Backpages 2

No1 Black Magick sorcerer Are you in love with someone who is resisting you, turning you away? Is this person closed minded, unwilling to see the real you? If a past mistake is haunting you, preventing the two of you from reuniting, don’t give up. There is something you can do! Whether you truly made the mistake or not doesn't really matter. As long as you are "thought" to have done something wrong, the situation still has to be resolved. Ultimately, what is best for you is to be forgiven so your relationship can get back on track. Dissipate the Bitterness You will not be loved unconditionally until you are forgiven! Anger and bitterness are a blinding force that blots out laughter, joy, happiness. So no matter what you say or do, the very first step you must take is to dissipate the bitterness. If you are currently under attack and your motives are being questioned, the Forgive Me spell could bring down the barriers between you. This spell softens the hardest of hearts. It melts the resistance, opens the mind – allowing the best of you to be seen at your brightest. Once you are cast in a different light, your finest qualities will finally have a chance to win out. And you will feel romance in the air. Once again you could be drawn together – to touch, to hold, to caress – to make love. And when this occurs, love and commitment could not be far behind. Ask for a Forgive Me spell... if the one you love is hard-headed and stubborn. Ask for the Forgive Me spell... if the one you love is angry and won't let go.

Transcript of Backpages 2

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No1 Black Magick sorcerer Are you in love with someone who is resisting you, turning you away? Is this person closed minded, unwilling to see the real you?

If a past mistake is haunting you, preventing the two of you from reuniting, don’t give up. There is something you can do!

Whether you truly made the mistake or not doesn't really matter. As long as you are "thought" to have done something wrong, the situation still has to be resolved. Ultimately, what is best for you is to be forgiven so your relationship can get back on track.

Dissipate the Bitterness

You will not be loved unconditionally until you are forgiven! Anger and bitterness are a blinding force that blots out laughter, joy, happiness. So no matter what you say or do, the very first step you must take is to dissipate the bitterness.

If you are currently under attack and your motives are being questioned, the Forgive Me spell could bring down the barriers between you. This spell softens the hardest of hearts. It melts the resistance, opens the mind – allowing the best of you to be seen at your brightest.

Once you are cast in a different light, your finest qualities will finally have a chance to win out. And you will feel romance in the air. Once again you could be drawn together – to touch, to hold, to caress – to make love. And when this occurs, love and commitment could not be far behind.

Ask for a Forgive Me spell...if the one you love is hard-headed and stubborn.

Ask for the Forgive Me spell...if the one you love is angry and won't let go.

Ask for a Forgive Me spell...if you feel you've got to turn this relationship around right now – because you're running out of time.

Ask for a Forgive Me spell...if you truly want this person to be yours forever.

Email: [email protected]

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Tel: +27761051640

Win back your lover spell, +27761051640 Proffhasani

My client was rather different, although she too came to me wanting some love spells; her man was having an affair. Using my witch divination stones and **** ball, I looked carefully at her situation then prescribed two very powerful and special spells, one love spell to win back her man's heart and a second to ensure my client's man not only ended his affair, but never looked at another woman again. She was delighted when her man returned and promised to be true and love only her forever. Call

Proffhasani +27761051640

Email: [email protected]


No1 Black Magick sorcerer

This is a very straightforward spell.

The purpose of the Heal My Relationship spell is to simply align your spirit with your loved one and put your relationship back on the same track.

This spell is for you, if:

• The person you love is so bitter and angry they are not willing to listen to reason.

• It appears that no matter what you say or do - whether you apologize or admit past mistakes - they are so resistant, you feel you are talking to a wall.

• You know in your heart that you are right - that the two of you are meant to be together, and if you get a second chance, the relationship will fulfill your dreams of happiness.

• You feel that your loved one's heart is being poisoned by outside forces, and you have been unsuccessful up to now to convince them that it is not your fault.

The Heal My Relationship spell is designed to break down the walls of resistance and to heal the wounds inflicted by past differences. It could work wonders for the two of you, allowing you to have the relationship of your dreams.

If you believe there are powers in the universe that we can neither comprehend nor see, perhaps it's time for you to let these powers work for you. A Master Psychic who specializes in broken relationships is awaiting your call.

The two of you can be a perfect couple again, but only if you are given that second chance.


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Tel: +27761051640

Break up spells and lost love spells call PROFFHASANI +27761051640 (worldwide)

RETURN A LOVED ONE AND BREAK THEM UP. CALL +27761051640 PROFFHASANI RETURN A LOVED ONE AND BREAK THEM UP this is very good to use when the case isn't too complex. Works very well together with the "Forgive and Forget" spell. The spell will return your lover to you and break the lover’s current relationship. even If they are married.

STOP A DIVORCE NOW In time, a lot of bad energy can gather in a relationship. Don't stand there and just watch! Clear out all the bad energies and make the marriage stable. The spell work also to make the partner change their mind of filing for divorce. The spell gains extra power when cast together with "Make someone love me" or "Faithfulness spell".

CREATE A MARRIAGE Have you been thinking of marriage? Want to commit fully and live the rest of your life with someone special? Maybe the person has already turned you down? With this spell your lover will accept! If combined with "Make someone love me" or "Faithfulness spells" it will give you a very good start on your marriage. ANCIENT LOVE SPELLS COMBO MY MOST VALUED SPELL, 99% of the clients with love problems buy it! I have designed it so you can have 3 wishes about love and relationship. It can be 3 of the above spells or one + 2 custom wishes, or why not you make 3 custom wishes? Anything about love and relationship is acceptable. Maybe someone is interfering? The spell can help with that and much more. After you ordered you send me the 3 wishes Commitment issues to use this spell for: • Relationship commitment issues • Fear of commitment to one person • Marriage commitment problems • Male commitment syndrome • Commitment phobic men adding loyalty and commitment to women


email [email protected]

w0rld famous spell caster call +27761051640(worldwide)

Hello, my name is Proffhasani, I’m an astrologer dealing in bringing back lost Lovers, marriage spell, divorce, stop cheating and many more.There can be a lot of negative forces that may have caused a separation From your loved one, my spell removes these negative forces so that you can Reconcile with your loved one, this takes place in a period of 3 Days... I'll need you to provide me with some information about you or both of you if you have any, - both your names and date of birth - brief information of yourselves - your contact to give you a feed back, (numbers or email) I'm going to use

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these to check what are the negative forces then I'll let You know today. you can also reach me on

email me at [email protected] Thanks

LOST LOVE SPELLs/ MARRIAGE SPELLs +27761051640 Proffhasani

Love & Relationship Love Guidance, Psychic Medium & Healing, Spirituality & Religion, Tarot, psychic advice, pet psychic ,Astrology, Dating Love Relationship Close Description : My readings are based upon what I see actually taking place. Thus, I do not sugarcoat readings. I also provide timeliness in my readings as well regarding specific places and events occurring. I am happy and pleased whenever I can see to it that I have helped someone improve their life. I am always there for you, and look forward to helping you reach success. The secret to my readings is the fact that I provide detailed answers that you will know relate to you and your situation only. Further, I also provide specific time lines and guidance on what transpires next. Close Degrees and Qualifications: I am a Certified Psychic Reader as well as a Certified Spiritual Advisor, Spirituality and Religion, Psychic Reading, Love and Relationships, Soul mate Connections, Cheating and Affairs, Breaking up and Divorce Reader with over 15 years of Professional experience and excellent customer service skills. I am considered a people person who honors confidentiality with all matters that are discussed!

Professor Hasani

email:[email protected]


If you long for the return of a lost lover... if you are heartsick and lonely and despondent... there is something you can do about it!

A Master Psychic who specializes in reuniting people will cast a spell for you. Within days, you'll have a renewed sense of hope, a strong feeling that the person

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you so deeply and desperately love is on the road back to you.

Your heart will tell you that a life-changing experience has occurred!! Soon, this person could wake up and realize the love and friendship and happiness you have to offer... and he or she could want to be with you forever.

The seeds will be planted to break the barriers of stubbornness, of bitterness, of blindness--and replace them with feelings of warmth and love for you.

If you truly care for this person and are willing to do anything necessary for their return, we urge you to have a "Retrieve a Lover" spell cast on your behalf.

This is your opportunity. Simply write your request to Retrieve a Lover.

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +27761051640


NO1 LOST LOVE SPELL CASTER "EXPERIENCE CHANGE+27761051640 PROFFHASANI Working love Spells available in South Africa and worldwide. Proffhasani has strong love spells that work fast, Some free love spells that work fast, if you are one of the many people who have had their hearts broken over and over again by those thought to be your lover, tried all other spells cast like the free love spells casters who promise you this and that and your lover come and go all the time with no consistency Or the love spells just do not work all the time you cast them but you need to settle down and have a family, It might as well be your family that has fallen apart your children dislike you and your wife or husband just wants a divorce and nothing else. Some say there are no working love spells or those that really work fast.... well that means you have not tried Proffhasani yet because if that is the case then you will need me to cast for you love spells that work fast or a love spell that will work for you strongly that way you have never believed before. Email:[email protected] Call:+27761051640

SUCCESS IS A CHOICE.......................

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For whatever reason your lover is not with you, this spell plants the seeds of their return.Is it just a dream that your lost love will walk through the door? Is it false hope that you visualize the two of you walking hand in hand, together at last, making plans for an incredible future?Have you ever noticed that with some people the sheer force of their will power can make things happen? And they almost always seem to get what they want. With the assistance of a gifted psychic, your will power could be increased tenfold, making it possible for you to make something happen? Specifically, the return of your love!

Request this spell if:

• You know in your heart the two of you belong together.

• You know the relationship will work if only it is given a chance.

• You know once the two of you are together the bond will never be broken.

• You know that bad luck and bad timing has worked against you. But now things have changed.

• You know if given a second chance the same mistakes won?t be repeated.

• You know once your lover keeps an open mind, their return is imminent.

• You know this relationship is meant to be.

With a powerful psychic in your corner, it is only a matter of time before you are united with your true love.

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +27761051640

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NO.1 REKNOWN LOVE SPELL CASTER. This spell will help you fix your love and find out, 1. What do they find attractive about you? 2. What causes them to want to know you better? 3. What chases them away? 4. What causes them to shut down to you? 5. What makes them want, I mean really want, to commit to you? 6. What makes them open up so that their heart simply melts? 7. Is it high time you get yourself a love dose, spice of love and love bond.

CALL Proffhasani +27761051640 or Email ; [email protected]

You can also visit my website for more info at:- » and

“phone readings also done”

Heal my relationship spell and lost love spells call by PROFF HASANI +27761051640 (worldwide)

This is a very straightforward spell. The purpose of the Heal My Relationship spell is to simply align your spirit with your loved one and put your relationship back on the same track. This spell is for you, if: • The person you love is so bitter and angry they are not willing to listen to reason. • It appears that no matter what you say or do - whether you apologize or admit past mistakes - they are so resistant, you feel you are talking to a wall. • You know in your heart that you are right - that the two of you are meant to be together, and if you get a second chance, the relationship will fulfill your dreams of happiness. • You feel that your loved one's heart is being poisoned by outside forces, and you have been unsuccessful up to now to convince them that it is not your fault. The Heal My Relationship spell is designed to break down the walls of resistance and to heal the wounds inflicted by past differences. It could work wonders for the two of you, allowing you to have the relationship of your dreams. If you believe there are powers in the universe that we can neither comprehend nor see, perhaps it's time for you to let these powers work for you. A Master Psychic who specializes in broken relationships is awaiting your call. The two of you can be a perfect couple again, but only if you are given that second chance.

Email:[email protected]

Tel: +27761051640


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Is there a special person whom you love like no other? Are you positive this "true" love is a once in a lifetime occurrence? And it will never happen again--never?

In life, a person is truly blessed to come across a soul mate, someone we can relate to, spend endless hours with - talking, laughing, loving... Unfortunately, sometimes dissension surfaces and a crack occurs, causing an unpleasant parting of the ways.

Soon, we plummet into a bottomless pit causing loneliness, regret, misery. What was previously joy and happiness are now replaced with indescribable sadness and unhappiness that seemingly will last forever.

The result: A broken heart.

I just want to thank CAA for a wonderful job well done. I requested three spells in March, for my lost love to come back to me. On June 10, my lost love called me at work telling me how hard it has been for him since he broke up with me back in March. Thank you from the bottom of my heart -- everything is possible with faith.

S.A.Los Angeles, CA In some cases the rift can be repaired. But what if the other person is too angry, too stubborn, too blind to recognize how much they appreciate you, rely upon you, love you? And what if you have tried everything to no avail? And you fret and agonize that the wounds will never heal, that the split may be permanent?

If your one-and-only is living somewhere else and you have come to the end of the line, you may want to consider one last option: We believe there are unseen, powerful forces in our midst that await our call and are prepared to do our bidding - to exert influences that are beyond our comprehension. And neither time, nor distance, nor place seem to deter these forces from attaining positive results.

Do you truly want this person back at all costs?

Don't be a passive victim. This is your time to take the bull by the horns and do something proactive. There are definite things you can do to affect your loved one's subconscious mind. You can ask a powerful psychic to summon these powerful forces and make spiritual contact with this very special person whose companionship and love you desperately seek.

Once this connection is made, an appeal to their emotional, intellectual and physical being could stimulate them into reevaluating your relationship. The primary focus, of course, will concentrate on the positive aspects of who you are and what you mean to them - bringing these qualities to the surface, reminding your loved one of good times past.

Will this spell work for you?

Once the spell is cast, the seeds of reconciliation, the seeds of hope, the seeds of a wonderful, long-lasting relationship will be planted and the opportunity of a reunification is only a matter of time!

So, if you are in love with a person and can't live without them... If your lover is hardheaded and you have been cast aside with little or no regard to your feelings, emotions, well-being... then now is the time to act!

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Remember, all the money in the world can't replace a lost love... But a skilled psychic experienced in matters of the heart will summon powerful forces to help bring your once-in-a-lifetime love back to you.

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +27761051640

This powerful amulet is designed to accomplish two things:

Attract the Good!

Directs positive energy with your "Good Eye" to stimulate the subconscious mind of someone of importance to you, allowing them to look at you in a loving, positive light.

Repel the Evil!

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Protects you against a negative force (Evil Eye) by rebounding its energy back at the perpetrator.

The Magical Eye magnifies your gift of foresight to clearly see what lies around the corner. Then it illuminates the way to your true path in life so you can avoid the pitfalls and take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that lie ahead - in your relationships, in your finances, in all areas that affect you.

What the Magical Eye Can do for You!

• Gives you the ability to see things clearly.

• Gives you the gift to have greater insight into people, relationships, investments...

• Gives you the understanding and confidence to clear up misunderstandings.

• Simplifies getting important relationships back on track.

• Protects you from the Evil Eye.

How does it work?

While wearing or holding the Magical Eye...

• Feel the energy flow through your entire being, infiltrating your subconscious with awesome positive vibrations.

• Feel your head clear, bringing clarity and courage that will invigorate you.

• Think about the person you love and transfer your loving thoughts to them!

• Reel in a lost love or attract a new love to you, allowing them to see your inner beauty, your loving, kind nature, your remarkable gifts...

• Concentrate on someone who has tried to undermine you, perhaps destroy you. Soon this person will feel negative energy flow through their veins.

The dual purpose of the Magical Eye

Attracts positive energy as if it were a magnet. Stops negative energy in its tracks.

If you're ready for a loving relationship, prosperity and ultimate happiness take possession of this mystical amulet and get ready for a remarkable change in your life.

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +27761051640

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Are you in love with someone who is resisting you, turning you away? Is this person closed minded, unwilling to see the real you?

If a past mistake is haunting you, preventing the two of you from reuniting, don’t give up. There is something you can do!

Whether you truly made the mistake or not doesn't really matter. As long as you are "thought" to have done something wrong, the situation still has to be resolved. Ultimately, what is best for you is to be forgiven so your relationship can get back on track.

Dissipate the Bitterness

You will not be loved unconditionally until you are forgiven! Anger and bitterness are a blinding force that blots out laughter, joy, happiness. So no matter what you say or do, the very first step you must take is to dissipate the bitterness.

If you are currently under attack and your motives are being questioned, the Forgive Me spell could bring down the barriers between you. This spell softens the hardest of hearts. It melts the resistance, opens the mind – allowing the best of you to be seen at your brightest.

Once you are cast in a different light, your finest qualities will finally have a chance to win out. And you will feel romance in the air. Once again you could be drawn together – to touch, to hold, to caress – to make love. And when this occurs, love and commitment could not be far behind.

Ask for a Forgive Me spell...if the one you love is hard-headed and stubborn.

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Ask for the Forgive Me spell...if the one you love is angry and won't let go.

Ask for a Forgive Me spell...if you feel you've got to turn this relationship around right now – because you're running out of time.

Ask for a Forgive Me spell...if you truly want this person to be yours forever.

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +27761051640


My heart aches,

A part of me is missing.

You are my great passion,

My great love

How clearly you appear in my dreams,

You are in my blood, my soul.

I cry out your name to the endless sky,

Summoning the spirits to assist me.

I must have you,

I can wait no longer.

Return to me,

I command thee.

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An inner voice whispers your name,

Visions of your face appear everywhere.

The time has come to open your eyes,

To see the wondrous life that awaits us.

Open your heart,

Allow my love to penetrate the barriers.

Fly quickly to me,

Fall into my loving arms.

In your mind,

You know we are meant to be together.

Surely you must realize,

Our reunion is inevitable.

Can you not see,

How right we are together.

Does your heart not ache,

When you are alone in your thoughts - thinking of me.

Do you not yearn

For my gentle ways, my loving spirit.

Shed the negative thoughts,

That bend your mind,

Cast off the bonds that keep us apart,

Drum up the courage to do what's right.

Fate dictates our coupling,

Return so our destiny can be fulfilled.

Come back to my warm embrace,

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Come bask in the warmth of my unconditional love.

I ask the Gods,

To do this one last thing.

And I shall forever be grateful,

When I hear your footsteps outside the door.

Returning to me.

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +27761051640


Do you want your man to love you like no other?

Do you want him to love you unconditionally?

Do you want him to be faithful and never be interested in another woman?

If you are in love with a specific man, and you "know" he's the right one for you, a spell can be cast to grow his love for you and you alone. Take a look at the following questions, and if you find yourself nodding in agreement you may have come upon a service that could enhance your life in more ways than you can imagine.

Do These Questions Apply To You?

· Is your life empty without him?

· Do you think of him often?

· Do you sometimes have trouble going about your work because he's on your mind?

· Are you depressed because you feel him slipping away?

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· Do you have a wealth of love stored up just for him?

· Is he hardheaded and stubborn?

· Are you sure he's "the one"?

· Do you want him to fall deeply in love with you?

· Do you feel if you can catch his ear (penetrate his defenses), he will come to his senses and fall madly in love with you?

· Do you want to be happy together - forever?

If you answered "yes" to at least seven of the questions, you should seriously consider having a Growing His Love spell cast in your behalf.

The purpose of this spell is to make telepathic contact with the one you love. To place you in his thoughts, his dreams, his consciousness and unconsciousness. And once this is accomplished, everything will be in place for him to fall hopelessly in love with you.Your image will be bathed in soft light as he discovers his love for you.

It's time to open your man/woman's eyes once and for all so he/she can finally realize what he's been missing. It's time to utilize the formidable psychic powers you have at your beck and call. It's time for you to take that leap of faith and call upon a powerful psychic to help get your manRemember, the Astrology Association guarantees that if you are not 100% satisfied with the results, you can receive a full refund up to one full year after the spell is cast.

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +27761051640


GET BACK YOUR LOST LOVER, Are you wishing you could get back with your first ever love? Is it a harsh reality that you can't forget him or her because of the love you have for him or her? Do you miss the good times that you had with that special person? Its time you tried my herbal mixture that brings back that LOST LOVE! The lost love spells frees your loved one of the force which is holding him or her from coming back to you and in no time you will be in each other’s arms. Have you found someone you passionately love and you want him or her to love you back or be yours forever? Then try the BIND AND SEAL LOVE PORTION! This is the right love spell for you, within days they will be in love with you and proposing marriage loving you forever. LOVE ATTRACTION SPELLS. Are you interested in love with someone but that person does not seem to feel the same way or love you back, are you having eyes for

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someone but you think that person is too hard to get, then this is the right love spell for you, it will make someone see you in a different way in love even if you've not proposed love to that person, after this love spell is done it will turn into a love magnet bringing you together with the one you love..LOST LOVE SPELLS or Spells are used or performed, if you have lost your lover and all the efforts that you have tried have failed and there is no way that you can get your love back. Lost love spells will bring your love back to you unconditionally. Also if your lover is with someone else then by the power of this love spell your love will break his or her love relationship off and he or she will come back to with you forever.

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +27761051640


You might be wondering exactly what love spells are and do these really work? Love spells are ironically very natural; they are made up from psychic energy which every living thing contains. Love magic or Love Spells is the attempt to bind the passions of another, or to capture them as a love through magical means rather than through direct activity. It can be implemented in a variety of ways, such as written spells, dolls, charms, amulets, love potions, or different rituals. +27761051640

Can a Love Spell Bring True Happiness and completeness in Life?

Love spells are the most effective among magical rituals. There are love spells to attract others, bind a lover and make them faithful and devoted, converting a love affair into a love marriage and lead a happy married life, keep lovers from straying etc. Love spells have for ever attracted the lovers all over the world and enchanted them down the ages. For the broken hearts, it can do wonders in helping them bring back their lost love. Love spell is one of the most romantic and easy way to get your love back. If you are not in a happy, Committed and fulfilling relationship -- or not in a relationship at all -- or You have lost your love and want to get back your Ex. -- or your are looking for financial stability, honesty, sincerity and so forth with your mate then you should consider having a Love Spell cast in your behalf by an internationally famous psychic and astrology

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +27761051640

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