B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. http://government.mrdonn.org/banner_bill_of_rights.gif >

Transcript of B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

Page 1: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

B. The First Ten Amendments

“Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. http://government.mrdonn.org/banner_bill_of_rights.gif>

Page 2: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

XIII. The Bill of Rights - Amendments 1-10

The writers of the Constitution did not think it was necessary to list the individual rights of the people.

1. Most state constitutions contained a list of rights.

2. Several states would ratify the Constitution only if a bill of rights was added.

Page 3: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

1. Amendment 1 - Religious & Political Freedoms

a. Freedom of religious worship, no

state religion

Religious Symbols.” art. Wikipedia Commons. 11 Sept. 2008. 22 Dec. 2008. <www.commons.wkipedia.org/wiki/image:Religious_symbols.pgn>

Christianity Islam Judaism

Buddhism Taoism

Page 4: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

1. Amendment 1 - Religious & Political Freedoms

b. Freedom of speech

c. Freedom of the press

“Newspaper.” art. Colorado State University. 12 June 2008. 22 Dec. 2008. <http://www.lib.colostate.edu/research/newspaper/>

Page 5: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

1. Amendment 1 - Religious & Political Freedoms

d. Right to assemble

e. Right to petition

the government

Zina, Dina. “Protestors.” photo. Washblog. 21 March 2008.

22 Dec. 2008. <www.washblog.com/story/2008/3/21/195724/9207>

Page 6: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

2. Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms

“Duck hunters.” photo. SC Dept. of Natural Resources. 5 Dec. 2005. 22 Dec. 2008. <www.dnrsc.gov>

Page 7: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

3. Amendment 3 - Quartering of Soldiers

a. In peace, no soldier shall live in another person’s house unless that person allows it

“Barracks, soldiers.” graphics. Clipart.com. 22 Dec. 2008. <http://.schools.clipart.com>

Page 8: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

4. Amendment 4 - Search & Seizure

a. Authorities must obtain a search warrant before searches or seizure of a person’s property can take place

b. This guarantees a person’s right to privacy

“Warrant.” cartoon. Dallas.org. 22 Dec. 2008. <www.dallas.org/node/108>

Page 9: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

5. Amendment 5 - Rights of the Accused

a. A person accused of a serious crime must be indicted by a grand jury

b. A person cannot be tried for the same crime twice by the same government (double jeopardy)

“Jury.” graphic. Clipart.com. 23 Dec. 2008. <http://schools.clipart.com>

Page 10: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

5. Amendment 5 - Rights of the Accused

c. A person does not have to testify against himself/herself

d. The federal government cannot take away a person’s life, freedom, or property without due process of law

“Arrest.” graphic. Clipart.com. 23 Dec. 2008. <http://schools.clipart.com>

Page 11: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

5. Amendment 5 - Rights of the Accused

e. The government cannot take private property without paying a fair price

“House.” graphic. Clipart.com. 23 Dec. 2008. <http://schools.clipart.com>

Page 12: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

6. Amendment 6 - Additional Rights in Court

a. Trials must be speedy and public

b. The accused has the right to a trial by jury

“Jury.” graphic. Clipart.com. 22 Dec. 2008. <http://schools.clipart.com>

Page 13: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

6. Amendment 6 - Additional Rights in Court

c. Accused must be told of all charges against him/her

d. Right to call witnesses

“Witness.” graphic. Clipart.com. 22 Dec. 2008. <http://schools.clipart.com>

Page 14: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

6. Amendment 6 - Additional Rights in Court

e. Right to a lawyer

“Lawyer.” graphic. Clipart.com. 22 Dec. 2008. <http://schools.clipart.com>

Page 15: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

7. Amendment 7 - Right to a Trial by Jury in Federal Civil Cases

“Jury.” cartoon. Concurringopinioins.com. 4 Nov. 2005. 24 Dec. 2008. <www.concurringopinions.com/archives/jury.bmp>

Page 16: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

8. Amendment 8 - Bail and Punishment

a. No excessive bail or fines

“Punishment.” graphic. Clipart.com. 22 Dec. 2008. <http://schools.clipart.com>

b. No cruel or unusual punishment

Page 17: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

9. Amendment 9 - Rights of the People

a. People have many rights; some are listed in the Constitution, some are not.

b. People remain the source of power in the U.S.

You have the right to a k-12 education.

People have the right to look for a job.

“Help wanted” and “student.” graphics. Clipart.com. 23 Dec. 2008. <http://schools.clipart.com>

Page 18: B. The First Ten Amendments “Banner.” graphic. MrDonn.org. 23 Dec. 2008. .

10. Amendment 10 - Rights of the States and the People a. All powers not given to the United States by the Constitution are given to the people or the states.

States set speed limits and laws concerning marriage.

“Speed Limit” and “Couple”. Graphics. Clipart.com. 23 Dec. 2008. <http://schools.clipart.com>