B l111 ¦¦ — I M 1 li - NYS Historic...

The following students received awards at the Awards Assembly at the South Ocean Avenue Middle School in Pat- chogue on Friday, June 22: South Ocean Faculty Award : Mary Kate Adams and Anthony Dauito ; South Ocean O.P.T. Award ' Michellp O'Connor and Rif»V»OT"H Tlllion* Mir**!- riro/lQ *V.V^..k«*V* Vl«*«U** , l.llllll \^|.l* V*V~ Faculty Award : Danielle Hansen and Barry Greco; Rotary Award: Dawn Kane , Lions Club Award - Kevin Allen ; American Legion Award : Lillian Villafane and Rolf Rebrnann ; American Legion Auxiliary : John Bullard ; Veterans oi Foieign Wars ' Penny Wentisch and Fred Milano ; Sons of the American Revolution , maiie Aguirre and Robert Archard ; Medford P T A Karhv Rein pnH Win Mariella , Bay Avenue P.T.A.; Anaida Rivera and William Poulos : River Avenue P.T.A.: rppyv i i:\riir\ n ;inn ¦ . ursr. *; OOJ ~ o --— Troche , South Ocean School' s Humanitarian Award : Brenda Velez and Carol Collinson ; Ruth Goouaie Award . Lee Redveniy ; Athletic Scholarshi p Awards: Janet Jiminez and Edward Ellis ; inn r»i^r r»onl in TWTal- n Ror/onfc ¦ * . \j \j L.*^* vu*.«. ... *.***b*. A «>v^n^.*a \.±j . Marc Silberbusch , Perry Mohnoff , Thomas Pannuiio ; Perfec t Attendance Awards - Sheri Van Ginhoven , Roberta Luke , David Haase , John Iavarone , Christopher Romeo , Peter Buompastore , Louis Cuccerese , Albert Nesi , Jorge Amadeo , Keith Graniello , Iris Ocasio , Kevin Rice , Ann Marie Llanes , Walter Wendling, John Thomson , Maria An tenia Balestra , Noreen Boyle , Anna no~~l~ Mi —mr r'V.^c'.K—r. pMlan v^aiiaiC, iicLii^y \^n\ *i3 ^wk -j , *-n*v,.i Cohen , Joseph DiStefano , Sylvia Feldman , Brent Green , An- toinette Ricca , Sandy Mason , Lisa Mischo , Bridget Cassese . Catherine Deweiler , Karen Ann Fagan , Martin Hahn , Louis Llanes , Debra Dayton , Steven Behler , Cindy Ettore , Sharon T _ ~ n/r«-.:~~l C ? » « l~ - . n idvdiuuc , men labi aaiuana , Jeffrey Mason , Michelle Ochlan , Peter Poulos , Cynthia Steve , Thomas DiStefano , Sandra KVionH Ri^harH Julian Kvlf> * * *w .* ~ , ~_ V ...~-%~ V -, ~~J McKibben , Sharon Meyer , Fred Miiano , Rolf Rebrnann , William Poulos ; Yearbook Awards : Anthony Dauito , Susan Aglio . Carol n^ii; —c- #* - Rolf Rebrnann William Poulos , Barry Greco , Kevin Allen and Dawn Kane ; Golden Hammer Award : Ricky Samtindsen ; Suffolk Coun ty Math Contest , on grade 7 level Jack r , .n»« r. r.ti4n w»l -- - s*r\A firrf i r* t\t£\ vji«-i ¦ npiitv. i j»* _»\- *-»- i » - -- >^» - -*» -»*_ school and third in the district while Jonathan Tichler was second and Janine Sherman r\\n s\s\A in fV»rt fV.iT*r? nncitinn r \f Iho fc>At-*_ - 111 Lit. L-a" - v_ j^ _ --_ -V- _--i _>* ___ school ; on grade 8 level Michael Canavan placed first in the school and first in the district. There was a three-way tie for second UClWCCii ivaiul *. ag—ii , iimi uii Tlohn onrl Mar/- Porrv Qn lh*> A *IA..** ** l.V* *IAU* ^- ^* * ,/ " N^.. v-- v ninth Tade level , Stephen Safranek was first in both the school and district with Kenneth Mead second tied with Marc Silberbusch. The tenth grade winners were Richard Petersen who placed first and third in the school and district respectively, followed by Anthony Dauito in cr\r.f \nA inrl F £ux Rurlirpnlv in JUCU11U C**l— *^*^** **¦*. — . _ »* * ^ *** third. Long Island Math Fair Awards: Perry Molinoff , Jonathan Tifr>.pr _ .lames Sigismonti ; Ninth Grade Math League: Lorraine Marasco , Lee Redvanly , Kicnard Petersen , Charles Chesbro, Anne Made*! , Carolyn Curley and Marc Silverbusch : Achievement Awards : Boys P.E., David Goldfarb ; Girls P.E., Janet Jiminez ; Girls High Achievement in P.E., Lee Redvanly ; Integrated Math , Mi/ihollQ nT- .n-nr - 1W-.H- QQ iniviivu ^ _s '<_ 'VS- ---V- i 1I1.U III - , 'V.i , Rachel Bailey ; Math 9X , Margaret Darling, Math (Geometry ) , Anne Madell ; General Science , Kathy Rein ; Earth Science Regents . Robert Archard ; Social Studi es , Anthony Dauito ; English , Anthony Dauito ; Home Ec. Cooking, Michelle O'Connor ; Home Ec. Sewing, Anaida Rivera ; Home Ec. Overall Excellence , Anaida Rivera ; I.A. Metal , James » atC Y , x l cu^n. vjali i Cllcib , bpanish , Liliiam vmaiane; Business , Gail Petters ; Typing, Anne Madel l , Studio in Art , Kris Wassmer and Anth ony Dauito ; Top 10 per cent Awards : 8th grade : Joanne Canaie , Lori Craig, Penny Davis , Debra Dflvlnn Parhv Dpfu/Pilor Pmd" J , -. .J . *...W~. V *, V^*..V.J Ettore , Kim Featherstone , Thea Ann Goodenough , Patty Hatfield , Snaron iavarone , Kenneth Mead , Debra Merrill , Perry Molinoff , Thomas Pannuuo , Peter Pouios , James Reese , Steve Safranek , Marc Silverbusch , John Staab , Patricia Sweeney, David Un- derwood and John Vernillo , 7th grade Deborah Archard , Anne Biscay, Terrill Bonderoff , Bartosz Chilicki , Sylvia Feld- man , Pam Geher , Jack Giarraptuo , Keith Harrison , Tammy Johnson , Alexandra I ,.-,.,„., Tn.n T ,.„„ I ¦Mfi U_ * -rc:iiiiuu , xaia uuv.a , JUIOCI ivnacnu , Michael Munford , Jacqueline Murphy, Antoinette Ricca , Janine Sherman , Kimberiy Smith , Lauren Stuii , Jonathan Tichler , Wendy Vallillo , Amy- Walter and Wanda Wilson ; 6th grade : Annette Aguirre , Jessica Beedy, Robert DeRosa. Kim- beriy Ettore , Kathleen Fleece , Robin Geller , Kelly Nolan , Deborah Oellrich , Regina O'Neill , Deborah Pretakiewicz , Lisa Rignoia , Juiie Silberbusch , Simon e Simon , Stephanie Smith , Matthew Trypuc , Pamela n\pm- , JOUI \v _nn,b^enueill , Michael Vunk and Gwen Wilson : Top 10 per cent grade 9 in order of rank : Gail Petters , Anthony Dauito , Carolyn Curley , Anne Madell , William Poulos , Lee Redvanly, Robert Archard , Mary Kate Adams , Lorraine Marasco , John Bullard , Richard Petersen , Richard Sloane , Lilliam Villafane , Shaun Snee , Michelle O'Connor . Rol f Reb- manni , Rainer Homba ch , John Mariella , Anaida Rivera , Beth Hammerschmidt , Kim Froeschl and Margaret Darling. £* ___ - J .__ =__ ____ ____ . __ __, =__ =_ __ ___ ___ __ _ ___ _ __ - __ ._______J __ ^TU€S €? _11^ rt?£* £?IY£? &p3_?£*SUS U¥¥U9B&£ & _ _H_ tf* _ ^^ _ _ _. 4— _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _»>, _. _ _ ff^_ r ^__ "" _ _ iru -in __ «;£-?a S i£3 _ ^ ___ §rfi__ _ *" _ " _ _n_ _ "" _ ^yr %w S $&^ «& v ' 5 -«_ ? r 'V^ «m3 S S _ •" _ v V3 E ^_ 7 ^ w- ^™» ^*- H -^_ * = = = , 5_? S 5 ^ Shoe Repairs - »—"""" ——"^^"—i'-'——^ I nr- Ki-n-i SHOE I imt B_ B KH8 RCPAIRING I RFPAIRING WHILE YOU WAIT \ OR THOPEDir WORK " ! Ask For BILL ' | _7?.Q^17 S R 9 A 6 ^'^' : Ra I .._v^*x.# BA /PORT i ' ll-IMI— II IMB ^^HV^H-n.BaWH ^BiH ^BHBaHK.MV e <T > VI \^ r\matt>to I C3AI VJGI VI_G i E _. _ 5 fr^. *? 9 - - 9 1 _P^_ i Has- Elm I 286-9012 I ! ! S c=—_k. r\ r—w_. I—K. S I ^ _ ¦ / \ \ W 1 I I LJ A\,i4 lJ | 1 745 A I I /vioniauk Hi g hway I Bellporf j Swimming Pools ! Gerald Palermo , Snc, I mm SWIAA AAING | ^fllS POOLS 1 ^ fl- a. jB CAI _C* or- »- .a ..^ I 1/ BB &SBB ""-- -- -> " ocriVlt-t j ll t^ " " __. PARTS - " {__}) l\/jAIMTC«l««m>- I j / \ "'""« > I U A A IV _C 1 \^^SST \ Bar-B-Qur G' as Gnlh I ^ ^^&T \ WooJ Durninn I yt 1 /• i n 'p l a t es [/ /\ I 286-2189 I 1460 MONTAUK HIGHWAY ! -AST PATCHOGUE | W rt E*e^rt _g_B£=J li p»f_3_ -*^w _»_«- i ui Mo r^__ui_.idii S Christel Yarns I I 'mip ^vl ^' ' ' ' " / ' ' ' - «w/ l^l'/y"I M f. I r\ i t r* r> \ i i <llf\lt i 8 ' .... . .^t . iv/ l KI I V 11/1 1 I . ' . i v^ l ¦ For I mDorted _ Domestic Yart« I | Needlepoint - Tapestries I | Crewel-Punched & Hooked Rugs I Ho me Knitting Machines I [ Cust om Framing & Pillows 305 Waverly Ave. Patchogue 289-6840 ¦^oaxmi^Hi*3HBHa ^Mtan* * -BM«mMi *anHB(aar T If _' <-iiTi»atr. rt I V OCI VIOC fiFORfiF^ ~ L ° _ . I «iawi<<M H acnViut , mc GEORGE'STV SERVICE COLOR SPtoiALiST j BLACK _ WHITf. RECONDITIONED T.V. 'S 5 & MiTarui P?-!*' r" /"fc ¦ S* AUTHOR I ZE DTER VICE ON S I SONY ZENITH RCA I MAGNAVOX c QUASAR ! IeSYLVANIA s TOSHIBA I © SHARP e FISHER B WE SERVICE ALL MAKES j j 475-0834 589-3370 j I '~ 8 (continued, f rom p age 2d) at least one ribbon in the field of competition. Library Awards went to' Melissa Anastasi , Sabma Corwin , Daniel DeSantis , Laura Ed- wards , David Garutti , Robert Goad. Robert MacLacnian , Andrew Maresca , Linda Mitrani , Judy Redman , Linda Schneider . Sixth Grade graduates in- cluded ' Melissa Anastasi , Sabma Corwin , Daniel DeSantis , Laura Edwards , David Garutti , Robert Goad , Robert MacLacnian , Andrc\. ' - ' M^res;'^ , Liiu.a lvntrarii. Judy Redman , Linda Schneider . M o¥ing-up Day END OF A RUN , BEGINNING OF A JOURNEY - Members of the Suffolk Heart 100-Mile Cyclethon relax with smiles of victory upon their faces after having just completed a bike run from Lindenhurst to Heather Hills State Park , Montauk. Shown , left to right are: kneeling - Debra Johnsen. Todd Miirtha- siandin<* - Arthur Johnsen. Suffolk Count" PdHee Safetv L' p-t I Joanne DeLise , co-chairman , Teresa Esposito, and Maurice Grosso. The torch will be passed t\¥\ if \ V*CC^ll U«.n».4 Ac it rtn*^.. .in « A . ..*** «... ** *,-.«..». Hf 17 1- £* *_*- * * * _ - *_ _ 1 ** ¦ I «.. »« l^_f>o>__ > MW _. v _o •«. au>. »a un juuiucj dCi ma . - cw lui n ^»ldve tu lib eVtJUWJHi Iinai destination at Lake Placid this September. (Commemorating New York State ' s hosting of the 1980 Ol ympics , the American Heart Association is staging a Great Heart Relay to help promote p I - M.^. »vx, t4^ _v« v,._ _ vut cao a -avM/j Ul JliailJMlllJlJ g <a _i6<- _lJ_y licdFi*, 2.EGAL ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE FOR INSPECTION OF PRIVATE FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT Estate of EUGENIE A. T. SMITH , Deceased George C. Furman and George H. Furman II , Trustees TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Report of the Estate of Eugenie A. T. Smith , Testamentary Trust , a private foundation , for the period ending February 28 , 1979 is available for inspection at the Offices of its attorney . George C Furman , at No. 10 South Ocean Avenue , Patchogue , New York , during regular business hours , by any citizen who requests it within 180 days after the date of this public notice. The address of the private foundation is No. 10 South Ocean Avenue , Patchogue , New York , and the name of the princi pal manager is George C. Furman. Adv , 9855 , 7-5. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bids will be received , publicly opened and read aloud by the Director of Purchase of the Town of Brookhaven , Patchogue , New York , for the following item on the date as indicated at 11 '00 a.m Oh.1 Duwi itCuuvuixiruo July 13. 1979 Tubing & Meter Attachments July 13, 1979 The Director of Purchase reserves the right to reject and declare invalid any or all bids in the bes t interest of the Town . Definite specifications may be obtained at the office of the Director of Purchase. R. Sinkiewicz Director of Purchase Town of Brookhaven Adv., 9853 , 7-5. (continued fro m page 30) •nrr , —.^ 1 ,^ Tfj wnQ/>A Tonya Rorrfcr iT*c_ljCxC ~~**i*x-v , **-.iJ *~ _¦«*_— , Tina Sepe, Lucretia Bikerton , Kim Remsen , Jeanne Strumezzi , Stacy Thomas , Christine Moeller , Kim Engel , Stacy Porcaro . Suzie Nocifaro , Michele Bufano , Cathy Benkert , Donya Rose , Grace Tallon , Pam Kelly, Monica Dorr , Lauren Rowland , Tara Nicostri, Debbie Ekert , Vivian Morgan , Amber Hansen , Jennifer Win- dham , Candy Cieslak , Joy Joy Rabadam . Donna Lackner , Jackie oeibert , IVxin *Giing rvim , Jo Jo Noszko , Marni Harris , Heidi Pilecki , Jennifer Smith , LVQu.r o—>;*v. _ott; TVT ^.^ r./.. » ,ni.4 xa.\^** T t^/**«*c** ,* **bv* i**_.^ X/U..V.... , Vicki Cunningham and Jennifer Masiello. Special Achievemen t Trophies were presented to two very happy young dancers , 10th year student Robin Hussey and 7th year student Daniell e Tache. Patti Smith , a 14th year student , will be sorely missed by her classmates and Dolores and Jimmy Kocco. In the fall Patti will attend the Eorlroloi? r^lprorp -^n *' ^'"•h'^-ol f"»* . __-— -v.'j -iul viii-ti v vJ' - .iivrOi ivs_ tashion , merchandising and marketing. Rocco recital Wheel Alignment I B_f _P_. EP* _Ri _9-Sk ee_a a _=*. i__i€ p xi_l- ' "K fcg* ¦ -i .«i. v vi k *# j_^sL I . WHEEL l _g^t> ! ALIGNMENT baaim- l Specializing in Wheel A lignmen t BALANCING FOREIGN CAR SERVICE ! ' """' TRviCr\ 5 N.Y . State Inspection Station I 286-3330 j 1 184 Montauk Hwy., E. Patchogue I ( lust East Of Orchard Rd.j B l"111 ¦ ¦" Video Tape Recorder Rpnairs —i— -• S AUTHORIZED SERVICE s _ _ Ori I Suny v t oshi ba _enitn Quasar Philco * Sylvama VIDEO TAPE RECORDERS Call 475 0S34 or 583-3370 QFnpnc'c Color *- "-wiiuL j r* ¦ Service , Inc. ¦ 42 Academy St. Patchogue R !5u _3iJN_ L_ hD 13IRECT0RY l\ Rp Rlirp Ynu .Qau "I Qoim V-,.*. AJ I - M .ww v-uw - uu.e I UUI nil III LJ THE ADVANCE"

Transcript of B l111 ¦¦ — I M 1 li - NYS Historic...

The fol lowing studentsreceived awards at the AwardsAssembly at the South OceanAvenue Middle School in Pat-chogue on Friday, June 22:

South Ocean Faculty Award :Mary Kate Adams and AnthonyDauito ; South Ocean O.P.T.Award ' Michellp O'Connor andRif»V»OT"H Tll l ion* Mir**!- riro/lQ*V . V ^. . k « * V* V l «*« U* * , l . l l l l l l \^| . l*V*V~

Faculty Award : Danielle Hansenand Barry Greco; RotaryAward: Dawn Kane , Lions ClubAward - Kevin Allen ; AmericanLegion Award : Lillian Villafaneand Rolf Rebrnann ; AmericanLegion Auxiliary : John Bullard ;Veterans oi Foieign Wars 'Penny Wentisch and FredMilano ; Sons of the AmericanRevolution , maiie Aguirre andRobert Archard ; MedfordP T A • K a r h v Rein pnH Win

Mariella , Bay Avenue P.T.A.;Anaida Rivera and WilliamPoulos : River Avenue P.T.A.:rppyv i i : \ r i i r \ n ;inn ¦. ursr.*;O O J ~ o - - — Troche , South Ocean School'sHumanitarian Award : BrendaVelez and Carol Collinson ; RuthGoouaie Award . Lee Redveniy ;Athle t ic Scholarshi p Awards:Janet Jiminez and Edward Ellis ;inn r»i r r»onl in TWTal- n Ror/onfc ¦*. \j \j L.*^* vu*.« . ... *.***b*. A «>v^n^.*a \.±j .

Marc Silberbusch , PerryMohnoff , Thomas Pannuiio ;

Perfec t Attendance Awards -Sheri Van Ginhoven , RobertaLuke , David Haase , JohnIavarone , Christopher Romeo,Peter Buompastore , LouisCuccerese , Albert Nesi , JorgeAmadeo , Keith Graniello , IrisOcasio , Kevin Rice , Ann MarieLlanes , Walter Wendling, JohnThomson , Maria An teniaBalestra , Noreen Boyle , Anna

n o~ ~l~ Mi — m r r'V.^c'.K—r. pMlanv^aiiaiC, i i c L i i y \ n\*i3 wk -j , *-n*v,.i

Cohen , Joseph DiStefano, SylviaFeldman , Brent Green , An-toinette Ricca , Sandy Mason ,Lisa Mischo , Bridget Cassese.Catherine Deweiler , Karen AnnFagan , Martin Hahn , LouisLlanes , Debra Dayton , StevenBehler , Cindy Ettore , SharonT _ ~ n/r«-.:~~l C?»«l~-.ni d v d i u u c, men labi aaiuana ,Jeffrey Mason , Michelle Ochlan ,Peter Poulos , Cynthia Steve ,Thomas DiStefano , SandraKVionH Ri^harH Julian Kvlf>* * *w .* ~ , ~_ V...~-%~ V - , ~~J —

McKibben , Sharon Meyer , FredMiiano , Rolf Rebrnann , WilliamPoulos ;

Yearbook Awards : AnthonyDauito , Susan Aglio . Caroln^ii ; — c - #*- Rolf RebrnannWilliam Poulos , Barry Greco ,Kevin Allen and Dawn Kane ;Golden Hammer Award : RickySamtindsen ; Suffolk Coun ty MathContest , on grade 7 level Jackr, .n»«r. r . t i4n w»l --- s*r\A f i rr f i r* t \ t£\vj i«- i ¦ npiitv.i j» * _»\- *-»-i » - -- > » - -*» -»*_ •

school and third in the districtwhile Jonathan Tichler wassecond and Janine Shermanr\\n s\s\A in fV»rt fV.iT*r? nnc i t inn r \f Ihofc>At-*_ —- _» 111 Lit. L-a" - v_ j^ _--_ -V - _--i _>* _ _ _ —

school ; on grade 8 level MichaelCanavan placed first in the schooland first in the district. Therewas a three-way tie for secondUClWCCii ivaiul *. ag—ii , iimi uiiTlohn onrl Mar/- Porrv Qn lh*>A *IA..** ** l.V* *IAU* - *¦ * * ,/ " N^.. v-- v

ninth Tade level , StephenSafranek was first in both theschool and district with KennethMead second tied with MarcSilberbusch. The tenth gradewinners were Richard Petersenwho placed first and third in theschool and district respectively,followed by Anthony Dauito incr\r.f \nA inrl F £ux Rurlirpnlv inJUCU11U C**l— *^*^** * *¦* . — . _ »* *


third. Long Island Math FairAwards: Perry Molinoff ,Jonathan Tifr> .p r _ .lamesSigismonti ; Ninth Grade MathLeague: Lorraine Marasco , LeeRedvanly , Kicnard Petersen ,Charles Chesbro, Anne Made*!,Carolyn Curley and MarcSilverbusch :

Achievement Awards : BoysP.E., David Goldfarb ; GirlsP.E., Janet Jiminez ; Girls HighAchievement in P.E., LeeRedvanly ; Integrated Math ,Mi/ihollQ nT-.n-nr - 1W-.H- QQi n i v i i v u _s '<_'VS- - - -V- i 1I1.U I I I -, 'V.i ,

Rachel Bailey ; Math 9X ,Margaret Darling, Math(Geometry ) , Anne Madell ;General Science , Kathy Rein ;

Earth Science Regents . RobertArchard ; Social Studies, AnthonyDauito ; English , AnthonyDauito ; Home Ec. Cooking,Michelle O'Connor ; Home Ec.Sewing, Anaida Rivera ; HomeEc. Overall Excellence , AnaidaRivera ; I.A. Metal , James» atC Y , x l cu^n. vjali i Cllcib ,bpanish , Lili iam vmaiane ;Business , Gail Petters ; Typing,Anne Madel l , Studio in Art , KrisWassmer and Anth ony Dauito ;

Top 10 per cent Awards : 8thgrade : Joanne Canaie , LoriCraig, Penny Davis , DebraDflvlnn Parhv Dpfu/Pilor Pmd"J , -. .J . * . . . W ~ . V* , V^*..V.J

Ettore , Kim Featherstone , TheaAnn Goodenough , Patty Hatfield ,Snaron iavarone , Kenneth Mead ,Debra Merrill , Perry Molinoff ,Thomas Pannuuo , Peter Pouios ,James Reese , Steve Safranek ,Marc Silverbusch , John Staab ,Patricia Sweeney, David Un-derwood and John Vernillo , 7thgrade Deborah Archard , AnneBiscay, Terrill Bonderoff ,Bartosz Chilicki , Sylvia Feld-man , Pam Geher , JackGiarraptuo , Keith Harrison ,Tammy Johnson , AlexandraI ,.-,.,„., Tn.n T ,.„„ I ¦Mfi U_*-rc:iiiiuu , x a i a uuv.a , JUIOCI ivnacnu ,Michael Munford , JacquelineMurphy, Antoinet te Ricca ,Janine Sherman , KimberiySmith , Lauren Stuii , JonathanTichler , Wendy Vallillo , Amy-Walter and Wanda Wilson ; 6thgrade : Annette Aguirre , JessicaBeedy, Robert DeRosa. Kim-beriy Ettore , Kathleen Fleece,Robin Geller , Kelly Nolan ,Deborah Oellrich , ReginaO'Neill , Deborah Pretakiewicz ,Lisa Rignoia , Juiie Silberbusch ,Simone Simon , Stephanie Smith ,Matthew Trypuc , Pamelan\pm- , JOUI \v _nn,b^enueill,Michael Vunk and Gwen Wilson :

Top 10 per cent grade 9 in orderof rank : Gail Petters , AnthonyDauito , Carolyn Curley , AnneMadell , William Poulos , LeeRedvanly, Robert Archard ,Mary Kate Adams , LorraineMarasco , John Bullard , RichardPetersen , Richard Sloane ,Lilliam Villafane , Shaun Snee ,Michelle O'Connor . Rol f Reb-manni , Rainer Homba ch , JohnMariella , Anaida Rivera , BethHammerschmidt , Kim Froeschland Margaret Darling.

£*___ - J .__ =__ ____ ____ .__ __, •=__ =_ __ ___ ___ __ _ ___ _ __- _ _ . _ _ _ ____J __^TU€S€?_11^ rt?£* £?IY£? &p3_?£*SUS U¥¥U9B&£ &

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w- ^™» *- H - _* = = = ,5_? S 5 ^

Shoe Repairs-»—"""" ——"^ "—i'-'——I nr- Ki-n-i SHOE I

imt B_ B KH8 R C P A I R I N G IR F P A I R I N G W H I L E Y O U W A I T \


A s k For B I L L ' |

_ 7? .Q^ 17 SR9A6^'^': Ra I. . _ v ^ * x . # BA / P O R T i

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e <T> VI \ r\matt>toI C3AI VJGI VI_ G

i E _. _ 5 fr . *?9 --9 1_P^_ i ™ Has- Elm I

286-9012 I! !S c=—_k. r\ r—w_. I—K. SI ^ _¦

/ \ \ W 1 II LJ A\,i4lJ| 1745 A I


/vioniauk Highway IBellporf j

Swimming Pools

! Gerald Palermo, Snc,I mm SWIAAAAING| fllS POOLS1 ^fl-a. j B C A I _C* or- »-.a ..^ I1/ BB&SBB ""-- ---> " ocriVlt-t jll t " " __. PARTS - "{__}) *¦ l\ / jAIMTC«l««m>- Ij / \ "'""« > — IUAAIV _ C1

\ ^SST \ Bar-B-Qur G'as Gnlh

I ^ ^ &T \ WooJ Durninn

I yt 1 /• in 'plat es

[/ /\ I 286-2189I 1460 MONTAUK HIGHWAY! -AST PATCHOGUE |

W rt E*e^rt _g _ B £ =J lip» f_ 3_ -*^w_»_«-i ui Mo r ^_ _ u i_ . i d i i

S Christel Yarns II 'm i p vl ^' ' ' ' " / ' ' ' -

«w / l ^l ' / y " I M f . I r\ i t r* r> \ i i < l l f \ l t i


' . . . . . . t . i v / l KI I V 11/1 1 I . ' . i v^ l ¦

For ImDorted _ Domestic Yart« I| Needlepoint - Tapestries I| Crewel-Punched & Hooked RugsI Ho me Knitting Machines I


Cust om Framing & Pillows305 Waverly Ave.

Patchogue 289-6840

¦ oaxmi^Hi*3HBHa ^Mtan**-BM«mMi*anHB(aar

T If _'<-iiTi»atr.rtI V OCI VIOC

fiFORfiF^ ~L°_. I«iawi<<M H *» acnViut , mcGEORGE'STV SERVICE


j BLACK _ WHITf.!« RECONDITIONED T.V.'S5 & MiTarui P?-!*' r" /"fc ¦



j 475-0834 589-3370 j

I ' ~ 8

(continued , f rom p age 2d )at least one ribbon in the field ofcompetition.

Library Awards went to 'Melissa Anastasi , Sabma Corwin ,Daniel DeSantis , Laura Ed-wards , David Garutti , RobertGoad . Robert MacLacnian ,Andrew Maresca , Linda Mitrani ,Judy Redman , Linda Schneider .

Sixth Grade graduates in-cluded ' Melissa Anastasi , SabmaCorwin , Daniel DeSantis , LauraEdwards , David Garutti , RobertGoad , Robert MacLacnian ,Andrc\.'-' M^res ;'^ , Liiu.a lvntrarii.Judy Redman , Linda Schneider.

Mo¥ing-up Day

END OF A RUN , BEGINNING OF A JOURNEY - Members of the Suffolk Heart 100-MileCyclethon relax with smiles of victory upon their faces after having just completed a bike runfrom Lindenhurst to Heather Hills State Park , Montauk. Shown, left to right are: kneeling -Debra Johnsen. Todd Miirtha- siandin<* - Arthur Johnsen. Suffolk Count" PdHee Safetv L'p-t

I Joanne DeLise, co-chairman, Teresa Esposito, and Maurice Grosso. The torch will be passedt\¥\ if \ V*CC^ll U«.n».4 A c i t rtn*^. .

.in « A. ..*** «... ** *,-.«..». Hf 17 1- £**_ * - * * * _ - *_ _ 1 ** ¦


«.. »« l ^_ f>o> __ > MW _. v _o •«. au>. »a un juuiucj dCi ma .-cw lui n ^»ldve tu lib eVtJUWJHi Iinaidestination at Lake Placid this September. (Commemorating New York State 's hosting of the1980 Olympics , the American Heart Association is staging a Great Heart Relay to help promote

p I- M . . »vx,t4^ _v« v,._ _-« vut cao a -avM/j Ul JliailJMlllJlJ g <a _i6<-_lJ_y licdFi*,




EUGENIE A. T. SMITH ,DeceasedGeorge C. Furman and George H.Furman II , TrusteesTAKE NOTICE that the AnnualReport of the Estate of EugenieA. T. Smith , Testamentary Trust ,a private foundation , for theperiod ending February 28, 1979is available for inspection at theOffices of its attorney . GeorgeC Furman, at No. 10 South OceanAvenue , Patchogue , New York ,during regular business hours , byany citizen who requests it within180 days after the date of thispublic notice. The address of theprivate foundation is No. 10 SouthOcean Avenue, Patchogue , NewYork , and the name of theprinci pal manager is George C.Furman.Adv , 9855, 7-5.

NOTICE TO BIDDERSBids will be received , publicly

opened and read aloud by theDirector of Purchase of the Townof Brookhaven , Patchogue, NewYork , for the following item on

the date as indicated at 11 '00a.mOh.1 Duwi itCuuvuixiruo

July 13. 1979Tubing & Meter Attachments

July 13, 1979The Director of Purchase

reserves the right to reject anddeclare invalid any or all bids inthe best interest of the Town .

Definite specifications may beobtained at the office of theDirector of Purchase.

R. SinkiewiczDirector of PurchaseTown of Brookhaven

Adv., 9853, 7-5.

(continued fro m page 30)•nrr ,— —.^1, Tfj wnQ/>A Tonya RorrfcriT*c_ljCxC ~ ~ * *i*x -v , **-.iJ*~ _¦«*_— ,

Tina Sepe, Lucretia Bikerton ,Kim Remsen , Jeanne Strumezzi ,Stacy Thomas , Christine Moeller ,Kim Engel , Stacy Porcaro . SuzieNocifaro , Michele Bufano , CathyBenkert , Donya Rose , GraceTallon , Pam Kelly, Monica Dorr ,Lauren Rowland , Tara Nicostri,Debbie Ekert , Vivian Morgan ,Amber Hansen , Jennifer Win-dham , Candy Cieslak , Joy JoyRabadam . Donna Lackner ,Jackie oeibert , IVxin *Giing rvim ,Jo Jo Noszko , Marni Harris ,Heidi Pilecki , Jennifer Smith ,

LVQu.r o—>;*v. _ o t t ; TVT ^. r./..»,ni.4xa.\^** T t^/**«*c** ,* **bv* i**_.^ X/U..V.... ,

Vicki Cunningham and JenniferMasiello.

Special Achievement Trophieswere presented to two very happyyoung dancers , 10th year studentRobin Hussey and 7th yearstudent Danielle Tache. PattiSmith , a 14th year student , will besorely missed by her classmatesand Dolores and Jimmy Kocco.In the fall Patti will attend the

Eorlroloi? r^lprorp -^n *' '"•h' -ol f"»*—._ _ - — • -v.'j -iul viii -ti v vJ'-.iivrOi ivs_

tashion , merchandis ing andmarketing.

Rocco recital

Wheel Alignment

I B_f _P_. EP* _Ri _9-Sk ee_a a _=*.i _ _ i € p x i_ l - '"K f cg *¦ -i .«i.vvik *# j_^sLI . WHEEL l_g^t>!

ALIGN MENT baaim- lSpecializing in

Wheel A lignmen tBALANCING


!'"""' — TRviCr\ 5

N.Y. State Inspection StationI 286-3330j 1 184 Montauk Hwy., E. PatchogueI ( lust East Of Orchard Rd.jB l " 1 1 1 ¦¦ " — -¦

Video Tape RecorderRpnairs• —i— -•



Suny v t oshiba • _enitnQuasar • Philco * Sylvama

VIDEO TAPE RECORDERSCall 475 0S34 or 583-3370

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