Ban Kin Moon

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Transcript of Ban Kin Moon

  • 8/18/2019 Ban Kin Moon


  • 8/18/2019 Ban Kin Moon


  • 8/18/2019 Ban Kin Moon



    Ban ki Moon is a Diplomatic.He’s from Eumseong, out!Korea. He is se"ent#$one an%

    !e’s t!e eig!t! secretar#-general of t!e &nite%Nations. Ban's (ife name is

     )oo oon-taek. *!e# !a"e

    one son, t(o %aug!ters an%four gran%c!il%ren.His %iplomatic ser"ice starte%after gra%uating fromcollege. His +rst post (as at

    !is nation’s emass# in In%ia.

    Meeting Ban-Ki-Moon

  • 8/18/2019 Ban Kin Moon


    Ban Ki moon is a "er# importantperson for t!e (orl% an% its

    alance, ut !e is a "er#contro"ersial person ecause !ispronouncements aout con2ict aresometimes (rong an% t!at causessome contro"ers#.Ban is kin% an% "er# uiet, He !asa "er# %iscipline% (ork et!ic an%splits !is sc!e%ule into +"e-minutelocks. *!e Korean press calls !im

    t!e 3slipper# eel’ ecause !e !as

    ome t!ings aout !is(ork

  • 8/18/2019 Ban Kin Moon


    In 4eruar# 5667, Ban %eclare% !is can%i%ac# toreplace Ko+ Annan as ecretar#-9eneral . *!oug! Ban (ast!e +rst to announce a can%i%ac#, he was not originallyconsidered a serious contender . Ban (as popular in

    :as!ington for !a"ing pus!e% to sen% out! Koreantroops to Ira.

    BanKiMoon sai% %uring !is campaign t!at !e (oul% like to"isit Nort! Korea in person to meet (it! Kim ;ong-il

    %irectl#. Ki Moon (as also "ie(e% as a cop# from Ko+Annan, (!o (as consi%ere% c!arismatic, ut percei"e% as


  • 8/18/2019 Ban Kin Moon


    His fa"orite sport is golf, ut !e onl#pla#s t(ice a #ear. He t!inks t!atgolf means, 9reen, o=#gen, lig!t an%frien%s!ip. *!at gi"es energ# to !im,positi"e energ#>ut !e a%mits t!at!e’s not a reall# goo% golfer. Hisfamil# is al(a#s supporting !im>t!at

    is an important t!ing for Ban ecause’


  • 8/18/2019 Ban Kin Moon


    ?&@@EN* NE:Dea%l# terrorist attacks in Côte


     *!e ecretar#-9eneral con%emns t!e terroristattacks carrie% out last (eek in t!ree !otels in t!e

    to(n of 9ran% Bassam. *!e attacks resulte% in at least ci"ilians kille%an% numerous inCure%.He e=presses !is con%olences to t!e families oft!e "ictims an% sen% some !elp to t!em.

  • 8/18/2019 Ban Kin Moon


    ecretar#-9eneral Ban Ki-moon "isite% out!u%an on 4eruar# 5, 567.ecretar#’s "isit searc!es !umanitarianaction to protect internall# %isplace%

    persons. *!e ecretar#-9eneral "isits Hope rimar#c!ool at rotection of ?i"ilians ite F. Hemet (it! c!il%ren from Hope rimar# c!ool

    an% !e !as got a compromise forim lementin securit arran ements in ua