Back of the Envelop Calculation

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  • 7/31/2019 Back of the Envelop Calculation



  • 7/31/2019 Back of the Envelop Calculation


    Back-of-the-envelope calculation

    Aback-of-the-envelope calculationis a roughcalculation, typically jotted down on any availablescrap of paper such as the actual back of an envelope.

    It is more than a guess but less than anaccurate calculation or mathematical proof.

    Back-of-the-envelope calculation is often associated

    with physicist Enrico Fermi. The most famous instance came during the first atomic bomb test in New Mexico on July 16, 1945. As

    the blast wave reached him, Fermi dropped bits of paper. By measuring the distance they were blown,he could compare to a previously computed table and thus estimate the bomb energy yield. Heestimated 10 kilotons of TNT; the measured result was 18.6.

  • 7/31/2019 Back of the Envelop Calculation


    Back-of-the-envelope calculation

    An informal mathematical computation, oftenperformed on a scrap of paper such as an envelope.

    A back-of-the-envelope calculation uses estimatedand/or rounded numbers to quickly develop aballpark figure.

    The result should be more accurate than a guess,but will be less accurate than a formal calculation

    performed using precise numbers and a spreadsheet orcalculator.

  • 7/31/2019 Back of the Envelop Calculation


    Back-of-the-envelope calculation

    How much water flows out of the Ganges River in aday?'

  • 7/31/2019 Back of the Envelop Calculation


    Case : McDonalds In India, McDonald's is a joint-venture company

    managed by two Indians.

    While Amit Jatia, M.D. Hardcastle Restaurants Pvt.Ltd. owns and spearheads McDonalds in west & southIndia,

    McDonald's restaurants in North & East India are

    owned and managed by Vikram Bakshi's ConnaughtPlaza Restaurants Private Limited.

    What is the yearly turn over and profit ofMcDonalds, Mani Square?

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    Case : McDonalds


    Which factors need to be known before a revenuestream for a restaurant business can be determined?



    3.Price or Average Ticket ( Bill) value

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    Case : McDonalds 1.Capacity :

    For restaurants it is seats capacity per year

    Assuming McD has 50 seats. McDs seating capacity : No. of seats x 360 days

    50 x 360 = 18,000

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    2.Occupancy rates

    Seats occupied

    Occupancy rate = ----------------------- x 100Seats available

    For McD, assume 25 seats will be occupied by guestseach day of the year.

    Occupancy rate = {25/ 50} x 100 = 50%

    So, McD will have an annual seat occupancy rate of50% i.e., 9000 seats per year.

    Calculate utilization

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    Case : McDonalds 1.Capacity : 50

    2.Capacity Utilization : 50% i.e., 9000 seats per year

    3.Price ( Average bill value) : Rs.200 per seat

    4.Annual Revenue : 9000 x 200 = 18,00,000.-

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    Case : McDonalds Cost calculation:

    1. Salary

    2. Raw material cost3. Rent

    4. Electricity, service, maintenance

    5. Depreciation

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  • 7/31/2019 Back of the Envelop Calculation


    Case : McDonalds Cost

    Salary = Rs. 6,00,000

    Raw material cost =Rs.1,80,000

    Rent = Rs.6,00,000

    Electricity, maintenance= Rs.60,000

    Depreciation @ 5% on kitchen equipment, furniture,

    valued at Rs.25 lacs = Rs.1,25,000 Total cost = Rs. 15,65,000.

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    Case : McDonalds Profit

    Annual Revenue : 9000 x 200 = Rs. 18,00,000.-

    Expected take away revenue Rs. 5,00,000.- Total revenue Rs. 23,00,000

    Total cost Rs. 15,65,000.-

    Gross Profit Rs. 7,35,000.-

    Income tax @ 30 % Rs,2,20,500.-

    Net profit Rs. 5,14,500.

    ROI: Net Profit / Investment = (5,14,500 / 25,00,000 )

    x100 = 20 %

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