Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION...

Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDO’S LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12

Transcript of Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION...

Page 1: Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12.

Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605


Preventative Programme 2008-12

Page 2: Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12.


Funded by London Councils as part of a strategy to tackle child sexual exploitation across London.

Will work with London Safeguarding Children Board and Local Safeguarding Boards to ensure awareness is raised, vulnerable children are identified and accessed to services.

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Builds on Barnardo’s experience of delivering the Preventative Programme 2005-7.

Designed to meet needs highlight by Barnardo’s research: “Meeting the needs of Sexually Exploited Children in London” 2005.

Programme has been fully evaluated – “It Could Be Anyone”.

Will focus on children & YP most likely to be vulnerable to sexual exploitation.

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Intended Outcomes of the Preventative Education Programme

For ProfessionalsOutcome1 Professionals are educated to identify

children at risk of or experiencing sexual exploitation by adults and peers:

Outcome 2 Professionals are educated about how to

protect and support children at risk of or experiencing sexual exploitation or bullying and have increased knowledge of services available.

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Outcome 1 Children and Young People have

increased knowledge and confidence enabling them to resist unwanted sexual advances, report sexual exploitation and seek protection.

Outcome 2 Children & Young People are educated

about how to protect themselves from SE and have increased knowledge of services available.

For Children and Young People

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For Professionals

Every borough will have: A presentation to the LSCB. A day’s Multi Agency Training for LSCB. An awareness raising session for

residential social workers and managers. Consultancy and advice at Multi-Agency

strategy meetings held under the LSCB procedures;

How will this be achieved?

Page 7: Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12.

For Children & Young People

Education sessions using the “B Wise 2 Sexual Exploitation Pack” in year 9 in selected secondary schools.

Sessions in Pupil Referral Units Sessions in residential

Children’s homes.

Page 8: Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12.

Is based on recent experience with children at SEone.

Designed for use with 12-17 year olds in schools, pupil referral units and residential units.

Enables professionals to feel informed about child sexual exploitation.

Provides session plans and activities for use by facilitators.

Page 9: Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12.

6 Topics Covered

What is child sexual exploitation? Uses triangles of abuse Case study of “Jada and Rowland”

Grooming Four stages of the grooming process Real face or mask exercise

Child abuser

Prosecution triangleChild sex


Abused child

Page 10: Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12.

Power & Control

Uses Duluth wheel

“Mood boards”

Poetry writing exercise

Page 11: Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12.

Risk Management

How running away increases risk of being targeted.

Techniques some dangerous adults use

Risk management toolkit

Page 12: Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12.

Equal, consensual & respectful relationships

Uses wheel of equal relationships.

What is consent? Exercise.

Agony aunt letters

Page 13: Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12.

Support, protection and the law

“Legal or illegal” quiz. Police case file How can sexually

exploited girls and boys be supported?

Useful numbers A new ending

Page 14: Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12.

Plans for Evaluating the Programme

Learning from the 2005-7 evaluation “It could be

anyone”Schools Sessions: Children & Young People’s

knowledge and understanding of risky adults and situations was improved in the short term.

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Residential Units & PRU’s

Young people’s feedback showed they had enjoyed the session and found them worthwhile.

Young People believed their awareness had been raised by the session.

Young people’s knowledge was strongest when describing impact of CE & Services.

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Majority showed marked improvement in knowledge of CSE.

Majority of those not able to answer questions at all about CSE before training were able to afterwards.

Follow up groups found professionals very positive about the programme.

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Plans to evaluate the 2008-12 Programme

Will incorporate these challenges:-Professionals Programme sessions will be spread

thinner across wide range than previously.

Interviewing PSHE co-ordinators in more depth.

Targeting larger numbers of residential social workers.

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Children and YP in schools: Pre-testing of sample of children. Children & YP in PRU/Residential

settings Most difficult to engage group in

previous evaluations with one PRU Focus with on PRU on piloting more

innovation ways of involving children in research,

Allow more time & resources to engage children.

Page 19: Barnardos Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 BARNARDOS LONDON SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Preventative Programme 2008-12.

Meeting the recovery needs of Children

Identified via the Preventative Education Programme

Experience from the 2005-7 programme shows greater awareness will lead to children being recognized as Sexually exploited.

Safeguarding- Professionals more likely to acknowledge CE when a specialist service is available.

Metropolitan Police – committed to network of specialist services.

London Council plans to commission. - A much broader and more comprehensive network of specialist services providing therapeutic work to support children recovery from CSE.