Background Information on C&T

Celtel Uganda Limited 1 Celtel Uganda Limited


Increasing utilization of HIV Counseling & Testing services - Innovative approaches for Celtel Uganda Ltd. By Pius Kasajja Wakabi – HR Director Celtel Uganda. > 90% of estimated 42 Million PLHA live in resource constrained countries

Transcript of Background Information on C&T

Page 1: Background Information on C&T

Celtel Uganda Limited 1

Celtel Uganda Limited

Page 2: Background Information on C&T

Celtel Uganda Limited 2

Celtel Uganda Limited

Increasing utilization of HIV Counseling & Testing services - Innovative

approaches for Celtel Uganda Ltd. By Pius Kasajja Wakabi – HR Director Celtel Uganda

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Celtel Uganda Limited

Background Information on C&T

• >90% of estimated 42 Million PLHA live in resource constrained countries

• <10% are aware that they are infected

• Hindrance to respond appropriately to the disease

• 2005 UNAIDS estimates 6.7% Prevalence in Uganda

• Implications to the labor market

Background Information on C&T

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Celtel Uganda Limited

Celtel Strategic Approaches To HIV/AIDS

• Clear HIV/AIDS Policy

• Committed Task Force

• Research (KAP Surveys)

• Senior Management Commitment

• Annual Staff Workshops

• Clear direction Pharmaccess

• Support from UBC

• Measure in the Balanced Score Card

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Celtel Uganda Limited

Eases acceptance of sero-status and coping

Facilitates behaviour change

Reduces mother to child transmission

Promotes early management of opportunistic infections and STIs and eligibility for ART

Enables preventive therapy and contraceptive advice

Facilitates referral to social and peer support

Normalizes HIV/AIDS and reduces stigma

Promotes planning for future orphan care and will preparation

Voluntary counseling and Testing


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Celtel Uganda Limited

Proportion that has had sex w ith a paid partner in the past 12 months N=8710%



7% 6%

Male Female Single Divorced Livew ith apartner

Married Total

Males and Singles engage most in paid sex

Number of sexual partners had in the last 3 monthsN=87


13% 13%

8% 8%5%

3% 3%






3% 3%



None 1 2 3 4 5 7 23

SingleLive with a partnerMarried

The married and those who are single indicate higher incidences of having more than one partner at 22% and 40% respectively.

KAP Survey Results

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Celtel Uganda Limited

Proportion who has ever had sex in the last 12 monthsN=87



100% 100% 100%90%

Male Female Single Divorced Live with apartner

Married Total

Proportion that has had sex with a Boyfriend/Girlfriend that they do not live with







Male=33 Female=35 Single=36 Divorced=2 Live w ith apartner=12

Married=18 Total=68

•22% of the married respondents are having extra-marital sex

•Males more sexually active.

•Singles least sexually active.

KAP Survey Results

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Celtel Uganda Limited

Proportion that used a condom the very last time they had sex w ith some one other than their spouse


95% 100%


83% 86%

Male Female Single Divorced Live w itha partner

Married Total

KAP Survey Results

Reasons for not using Condoms



14% 14% 14% 14%


9% 9% 9% 9%

Not available Too expensive Partnerobjected

Don't think ofthem

Didn't think itw as


Male=4 Female=7 Total

On the last occasion when they had casual sex, 14% of the staff did not use a condom.

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Celtel Uganda Limited

Whether ever used a condom versus number of sexual partners in the last 3 months

85% 86% 89%


100% 100% 100%

15% 14% 11%


0% 0% 0%

No partner 1 P artner 2 P artners 3 P artners 4 P artners 5 P artners 7 P artners

Yes No

Some have had three partners yet they have never used a condom meaning they have been exposed to the risk of the virus.

KAP Survey Results

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Celtel Uganda Limited 10

Celtel Uganda Limited

Approaches to C&T since 2004

• Sensitization on VCT Uptake (HIV Hand Book, Workshops, E-mails, Celtel People, meetings, flyers etc)

• Testing for Insurance purposes

• Annual Blood Donation to the Blood Bank

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Celtel Uganda Limited

C&T Approach 2006

• Rejuvenate awareness on VCT & RCT through Workshops (Self, Spouse and House Helpers)

• Guaranteed Confidentiality & Non-discrimination for all

• Sensitize staff on importance of HIV/AIDS data to the company

• Explain the role of staff to this Journey

• Conduct staff VCT at same venue with Workshops

• Anonymous Saliva Testing

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Celtel Uganda Limited

Other Initiatives

• Specialized Medical Care including Doctors Training

• Program Audits

• Monitoring System for compliance

• Sponsoring orphans due to HIV/AIDS (TASO)

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Celtel Uganda Limited

