Bangladesh International School & College Nirjhor, Dhaka...

CLASS-III 01 CLASS-III 02 Note : 1. All are advised to purchase books of latest edition and original books, not photocopies. 2. Text Books, Diary, Exercise books. Stationery articles are available at the School premises. 3. Parents are requested to write the name of the students on the cover page of text books, exercise books, water-pot, school bag etc. MARKS DISTRIBUTION AT A GLANCE (HALF YEARLY & FINAL EXAM) CLASS-III Grand total of the Term Exams will be calculated as: Term Exam = 100 (To be converted into 75%): 75 Marks S.B.A.: 05 Marks C.T. = 20: 20 Marks Grand Total: 100 Marks Sl Subject SBA Class Test Term Exam Marks Duration Marks Duration 1. Bangla 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins 2. English-I 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins 3. English-II 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins 4. Maths 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins 5. Science 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins 6. Religion 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins 7. Art 5 20 40 mins 50(Grade) 1 hr 30 mins PARENTS ARE ADVISED NOT TO ALLOW STUDENTS TO BRING STAINLESS STEEL RULER AND FANCY STATIONERY TO SCHOOL Bangladesh International School & College Nirjhor, Dhaka Cantonment CLASS - III (NATIONAL) BOOK LIST FOR - 2017 TEXT BOOKS ENGLISH PAPER-I 1. English for Today Book-3 (NCTB) 2. Oxford Reading Circle-3 by Nicholas Horseburgh ENGLISH PAPER-II 1. Junior English Book-3 by Hayden Richards 2. Success with Buzzword Main Course Book-3 by V. Sasikumar (Latest CD edition) BANGLA : 1. Avgvi evsjv eB -Z…Zxq †kÖ wY (NCTB) 2. mnRcvV evsjv e¨vKiY I iPbv (bZzb ms¯‹iY) -KvRx b~ iæj Bmjvg (beviæb cvewj‡Kkb) MATHEMATICS: 1. Elementary Mathematics for Class -3 (NCTB) SCIENCE 1. Elementary Science Class-3 (NCTB) COMPUTER SCIENCE 1. Computers Ahead-3 Windows 7, MS Office 2007 Edition (5 th Edition) by Anjana Jain (Orient Black Swan) BANGLADESH & GLOBAL STUDIES 1. Bangladesh & Global Studies Book-3 (NCTB) RELIGION: 1. Islam and Moral Education/ Hindu/ Christian/ Buddhist Moral Education for class-3 (NCTB) ART: 1. Syllabus to be followed. 8. BGS 5 20 40 mins 100 100 2 hr 30 mins 9. Com.s 5 20 40 mins 2 hr 30 mins 10. S/D - - - 50 1 hr 30 mins

Transcript of Bangladesh International School & College Nirjhor, Dhaka...

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Note: 1. All are advised to purchase books of latest edition and original books, not photocopies.

2. Text Books, Diary, Exercise books. Stationery articles are available at the School premises.

3. Parents are requested to write the name of the students on the cover page of text books, exercise books, water-pot, school bag etc.



Grand total of the Term Exams will be calculated as:

Term Exam = 100 (To be converted into 75%): 75 Marks S.B.A.: 05 Marks C.T. = 20: 20 Marks Grand Total: 100 Marks

Sl Subject SBA Class Test Term Exam Marks Duration Marks Duration

1. Bangla 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins

2. English-I 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins 3. English-II 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins 4. Maths 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins 5. Science 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins 6. Religion 5 20 40 mins 100 2 hr 30 mins

7. Art 5 20 40 mins 50(Grade) 1 hr 30 mins


Bangladesh International School & College Nirjhor, Dhaka Cantonment



TEXT BOOKS ENGLISH PAPER-I 1. English for Today Book-3 (NCTB) 2. Oxford Reading Circle-3 by Nicholas Horseburgh ENGLISH PAPER-II 1. Junior English Book-3 by Hayden Richards 2. Success with Buzzword Main Course Book-3 by V. Sasikumar (Latest CD

edition) BANGLA: 1. Avgvi evsjv eB -Z…Zxq †kÖwY (NCTB) 2. mnRcvV evsjv e¨vKiY I iPbv (bZzb ms¯‹iY) -KvRx b~iæj Bmjvg

(beviæb cvewj‡Kkb)

MATHEMATICS: 1. Elementary Mathematics for Class -3 (NCTB) SCIENCE 1. Elementary Science Class-3 (NCTB) COMPUTER SCIENCE 1. Computers Ahead-3 Windows 7, MS Office 2007 Edition (5th Edition) by

Anjana Jain (Orient Black Swan) BANGLADESH & GLOBAL STUDIES 1. Bangladesh & Global Studies Book-3 (NCTB) RELIGION: 1. Islam and Moral Education/ Hindu/ Christian/ Buddhist Moral Education for

class-3 (NCTB) ART: 1. Syllabus to be followed.

8. BGS 5 20 40 mins 100


2 hr 30 mins 9. Com.s 5 20 40 mins 2 hr 30 mins 10. S/D - - - 50 1 hr 30 mins

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c`¨t 1| nv‡U hve 2| Avgv‡`i GB evsjv‡`k e¨vKiYt hy³eY© I wj½ cwieZ©b

4 cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI 2×2=4

5 wb‡Pi hyy³eY©¸wj w`‡q 2wU K‡i kã MVb Ki


6 wj½ cwieZ©b 1×4=4

‡gvU (‡kªwY cix¶v - 1) 20

SBA: 5

English-I Books: a. English for Today Book 3 (NCTB) paper-1 b. Oxford Reading Circle Bk-3

Group-A 1. English for Today Book-3 a. Seen passage pg-4,56,66 b. Rearranges c. Punctuations d. Introducing Someone

Group-B 2. Oxford Reading Circle, Bk-3

a. Pratap Goes shopping b. The Turtle & the Swans c. The Fraid d. Two Ways of Beating a Drum

3. Poem a. Who’s In? b. A Chill c. My New Umbrella

d. Picnic Time


Read the passage carefully and answer the questions 1,2 and 3

1 Write only the answer on the answer paper


2. Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B


3. Answer the following questions 2x3=6 4 Rearrange the following words to make

a sentence 1x4=4

5 Use capital letters and punctuation marks where necessary


6 Complete the form with the given information


Group-B (ORC)

7 Write down the meaning of the following words


8 Make sentences with the following words


9 Indicate true or false 1×5=5 10 Fill in the blanks with appropriate

words 1x6=6

11 Who said the following dialogues to whom


12 Answer the questions in short 2x4=8

13 Answer the questions in broad 5x3=15

14 Write first eight lines of the poem along with poet’s name and proper punctuation


15 Handwriting and neatness 1

Total (Half yearly Exam) 100

Block Syllabus for Class –III (Half Yearly Examination-2017)

Subject/ Ch/Lesson Sl. No

Type of Questions Marks distribution

evsjv eBt K| Avgvi evsjv eB L| mnRcvV evsjv e¨vKiY I iPbv M`¨ 1| Qwe I K_v 2| ivRv I Zuvi wZb Kb¨v 3| fvlv kwn`‡`i K_v 4| ¯^vaxbZv w`em‡K wN‡i 5| Kyu‡Rv eywoi Mí 6| GKvB GKwU `yM© 7| cvwL‡`i K_v

c`¨: 1| nv‡U hve 2| Avgv‡`i GB evsjv‡`k 3| Pj& Pj& Pj& 4| ZvjMvQ 5| Avgvi cY e¨vKiYt hy³eY©, wj½ cwieZ©b, wecixZ kã, evMaviv, wµqvc‡`i PwjZ iƒc| iPbv (80 kã): 1| Avgvi †`k 2| kwn` w`em 3| ‡Uwjwfkb 4| Mi“ 5| c‡njv ˆekvL (‡kªbx‡Z hv Kiv‡bv n‡e)

K- wefvM 1 mwVK DËiwU evQvB K‡i wjL 10

2 kãv_© 1×6=6

3 evK¨ MVb 2×3=6

4 KweZv I Kwei bvgmn 8 jvBb wjL 10

5 M`¨ †_‡K eywS‡q wjL 5

6 cªkœ DËi 3×4=12

7 KweZvi g~jfve 5

8 L - wefvM

wb‡Pi hy³eY©¸wj w`‡q 2wU K‡i kã MVb Ki


9 wj½ cwieZ©b 1×7=7

10 wecixZ kã 1×6=6

11 evMaviv 2×3=6

12 wµqvc‡`i PwjZ iƒc wjLb 6

13 iPbv wjL 12

14 nv‡Zi †jLv I cwi¯‹vi cwi”QbœZv 1

‡gvU (uuAa© evwl©K cix¶v) 100

‡kªwY cix¶v – 1 evsjv

M`¨t 1| ivRv I Zuvi wZb Kb¨v 2| fvlv kwn`‡`i K_v

1 mwVK DËiwU evQvB K‡i wjL 1×4=4

2 kãv_© 1×4=4

3 evK¨ MVb Ki 1×2=2

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Books: Elementary Mathematics for Class-3 (NCTB)

Chap-1: Numbers Chap-2: Addition Chap-3: Subtraction Chap-4: Multiplication Chap-5: Division Chap-10: Geometry a) Angles b) Time table (1-12)

1 Choose the correct answer (MCQ) 1x10=10 2 Answer the questions in short 1x10=10 3 Work out (addition, subtraction,

multiplication, division) 3.5x4=14

4 Solve the word problem (Add, Sub, mul & div, problem related to add, sub, mul & div)


5. Geometry: Define with figure (angles)


Total (Half Yearly Exam) 100 Class Test-1 Mathematics

Chap-1: Numbers

Chap-2: Addition

Chap-3: Subtraction 4: Table (1-9)

1 Answer the questions in short 1x4=4 2 Write the number names 1x3=3 3 Write the numeral for the number

names 0.5x4=2

4 Write the place value of the numerals 1x3=3 5 Fill in the blanks (Mixed table) 1x4=4 6 Work out (Addition + Subtraction) 2x2=4 Total (Class Test-1) 20

SBA: 5 Science

Book: Elementary Science (NCTB) 1. Chap-1:Our Environment 2. Chap-2:Living and Non-Living things

3. Chap-3:Different Types of Matter

4. Chap-4: Water for life

5. Chap-5: Soil

4. Chap-6: Air

1 Write the correct answer (MCQ) 1x50=50

2 Answer the questions in short 1x15=15

3 B/Q or C/Q( 7 out of 9) 5x7=35 Total (Half yearly Exam) 100

Class Test -1 Science

1. Chap-1:Our Environment 2. Chap-2:Living and Non-Living things

1 Write the correct answer (MCQ) 1x5=5 2 Answer the questions in short 1x5=5 3 C/Q( 2 out of 3) 2x5=10 Total (Class Test-1) 20

SBA: 5

Class Test -1 English-I

Oxford Reading Circle a. Pratap Goes Shopping b. Poem: i) Who’s In? ii) A Chill English for Today Book-3 c. Introducing Some one

1 Write the meaning of the following words 1×4=4 2 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words 1x3=3 3 Answer the following questions in short 2x2=4 4 Write first 8 lines of the poem along with

poet’s name and proper punctuation 5

5 Complete the form with the given information


Total (Class Test-1) 20 SBA: 5

English-II Books: a. Junior English-3 (Hyden Richards) b. Success with Buzzword Main Course Book-3, CD Edition Grammar 1. Synonyms. 2. Gender.3. Contraction. 4. Noun formation from verb.5. Change adjective into adverb.6. Abbreviation.7. Verb (past and past participle form). 8. Adjective formation from noun. 9. Preposition. 13. Paragraphs: a. My Pet b. My Best Friend c. My School 13. Comprehensions: a. Monday Morning b. The Big Race c. Rikki-tikki-Tavi

1 Fill up the blanks with nouns formed from the verbs given in brackets


2 Re-write the following sentences using correct form of verb given in the bracket.


3 Write the synonyms for the following words


4 Write the contracted form of the following words.


5 a) Write the feminine genders of the following words:


b) Change abjectibe in to odverb


6 Form adjectives of the following nouns 1x9=9

7 Rewrite the sentences with appropriate prepositions, abbreviation


8 Write a paragraph 1x10=10 9 Comprehension:

a. True/False 1x5=5 b. Fill up the blanks 1x5=5 c. Make sentences 1x5=5 d. Question & answer 2.5x2=5

10 Handwriting and neatness 1

Total ( Half Year Exam) 100 Class Test-1

English - II 1. Noun possession 2. Comparing adjective 3. Synonyms 4. Gender 5. Doers of action

1 Write the missing words 1x4=4 2 Re-write the sentences using correct form

of adjectives given in the brackets. 1x4=4

3 Write synonyms for the following words 1x4=4 4 Write the feminine gender for the

following words 1x4=4

5 Fill up the blanks with appropriate doers of actions


Total (Class Test-1) 20 SBA: 5

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Unit-2 : Ibadat Unit-4: Study of the Quran Majid (Pg:41-45)

Surah: Fatiha (pg:58)

5 Answer the questions in short 4x5=20 6 Answer the questions in broad 6x4=24 7 Write the meaning of Surah 7 Total (Half Yearly Exam) 100

Class Test -1 Religion -Islam

Unit – 1 : Iman and Aquaid

1 Fill in the blanks 1x5=5 2 Write True and False 1x5=5 3 Answer the questions in short 3x2=6 4 Answer the questions in broad 4x1=4 Total (Class Test-1) 20

SBA: 5 Buddhist Religion and

Moral Education

Book: Buddhist Religion & Moral Education for Class-3 (NCTB) Content: 1. Chap One: Siddhartha Gautam 2. Chap Two: Saranagaman 3. Chap Three: Daily Work and Salutation 4. Chap Four: Worship with flowers 5. Chap Five: Moral Education – Grihisil 6. Chap Six: Introduction to Tripitak Binoy Pitak

1. Write the correct answer (MCQ) 1x10=10

2. Fill in the blanks 2x10=20 3. Match the following 2x5=10 4. Write True or False 1x10=10 5. Answer the questions in short 5x4=20 6. Answer the questions in broad 6x5=30

Total (Half Yearly Exam) 100

Class Test-1 Buddhist Religion and Moral Education

1. Chap One: Siddhartha Gautam 2. Chap Two: Saranagaman

1 Fill in the blanks 1x5=5

2 Match the following 1x5=5 3 Answer the questions in short 3x2=6 4 Answer the question in broad 4x1=4 Total (Class Test-1): 20

SBA: 5 Hindu Religion and

Moral Education

Book: Hindu Religion and Moral Education Bk-3 (NCTB) Content: 1. Chap-1: The creator and his creation.

1. Write the correct answer (MCQ) 1x15=15

2. Fill in the blanks 1x12=12 3. Match the words from the right

side with the words in the left 2x8=16

4. Answer the following short questions


Computer Science Book: Computers Ahead-3 Windows 7, MS Office 2007 Edition (5th Edition) by Anjana Jain (Orient Black Swan)

Section -1: About a computer 1. The computer system 2. Components of a computer Section-2: Application software 4. Notepad

Part-A 1 Fill in the blanks 1x10=10 2 Write True / False 1x10=10 3 Am in one word 1x10=10


6 Answer in short 5x3=15 7 Answer in broad 5x3=30

Part-C 9 Lab Test 25 Total (Half Yearly Exam) 100

Class Test -1 Computer Science

1. The computer system

1 Fill in the blanks 1x5=5 2 Write True / False 1x5=5 3 Answer in short 2x5=10 Total (Class Test-1) 20

Assessment Test 5 Bangladesh and Global Studies

Book: Bangladesh & Global Studies Book-3 (NCTB)

1. Chap-1: The natural and social environment 2. Chap-2:Living together

3. Chap-3:Our Rights and responsibilities 4. Chap-4:Different occupations of society 5. Chap-5:Human qualities 6. Chap-6:Improving our social environment

1 Write the correct answer (MCQ) 1x15=15 2 Fill in the blanks 1x12=12 3 Write True/ False 1x12=12 4 Match the following 1x12=12 5 Answer the questions in short 4x5=20 6 Answer the questions in broad 6x4=24 7 Project Work 5 Total (Half yearly Exam) 100

Class Test-1 (Bangladesh and Global Studies)

1. Chap-1: Our Society and Environment. 2. Chap-2: Let us live together 3. Chap-3: Our rights and responsibilities

1 F/B 1x5=5 2 MCQ 3 S.Q 2x2=4 4 B.Q 3x2=6 Total (Class Test-1): 20

SBA: 5 Religion – Islam

Book: Islam & Moral Education for Class-3 (NCTB)

Unit-1 : Iman and Aqaid

1 Write the correct answer (MCQ) 1x15=15 2 Fill in the blanks 1x12=12 3 Write True / False 1x12=12 4 Match the following 1x10=10


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Final Term Examination-2017

Subject/ Ch/Lesson Sl. No

Type of Questions Marks distribution

evsjv eBt K| Avgvi eB-Z…Zxq fvM (GbwmwUwe) L| mnRcvV evsjv e¨vKiY I iPbv

M`¨ 1| KvbvgvwQ †fuv †fuv 2| GKRb cUyqvi K_v 3| w÷gv‡ii wmwU 4| cvj¬v †`Iqvi Lei 5| wbivc‡` PvjPj 6| Lwjdv Avey eKi (iv:) c`¨: 1| Avgv‡`i Mªvg 2| Av`k© †Q‡j 3| Nywo 4| eo †K? e¨vKiYt hy³eY©, ePb, cÖwZkã,GK K_vq cªKvk, evMaviv iPbv (80 kã): 1| Avgv‡`i we`¨vjq 2| avb 3| lo FZy 4| evsjv‡`‡ki cvwL 5| KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg (‡kªbx‡Z hv Kiv‡bv n‡e)

K - wefvM

1 mwVK DËiwU evQvB K‡i wjL 10

2 kãv_© 1×6=6

3 evK¨ MVb Ki 2×3=6

4 KweZv I Kwei bvgmn 8 jvBb wjL 10

5 M`¨ †_‡K eywS‡q wjL 5

6 cªkœ DËi 3×4=12

7 KweZvi g~jfve 5

L - wefvM

8 wb‡Pi hy³eY©¸wj w`‡q 2wU K‡i kã MVb Ki


9 ePb 1×6=6

10 cªwZkã 2×4=8 11 GK K_vq cªKvk 1×5=5 12 evMaviv 2×3=6 13 iPbv 12 14 nv‡Zi †jLv I cwi®‹vi cwi”QbœZv 1

‡gvU (evwl©K cix¶v) 100

‡kªwY cix¶v - 2 evsjv

M`¨t 1| KvbvgvwQ †fuv †fuv 2| GKRb cUyqvi K_v c`¨t 1| Avgv‡`i Mªvg 2| Av`k© †Q‡j e¨vKiY t ePb, GK K_vq cªKvk

1 mwV DËiwU evQvB K‡i wjL 1×6=3 2 kãv_© 1×4=4 3 evK¨ MVb Ki 1×2=2 4 cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI 2.5×2=5 5 ePb 1×4=2 6 GK K_vq cªKvk 1×4=4 ‡gvU (‡kªwY cix¶v - 2) 20

SBA: 5

2. Chap -2: Gods goddess and worship (Puja)

3. Chap -3: a) 1st Sec- Great men and women

b) 2nd Sec- Religious books 4. Chap -4: Fellow feeling

5. Chap-5: Modesty, Decency and priority

5. Answer the following broad questions


6. Sloke/Mantra with meaning 4x2=8

Total (Half Yearly Exam) 100

Class Test-1 Hindu Religion and Moral


1. Chap-1: The creator and his creation. 2. Chap -2: Gods goddess and worship (Puja)

1. Write the correct answer 1x4=4

2. Fill in the blanks 1x5=5

3. Answer the questions in short 5x1=5

4. Answer the questions in broad 6x1=6

Total (Class Test-1): 20

SBA: 5


1. Colour Shades (Human figure) 2. Fruits Basket 3. A scenery with Shaheed Minar 4. Hen and Rooster 5. Winter Season

1 Drawing 20 2 Colouring 20 3 Neatness 10

Total (Half Yearly Exam) 50 (Grading)

Class Test -1 Art

1. Fruits Basket 2. A scenery with Shaheed Minar

1 Drawing 08 2 Colouring 08 3 Neatness 4 Total (CT-1) 20

(Grading) Physical Education

1. Movements of Squad Drill 2. Movements of PT 3. Exercises 4. Games

1 Attention and Stand at ease 2 Turning from stationary position

(by Judging the time)

3 Feet together, stand at ease and turning from stationary position

4 Sizing and forming up 5 Basic PT table as 1 (LAL AC DAL) 6. Handball and Basketball Games

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Books: a. Junior English-3 (Hyden Rechards) b. Success with Buzzword main course Book-4, CD Edition Grammar: 1. Proper adjectives. 2. Antonyms.

3. Nouns number. 4. Subject and predicate. 5. Sounds. 6. Noises of creatures. 7. Subject verb agreement. 8. Collective nouns. 9. Conjunction. 13. Paragraph: a. My Reading Room b. Newspaper c. My favourite cartoon Show

14. Comprehension a. Birbal’s Khichdi b. The Pear’s Seed c. The Snow Queen

1 a) Write the plurals for the following nouns:


b) Write the singular for the followings nouns


2 Write the collective nouns in the blanks


3 Write antonyms for the following words


4 Find out subject and predicate in each sentence and underline them


5 Choose the correct word from the pair given in brackets.


6 Re-write the following sentences using correct form of verb given in the bracket


7 Fill up the following blanks with appropriate conjunctions


8 Paragraph 10

9 Comprehension:

a. True / False 1x5=5

b. Fill up the blanks 1x5=5

c. Make sentences 1x5=5

d. Questions answer 2.5x2=5

10 Hand writing and neatness 01

Total (Final Term Exam) 100

Class Test-2 English – II

1. Homophones.

2. Diminutives

3. Proper adjectives

4. Antonyms

5. Joining sentences with relative


1 Choose the correct word from the pair given in brackets


2 Write the diminutives for the following creatures


3 Write proper adjectives for the following proper nouns


4 Write antonyms for the following words


5 Join the sentences using ‘who’ or ‘which’


Total (Class Test-2) 20 SBA: 5

English-I Books: a. English for Today Book 3 (NCTB) paper-1 b. Oxford Reading Circle Book-3

Group -A 1. English for Today Book-3: a. Seen passage (Pg-70,74,78) b. Preposition c. Punctuation d. Matching

Group -B

2. Oxford Reading Circle a. The Eagle’s Present b. The Storks c. Post box Number d. The Seven Wise Men 3. Poem a. The Letter b. The Green Grass Growing All round c. Hide- and -Seek d. A Child’s Thought

Group-A (EFT) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3

1 Write only the answer on the answer paper


2 Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B


3 Answer the following questions 2x3=6 4 Fill in the blanks with appropriate

preposition from the box 1x5=5

5 Use capital letters and punctuation marks where necessary


6 Match the following 1x4=4 Group-B (ORC) 7 Write down the meaning of the

following words 1x10=10

8 Make sentences with the following words


9 Indicate True or False 1x5=5 10 Fill in the blanks with appropriate

words 1x6=6

11 Who said the following dialogues to whom?


12 Answer the questions in short 2x4=8 13 Answer the questions in broad 5x3=15 14 Write first eight lines of the poem

along with poet’s name and proper punctuation.


15 Handwriting and neatness 1 Total (Final Term Exam) 100

Class Test-2 English-I

1. Oxford Reading Circle Book-3

a. The Eagle’s Present b. Poem: i). The Letter ii). The Green Grass Growing All Round 2. English for Today Book-3 c. Preposition (where is it?)

1 Write down the meaning of the following words


2 Indicate True or False 1x4=2 3 Answer the questions in short 2x2=4 4 Write first eight lines of the poem

along with poet’s name and proper punctuation


5 Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition form the box


Total (Class Test-2) 20 SBA: 5

9 Sounds 1x5=510 Noises of creatures 1x5=5

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Computer Science Book: Computers Ahead-3 Windows 7, MS Office 2007 Edition (5th Edition) by Anjana Jain (Orient Black Swan) . Section- 1: About A Computer 3. The operating system-Windows- 7 Section-2: Application Software 5. More on paint 7. Introduction to MS Word 2007 Section-3: Logic & programming 8. Planning & Instructions

Section-4: Connectivity 12. The Internet

1 Fill in the blanks 1x10=10 2 Write True / False 1x10=10 3 Ans in one word 1x10=10

4 Answer in short 5x3=15 5 Answer in broad 6x5=30 Part-C 6 Lab Test 25 Total (Final Term Exam) 100

Class Test -2 Computer Science

3. The operating system- Windows-7

1 Fill in the blanks 1x5=5 2 Write True / False 1x5=5 3 Answer in short 2x5=10 Total (Class Test-2) 20

SBA: 5 Bangladesh and Global

Studies 7. Chap-7: Protecting our environment against pollution 1. Chap-8. The continents and Oceans 2. Chap-9. Our Bangladesh 3. Chap-10. The Father of our Nation. 4. Chap-11. Our history and culture 5. Chap-12. The population of Bangladesh

1 Write the correct answer(MCQ) 1x15=15 2 Fill in the blanks 1x12=12 3 Write True/ False 1x12=12 4 Match the following 1x12=12 5 Short questions 4x5=20 6 Broad questions 6x4=24 7 Project Work 05 Total (Final Term Exam): 100

Class Test-2 (Bangladesh & Global Studies)

1. Chap-7:Protecting our environment against pollution

2. Chap-8: The Continents and oceans 3. Chap-9: Our Bangladesh

1 Fill in the blanks 1x5=5 2 M.C.Q 1x5=5 3 Answer the questions in short 2x2=4 4 Answer the questions in broad 3x2=6 Total (Class Test-2): 20

SBA: 5

Mathematics Book: Elementary Mathematics for Class-3 (NCTB)

Chap-6: Problems-Related to addition, Subtraction, multiplication and division Chap-7: Bangladesh coins and notes Chap-8: Fraction Chap-9: Measurement Chap-10: Geometry. (Definition and classification of quadrilaterals with figure, circle 6. Times table (1-16)

1 Choose the correct answer (MCQ) 1x10=10 2 Answer the questions in short 1x10=10 3 Work out (Bangladesh coin, fraction,

measurement) 3.5x4=14

4 Solve the word problem (problem related to add, sub, mul & div, Bangladeshi coins, fraction)


5 Geometry (Define with figure, quadrilaterals, circle)


Total (Final Term Exam) 100

Class Test-2 Mathematics

Chap-8: Fraction (Addition + Subtraction) Chap-7: Bangladeshi Coins Chap-10: Geometry: Circle 4. Table- (1-12)

1 Answer the questions in short 1x4=4 2 Fraction 1x4=4 3 Work out (Bangladeshi Coins,

fraction) 2x4=8

4 Define with figure 4 Total (Class Test-2) 20

SBA: 5 Science

Book: Elementary Science(NCTB) 1. Chap-7: Food 2. Chap-8: Hygiene 3. Chap-9: Energy 4. Chap-10: Introduction to Technology 5. Chap-11: Information and Communication 6. Chap-12: Population and Natural Environment

1 Choose the correct answer (MCQ)


2 Answer the questions in short 1x15=15 3 B/Q or C/Q(7out of 9) 5x7=35 Total (Final Term Exam) 100

Class Test -2 Science

1. Chap-7 : Food 2. Chap-8: Hygiene

1 Choose the correct answer

(MCQ) 1x5=5

2 Answer the questions in short 1x5=5 3 B/Q or C/Q(7out of 9) 5x2=10 Total (Class Test-2) 20

SBA: 5

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Book: Islam and Moral Education Bk-3 (NCTB) Unit-3: Akhlaq Unit-5: Prophets and messengers Unit-4: Study of the Quran Majid (Pg: 46-60) Surah: Falaq (pg:59) Surah: Naas (pg:60)

1 Write the correct answer (MCQ) 1x15=15 2 Fill in the blanks 1x12=12 3 Write True / False 1x12=12 4 Match the following 1x10=10 5 Answer the questions in short 4x5=20 6 Answer the questions in broad 6x4=24 7 Write the meaning of Surah 7 Total (Final Term Exam) 100

Class Test-2 Religion-Islam

Chap-3: Akhlaq

1 Fill in the blanks 1x5=5 2 Write True and False 1x6=3 3 Answer the questions in short 2x4=8 4 Answer the questions in broad 4x1=4 Total (Class Test-2) 20

SBA: 5 Religion- Buddhist

Book: Buddhist religion and Moral Education Bk- 3 (NCTB) Content: 1. Chap Seven: Sub-division of work 2. Chap Eight: Buddha and Bodhisatta 3. Chap Nine: Jatak 4. Chap Ten: Purnima and religious ceremonies 5. Chap Eleven: Holy places of pilgrimage 6. Chap Twelve: Inter Religion


1. Write the correct answer (MCQ) 1x10=10

2. Fill in the blanks 2x10=20 3. Match the following 2x5=10 4. Write True or False 1x10=10 5. Answer the questions in short 5x4=20 6. Answer the questions in broad 6x5=30

Total (Half Yearly Exam) 100

Class Test-2 Religion – Buddhist

1. Chap Seven: Sub- division of Work

2. Chap Eight: Buddha and Bodhisatta

1 Fill in the blanks 1x5=5 2 Match the following 1x5=5 3 Answer the questions in short 2x3=6 4 Answer the question in broad 4x1=4 Total (Class Test-2): 20

SBA: 5 Religion- Hindu

Book: Hindu Religion and Moral Education Bk-3 (NCTB)

1. Write the correct answer (MCQ) 1x15=15

2. Fill in the blanks 1x10=10 3. Match the words from the right side

with the words in the left 2x8=16

NB: As per requirement some items can be excluded or included.

Content: 1. Chap-6: a) Sec-1:Honesty b) Sec-2: Truthfulness 2. Chap -7: Good Health and Exercise 3. Chap -8: Patriotism 4. Chap -9: Temples and Shrines

4. Write True or False 1x10=10 5. Answer the questions in short 5x5=25 6. Answer the questions in broad 6x4=24

Total (Half Yearly Exam) 100

Class Test-2 Religion – Hindu

2. Chap -7: Good Health and Exercise 3. Chap -8: Patriotism

1. Write the correct answer 1x6=3

2. Fill in the blanks 1x5=5

3. Answer the questions in short 2x4=8

4. Answer the question in broad 4x1=4

Total (Class Test-2): 20 SBA: 5

Art 1. Flower Vase with colorful design 2. Couple of Farmer 3. Water lily & Girl 4. Paper collage 5. Tea Garden 6. A scenery based on Smrity


1 Drawing 20

2 Colouring 20

3 Neatness 10

Total (Final Term Exam ) 50 (Grading)

Class Test-2 Art

1. Flower Vase with Colorful design 2. Couple of Farmer

1 Drawing 8 2 Colouring 8 3 Neatness 4 Total (CT-2) 20

(Grading) Physical Education

1. Movements of Squad Drill 2. Movements of PT 3. Games 4. Revision of 1st and 2nd Term


1 Right dress and eyes front 2 Forward run and stop 3 Basic idea on Cricket