Barefoot Final Branding Book


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Transcript of Barefoot Final Branding Book

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go barefoot.

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History: In 1965, “it was time for a wine that didn’t take itself so seriously.” Based in California, Barefoot Wine was created by Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Burgundy. In 1994, they collaborated with winemaker Jennifer Wall to create a variety of fun flavors for wine drinkers everywhere. A National Partnership happened in 2005 with the E. & J. Gallo winery, and Barefoot has been having fun with them ever since.

Goal: This campaign will aim to increase awareness and sales for the Barefoot Wine brand amongst our target audience.

Advertising Objectives: For women ages 18-34, Barefoot Wine will see a 70% comprehension rate and 55% conviction rate. We will also see an effective reach of 70 and effective frequency of 4.

Time Frame: The campaign will run from April 2015 to April 2016.

Target Market:Our target market are females ages 21-34. Whether they just got back from the office, finished class-es for the day, or just tucked their kids in bed, women in our target market like to unwind with a glass (or two) of Barefoot wine. Our target is women who are comfortable in their own skin, which empow-ers them to try new things and maintain a positive attitude. Since the Barefoot woman is unique and independent, she has a wide range of interests, including hobbies like dancing, socializing, art, fitness, and cooking.

The Big Idea: Barefoot Wine provides a variety of wines for free-spirited young women looking to relax and enjoy themselves.

Advertising Problem:Barefoot Wine does not have a consistently strong advertising campaign targeted towards the con-sumers that will use the product the most. We plan to solve these issues by creating an effective ad campaign that will help reach all the untapped people in our target market that previously were not being addressed due to lack of advertising. We also hope to hone in on our target market and not only market effectively, but also hope to expand our target market in other areas once this campaign solidifies Barefoot Wine dominance in the wine market place.

Underlying Emotional Need/ Promise:Our target market is in an age bracket where there are many big life transitions happening—the younger half is experiencing college, entering the work force, and relocating, while the latter half is settling down, having children, etc. These changes are all unique to the individual experiencing them. Barefoot wants to help consumers relax during this busy time in their lives, celebrate who they are, and recognize the versatility that makes them a free spirited individual.

Competition:Sutter Home, Franzia box, Yellow Tail

Creative brief

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our audience

Meet Diana, a 22 year old recent college grad. She is currently adjusting to her recent move to NYC, where she just got hired as a junior account executive at a marketing agency. Diana is a hard worker, and after a produc-tive day at the office, likes to relax by getting together with a couple of her college friends that also moved to the area. They gather at one of their apartments, and after a glass (or two) of wine, are laughing and having a great time.

Young Professional: Meet Diana, 22

Young mother:Maria, 30Maria is a 30-year-old mother to her 2-month-old baby girl, Ava. Residing in a suburb near Hous-ton, Texas, she is temporarily on maternity leave, but will soon return to her job as a 7th grade English teacher. Maria is very outgoing, and loves when her family and close friends come to visit her and the baby. On Fri-day night, her husband watch-es the baby while Maria goes to her friend’s house to watch a movie, eat, and have a glass (or two) of wine. She likes Barefoot because it allows her to unwind and be herself.

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wild cardBarefoot Wine wants to bring women ages 21-34 togeth-er to relax after a busy day of work, classes, or taking care of the kids. We will be cele-brating our unique target audi-ence by hosting cocktail hour events in major metropolitan areas throughout the country. Locations include Manhattan, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington DC, Miami, and Houston.


At these events, we will be pro-viding complementary Bare-foot Wine, good music, and great company at unique bars. Attendees will receive gift sets that include a bottle of their favorite Barefoot Wine flavor, and a gift card to receive a free massage at local spa to unwind and unleash their free spirit.


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Two Page pres.

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Target College Ages “21”- 25

Barefoot Tagline Ideas

1. What are you wine-ing about? 2. Escape with Barefoot3. Kiss the week goodbye4. Un-wine with barefoot 5. A wine so good, the possibil-ities are endless6. So many choices, you’ll have nothing to wine about7. Moscato, Riesling, & Zinfend-el—oh my8. Can you paint with all the colors of the wine-d?9. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain? Can you paint with all the colors of Barefoot wine?10. “Wine” down with Barefoot11. Wine me up 12. Wine-ing away again in Bare-footville13. Wastin’ away again in Bare-footville14. Refreshing. Affordable. Bare-foot. 15. Be colorful. Be Barefoot.

16. Find your color with barefoot17. Keeping your feet on the beach and wine on your mind since 196518. Wine on the mind since 196519. Her last name was wine-house for a reason (amy winehouse holding barefoot)20. Taking you from one beach to the next 21. Have a drink that you can “bare” 22. Giving you a bare-able drink since 196523. Make your weekend bare-able24. Make your week bare-able25. Beer no more. Wine, hello. 26. Bare no more, wine hello27. Vodka who? We’ve got your bare-back. 28. Be breezy with barefoot.29. Keep the fella’s wine-ing more30. Heads turning over the new shoes? Nah, it’s the barefoot. 31. Barefoot: keeping feet bare since 1965. 32. Escape with Barefoot

33. Get hungover with something worth it. 34. A hangover worth wine-ing about35. Take it all off with barefoot36. A wine so classy, Audrey Hepburn would drink it37. A wine made for queens38. Who needs shoes?39. Who needs heels?40. Ditch the keys, you’ll have more room for wine41. Drink safely now, so you wont wine later42. Church—wine, holy,43. The holy grail of wine 44. Get your weekly fix 45. And on the seventh day, He said “let there be wine.”46. Thou shall honor their ______47. Wine-ing 5cents

RelaxVacation Escape Beach

Go Barefoot.