Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs

This presentation was given during the Spring, 2012 Data Center World Conference and Expo. Contents contained are owned by AFCOM and Data Center World and can only be reused with the express permission of ACOM. Questions or for permission contact: [email protected]. Interested in facilities management? Learn about the dedicated facilities management track at the upcoming Fall 2012 Data Center World Conference at:


This presentation was given during the Spring, 2012 Data Center World Conference in Las Vegas, NV by

Transcript of Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs

Page 1: Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs

This presentation was given during the Spring, 2012 Data Center World Conference and Expo. Contents contained are owned by AFCOM and Data Center World and can only be reused with the express permission of ACOM. Questions or for permission contact: [email protected].

Interested in facilities management?

Learn about the dedicated facilities management track atthe upcoming Fall 2012 Data Center World Conference at:

Page 2: Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs


Paul SchlattmanVice President, Mission Critical Facilities

ESD Global175 West Jackson, Suite 1400

Chicago, Illinois 60604

AFCOM Educational Session:

“Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, andOperating Cost”

Page 3: Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs

Identifying Trends

Recent Survey asking what are the “Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion”

•When expansion in data center occurs, it is due to a major shift in operations or technology•Data center construction projects are capital intensive•The reasons for new construction often are because of new technology or trends

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Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

#10 Internal Cloud

While cloud processing has grown within small to mid-sizecompanies that do not want to host their own IT departments,the Fortune 2000 level companies are still hesitant to completely commit to Cloud. Larger companies are testingtheir internal Cloud with “non-critical” applications.

Page 5: Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs

Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

#9 Possible Regulatory Issues

Multiple areas of regulatory issues include

1.Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) – 2002 (Ongoing)Effects email, records, and other importantdocuments to be “stored” for periods of time

2.HIPPA – Has created an expansion within the Healthcare Industry. Both government and private healthcare companies are developing centralized data centers

3. Carbon Footprint and EPA penalties

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Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

#8 Cooling Issues

This has been a 10 year trend. Now it is based upon some of theother equipment trends that are occurring.


Page 7: Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs

Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

#7 More Square Footage

Multiple Trends come together here!

1.Data Center Consolidation drives more square footage

2.Old infrastructure that cannot support new technologies

3.IT Executives are charged with “rolling out” new programs and do not have enough data center space to support the new program

Page 8: Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs

Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

#6 New Applications/Severs

This will always be on the Top 10 List

1.New generations of technology including cloud, blade, and SANS

2. Refresh of technology 1.5yr to 3yr

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Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

#5 Disaster Recovery

This will always be on the Top 10 List Too!

1.Not a trend

2.Ongoing business for second data center (or more)

Page 10: Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs

Energy Efficiency



1. Power to Support VM/Blade Pods

2. Capacity Within Electrical Grids

Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

#4 Power Capacity

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2003 EasternGrid Blackout

Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

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Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion


The Combination of Blade Technology and Virtualization create a Powerful consolidation Tool.

#3 Virtualization

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Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

+ = Data Center Consolidation

Powerful Processing

Big Trend Toward High Density Computer Environments


Page 14: Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs

Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

Security1. Secured Infrastructure,

Physically and Within the Network

2. Disaster Prevention Criteria

#2 Security

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1. Physical/Logical Topology Security

2. Disaster Prevention

Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

Page 16: Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs


Security1.PUE – National Average is at 2.8

2.New Technologies

3.DC Power…Stripping the Server

4.Free Cooling

#1 Energy Efficiency

Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

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IntroductionTop 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

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Trends that Didn’t Make the Top 10 Survey!

Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

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Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

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Chicago – Market 1, UrbanTrading, Enterprise, and Cloud

Chicago – Market 2, SuburbanEnterprise, Financial, Mid Size Users

South Bend – Market 3, RuralDisaster Recovery, Medical, University

440,000 s.f. 147,000 s.f. 50,000 s.f.

Enterprise Data Centers Migrating to Collocation Environment

Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

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Thank You

Questions and AnswerSession!

ESD Global175 West Jackson, Suite 1400Chicago, Illinois

Top 10 Reasons for Data Center Expansion

Page 23: Balancing Trends in Data Center Migration, Site Selection, and Operating Costs

This presentation was given during the Spring, 2012 Data Center World Conference and Expo. Contents contained are owned by AFCOM and Data Center World and can only be reused with the express permission of ACOM. Questions or for permission contact: [email protected].

Interested in facilities management?

Learn about the dedicated facilities management track atthe upcoming Fall 2012 Data Center World Conference at: