
download B16_M2_G1_072114

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Transcript of B16_M2_G1_072114

  • 7/25/2019 B16_M2_G1_072114


    1. Aguilar: Which of the following is not a risk factor for developing diabetic retinopathy?

    A. Ethnicity***

    B. Duration of diabetes

    C. Severity of hyperglycemia

    D. Presence of renal disease

    2. Gregore:


    3. Mangente: The most common cause of blurring of vision in advancing diabetic patients:

    A. Diabetic cataract

    B. Macular edema***

    C. Error of refraction

    D. Optical....

    4. Tadlas: The most common type of retinal detachment seen in diabetic retinopathy:

    A. Exudative

    B. Rhegmatogenous

    C. Tractional***

    D. Mixed

    5. Alcanzo:


    6. Castaeda: Which of the following will not require vitrectomy in a diabetic patient?

    A. Vitreous hemorrhage for 6 months

    B. Tractional retinal detachment

    C. Very severe NPDR*** not sure

    D. Fibrovascular proliferation

    7. Dizor: Which is not true of Grave's Disease

    A. Autoimmune Disease

    B. May be hyperthyroid, euthyroid, or hypothyroid

    C. Exophthalmos common

    D. Self-limiting

    8. Gabor: Most important factor in acceleration of renal failure in diabetes:

    A. Albuminuria

    B. Persistent decline in GFR

    C. Hypertension***D. Poor glycemic control

  • 7/25/2019 B16_M2_G1_072114


    9. Robino: What is the most critical factor in managing patients in micoalbuminemic stage?

    A. Tight glycemic control***

    B. Protein restriction

    C. ACE Inhibitors

    D. AOTA

    10. Tantia: The following are TRUE about DKA, EXCEPT:

    A. Insulin deficiency leads to conversion of amino acids to glucose

    B. Increase in corticosteroids, catecholamines, glucagon and GH in response to stress

    C. Low insulin:glucagon ratio promotes increase in ketones and glucose

    D. Increased peripheral utilization of glucose and ketones***