Ballenger JJ

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Transcript of Ballenger JJ

Page 1: Ballenger JJ

1. Ballenger JJ. Infection of the facial space of neck and floor of the mouth. In:

Ballenger JJ editors. Diseases of the nose, throat, ear, head and neck.15 th ed.

Philadelphia, London: Lea and Febiger. 1991:p.234-41

2. Gadre AK, Gadre KC. Infection of the deep Space of the neck. In: Bailley BJ,

Jhonson JT, editors. Otolaryngology Head and neck surgery. 4th ed.

Philadelphia:  JB.Lippincott Company 2006.p.666-81

3. Fachruddin D. Abses leher dalam. Dalam: Iskandar M, Soepardi AE editor.

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