Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture

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Transcript of Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture

  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


    Indian Financial SystemIndian Financial System

  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


    The Structure of the Financial SystemThe Structure of the Financial System

    Commonly, the financial system is classified into

    Industrial Finance

    Funds required for the conduct of industry and trade.

    Agricultural Finance

    Funds needed and supplied for the conduct of agriculture and allied activity.

    Development Finance

    Funds needed for development; actually it includes both industrial finance and

    agricultural finance.

    Government Finance

    Relates to the demand for and supply of funds to meet Government expenditure.

  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


    BroadlyBroadly,, TheThe IndianIndian financialfinancial systemsystem isis composedcomposed ofof

    TheThe banking banking system,system, thethe insuranceinsurance companies,companies, mutualmutual funds,funds, investmentinvestment

    fundsfunds andand otherother institutionsinstitutions whichwhich

    PromotePromote savingssavings amongamong thethe publicpublic

    CollectCollect theirtheir savingssavings

    TransferTransfer themthem toto thethe actualactual investorsinvestors..

    TheThe investorsinvestors inin thethe countrycountry composedcomposed ofof individualindividual investors,investors, industrialindustrial andand

    tradingtrading companiescompanies andand thethe governmentgovernment.. TheyThey enterenter thethe financialfinancial systemsystem asas


    ApartApart fromfrom thesethese twotwo broadbroad categoriescategories ofof institutions,institutions, therethere areare certaincertain otherother

    essentialessential institutionsinstitutions ofof thethe indianindian financialfinancial systemsystem whichwhich areare actuallyactually


    Ex: New Issues Market, Stock Exchange.

  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


    Composition of the Indian Financial SystemComposition of the Indian Financial System

    It consists of two partsIt consists of two parts

    Indian Money MarketIndian Money MarketShortShort--term funds are borrowed and lentterm funds are borrowed and lent

    Indian Capital MarketIndian Capital Market


    Medium--term and Longterm and Long--term funds are borrowed and lentterm funds are borrowed and lent

    Indian money market is classified intoIndian money market is classified into

    Organised SectorOrganised Sector

    Consists of commercial banks in India, which includes private sector, public sector andConsists of commercial banks in India, which includes private sector, public sector and

    also foreign banks.also foreign banks.

    Unorganised SectorUnorganised Sector

    Consists of indigenous bankers including the nonConsists of indigenous bankers including the non--banking financial companiesbanking financial companies(NBFCs)(NBFCs)

  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


    Banking Structure in IndiaBanking Structure in India

  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


    Reserve Bank of India

    Central bank and supreme Monetary Authority of the Country

    Scheduled Banks

    Scheduled Commercial Banks Scheduled Co-operative Banks

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  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture


  • 8/6/2019 Banking and Capital Market Reforms-Class Lecture
