Balkan Manifesto

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  • 8/9/2019 Balkan Manifesto


    Who wants to live with his own illusions ? The answer is easy. We. The decayedsystem of capitalism, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the actual death of thecommunist ideology brought us in a world without hope and faith. The new system ofthe dominant plutocracy invented new ways of compromising the fool masses. The

    prescription is old and is called Panem et Circenses. lympic games, World Cups,

    grandiose concerts with rich pop and roc! stars and the continuing growth ofintellectual drugs. We need a new faith, a new hope, a new way of simple and true lifewithout false ideologies and institutions. " am descended from small corner of the#al!an Peninsula, " love my country and my neighbors and " would li!e to see themhopeful and blissful once again. We must as! ourselves do we need all theseinstitutions ? Political establishment, corrupted governments, churches, foolish

    parties, outdated ideologies ? We are alone and we have to build our future to a newfoundation. This article is an appeal to all people of the #al!an Peninsula, $ree!s,%lbanians, Serbians, &ontenegrins, Croatians, #osnians, #ulgarians, slav'spea!ing&acedonians. We all share a common culture apart our differences. Why are weletting our differences divide us ? We have to e(amine our common culture andtradition and be one unified confederacy. The future is ours. "s this suggestionreali)able ? "n my opinion and " will e(plain my reasons about it.

    *irst of all, we live in the same land, this beautiful place which is constituted of hardsoil and mountain tops. Two $ree! &acedonian brothers devised the $lagoliticalphabet, the first alphabet to be used for Slavonic manuscripts. The $lagoliticalphabet was suited to match the specific features of the Slavic language and itsdescendant alphabet, the Cyrillic, is still used by many countries in the #al!anPeninsula today. "t is true that this alphabet is li!e the spiritual child of the #y)antineand $ree! thought and it enabled the Slavs to create a great civili)ation and amagnificent culture. #ut e(cept the Slav'spea!ing people of #al!an Peninsula another great nation, the %lbanians reside in this region. The descendants of "llyrians belongto the #al!an region, they strived to !eep their cultural identity amidst great wars anddestructions and they succeeded. &any %lbanians reside in other #al!an countries toothey also fought the bac!ward empire of the ttomans a notable e(ample is $+erg+astrioti S!anderbeg.

    f course we cannot forget the wars between us, the unrational hate that made usfought each other and not reali)ing our common traditions and interests. We achievedto create petty states, pray to the countries of -urope and US%. "sn t it pe+orative thatthe western countries of -urope use the term bal!ani)ation in order to describe the

    process of fragmentation of a region into smaller states that are often hostile and non'cooperative to each other ? ur interest is common, a great #al!an State without borders to divide us, a multi'cultural state based on respect to each other. " do not bear illusions, " am a realist and " foresee that without our unification it is li!e that we willdisappear inside the vorte( of globali)ation. -veryone of us must consider the historyof our region, e(amine his own beliefs, search for the truth which is not thegovernmental propaganda or the things that teach us in our history boo!s. The truth isout there and we have to search for it.

    This is the right to time to consider our fate. /o we need the barbarism offragmentation or the prosper of unification ? /o we need to be li!e client'states of

    US%, 0ussia or -uropean Communion or an independent state of many nations ? /owe need the lies of a false'made history or the truth ? We must not forget our history,

  • 8/9/2019 Balkan Manifesto


    we have to live with it, e(amine it and learn from the mista!es of the past. We have to benefit from the things which unite us and not brea! our bond because of the thingsthat divide us. Consider the danger of 1eo' ttomanism. The #al!an nations do notneed other countries, they have their own identity they can live unified withoutforeign patrons and rulers. 1ow is the time to thin! about it. 1ow is the time to act2