Qu Early in

    rarv Falls 6 to 1; Me

    Team to P lay H>re [ Next Sunday]

    J J l ars r ig

    T,„. |.!,rri«g-ton Rears rtyg up ti ' vU.„,rics to their credit overt

    f i r | | | V « , M , k 'o n d W b * n ®**y • '.,",'1 ih/r.-irv Indians at Cary Su I? ,1 t„ 1 and handed th* niu •*J|rtl FlKin-Merchants a. 0 '

    \f,,.r |il.-i,viiur sc»rcli*ss 1)̂ 1) for fo iiiincv ihi'Hciir^'broke'the ice in t

    lisfili liniiuu srliiR four times wh if,win iwi.s liil by n pitched bis :iin,|,., i.y Kitsch. OaHiiscli and--" -Bori!, ""'I " , w " hatwerroF, by "t [Orv ^111,1 hi""'""1". Anolhcr n »•«»' j..JuT.-.l in I lie Hoventh oil ft (rjl

    l i . K 1 ' h MU|' rt *'ag1'e by •.MHJo'wa |Tlit> |1'."'-' li'-' i"»jl>-*'SH m'oreirin t [ninth Î'.-ii Hic« Nlnxlvd a n d - " ('(S'*''!" """''' hi"]-second h" «'

    jl,,,. MIHIMII! Hlcik to thin);* whe ncori',1 niter tl|(» ct t tc lu »f « lO hit i" i-ik'li' Held by Gnrlilnch

    llnilfiii1-' i"11" l"".v w n " niadc ^y N |W»vi/. «-hi< sliifflcd frnd toiro'd on |*}«l)le !•> -I'iH. \ .. j

    ^, Niin-i«\et»! w i t h t w o d'>nlcH a • l fitii.1'' HI four t i m e s a t bat , [the Ciii-y l i i t lcrs. Ka»ch starred Ij«l.fur tlie Honrs p o u n d i n g o u t tt

    inp],-> ami-a tr ip le i n five t imes End Mfircliant's S c o r i n e E a r l y

    After alli)\yinfe t h e Merch8|tJts th IrJtis i« '!•«lo\vs rf 1


    IV; Htiirin, \


    ..4 .3

    J. 0

    1 F YOU NEED

    SH A H U R R T I

    SEE US

    vbtahMa Quickly

    li / .

  • '•? .1 i f >•

    Q. •

    •K ,

    Ki = K *

    K •t


    ;uis n-lwhed the swwt (nn( . uf [,op-!;ir trees, while* that rr pir>~ anil other pine trod

    tlriiila'riy popular among thoq „• ifn.rtfior west. Along the :kiiU.'k hark soakeri in salt

    )•• one .ft- hemlock, oak an n U t.firk In the tanning of. leath^ a t-ori'imitn present-day practlc

    • r'r ! j * the-host, known hark pro •! N o'rk; which Is the sipong Vk or ar> f>ak tree growing • 1; * (Vran lTti*T, in iR'ji, the first Ami-i f\p(ivrinr, cnlled a topogr fifii-r ins (.nrenfed by \V. A. *ftni

    I " typewriter was product I ;• it i i'. h.-i-ving a separate kj

    *.••. -r fj.r»"*:n-h h-tter. In 1811 ill i,f, -> *-ii! typovri'lnit machines wel 1v -. ITI»-»'»¥ In Knglnntl .which. III ;i ii-. l~ Kllinwow St.

    honf I.S9, Desl'lalni

    . *k

    1537 RJD6ELANP 11¾1¾

    AVENUE, BERVVYN TWHrtfllWlWwmillMrf} M"»1Mt'MII'>H't'l1WHWHM< **l

    Here'f a comfortable S-room Berwyn home. Pnriiig the last heating season it cost $154 to heat this hons t iwith gas under, the present house-heating rate. Write for o ijrir new illustrated booklet telling all about this dean; carefree fueL Public Strvic* Company of T"

    »00 ^ Y e a r ' s Study mthe FcJcml DepaitiBcnt Aqriciiltiii^

    i ! 1


    the Ladies Auxiliary trophy are A, Jeanniaire-I. Gobs, C.' Houston-bye, S. Berlick-C. Salzman, R. Zeh-M. De; wire, O. ptogosch-bye, ÂJ Henry-G, Wallace, A.,. Tieken-l|ye, J. Higgins-V. Barrett, i

    In the second round of the Leonard trophy, Roy Clark defeated H. Merker 3-2; and F. S. Smith defeated F. C Stamni 3-2, M. Loomis defaulted to H. Grccder, A. S. Eppers defaulted to G. Barrett, G. Busing defaulted to O. A. Miller, F.' Sampson defaulted, to

    ?. Geis, E. McLamore defaulted to . Miller and;-the W. French-W. Dot terrce match was not played..


    Classified Ads Bring Results




    HOURS 8 :$|0., to 0:30 a. m., 2 to 8 p. m.

    7 to 8:30 p. w. Sunday 11 to 12 noon

    O F ( F I ( | E OVER 1ST NAVL BANK

    Telephone Barrington 23


    Specializing In Diseases of Women and Children

    HOURS TuH«)y. Thursday, 7:30-8:30 p.

    { aturday, 2:304:30 p. m.

    Telephone Barrington 525 '

    Park Ave,; above Peerless Market

    D . F . B R O O K E


    HOURS , • '. 9 to 10 a. m. 1 2 to 3 p. m. ! 7 to ̂ p. in..

    $undiays by Appointment



    C. H. KELLAM


    Succetmor to

    DR. B. W.OLOOTT ,

    Phone Barrington 77^ 115 E. Main St.


    Office' In Pohlman Building - " 127 E. Main St. I

    BarrlnBtpn I

    HOURS 0 to 12 a. m, 1 to C pi m. 7 to 0 p:. m.

    Tel., Barrington 471

    I arr ington idson-Bssez Bids. 301 E. Main St.

    lelephone Barrington 235


    127 Park Avenue


    HOURS 8:30 to $0:00 a.m. l ;00 to 2:80p.m. 7.00 to 8:80 evening

    Sundays by Appointment

    TeL Barrington 70S


    Barrington Hudson-Essex 301 E. Main Street

    * Telephone, Barrington 4SS

    HOURS \

    9:00 a.m. to 12 a. m. 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to 9 p. m.



    Bids Are Received ( i First Inderal Road Project

    < The stalfce works am 1 ^lept. 7 to building p rojects to be funds allot id to Illinois al govelrnmMit * relief v^ort, '•

    Share TTTie

    Commission downstate

    of putyilftc EJceived bjWs i ies of road financed by

    ly the feder-op emergoicy highway

    departmenjt MUdings -the first si

    Cook Cointy Gets Lions Jneinploymrnt Relief

    Illinois unemployment relief • I.J2 ,̂037 to

    ::1,700,300 to allocated

    counties and


    C A S T L ^ . O S B O R r ^ & W l I l S


    1148-5$ National Life

    S. laSalle Siieet


    Teler hone

    Howard P. Castle, Evenings, 5!5 Giove Ave, Tel., Barrington


    155 7

    ill :v„

    ' Telepl

    Howard R. ' Eveninrs:

    Lincdn •r.' Telepho


    i. i

    60) i Summit Str i it

    Telephone, Bajrrlngtot




    Coo: thai to he sooner not

    chof en Illii oit Ruti Mor ris

    tr toCowAy,



    V e must keep in mind this money must be paid back source.

    or later, (ted the.

    tared o pay the bill,

    Heiiltiiiest Boy lind Girl

    G fui iiy; count t is the home of both the healthiest farm girl and farm boy"


    Conway y^ushlngto



    • * * p it porarltj

    Avenue, jllarrington


    at 234 W.


    from which- i it cilrae and if a bomi'iMae 1» whole stOjW will be


    at the 4-H club camp at the state

    man, but att^d

    i stn lof fi


    I Live at Morrfar

    ' i

    They are Mia* who. llvw negf high school In

    pnvibhl and., Ranald. Wilsor, IR, of Mor 'isJ

    felr. VI5,


    t v

    C1DRY r ESTAT^

    1 >


    102 N.] Cook j t r w t '

    Tel.xBarrington 2

    ' " ' . • < ] ? m


    ESTATES.: •'" •

    FkRMS-1 .-AGRE8


    CALKINS BROS. Excavating and Grading Contractart

    • ' - • ' • L • ' • - ' • •" • ' '• -

    Dohrses, Subdivision Work. i Lai dscaplng,| Roads, Drlvee, Swit iming VottU, Dams, Lskea, T^nijis Courts', Bowling Orient „;,-


    H. H| fALWNS| : ' |hone'B5i ; .' •.': LKIN8, Phone 4

  • '

    mm •^f

    'ooMiich Aj|on T lis Year ire IfjfarshslU Reports

    mi BI

    offler«4n 1

    The tained of ifwoii ended J

    SrepoVt . The yeai marshal 0 * in Jft attr brought The totijl ima 111 «5 ,980

    lite fire marshal's office ob-cotiviftjons (rfr the crime

    ni year that during (the ff» tie HO* 11K12, t ov. Ix>|il8 L.

    has been ii formed' in a repared. hy 8. L. Legreid.

    according to the state tiro i report, was or » of the bard-

    tins history of thi service. This hui«d to conditions that Utoat a wove ol incendiarism.

    flro loss for he fiscal year 1,800,881, compared to 121,-. durlng the preceding year,

    ,278 Forty per cent of the 17, purrerded dur-

    this most

    Embargo on Goods Coming Down From Wisconsin

    European corn borer infestations Jn Wisconsin, near the JHinoig^ state line, have led to the Issuance bj» Governor Kmhjerson of; a corn borer embargo against Wisconsin. This will restrict movement of certain vegetables, flow-era and bulbs In Illinois JCi'ora Wis-consin. | '•"


    We Deliver 10 a. m.

    . 3 p. in.

    i -.



    N. LANDWER, Manager 209 to 2(15 Park Ave^-210 to 216 Stat ion St ,


    Special |Vf ATTli G o , d Medal • or PUlsbJury 1 LAJ U f i . 1 24^,-lb. sack for

    Friday and Saturday . Bsc

    / ^ I ? I ? 1 7 i t ? FaTington^s "66" \ O Q / , ' V / r r i L j L l >lild and Delicious, lb. ..._ ^ ^ V

    B l l t t e r fresh creamery IGA roll 2 lbs .4 | lC

    MJnced Ham »*#*ioca.

    per pkg. .:,.h 10c I.O.A. Crepe Tissue

    S. lg. rblis 1 35c I.O.A. Ffuff^ Cake Flour,

    ^ pkg.-. ..i u 2ic OldDutchCleanaer, 2for lfic Quaker Oata. pfcg 0c Colman's Mustard, 2-oz. 15c l.G.A. Grape Juice, pt. 17c I.O.A. Shi-tap, tall tin I 2 ^ c Little Boy Blue, bottle ...9c Argo Gloaa Starch,

    l-tt>. pkg. ....,.,,.., 7Wc

    Cream of Wheat, lg. .... Price's Baking Powder,'

    12-oa. tin ............,. l.G.A. Sliced Pineapple,

    No. 2 can ...,. [ l.G.A. Kidney Beans,

    tall can l.G.A. Wax or Green Bi

    2 No. 2 cans l.G.A. Country Gehtli

    or Golden Bantam 2 tins

    I.0.A. Rice. l.GiA. Sal Soda, pkg, I . G J I . Lye, tin l.G.A. Tuna Fish,

    -M-sise can*- .j. liux Flakes, lg. pkg. Minute Tapioca, jpkg.


    3 size Loaves priced at


    %. %_ , _ , j ,, Well Made pair 7 Men's Overalls^ strong blue denim* high bj

    pert pair , :._ .:...........,....„..... __. Decorated Salad Bowls, big value, each.,; |^9 Ladies' House Dresses to close out, each |

    Blankets, 72x84 Tains

    25fr. and Mrs. H. Grimm >4"

    FIOUR, Airy Fairy,, Kivik-Bis-Kit, " | ...r.. : ..............19*

    pu ninu m Scoop . \ ith each pkg.

    flavors, 4 rEg.pkgs: 2 9 *

    O^^DOL, l|)c ij»kg. ... 35c pkg.


    AMERICAN ; 25c pkg.

    AJIERIGAN - l g . b a r ..



    . . . . 1 i

    7 1 / 2 *

    19* FLAKES,

    . . .19* $OAP






    Sept. 9th Sept. 15th

    OATMEAL, Royal Blue, Quickj Regular, 10c pkgi.,..:.............I... 25C Pkg. ^.-..:.......X---. 1: VM

    MACARONI or SPAGHETTI, Î oyal Sltfe, (Twice as much\and Better for.jLess) % 1-lb. pkgs. :X.



    P & (i!SOAP,;Gfiaht, 6 bars Rej^ 7 bars for .:.....,..

    ^ iVOBy SOAP, large> 2 bars hieiiiuni,,;4 l?ars '••••

    CAJM|lfr: î OAP,;.4 bars ....' | l 9*

    45c 19c

    29C 95c




    25< 19* 15c 19C

    Si.LT, Royil irum, 10c


    BLACK TEA >/2-lb. .

    OlfALTINE, Orphi

    SAUER KRiUT, No. 2 Rccentljj sold for twice

    Blue, Z value by Morton



    Reg. 50c Annie's Fivorlte


    Bak^d in 3 size Loavcjs Iced at • * * ' ' • . • • ' , • • ' • . . *

    8c - 10c 5c V2;can 7y 2 * as much .


    Salt Cc « *

    y*-ib. . .2 i* ' • • • ^ • • • iaMkaaaa" ' ' * ^ * * *^ !

    lean ........39*


    (NO SUGAR, Brown ojr C »n-tiohers, Mb. pkg. 1½^ tRIES, Red Pitted, New Hich.


    fe'2 N0. 2.16c cans .}.... 6LiyES, 2 5-oz. cans -,... ERVES, Royal Blue, • yAuC j a r i.....

    MEAL, Quaker; Ye te, 2 pkgs. ....; ....;

    thi Subscriber Administr^t ESJ ate' of Dorothy Maude " will attend the ~

    IjAike Cou^nty, at a be holden at the Okuft

    Waukegan, in said Coulni. Monday of November nex and where all persons' hai against, said estate are no requested to present the

    i laid court for adjudication^ MILLIE T. CHAMBERS,

    ABmx. n, 111., August 25,-1032,

    Pegler and Dale, Attwieys

    low 4>r 15*

    . V-. I - ' ' • I'P i%V.-,t.nV, te-.liA.: i.

    , pnbllshcjd with In Illlijol

    To lXME.47 r NV>^E». .

    I»r0f< and Cons Jlonrd l*r»m

    ' With

    inii>iialk«>r, salif. ( , j.firnni'i", who operaio- :dft» ''.' Lfarmv with just a small' nBj»!

    i ilairv 'COWK, frequently: do' 'hit ' . H'IIJVCAt ra «HIk to w[l|i liccaipc • IIIKC llM'ir herd's pWlijothuv -"^wmil.v «(nl for tile ll|v,'ttn<

    oj, > n ! w dtiior rjiiison their Si|p|il> f*

    :, primtrr t inn their iiyii•'. roii^ur ' ileiimii^yflion thpyi*Hiit to .««•!

    mir|>liiM'rf.f^*li,. Pniini'en:, arc ihiu fiiraii'i'i'have i)»t'oi^Tuii-il.tln'ir acHirdinu..:(« Ihe Mti?i«i'ht iliilrv

    • latioii!.. They are uiujb'le i . M i» towns protected by] strict ._ tiiui ie(|iiireiiion(N, m tlie' fa'rnif •'id,, to peddle (heir milk iii other town which is ' •not: so about ^mise thinf{»." '; :

    > "Too Tecn^Jcal" ' Mr. LaPointe addressed the

    |f an,| asked him why he « p in Harrington to ' ta lk On milk' i >i"ii. Mr. LnPointc ipsked bin: were not to the intervst of tb< Milk |associat|on ito have p4st< lion ordinances passed. Is I n,

    ~* I'u're, Milk a W i a t i o d an 'organ] for the benefit 6( laifge Chiea®

    * -' j "• ; Continued onj pageEi

    —' ; ,..:T,,, •.. J : Church MoyRiim IndependentTicl From 10th Disti

    jo 'The discovery W been niajd rot'-s easJt for candidates for co rrom the Tenth district dg .hot with tlie number of v.oters lis

    ^he poll books. This fact ca ^1 Sn the recount, before < % Thomas J. Lynch of C

    th ° T ^ f t h e m*i°r developme ,c ' nVch-Simpson recount

    woiie another maj>r developn u»e nrculafjon of ^petitions to

    rh«iJ" m e 0 t V P ^ K.fChurch . -S. f ia" an independeht candid '•!*Mk result of>he recount is *W» tj> Simpson?- ' I

    In the recoupt, James ta l

    Til" V h t w ^ J t e ^ i j m - . « *>» Tenth Congressional

    °»^Ke; county there are nipk, r U h V T " 1 ^ - - ^ poll =-boob

    • &r w i f l ^ n ^ »ut •

    ' • d i ^ 0 ' ? 8imp^D " ,ea