Background Why have a scheme What will it provide How will it work Example Scheme Management...

• Background Why have a scheme What will it provide How will it work • Example Scheme Management Implementation Plan BABS Chorus Director Certification Scheme

Transcript of Background Why have a scheme What will it provide How will it work Example Scheme Management...

• Background

• Why have a scheme

• What will it provide

• How will it work

• Example

• Scheme Management

• Implementation Plan

BABS Chorus Director Certification Scheme

• Neil Watkins and Mike Lofthouse reviewed education needs

• Came up with a Barbershop ‘experience’ curve that applied to everyone from novice to expert


BABS Chorus Director Certification Scheme

Practical experience

'Book' Learning

HC = Harmony CollegeDC = Directors collegeTAP = Towards Artistic Performance College


Music andSingingTraining



Directing atat HC

HC 3HC 2

HC 1Workshop

Starter SingerSpecialist

SingerSection Leader

Assistant CD

Chorus Director

Music Director

Judge or Coach

Doctor of Music better better better

Barbershop ‘experience’ curve

• Started the process of developing modules for Chorus training in Music

• Commissioned same for Singing and Presentation

• Saw these as ‘tools’ for Chorus Directors

• Fed in to Directors College steering team planning process

BABS Chorus Director Certification Scheme

Background continued

BABS Chorus Director Certification SchemeWhy ?

• Requested by delegates at previous Directors Colleges

• On the wish list of clubs to help them choose new CD’s

• Is a way of demonstrating progress as a Director over a period of years

• Contributes to the overall measure of quality improvement in BABS

• Focuses on and helps to produce a pool of better qualified Directors


• Provides education and assessment

• Recognises and records achievement

• Recognises that different directors have different skill sets

• BUT does insist on certain minimum requirements

How? Provides education and assessment.

• Education through new and existing courses at Harmony College, Directors’ College, One-day Workshops, coaching etc.

• Non BABS educational events can also be used to fulfil some of the requirements

• Assessment by written tests, review at HC, DC, etc., submission of videos, in-chorus review, etc.

• Assessment from outside bodies, e.g. GCSE, A level

How? Recognises and records achievement

• Directors will progress through a series of 4 grade levels depending on achieving required levels of competence in a range of skills

Novice, Intermediate, Qualified, Expert

• Level of achievement in each skill is measured by formal assessment and recorded

• Directors either have, or acquire skills to enable them to progress from one grade level to the next

How? Recognises that different directors have different

skill sets

• The points for skills (“But Clancy doesn’t do that!”) model

• By recognising that a high degree of skill in one area can make up for a lower level of skill in another.

• Advancement through grade levels is not dependent on having uniform skill levels.

• Cloning ist Verboten!!

How? BUT does insist on certain minimum requirements

• There are certain skills that are not optional

• Advancement through the grade levels will, in part, depend on acquiring these compulsory skills

• These skills are necessary but not sufficient for advancement. Other skills will be needed but are not prescribed

How will this all work (1)?

We have identified a small number of skill sets which may be added to as we move forward.

They are :

Directing Techniques




Leadership & Management

Style Awareness

How will this all work (2)?

• For each skill set we identify areas of expertise

For example




Analysis / Problem Solving

How will this all work (3)?

• For each area of expertise we identify levels of achievement

• We will provide or recognise courses that satisfy these levels

• Each of these, then, has a number of ‘points’ associated with it

• and Points Mean Prizes

How will this all work (4)?

• To qualify at a particular grade level

Novice, Intermediate, Qualified, Expert

• A director must achieve a minimum number of points

• Some of these points will be in compulsory skills

• These rest can be obtained from any of the other skill/expertise/level areas

How will this all work (5)?

Skill Set

Directing Techniques




Leadership & Management

Style Awareness







20 pts

30 pts

40 pts


Add up your points

This is for illustration only. The particular skills and the points value associated with them has yet to be finalised.

An example

To qualify at the Novice grade level 300 points total must be achieved

This is for illustration only. The particular skills and the points value associated with them has

yet to be finalised.

Compulsory skills

30 Directing Techniques Practice

20 Directing Techniques Theory

20 Music Theory

20 Music Practice

20 Singing Theory

20 Singing Practice

account for 130 points

• The remaining 170 points can be acquired from any skill area

• Acquisition of 300 points means qualification at the Novice Grade level

Novice Intermed Qualified Expert Candidate QualifiedTheory 0 - 100 20 30 50 60 100 100Practice 0 - 100 20 30 50 60 60 100Teaching 0 - 100 30 50 70 30 60

Style Awareness 0 - 100   30 30 60 40 100Analysis 0 - 100   10 20 30 40 100Theory 0 - 100 25 50 50 50 50Practice 0 - 100 25 50 50 50 50Teaching 0 - 100 30 50 30Analysis 0 - 100   20 40 30 30Theory 0 - 100 20 30 50 60 50 50Practice 0 - 100 20 30 50 60 50 50Teaching 0 - 100 20 30 50 30Analysis 0 - 100 20 30 50 30 30Theory 0 - 100 20 30 50 60Practice 0 - 100 30 50 60 80Teaching 0 - 100   20 30 50Analysis 0 - 100   20 30Theory 0 - 100 30 50 50Practice 0 - 100 20 50Analysis 0 - 100 20 50

130 400 760 1060 530 780

300 700 1000 1500 750 1000

Directing Techniques

L & MTotal compulsory pointsTotal Points Value Required for Grade Qualification

MUS Judge




CD Grade level Points ReqdSkill Group Sub group

Points Range

Skills and points for levels Matrix

Scheme Management

• A web database will permit candidates to register and maintain their records

• A Forum on Certification will allow input and an FAQ to be developed

• The scheme Administrator will update assessed skills on input from the assessor(s)

• The candidate will have the ability to view their records, edit personal details and add other relevant information such as coaching, membership of HC faculty etc.

• Records will be confidential viewable only by the candidate, the Education & Music Services Director, the Scheme Administrator and members of the CD Steering Group

Scheme Management continued

• Candidates will be responsible for reviewing their own records and applying for grade level qualification

• Records will be go to a Review Board consisting of members of the CD Steering Group.

• On success, a certificate will be awarded and the records annotated

• If the required points level has been achieved, success is guaranteed!

Administration Manager Sue Loughran

Reports to Director of Education and Music Services

The CD Steering group has the following members :

Rhiannon Hall Mike TaylorCherry Hartshorn Neil WatkinsChris Davidson Mike Lofthouse

BABS Chorus Director Certification Scheme

• This presentation and background notes will go on the web site

• Comments and ideas are welcome via the Forum

• Steering team will meet in the spring to finalise points and other details.

• Courses in various areas will be offered from mid 2005

• We hope to go live in August

BABS Chorus Director Certification Scheme

Implementation Plan