Background Romans 12:1-2 serve as a transition from the doctrinal first 11 chapters of letter to the...

Background Romans 12:1-2 serve as a transition from the doctrinal first 11 chapters of letter to the Romans to the remaining 4 chapters In these remaining 4 chapters, Paul spelled out ways the doctrines he spoke about should be demonstrated in our Christian daily lives. We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Transcript of Background Romans 12:1-2 serve as a transition from the doctrinal first 11 chapters of letter to the...


Romans 12:1-2 serve as a transition from the doctrinal first 11 chapters of letter to the Romans to the remaining 4 chapters

In these remaining 4 chapters, Paul spelled out ways the doctrines he spoke about should be demonstrated in our Christian daily lives.

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Living Sacrifices

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Living Sacrifices

Roman artwork depicting slaying of animals as worship offerings

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Living Sacrifices

“1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” (Romans 12:1)

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Living Sacrifices

A unique term because dead sacrifices were the norm

To contrast with the dead sacrifices of the ‘old’ Jewish worship

Christ became our dead sacrifice so that we can have new life to become ‘living sacrifices’.

Living Sacrifices

To be living sacrifices means we are to live sacrificial lives that are dedicated to pleasing God.

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Total Dedicated Worship

“1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” (Romans 12:1)

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Total Dedicated Worship

‘Worship’ in the more general sense – any service done for God.

‘Spiritual act of worship’ – ‘total dedicated worship’ or ‘total dedication in any service we do for God’.

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Total Dedicated Worship


“2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world …” (Romans 12:2)

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Total Dedicated Worship


We must have uncompromising non-conformist stand against worldliness …

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Total Dedicated Worship


We must have uncompromising non-conformist stand against worldliness because it has ideologies that take us away from total dedication towards God.

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Total Dedicated Worship

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Total Dedicated Worship

Renewed Minds

“2… but be transformed by the renewing of your mind …”

Our minds are the center of our attitudes and thoughts towards how we should we live our lives

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Total Dedicated Worship

Renewed Minds

To have a renewed mind for the Christian means to have the ‘mind of Christ’. (1Corinthians 2)

To have the ‘mind of Christ’ means to have a ‘radical’ mind or mindset …

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Total Dedicated Worship

Renewed Minds

To have a renewed mind for the Christian means to have the ‘mind of Christ’. (1Corinthians 2)

To have the ‘mind of Christ’ means to have a ‘radical’ mind or mindset because Jesus was ‘radical’.

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Total Dedicated Worship

Renewed Minds

We need the ‘renewed mind’, the ‘mind of Christ’ to identify clearly what is worldly, and what is godly

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Grasping The Heart Of God’s Will

“2…Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices

Grasping The Heart Of God’s Will

Grasping the heart of God’s Will – appreciate God has a purpose for each one of us in His kingdom, in His church whatever our status.

We Are To Be Living Sacrifices