Bajardi v Pincus: MSJ Exhibit BAJARDI_00043917 Bajardi and Klaussen Coordinate Greany Hit Piece

BAJARDI_00043917 1 From: Lane Bajardi <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 2:52 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Greaney Story update Looks great. Can you add a link to this story as well? Somehwhere around here: when Michael Lenz cut a deal with Michael Russo to get Soares free medical benefits -----Original Message----- From: Hoboken411 <[email protected]> To: 'Lane Bajardi' <[email protected]> Sent: Wed, Apr 27, 2011 2:45 am Subject: RE: Greaney Story update Here’s the story: (ignore the carriage returns.. looks different online…) Hoboken411 Exclusive: Candidate Thomas Greaney’s Bankruptcy Revealed Challenger for the 2nd ward seat hides his history of bankruptcy , misleads the press and public about his time in Hoboken. Tom Greaney has repeatedly called himself, “The most qualified person in the race to represent the 2nd ward.” In his kickoff speech he twice called on the public to “hold him accountable.” One thing Greaney never mentioned is how he personally wasn’t held accountable for $42,897 in bad debt he ran up before filing for bankruptcy protection and fleeing to Japan. This revelation is the result of a Hoboken411 investigation into Tom Greaney, a candidate who appearedout of nowhere to run for City Council, and could disappear just as quickly.


Lane Bajardi and James Barracato coordinate with Hoboken411 on publications of election eve series of attack articles on 2nd Ward City Council candidate Tom Greaney in 2011 Municipal elections. Greaney opposed 2nd Ward Councilwoman Beth Mason in that election.

Transcript of Bajardi v Pincus: MSJ Exhibit BAJARDI_00043917 Bajardi and Klaussen Coordinate Greany Hit Piece

  • BAJARDI_00043917


    From: Lane Bajardi

    Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 2:52 AM

    To: [email protected]

    Subject: Re: Greaney Story update

    Looks great. Can you add a link to this story as well? Somehwhere around here: when Michael Lenz cut a deal with Michael Russo to get Soares free medical benefits

    -----Original Message----- From: Hoboken411 To: 'Lane Bajardi' Sent: Wed, Apr 27, 2011 2:45 am Subject: RE: Greaney Story update

    Heres the story: (ignore the carriage returns.. looks different online)

    Hoboken411 Exclusive:

    Candidate Thomas Greaneys Bankruptcy Revealed Challenger for the 2nd ward seat hides his history of bankruptcy, misleads the press and public about his time in Hoboken. Tom Greaney has repeatedly called himself, The most qualified person in the race to represent the 2nd ward. In his

    kickoff speech he twice called on the public to hold him accountable. One thing Greaney never mentioned is how he personally wasnt held accountable for $42,897 in bad debt he

    ran up before filing for bankruptcy protection and fleeing to Japan. This revelation is the result of a Hoboken411 investigation into Tom Greaney, a candidate who appearedout of

    nowhere to run for City Council, and could disappear just as quickly.

  • BAJARDI_00043917


    Greaney campaign claims hes lived in Hoboken since 2003; not true! A quick search of local media reports on Greaneys run for office shows he repeatedly told reporters hed been active in Hoboken politics Since moving here in 2003. That was an odd statement to people who knew Greaney actually hadnt lived in Hoboken for several years before

    announcing his candidacy. In fact, Greaney moved to Brooklyn in 2005 before briefly relocating to Jersey City, followed by another move to Peter Cooper Village in Manhattan. Greaney didnt move back to Hoboken until days

    before the statutory deadline to be considered eligible to run in the 2011 City Council election. To do so, he declared his residence was a friends rented waterfront apartment. Sources sayhis name doesnt even appear on

    the lease, and he could move out at any time without penalty. More on that and Greaneys extremely transient

    nature to come. First, back to the bankruptcy

    Greaney defaults on big debts, flees to Japan for 7 years A quick background check on the 49-year-old candidate shows an evasive pattern of never staying in one place for too long. From 1988 until 1996, Greaney lived at 9 different addresses in 5 different states.Court records indicate

    Greaney may have been attempting to elude creditors who were owed tens of thousands of dollars. Greaney literally

    dropped off the map in 1996 and didnt resurface until 2003 back in Astoria, NY. Where did Greaney go for 7 years?

    Japan, where his bankruptcy filing wouldnt haunt him.

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    Bankruptcy filing: Greaney walks out on massive credit card debt On July 17, 1996 Tom Greaney petitioned the United States Bankruptcy Court to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Court records show Greaney ran up $42,897 debt on 7 different credit cards, including:

    $14,847 owed to Mellon Bank $8,199 owed to American Express (multiple accounts) $8,248 owed to Chevy Chase Bank $5,574 owed to Chase $4,478 owed to Consumers Edge $1,551 owed to Sun Trust

    Greaney stated in his bankruptcy proceedings that he only had $960 in assets to his name, that his monthly salary was $2,200 a month while his monthly expenses were $2,210. He lists his employment as a teacher in Japan. This conflicts with Greaneys recent statements that he has over 20 years of management experience dealing with union and non-union employees. Greaney makes many claims about his corporate experience, but hasnt provided a resume with references to the press and public beyond saying hes a 2nd Vice President for Human Resources the guy who smiles at you just

    before he tells you youre fired. After personally defaulting on $43,000 in debt, Greaney is running on a platform

    giving City Hall a bigger credit card by holding a large budget surplus. Greaney tells a Bankruptcy Judge hes living paycheck-to-paycheck in Japan, but returns after his 7-year exile to buy a luxury condo in The Shipyard. How Greaney apparently gamed the system for maximum

    personal gain, and continues to lie about his credentials on the campaign trail, after the jump!

    Greaney returns to Queens in 2003 before moving to Hoboken In 2003, Tom Greaney resurfaced in Astoria, NY. Several months after returning stateside Greaney purchased a

    luxury Hoboken waterfront condo which cost several hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    Where did someone who stated he had $960 to his name and was spending $10 more a month than he made get the money for the expensive down payment? Not having to pay the $43,000 he owed the credit card companies may

    have eased the pain of saving for his condo.

    Just two years later, Greaney cashes out and leaves town! In 2005, Greaney capitalized on the Hoboken real-estate boom and sold his condo for a sizeable profit. He briefly lived in Brooklyn before ending up in Liberty Towers, a luxury rental building on Jersey Citys waterfront. A year

    later, Greaney moved to Peter Cooper Village in New York City. Interestingly enough, public records

  • BAJARDI_00043917


    indicate Greaney did not vote once from 2006 to 2010, not even in the Presidential Election despite making

    repeated contributions to the campaigns of John McCain and the Republican National Committee.

    Marsh, Lenz and Soares woo Greaney back to Hoboken Greaney, Michael Lenz and Tony Soares have a storied relationship dating back to Carol Marshs 2005 run for

    Mayor. The trio was often found in Marsh campaign headquarters strategizing and pontificating while other supporters were busy knocking on doors and campaigning.

    Last summer when Michael Lenz cut a deal with Michael Russo to get Soares free medical benefits and a $5000 stipend on the North Hudson Sewerage Authority board, many in the Dawn Zimmer camp were ready to toss Lenz

    and Soares out the door. Tom Greaney served as the peacemaker helping to smooth everything over because he figured if Lenz and Soares were sent into exile that his deal went with them. What was his deal? Move back to

    Hoboken and receive Mayor Dawn Zimmers blessing and financial support to run for City Council against his old ally Beth Mason.

    The bottom line on Tom Greaney Greaneys campaign has been floundering for months. Financial support he was promised has been re-routed to other ward races, and Greaneys performance at the candidates debates was overshadowed by unknown challenger Franz Paetzold. On top of it all, the incumbent hes been attacking is running a stronger campaign. This spells disaster for the transient, formerly bankrupt Greaney, who may bail on Hoboken yet again before long.

    After reading this story, Greaneys campaign operatives and contractors may want to be paid up frontbefore

    services are rendered.

    Thanks, Perry [email protected] From: Lane Bajardi [mailto:[email protected]]

    Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 2:21 AM To: [email protected]

    Subject: Re: Greaney Story update If it is easy to do you could just attach the address list file to this sentence: From 1988 until 1996 Greaney lived at 9 different addresses in 5 different states. Facts bolster the argument, but if it takes more than 5 minutes don't bother. Also don't bother if you are fading and are more focused on more important features of the story. -----Original Message----- From: Hoboken411 To: 'Lane Bajardi'[email protected]:[email protected]?mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • BAJARDI_00043917


    Sent: Wed, Apr 27, 2011 2:17 am Subject: RE: Greaney Story update

    I did the Bankruptcy Papers PDF What about that whole list of addresses? Thats not necessary is it? Thanks, Perry [email protected] From: Lane Bajardi [mailto:[email protected]]

    Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 1:49 AM To: [email protected]

    Subject: Re: Greaney Story update Yes, need. Of course. Just attach them to the first reference of the Bankruptcy Documents. Sorry, I thought this went without saying. Provide a link to the documents wherever it makes the most sense in the story. People need to see them to believe the story. -----Original Message----- From: Hoboken411 To: 'Lane Bajardi' Sent: Wed, Apr 27, 2011 1:43 am Subject: RE: Greaney Story update

    Ok, just thought it sounded like it should be plural maybe Im just tired.. Also no need to attach those documents? Thanks, Perry [email protected] From: Lane Bajardi [mailto:[email protected]]

    Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 1:42 AM To: [email protected]

    Subject: Re: Greaney Story update Huh? This one?

    Greaney campaign tells people hes lived in Hoboken since 2003, but its not true. The Greaney campaign (including him) are going around telling people he's lived here and been active in Hoboken since 2003, but he moved out in 2005 and didn't come back to live in Hoboken until 2010.[email protected]:[email protected]?mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]?mailto:[email protected]

  • BAJARDI_00043917


    -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] To: Lane Bajardi Sent: Wed, Apr 27, 2011 1:35 am Subject: Re: Greaney Story update

    Greaney campaign ... 2003...

    Sent from Hoboken, NJ or perhaps elsewhere in the world...

    From: Lane Bajardi Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 01:33:31 -0400 To: Subject: Re: Greaney Story update Typo where? -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] To: Lane Bajardi Sent: Wed, Apr 27, 2011 1:31 am Subject: Re: Greaney Story update

    Looks good... Is there on typo in there? Also - do you have any other suggestions for visual placements? Thanks, Perry

    Sent from Hoboken, NJ or perhaps elsewhere in the world...

    From: Lane Bajardi Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 01:22:36 -0400 To: Subject: Re: Greaney Story update here it is... tell me what you think. I'll try to track down another visual -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] To: Lane Bajardi Sent: Wed, Apr 27, 2011 1:19 am Subject: Re: Greaney Story update

    K Sent from Hoboken, NJ or perhaps elsewhere in the world...

    From: Lane Bajardi Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 01:11:48 -0400 To: Subject: Greaney Story update The copy is done. Just scanning for final edits/proofreading now.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]