Bacterial tethering analysis reveals run-reverse-turn ...€¦ · 1 Bacterial tethering analysis...

1 Bacterial tethering analysis reveals “run-reverse-turn” mechanism 1 for Pseudomonas spp. motility 2 Chen Qian 1‡ , Chui Ching Wong 1‡ , Sanjay Swarup 1,2,3,4 , Keng-Hwee Chiam 1,5,* 3 1. Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore, 5A Engineering Drive 1, 4 T-Lab Building, #05-01, Singapore 117411, Singapore 5 2. Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, 14 Science 6 Drive 4, Building S1A, #06-08, Singapore 117543, Singapore 7 3. NUS Environmental Research Institute (NERI), National University of Singapore, 5A 8 Engineering Drive 1, T-Lab Building, #02-01, Singapore 117411, Singapore 9 4. Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE), Nanyang 10 Technological University, 60 Nanyang Drive, SBS-01n-15, Singapore 637551, 11 Singapore 12 5. A*STAR Bioinformatics Institute, 30 Biopolis Street, Matrix Building, #07-01, 13 Singapore 138671, Singapore 14 C.Q. and C.C.W contributed equally to this work. 15 * Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] 16 Running title (54 Chars): Tethering analysis reveal turns - Pseudomonas motility 17 18 Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.01027-13 AEM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 31 May 2013 on June 17, 2020 by guest Downloaded from

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Bacterial tethering analysis reveals “run-reverse-turn” mechanism 1

for Pseudomonas spp. motility 2

Chen Qian1‡, Chui Ching Wong1‡, Sanjay Swarup1,2,3,4, Keng-Hwee Chiam1,5,* 3

1. Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore, 5A Engineering Drive 1, 4

T-Lab Building, #05-01, Singapore 117411, Singapore 5

2. Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, 14 Science 6

Drive 4, Building S1A, #06-08, Singapore 117543, Singapore 7

3. NUS Environmental Research Institute (NERI), National University of Singapore, 5A 8

Engineering Drive 1, T-Lab Building, #02-01, Singapore 117411, Singapore 9

4. Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE), Nanyang 10

Technological University, 60 Nanyang Drive, SBS-01n-15, Singapore 637551, 11

Singapore 12

5. A*STAR Bioinformatics Institute, 30 Biopolis Street, Matrix Building, #07-01, 13

Singapore 138671, Singapore 14

‡ C.Q. and C.C.W contributed equally to this work. 15

* Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] 16

Running title (54 Chars): Tethering analysis reveal turns - Pseudomonas motility 17


Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.01027-13 AEM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 31 May 2013

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We have developed a program that can accurately analyze the dynamic properties 20

of tethered bacterial cells. The program works especially well with cells that tend to give 21

rise to unstable rotations, such as polar-flagellated bacteria. The program has two novel 22

components. The first dynamically adjusts the center of the cell’s rotational trajectories. 23

The second applies piecewise linear approximation to the accumulated rotation curve to 24

reduce noise and separate the motion of bacteria into phases. Thus, it can separate 25

counterclockwise (CCW) and clockwise (CW) rotations distinctly and measure rotational 26

speed accurately. Using this program, we analyzed the properties of tethered 27

Pseudomonas aeruginosa and P. putida cells for the first time. We found that the 28

Pseudomonas flagellar motor spends equal times in both CCW and CW phases, and that 29

it rotates with the same speed in both phases. In addition, we discovered that the cell 30

body can remain stationary for short periods of time, leading to the existence of a third 31

phase of the flagellar motor which we call “pause”. In addition, P. aeruginosa cells adopt 32

longer run lengths, fewer “pause” frequencies, and shorter “pause” durations as part of 33

their chemotactic response. We propose that one purpose of the “pause” phase is to allow 34

the cells to turn at a large angle, where we show that pause durations in free-swimming 35

cells positively correlate to turn angle sizes. Taken together, our results suggest a new 36

“run-reverse-turn” paradigm for polar-flagellated Pseudomonas motility that is different 37

from the “run-and-tumble” paradigm established for peritrichous Escherichia coli. 38


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Flagellated bacteria swim in the aquatic environment by propelling their flagella 41

(1). This swimming mechanism is best described in the Escherichia coli model, where 42

the peritrichous cells are known to “run” and “tumble”. Flagella of a cell rotating counter 43

clockwise (CCW) (when viewed from behind the cell), forms a bundle that propels the 44

cell to “run” forward, while a transient switch in the rotation direction of its flagellar 45

motor causes the flagella bundle to separate and the cell “tumbles” (2), allowing the cell 46

to reorient its moving direction. 47

In recent years, some other models have also been elucidated, including the three-48

step “run-reverse-flick” chemotactic response for the sodium-driven, monotrichous 49

Vibrio alginolyticus (3, 4) and that of varying “run-and-stop” frequencies in 50

monotrichous Rhodobacter sphaeroides (5, 6). The diversity of flagellar arrangements, 51

flagellar motor structures (7), and chemotactic gene clusters (8), across the bacterial 52

kingdom likely account for these different systems present. 53

In the case of Pseudomonas spp., however, mechanisms of motility and 54

chemotaxis remain unclear. Current evidences suggest that the chemosensory system and 55

flagellar apparatus arrangement in the strains belonging to this genus are more complex 56

that other bacterial species. For example, P. aeruginosa has five gene clusters involved in 57

chemotaxis, with 26 methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCP) and 20 chemotaxis 58

(che) genes, compared to E. coli that has one gene cluster, with four MCP proteins and 59

six che genes (9). Additionally, there are two sets of flagellar stators in Pseudomonas 60

spp. compared to one set for E. coli and Salmonella entetrica serovar Typhimurium (10, 61

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11). As Pseudomonas spp. are polar-flagellated, they are likely to possesses a “run-and-62

reverse” trajectory (12) rather than the typical “run-and-tumble” trajectory as well. In 63

view that both the Pseudomonas flagellar motor and chemosensory system present some 64

unique features, it would therefore be interesting to study the motor dynamics of 65

Pseudomonas spp. Notably, many members of this genus play significant roles in their 66

environment, such as in the degradation of organic hydrocarbons, in plant growth 67

promotion, and in nitrogen fixation. Other members, however, are pathogenic to humans, 68

insects, or plants (13). Therefore, elucidating the motility and chemotatic mechanisms for 69

Pseudomonas spp. can be beneficial in many studies extending to bioremediation and 70

host-pathogen interactions. Additionally, across Pseudomonas spp., different species also 71

exhibit dissimilar flagellar arrangement. In the plant growth promoting rhizobium 72

(PGPR) strain, P. putida, flagella is arranged in a polar multitrichous manner (14), 73

whereas in the human pathogen, P. aeruginosa, the flagellum is polar monotrichous (15). 74

Hence, it would also be interesting to elucidate if there are differences in the role of each 75

flagellum in contributing to Pseudomonas motility. 76

In order to study bacterial chemotaxis, various methods such as the capillary (16) 77

and agar plate (17) assays have been previously developed to study the population 78

movement in a macroscopic view. Tracking of a single bacterium (18) or a group of 79

bacteria (19) in a three-dimensional environment has been used to study the response of a 80

single bacterium to chemoattractants during swimming. As the flagellar motor is directly 81

linked to this chemotactic response, one can study the rotation of the motor by fixing the 82

cell body to a surface so as to observe the rotation of a bead attached to the flagella (20, 83

21). Alternatively, this can also be achieved by fixing (tethering) the flagella to a surface 84

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to observe the rotation of the cell body (22). The latter approach, also known as the cell-85

tethering method, is most widely used to study the response to stimuli of a large number 86

of bacteria. It has been the key technique to quantitatively reveal the fundamental 87

properties and mechanisms of E. coli chemotaxis by measuring tumbling frequency, run 88

length and kinetic response (23–25). 89

In this study, we have developed a program, which we call the Bacterial Tethering 90

Analysis Program (BTAP) that can track large numbers of tethered cells and extract 91

accurate and reliable rotation data. Our program dynamically adjusts the centers of the 92

cell’s rotational trajectories and applies piecewise linear approximation to the 93

accumulated rotation curve to reduce noise and separate the motion of bacteria into 94

phases. This is particularly useful for polar-flagellated bacteria, such as Pseudomonas 95

spp., as they tend to give rise to unstable rotation trajectories (26). Using our program, we 96

were therefore able to elucidate the flagellar motor properties of two Pseudomonas 97

strains, KT2440 and PA01, belonging to P. putida and P. aeruginosa, respectively. We 98

show that unlike E. coli, cells belonging to both Pseudomonas strains spend an equal 99

amount of time rotating in the counterclockwise (CCW) and clockwise (CW) directions. 100

Interestingly, the Pseudomonas cells also have an additional “pause” phase that 101

constitutes nearly 10 % of the total observed time, and we propose that this “pause” phase 102

allows the cells to vary their turn angle, adopting a “run-reverse-turn” trajectory. In 103

addition, BTAP analysis of a cheY chemotaxis mutant in P. aeruginosa also revealed that 104

Pseudomonas cells vary their run-lengths, “pause” frequencies, and “pause” durations, as 105

part of their chemotactic response. By analyzing trajectories of free-swimming cells, we 106

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established a role for the pauses, where Pseudomonas cells vary their pause duration to 107

effect different turn angle sizes. 108


Growth condition 110

Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA01 wild-type, cheY (27), and Escherichia coli 111

MG1655 cells from single colonies were separately cultured overnight in 10 ml Luria-112

Bertani (LB) broth at 37 °C, 250 rpm. Cultures were diluted to O.D.600 = 0.1 using LB 113

broth and grown at 37 °C, 250 rpm until the late-exponential growth phase was reached. 114

For P. putida KT2440, cultures were grown at 30 °C, 250 rpm. Cell cultures were then 115

diluted 1:10 prior to imaging using video microscopy. 116

Cell tethering and video capture 117

For cell tethering assays, standard methods (22) were adapted as follows: glass 118

coverslips were pre-coated with flagellar antibodies prior to use and cell chambers (2.0 119

cm × 1.0 cm × 150 µm) were created using three layers of double sided tape between the 120

microscope slide and coverslips. Flagella were sheared off by passing the bacterial cells 121

through a 34-gauge blunt end needle four times. Cells were loaded into the cell chamber 122

and non-tethered cells were rinsed away using LB broth. Cells were visualized using an 123

inverted microscope (Nikon TE2000U) under 100X objective. Videos of tethered bacteria 124

were taken at 120 fps for 1-5 mins using a CMOS camera (Thorlabs DCC1645). 125

Following the convention, cells are considered to be rotating CW/CCW when viewed 126

from the medium they are tethered in (28). In the experiment of multitrichous P. putida, 127

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to eliminate the case, where more than one filaments are tethered and where the filaments 128

do not rotate in sync, only cells that exhibit clear rotations were selected for analyses. 129

Free swimming P. aeruginosa cells, with their intact flagellum, were loaded in 130

cell chambers and observed in the middle of the chamber depth (away from the coverslip 131

or microscope slide surface). Cells were visualized under 40X objective and videos of 132

bacteria were taken at 25 fps. Bacterial swimming trajectories in 2D were captured using 133

Image Pro Plus 6.3 (Media Cybernetics, Rockville, MD, USA) and images with cell 134

outlines were obtained using ImageJ (NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA). 135

Pause detection for 2D swimming trajectories 136

The instantaneous speed for free-swimming bacteria was calculated from the 2D 137

trajectories frame by frame. Trajectories with frames fewer than 25 were discarded. A 138

“pause” was identified when N (N>3) consecutive instantaneous speeds that were below 139

5 µm/s appeared. The moving direction of a bacterium at certain time was defined as the 140

vector connecting its current coordinates to its next coordinates. Accordingly, the change 141

of angle was the angle difference between two such directions which ranged between –π 142

and π. Additionally, to ensure that the cells swimming in the z-direction did not affect the 143

angle size tracked, only cells that were in focus, and thus swimming within the x-y focal 144

plane, were selected for analysis. 145

Image extraction and data preprocessing for tethered cells 146

For image processing, movies of single, tethered cells were converted to grey 147

scale and their contrasts were adjusted (saturated pixels=0.4, histogram stack) using 148

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ImageJ (NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA). The image of the rotating cell body was binarized to 149

be isolated from the background for each frame in the video. Next, using the “Set 150

Measurements” function in ImageJ, the coordinates of the center of mass of the rotating 151

cell body were measured from the binarized image stack, and imported into Matlab 152

(Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) for BTAP analyses. 153


Signal processing in BTAP 155

BTAP is a code package in Matlab. BTAP has two essential components to 156

reduce the noise from the video and separate the motion of motor into phases. The first 157

component of BTAP is to adjust for variations in the rotational axes of the moving 158

trajectories of tethered cell bodies. For Pseudomonas spp., we noticed that the rotation of 159

the tethered cell was not stable: i.e., the rotational trajectories of the cell bodies did not 160

collapse onto a single circle but instead frequently collapsed as “clouds” (Fig. 2B) or 161

multiple partially overlapped circles (inset, Fig. 3D). As this instability was not observed 162

in tethered E. coli cells (Fig. 1B), it is likely due to the inherent location of the 163

Pseudomonas flagellum at the cell pole, resulting in a rotating cell body that is able to 164

vary its axis of rotation (Fig. 2F). It was, therefore, critical to adjust the axes of the 165

rotational trajectories. If the instantaneous rotational speeds were translated directly from 166

the positions of the cell body measured, and the rotational axes were not adjusted, large 167

biases would be observed in data. Therefore, to perform this adjustment, we first denoted 168

the centroid coordinates of each tethered cell at each video frame i as (xi, yi). To remove 169

the impact of a changing axis on the rotational trajectory of the tethered cell, the location 170

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of the rotational axis (ai, bi) was identified. This was performed by fitting a circle to the 171

trajectory as follow: a circle was fitted using the adjacent data points in the most recent 172

0.25 s of trajectories (30 points in our video samples taken at a frame rate of 120 fps) 173

with the modified least squared error method, which minimizes the sum of squared errors 174

(SSE): 175

, ,

Here, xi and yi are coordinates of the cell body centroid at frame i, and a, b, r are 176

the centroid coordinates and radius of the best fitting circle respectively. Next, the 177

corresponding data point (xi, yi) was re-adjusted as (xi-a, yi-b). 178

The re-adjustment resulted in a more rounded scattering pattern for trajectories of 179

the rotating cell body (Fig. 2D). Thus, the instantaneous rotational speeds were no longer 180

subject to bias from the varying position of rotation axis (Fig. 2A). In some cases, it was 181

observed that the tethered cell body stopped rotating and the centroid oscillated near the 182

same position, leading to a biased circle-fitting. For these cases, if the radius of the fitted-183

circle was smaller than a threshold (1/2 of the global fitted circle), the center coordinates 184

were reassigned to those of the global center of a circle (Fig. 2D, cross) fitted from all 185

data points. 186

The second component of BTAP is to translate the re-adjusted rotational trajectories 187

into the rotational angle θi = arctan (xi/yi) in order to measure the rotational speed (Fig. 188

2A). There are two considerations in this second component: to reduce the noise inherent 189

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in the rotations, and to obtain the rotational phase (i.e., CCW or CW) of the motor. To 190

accomplish these two tasks, we generated the cumulative rotations (CR) from the 191

rotational angles of the cell bodies as ∑ (Fig. 2E). This curve was then 192

smoothed using a piecewise linear approximation algorithm, where the cumulative 193

rotation curve was fitted with line segments. We used the greedy bottom-up approach 194

(29) for the linear fitting: The curve was initially divided into many small segments, 195

where each line segment only connects two adjacent data points. During each iteration, 196

BTAP merges two neighboring line segments into a new segment if the benefit from the 197

merge is the highest among all possible neighboring pairs. It reduces the computational 198

time from O(n3) to O(n2) without any significant compromise in finding the best linear 199

approximation: 200

1. The cumulative rotation curve is separated into N/2 segments (N equals to total 201

data points rounded down to even number), define as segi (i = 1…N/2). So for 202

each segment segi, it initially contains data points (x2i-1, y2i-1) and (x2i, y2i). 203

2. For each iteration, two neighboring linear segments with the lowest merging cost 204

are merged into one linear segment. The merging cost is defined as the increase of 205

sum of squared errors (SSE) results from such merge: the SSE of the newly 206

formed line segment minus the sum of SSE of the two neighboring segments 207

before the merge. 208

3. The greedy merge stops when total number of segments reaches an arbitrary cut – 209

in our case this equals to 4N/(frame rate). 210

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A threshold was set at 0.5 Hz to distinguish the “pause” phase and rotation phases: 211

any segment with its slope between -0.5 Hz to 0.5 Hz was considered as “pause”; any 212

segment with its slope higher than 0.5 Hz was considered as CW; any segment with its 213

slope lower than -0.5 Hz was considered as CCW. 214

Speed analysis of peritrichous and monotrichous bacteria 215

To determine the effectiveness of BTAP, we first applied it on peritrichous E. 216

coli, which has been extensively studied using cell tethering analyses (22, 25, 30). The 217

scattering raw data of E. coli rotation follows an exact circle (Fig. 1B), which reflects the 218

stable rotation of tethered E. coli. Because of this stability, BTAP does not drastically 219

change the measured results (Fig. 1A, C and B, D). In order to reduce the noise from the 220

instantaneous rotation speed (Fig. 1C), data was transformed into cumulative rotations, 221

where the slopes of the curve indicate the rotational speeds (Fig. 1E). This resulted in 222

rotational trajectories with clear rotation directions. It is also noteworthy that for each 223

rotation phase (CCW or CW), the corresponding segment in the cumulative curve was 224

very close to a straight line, indicating that for each phase the bacterium keeps a 225

relatively constant rotation speed. These results agree with previous studies using 226

tethered E. coli strains (31). 227

Next, we tested BTAP on the monotrichous P. aeruginosa tethered cells. 228

Compared to E. coli, the rotation speed translated directly from the uncorrected 229

coordinates appeared to have many pauses and fluctuations (Fig. 2A). The rotational 230

trajectory of P. aeruginosa was also less stable (Fig. 2B). However, BTAP successfully 231

resolved these. After BTAP correction, the high/low spike artefacts in the instantaneous 232

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speed (Fig. 2A) curve were eliminated and the true rotation of the cell was recovered, 233

where coordinates fell into a clear circular shape (Fig. 2D), and the rotation speed also 234

showed less noise (Fig. 2C). The readjustment, therefore, helped in representing the 235

rotation phases in the cumulative speed curve precisely (Fig. 2E). This algorithm can, 236

thus, separate the different rotational phases and calculate the average rotational speed for 237

each rotation segment, yielding accurate statistics for the particular cell (Fig. 2E). 238

Comparison of BTAP with previous methods 239

In a previous study, the moving average or weighted average method has been 240

used to reduce the noise in data of instantaneous rotational speed (5). To demonstrate the 241

performance of BTAP, we therefore compared BTAP to a simple moving average system 242

(MA), which uses a 30-point moving average window to smooth the instantaneous speed. 243

We saw that MA yielded results that were very noisy (Fig. 3B) compared with the data 244

treated with BTAP (Fig. 3C). Although by applying the moving average, one can get a 245

smooth speed curve, it did not correct the systematic error rooted from the incorrect 246

positioning of the rotational axis, as many of the speed time series were near zero (Fig. 247

3B). It was also difficult to differentiate the rotational phases (Fig. 3B, D) by either using 248

instantaneous rotational speed or cumulative revolution curve from MA system. 249

However, using BTAP, cell phases that had been earlier incorrectly recognized to be in 250

the “pause” phase, were now identified to be in the CW rotation (Fig. 3C, E). The 251

cumulative curve, therefore, had an increase in the CW/CCW contrast, allowing BTAP to 252

accurately differentiate the CW/CCW/Pause phases and mark the precise moment at 253

which the motor switched its rotation direction (Fig. 3E, top bar). As a result, BTAP 254

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measured the tethering data with correction of the positions combined with noise 255

reduction, and can better capture the statistical properties of the P. aeruginosa flagellar 256

motor. 257

BTAP reveals the P. aeruginosa and P. putida flagellar motor to function with an 258

additional “pause” phase 259

As the improved noise reduction and center adjustment system in BTAP allows 260

for analyses of polar-flagellated bacteria, we next studied the flagellar motor function of 261

Pseudomonas spp. in detail. First, in the analyses, we tracked the CCW and CW speed 262

distribution of both P. aeruginosa and P. putida, and showed that for both strains, the 263

speed distributions of both the CCW and CW rotation directions were symmetric to each 264

other (Fig. 4A-B). When compared against each other, P. aeruginosa had a similar speed 265

distribution to P. putida (Fig. 4A-B), where the average speed was not significantly 266

different as well (Fig. 4G). In addition, the interval distributions for CCW/CW/Pause 267

followed an exponential distribution (Fig. 4D-E), with mean times of 1.30 s/1.15 s/0.85 s 268

respectively, for P. putida, and, 1.10 s/1.05 s/0.61 s respectively, for P. aeruginosa (Fig. 269

4H). The average durations of CCW/CW/Pause for P. aeruginosa were all lower than P. 270

putida (Fig. 4D-E, H) while the speed distribution (Fig. 4A-B) and average speed (Fig. 271

4G) was comparable, indicating that P. putida exhibits less switching frequency (Fig. 4I). 272

Notably, the rotation speeds for both Pseudomonas strains (5-6 Hz, Fig. 6G) were also 273

comparable to those previously reported for R. spharoides (~5 Hz) and E. coli (4-9 Hz) 274

under similar, unstimulated growth conditions (3, 31, 32). The interval distributions for 275

E. coli were also exponentially distributed, but the mean time for CCW phase is 276

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considerably longer than that of CW phase (CCW/CW 2.59s/1.38s). This is similar to 277

previous reports for E. coli where the CW/CCW rotation interval of distribution showed 278

to follow an exponential distribution (30, 31). 279

We observed that P. aeruginosa cells spent nearly equal duration of time during 280

CW (43%) and CCW (49%) rotation, and in addition, a “pause” phase which consisted of 281

8% of the total time tracked (Fig. 5B). During this “pause” phase, the tethered cell body 282

stopped rotating for a short time interval before it resumed motion. P. putida also 283

exhibited three phases, CW (47%), CCW (41%) and “pause” (12%) (Fig. 5A). This 284

rotational pattern is different from that exhibited by E. coli cells, where the total time 285

spent in CCW phase in E. coli is 50% longer than that in CW phase and the total “pause” 286

phase is short (6%) (31). There are three possible transitions for P. aeruginosa and P. 287

putida: CW<->CCW, CW<->Pause, CCW<->Pause. The transition probabilities between 288

phases for both strains were symmetric. For instance in the CW<->CCW transition, the 289

chances of switching from CW to CCW were similar (37% for P. aeruginosa, and 32-290

33% for P. putida) to that from CCW to CW. The transition between CW and CCW in E. 291

coli was also shown to be symmetric (data not shown). 292

Positive correlation of “pause” phase with turn angles reveals a novel “run-reverse-293

turn” mechanism 294

It is noteworthy that although Pseudomonas cells “pause” at similar frequencies 295

(0.12-0.14 Hz vs. 0.16 Hz) compared to E. coli, the Pseudomonas cells spend a higher 296

fraction of time pausing (8-12 % vs. 4.8 %). While earlier reports for E. coli may have 297

omitted this phase due to the shorter duration (33), the “pause” phase may be a genuine 298

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and unique feature of the bacterial flagellar motor, being particularly pronounced for the 299

polar flagellated Pseudomonas spp. In order to examine this phase further, we tested a 300

cheY chemotaxis mutant of P. aeruginosa. The frequency of CW/CCW phases were 301

lower than the wild-type P. aeruginosa PA01 (0.05 s-1 vs. 0.4 s-1, Fig. 4I) and, as 302

expected, the duration for a CW/CCW phase was longer (~ 8.0s vs. ~1.5s, Fig. 4E-F, H). 303

However, in contrast, the duration of pauses did not increase as in the CW/CCW phase, 304

but decreased instead (Fig. 4E-F). This suggests that the run length of a cell, and, both the 305

frequency and duration of a “pause”, is regulated by CheY in P. aeruginosa. In addition, 306

the cheY mutant has a suppressed CW rotation, such that the tethered cells spend slightly 307

more time in CCW rotation phase (53% vs. 43%, Fig.5C). 308

We propose that the “pause” phase allows the cell body to reorient and swim at a 309

different direction, and we tested this by observing if the “pause” periods corroborated 310

with turn angles in trajectories of free-swimming P. aeruginosa cells (Fig. 6A-B). Speed 311

analyses revealed that the speed of the free swimming cells (~5-40 µm/s) corroborated 312

with previous reports (~40 µm/s) (10), and additionally, we noticed that cells also 313

exhibited pauses in their trajectories. Notably, these cells that “pause” (Fig. 6C) also 314

often turn at an angle (inset). In these examples, when cells are swimming, they often do 315

so in a clear direction, but when cells enter the “pause” phase, the cell bodies appear to be 316

reorienting their position, allowing the cell to change direction when they resume 317

swimming. The level of reorienting can be defined as turn angles - angles of moving 318

directions before and after pauses. As a bacterium may follow (run) or change (reverse) 319

its moving status after a turn, the according turn angle by definition is θ and π-θ 320

respectively, the turn angles from population analyses of the trajectories are folded into 321

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the range of (0, π/2) (Fig. 6A). The average turn angle sizes are positively correlated with 322

pause durations (Fig. 6B), and we hypothesize that this positive relation is due to the 323

rotational diffusion. This positive correlation was also observed in cheY cells (Fig. 6D-324

E), although the overall “pause” durations were not as long as wild-type cells (Fig. 6B, 325

E). Notably, the shorter “pause” durations in cheY free swimming cells also corroborated 326

with the shorter “pause” durations of tethered cells when compared to wild-type cells. 327


Peritrichous bacteria such as E. coli, have multiple flagella around their cell 329

surface, while monotrichous bacteria such as P. aeruginosa has only one flagellum 330

located at the pole. Therefore, in cell-tethering experiments, when the flagella of 331

peritrichous bacteria are sheared-off and one flagellum is tethered to the surface, the 332

tethered flagellum stub is usually at the side of the cell body, such that the cell body is 333

nearly parallel to the tethered surface, allowing a full rotation to be observed under the 334

microscope (Fig. 1F). However, when polar flagellated bacteria such as P. aeruginosa 335

are tethered to the surface, the cell body is usually not parallel to the tethered surface 336

(Fig. 2F), allowing the cell body to change its orientation easily because of the flexibility 337

at the flagellar hook (34). This causes difficulty in the image analysis process, as the 338

observed tethered cells no longer rotate in a circular trajectory but often shift around, 339

giving rise to a noisy rotational signal. 340

Our new program, therefore, has several advantages. (1) It reduces the position 341

noise in the rotational tethered cell. Traditional methods only translate the centroid 342

coordinate directly into the rotational phases, which is prone to error because when the 343

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actual rotation axis is slightly deviated from the presumed axis, a rotating rod with 344

constant radial speed will show a changing instantaneous rotational speed. By correcting 345

the actual rotational axis, we are able to isolate the rotational data that best reflect the 346

actual rotation of the motor from the experimental video. (2) By measuring the 347

accumulative revolution instead of instantaneous rotation, we can further reduce the 348

rotational noise from the piecewise linear fitting. Previous method uses instantaneous 349

speed to measure the rotation ωi at frame i 350

Where θi is rotational angle at frame i and ti is the corresponding time. 351

However, this approach results in a very noisy speed curve with a large variance. 352

This is because tethered cells are not always rotating smoothly, but exhibit fluctuations in 353

speed within each rotation. In addition, the tethered cells in the fluidic environment are 354

affected by other surrounding factors, such as hydrodynamic effects or Brownian force, 355

causing the position of the cell body to have a large variance (35). The problem is more 356

significant when the acquisition frame rate is high, that an incidental large angle change 357

θi-θi-1 between two frames can produce a spike in the instantaneous speed curve. This can 358

be partially alleviated by introducing a (weighted) moving average window to smooth the 359

data, but the size of the window is subjective and can have a huge impact on the result. 360

Conversely, our approach uses the cumulative revolution to fit the curve with multiple 361

linear segments. Although the instantaneous speed curve may be noisy and have many 362

spikes, because the time intervals between two frames are small, the impact of such 363

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spikes on the cumulative curve would be small and thus not affect the rotation trend (the 364

slope of the curve). These noises can be easily removed by a linear fitting in the 365

cumulative curve (3). Through extracting the turning points on the cumulative curve, we 366

could separate the rotation phases of the tethered cell into clockwise, counterclockwise, 367

and pause clearly. This is difficult to achieve in the instantaneous curve because the 368

moving average window will blur the boundary between different phases. As the 369

smoothing result improves (i.e. the larger the window size), the ability for phase 370

separation, in turn, weakens. However, using our approach, we were able to achieve both 371

noise reduction and phase separation without sacrificing the accuracy of either. 372

As the cell-tethering experiment is one of the key techniques in quantifying the 373

motor properties and its response in the chemotactic environment, it is important to 374

enhance the accuracy of the data acquisition and analysis to reflect the change of motor 375

phases in chemotaxis. Our new program, therefore, helps image processing and data 376

analysis in monotrichous bacteria research and gives credible results for following 377

studies. 378

We used our program to distinguish novel properties of the flagellar motor in 379

Pseudomonas spp., where we were able to study its flagellar rotation in a high-throughput 380

manner for the first time. First, the Pseudomonas flagellar motor spends an equal time in 381

both CCW and CW rotations, which corroborates with earlier reports for free swimming 382

cells, where trajectories adopt a “run and reverse” strategy (12). Additionally, speeds in 383

both directions are similar, suggesting that the flagellar motor is symmetric. Notably, we 384

observed an additional “pause” phase, where about 12-23% of cells in motion (either 385

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CCW or CW) will choose to transit into. As there was a positive correlation between 386

pause duration and turn angle sizes, our findings indicate that Pseudomonas spp. can vary 387

its pause duration in order turn at different angles, resulting in a “run-reverse-turn” 388

trajectory. This novel mechanism, therefore, allows the cell to swim and explore spaces 389

more efficiently that a typical “run-and-reverse” trajectory for polar flagellated bacteria. 390

In polar-flagellated bacteria, cells have a limited degree of freedom in motility 391

where they can only swim forward and backward. It appears now that there are diverse 392

ways, where such type of bacterial cells can compensate for their limited, bidirectional 393

movement. In the case of R. sphaeroides, cells adopt a “run-and-stop” motility (6) with 394

variable speed (5), whereas in the sodium-driven V. alginolyticus, cells adopt three-step 395

“run-reverse-flick” chemotactic response (3, 4) instead. Here, in the case of 396

Pseudomonas spp., we observe a “run-reverse-turn” trajectory for both monotrichous and 397

multirichous Pseudomonas cells. While earlier reports made brief references to these 398

turns in free-swimming trajectories (12, 26), we have now shown that the additional 399

“pause” phase in the flagellar motors allow the cells to turn at larger angles. 400

In addition, it is known that chemotaxis mutants of P. aeruginosa are motile but 401

rarely change their swimming directions (36, 37). The question, therefore, arises whether 402

the Pseudomonas chemotactic mechanism is similar to that of the peritrichous E. coli, or, 403

whether the Pseudomonas motor employs a different response in general. We were able 404

to elucidate this using BTAP - a chemotaxis mutant of P. aeruginosa, which has reduced 405

CCW and CW frequency, and the duration in both CCW and CW directions are 406

increased. Interestingly, there is a reduction in both the frequency and duration of pauses 407

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as well. This suggests that the cells “turn” at a smaller angle, therefore, giving rise to 408

trajectories that tend to be straight. Taken together, the Pseudomonas motor undergoes 409

chemotaxis by varying its “pause” and switch frequencies and durations, resulting in cells 410

that have longer “runs” and fewer “turns”. In comparison to other species, it is known 411

that E. coli increases its run length through a decrease in switch frequency resulting in an 412

increase in CCW rotation (28). In the case for P. aeruginosa, we show that unlike E. coli, 413

run length is increased through a decrease in pause frequency and duration, and an 414

increase in both CW and CCW durations. In the case for the three-step run-reverse-flick 415

V. alginolyticus, cells have decreased flicking frequency while retaining their turn angle 416

sizes (4). Notably, while V. alginolyticus uses a “flick” to change its turn angle, we show 417

here that P. aeruginosa adopts a “pause” mechanism to turn, and these “turn” angles are 418

decreased as part of the chemotactic response. In the case for R. sphaeroides, a decrease 419

in stop frequency was observed (38), which was a similar response observed in the cheY 420

P. aeruginosa mutant. Therefore, in comparison to these three species, we show that 421

while the details of the control of the flagellar motor differs, the outcomes of longer run 422

lengths and reduced turn (or tumbling) frequency remains broadly conserved in P. 423

aeruginosa. The Pseudomonas motor, therefore, adopts a combination of different 424

properties in its chemotactic response, once again revealing the complexity of the 425

Pseudomonas chemonsensory system (9). 426


We thank Linda Carter for the P. aeruginosa strain, Liang Yang for the P. 428

aeruginosa cheY strain, Fook Chiong Cheong and Chwee Teck Lim for the use of the 429

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microscopy facility, and Sungsu Park, Linda Kenney, Yan Jie, and Boon Chuan Low for 430

stimulating discussions. This work was supported by the Seed Fund of the 431

Mechanobiology Institute, Research Centre of Excellence financed by the National 432

Research Foundation of Singapore ( 433

aspx?id1⁄4144) and the Singapore Ministry of Education (http://www. 434 435


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FIG.1 Rotation profile of a sample tethered Escherichia coli. (A & C) Instantaneous 533

rotational speed of the tethered E. coli cell before and after BTAP adjustment, 534

respectively. (B & D) The scattering of the centroid positions of the tethered cell before 535

and after the BTAP adjustment, respectively. The cross indicates the assumed rotation 536

axis. Note that the points fall into a smooth circle and does not require re-fitting. (E) 537

Cumulative rotation of the same cell (solid grey line) and the line fitted by BTAP 538

algorithm (dashed black line). Top bar: labeling of rotational phases, where dark grey 539

denotes CW, light grey CCW, and white the “pause” phase. CW and CCW phases can be 540

clearly separated. (F) Illustration of a tethered E. coli cell. The cell is tethered parallel to 541

the surface and a small perturbation to the cell body (dashed) does not change its centroid 542

position by much as viewed from the top. 543

FIG.2 Rotation profile of a sample tethered Pseudomonas aeruginosa cell. (A & C) 544

Instantaneous rotational speed of the tethered P. aeruginosa cell before and after BTAP 545

adjustment, respectively. (B & D) The scattering of the centroid positions of the tethered 546

cell before and after the BTAP adjustment, respectively. The cross indicates the assumed 547

rotation axis. Note that the points do not fall into a smooth circle in B and requires re-548

fitting. (E) Corresponding cumulative rotations (E, grey line) and the line fitted by BTAP 549

algorithm (E, dashed black line). Top bar: labeling of rotational phases, where dark grey 550

denotes CW, light grey CCW, and white the “pause” phase. (F) Illustration of a tethered 551

P. aeruginosa cell. The cell is tethered at an angle to the surface and a small perturbation 552

to the cell body (dashed) largely changes its centroid positions as viewed from the top. 553

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FIG.3 Comparison between a simple moving average system (“MA”) based on instant 554

rotational speed (Left panels) and BTAP (Right panels). (A) Raw instantaneous rotational 555

speed signal before “MA” and BTAP processing. (B) The moving average of the raw 556

signal (without BTAP adjustment) using a window of 30-points by the “MA” system. (C) 557

Raw signal after BTAP correction. (D) Cumulative revolution measured by “MA”. (E) 558

Cumulative revolution and fitting measured by BTAP. Top bar: labeling of rotational 559

phases where dark grey denotes CW, light grey CCW, and white the “pause” phase. Inset 560

of (D & E): The scattering of the centroids positions of the tethered cell. The cross 561

indicates the assumed rotation axis. BTAP is able to re-fit the shifting centers of rotation 562

in a polar-flagellated, tethered cell, in order to recover the true rotational behaviour of the 563

motor. 564

FIG.4 Speed distributions of Pseudomonas strains. (A-C) are rotational speed 565

distributions of P. putida (KT2440) strain, and P. aeruginosa (PA01) strains wild-type, 566

and cheY, respectively. (D-F) The corresponding cumulative distribution of interval 567

durations from the strains in Fig. 4A-C, respectively. Solid lines denote CCW rotation; 568

dashed lines denote CW rotation; dotted lines denote pauses. Note that the wild-type P. 569

aeruginosa has longer “pause” durations compared to cheY. (G, H & I) The average 570

speed, average duration of intervals, and occurrence frequency of phases, for the strains 571

in Fig. 4A-C, respectively. Error bars show standard deviation. Dark grey bars denote 572

CW, light grey CCW, and white the “pause” phase. The frequencies for CW/CCW/Pause 573

in cheY were reduced compared to the wild-type. Unlike P. aeruginosa wild type, cheY 574

mutants also have increased CCW and CW durations. 575

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FIG.5 Time spent on different phases. (A) Time spent on CW/CCW/Pause phase for P. 576

putida are 47%/41%/12% respectively. (B) Time spent on CW/CCW/Pause phase for P. 577

aeruginosa mPA01 are 43%/49%/8% respectively. (C) Time spent on CW/CCW/Pause 578

phase for P aeruginosa cheY are 43%/53%/4% respectively. The transition probabilities 579

between phases are shown as the arrows indicate. Dark grey denotes CW, light grey 580

CCW, and white the “pause” phase. Note the drastic decrease in time spent in pause 581

frequency between P. aeruginosa cheY (4%) and wild-type (8%) strains. 582

FIG.6 Pause durations are positively correlated with turn angles. (A & D) Distribution of 583

the turn angles (change of direcction) during pauses for P. aeruginosa wild-type and cheY 584

strains respectively. Angles between π/2 and π are subtracted from π as the change of cell 585

body orientation during a pause followed by a reversal. The densities for both strain 586

decrease as turn angles become larger. The pauses are defined when the moving speed of 587

the cell is below 5 µm/s for at least 3 consecutive frames. (frame rate=25fps) (B & E) 588

The average turn angle sizes are positively correlated with pause durations. The line is a 589

linear regression fitting of the data. The y-value of each point is the average of all the 590

turning angles at certain duration (x-value). If the turn angle at certain duration measured 591

is less than two, the point will not be counted to avoid bias from data scarcity. (C & E) 592

Speed of two sample cells from P. aeruginosa wild-type and cheY respectively. The 593

insets are their corresponding trajectories. The circles mark the section of pauses. 594

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Figure 1 596

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Figure 2 598

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Figure 3 600

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Figure 4 602

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Figure 5 604


Figure 6 606

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5 10 15 20 25 30 35





Time (s)


nt R







d (

Hz) A

−5 0 5






X ( µm)

Y (µ



5 10 15 20 25 30 35





Time (s)


nt R







d (

Hz) C

−5 0 5






X ( µm)

Y (µ



5 10 15 20 25 30 35




Time (s)







ns (



E Data


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2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18




Time (s)


nt R







d (

Hz) A

−10 0 10




X ( µm)

Y (µ

m) B

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18




Time (s)


nt R







d (

Hz) C

−5 0 5




X ( µm)

Y (µ

m) D

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18




Time (s)







ns (







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nt R







d (


20 40 60 80 100 120




Time (s)



nt R







d (














40 C







ns (



20 40 60 80 100 1200




Time (s)



20 40 60 80 100 120





Time (s)



“MA” system BTAP

Raw Data

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P. put




P. aer





P. aer




P. put




P. aer





P. aer




P. put




P. aer





P. aer




P. putida wild-type P. aeruginosa wild-type P. aeruginosa cheY

0 10 20 30 400





Rotation Speed (Hz)





0 10 20 30 400




Rotation Speed (Hz)





0 10 20 30 400





Rotation Speed (Hz)





0 5 1010





Durations (s)








0 5 1010





Durations (s)








0 5 1010





Durations (s)


















d (












n (















cy (


1 )




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32 %

33 %

7 %

8 %

10 %

10 %





37 %

37 %

6 %

5 %

7 % 8 %








20 %

20 %

17 %

13 %

12 % 18 %

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5 10 15 20 25






0 20 400





0 0.5 1 1.50








Turn Angle (rad)






d (µ







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50




Duration (s)



e T








0 0.5 1 1.50








Turn Angle (rad)




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50




Duration (s)



e T











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