Bangalore Understand the Ecosystem in Digital Media Marketing

A REPORT ON ONLINE MARKETING By ASAMS V.K Enrollment No. 13BSP1195 ISOBAR INDIA Pvt. Ltd  Alyssa Building, 2nd floor, 23, Richmond Rd, Richmond T o wn, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560025 1

Transcript of Bangalore Understand the Ecosystem in Digital Media Marketing

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Enrollment No. 13BSP1195


 Alyssa Building, 2nd floor, 23, Richmond Rd, Richmond Town,

Bengaluru, Karnataka 560025


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Enrollment No. 13BSP1195

A report submitte in p!rti!l "ul"ilment o"

t#e re$uirements o" 

P%PM Pro&r!m o" 'BS B!n&!lore


(!te o" Submission) * +une ,-1


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'/ As!ms V.K/ enrollment no) 13BSP1195/ #ereby e0l!re t#!t t#is proe0t 2or

entitle 4ONLINE MARKETING is my ori&in!l 2or.

' "urt#er e0l!re t#!t t#is report is b!se on t#e in"orm!tion 0olle0te by me !n

#!s not been submitte to !ny ot#er uni6ersity or !0!emi0 boy.

(!te) ,5 M!y ,-1 As!ms V.K 



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' t#!n to t#e %o Almi&#ty "or s#o2erin& #is blessin& !t e!0# st!&e o" t#is proe0t 2or.

' 2is# to e7ten my #e!rt "ully t#!ns to Mr. R!#ul Ven&!lil 8omp!ny %uie:/ (ire0tor/

'sob!r 'ni!/ B!n&!lore i6ision "or #is "rienly #elp !n en0our!&ement &i6en to me.

' 2is# to e7ten my pro"oun &r!titue to (r. M!#usu#!n ;!li/ 'BS B!n&!lore "or #is

&ui!n0e !n 6!lu!ble su&&estions t#rou&#out my interns#ip. ' e7press my sin0ere t#!ns to

!ll "!0ulties o" 'BS Mumb!i < 'BS B!n&!lore "or t#eir en0our!&ement to 0omplete t#e

 proe0t 2or 2it#in stipul!te time.

' e7press my sin0ere t#!ns to t#e Mr. Tos#!l S#en!i/ A00ount M!n!&er/ 'sob!r 'ni! !n Mr.

M!no E/ Assist!nt M!n!&er/ 'sob!r 'ni! "or !ssistin& in 0!rry out t#is interns#ip.

' 2is# to e7ten my spe0i!l &r!titue to !ll te!m members o" 'sob!r 'ni! "or supportin& me

in 0!rry out t#is interns#ip.

My #e!rty t#!ns to my "riens !n p!rents 2#o 2ere !l2!ys t#ere 2it# support !n


=in!lly/ ' 2oul lie to e7press my sin0ere &r!titue to !ll t#ose 2#o #!6e #elpe me in t#e

0ompletion o" t#is #umble e""ort.





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(E>ARAT'ON........................................................................................................ 3


E@ET'VE SMMAR............................................................................................7

1: 'NTRO(T'ON................................................................................................ 9

1.1: (i&it!l Mei! M!retin& or (i&it!l M!retin&......................................................11

1.,: 'sob!r 'ni!.................................................................................................11

1.3: lient Ser6i0in&........................................................................................... 11

1.: S0ope o" t#e 'nterns#ip..................................................................................12

1.5: Met#oolo&y............................................................................................... 12

1.5.1: lient ser6i0in&.....................................................................................12

1.5.,: nerst!n t#e 0onsumer buyin& be#!6iour o" 'ni!ns in i&it!l er!....................13

1.*: >imit!tion o" t#e 'nterns#ip.............................................................................13

,: 'N(STR ANA>S'S.......................................................................................14

,.1: Business Moel o" 'nustry.................................................................................17

,.,: PorterCs =i6e Moel An!lysis o" (i&it!l A6ertisin& 'nustry.......................................19

3: 'SOBAR 'N('A.................................................................................................21

3.1: Vision........................................................................................................... 22

3.,: =un0tions in 'sob!r ...........................................................................................22

3.3: M!n!&ement...................................................................................................23

3.: A2!rs.......................................................................................................... 23

3.5: M!or lients..................................................................................................24

%lob!l lients....................................................................................................24

'ni!n lients....................................................................................................24

3.*: Supportin& Tools..............................................................................................24

3.D: oll!bor!tions in (i&it!l E0osystem......................................................................25

3.: =in!n0i!l et!ils o" 'sob!r B!n&!lore.....................................................................25

3.9: ompetitors....................................................................................................253.1-: S?OT o" 'sob!r 'ni!......................................................................................26

: 'N('A < 'NTERNET POP>AT'ON......................................................................28

.1: %ener ?ise...................................................................................................30

.,: Online Be#!6iour o" 'ni!n 'nternet sers..............................................................30

.3: Mobile 'nternet sers........................................................................................31

.: So0i!l Net2orin&............................................................................................32

.5: Entert!inment !n Online Vieo...........................................................................33

.*: Mei! onsumption o" 'ni!nCs...........................................................................34


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5: (i&it!l M!retin&...............................................................................................35

5.1: (i&it!l E0osystem............................................................................................ 36

5.1.1: Se!r0# En&ine............................................................................................36

5.1.,: (ispl!ys................................................................................................... 37

5.1.3: Mobile M!retin&.......................................................................................37

5.1.: So0i!l Mei! M!retin&...............................................................................37

5.1.5: eM!il M!retin&.........................................................................................37

5.1.*: Vieo...................................................................................................... 37

5.1.D: An!lysis...................................................................................................38

5.1.: ontent M!n!&ement..................................................................................38

5.1.9: A6!n0e T!r&etin&.....................................................................................38

5.1.1-: re!ti6e..................................................................................................38

5.1.11: Rese!r0# !n Pl!nnin&................................................................................38

5.1.1,: (i&it!l Str!te&y........................................................................................38

5.,: Types o" (i&it!l M!retin&.................................................................................39

5.3: A'(MA !s A'SAS in (i&it!l Er!.......................................................................... 39

5.: A6!nt!&es o" (i&it!l M!retin&..........................................................................41

5.5: (i&it!l A6ertisin&) A A6enues..........................................................................42

5.*: Some o" t#e B!si0 Terms in (i&it!l M!retin&.........................................................42

5.D: Types o" !s....................................................................................................43

5.: Monet!ry term in (i&it!l M!retin&......................................................................44

5.9: Br!nin& in (i&it!l Er!......................................................................................45

*: >'ENT SERV''N%..........................................................................................48

*.1: Responsibilities o" ! lient Ser6i0in& E7e0uti6e.......................................................49

*.,: Attributes o" lient Ser6i0in& E7e0uti6e.................................................................49

*.3: Steps in in6ol6e in oin& 0lient ser6i0in& is &i6en belo2............................................50

*.: Tools use...................................................................................................... 541: 0omS0ore................................................................................................... 54

,: %oo&le Trens.............................................................................................54

3: =!0e omin!tor ............................................................................................54

: %oo&le Key2or Pl!nner ................................................................................55

5: Ale7!.0om..................................................................................................55

D: N(ERSTAN( TFE ONSMER B'N% BEFAV'OR O= 'N('ANS......................56

D.1: Rese!r0# met#oolo&y.......................................................................................60

D.1.1: Topi0.......................................................................................................60


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D.1.,: Perio o" stuy...........................................................................................60

D.1.3: Obe0ti6es o" t#e stuy.................................................................................60

D.1.: S0ope...................................................................................................... 60

D.1.5: ni6erse...................................................................................................60

D.1.*: S!mple....................................................................................................61

D.1.D: S!mple siGe...............................................................................................61

D.1.: Tools....................................................................................................... 61

D.,: (!t! An!lysis !n 'nterpret!tions.........................................................................62

: ='N('N%S.......................................................................................................70

9: ON>S'ON..................................................................................................73

1-: >EARN'N% PO'NTS.......................................................................................75

11: APPEN('@................................................................................................... 78

1,: RE=ERENES...............................................................................................88


I am Asams V.K (13BSP 1195) of IBS Bangalore PP! s"#$en". I %a&e $one m'

n"erns% n Iso*ar In$a+ one of lea$ng $g"al agen,' n -orl$. !' n"erns% s

n g"al !e$a !ar/e"ng. %ro#g%o#" m' n"erns%+ I %a$ *een -or/ng n

$eren" ,len"s a,ross In$a. %s reor" -as -r""en af"er ge""ng "%e rs" %an$

eeren,e from g"al me$a mar/e"ng. %s reor" elans "%e mor"an,e of$g"al me$a mar/e"ng n resen" era an$ "%s reor" -ll %el "%e rea$er "o ge"


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an $ea a*o#" "%e In$#s"r'+ In$an o#la"on an$ $g"al me$a+ ,on,e"s of

$g"al mar/e"ng+ #"es an$ resons*l"' of ,len" ser&,ng ee,#"&es n an

agen,'+ S"es n&ol&e$ n ,len" ser&,ng an$ ons#mer *#'ng *e%a&o#r n "%e

$g"al era. Af"er rea$ng "%e -%ole reor" "%e rea$er ,an a*le "o #n$ers"an$ "%e

reason *e%n$ gro-ng $g"al me$a mar/e"ng.

Title o" t#e 'nterns#ip Report is 4nerst!n t#e e0osystem o" i&it!l mei! m!retin& !n

Obe0ti6es o" t#e 'nterns#ip !re to unerst!n t#e re$uirement o" 0lients/ "ormul!tin&

str!te&ies "or 0lients/ e7e0utin& t#ose str!te&ies to !0#ie6e t#eir br!n obe0ti6es !n

unerst!n t#e 0#!n&e in 0onsumer buyin& be#!6ior in i&it!l er!.

Met#oolo&ies use "or !0#ie6in& t#ese obe0ti6es !re 0lient ser6i0in& !n ! rese!r0#. =or 

!0#ie6in& "irst t#ree obe0ti6es/ ' #!6e one 0lient ser6i0in& in 'sob!r 'ni!. By oin& 0lient

ser6i0in& ' &ot 0#!n0e to 2or 2it# popul!r br!ns lie 'T/ nite Spirits/ Am!nte/ 3M/

Ol! 0!bs/ +un&&le.0om/ ?ipro/ !n Sterlin& Foli!ys .=or !0#ie6in& t#e "i"t# obe0ti6e/ '

#!6e one one rese!r0# usin& !n online $uestionn!ire. T#e title "or t#e rese!r0# is

4nerst!n t#e 0onsumer buyin& be#!6iour o" 'ni!n in i&it!l er!.

M!in "inin&s o" t#is interns#ip !re &i6en #ere. 'ni!n 0ustomers !re #i&#ly in"orm!tion

seeers. T#ey 0olle0t more in"orm!tion !bout ! prou0t be"ore buyin& it. 'nternet penetr!tion

in 'ni! is ey pl!yer "or t#is p#enomenon. Most o" 'ni!ns !re &ettin& stimulus t#rou&#

!6ertisements/ but t#ey !re not re!0#in& to en p#!se o" 0ustomers pur0#!se ourney/ m!inly

in #i&# in6ol6ement pur0#!ses. Br!ns !re &ettin& more tou0# point to re!0# t#eir t!r&et

&roup in t#is i&it!l er!. More et!ils !bout "inin&s !re &i6en t#is report.

T#e su00ess"ul 0ompletion o" t#is interns#ip ini0!tes t#!t t#e "uture o" m!retin& is in t#e

#!ns o" i&it!l. ' 0on0lue my rese!r0# by $uotin& !&!in t#!t 4Br!ns 0!nCt sust!in 2it#out

i&it!l presen0e


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esire result is to ri6e 0onsumer be#!6iour 2it# respe0t to ! 0ommer0i!l o""erin&.

A6ertisin& is e"ine by Ri0#!r =. T!"lin&er !s 4A6ertisin& is t#e nonHperson!l

0ommuni0!tion o" in"orm!tion usu!lly p!i "or !n usu!lly persu!si6e in n!ture !bout

 prou0ts/ ser6i0es or ie!s by ienti"ie sponsors t#rou&# t#e 6!rious mei!.I J1

A6ertisin& is norm!lly one by ! t#ir p!rty no2n !s !6ertisin& !&en0y. An !6ertisin&

!&en0y is ! ser6i0e b!se business ei0!te to 0re!tin&/ pl!nnin&/ !n #!nlin& !6ertisin&

"or its 0lients. An ! !&en0y is inepenent "rom t#e 0lient !n pro6ies !n outsie point o" 

6ie2 to t#e e""ort o" sellin& t#e 0lientLs prou0ts or ser6i0es. An !&en0y 0!n !lso #!nle

o6er!ll m!retin& !n br!nin& str!te&ies !n s!les promotions "or its 0lients. J,Types o" !

!&en0ies !re

=ull ser6i0e !&en0ies

re!ti6e !&en0ies

Spe0i!liGe !&en0ies

'nH#ouse !&en0ies

(i&it!l !&en0ies or ne2 mei! !&en0ies

T#is report is 0ompletely is0ussin& !bout i&it!l or ne2 mei! !&en0ies. T#ere 2!s ! time

2#en Tele6ision 2!s t#e most popul!r meium "or M!reter to promote/ spre! !2!reness

!n &ener!te le!s "or t#eir prou0ts but no2 t#e tren #!s 0#!n&e !n (i&it!l mei! #!st!en its pl!0e. M!in re!son "or t#is 0#!n&e 2!s

Tr!ition!l met#os !re e7pensi6e. omp!re to i&it!l m!retin& 0#!nnels/ you

0oul en up spenin& t#ous!ns o" oll!rs more. Tr!ition!l m!retin& 0#!nnels "!il to pro6ie inst!nt "eeb!0 !n reports !bout 2#o

s!2 or #e!r !n !/ !n too !0tion. T#is !t! is 0olle0te lon& !"ter t#e initi!l !

impression is m!e 8!n still t#en/ t#e st!tisti0s !re "!r "rom e7!0t numbers:.

(i&it!l m!retin&/ on t#e ot#er #!n/ re"ers to m!retin& met#os t#!t !llo2 or&!niG!tions to

see #o2 ! 0!mp!i&n is per"ormin& in re!lHtime/ su0# !s 2#!t is bein& 6ie2e/ #o2 o"ten/ #o2

lon&/ !s 2ell !s ot#er st!tisti0s su0# !s s!les 0on6ersions.

.! D"#"t$% Med"$ M$&'et"n# o& D"#"t$% M$&'et"n#

T#e term Li&it!l m!retin&L 2!s "irst use in t#e 199-s. 'n t#e ,---s !n t#e ,-1-s/ i&it!l

m!retin& be0!me more sop#isti0!te !s !n e""e0ti6e 2!y to 0re!te ! rel!tions#ip 2it# t#e

0onsumer t#!t #!s ept# !n rele6!n0e.


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D"#"t$% ($&'et"n# )$s de*"ned "n W"'"+ed"$ $s 4m!retin& t#!t m!es use o" ele0troni0

e6i0es 80omputers: su0# !s person!l 0omputers/ sm!rt p#ones/ 0ell p#ones/ t!blets !n &!me

0onsoles to en&!&e 2it# 0ustomers. (i&it!l m!retin& !pplies te0#nolo&ies or pl!t"orms su0#

!s 2ebsites/ eHm!il/ !pps 80l!ssi0 !n mobile: !n so0i!l net2ors. J3

Peoples o"ten re"erre i&it!l m!retin& !s Lonline m!retin&L or Linternet m!retin&L but itCs

2ron&. (i&it!l m!retin& re6ol6es !roun t#e 'nternet/ 2#i0# e7pl!ins 2#y people ten to

 belie6e t#!t i&it!l m!retin& !n 'nternet m!retin& !re synonymous. Nonet#eless/ t#ey !re

i""erent. 'nternet m!retin& "!lls uner t#e 0!te&ory o" i&it!l m!retin&. 'nternet m!retin&

en0omp!sses i&it!l m!retin& ser6i0es su0# !s se!r0# en&ine optimiG!tion/ ispl!y

!6ertisin&/ !n em!il m!retin&.

.,! Iso-$& Ind"$

'sob!r is ! &lob!l i&it!l m!retin& !&en0y 2it# ! tot!l o" *3 o""i0es in 3D m!rets 2orl2ie.

T#e !&en0y is ! 2#olly o2ne subsii!ry o" (entsu Ae&is Net2or !n is sister !&en0y to

Posters0ope/ iProspe0t/ !r!t !n ViGeum.(entsu.

'sob!r is ! moern 0ommuni0!tions !&en0y net2or/ m!e up o" ! 0ommitte !n i6erse

&roup o" o6er 3/--- i&it!l pioneers in 3D m!rets. Est!blis#e in ,--3/ 'sob!r is t#e &lob!l

#ome "or t#e 2orlCs "inest i&it!l pioneers !n t#e sm!rtest tr!ition!l m!retin& t!lent/ t#!t#elps 0onne0t br!ns 2it# t#eir "!ns !n 0ustomers by 0re!tin& irresistible ie!s 0ombinin&

0re!ti6e/ pl!nnin&/ te0#nolo&y !n !t!.

.! C%"ent Se&v"/"n#

Fe!rt p!rt o" t#is proe0t is e!lin& 2it# 0lient ser6i0in&. A 0lient ser6i0in& is t#e "!0e o" !n

!6ertisin& !&en0y. Responsibilities o" 0lient ser6i0in& in0lue unerst!nin& t#e 0lientCs

nees !n e7pe0t!tions. 'n "!0t/ t#e !6ertisin& pro0ess be&ins 2it# t#e 0lient ser6i0in&

 person 6isitin& t#e potenti!l 0lient "or ! brie". Fe t#en nees to 0ommuni0!te t#is to #is

!&en0y. Fis ob is to #unt "or ne2 business !n be ! bri&e bet2een t#e !&en0y !n t#e 0lient.

 Key responsibilities o" 0lient ser6i0in& !re m!n!&in& intern!l 2or"lo2 !n e6elopin&

stron& p!rtners#ips 2it# 0lients. Ot#er responsibilities in0lue li!isin& 2it# t#e 0lients on !ll

!spe0ts o" m!retin& 0ommuni0!tions/ brie"in& !&en0y ep!rtments/ presentin& propos!ls to

0lients/ m!n!&in& !6ertisin& spen bu&et/ eepin& 0lients upHtoH!te on t#eir o2n !n

0ompetiti6e !0ti6ity/ o00!sion!lly ne&oti!tin& 2it# mei! on 0lientCs be#!l" !n !ppro!0#in&

 prospe0ti6e 0lients 2#ose !00ounts !re uner re6ie2.


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.0! S/o+e o* t1e Inte&ns1"+

! To unerst!n t#e element in i&it!l mei!,! To unerst!n t#e e""e0ti6eness o" br!nin& t#rou&# i&it!l mei!! To unerst!n t#e e""ort be#in "ul"ilment o" br!ns obe0ti6e t#rou&# 0!mp!i&ns0! To 0#oose !ppropri!te mei! "or 0ommuni0!tion2! To m!int!in rel!tions#ip 2it# 0lients3! To unerst!n t#e T!r&et %roup "or i""erent br!ns

.2! Met1odo%o#4

=or !00omplis#in& t#is interns#ip/ ' use t2o met#oolo&ies. One is 2orin& !s ! 0lient

ser6i0in& e7e0uti6e in 'sob!r 'ni! !n !not#er one is ! rese!r0# to unerst!nin& t#e

0onsumer buyin& be#!6iour o" 'ni!ns in i&it!l er! usin& !n online $uestionn!ire.

.2.! C%"ent se&v"/"n#An!lysis t#e inustry !n i&it!l mei! "or 0lients/ "ormul!tin& str!te&ies !n e7e0utin&

t#em b!se on t#e obe0ti6es o" 0lient. T#is 2#ole pro0ess 0onsist o" 1 steps/

  B&"e*: Brie" &i6en by t#e 0lient b!se on t#eir m!retin& obe0ti6e.

  P"t/1 P&esent$t"on) Present!tion m!e by t#e isob!r "or 0lient b!se on t#e brie"/

 by !n!lysin& inustry !n i&it!l mei!. Mostly use "or ne2 0lients.

  P&o+os$%) Propos!l put "or2!r by isob!r in0luin& 0!mp!i&n obe0ti6e/ t!r&et

m!ret/ str!te&y/ !ppro!0#es/ estim!te 0ost !n outputs.

  Rev"e)) Re6ie2in& t#e propos!l o" isob!r by 0lients.

  Rev"sed ne#ot"$t"on) '" 0lients #!6e !ny problem 2it# propos!l/ isob!r 2ill

re2rite t#e propos!l !n m!e ne&oti!tion

  5"n$% +&o+os$%) Propos!l 2#i0# "in!lly put "or2!r to 0lients by isob!r.

  A++&oved) =in!l propos!l nee to &et !ppro6!l "rom 0lient/ ot#er2ise isob!r 2ill

lose 0lient.

  Est"($te S"#ned) 'tCs ! 0ontr!0t bet2een 0lient !n isob!r.

  Re%e$se O&de&) Orer 2#i0# submitte to 6enors "or buyin& sp!0e !n pl!0in&


  C&e$t"ve) E7e0utin& t#e ie! or pl!ns o" 0!mp!i&ns in to "in!l "orm!ts lie

 b!nner/ 2ebsites...Et0.


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  R6n C$(+$"#n) St!rtin& t#e 0!mp!i&n by pl!0in& !s b!nners/ 6ieos/ "!0eboo 

0ontest/ "!0eboo p!&e m!n!&in& ...Et0.

  Re+o&ts) Reports submitte by 2#i0# 6enors to isob!r/ b!se on t#e runnin&

0!mp!i&ns o" 0lients.

  Co(+"%e) A"ter &ettin& !ll reports "rom 6enors/ isob!r 2ill 0ompile t#ose reports

"or submit to 0lients

  O+t"("7$t"on) M!in& 0#!n&es in t#e 0!mp!i&n "or impro6in& t#e e""e0ti6eness

!n to !0#ie6e obe0ti6es.

End) En o" t#e !mp!i&n !"ter !0#ie6in& t#e obe0ti6e.


Rev"e) o* C$(+$"#n) E6!lu!tin& 0!mp!i&n b!se on st!n!r !n !0tu!l

 per"orm!n0e o" 0!mp!i&n. 't 2ill #elp to unerst!n 2#!t isob!r pl!nne !n

2#!t !0tu!lly #!ppene.

  B"%%s) Bill submitte "rom 6enor to isob!r !n isob!r to 0lient in0luin& ser6i0e

t!7 !n 0ommission

  P$4(ent: P!yment o" bill by 0lient to isob!r !n t#en to 6enor by isob!r !"ter 

eu0tin& t#e 0ommission !n t!7.

.2.,! Unde&st$nd t1e /ons6(e& -64"n# -e1$v"o6& o* Ind"$ns "n d"#"t$% e&$

To unerst!nin& t#e 0onsumer buyin& be#!6iour ' i one rese!r0# usin& !n online

$uestionn!ire. S!mple siGe o" t#e rese!r0# 2!s ,--. S!mples "or t#is rese!r0# !re

uner 'ni!n yout# !n youn& 'ni!ns/ 2#o 0ome uner 1D to 5 ye!r !&e &roups.

.3! L"("t$t"on o* t1e Inte&ns1"+

! T#e time sp!n "or t#e proe0t is limite

,! T#e problems 2it# usin& p!i tools "or rele6!nt !t!/ e7!mple lie omS0ore.! Time o" 0!mp!i&ns "or some 0lient is more t#!n t#ree mont#s


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T#e 'ni!n Mei! !n Entert!inment 8M<E: 'nustry/ one o" t#e most 6ibr!nt !n e70itin&

inustries in t#e 2orl/ #!s #! ! tremenous imp!0t on t#e li6es !n t#e 'ni!n e0onomy. As

t#e M<E inustry 2iens its re!0#/ it pl!ys ! 0riti0!l role in 0re!tin& !2!reness on issues

!""e0tin&/ 0#!nnellin& t#e ener&y o" !n builin& !spir!tions !mon& 'ni!Cs millions. As it

entert!ins !n in"orms t#e 0ountry/ t#e M<E inustry #!s been ! 0!t!lyst "or t#e &ro2t# o" 

l!r&e p!rts o" t#e 'ni!n e0onomy. M<E inustry 0onsist o" TV/ Print/ =ilms/ R!io/ Musi0/

OOF/ Anim!tion !n V=@/ %!min& !n (i&it!l A6ertisin&.

T#e 5ICCI8KPMG ,90  Report LT#e St!&e 's SetL s#o2in& t#e 'ni!n mei! !n

entert!inment 8M<E: inustry #!s &ro2n by 11. per 0ent in ,-13 2#ile 0omp!rin& 2it#

,-1, !n tou0#e Rs 91 billion. 't is e7pe0te to tou0# Rs 1D5. billion by ,-1/ 2it# !

A%R o" 1., per 0ent. J

By t#e en o" ,-1/ t#e inustry is e7pe0te to st!n !t Rs 1-39 billion. Aition!lly/ i&it!l

!6ertisin& #!s s#o2n promisin& &ro2t# in ,-13 2#ile 0omp!rin& 2it# ,-1,/ 2#i0# is !bout

3.D per 0ent/ "ollo2e by &!min& 2#i0# &re2 by ,5.5 per 0ent. As "or t#e ,-1 prei0tion)

(i&it!l !6ertisin& is e7pe0te to le! t#e A%R 2it# ,D.D per 0ent/ "ollo2e by r!io 2it#

1.1 per 0ent. %!min& !n tele6ision !re e7pe0te to re&ister ! A%R o" 1*., per 0ent e!0#/

"ollo2e by &ro2t# r!tes o" !nim!tion !n V=@ 815.9 per 0ent:/ musi0 813., per 0ent:/ "ilms

811.9 per 0ent: !n OOF 2it# 9., per 0ent e7pe0te A%R. J


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Some o" t#e ey pl!yers in t#e (i&it!l !6ertisin& !re O&il6y < M!t#er/ ?eb0#utney/ 'BS/

'sob!r/ M!7us/ ,, =eet/ %rey (i&it!l/ Min S#!re/ 'nter!0ti6e A6enues/ Omni0om Mei!

%roup/ (i&it!l >!2 < Kennet#/ Pinstrom.

,.! B6s"ness Mode% o* Ind6st&4

ATD8 A#en/4 T&$d"n# Des' DSP8 De($nd S"de P%$t*o&( SSP8 Se%%"n# S"de


A-o6t P&o/ess

lients 2oul &i6e !ut#ority to !&en0ies/ to 2e!r t#e s#oes o" 0lients. A&en0y 2ill 0re!te !s/

2#i0# m!y be b!nner !s or 6ieos. A"ter t#e 0re!tion !n &ettin& !ppro6!l "rom 0lients/!&en0y 2#ile "in out t#e port!ls or 2ebsites 2#ere t#e T.% is present. >!ter &i6e t#e orer to


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(SP or AT(/ t#is orer 0ont!ins et!ils re&!rin& 2#ere to pl!0e !s or 2#i0# port!l is

re$uirin& to pl!0in& t#e !. T#is (SP AT( 2ill bi in ! e70#!n&e "or t#!t port!l. Ot#er2ise

!&en0y 0!n ire0tly !ppro!0# to ! net2ors !n &i6e orers. T#ese ! net2ors buy t#e

in6entories "rom publis#er !n &i6e to !&en0y. =rom publis#er 6ie2 #e 0!n sell in6entories

t#rou&# A net2ors or t#rou&# SSP. '" publis#er &i6e to SSP/ t#ey 2ill pl!0e t#ose sp!0e in

! e70#!n&e "or biin&. T#rou&# ! e70#!n&e (SPAT( 2ill buy t#ose in6entories. Biin&

2ill not only "or sp!0e but !lso "or T.% 2#i0# re$uire "or 0lients.

Ad e/1$n#es !re te0#nolo&y pl!t"orms t#!t "!0ilit!te t#e bis "or buyin& !n sellin& o" 

online mei! !6ertisin& in6entory "rom multiple ! net2ors. T#e !ppro!0# is te0#nolo&yH

ri6en !s oppose to t#e #istori0!l !ppro!0# o" ne&oti!tin& pri0e on mei! in6entory.J9

A de($nd8s"de +%$t*o&( ;DSP!  is ! system t#!t !llo2s buyers o" i&it!l !6ertisin&

in6entory to m!n!&e multiple ! e70#!n&e !n !t! e70#!n&e !00ounts t#rou&# one inter"!0e.

Re!lHtime biin& "or ispl!yin& online !s t!es pl!0e 2it#in t#e ! e70#!n&es/ !n by

utiliGin& ! (SP/ m!reters 0!n m!n!&e t#eir bis "or t#e b!nners !n t#e pri0in& "or t#e !t!

t#!t t#ey !re l!yerin& on to t!r&et t#eir !uien0es.J A s6++%48s"de +%$t*o&( o& se%%8s"de

+%$t*o&( ;SSP!  is ! te0#nolo&y pl!t"orm/ 2eb publis#ers o" t#e 2orl use ! supplyHsie

 pl!t"orm to !utom!te !n optimiGe t#e sellin& o" t#eir online mei! sp!0e. J9


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,.,! Po&te&<s 5"ve Mode% An$%4s"s o* D"#"t$% Adve&t"s"n# Ind6st&4

PorterCs moel 2ill #elp !n!lysis t#e inustry !n unerst!n 2#ere t#e po2er lies in t#e

 business. Fere ' !m usin& porterCs moel to unerst!n i&it!l !6ertisin& inustry in 'ni!.

%ener!lly/ in t#e 'ni!n !6ertisin& inustry/ 0ontr!0ts !re lon& terme/ !n 0ustomers !re

liely to eep &oin& b!0 to t#e s!me !6ertiser so lon& !s results 2ere obt!ine t#e "irst


! T1&e$ts o* Ne) Ent&4

=ull ser6i0e !&en0ies #!6e #i&# em!n in M!ret.

>!0 o" &ettin& e""i0ient 2or "or0e is ! t#re!t in i&it!l !6ertisin&.

ost o" settin& up ! i&it!l !&en0y is lo2. But !&en0ies nee to in6est ! #u&e

!mount in b!0en "un0tion lie te0#nolo&y.

%ettin& 0lients in t#e initi!l st!&e is ! bit i""i0ult/ be0!use 0lients 2ill usu!llyloo t#e p!st e7perien0e o" !&en0y.

%o6ernment re&ul!tions in t#e i&it!l !6ertisin& !re lo2. ?#ile 0omp!rin& 2it#

M<E inustry.,! B$&#$"n"n# +o)e& o* s6++%"e&s

>ot o" suppliers !re t#ere/ but some suppliers 2#o #!6e #i&# re!0# !n !""inity

2ill 0#!r&e #i&# pri0e "or pl!0in& !s in t#eir port!ls. Re!l time biin& 2ill le! to in0re!se t#e em!n o" some port!ls.

B!r&!inin& po2er o" suppliers/ 2#o pro6ie !t! !n in"orm!tion !re 6ery #i&#.

Se!son!l 0!mp!i&ns put pressure on supply sie to 0#!r&e #i&#. Employee or 2or "or0e 2it# proper no2le&e is limite.

! B$&#$"n"n# +o)e& o* -64e&s

Buyer !re t#e 0lients o" !&en0ies/ b!si0!lly buyers !re #i&# ie! seeers.

lients 2ill 0#oose !&en0ies 2#i0# #!6e &oo e7perien0e in inustry.

lients lie lon& term rel!tions#ips 2it# !&en0ies/ so t#ey !lso try to !ust 2it#

!&en0ies. lients 0!n !s !&en0ies to 0#!n&e p!ttern o" 0!mp!i&ns !t !ny time.

lients lie MNCs #!6e #i&# po2er o6er !&en0ies/ but SMECs 2ill s!tis"y 2it#

 per"orm!n0e o" !&en0ies. B!02!r inte&r!tion by buyers is not possible.

0! T1&e$ts o* s6-st"t6tes

 No. o" substitutes is #i&#/ substitutes in0lue Print mei!/ TV/ OOF !n R!io.

Substitutes !re too popul!r !mon& buyers. T#ey #! #i&# em!n in p!st ye!rs.

M!in 0ompetitor "or (i&it!l !6ertisin& is TV/ but trens !re no2 0#!n&in&

=''HKPM% report o" ,-1 s#o2in& &ro2t# o" i&it!l is 6ery #i&# 2#ile

0omp!rin& 2it# ot#ers mei!.


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But mei! 0onsumption t#rou&# r!io is in0re!sin& no2.

2! R"v$%&4 -4 e"st"n# /o(+et"to&s

At present 0ompetitors !re lo2/ but it 0!n be in0re!se in "uture. Be0!use lot ne2

 pl!yers !re 0omin& to t#e inustry.

E7istin& 0ompetitors #!6e #i&# pro"ile 0lients !n 0lients loy!l to2!r t#em. Most o" t#e tr!ition!l !&en0ies !re no2 0on0entr!tin& in i&it!l !lso.

E7istin& "irms in t#e 'nustry !re 0re!tin& 6!riety !n uni$ue 0!mp!i&n "or 0lients.

Most o" t#e "irms #!6e e""i0ient b!0en support in te0#nolo&y.

E7istin& "irms #!6e t#e e7pertise m!npo2er !n "irms &i6in& &oo remuner!tions

to employees. So employees !re loy!l to2!rs employers. Some "irms !re popul!r ue to e7e0ution o" inno6!ti6e 0!mp!i&ns.

=e2 o" t#e br!ns #!6e inH#ouse !&en0ies/ it 2ill reu0e business but not in ! #i&#


Con/%6s"on o* Po&te&<s 5"ve 5o&/e An$%4s"s

>o2 t#re!ts "or ne2 entry.

Fi&# b!r&!inin& po2er o" suppliers.

B!r&!inin& po2er o" buyer is meium/ but in 0omin& ye!r t#ere is 0#!n0e "or 

in0re!se. (ue to lot o" pl!yers !re 0omin& to inustry. T#re!ts o" t#e substitutes !re #i&#/ but it 2ill 0#!n&e in 0omin& ye!rs.

Ri6!lry by e7istin& 0ompetitors is #i&#/ but possible to bre! it by oin& some uni$ue

0!mp!i&n "or 0lient. 'ni!n m!ret is ! potenti!l m!ret "or i&it!l !6ertisin& ue to #i&# internet !n

mobile penetr!tion.


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'sob!r is ! &lob!l i&it!l m!retin& !&en0y 2it# ! tot!l o" *3 o""i0es in 3D m!rets 2orl2ie.

T#e !&en0y is ! 2#olly o2ne subsii!ry o" (entsu Ae&is Net2or !n is sister !&en0y to

Posters0ope/ iProspe0t/ !r!t/ ViGeum/ !n (entsu.

'sob!r is ! moern 0ommuni0!tions !&en0y net2or/ m!e up o" ! 0ommitte !n i6erse

&roup o" o6er 3/--- i&it!l pioneers in 3D m!rets. Est!blis#e in ,--3/ 'sob!r is t#e &lob!l

#ome "or t#e 2orlCs "inest i&it!l pioneers !n t#e sm!rtest tr!ition!l m!retin& t!lent/ t#!t

#elps 0onne0t br!ns 2it# t#eir "!ns !n 0ustomers by 0re!tin& irresistible ie!s 0ombinin&

0re!ti6e/ pl!nnin&/ te0#nolo&y !n !t!. To&et#er/ 'sob!r brin&s people !n br!ns to&et#er/

lie ne6er be"ore.

 'sob!r #!s sin0e be0ome t#e 2orlLs most &lob!l !&en0y/ 2it# o""i0es on si7 0ontinents. ?eLre

! 0ommitte !n i6erse &roup o" i&it!l inno6!tors !n m!retin& 6ision!ries ei0!te to

#elpin& 0onne0t br!ns 2it# t#eir 0ustomers. Fo2 By 0re!tin& irresistible ie!s t#!t mel

0re!ti6e/ pl!nnin&/ te0#nolo&y !n !t!.

?it# ! 6ision to 0re!te t#e best i&it!l !&en0ies in 'ni!/ 'sob!r 2!s l!un0#e in Au&ust ,--.

To!y/ 'sob!r is r!ne !mon&st t#e top 'ni!n i&it!l !&en0ies 2it# re0o&nitions "lo2in& in

sin0e/ in0luin& !mp!i&n Asi!Cs 'ni! (i&it!l A&en0y o" t#e e!r ,-1, !2!r 8Sil6er:/

2#i0# 2!s ! rem!r!ble !0#ie6ement "or !n !&en0y ust "our ye!r ol in t#e business/ ?it# !0lient roster lie BM?/ !i!s/ Kello&&/ %ener!l Motors/ P<%/ Reebo/ E7pei!/ AirAsi!/

R!yHB!n/ Asi!n P!ints/ 3 M 0!r 0!re !n M!ttel/ t#e !&en0y #!s been 0onsistently

 prou0in& inspirin& 2or. 'sob!r 'ni!Cs e70ellen0e in mei!/ so0i!l/ mobile/ 2eb

e6elopment !s 2ell !s t#ou&#t !n 0re!ti6e le!ers#ip #!s m!e it one o" t#e most sou&#tH

!"ter !&en0ies to 2or 2it#.

.! V"s"on

=To B&"n# Peo+%e $nd B&$nds To#et1e& %"'e Neve& Be*o&e>

.,! 56n/t"ons "n Iso-$&

Med"$ +%$nn"n#) Buyin& mei!/ pl!nnin&/ !n 0re!tin& str!te&y "or 0lients/ reportin&

to 0lients/ 0oorin!tin& te0#nolo&y 2it# 0re!ti6e !n m!int!inin& lon& term rel!tion

2it# 0lients.  So/"$% Med"$: M!n!&in& p!&es/ &i6in& response to Queries o" 0ustomers !n

M!n!&in& ?ebsites. 'sob!r 2e!rs t#e s#oes o" 0lients/ !n #elps t#em to !0#ie6e



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  C&e$t"ve: Pro6iin& Art !n opy to t#e 0lients/ 2#i0# &i6e t#e re!l "eel !bout br!n

to 0ustomers. Te/1no%o#4:  re!te ?ebsite !n Apps/ M!n!&in& Apps !n ?ebsites/ Mobile

2ebsites !n !pps 0re!tion/ Mi0ro sites/ Trouble s#ootin& !n Eitin&.

.! M$n$#e(ent

N$(e Des"#n$t"on

M!r r!nmer #!irm!n o" 'sob!r  

+e!n >in %lob!l EO 'sob!r  

S#!msuin +!s!ni M!n!&in& (ire0tor/ 'ni!

Must!"! Sye (ire0tor/ Mei!

%op! Kum!r Asso0i!te Vi0e Presient

Anis# V!r&#ese %roup re!ti6e (ire0tor  

 Niles# P!t#! #ie" Te0#nolo&y o""i0er 

+!y! B#!ti! Business Fe!H ?est

R!#ul Ven&!li (ire0tor Ser6i0in&

.0! A)$&ds

! Med"$ A--4s -4 Ad C%6- Bo(-$4 $nd AAAI

Best so0i!l mei! !mp!i&n "or Reebo 

,! D"#"t$% Med"$ $)$&d -4 C$(+$"#n Ind"$

Best so0i!l mei! !mp!i&n "or Reebo 

! E0M IDMA A)$&ds "n 0 C$te#o&"es:

Best so0i!l mei! !mp!i&n "or Reebo 

Best B!nner !mp!i&n "or !i!s

Best Se!r0# !mp!i&n "or BM?

Best So0i!l App "or Reebo 

0! Best So/"$% C$(+$"#n *o& Ree-o' Ind"$? Ind"$ So/"$%


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S"%ve& *o& Best Se$&/1 C$(+$"#n *o& TATA W"n#e&

3! IAMAI A)$&ds

Best Se!r0# !mp!i&n "or BM?

.2! M$@o& C%"ents

G%o-$% C%"ents

o0!Hol! Reebo Kello&&Cs

P<% %M Sprite

(isney Ai!s PF'>'PS

='AT %oo&le TOOTA

Ind"$n C%"ents

Ai!s P<% 2in&er K?AN

BM? BOSE Mut#oot %roup ?#isper  

Air Asi! R!y B!n As!in P!ints Kello&Cs

Ariel E7pei! V'KS TATA FOS'N%

Ol!y PF'>'PS T' Mutu!l =un MATTE>

P!mpers %M Kent RO EVA

Reebo ESSAR %OO( EAR Sterlin& Foli!ys

.3! S6++o&t"n# Too%s

P%$nn"n# C6sto(e& Ins"#1t An$%4t"/s

eM!reter (ouble 0li0 ?ebTrens

0omS0ore Astro %oo&le An!lyti0s

ViGiSense Mei!min Ale7!

(ouble0li0 ! pl!nner M!rin So"t2!re OMN'TRE

ARele6!n0e ;E(O mei!min

.! Co%%$-o&$t"ons "n D"#"t$% E/os4ste(

Ad Net)o&'s DSP Ad E/1$n#e

Am!&net M!rm!l!e

E7ponenti!l Amnet

SV% %roup



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.! 5"n$n/"$% det$"%s o* Iso-$& B$n#$%o&e


 Re6enue 3- >!#s

Pro"it H1*


Re6enue 13- >!#s

Pro"it ,

.! Co(+et"to&s

Blo&2ors (i&i6!ssi %rey (i&it!l 'nter!0ti6e



ontr!0t (r!"t"0bHl! Fun&!m!

(i&it!l Ser6i0es

M!7us Mins#!re

(i&it!l >!2 <


E6erest 'BS Net0ore ((BMur!


.9! SWOT o* Iso-$& Ind"$


Popul!r in t#e 'nustry/ ue to t#e br!n im!&e o" Ae&is Mei!.

Stron& 0ustomers b!se 2it# lon& term rel!tions#ip.

E""i0ient employees 2it# 0#u0 o" ie!s.

F!6e su""i0ient e7perien0e in br!nin& 2it# m!ny br!ns "rom i""erent inustries.

Stron& !n supporti6e b!0en te0#nolo&y te!m.

Folin& lots o" !2!rs "rom inustry.


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sin& proper supportin& tools "or Pl!nnin&/ ustomer 'nsi&#t !n An!lyti0s


 Number o" employees is not su""i0ient "or m!n!&in& 0lients.

>!0 o" potenti!l employees in m!ret.

>!0 o" e0ision m!in& !bility in employees.

E7p!nsion o" business to ne2 &eo&r!p#i0 lo0!tions insie 'ni! is slo2.


%ro2in& 'nternet penetr!tion in 'ni!.

M!reters !re 0#!n&in& t#eir 0ommuni0!tion p!ttern "rom tr!ition!l to ne2 mei!.

%ro2in& mobile users in 'ni!.

 Number o" pl!yers is lo2 in m!ret.

(i&it!l mei! 0onsumption o" 'ni!ns is 6ery #i&# 2#ile 0omp!rin& 2it# tr!ition!l


(e6elopment o" te0#nolo&y in (i&it!l e0osystem.


#!n&in& e0onomi0 0onitions 2ill !""e0t business.

 No o" pl!yers in m!ret is lo2/ but e7istin& pl!yer #!6e l!r&er 0ustomer b!se.

>o2 b!rriers in entry !n m!ret potenti!l !ttr!0tin& ne2 !&en0ies to t#e m!ret.

Tr!ition!l !&en0ies !re no2 mo6in& to i&it!l !lso.

Business ris is 6ery #i&# be0!use business is 0ompletely b!se on 0lientCs business.


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'ni!/ 2it# 1/,D-/,D,/1-5 81.,D billion: people is t#e se0on most populous 0ountry in t#e

2orl/ 2#ile #in! is on t#e top 2it# o6er 1/3*-/-/*-5 81.3* billion: people. J1- T#e

"i&ures s#o2 t#!t 'ni! represents !lmost 1D.31 o" t#e 2orlLs popul!tion/ 2#i0# me!ns one

out o" si7 people on t#is pl!net li6e in 'ni!. Alt#ou&#/ t#e 0ro2n o" t#e 2orlLs most

 populous 0ountry is on #in!Ls #e! "or e0!es/ 'ni! is !ll set to t!e t#e numerous

 positions by ,-3-. ?it# t#e popul!tion &ro2t# r!te !t 1.5/ 'ni! is prei0te to #!6e more

t#!n 1.53 billion people by t#e en o" ,-3-. J11

'ni! is 0urrently #!6in& online popul!tion o" ,13M/ !mon& t#em *- !re m!les !n -

!re "em!les. 'n #!6e 11- M mobile internet users/ !mon& t#em - !re m!les !n ,- !re

"em!les. 1D*M o" t#e tot!l internet popul!tion !re p!rt o" So0i!l Mei!s. J11

'ni! #!s byp!sse +!p!n to be0ome t#e 2orlCs t#ir l!r&est 'nternet user !"ter #in! !n t#e

nite St!tes/ !n its users !re si&ni"i0!ntly youn&er t#!n t#ose o" ot#er emer&in& e0onomies/

&lob!l i&it!l me!surement !n !n!lyti0s "irm 0omS0ore #!s s!i in ! report. Riin& on !

31 ye!rHonHye!r in0re!se/ 'ni!Cs online popul!tion &re2 to D3.9 million. ?it# !n e7tene

online uni6erse in e70ess o" 15 million t#e m!ret is !t ! tippin& point "or online businesses.

T#e numbers !re lo2er t#!n ot#er re0ent estim!tes/ possibly re"le0tin& 0omS0oreCs

met#oolo&y t#!t only "!0tors in P !n l!ptopHb!se 'nternet us!&e. J1,


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0.! Gende& W"se

'ni! 0urrently #!6e online popul!tion o" ,13M/ !mon& t#em *- !re m!les !n - !re

"em!les. 'n #!6e 11- M mobile internet users/ !mon& t#em - !re m!les !n ,- !re

"em!les. 1D*M o" t#e tot!l internet popul!tion !re p!rt o" So0i!l Mei!s.

A00orin& to t#e 'nternet An Mobile Asso0i!tion o" 'ni! 8'AMA':/ t#e 'nternet user b!se in

t#e 0ountry stoo !t 19- million !t t#e en o" +une/ ,-13. =or t#e 2#ole ye!r ,-13/ t#e

internet user b!se &re2 , to ,13 million/ "rom 15- million in ,-1,.  ?it# more !n more

 people !00essin& t#e 2eb t#rou&# mobile p#ones/ t#e internet user b!se in t#e 0ountry is

 proe0te to tou0# ,3 million by +une ,-1/ ! ye!rHonHye!r &ro2t# o" ,.J13

Yo6n#e& ($%es $nd )o(en $#ed 2800 e(e&#e $s +o)e& 6se&s

'ni! m!les !&e bet2een 415H, !re m!or users !mon& M!les !n in "em!les 35H !re

m!or users o" internet. A&e 2ise istributions !re &i6en belo2. J1,

0.,! On%"ne Be1$v"o6& o* Ind"$n Inte&net Use&s

Trens in online be#!6iour !re 0#!n&e ! lot/ so0i!l net2orin& is le!in& no2. E!rly people

2ill use internet to !00ess em!il !n "or se!r0#in& in"orm!tion. But no2 people lie to be

so0i!l/ t#ey !re intereste in s#!rin& t#eir li"e 2it# ot#ers. ,5 o" t#e popul!tion !re oin&

so0i!l net2orin& in 'ni! "ollo2e by ,3 in ser6i0es. Ser6i0es in0lue em!ilin& !n inst!nt



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0.! Mo-"%e Inte&net Use&s

'nternet penetr!tion in 'ni! is ri6en l!r&ely by mobile p#ones/ 2it# some o" t#e 0#e!pest

!n most b!si0 #!nHsets to!y o""erin& !00ess to t#e internet. A00orin& to 'MA'/ 'ni! #!s

11- million mobile internet users o" 2#i0# ,5 million !re in rur!l 'ni!. T#e &ro2t# o" 

internet penetr!tion in rur!l 'ni! is ri6en l!r&ely by t#e mobile p#one D- o" rur!l 'ni!Ls

!0ti6e internet popul!tion !00ess t#e 2eb 6i! mobile p#ones. T#is m!y #!6e to o 2it# t#e

i""i0ulty in !00essin& Ps. =ortyHt2o per0ent o" rur!l 'ni!Ls internet users pre"er usin& t#e

internet in lo0!l l!n&u!&es. T#e #i&# pre6!len0e o" 0ontent in En&lis# is ! #urle "or mu0# o" 

rur!l 'ni!.J1

Rese!r0# report o" 'nMobi s#o2in& t#e be#!6iour mobile user in internet/ ,1 o" t#eir tot!l

0onsumption is "or Entert!inment !n So0i!l Mei!/ 2#i0# "ollo2e by %!mes/ %ener!l

'n"orm!tion Se!r0# !n Em!il.


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0.0! So/"$% Net)o&'"n#

So0i!l Net2ors 0!pture t#e l!r&est per0ent!&e o" 0onsumersC time in t#e re&ion. 0omS0ore

!t!Cs s#o2in& * o" t#e 'ni!n 2eb user 6isit ! so0i!l net2orin& site. =!0eboo 0ontinues

to be t#e number one so0i!l net2or 2it# ! , in0re!se in tr!""i0 !n ! re!0# o" *.

A6er!&e time spen by ! 'ni!n user on "!0eboo is ,1D minutes. >ine'n emer&es !s

number t2o/ 2#ile Pinterest !n Tumblr !re t#e "!stest &ro2in& net2ors but &ro2t# o" 

t2itter is e0line by 15 in ,-13 2#ile 0omp!rin& 2it# ,-1,. J1,

N6(-e& o* Ind"$n 6se& on So/"$% Net)o&'"n# P%$t*o&(

=!0ebooH 9- Million T2itter 3- Million >ine'nH 1Million


Pinterest 15 Million 'nst!&r!mH , Million

(Source: exchange4media report, 2014)


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0.2! Ente&t$"n(ent $nd On%"ne V"deo

A00orin& to 0omS0ore !t!/ t#e online 6ieo !uien0e in 'ni! &re2 !n !stounin& ,D

 per0ent in t#e p!st ye!rs ouTube 0ontinues to be t#e top 6ieo property 2it# more t#!n 55

s#!re. 'ntern!tion!l publis#ers in0luin& =!0eboo/ !#oo !n (!ilymotion &et ! m!ority o" 

t#e 5 million 2#o 2!t0#e 6ieos. ouTube is t#e most popul!r 2it# 3,/519 6isitor.

So0i!l Vieo report s!yin& * o" internet users 2!t0# br!n rel!te 6ieo e6ery 2ee. 5

2!t0#in& 6ieos t#!t !re in"orm!ti6e or entert!inin& o"ten le!s to ! number o" ot#er positi6e

!0ti6ities su0# !s 6isitin& t#e br!n 2ebsite. Peoples !re no2 liely to re&ul!rly 2!t0# 6ieos

usin& t#eir sm!rt p#ones. Almost si7 in ten internet users #!6e &one to pur0#!se !n item !"ter 

seein& it in !n online 6ieo. J15


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0.3! Med"$ Cons6(+t"on o* Ind"$n<s

On !n !6er!&e 'ni!n 0onsumers !re spenin& *.1- #ours in mei! per !y. 'n tr!ition!l

mei! 'ni!n !uien0e spen only 195 min or 3.15 #ours. '" 2e see t#e bre!up it 2ill be

*min in tele6ision/ 3D min in ne2sp!per !n 3- min in r!io. Rem!inin& .55 #ours or ,1

min in ne2 mei! or i&it!l mei!. Bre! up o" ne2 mei! 2ill be lie 1-, min in mobile/

D9min in online !n 33 min in t!blets. J1*

=rom ! m!reters 6ie2 i&it!l pl!t"orm is 6ery import!nt be0!use 0ustomers #!6e more

 presen0e in i&it!l mei!. ustomers !re spenin& more time on i&it!l/ so it is e!sy to 0!t0#

0ustomers in i&it!l pl!t"orm/ more t#!n t#!t spenin& i&it!l is mu0# 0ost e""e0ti6e 2#ile

0omp!rin& 2it# tr!ition!l.


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2! D"#"t$% M$&'et"n#


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Sear,% ngne (SS!) sla's (Banners+,% me$a Banners) !o*le !ar/e"ng So,al me$a mal

V$eo :e*s"es



Anal'",s on"en" managemen" A$&an,e$ arge"ng rea"&e esear,% ; Plannng g"al s"ra"eg'



(i&it!l m!retin& is t#e promotion o" your business/ or&!nis!tion or br!n usin& 0#!nnels

su0# !s t#e 'nternet/ mobile e6i0es/ tele6ision !n r!io in !ition to usin& 0re!ti6e online

!6ertisin&/ 6ieo/ po0!sts !n ot#er su0# met#os to 0ommuni0!te your mess!&e.J1D

'nternet m!retin& in p!rti0ul!r pl!ys ! #u&e p!rt in !ny i&it!l m!retin& str!te&y !n is

 be0omin& t#e 0ore o" m!ny or&!nis!tions o6er!ll m!retin& str!te&ies/ p!rti0ul!rly 2it#

re&!r to so0i!l mei! !n 6ir!l m!retin&.

(i&it!l m!retin& e0osystem is not only 0on0erne 2it# internet m!retin& !n so0i!l mei!

m!retin&/ in introu0tion 2e is0usse t#!t peoples #!6e ! belie" t#!t internet or so0i!l

mei! m!retin& !re s!me but not s!me/ be 0le!r "rom be&innin& itsel". (i&it!l m!retin&

e0osystem 0onsists o" internet m!retin& !n so0i!l mei! m!retin&. T#ey !re ust !

0#!nnels "or 0ommuni0!tion/ i&it!l e0osystem 0onsist o" inte&r!tin& 0#!nnels !n inte&r!tin&


2.! D"#"t$% E/os4ste(

2..! Se$&/1 En#"ne

Se!r0# en&ine optimis!tion 8SEO: is t#e !rt o" &ettin& ! 2ebsite to 2or better 2it# se!r0#

en&ines 8lie %oo&le/ Bin& < !#oo:/ !n to loo "or !0#ie6!ble/ pro"it!ble/ r!nin&

opportunities t#rou&# ey2or rese!r0#. 't is ! $uest "or in0re!se 6isibility in se!r0# en&ines

6i! rele6!nt 0opy/ $u!lity lins/ om!in trust/ so0i!l popul!rity !n se!r0# en&ine



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Se!r0# en&ine m!retin& 8SEM: is ! bro!er term t#!n SEO/ !n is use to en0omp!ss

i""erent options !6!il!ble to use ! se!r0# en&ineCs te0#nolo&y/ in0luin& p!i !s. SEM is

o"ten use to es0ribe !0ts !sso0i!te 2it# rese!r0#in&/ submittin& !n positionin& ! 2ebsite

2it#in se!r0# en&ines. 't in0lues t#in&s su0# !s se!r0# en&ine optimiG!tion/ p!i listin&s !n

ot#er se!r0#Hen&ine rel!te ser6i0es !n "un0tions t#!t 2ill in0re!se e7posure !n tr!""i0 to

your ?eb site.

2..,! D"s+%$4s

(ispl!y !6ertisin& is ! type o" !6ertisin& t#!t typi0!lly 0ont!ins te7t 8i.e./ 0opy:/ lo&os/

 p#oto&r!p#s or ot#er im!&es/ lo0!tion m!ps/ !n simil!r items. 'n perioi0!ls/ ispl!y

!6ertisin& 0!n !ppe!r on t#e s!me p!&e !s/ or on t#e p!&e !!0ent to/ &ener!l eitori!l

0ontent. Norm!l b!nners/ Ri0# mei! b!nner/ 'nterstiti!ls !n pops !re e7!mple o" ispl!ys.

2..! Mo-"%e M$&'et"n#

Mobile m!retin& is use in re"eren0e to !ny m!retin& e""orts on or 2it# ! mobile e6i0e. 't

in6ol6es pl!nnin&/ 0re!tin&/ !n implementin& ! mi7 o" initi!ti6es to brin& to&et#er sellers

!n buyers 6i! mobile e6i0es. Mobile !s/ Mobile 2ebsites/ Apps !n %!mes !re some o" 

e7!mples "or mobile m!retin&.

2..0! So/"$% Med"$ M$&'et"n#So0i!l Mei! re"ers to !ny so"t2!re tool t#!t en!bles !n en0our!&es en&!&ement in

0on6ers!tion or s#!rin&. Popul!r "orms o" so0i!l mei! in0lue =!0eboo/ T2itter/ >ine'n/

ouTube/ Pinterest/ %oo&le U !n blo&s. No2 !ll !ys so0i!l mei! be0ome pl!t"orm "or 

m!reter to m!e 0on6ers!tion 2it# 0ustomers. Br!ns !re no2 en&!&in& 0ustomers t#rou&#

so0i!l mei!.

2..2! eM$"% M$&'et"n#

eM!il M!retin& is ! type o" ire0t m!retin& t#!t in6ol6es senin& person!liGe/ t!r&ete

mess!&es to ! spe0i"i0 !uien0e. eM!il M!retin& is e!sy to use/ lo2 0ost/ !n e""e0ti6e. Most

o" t#e B,B business in present er! in "ollo2in& em!il m!retin&/ but in B, !lso em!il

m!retin& is prou0ti6e.

2..3! V"deo

M!reters !re no2 use 6ieo to m!e 0ustomers !2!re o" br!ns !n to s#!rin& t#e

e7perien0e o" ot#er 0ustomers. ouTube !s !re too popul!r in 6ieo !s. 'n so0i!l mei!

 pl!t"orms !lso br!ns !re s#!rin& 6ieo.


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2..! An$%4s"s

An!lyti0s is t#e pr!0ti0e o" e6!lu!tin& !t!/ !n t#e pro0ess by 2#i0# ! 0omp!ny !rri6es !t !

most !6!nt!&eous e0ision. Fere m!reter !n!lysis t#e inte&r!te 0#!nnel to unerst!n t#e

e""e0ti6eness o" 0ommuni0!tion. An!lysis m!y be b!se on numbers o" 6isitor or lie in

so0i!l mei! p!&es..Et0.

2..! Content M$n$#e(ent

A"ter !n!lysis t#e inte&r!te 0#!nnels m!reter 0!n !ble to unerst!n t#e problems 2it#

0urrent 0ontents. >!ter #e 0!n m!n!&e t#e 0ontent to in0re!se t#e en&!&ement r!te/ 0ontent

m!y be te7t in b!nners/ im!&es or 2ebsites.

2..! Adv$n/ed T$&#et"n#

A6!n0e t!r&etin& !re te0#ni$ues in6ol6in& t#e senin& o" t!r&ete mess!&es to ! spe0i"i0

!uien0e. 't is use to in0re!se t#e e""e0ti6eness o" ! m!retin& 0!mp!i&n. Be#!6iour!l

t!r&etin& is !lso ! p!rt o" !6!n0e t!r&etin&/ #ere m!reter 0!n t!r&et t#e 0ustomer b!se on

t#eir p!st be#!6iour in online. M!reter 0!n put !s in ot#er 2ebp!&e 2#ere 0ustomer is


2..9! C&e$t"ve

re!ti6e is t#e !rtisti0 0omponent o" !n ! or 2ebsite. 't usu!lly in0lues !n im!&e !n 0opy

 present in !s or 2ebsite. M!reter 0!n m!e t#ose 0ontents !ttr!0ti6e to 0ustomers. M!reter 

2ill sometimes 0#!n&e t#e entire esi&n o" 2ebsites/ !pps..Et0.

2..! Rese$&/1 $nd P%$nn"n#

M!reter 2ill o some rese!r0# to unerst!n t#e be#!6iour/ t!ste !n pre"eren0e to

0ustomers in i&it!l pl!t"orm. T#is rese!r0# m!y be oin& by usin& p!iHtools lie

omS0ore...Et0. T#rou&# t#is rese!r0# m!reter 0!n unerst!nin& 2#ere T.% is present or 

2#!t T.% 2oul to o in online. A"ter rese!r0# m!reter 2ill pl!n ne2 0!mp!i&ns b!se ont#ose rese!r0# reports. T#ese 0!mp!i&ns !re more e""e0ti6e to re!0# t#e T.% properly.

2..,! D"#"t$% St&$te#4

(i&it!l str!te&y is t#e pro0ess o" spe0i"yin& !n or&!niG!tionLs 6ision/ &o!ls/ opportunities !n

initi!ti6es in orer to m!7imiGe t#e business bene"its t#rou&# i&it!l mei!. Str!te&y 2ill be

i""erent "or e!0# br!n/ it 2ill b!se on t#e br!n obe0ti6e !n t!r&et &roups interest. 't is

!0tu!l ! pl!n "ormul!te by t#e m!reter to e7plore t#e opportunities. Str!te&y m!y be s#ort

term or lon& term/ but it nee to be "it 2it# m!ret situ!tions.


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2.,! T4+es o* D"#"t$% M$&'et"n#

'n norm!l outboun m!retin&/ 2e 2ill use pull !n pus# m!retin& str!te&y. >ie t#!t in

i&it!l m!retin& !lso pull !n pus# !re types.

'n +6s1 d"#"t$% ($&'et"n#  t#e m!reter sens ! mess!&e 2it#out t#e re0ipient !0ti6ely

seein& t#e 0ontent/ su0# !s ispl!y !6ertisin& on 2ebsites !n ne2s blo&s. Em!il/ te7t

mess!&in& !n 2eb "ees 2it# 0ustomiGe 0ontents 0!n !lso be 0l!sse !s pus# i&it!l

m!retin& 2#en t#e re0ipient #!s not !0ti6ely sou&#t t#e m!retin& mess!&e. Pus# m!retin&

!llo2s you to t!r&et your emo&r!p#i0s !n use your m!retin& oll!rs to promote your 

 prou0t to t#e people you no2 !re intereste in 2#!t you #!6e to sell. A pus# m!retin&

0!mp!i&n 0!n be more e7pensi6e 2#en it 0omes to up"ront 0osts/ so you re!lly nee to be

sure t#!t your m!retin& is &oin& to re!0# t#e ri&#t people !t t#e ri&#t time. Be#!6iour 

t!r&etin& is &oo e7!mple "or pus# i&it!l m!retin&.

'n P6%% d"#"t$% ($&'et"n# in0lues blo&&in&/ em!il m!retin&/ so0i!l mei!/ in"o &r!p#i0s

!n ot#er "orms o" 6isu!l mess!&in& !n se!r0# en&ine optimiG!tion 8SEO:. A pull m!retin&

0!mp!i&n !lso in0lues publi0 rel!tions or ot#er 2!ys o" re!0#in& out to potenti!l or !lre!y

re!liGe 0ustomers 2#o you 2!nt to eep en&!&e. ?#ile ! pull m!retin& 0!mp!i&n 0!n be

less e7pensi6e to &et st!rte/ you 2ill in0ur 0osts in ot#er 2!ys. =or e7!mple/ i" you !re

runnin& ! so0i!l mei! 0!mp!i&n/ you 2ill nee to #ire someone to m!n!&e your so0i!l mei!

!n respon to people 2#o le!6e 0omments or !s $uestions. So0i!l mei! &ets people

t!lin& !n t#!t #!s ! m!or imp!0t on s!les. Pull m!retin& !lso re$uires ! &re!ter in6estment

in time/ but it &i6es you more !bility to entert!in your 0ustomers !n eu0!te t#em !bout your 

0omp!ny. J1

But onLt &et 0on"use by seein& Em!il in pus# !n pull/ t#ere is ! i""eren0e. '" m!reter is

senin& em!ils 2it# 0ustomiGe 0ontent or b!nners to spe0i"i0 &roup o" 0ustomers is pus#

i&it!l m!retin&. '" m!reter is senin& em!ils 2it# t#e s!me 0ontent or b!nner to !ll

0ustomers is pull i&it!l m!retin&.

2.! AIDMA $s AISAS "n D"#"t$% E&$

A'(MA 2iely !00epte moel es0ribin& t#e psy0#olo&i0!l pro0ess le!in& up to t#e

0onsumerCs e0ision to pur0#!se ! prou0t. T#is moel is simil!r to A'(A moel. T#e

A'(MA Moel 2!s "irst !6o0!te by Rol!n F!ll/ !n Ameri0!n e0onomist/ !roun 19,-.



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  In"eres" .es(re !emor' A,"(on


on   In"eres" Sear,% A,"(on S%are

A00orin& to t#is moel/ t#ere !re "i6e ey pro0esses) Attention/ in 2#i0# t#e 0onsumer "irst

noti0es t#e prou0t or !6ertisement/ "ollo2e by 'nterest/ (esire/ Memory/ !n A0tion.

T#is moel #!s been use e7tensi6ely in t#e !6ertisin& !n m!retin& inustries.

AISAS is ! pro0ess moel o" 0onsumers pur0#!sin& !0ti6ities in t#e 'nternet !&e. A'SAS is !

0onsumption be#!6iour moel t#!t #!s been !6o0!te by (entsu sin0e ,--. 't 2!s

e6elope to obser6e be#!6iours b!se on t#e unerst!nin& t#!t t#e 'nternet #!s be0ome

 pre6!lent/ !n t#!t 0onsumers no2 #!6e !00ess to en6ironments in 2#i0# t#ey 0!n obt!in !n

tr!nsmit in"orm!tion t#emsel6es.

'n t#is moel/ t#e ey pro0esses !re) Attention/ in 2#i0# t#e 0onsumer "irst noti0es t#e

 prou0t or !6ertisement/ "ollo2e by 'nterest. A"ter t#is/ t#e 0onsumer Se!r0#es "or 

in"orm!tion/ !n t#en m!es ! pur0#!se 8A0tion:/ !"ter 2#i0# in"orm!tion is s#!re 2it#

ot#ers. 'n 0omp!rison to 4A'(MA/ t#e psy0#olo&i0!l pro0ess #!s be0ome more 0omp!0t/

!n t#e A0tion pro0ess #!s e7p!ne.

T#ese 0#!n&es !re s#o2n #o2 presen0es in i&it!l !re import!nt "or br!ns. Br!ns 0!n !ble

to 0re!te !2!reness !n internet 2it#out i&it!l. But it 2ill not le! to !0tion in 0urrent

s0en!rio. ustomers nee more in"orm!tion in present er! t#ey !re in"orm!tion seeer !n

!l2!ys se!r0# "or best e!l. Br!ns 0!nCt sust!in 2it#out i&it!l mei!.


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2.0! Adv$nt$#es o* D"#"t$% M$&'et"n#

(i&it!l A6ertisin& is in0re!sin&ly !n in#erent bu&et!ry 0omponent o" m!ny or&!niG!tions

to!y. Or&!niG!tions o" !ll siGes use t#e meium to promote t#eir prou0ts !n ser6i0es. So

2ell/ 2#y o so m!ny or&!niG!tions use t#e meium Simply put/ it is ue to t#e numerous

!6!nt!&es t#!t online !6ertisin& o""ers. T#ese !re is0usse in t#e p!r!&r!p#s !#e!.

Re$/1 H T#e !bility o" t#e online meium to t!r&et ! 0ert!in emo&r!p#i0 o" users is one o" 

t#e &re!test !6!nt!&es o" i&it!l !6ertisin&. 'n !ition/ t#e &eo&r!p#i0!l re!0# o" t#e online

meium is "!r &re!ter t#!n t#!t o" tr!ition!l mei!. 'tCs not only 0ost e""e0ti6e to !0#ie6e !

2ier &eo&r!p#i0 !re! but t#e !s 0!n !lso be t!r&ete to t#e esire !uien0e. =or e7!mple/

i" !n !6ertiser is een on sellin& #is or #er prou0ts t!r&ete to ! 0ert!in emo&r!p#i0 o" 

 people/ it is $uite possible t#rou&# online !6ertisin&. (i&it!l !6ertisin& #!s m!ture to t#e

e7tent t#!t 2eb publis#ers/ mei! !&en0ies !n !6ertisers t#emsel6es no2 t#e optim!l

2!ys !n 2ebsites "or ! 0ert!in 0!te&ory o" prou0ts or ser6i0es.

Me$s6&e(ent  H ?it# 6!rious tools be0omin& !6!il!ble/ tr!0in& e""e0ti6eness o" !

0!mp!i&ns is be0omin& possible to!y. 'n ot#er 2ors/ me!surin& Return o" 'n6estment

8RO': is in0re!sin&ly possible to!y. Or&!niG!tions t#!t 2ere pre6iously relu0t!nt to spen

online/ no2 re!liGe t#!t t#e online meium oes o""er me!ns to !lle6i!te !ny su0# "e!rs.

Moreo6er/ 2#en properly esi&ne online m!retin& 0!mp!i&ns &ener!te t#e esire results/

!6ertisers !re "urt#er en0our!&e to 0ontinue !6ertisin& online.

Inte&$/t"ve $nd En#$#e(ent H T#e 'nternet is !r&u!bly t#e most inter!0ti6e !n en&!&in&

meium !mon& 6!rious ot#ers. 'nter!0ti6e 0!mp!i&ns #!6e be0ome ! norm 2it# t#e po2er o" 

t#e online meium. One su0# !6ertisement 2ort# mentionin& is t#e 0!mp!i&n by A@E

2#ere t#e en user 0oul !lter t#e smile o" ! 2om!n !s #es#e lie to i.e. in !n inter!0ti6e

"r!me2or. T#e !6ertisement stru0 !n inst!nt 0#or 2it# t#e yout# to 2#i0# A@E t#e

 br!n is positione "or ustomers !re b!si0!lly ust ! 0li0 !2!y "rom t#e !6ertisers. 'n

ot#er 2ors/ ire0t response bet2een en users !n !6ertisers is possible t#rou&# t#e online


T"(e H T#rou&# t#e 'nternet/ !n !6ertiser 0!n re!0# ! esire t!r&et &roup or emo&r!p#i0 in

! mu0# s#orter time "r!me. =or e7!mple/ i" !n !6ertiser nees to pl!n some sort o" !mbus#

m!retin&/ t#e online meium 0!n be !n e""e0ti6e me!ns o" !0#ie6in& it. E6en ot#er2ise i.e.

"or re&ul!r m!retin& 0!mp!i&ns/ t#e tot!l time ne0ess!ry to 0omplete !n online !6ertisin&0!mp!i&n is less t#!n t#!t o" tr!ition!l !6ertisin& met#os.


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Cost H ?#en 0omp!re to tr!ition!l "orms o" !6ertisin&/ i&it!l !6ertisin& is 0#e!per.

V!rious p!yment moels !re !6!il!ble bet2een t#e !6ertisers !n publis#ers. M!ny ! time/

!6ertisers !re 0#!r&e only 2#en 6isitors 0li0 on t#eir !s. T#e 6!rious p!yment moels !re

is0usse in et!il in t#e ne7t se0tion.

2.2! D"#"t$% Adve&t"s"n#: Ad Aven6es

SEARF A(VERT'SEMENTS) A6ertisements m!e up o" te7t 8ispl!ye l!r&ely !s

sponsore lins on se!r0# en&ines: 0ome uner t#is 0!te&ory. T#ese !re b!0e by #yperlins

t#!t 2#en 0li0e on/ t!e t#e potenti!l 0ustomer to t#e !6ertisers 2ebsite.

('SP>A A(VERT'SEMENTS) A6ertisements t#!t !re pl!0e !t 6!rious points on ! 2eb

 p!&e t#!t typi0!lly 0ont!in lo&os/ p#oto&r!p#s/ ot#er im!&es or e6en te7t. Te0#nolo&i0!lly

t#ese 0omprise o" 'm!&e/ Simple "l!s# !n Ri0# mei! 2it#< 2it#out 6ieo !s.

MOB'>E A(VERT'SEMENTS) A6ertisements t#!t !re 6ie2e or 0onsume on mobile

 p#ones or t!blets 0ome uner t#is 0!te&ory. T#ese 0omprise o" Mobile ?eb !s/ SMS/ MMS/

Mobile Vieo < TV !s !n 'nHApp !s.

SO'A> ME('A A(VERT'SEMENTS) A6ertisements o" !ny type) te7t/ ispl!y/ st!mp

 p!s et0 ispl!ye on 6!rious so0i!l mei! 2ebsites lie) =!0eboo/ T2itter/ >ine'n/

Pinterest/ Orut et0 "!ll into t#is 0!te&ory.

EMA'> A(VERT'SEMENTS) A6ertisements t#!t in6ol6e senin& !0ross ! 0ommer0i!l

mess!&e to ! &roup o" people usin& em!il 0omprise o" t#is ! type. Em!ils !re use to en&!&e

2it# e7istin& 0ustomers to &et repe!t business !s 2ell !s to !0$uire ne2 0ustomers.

V'(EO A(VERT'SEMENTS: A6ertisements t#!t "!ll bro!ly uner t#e ispl!y type but

#!6e 6ieo 2it#in t#em !n !re ser6e be"ore/ urin& !nor !"ter ! 6ieo stre!m on t#e

internet. T#is type 0omprises 'nHVieo !s/ St!n!r 'nHStre!m !s 8pre rolls/ mi rolls or 

 post rolls: !n TrueVie2 !s.

2.3! So(e o* t1e B$s"/ Te&(s "n D"#"t$% M$&'et"n#


An impression is ! me!sure o" t#e number o" times !n ! is seen/ 2#et#er it is 0li0e

on or not. E!0# time !n ! ispl!ys it is 0ounte !s one impression.


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  P$#e V"e)

Vie2in& t#e p!&e is no2n !s p!&e 6ie2. 't &ets 0ounte on0e t#e p!&e lo!e.



?#en one person "ills #is et!ils in t#e &i6en bo7 is no2n !s le!.


T#e per0ent!&e o" people 2#ose !0ti6ity 0!n be tr!0e 2#ile 0li0in& on !n ! or 

6isitin& ! 2ebsite to !0tu!lly pur0#!sin& ! prou0t or ser6i0e. A #i&# 0on6ersion r!te

ini0!tes t#!t t#e lin/ ! or site 2!s su00ess"ul

  In-o6nd %"n' 

>in 0onne0tin& to your 2ebsite "rom ! i""erent 2ebsite.


To buil ! pi0ture o" ! t!r&et 0ustomer b!se on in"orm!tion "rom 6!rious sour0es

in0luin& 0ustomer tr!ns!0tions 0omplete "orms !n emo&r!p#i0 !t!.

  Un"F6e V"s"to&

ni$ue 'P !ress !00essin& ! 2ebsite.

  L$nd"n# P$#e

A 0ustom 2e p!&e esi&ne to 0on6ert 6isitor into le!s or s!les. Em!il/ b!nner !s

!n e6en o""line outboun m!retin& 0!mp!i&ns ri6e tr!""i0 to ! l!nin& p!&e to

0!pture in"orm!tion or tri&&er ! s!le. >!nin& p!&e is !lso 0!lle !s estin!tion p!&e

or spl!s# p!&e.

2.! T4+es o* $ds

A-ove T1e 5o%d) Abo6e t#e "ol re"er to b!nners !s 2#i0# !re ispl!ye !t t#e top

o" ! 2eb p!&e.

R"/18 (ed"$) Online !s t#!t 0ont!in motion/ souns or 6ieo !re terme !s ri0#

mei! !s


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Inte&st"t"$% Ads) As t#!t !ppe!rs bet2een 2eb p!&es.

B$nne& Ads) Embein& !n ! into ! 2eb p!&eH no2 !s ! 0li0 t#rou&# ue to

inter!0ti6e !0tions 2#ere t#e 0onsumers 0li0s !n is t!en to t#e b!nner !Cs

0omp!ny 2ebsites

Po+H6+) As t#!t ispl!ys in ! bro2ser 2ino2 eit#er in t#e "ront or be#in t#e

0urrent bro2ser 2ino2.

2.! Monet$&4 te&( "n D"#"t$% M$&'et"n#

Cost Pe&8 A/t"on ;CPA!) ost o" !6ertisin& b!se on ! 6isitor t!in& some

spe0i"i0!lly e"ine !0tion in response to !n !. 4A0tion in0lue su0# t#in& !s !

s!les/ tr!ns!0tion/ ! 0ustomer !0$uisition or ! 0li0 

Cost8 Pe& 8C%"/' ;CPC!) ost o" !6ertisin& b!se on t#e number o" 0li0s re0ei6e.

Cost8 Pe&8T1o6s$nd ;CPM!:  T#e st!n!r unit "or buyin& or sellin& 'nternet

!6ertisin&. T#e t#ous!n st!ns "or t#ous!n !6ertisin& impression or 6ie2sC.

P$48 Pe&8 I(+&ess"on) Online !6ertisin& 2#ere !n !6ertiser p!ys ! preH!&ree pri0e

e!0# time ! user 0li0s on t#eir !6ertisement. T#e 0ost "or t#e 0li0 is o"ten

ne&oti!te t#rou&# !u0tion/ 2it# ! pl!0ement etermine by t#e rel!ti6e siGe o" t#e

 bi/ !s 2ell !s ot#er "!0tors.

P$48Pe&8In/%6s"on) Se!r0# en&ine m!retin& pro&r!ms t#!t &u!r!ntee 2eb site listin&

"or spe0i"i0 ey2or se!r0# term "or ! "ee.

P$48Pe&8Le$d) P!yin& to !0$uire le!s "rom !n outsie p!rty !t ! set r!te or !mount

 per le!


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't is !bout 0re!tin& ! 2ino2 2it# en#!n0e !ttention to in"luen0e be#!6iour !n moti6!tions.

?it# e6ery business eyein& t#e opportunity to en&!&e users/ it is 0riti0!l to "o0us on

en&!&ement by in0re!sin& br!n s!lien0e !n in"luen0in& buyer be#!6iour !n 0#oi0e. Br!ns

s#oul be !ble to m!p ! 0ustomerCs ourney to unerst!n 2#ere t#ey 0!n ! 6!lue !n

0re!te !n opportunity to en&!&e t#em. Br!ns nee to unerst!n t#!t en&!&ement is not

!bout pus#in& prou0t mess!&es it is !bout 0!pturin& t#e im!&in!tion !n t#e !ttention o" t#e

user. 't is !bout esi&nin& ! n!tur!lly en&!&in& e7perien0e.

Businesses nee to unerst!n t#!t i&it!l en6ironment is not !bout te0#nolo&y but !bout

!ttention/ 2#ere t#e 0onsumer is !t t#e 0ore/ !rme 2it# po2ers lie ne6er be"ore. Businesses

!n br!ns s#oul/ t#ere"ore/ "o0us on 0onne0tin& t#e ots !n re!liGe t#!t no2/ in t#e i&it!l

!&e/ it is !ll !bout 0oHo2nin& ! br!n.


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lient Ser6i0e E7e0uti6e 2ill !0t !s t#e bri&e bet2een t#e 0lient !n t#e !&en0y. Fe 2ill

spe! to t#e 0lient to &et ! brie" unerst!nin& o" 2#!t #es#e 2!nts. 'n !ition you 2ill !lso

stuy t#e m!ret "or t#e prou0t or ser6i0e "or 2#i0# t#e !6ertisement is bein& m!e/

!n!lyse m!ret yn!mi0s/ t!r&et 0ustomers/ t#eir nees !n be#!6iour!l p!tterns/ t#e

0ompetin& prou0t/ buyin& p!tterns o" 0ustomers !n 6!rious ot#er m!ret rel!te "!0tors.

3.! Res+ons"-"%"t"es o* $ C%"ent Se&v"/"n# Ee/6t"ve

• T#e 0lient ser6i0in& e7e0uti6e is responsible "or #!nlin& $ueries "rom t#e 0lients.

• S#oul t!e o2n brie" "rom t#e 0lient !n m!e t#e esire 0#!n&es !s per t#e

0lientCs nees by 0ommuni0!tin& to t#e 0re!ti6e te!m.

• F!6e !n in ept# no2le&e !bout t#e 0lientsL prou0ts/ br!n/ 0ulture/ m!ret

 position !n t#eir o6er!ll neesser6i0es.

• S#oul #!6e e7empl!ry 0ommuni0!tion sills/ so !s to in0re!se t#e 0om"ort le6els o" 

t#e 0lient.

• T#e 0lient ser6i0in& e7e0uti6e s#oul ensure t#!t t#e 0lient st!ys 2it# t#e !6ertisin&

!&en0y "or ! lon&er perio o" time.

• Responsible "or &ener!tin& business !n billin& "rom t#e 0lient.

3.,! Att&"-6tes o* C%"ent Se&v"/"n# Ee/6t"ve

• oorin!tes 2it# !ll t#e ep!rtments in t#e !&en0y !n 0lients/ besies st!yin& 0!lm

uner pressure

• S#oul possess &oo m!n!&eri!l/ present!tion !n e70eption!l 0ommuni0!tion sills

• S#oul spen !mple !mount o" time 2it# t#e 0lient/ "ul"illin& t#eir nees !n


• Atten meetin&s 2it# t#e 0lients 2#en t#ere is ! nee !n ot o2n t#e brie" o" t#e



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• lient ser6i0in& e7e0uti6e s#oul be 2ell &roome !n properly !ttire

lient ser6i0es m!n!&ers 0onne0t !n !&en0yLs 0re!ti6e e""orts 2it# !6ertisersC nees/ "rom

le!in& ! "irst meetin& on ! ne2 !00ount to rese!r0#in& mei! outlets "or ! 0!mp!i&n. T#ey

m!int!in rel!tions#ips 2it# e7e0uti6es o" 0lient businesses o6ersee t#e !&en0yCs !00ount te!m

!0ross !ll is0iplines !n e6elop str!te&ies "or 0lients. 'n s#ort/ t#e 0lient ser6i0es m!n!&er is

!00ount!ble "or !ll !spe0ts o" t#e eli6ery o" 2or to t#e 0lient. E6ery !y is i""erent "or 

0lient ser6i0es m!n!&ers/ but routine t!ss in0lue up!tin& st!tus reports "or 0lients/

re0ei6in& 0re!ti6e 0#!n&es "rom 0lients/ rel!yin& t#ose 0#!n&es to 0re!ti6e st!"" !n

super6isin& t#e !00ountCs "in!n0es.

3.! Ste+s "n "nvo%ved "n do"n# /%"ent se&v"/"n# "s #"ven -e%o).

  B&"e*:  Role o" !n !&en0y 2ill st!rt only !"ter re0ei6in& t#e brie" "orm potenti!l

0lients. Potenti!l 0lients !re !0tu!lly intereste to o some 0ommuni0!tion !0ti6ities.

T#ey 2ill "or2!r t#eir brie" to t2o or t#ree !&en0ies. Brie" 2ill 0ont!in et!ils lie/

•  N!me o" t#e br!n

•  N!me o" t#e prou0t

•Obe0ti6es o" br!n

• B!0&roun o" br!n

• T!r&et &roup o" t#e br!n

• #!llen&es o" t#e br!ns

• (ur!tion o" 0!mp!i&ns

• (esire result

• Bu&et o" t#e 0!mp!i&n

• re!ti6e re$uirement

  P"t/1 P&esent$t"on) Present!tion m!e by !&en0y to 0lient b!se on t#e brie" 

"or2!re by t#em. Pit0# present!tion is lie ! mei0ine "or t#e 0lient/ t#is

 present!tion 2ill &i6e 0omplete ie! !bout m!ret to 0lient !n str!te&ies 2#!t br!n

nee to !opts. lient 2ill see t#e pit0# present!tion. '" 0lient is s!tis"ie 2it# t#e


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 pit0#/ t#ey sele0t t#!t !&en0y "or t#eir "uture 0ommuni0!tion pro0ess. Pit0#

 present!tion 2#ile !l2!ys 0ont!in "ollo2in& et!ils.

• Obe0ti6es o" br!n/ m!retin& !n 0ommuni0!tion

• An!lysis o" inustry b!se on m!ret siGe/ 0#!llen&es !n opportunities. =or 

t#ese !&en0ies 2ill use rese!r0# reports o" rese!r0#in& !&en0ies.

• 'ntrou0tion o" i&it!l mei! !n 'ni!. 't in0lues 'nternet popul!tion o" 

'ni!/ So0i!l mei! !n presen0e o" 'ni!n popul!tion..et0.

• An!lysis inustry in i&it!l. T#is in0lues 0ompetitor !n!lysis in i&it!l

 pl!t"orm b!se on no. o" se!r0# "or 0lient/ no. o" so0i!l mei! "!ns !n no. o" 

ouTube 6ieos.

• Str!te&ies 2ill 0omplete b!se on obe0ti6es !n re$uirements o" br!n t#e

0lient. Str!te&ies "or e!0# 0lient !re i""erent.

P&o+os$%) Abo6e mentione t2o step !re "or ne2 0lients. B!si0!lly propos!l !n

 pit0# !re simil!r in n!ture but purpose is i""erent. Propos!l is "or e7istin& 0lient/ i" 

e7istin& 0lient re$uire to st!rt ! ne2 0!mp!i&n !&en0y 2ill "or2!r propos!l to

0lient. Propos!l put "or2!r by !&en0y 0ont!ins

• !mp!i&n obe0ti6e

• T!r&et m!ret

• Str!te&y

• Appro!0#es

• Estim!te 0ost

• Outputs

  Rev"e)) lient 2ill re6ie2 t#e propos!l put "or2!r by !&en0y. lients 2ill !n!lysis

t#e imp!0t o" 0!mp!i&n b!se on t#e 0ost/ re!0# !n result. '" 0lient is not s!tis"ie

2it# t#e propos!l t#ey 2ill in"orm t#e !&en0y.

  Rev"sed ne#ot"$t"on) '" 0lients #!6e !ny problem 2it# propos!l/ !&en0y 2ill !n!lysis

t#e propos!l !n re2rites t#e propos!l b!se on t#e interest o" t#e 0lient. T#is

 propos!l is entirely i""erent "rom t#e l!st propos!l. Mostly 0lient 2ill lie t#is


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 propos!l. '" 0lient onCt lie t#is propos!l t#ey 2ill !s t#e !&en0ies to reo t#e


5"n$% +&o+os$%) Propos!l 2#i0# "in!lly put "or2!r to 0lients by !&en0y/ t#is nee to

 be more e""e0ti6e !n !ttr!0ti6e to t#e 0lient. 'n most o" t#e 0!ses 0lients 2ill lie "irst

 propos!l itsel". 't 2ill m!7HtoHm!7 &o "or ! re6ie2 only.

  A++&oved) Propos!l or pit0# nee to &et !ppro6!l "rom 0lient/ t#en only !&en0ies 0!n

!ble mo6e "or2!r by st!rtin& t#e 0re!ti6e 2ors or ot#er step.

  Est"($te S"#ned) 'tCs ! 0ontr!0t bet2een 0lient !n !&en0y. A"ter &ettin& !ppro6!l

"rom 0lient/ !&en0y nee ! 0ontr!0t 2#i0# s#o2in& !&en0y to 2or be#!l" o" 0lient. 't

is !lso no2 mei! estim!te. T#is 0ontr!0t 0onsist o"/

• lient n!me !n Br!n n!me

• A&en0y n!me

• St!rt !te

• ?ebsite Publis#er et!ils 2#ere 0!mp!i&nin& 2ill o

• %r!n Tot!l

• li0s or le!s 2#i0# e7pe0te "rom 0!mp!i&n

• ommission o" t#e !&en0y/ VAT !n Ser6i0e T!7

• Si&n!ture o" 0lient !n A&en0y

  Re%e$s"n# O&de& ;R.O!:  A"ter m!in& t#e 0ontr!0t !n be"ore st!rtin& t#e

0!mp!i&nin&/ !&en0y 2ill m!e Rele!sin& Orer !n sen to publis#ers Vener.

%oo&le/ !#oo/ Time o" 'ni! ...Et0 !re t#e some o" t#e publis#er 6enors. T#ey !re

!lso no2n !s suppliers. Rele!sin& orer is !lso type o" 0ontr!0t bet2een !&en0y !n

 publis#er/ R.O !ut#enti0!tin& publis#er to pl!0e t#e !s in t#eir port!ls. Rele!sin&

orer 0onsist o"

• A&en0y n!me

• Br!n N!me

• !mp!i&n N!me

• Supplier N!me


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• Perio o" !mp!i&n

• li0s e7pe0te

• Tot!l Amount o" t#e 0!mp!i&n

• Term !n onition in0luin& pro0eure o" p!yment

• Si&n!ture o" t#e !&en0y !n Suppliers

  C&e$t"ve: 'n t#is step 0re!ti6e te!m 2ill e7e0ute t#e ie! or pl!ns o" 0!mp!i&ns in to

"in!l "orm!ts o" t#e !s. As m!y be norm!l b!nners/ Ri0# Mei! !s or 6ieos.

B!si0!lly 0re!ti6e i" one o" #e!rt p!rt o" t#e 0!mp!i&n. lient ser6i0in& person!l 2!nt

to 0on6ey t#e nees o" t#e br!n to 0re!ti6e te!m b!se on t#e 0lients re$uirements.

lient ser6i0in& person!l 2ill s#o2 t#e 0re!ti6e 2or to 0lients !n &et !ppro6!l "rom

t#em. '" 0lient is not s!tis"ie 2it# t#e 2or/ !&en0y 2ill reo t#e 0re!ti6e 2or !n

&et !ppro6!l "rom t#em.

  R6n C$(+$"#n) A"ter 0ompletin& t#e 0re!ti6e 2or !&en0y 2ill st!rt runnin& t#e

0!mp!i&n to re!0# !uien0e. =or t#is 0lient ser6i0in& person!l 2ill sen t#e 0re!ti6e

2or to t#e publis#ers. T#ey 2ill o t#e 0!mp!i&n in t#e be#!l" o" !&en0y.


Re+o&ts) Reports submitte by 2#i0# 6enors to !&en0y/ b!se on t#e runnin&0!mp!i&ns o" 0lients. T#e entire 6enor 2#ile submit report to !&en0y/ 0lient

ser6i0in& person!l 2ill re0ei6e t#ese reports. Reports s#o2 #o2 m!ny people 0li0e

on t#e !s or tot!l impression obt!ine.

Co(+"%e) A"ter &ettin& !ll reports "rom 6enors/ 0lient ser6i0in& person!l 2ill

0ompile t#ese reports !n submit to 0lients. So 0lient !lso no2 #o2 m!ny

impression or 0li0 t#ey &ot "rom runnin& t#e 0!mp!i&n.


O+t"("7$t"on) '" 0lient us not s!tis"ie by t#e 0!mp!i&n result. A&en0y 2ill m!e

0#!n&es in t#e 0!mp!i&n "or impro6in& t#e e""e0ti6eness !n to !0#ie6e obe0ti6es.

#!n&e m!y be impro6in& t#e 0ontent $u!lity/ 0#!n&in& t#e 6enor !n sele0tin& t#e

ne2 6enors..et0.

  End) En o" t#e !mp!i&n !"ter !0#ie6in& t#e obe0ti6e or time ur!tion/ i" t#e 0lient

is intereste in &oin& 2it# t#e 0!mp!i&n !&en0y 2ill o t#!t.

  Rev"e) o* C$(+$"#n) E6!lu!tin& 0!mp!i&n b!se on st!n!r !n !0tu!l

 per"orm!n0e o" 0!mp!i&n. 't 2ill #elp to unerst!n 2#!t isob!r pl!nne !n 2#!t


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!0tu!lly #!ppene. B!se on t#is re6ie2 !&en0y 0!n !ble impro6e t#e "uture


  B"%%s) 'n t#is step 6enors 2ill submit bills to !&en0y. A&en0y 2ill 0ompile !ll t#e

 bills in to one bill !n "or2!r to 0lients. Billin& pro0ess 2ill be on0e in ! mont#.

  P$4(ent: P!yment o" bill by 0lient to !&en0y !n t#en to 6enor by !&en0y !"ter 

eu0tin& t#e 0ommission !n t!7. T!7 in0luin& VAT !n ser6i0e t!7.

3.0! Too%s 6sed

! /o(S/o&e

/o(S/o&e is !n Ameri0!n 'nternet !n!lyti0s 0omp!ny pro6iin& m!retin& !t! !n !n!lyti0s

to m!ny o" t#e 2orlLs l!r&est enterprises/ !&en0ies/ !n publis#ers. 0omS0ore m!int!ins !

&roup o" users 2#o #!6e monitorin& so"t2!re inst!lle on t#eir 0omputers. J,-

A6ertisin& !&en0ies use 0omS0ore prou0ts to ienti"y t#e online 0ontent t#!t best re!0#es

t#eir t!r&et !uien0es/ to esi&n online mei! pl!ns t#!t m!7imiGe t#e RO' "rom !6ertisin&

spen !n to optimiGe 0!mp!i&nsC re!0# !n "re$uen0y/ !ll 2#ile re!0#in& ! esire t!r&et

emo&r!p#i0. J,1

?it# 0omS0ore Mei! Metri7/ ! !&en0ies 0!n/

• nerst!n 0lientsC online !uien0e !n t#!t o" t#eir 0ompetitors

•  'enti"y t#e most !ppropri!te sites "or !6ertisin& 0!mp!i&ns

•  nerst!n 2#ere !n #o2 bu&ets 0!n be spent most e""e0ti6ely

•  E6!lu!te !6ertisin& str!te&ies/ s0#eules !n 0re!ti6e e7e0utions

(!t! pro6ie by 0omS0ore oes not in0lue mobile internet user !t! !n internet 0!"e user 

!t!/ so 0omS0ore !t! is lo2 in siGe but itCs more rele6!nt.


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,! Goo#%e T&ends

%oo&le Trens is ! publi0 2eb "!0ility o" %oo&le 'n0./ b!se on %oo&le Se!r0#/ 2#i0# s#o2s

#o2 o"ten ! p!rti0ul!r se!r0#Hterm is entere rel!ti6e to t#e tot!l se!r0#H6olume !0ross

6!rious re&ions o" t#e 2orl/ !n in 6!rious l!n&u!&es. T#e #oriGont!l !7is o" t#e m!in &r!p#

represents time/ !n t#e 6erti0!l is #o2 o"ten ! term is se!r0#e "or rel!ti6e to t#e tot!l

number o" se!r0#es/ &lob!lly. Belo2 t#e m!in &r!p#/ popul!rity is broen o2n by 0ountries/

re&ions/ 0ities !n l!n&u!&e. M!reter 0!n use %oo&le Tren to no2 "rom 2#ere #i&#est !n

lo2 se!r0# 0ome "rom 2#i0# lo0!tion "or t#eir prou0ts.

! 5$/e do("n$to&

'tCs tool usin& to unerst!n 0ompetitors "!0eboo "!ns !n t#eir et!ils. 't 2ill #elp to o

0ustomiGe 0!mp!i&ns t#rou&# "!0eboo.

0! Goo#%e Ke4)o&d P%$nne&

Key2or Pl!nner is lie ! 2ors#op "or builin& ne2 Se$&/1 Net)o&'  0!mp!i&ns or 

e7p!nin& e7istin& ones. M!reter 0!n se!r0# "or ey2or !n ! &roup ie!s/ see #o2 ! list

o" ey2ors mi&#t per"orm/ !n e6en 0re!te ! ne2 ey2or list by multiplyin& se6er!l lists

o" ey2ors to&et#er. A "ree A?ors tool/ Key2or Pl!nner 0!n !lso #elp you 0#oose

0ompetiti6e bis !n bu&ets to use 2it# your 0!mp!i&ns. Bene"its o" ey2or pl!nner !re

&i6en belo2.

Rese$&/1 'e4)o&ds: ou 0!n se!r0# "or ey2or !n ! &roups ie!s b!se on terms t#!t

!re rele6!nt to your prou0t or ser6i0e/ your l!nin& p!&e/ or i""erent prou0t 0!te&ories.

Get 1"sto&"/$% st$t"st"/s $nd t&$**"/ est"($tes: se st!tisti0s lie se!r0# 6olume to #elp you

e0ie 2#i0# ey2ors to use "or ! ne2 or e7istin& 0!mp!i&n. %et estim!tes/ lie estim!te

0li0s/ to &et !n ie! o" #o2 ! list o" ey2ors mi&#t per"orm "or ! &i6en bi !n bu&et.

T#ese estim!tes 0!n !lso #elp &uie your e0ision on 2#i0# bis !n bu&ets to set.

'tLs import!nt to eep in min t#!t 2#ile Key2or Pl!nner 0!n pro6ie some &re!t ey2or

ie!s !n tr!""i0 estim!tes/ 0!mp!i&n per"orm!n0e epens on ! 6!riety o" "!0tors. =or 

e7!mple/ bis/ bu&et/ prou0t/ !n 0ustomer be#!6iour in t#e inustry 0!n !ll in"luen0e t#e

su00ess o" your 0!mp!i&ns.


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>etCs see !n e7!mple to unerst!n #o2 t#is moel 2ors.


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.! Rese$&/1 (et1odo%o#4

Rese!r0# met#oolo&y is ! 2!y to system!ti0!lly sol6e t#e rese!r0# problem. 't m!y be uner 

stoo !s ! s0ien0e o" stuyin& #o2 rese!r0# is one s0ienti"i0!lly. 't is ! system !n inHept#

stuy "or !ny p!rti0ul!r sube0t. 'ts purpose is to "in out !ns2er to $uestions t#rou&# t#e!ppli0!tion o" s0ienti"i0 met#os. 't in6ol6es 0olle0tion/ !n!lysis !n interpret!tion o" !t!. 't

e!ls 2it# t#e !ppli0!tion !n utiliG!tion o" !t!.

..! To+"/

T#e sele0te topi0 "or t#e rese!r0# is 4nerst!ns t#e 0onsumer buyin& be#!6iour o" 'ni!n

in i&it!l er!

..,! Pe&"od o* st6d4

T#e stuy is 0onu0te urin& t#e ,t# April ,-1 to *t# M!y ,-1

..! O-@e/t"ves o* t1e st6d4

P&"($&4 o-@e/t"ve


T#e m!in obe0ti6e o" t#e stuy is to unerst!n t#e 0onsumer buyin&

 ourney in (i&it!l er!.

Se/ond$&4 o-@e/t"ves

To no2 !""inity in 0ustomers "or 0olle0tin& in"orm!tion be"ore pur0#!se.

To etermine out t#e mei!/ 2#i0# is most import!nt in 0re!tin& stimulus

in 'ni!ns To unerst!n t#e mei! 0onsumption o" 'ni!ns.

To "i&ure out #o2 'ni!n 2ill pur0#!se ! prou0t.

To unerst!n post pur0#!se be#!6iour o" 'ni!n


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..0! S/o+e

  T#is stuy is use"ul "or eterminin& t#e 0onsumer buyin& be#!6iour o" 'ni!ns. 't 0!n

!ble to #elp br!ns to re!0# t#eir t!r&et &roup t#rou&# !ppropri!te mei!. 't 2ill present !n

ie! to br!ns/ b!se on 2#ere to in6est in !0#ie6e t#eir m!retin& obe0ti6es.

..2! Un"ve&se

ni6erse me!ns t#e tot!l popul!tion !6!il!ble "or t#e stuy. 'n t#is stuy/ t#e uni6erse

0onstitutes !ll 'ni!n/ 2#o #!6e online presen0es.

..3! S$(+%e

S!mple me!ns ! represent!tion o" t#e 2#ole uni6erse by ! sm!ll popul!tion. S!mples "or t#is

rese!r0# !re uner 'ni!n yout# !n youn& 'ni!ns/ 2#o 0ome uner 1D to 5 ye!r !&e &roups

!n 2#o #!6e online presen0es.

..! S$(+%e s"7e

T#e number o" s!mple units sele0te "rom t#e tot!l popul!tion is 0!lle s!mple siGe. S!mple

siGe sele0te "or t#is stuy is ,--. Amon& t#em 1* !re m!les !n 5 !re "em!les.

..! Too%s

Tools use "or t#is rese!r0# is !n online $uestionn!ire/ 2#i0# 0onsist o" ,1 $uestions.


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.,! D$t$ An$%4s"s $nd Inte&+&et$t"ons

1: Fo2 o you &et in"orm!tion !bout ne2 Prou0ts





"%er So#r,es






,: (o you olle0t in"orm!tion be"ore pur0#!sin& t#e prou0ts





3: ?#!t type o" in"orm!tion 2ill you 0olle0t


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ustomerLs E7perien0e






Inte&+&et$t"on *o& to : S!mples !re #i&#ly in"orm!tion seeers/ 95 o" t#e s!mple 2ill

o re!0# be"ore pur0#!se. Only - o" t#e s!mples s!yin& t#ey &et to no2 !bout ! prou0t

t#rou&# !6ertisements/ 3- &et to no2 "rom "riens !n 1- "rom "!mily. 3, o" s!mples

!re 0olle0tin& in"orm!tion !bout $u!lity o" prou0t t#e !n ,* !bout pri0e !n ,1 !bout

0ustomer e7perien0e

: (i you e6er pur0#!se "rom !n online site





5: '" yes/ t#en 2#!t type o" prou0t ser6i0es i you pur0#!se online


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Sport e$uipments


Ki0#en !n #ome items

=!s#ion !00essories

Tr!6el prou0ts












Inte&+&et$t"ons *o& 0 $nd 2: 1 o" t#e s!mple 2ill m!e online pur0#!ses !lso mostly

t#ey pur0#!se ele0troni0 prou0ts/ "ollo2e by "!s#ion !n tr!6el !00essories t#rou&# online.

*: (o you 2!t0# tele6ision





D: (o you 2!t0# tele6ision pro&r!ms t#rou&# online

53D es


: (o you re! Ne2sp!pers


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1: ?#en o you use t#ese &!&ets

?!t0#in& T.V



?it# "riens





15: ?#!t you o 2it# t#ese &!&ets




 Ne2s re!in&


EH boos

?!t0# Vieos










Inte&+&et$t"on 9 to 2:


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Inte&+&et$t"on *o& 3 to :

9D o" t#e s!mples !re seein& !s/ !mon& t#em 35 o" s!mples noti0e !s t#rou&#

online mei!/ ,, on TV !n 1D on Ne2sp!pers.   o" t#e s!mples !re s!yin& t#ey #!6e trust in online !s/ 3 !re s!yin& t#ey

#!6e trust in T.V.

19: Fo2 o you norm!lly pur0#!se ! prou0t

Rese!r0# in mobile !n pur0#!se "rom ret!il s#op

Rese!r0# in l!ptop !n pur0#!se "rom ret!il s#op

Rese!r0# in mobile !n pur0#!se "rom l!ptop

Rese!r0# !n pur0#!se "rom mobile

Rese!r0# !n pur0#!se "rom l!ptop

Visit t#e ret!il s#op !n pur0#!se "rom mobile

Visit t#e ret!il s#op !n pur0#!se "rom l!ptop

Visit !n pur0#!se "rom ret!il s#op itsel"









,-: A"ter pur0#!se/ 2#!t type o" e7perien0e 2ill you s#!re 2it# ot#ers


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All t#e !bo6e mentione

%oo e7perien0e

B! e7perien0e

 Ni0e e!l/ in terms o" pri0e





,1: Fo2 2ill you s#!re your e7perien0e 2it# ot#ers

So0i!l net2orin& sites


?rite ! blo&

'n 0omp!ny 2ebsite

=!0e to "!0e t!l 






Inte&+&et$t"on *o& to ,:

,, o" s!mples 2ill o rese!r0# on online !n pur0#!se "rom ret!il s#op/ ,1 o" t#e

s!mples 2ill o rese!r0# in mobile !n pur0#!se "rom ret!il s#op. But 19 o" t#e

s!mples 2ill pur0#!se ire0tly "rom ! ret!il s#op only.

*D o" t#e s!mples 2ill lie to e7press t#eir e7perien0e 2it# ot#ers it m!y be ! ni0e

e!l/ &oo e7perien0e or b! e7perien0e 2it# prou0t. 3D 2ill s#!re t#eir e7perien0e t#rou&# "!0e to "!0e t!l/ 3, t#rou&# so0i!l

net2orin& sites !n , t#rou&# mess!&in&.


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 Br!ns 2!nt to buil t#eir presen0e o6er i&it!l pl!t"orm/ be0!use 0ustomers #!6e #i&#

!""inity to2!rs i&it!l mei! t#!n ot#er mei!Cs. More t#!n t#!t 0ustomers !re #i&#ly

in"orm!tion seeers !n i&it!l mei! is t#e only pl!t"orm "or t2o 2!y 0ommuni0!tion

 bet2een br!ns !n 0ustomers.

(i&it!l mei! is t#e best pl!t"orm to 0on6ert ! prou0t to ! br!n. Be0!use it is more 0ost

e""e0ti6e !n it pro6ie lot o" tou0# points to m!reter. Br!ns 0!n !ble to en&!&e t#eir t!r&et

&roup in !n e""e0ti6e 2!y t#rou&# i&it!l pl!t"orms. (i&it!l mei! is not only "or 

en&!&ement/ br!ns 0!n in0re!se t#eir 0ustomers or t#ey 0!n ret!in t#eir e7istin& 0ustomers.

(i&it!l pl!t"orms #elp to in0re!se t#e imp!0t o" br!n re0!ll in t!r&et &roups.

T#e rese!r0# "o0use on t#e 0onsumer buyin& be#!6iour s#o2s t#!t/ 'ni!n 0onsumers !re

#i&#ly in"orm!tion seeer !n t#ey 2ill o rese!r0# !bout ! prou0t be"ore &oin& to ! ret!il

s#op. So br!ns 2!nt to &i6e pl!t"orms to 0onsumers to unerst!n t#eir prou0t or to &et !

re!lly "eel o" t#!t br!n.

' #onestly belie6e t#!t t#is proe0t report 2ill be !t most use"ul "or m!reters to unerst!n

t#e i&it!l m!retin& !n !lso to pl!n "or "uture str!te&ies.

' 0on0lue my rese!r0# by $uotin& !&!in t#!t 4Br!ns 0!nCt sust!in 2it#out i&it!l presen0e.


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  =M$&'et"n# t$'es $ d$4 to %e$&n. Un*o&t6n$te%4 "t t$'es $ %"*et"(e to ($ste&> -4

P1"%"+ 'o%te&

Be"ore le!6in& "rom 'BS/ ' belie6e t#!t ' !m 2ill be0ome ! &oo m!reter be0!use '

no2 !ll t#e 0on0epts 2#i0# ' le!rne "rom my 0l!ssrooms. But "rom t#e be&innin& o" 

se0on 2ee itsel"/ ' unerstoo/ m!retin& is not !bout 0on0epts itCs !ll !bout t#ee7perien0e.


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  Go $nd $s' *o& )o&' 

'n be&innin& st!&e o" my S'P/ ' onCt #!6e !ny 2or to o or t#ey !re not &i6in&. =irst

2ee "ull o" inu0tion !n in se0on 2ee/ "irst t2o !ys ' s!t ily. ' "elt t#!t t#ey 2ill

not &i6e !ny 2or !n my interns#ip is &one. But in ne7t !y ' 2ent !n !s "or 2or.

=rom t#!t moment to l!st !y/ ' enoye my interns#ip !n le!rne ! lot o" stu""s.

Wo&' %"*e -$%$n/"n#

T#is is t#e most import!nt le!rnin& "or me. T#is S'P t#ou&#t me #o2 to b!l!n0e your 

 person!l responsibility !n pro"ession!l responsibility to&et#er !n #o2 to enoy li"e

e6en !"ter &ettin& ! ob. ?orin& in !n !&en0y is not !n e!sy t!s t#e person 2!nts to

"!0e ! lot o" stress !n 0#!llen&es. ' !m t#e only person in my o""i0e le!6in& e!rly/

2#ile 0omp!rin& 2it# ot#ers. Be0!use my 0olle!&ues #!6e lots o" 2or/ sometime

t#ey 2ill le!6e by l!te ni&#t only. But t#ey !re re!lly enoyin& !ll t#e moments in t#eir 

li"e. T#ey onCt #!6e !ny i""eren0e bet2een pro"ession!l li"e !n person!l li"e.



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A++end" : C&e$t"ve B&"e*

lient ! "T #imited $ %oods &i'ision Brand ! Kitchens (f "ndia

Brief )re)ared *y! Brief gi'en to!

&eli'era*les ! "nternal re'iew on!lient )resentation on!

+hat is the *usiness )ro*lemo))ortunity-

"ncrease online sales for K(".

+hat is the role of communication-

Talk a*out the haritage 'alue of the )roduct with details on range a'aila*le and talk a*out the call to action a*out

*uy it online

+ho is the audience- /ow do they interact with the category*rand-ale %emale $ 251

+hat is the key res)onse we desire from this communication acti'ity-

"ncrease sales

+hy should the audience *elie'e in the *rand communication-

Because it comes from the Royal chefs of "T /otels

+hat is the tone manner of the communication-


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 Any references that might hel) in the de'elo)ment of communication4

lease refer the +e*site, +e*store, %B and Twitter )age

+hat are the mandatories- Brand guidelines, legalities etc.4

+ill *e shared later 

+hat is the duration of the cam)aign-

)read across a year 

/ow will the cam)aign *e 7udged-ost )er Transaction, ales 'olume achie'ed, ost oer ac8uisation etc

+hat are the KRA for the *rand cam)aign that for )roduct cam)aign-

ales 'olume

 Are there any num*ers that needs to *e achie'ed, reach, fre8uency, interaction, leads, etc- ls share the details.ales 9olume of 2 lk )er month

+hich are the key markets-

: etros and mini metros

A++end" ,: P&o+os$%


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A++end" : Med"$ Est"($te


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A++end" 2: 6est"onn$"&e


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Unde&st$nd Cons6(e& B64"n# Be1$v"o6& o* Ind"$ns

T#is $uestionn!ire 2ill be use to unerst!n t#e 0onsumer buyin& be#!6iour o" 


1: Fo2 o you &et in"orm!tion !bout prou0ts





 Ot#er sour0es

,: (o you 0olle0t t#e in"orm!tion be"ore pur0#!sin& t#e prou0t es


3: ?#!t type o" in"orm!tion 2ill you 0olle0t





 ustomerLs E7perien0e

: (i you e6er pur0#!se "rom !n online site es



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5: '" yes/ t#en 2#!t type o" prou0t ser6i0e i you pur0#!se online




 Tr!6el Prou0ts

 =!s#ion !00essories

Kit0#en !n Fome items


 Sports e$uipments

Fe!lt# !n Be!uty Prou0ts



*: (o you 2!t0# tele6ision



D: (o you 2!t0# tele6ision pro&r!ms t#rou&# online



: (o you re! ne2sp!per


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9: (o you re! Ne2s t#rou&# online



1-: (o you #!6e mobile p#one or sm!rtp#ones



11: (o you #!6e ! l!ptop or P



1,: (o you #!6e ! t!blet



13: (o you #!6e internet 0onne0tion in !ny o" t#e !bo6e mentione &!&ets




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1: ?#en o you use t#ese &!&ets

  ?#ile 2!t0#in& TV



 ?it# "riens

15: ?#!t you o 2it# t#ese &!&ets




 Ne2s re!in&


 EHbooin& Re!in&

 ?!t0#in& Vieos


1*: (o you e6er noti0e !6ertisements



1D: '" yes/ "rom 2#ere





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 Ni0e e!l 2#i0# you &ot in terms o" pri0e

 B! e7perien0e 2it# t#e prou0t

 %oo e7perien0e 2it# t#e prou0t

 All t#e !bo6e mentione

,1: Fo2 2ill you s#!re your e7perien0e 2it# ot#ers

 So0i!l net2orin& sites


 ?rite ! blo&

'n 0omp!ny 2ebsite

 T#rou&# "!0e to "!0e t!l 




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