B Check,fapprcaN Adores, Namechange Termination...

Form 990 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(c ), 527, or 4947( a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code ( except black lung benefit trust or private foundation) The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements. A For the 200 7 cart: war ear or tax year oe mmn u / ul cuu/ ana enatn 06 30/2008 B Check,fapprcaN Please C Name of organization ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE & RELATED DISORDERS D Employer identification number Adores, change use IRS bb. or ASSOCIATION 36-3463656 Name change ant or Number and street (or P.O box if malt is not delivered to street address ) Room/suite E Telephone number type- Inea,renrn see 225 N. MICHIGAN AVE. 1700 ( 312 ) 335-8700 specific F Accaea Termination hstn,c- City or town, state or country , and ZIP + 4 memea cash X Accrual ^ eed tlon& CHICAGO IL 60601-763 3 Other ( s pecrfy) ndin on pe Section 501 ( c )( 3 ) org anizations and 4947 ( a )( 1 ) nonexem p t charitable H and I are not app licable to section 527 organizabons nalns trusts must attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990 -EZ). H(a ) Is this a group return for afftltates" a Yes LJ Nc G Website : WWW _ AI,Z . ORG H(b) If "Yes," enter number of affiliates 58 STMT _ _ J Organization type (check only one) }{ 501 (c) (3 ) (Insert no) 947(a)(1) or 527 H(c) Are all affiliates included? Yes ^Nc g (If "No," attach a list See instrudlon STMT K Check here 10' if the organization is not a 509(a )(3) supporting organization and its gross H(d) Is this a separate return filed try an receipts are normally not more than $25,000 A return Is not required , but if the organization chooses or amzaton covered a rou ruh Yes }{ Ne to file a return , be sure to file a complete return I Group Exemption Number 9334 M Check if the organization r. not required L Gross receipts Add lines 6b, 8b, 9b , and 10b to line 12 108 , 248 , 892. to attach Sch B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) Revenue , Ex p enses, and Chan g es In Net Assets or Fund Balances (See the instructions 1 Contributions , gifts, grants , and similar amounts received a Contributions to donor advised funds , , , . , 1 a b Direct public support ( not included on line 1a ) , , , , , , 1 b 81 , 007 , 669. C Indirect public support ( not included on line 1a ) , , , , , , . _ , , 1 c 11 , 158 , 588. d Government contributions (grants )( not included on line 1a ) _ _ 1 d 5 , 852 , 843. e Total ( add lines la through 1d)(Cash $ 98,019,10 0 . noncash $ ) 1e 98 , 019 , 100. 2 Program service revenue including government fees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93) . 2 3 , 193 , 244. 3 Membership dues and assessments , , , , . . , , . . . . . . . . 3 6 , 880. 4 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 285 , 920. 5 Dividends and interest from securities . . . . . . . . . . .. . _ . _ . . . . . . _ . 5 1 , 830 , 862 . 6a Gross rents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 6a 25 , 000. b Less : rental expenses , . . . , _ , 6 b 24 , 734. c Net rental income or ( loss) Subtract line 6b from line 6a , , , , , , , . . . . . . 6c 266. 5 7 Other investment income (describe 7 8a Gross amount from sales of assets other ( A) Securities (B) Other than inventory . . . . .. . . _ . . _ 7 , 204. 8a 2 , 680. b Less : cost or other basis and sales expenses . 1 , 091. 8b 1 , 711. c Gain or ( loss) (attach schedule ) STMT 8 6 , 113. 8c 969. d Net gain or ( loss) Combine line Bc, columns (A) and (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8d 7 , 082. 9 Special events and activities ( attach schedule ) If any amount is from gaming , check here a Gross revenue ( not including $ 39 L 000 , 000. of contributions reported on line 1b )V *TttT 9a 3 , 957 , 189. b Less : direct expenses other than fundrlsfng expenses U^ 9b 4 , 439 , 158. l L c Net income or (loss ) from special events S u bt ract line 9b from lin . . . . . . . 9c -481 , 969. ,^ ` 1 ^ c^ Svidp 10a Gross sales of inventory, less retJ ^and t311nc^s G^ 009 1 oa 192 535 . b Less : cost of goods sold 0b 106 , 676. c Gross profit or (loss) from sales f invento ry ( attach schedule^ - Sub ct line 1Ob from line 10a $TMT 9. 1oc 85 , 859. II l1VLJCVM U 11 Other revenue ( from Part VII , line 4 ; , , , , , . , ', , . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 728 , 278 . 12 Total revenue . Add lines le 2 3 4 5 6c , 7 , 8d 9c 10c and 11 ................ . 12 103 , 675 , 522 . 13 Program services ( from line 44, column (B)) . , , , 13 67, 279, 672 14 Management and general ( from line 44, column (C)) _ , , , , , , . . . 14 7 , 708 , 558. n 15 Fundraising ( from line 44, column (D)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 12 , 223 , 517 . W 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule ) . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . STMT 11 16 1 , 887 , 798 . 17 Total ex p enses Add lines 16 and 44 , column (A) . 17 89 , 099 , 545. 18 Excess or (deficit ) for the year Subtract line 17 from line 12 18 14 , 575 , 977. 19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A)) , , , , . 19 80 , 321 , 157. 20 Other changes in net assets or fund balances ( attach explanation ) , , , , .STMT 12 a STMT 13 20 -3 , 373 , 406. Z 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of year . Combine lines 18 , 19 , and 20 . . 21 91 , 523 , 728. t 0 Fes? 2l^ For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions. JSA 7EI0102000 60196P 649R Form 990 (2007) G)7-Lo 42-5

Transcript of B Check,fapprcaN Adores, Namechange Termination...

Page 1: B Check,fapprcaN Adores, Namechange Termination …990s.foundationcenter.org/990_pdf_archive/363/...Inea,renrn see 225 N. MICHIGAN AVE. 1700 ( 312) 335-8700 specific Termination hstn,c-

Form 990

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service

Return of Organization Exempt From Income TaxUnder section 501(c ), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung

benefit trust or private foundation)► The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements.

A For the 2007 cart:war ear or tax year oe mmn u / ul cuu/ ana enatn 06 30/2008B Check,fapprcaN Please C Name of organization ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE & RELATED DISORDERS D Employer identification number


use IRSbb. or ASSOCIATION 36-3463656

Name change ant or Number and street (or P.O box if malt is not delivered to street address ) Room/suite E Telephone numbertype-Inea,renrn see 225 N. MICHIGAN AVE. 1700 ( 312 ) 335-8700

specificF AccaeaTermination hstn,c- City or town, state or country , and ZIP + 4 memea cash X Accrual

^ eed tlon&CHICAGO IL 60601-763 3 Other ( s pecrfy) ►

ndin onpe • Section 501 ( c )( 3 ) organizations and 4947 (a )( 1 ) nonexem pt charitable H and I are not applicable to section 527 organizabonsnalns

trusts must attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990 -EZ). H(a ) Is this a group return for afftltates" a Yes LJ Nc

G Website : ► WWW _ AI,Z . ORG H(b) If "Yes," enter number of affiliates ► 58 STMT_ _

J Organization type (check only one) ► }{ 501 (c) (3 ) (Insert no) 947(a)(1) or 527 H(c) Are all affiliates included? Yes ^Ncg(If "No," attach a list See instrudlon STMTK Check here 10' if the organization is not a 509(a )(3) supporting organization and its gross

H(d) Is this a separate return filed try anreceipts are normally not more than $25,000 A return Is not required , but if the organization chooses or amzaton covered a rou ruh Yes }{ Ne

to file a return , be sure to file a complete return I Group Exemption Number ► 9334

M Check ► if the organization r. not required

L Gross receipts Add lines 6b, 8b, 9b , and 10b to line 12 ► 108 , 248 , 892. to attach Sch B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF)

Revenue , Ex penses, and Chan ges In Net Assets or Fund Balances (See the instructions1 Contributions , gifts, grants , and similar amounts received

a Contributions to donor advised funds • • • , , , . , • • • 1 a

b Direct public support ( not included on line 1a) • • , , , , , , • • • • 1 b 81 , 007 , 669.

C Indirect public support (not included on line 1a ) , , , , , , • . _ , , 1 c 11 , 158 , 588.

d Government contributions (grants ) ( not included on line 1a ) _ _ •• 1 d 5 , 852 , 843.e Total ( add lines la through 1d)(Cash $ 98,019,10 0 . noncash $ ) 1e 98 , 019 , 100.

2 Program service revenue including government fees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93) . • • • • • • 2 3 , 193 , 244.3 Membership dues and assessments • • • • • • • , , , , . • • • • • . , • , . . . . . . . . 3 6 , 880.4 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 285 , 920.5 Dividends and interest from securities . . . . . . . . . . .. . _ . _ . . . . . . _ . 5 1 , 830 , 862 .6a Gross rents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 6a 25 , 000.b Less : rental expenses , . • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • , _ , 6 b 24 , 734.c Net rental income or ( loss) Subtract line 6b from line 6a , , , , , , • • • • • • • • • • , • . . . . . . 6c 266.

5 7 Other investment income (describe ► 7

8 a Gross amount from sales of assets other (A) Securities (B) Other

than inventory . . . . .. . . _ . . _ 7 , 204. 8a 2 , 680.b Less : cost or other basis and sales expenses . 1 , 091. 8b 1 , 711.c Gain or (loss) (attach schedule ) STMT 8 6 , 113. 8c 969.

d Net gain or ( loss) Combine line Bc, columns (A) and (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8d 7 , 082.9 Special events and activities ( attach schedule ) If any amount is from gaming , check here ►a Gross revenue (not including $ 39 L 000 , 000. of

contributions reported on line 1b)V *TttT 9a 3 , 957 , 189.b Less : direct expenses other than fundrlsfngexpenses U^ 9b 4 , 439 , 158.l

Lc Net income or (loss ) from special events Subtract line 9b from lin • . • . • . . . . • . • • • 9c -481 , 969.,^ ` 1 ^ c^Svidp10a Gross sales of inventory, less retJ^and t311nc^s G^ 009 1 oa 192 535 .

b Less : cost of goods sold 0b 106 , 676.

c Gross profit or (loss) from sales f inventory (attach schedule^- Sub ct line 1Ob from line 10a $TMT 9. 1oc 85 , 859.II l1VLJCVM U

11 Other revenue (from Part VII , line 4 ; , • , , , , . , ', , . , , , • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 728 , 278 .12 Total revenue. Add lines le 2 3 4 5 6c , 7 , 8d 9c 10c and 11 ................ . 12 103 , 675 , 522 .

13 Program services (from line 44, column (B)) . , • • • • • • • • • , , • • 13 67, 279, 67214 Management and general ( from line 44, column (C)) • _ , , • • • • , , • • • , • • • • , . . . 14 7 , 708 , 558.

n 15 Fundraising ( from line 44, column (D)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 12 , 223 , 517 .W 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule) . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . STMT 11 16 1 , 887 , 798 .

17 Total expenses Add lines 16 and 44 , column (A) . 17 89 , 099 , 545.18 Excess or (deficit ) for the year Subtract line 17 from line 12 18 14 , 575 , 977.

19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A)) • • , , • • • , , . • • • • • 19 80 , 321 , 157.20 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation ) , , , • , .STMT 12 a STMT 13 20 -3 , 373 , 406.

Z 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of year . Combine lines 18 , 19 , and 20 . . 21 91 , 523 , 728.




For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions.JSA7EI0102000

60196P 649R

Form 990 (2007)

G)7-Lo 42-5

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Form 990 (2007) PacJe 2

17,Ma Statement of All organizations must complete column (A) Columns (B), (C), and (D) are required for section 501(c)(3) and (4)

Functional Expenses organizations and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional for others (See the instructans)

Do not include amounts reported on line (A) Total (B) Program (C) Management ( 0) Fundraising6b, 8b , 9b. 10b , or 16 of Part I services and general

2 2a Grants paid from donor advised funds (attach schedule)

(cash f noncash f

If this amount includes foreign grants,check here ► 22a. . . . . . . . . .

2 2 b Other grants and allocations (attach schedule)

(cash $ 180, 614 . noncash $ 2 1 340.)

checkhemreountincludes foreign grants,

Ill.22b 182 954. 182 954. E% 14

23 Specific assistance to individuals

(attach schedule) . . .. . . . . . . ... 23 1 209 896. 1 , 209 , 896. STHT 1s

24 Benefits paid to or for members

, . , , ,(attach schedule) , 24. . . . . .

25a Compensation of current officers,

directors , key employees , etc listed in

Part V-A , , , , _ . , , , , , 25a 9 , 897 , 275. 7 , 809 , 918. 789 162. 1 , 298 , 195.

b Compensation of former officers,

directors, key employees, etc. listed in

Part V$ , , , , , , , , , , ,, 25b 693 173. 543 452. 57 , 966. 91 , 755.

C Compensation and other distributions , not includ-

ed above , to disqualified persons (as defined

under section 4958(f)(1)) and persons described

In section 4958 (c)(3)(B) . . . . . 25C

26 Salaries and wages of employees not

included on lines 25a, b, and c . . _ _ 26 34 022 514. 26 673 827. 2 , 845 , 146. 4 , 503 , 541.

27 Pension plan contributions not

included on lines 25a, b, and c . . 27 397 800. 305 697. 37 , 548. 54 , .555

28 Employee benefits not included on -

tines 25a -27 . . . . , , . , 28 4 , 218 , 225. 3 , 247 , 804. 390 175. 580 246.

29 Payroll taxes 29 2 , 491 , 921. 1 , 944 , 137. 217 438. 330 , .346,,.,,,.,,,

30 Professional fundraising fees 30 3 , 723. 549. 3 , 174..

31 Accounting fees , , , , .. , , 31 264 649. 84 , 627. 161 177. 18 , .845

32 Legal fees , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 32 5 , 720. 1 , 205. 3 , 602. 913.

33 Supplies . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 33 2 , 130 , 327. 1 , 354 , 101. 202 710. 573 516.

34 Telephone 34 1 , 469 , 756. 1 1 178 , 881. 143 566. 147 309.

35 Postage and shipping . ...... . 35 1 , 779 , 681. 1 , 308 , 502. 111 303. 359 876.

36 Occupancy , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 36 6 , 473 , 142- 5 , 062 , 733. 652 939. 757 470.

37 Equipment rental and maintenance , ,


37 1 , 414 , 327. 1 , 070 , 316. 181 231. 162 780.

38 Punting and publications , .. . . . 38 3 , 717 , 404- 2 , 845 , 109. 110 110. 762 185.

39 Travel . „ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 39 2 , 131 , 423. 1 , 631 , 908. 185 596. 313 919.

40 Conferences, conventions , and meetings ,


40 2 , 900 , 773. 1 968 367. 94 , 642. 837 , 764.

41 Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 362 317. 123 304. 142 470. 96 , 543 .

42 Depreciation , depletion , etc STMT 18 42 1 , 218 , 841. 865 364. 239 925. 118 , 552 .

43 Other expenses not covered above (itemize):

------------a STMT 20 --- 3a 10 225 906. 7 867 021. 1 1 146 , 852. 1 1 212 , 033.--- - -

b 3b--------------------------

c 3c--------------------------

d - --- 3d------------------- -- -e ------------- --- 3e------ --- -f 43f--------------------------

g 3------------------------44 Total functional expenses . Add fines 22a

through 43g. (Organizations completingcolumns (B)-(D), carry these totals to lines13-15).... ..... .......... 44 87 211 747. 67 279 672. 7 , 708 , 558. 12 223 517.

Joint Costs . Check ► U if you are following SOP 98-2

Are any j oint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation reported in (B) Program services? . . ► aYes a No

If 'Yes ," enter ( i) the aggregate amount of these joint costs $ 2,494,937. , (n) the amount allocated to Program services $ 1,453,184 ,

(i ii) the amount allocated to Management and general $ 27 . 057. , and (iv) the amount allocated to Fundraising $ 1,014,696.

JSAForm 990 (2007)

7E1020 1 000

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Form 990 (2007 ) Page 3

Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See the instructions)Form 990 Is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about aparticular organization How the public perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the information presentedon its return Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III, the organization'sprograms and accomplishments

What is the organization 's primary exempt purpose? SEE STATEMENT 21 Program Service_ _

----- - - - - - -------------------------Expenses

All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements in a clear and concise manner . State the number (Required for 501(c)(3) and

of clients served , publications issued , etc Discuss achievements that are not measurable . (Section 501 ( c)(3) and (4) (4) orgs , and 4947(a)(1)

organizations and 4947 (a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocations to others)trusts, but optional for


a RESEARCH-- -CHAPTER-PASS-THROUGHS-FROM-DONORS-TO FURTHER-THE--------------------------------------------------------------RESEARCH-OF-ALZHEIMER'S-DIESEASE-BY-PROVIDING-FUNDING-FOR---------------------------------------------------------------STUDIES-EXPLORING-DISEASE-CHARACTERISTICS,_CAUSESI_AND_______________


----------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -

--------------------------------------------------------------------( F-IGrants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants , check here ► 909 , 687.




------------------------------------------------------- ----( Grants and allocations $ 1 , 392 , 850. ) If this amount includes foreign grants , check here ► 1 , 690 , 246.






-----------------------------------------------------------------(Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants , check here ► 64 , 679 739.






------------------------------------------------------------------(Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here ►

e Other program services (attach schedule)(Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants , check

f Total of Program Service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (B), Program services) . ► 67,279,672.

Form 990 (2007)


791021 1 OW

60196P 649R 6

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Form 990 (2007) Page 4

Balance Sheets (See the instructions.)Note : Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the description (A) (B)

column should be for end-of-year amounts only Beginning of year End of year

45 Cash - non-interest-bearing ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 22 , 883 , 000. 45 30 211 999.46 Savings and temporary cash investments , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , 4 , 678 949. 46 4 , 663 , 061.

47a Accounts receivable , .. _ , , , , , , _ 47a 5 , 981 , 488


b Less- allowance for doubtful accounts, .. , . 47b NON 3 , 558 , 087. 47c 5 , 981 , 488.

48a Pledges receivable , , ,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , 48a 10 , 367 , 505 .b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts. , 48b NON 8 , 833 , 338. 48c 10 367 505.

49 Grants receivable . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 926 , 116. 49 2 , 129 , 961.50a Receivables from current and former officers, directors, trustees, and

key employees (attach schedule), , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , 50a

b Receivables from other disqualified persons (as defined under section

4958(f)(1)) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) (attach schedule) 50b

51a Other notes and loans receivable (attachH

schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 51aNQ b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts , _ . . . , 51 b 51c

52 Inventories for sale or use .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 750. 52 .228 , 01253 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 047 745. 53 1 , 167 , 247.54a Investments - publicly-traded securities , ►


ost BX FMV 40 481 403. 54a 42 899 123.b Investments - other securities (attach schedule), . . ► X FMVost 923 370. 54b NONE

55a Investments - land, buildings, and


equipment. basis , , , , ,, , , , , , , , 55a_________________


b Less accumulated depreciation (attach

schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . 83 557. 55c NONE56 Investments - other (attach schedule ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

57a Land, buildings, and equipment basis , . , . . 57a 9 , 133 , 391 .b Less. accumulated depreciation (attach

schedule) , STMT 22 57b 2 , 791 , 163 5 913 922. 57c 6 , 342 , 228.58 Other assets, including program-related investments

(describe ► STMT 24 ) _410,614. 58 376 , 714 .59 Total assets (must equal line 74) Add lines 45 through 58 . . . . 90 891 851. 59 104 , 367 , 338.60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5 486 344. 60 7 , 785 , 277.61 Grants payable . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 674 079. 61 .587 , 51962 Deferred revenue . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 581 685. 62 1 , 691 , 124.

UI 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach.

schedule ) . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63

64a Tax-exempt bond liabilities (attach schedule) ... .. ... . ... .. . .. 64a

b Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 803 746. 64b 1 , 244 , 477.65 Other liabilities (describe ► STMT 25 ) 2 024 , 840. 65 1 , 535 , 213.

66 Total liabilities . Add lines 60 through 65 . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 10 570 , 694. 66 12 843 610.Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here ► X and complete lines

67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74

67 Unrestricted . _ 60 , 839 , 470. 67 70 , 285 , 376.68 Temporarily restricted , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 15 , 111 , 101. 68 16 , 786 , 581.69 Permanently restncted . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 9 370 586. 69 4 , 451 , 771.

Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here ►q andLL complete lines 70 through 74

0 70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , 70

v' 71 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land , building, and equipment fund , . , . , 71

72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 72

73 Total net assets or fund balances . Add lines 67 through 69 or lines

Z 70 through 72 (Column (A) must equal line 19 and column (B) must

equal line 21) ... .. ... . . . . .. . ... . . ..... .. .. ... . 80 321 157. 73 91 523 728.

74 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances . Add lines 66 and 73 - 90 891 851. 74 104 367 338 .


7E1030 1 000

Form 990 (2007)

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Form 990 (007) page 5

Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return (See theinstructions.)

a Total revenue, gains , and other support per audited financial statements . . . NOT .APPLICABLE . . . . a

b Amounts included on line a but not on Part 1, line 12

1 Net unrealized gains on investments .. .. .... .. . ...... . . . . . .. . b1

2 Donated services and use of facilities . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U

3 Recoveries of prior year grants .. ... .. .. .... ... .... .. . . .... b3

4 Other (specify):---------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------- b4

Add lines b1 through b4 . .. . .... .. .... ......... . . . . . .. . . ... .. ... . .. b

c Subtract line b from line a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C

d Amounts included on Part I, line 12, but not on line a:

1 Investment expenses not included on Part I , line 6b ... .... .. .. . . . .. . d1

2 Other (specify) ---------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------- d2

Add lines d1 and d2 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . de Total revenue (Part I, line 12 ) . Add lines c and d . . e............................ . . 10- 1

Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements With Expenses per Return

a Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements . . . . . . . . . . NQT AP I.1QABJ., . . . . .

b Amounts included on line a but not on Part I, line 17

1 Donated services and use of facilities .. .... . . ..... .... .. . . ... . b1

2 Prior year adjustments reported on Part I, line 20 . .. ... .... . . . . ... . b2

3 Losses reported on Part I, line 20 . ......... ....... . . . . . . . .. . b3

4 Other (specify): --------------------------------------------b4-------------------------------------------------------

Add lines b1 through b4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . b

c Subtract line b from line a ... ...... .. .. .. ..... .. . . . . ... .. .... . ... .... C

d Amounts included on Part I, line 17, but not on line a:

1 Investment expenses not included on Part I, line 6b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . d 1

2 Other (specify) ---------------------------------------------d2---------------------------------------------------

Add lines dl and d2 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I de Total expenses (Part I, line 17) Add lines c and d . . . . . . e

Current Officers , Directors , Trustees , and Key Employees (List each person who was an officer, director, trustee,

or kev emolovee at any time dunna the year even if they were not comnensnted 1 (See the instnichnns )

(A) Name and address(B)

ale and average hours pe

week devoted to pos tlion

(C) Compensation

( if not paid, enter


( D) Contnnwions to entp,yee

bene fit plans & deferred

compensation plans

(E) Expense accountand other allowances

SEE STATEMENT 26--------------------------------------










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Form 990 (2007) Page 6

92i Current Officers, Directors . Trustees, and Kev Emolovees (continued) -FY-es I No

75a Enter the total number of officers, directors , and trustees permitted to vote on organization business at boardmeetings . ... ... .. .. .... . .. ... ...... ... ... .. .... . ... ► SEE STATEMENT 38


Are any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990, Part V-A, or highest compensatedemployees listed in Schedule A, Part I, or highest compensated professional and other independentcontractors listed in Schedule A, Part II-A or 11-B, related to each other through family or businessrelationships? If "Yes," attach a statement that identifies the individuals and explains the relationship(s) . .. ... 75b

Do any officers , directors , trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990 , Part V-A, or highestcompensated employees listed in Schedule A, Part I , or highest compensated professional and otherindependent contractors listed in Schedule A, Part II-A or II-B , receive compensation from any otherorganizations , whether tax exempt or taxable , that are related to the organization? See the instructions forthe definition of "related organization ... .. .. .. .. ... ....... .... ... .. ......... .. . 75oIf "Yes," attach a statement that includes the information described in the instructions

Does the organization have a written conflict of interest p olicy? . 75d X

IM. Former Officers , Directors , Trustees , and Key Employees That Received Compensation or Other Benefits(if any former officer, director , trustee , or key employee received compensation or other benefits ( described below) duringthe year, list that person below and enter the amount of compensation or other benefits in the appropriate column See theinstructions )

(A) Name and address ( B) Loans and Advances(C) Compensation

( if not paid,enter -0-)

(0)co,,r,omions to employeebmen plan a eefemdComo-al on plan

(E) E)penseaccount and other


SEE STATEMENT 48--------------------------------------

--- ---------------------------------------

--- ---------------------------------------

--- ---------------------------------------

--- ---------------------------------------

--- ---------------------------------------

--- ---------------------------------------

--- ---------------------------------------

--- ---------------------------------------

--- ---------------------------------------

Other Information (See the instructions. ) Yes No

76 Did the organization make a change in its activities or methods of conducting activities? If "Yes ," attach adetailed statement of each change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 76 X

77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? .... . .. ... 77 X


If "Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes

Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $ 1,000 or more during the year covered bythis return? . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78a X

b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? . ........ ..... . .. .... .. .. . .... 78 b NZ A

79 Was there a liquidation , dissolution, termination , or substantial contraction during the year? If "Yes,," attacha statement ..................................................ST. T.1 79 X

80a Is the organization related (other than by association with a statewide or nationwide organization) throughcommon membership , governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc., to any other exempt or nonexemptorganization? . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . 80a X




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

If "Yes," enter the name of the organization lit- _-___--_-_

__________________________________________ and check whether a is=exempt or=nonexempt

Enter direct and indirect political expenditures (See line 81 instructions ). ... ..... 81 a NONE

Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? . 1 b X

JSAForm 990 (2007)

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Other Information (continued) Yes No82a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials, equipment, or facilities at no charge

or at substantially less than fair rental value? 82a Xb If "Yes," you may indicate the value of these items here Do not include this amount

as revenue in Part I or as an expense in Part I I (See instructions in Part I I I ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82b 1 660 , 114 .

83a Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83a X

b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83b X

84a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gifts that were not tax deductible? 84a Xb If "Yes," did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or

gifts were not tax deductible? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84b NI PL85 a 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) Were substantially all dues nondeductible by members' 85a N I PL

b Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less 85b NIf "Yes" was answered to either 85a or 85b, do not complete 85c through 85h below unless the organization

received a waiver for proxy tax owed for the prior year.

c Dues, assessments, and similar amounts from members 8N/Ad Section 162(e) lobbying and political expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85d N/Ae Aggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85e N/AIf Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 85d less 85e) . . 86f N/Ag Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount on line 85f? , . . . . . . . . . . 859 N1 01,h If section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent, does the organization agree to add the amount on line 85f

to its reasonable estimate of dues allocable to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the following tax year?. . . . . . 85h N/86 501(c)(7) orgs Enter. a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on line 12 . . . . . . . . . . 86a N/A

b Gross receipts, included on line 12, for public use of club facilities . . . . . . . . . . 86b N/A87 501(c)(12) orgs Enter a Gross income from members or shareholders . . . . . 87a N/A

b Gross income from other sources. (Do not net amounts due or paid to other

sources against amounts due or received from them.) . . . . 87b N/A88 a At any time during the year, did the organization own a 50% or greater interest in a taxable corporation or

partnership, or an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections

301 7701-2 and 301 7701-3? If 'es," complete Part IX 88a Xb At any time during the year, did the organization, directly or indirectly, own a controlled entity within the

meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If "Yes," complete Part XI ► 88b X89 a 501(c)(3) organizations. Enter. Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under

section 4911 ► NONE ;section 4912 ► NONE , section 4955 ► NONEb 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) orgs. Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction

during the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If "Yes," attach

a statement explaining each transaction 89b X

c Enter Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under

sections 4912, 4955, and 4958 ► NONE

d Enter Amount of tax on line 89c, above, reimbursed by the organization ► NONE

e All organizations At any time during the tax year, was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter

transaction? 89e Xf All organizations Did the organization acquire a direct or indirect interest in any applicable insurance contract? 89f Xg For supporting organizations and sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. Did the

supporting organization, or a fund maintained by a sponsoring organization, have excess business holdings

at any time during the year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88g X

90 a List the states with which a copy of this return is filed ► EACH CHAPTER FILES IN THE STATE WHERE IT IS REGISTERED.

b Number of employees employed in the pay penod that includes March 12, 2007 (See instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 90b

91 a The books are in care of ► ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION Telephone no ► 312-33 5-87 00

225 N. MICHIGAN AVE, FLOOR 17 CHICAGO, IL ZIP+4 ► 60601-7633

b At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in or a signature or other authonty over Yes No

a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account)? , , . . , , . , . . . .91 b X

If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country ►---------------------------------------------------

See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1, Report of Foreign Bankand Financial Accounts.

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Form 990

^^ Other Information (continued)'c At any time during the calendar year, did the organization maintain an office outside of the United States?

If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country ►92 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 )n lieu of Form 1041- Check here

and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year . ► 9z

Analysis of Income-Producing Activities (See the instructions. )

Note : Enter gross amounts unless otherwise unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514indicated.

93 Program service revenue

a STMT 52





If Medicare/Medicaid payments , . . , • , , •

g Fees and contracts from government agencies •

94 Membership dues and assessments • • .

95 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments

96 Dividends and interest from securities

97 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate

a debt-financed property . . . . . . . . .

b not debt-financed property . . . . . . .

98 Net rental Income or (loss) from personal property . .

99 Other investment income . . . . . . . .

100 Gain or (loss ) from sales of assets other than inventory

101 Net income or (loss) from special events

102 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory

103 Other revenue* a





(A) (B) (C) (D)Business code Amount ExcNSbn code Amount


01 -



Related orexempt function


104 Subtotal (add columns ( B), (D), and (E)) . 2, 370, 439. 3,285,983.

105 Total (add line 104 , columns ( B), (D), and (E)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 5,656,422.Note : Line 105 plus line le, Part 1, should equal the amount on line 12, Part

Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes (See the instructions.)

Line No . Explain how each activity for which income is reported in column (E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment of they organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes)


RIMW. Information Regarding Taxable Subsidiaries and Disregarded Entities (See the instructions.(A) f ) (D)Name , address, and EIN of corporation . Percentage of Nature of actrvdles Total Income(B) C Endof,year

partnership, or disregarded entity ownership i terest assets

Information Regarding Transfers Associated

(a) Did the organization , during the year , receive any funds , directly or

(b) Did the organization , during the year, pay premiums, diiNote : If "Yes' to (b), file Form 8870 and Form 4720 (see instni

,ISA7E1050 1 000

Page 8

Yes No

• •,,, 91c X

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Form 990 (21307) F(age 9

Information Regarding Transfers To and From Controlled Entities . Complete only if the organization is acontrolling organization as defined in section 512(b)(13).

Yes No106 Did the reporting organization make any transfers to a controlled entity as defined in section 512(b)(13) of

the Code? If "Yes," com plete the schedule below for each controlled entity N

(A) (B) (C)Name , address, of each Employer Identification Description of


controlled entity Number transfer Amount of transfer







Yes No107 Did the reporting organization receive any transfers from a controlled entity as defined in section

512(b)(13) of the Code? If "Yes," complete the schedule below for each controlled entity N

(A) (B) (C)Name , address, of each Employer Identification Description of (D)

controlled entity Number transfer Amount of transfer







Yes No108 Did the organization have a binding written contract in effect on August 17, 2006, covering the interest,

rents, royalties, and annuities described in question 107 above? N2 AUnder penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return , including accompanying schedules and statements , and to the best of my knowledge

Pleaseand belief, it true, corn and comple a Declaration o rer (other than officer ) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledgeru ^ '

nSi- I 1/ /

02g Signature of off Date

Here 140V IR Itk J )4 -F^ C f-r 'c . AA i 41 iP OpRWtons O , e,T,Type or print name and title


^Date Check if Preparers SSN or PTIN (See Gen. Inst X)

Pre arer'ssignature Y it o employed ► P00541710p

Use OnlymploFirm 's name (or Fours GRANT THORNTON LLPe

d)if self-emplo ed)EIN Ill" 36-6055558

y,y ,

address, and ZIP+4 175 W. JACKSON BLVD. STE. 2000 Phoneno ► 312-856-0200

CHICAGO, IL 60604 Form 990 (2007)


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SCHEDULEA I Organization Exempt Under Section 501(c)(3)(Form 990 or 990 -EZ)

(Except Private Foundation ) and Section 501(e ), 501(f), 501(k ), 501(n),or 4947 ( a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust

Department of the Treasury Supplementary Information - (See separate instructions.)Internal Revenue Service ► MUST be completed by the above organizations and attached to their Form 990 or 990-EZ

OMB No 1545-0047

2007Name of the organ ization ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE & RELATED DISORDERS I Employer Identification number

ASSOCIATION 36-3463656

LEM Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers, Directors, and Trustees(See page 1 of the instructions. List each one. If there are none. enter "None.")

(a) Name and address of each employee paid more

than $50,000

(b) Title and average hoursper week devoted to position (c) Compensation

(d) Contributions toemployee benefit plans &deferred compensation

(e) Expenseaccount and other


----------------------------------SEE STATEMENT 54




Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 . . ► 56

Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Professional Services(See page 2 of the instructions. List each one (whether individuals or firms). If there are none, enter "None.")

(a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation

------------------------------------------------SEE STATEMENT 55

Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for

professional services . ► NONE

= Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Other Services(List each contractor who performed services other than professional services, whether individuals orfirms. If there are none, enter "None." See page 2 of the instructions.)

(a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation

------------------------------------------------SEE STATEMENT 56





Total number of other contractors receiving over

$50,000 for other seances ► NONE

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 and Form 99042.

SSA7E1210 1 000

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

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Schedule A

1 During the year, has the organization attempted to influence national , state, or local legislation, including any

attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum? If "Yes," enter the total expenses paid

or incurred in connection with the lobbying activities ► $ 727, 873. (Must equal amounts on line 38,

Part VI-A, or line i of Part VI-B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Organizations that made an election under section 501 ( h) by filing Form 5768 must complete Part VI-A Other

organizations checking "Yes" must complete Part VI-B AND attach a statement giving a detailed description of

the lobbying activities

2 During the year, has the organization, either directly or indirectly, engaged in any of the following acts with any

substantial contributors, trustees, directors, officers, creators, key employees, or members of their families, or

with any taxable organization with which any such person is affiliated as an officer, director, trustee, majority

owner, or principal beneficiary? (If the answer to any question is 'Yes," attach a detailed statement explaining the


a Sale , exchange , or leasing of property? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2a

b Lending of money or other extension of credit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c Furnishing of goods, services, or facilities? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12c

d Payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses if more than $1,000)? . SEE. 990. . . . . . . . . 2d

e Transfer of any part of its income or assets' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 e

3a Did the organization make grants for scholarships , fellowships , student loans , etc 2 (If "Yes," attach an explanation

of how the organization determines that recipients qualify to receive payments.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STMT 57 3a

b Did the organization have a section 403(b) annuity plan for its employees? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b

c Did the organization receive or hold an easement for conservation purposes, including easements to preserve open

space, the environment, historic land areas or historic structures? If "Yes," attach a detailed statement . . . . . . . . . . . 3c

d Did the organization provide credit counseling, debt management , credit repair , or debt negotiation services? . . . . . . . . .

4a Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds? If "Yes," complete lines 4b through 4g. If 'No," complete

lines 4f and 4g ...................................................... 4a

b Did the organization make any taxable distributions under section 4966 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4b

c Did the organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4c

d Enter the total number or donor advised funds owned at the end of the tax year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ►

e Enter the aggregate value of assets held in all donor advised funds owned at the end of the tax year . . . . . . . . . . . . ►

Sae 2

Yes I No


f Enter the total number of separate funds or accounts owned at the end of the tax year (excluding donor advised

funds included on line 4d) where donors have the rights to provide advice on the distribution or investment of

amounts in such funds or accounts . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . ► NONE

g Enter the aggregate value of assets held in all funds or accounts Included on line 4f at the end of the tax year . . . . . . . . ► NONE

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007


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n 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

Statements About Activities (See page 2 of the instructions.)


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Schedule-A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 3

Reason for Non-Private Foundation Status (See pages 4 through 8 of the instructions)

I certify that the organization is not a private foundation because it is (Please check only ONE applicable box )

5 q A church, convention of churches, or association of churches Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i)

6 q A school Section 170(b)(1)(A)(u) (Also complete Part V )

7 q A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization Section 170(b)(1)(A)(IiI)

8 q A federal, state, or local government or governmental unit Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v)

9 q A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ui) Enter the hospital's name, city,

and state-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

10 q An organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv)

(Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A.)

11 a An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public Section

170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A )

1 1 bq A community trust. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vl) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A )

12 q An organization that normally receives: (1) more than 33 1/3% of its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross receipts from

activities related to its charitable, etc , functions - subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 33 1/3% of its support from gross

investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30,

1975 See section 509(a)(2) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A.)

13 q An organization that is not controlled by any disqualified persons (other than foundation managers) and otherwise meets the

requirements of section 509(a)(3). Check the box that describes the type of supporting organization:

q Type I q Type II q Type Ill - Functionally Integrated q Type III - Other

Provide the following information about the supported organizations . (See Page 8 of the instructions.)


Name(s) of supported organization(s)




number (EIN)


Type of


(described in lines

5 through 12

above or IRC



Is the supported

organization listed in

the supporting


governing documents?


Amount of


Yes No


14 q An organization organized and operated to test for public safety Section 509(a)(4) (See page 8 of the instructions.)

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-Q) 2007


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Schedule A- (Form 990 or 990-FZ) 2007 Page 4

' Support Schedule (Complete only if you checked a box on line 10, 1 1, or 12) Use cash method of accounting.

Note: You may use the worksheet in the instructions for convertina from the accrual to the cash method of accountina

Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) ► (a) 2006 (b) 2005 (c) 2004 (d) 2003 (e) Total15 Gifts , grants, and contributions received (Do

not include unusual grants Seeline28 ) 88 , 924 , 640. 5-5 , 752 , 634. 52 976 453. 48 909 742. 246563469.16 Membership fees received . 23 , 760" 17.674. 79 , 878. 121 , 271-zt 242 , 583.17 Gross receipts from admissions, merchandise


sold or services performed, or furnishing of

facilities in any activity that is related to the

organization 's charitable , etc , purpose 4 , 238 , 786. 36 353 132. 39 619 825. 35 452 646. 115664389.18 Gross income from interest , dividends,

amounts received from payments on securities

loans (section 512 (a)(5)), rents , royalties , income

from similar sources , and unrelated business

taxable income (less section 511 taxes) from

businesses acquired by the organization after

June 30, 1975 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 034 727. 2 , 848 , 610. 365 215. 1,833,643. 8 , 082 , 195.19 Net income from unrelated business activities

not included in line 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20 Tax revenues levied for the organization 's benefit

and either paid to it or expended on its

behalf . .....................

21 The value of services or facilities furnished to

the organization by a governmental unit

without charge Do not include the value of

services or facilities generally furnished to the

public without charge .

22 Other income . Attach a schedule Do not STMT 58

include gain or (loss) from sale of capital assets 802 146. 4 , 232 , 407. 537 707. 440 474. 6 , 012 , 734-23 Total of lines 15 through 22 . 97 024 059. 99 204 457. 93 579 078. 86 757 776. 376565370-24 Line 23 minus line 17. . 92 785 273. 62 851 325. 53 959 253. 51 305 130. 260900981.

..............25 Enter 1% of line 23. 970 241. 992 045. 935 791. 867 , 578.

26 Organizations described on lines 10 or 11: a Enter 2% of amount in column (e), line 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 26a 5 , 218 , 020.

b Prepare a list for your records to show the name of and amount contributed by each person (other than a

governmental unit or publicly supported organization ) whose total gifts for 2003 through 2006 exceeded the

amount shown in line 26a Do not file this list with your return . Enter the total of all these excess amounts ► 26b

c Total support for section 509(a)( 1) test Enter line 24, column (e) ►

' '

26c 260900981.

d Add : Amounts from column (e) for lines 18 8,082,195, 082, 195. 19.

22 6,012,734. 26b , , , , , , , , , , , , ► 26d 14 , 094 , 929-

e Public support ( line 26c minus line 26d total) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . . . _ _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . , ► He 246806052.

f Public support percentage ( line 26e (numerator ) divided by line 26c denominator) ► 26f 94.5976 %z i organizations aescnaea on tine i c : a ror amounts mciuaea in ones 1 , lo, and if mat were receives from a aisquannea

person ," prepare a list for your records to show the name of, and total amounts received in each year from , each "disqualified person"Do not file this list with your return. Enter the sum of such amounts for each year


(2006) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (2005)------------------- (2004 )

------------------ (2003 ) --------------b For any amount included in line 17 that was received from each person ( other than "disqualified persons"), prepare a list for your records to

show the name of, and amount received for each year , that was more than the larger of (1) the amount on line 25 for the year or ( 2) $5,000.(Include in the list organizations described in lines 5 through 11b, as well as individuals) Do not file this list with your return. After computingthe difference between the amount received and the larger amount described in (1) or (2), enter the sum of these differences (the excessamounts ) for each year


(2005)------------------- (2004 ) ------------------- (2003)---------------

c Add- Amounts from column (e) for lines 15 16

17 20 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 27c

d Add. Line 27a total. . and line 27b total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 27d

e Public support (line 27c total minus line 27d total) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 27e

f Total support for section 509(a)(2) test. Enter amount from line 23, column (e) . . . . . . . . . . ► 27f

g Public support percentage (line 27e (numerator) divided by line 27f (denominator)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 27 %

h Investment income percentage ( line 18 , column (e ) ( numerator ) divided by line 27t (denominator)) ► 27h %

28 Unusual Grants: For an organization described in line 10, 11, or 12 that received any unusual grants during 2003 through 2006,prepare a list for your records to show, for each year, the name of the contributor, the date and amount of the grant, and a briefdescription of the nature of the grant Do not file this list with your return. Do not include these grants in line 15

SSA Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 20077E12 21 1 000

60196P 649R 16

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Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 5

LjM Private School Questionnaire (See page 9 of the instructions.) NOT APPLICABLE(To be completed ONLY by schools that checked the box on line 6 in Part IV)

29 Does the organization have a racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students by statement i n its charter, bylaws, Yes No

other governing instrument, or in a resolution of its governing body? 2930 Does the organization include a statement of its racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students in all its

brochures, catalogues, and other written communications with the public dealing with student admissions,

programs, and scholarships? 30

31 Has the organization publicized its racially nondiscriminatory policy through newspaper or broadcast media during

the period of solicitation for students, or during the registration period if it has no solicitation program, in a way

that makes the policy known to all parts of the general community it serves ......... 31............If "Yes," please describe, if "No," please explain (If you need more space, attach a separate statement)




----------------------------------------------------------------------------32 Does the organization maintain the following

a Records indicating the racial composition of the student body, faculty, and administrative staff? 32ab Records documenting that scholarships and other financial assistance are awarded on a racially nondiscriminatory

basis? .......................................... . 32b. ..............c Copies of all catalogues, brochures, announcements, and other written communications to the public dealing

with student admissions, programs, and scholarships? ............. .. 32c. .................d Copies of all material used by the organization or on its behalf to solicit contributions 32d................

If you answered "No" to any of the above, please explain (If you need more space, attach a separate statement )



----------------------------------------------------------------------------33 Does the organization discriminate by race in any way with respect to

a Students' rights or privileges? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . 33a

b Admissions policies? 33b...................................................

c Employment of faculty or administrative staff? . . .. . . .. . .......... 33c

d Scholarships or other financial assistance? 33d.......................................

e Educational policies? 33e...................................................

f Use of facilities? ........... 33f...........................................

g Athletic programs? .. .. .. . .... .. .... ..... .. ... .... ...... .. . .. ..... .... .

h Other extracurricular activities?


If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement )


34 a Does the organization receive any financial aid or assistance from a governmental agency?

b Has the organization's right to such aid ever been revoked or suspended?

If you answered "Yes" to either 34a or b, please explain using an attached statement

35 Does the organization certify that it has complied with the applicable requirements of sections 4 01 through 4 05

of Rev. Proc. 75-50 1975-2 C B 587 , coverin g racial nondiscrimination? If "No , " attach an explanation 35

JSA Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

7E 1230 1 000

60196P 649R 17

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Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 6Lobbying Expenditures by Electing Public Charities (See page 11 of the instructions)(To be completed ONLY by an eligible organization that filed Form 5768) NOT APPLICABLE

Check ► a if the organization belongs to an affiliated group Check ► b if you checked "a" and "limited control " Drovisions aooly

Limits on Lobbying Expenditures Affiliated group To be completed

(The term "expenditures" means amounts paid or incurred)totals for all electing


36 Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grassroots lobbying) 3637 Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying) 3738 Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 36 and 37). _ _ . _ 3839 Other exempt purpose expenditures . . . . . ... ..... ... .. .. 3940 Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 38 and 39) 4041 Lobbying nontaxable amount. Enter the amount from the following table*-*

If the amount on line 40 Is - The lobbying nontaxable amount is -

Not over $500,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . 20% of the amount on line 40 , _ , _ , , , . . .

Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000 , , , $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000

Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 . $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000 41

Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000

Over $17,000,000 . . . . . $1,000,000 . _ . . . . . . .

42 Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 41) . 42

43 Subtract line 42 from line 36. Enter -0- if line 42 is more than line 36 4344 Subtract line 41 from line 38 Enter -0- if line 41 is more than line 38 44

Caution : If there is an amount on either line 43 or line 44, you must file Form 4720.1

4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h)(Some organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below

See the instructions for lines 45 through 50 on page 13 of the instructions.)

Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period

Calendar year (or fiscal (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)year beginning in) ► 2007 2006 2005 2004 TotalLobbying nontaxable

45 amount

Lobbying ceiling amount

46 ( 150% of line 45(e))

47 Total lobbying expenditures

Grassroots nontaxable

48 amount .

Grassroots ceiling amount

49 (150% of line 48(e))

Grassroots lobbying

50 expenditures. .

ta Loooymg iacuvlty oy rvonetecttng ruouc cnannes(For reporting only by organizations that did not complete Part VI-A) (See page 13 of the instructions.)

During the year, did the organization attempt to influence national , state or local legislation , including anyattempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of

Yes No Amount

a Volunteers . . . . . . . . ... . .*

Xb Paid staff or management (Include compensation in expenses reported on lines c through I.).) Xc Media advertisements X

d Mailings to members, legislators, or the public , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , ,, X 30 , 714.e Publications, or published or broadcast statements , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,, X 1 , 905 .f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , ,, X 62 , 276.g Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body .. X 497 , 785 .h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any other means , , , , , , X 135 , 193 .i Total lobbying expenditures (Add lines c through h ).. ....... .. . . .... . .. . . .. 727 , 873.

If "Yes" to any of the above, also attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities STMT 59

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007


7E 1240 1 000

60196P 649R 18

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Schedule A ( Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Ppge 7

Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable• Exempt Organizations (See page 14 of the instructions.)

51 Did the reporting organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section

501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations?

a Transfers from the reporting organization to a nonchantable exempt organization of. Yes No

(I) Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. -

(Ii) Other assets X

b Other transactions:

(1) Sales or exchanges of assets with a nonchantable exempt organization

(Ii) Purchases of assets from a nonchardable exempt organization


(Ili) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets X

(iv) Reimbursement arrangements

(v) Loans or loan guarantees

(vi) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations

c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees X

d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the

goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting organization. If the organization received less than fair market value in any

transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received


7E 1250 1 000

60196P 649R 19

52a Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations

described in section 501 (c) of the Code ( other than section 501(c )( 3)) or in section 527? . , , ... _ . _ . ►q Yes No

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

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Alzheimer's AssociationYear Ended June 30, 2008EIN #36-3463656

GEN #9334Schedule for 990 Part ILines 1h_ 1c_ 1d_ 1a Cnntrihutinns


Direct Public Indirect Public Gov't Total Contributions

I CHU Chapter Name Support 1b Support 1c Contributions 1d le

_.___ 3,341.02300* - - - 1,093,072 00; 0 00' 4,434,095 001908.786 00 104,607 00 237,951.00' 2,251,344 00937.713 00 -- 35,190 00 142 _255 00 1, 115,158 00

- 1.136 _333_00 39,442 00'- -

84,533 00'-

1,260,308 00- - -1 , 729,415.00 ' 675,935 00_ ^ 0 00* -2,405,350.00

77,631 00 303,75300'. _.62,321 00 443,705.00

• 17,822.00 22,659 00 -- ---- 22,052 00' --'-6"2-.5-3- 3-001,080.347 00: 160,80900: 0.00 1,241,156 001 -J09-8-.8-03-OW. 355,089 00; 984,854 00- 2.438,746 00°974,594 00: 62,355 00:

- - - -.0-00

-1,036,949 00€

68,951.00. 55,581 W -- -161.21700162,220.00:

.83,796 00'+_ .. 000:. •_ -


124 379 000

1-.0-2-2-00.4 -1-6--5,4-0- 1--00.1,142,36500 29,35600• 33,53800' 1,205,259.00411.300 00, 29,500 00; 0 00' 440,800 00.

1,859,965 00 658,628 00: 000 ^ 2,518,593001,254,64900: 319,063 00; 0.00 1,573,71200700,046 00: 387,062 00 0.00: 1,087,108.00

:. _ .__. 163,055 00' 245,205 00 - 0.00: 408,260.00•_106,415_00

-- - - 2,307 00

-236,610_00 345.332_00•

- - - 36,104.00 72,169 006• 108.27300.- - -130,094.00 110,52700 0.00 240,62100:

380,57700280,43300. 572,834 00: 8,300-00 861,567 00542,472.00: 73,342 00 276,556.00. 892,37000-

1,364.916 00. 000 195 705 00 1,560.621 003.094,947.00 1,015,085.00€


234,810.00: 4,344.842.00= 692,860 00 364,991 00@ 930,806 00' 1,988,657.00;

178.198_00 75,16000, 165,709 00 419,067 00:438,368.00

- ---- 176,681 00 :

- -000-

_615,049 W

1.246,911.00 56,538_00 000o 1 303,449 00.818,920.00 131,509 00 --0- -00--

- --_- ---9-50--,-4-29--0-0

181,498 00, 40,248 00: 156,309.00 378,055.00176,152 00: 183,752 00 395,285.00. 755,18900.543.771 00 216,145.00 000' 759,91600438,285 00 20,000.00'. 000 458.285.00-

1.71 ,•---3519_00 467,50000~ 000 2_261.019_00'117,758_00 33,484 00 000 00 331,24200- - - -

1,631,03400;- - -

000.......... . .

0-00: 1 ,631,03400'32,45600: 000' 0.00' 32,456 00.

185,174 00: 62,71800: 0.001 247,89200.1,235,800 00: 91,71800: 000: - - 1,327,51800:326.173 00 556,269 00'- 0 00 882,442 00

1326,544.00: 149,46000. 000 1,476,00400.664,355 00: 251,503 00: 117,037.00 1 _032_895 0083,079.00 16,742 00 000

_ _99,821.00

690,784.00 39,891 00? 54,731.00. 785,406.00-30,8-.O-50--0(r-- 1 36,619110' ' -- 73,263.00, - -- 517,932 00.1,084,500 00-

.190,226 00; 172,149.00: 1,446,875 00

233,567 00 202.362 00 110,62500, 546,554 00-- -- - 781,097 00€

--- 1 18,019.00:

-209,112 00- 1,108,228 00

297,610.00:_ _

50, 661 00 - 76,41300------424,784.00- 339,300 00' 368,759 00: 8654 00'- - 716,713.00

----- - - ._. -^_ _ _- . 968,249_00, 158,523 00: 181.093 00' .1_307,8650065,787.00. 252,309 00 000' 318_096 00'34860300. 11,561 00 390,647 00 750,811 00701,45600' 145,41700; 000'. 846,8730067,13100; 1,50000 : 000' 68.63100

`Contributions From Special Events over and above Revenue $39.000_000-00_


$339,000,000 00-'$81,007,669.00 $11,158,588.00 $5,852,843.00

_ _$98,019,100.00


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60196P 649R STATEMENT 1

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'Alzheimer's AssociationYear Ended June 30, 2007EIN #36-3463656GEN #9334

Listing of Chapters of the Alzheimer's Association

included in the Group IRS 990


CA 94-2897949 20 Northern California and Northern Nevada 1060 La Avenida St Mountain View 94040

CO 84-0908354 24 Colorado 455 Sherman Street, Suite 500 Denver 80203-3532

CT 42-1540769 28 Connecticut 96 Oak Street Hartford 06106

FL 59-2008883 33 Southeast Florida 700 S Dixie Hwy , Suite 107 West Palm Beach 33401

GA 58-1492046 46 Georgia 1925 Century Blvd , Suite 10 Atlanta 30345

HI 99-0212360 53 Aloha 1050 Ala Moana Blvd Honolulu 96814-4906

ID 82-0389209 054 Greater Idaho 1111 S Orchard St Suite 200 Boise 83705

IL 37-1224417 68 Central Illinois 606 W Glen Avenue Peoria 61614

IL 36-3102348 69 Greater Illinois 4709 Golf Road, Suite 1015 Skokie 60076

IN 35-1747836 67 Greater Indiana 9135 North Meridian Street, Suite B-4 Indianapolis 46260

IA 42-1298350 69 Big Sioux - 502 11th Street Sioux City 51105

IA 42-1333384 73 East Central Iowa 1570 42nd Street NE Cedar Rapids 52402

ID 20-6107941 75 Central and Western Kansas 347 South Laura Witchita 67211

KY 36-4497854 78 Greater Kentucky and Southern Indiana 3703 Taylorsville Road Louisville 40220

ME 01-0428502 82 Maine 163 Lancaster St., Suite 160B Portland 04101

M D 52-1219428 83 Greater Maryland 1850 York Road, Suite D Timonium 21093

MA 04-2731194 87 Massachusetts 311 Arsenal Street Watertown 02472

KS 48-0934474 100 Heart of Amenca 3846 West 75th Street Prairie Village 66208

MO 43-1344786 101 Mid Missouri 1121 Business Loop 70 East Columbia 65201

MO 43-1485251 103 Southwest Missouri 1500 South Glenstone Springfield 65804

MT 81-0452297 105 Montana 3010 11th Avenue North Billings 59101

NE 48-0931989 108 Great Plains 5601 S. 27th Street, Suite 201 Lincoln 68512

NE 47-0648438 109 Midlands 7101 Newport Avenue Omaha 68152

NY 363487171 117 Central New York 441 West Kirkpatrick Street Syracuse 13204-1361

NY 14-1695487 118 Hudson Valley/RocldandlWestchester, NY 2 Jefferson Plaza, Suite 103 Poughkeepsie 12601-4027

NY 11-2637292 120 Long Island 3281 Veterans Memorial Highway Ronkonkoma 11779

NY 13-3277408 121 New York City 360 Lexington Avenue, 5th Floor New York 10017

NY 16-1159941 123 Rochester 435 East Henrietta Road Rochester 14620

NY 16-1181599 128 Western New York 2805 Wehrle Drive, Suite 6 Williamsville 14221

OH 34-1454446 135 Greater East Ohio Area 1815 West Market Street, Suite 301 Akron 44313


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OH 34-1311175 139 Cleveland Area 12200 Fairhdl Road Cleveland 44120

OH 31-0996236 140 Central Ohio 3380 Tremont Road Columbus 43221

OH 31 -1031867 143 Miami Valley 3797 Summit Glen Drive , Suite G100 Dayton 45449

OH 34-1423768 144 Northwest Ohio 2500 North Reynolds Road Toledo 43615-2820

OK 73 -1183372 147 Oklahoma/Arkansas 6465 South Yale, Suite 206 Tulsa 74136-7810

OR 93-0813252 148 Oregon 1311 N W 21st Avenue Portland 97209

PA 23 -2280056 156 Delaware Valley 100 N 17th Street, 2nd Floor Philadel phia 19103

RI 05-0445962 159 Rhode Island 245 Waterman Street , Suite 306 Providence 02906

SC 57-0792592 161 Upstate South Carolina 521 N McDuffie Street Anderson 29621-5528

SD 32-0151779 162 South Dakota 1000 N West Ave Suite 250 Sioux Falls 57104

TX 74-2286105 169 Capital of Texas 3429 Executive Center Drive Austin 78731

TX 75-2041194 172 Greater Dallas 7610 Stemmons Freeway , Suite 600 Dallas 75247-4228

TX 04-3631046 173 STAR 4400 N Mesa. Suite 9 El Paso 79902

TX 74 -2198685 174 Houston & Southeast Texas 2909 W Holcombe Houston 77025

TX 75-1984152 177 North Central Texas 101 Summit Avenue Fort Worth 76102

VT 03-0286299 179 Vermont and New Hampshire 338 River Street Montpelier 05601

VA 54-1309570 181 Central and Western Virginia 1807 Seminole Trail, Suite 204 Charlottesville 22901

VA 54-1204329 182 Southeastern Virginia #20 Interstate Corporate Center Norfolk 23502

VA 52 -1196162 184 National Capital Area 11240 Waples Mill Road Fairfax 22030

VA 54-1263555 185 Greater Richmond 4600 Cox Road Glen Allen 23060

WA 91 -1075926 190 Western and Central Washington State 12721 30th Avenue NE, Suite 101 Seattle 98125

WV 363487172 191 West Virginia 1111 Lee Street, East Charleston 25301

WI 39-1493227 194 Greater Wisconsin 2900 Curry Lane Suite A Green Bay 54311

WI 39-1350965 195 Southeastern Wisconsin 6130 W. National Avenue Milwaukee 53214

TN 62 -1860364 208 Mid South 4205 Hillsboro Pike, Suite 216 Nashville 37215

WI 39-1679333 214 South Central Wisconsin 517 N . Segoe , Suite 301 Madison 53705

IA 42-1520582 232 Greater Iowa 1730 28th Street West Des Moines 50266

WA 91-1409620 233 Inland Northwest 601 W . Maxwell , Suite 4 S kane 99201



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Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association

Attachments to Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008 IRS Group ReturnEIN #36-343463656 GEN #9334

Copies of the authorizations provided by each of 58 chapters for inclusion in the

Group IRS 990 return are on file in the National Office.

A blank copy of the authorization form has been included.


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IRS Authorization

Alzheimer's AssociationFISCAL YEAR 2008 IRS 990 AUTHORIZATION

Chapter Name:Chapter Address:

230 Code:Chapter Federal Employer I.D. No.

Check one of the two Authorizations below:

I am the President of the above AlzheQners Association Chapter. and I have been empowered to authorize andrequest the National AI heiners Association to include us in the IRS 990 Group Return for the fiscal year endedJune 30, 2008.

ICI hereby declare under the penalties of perjury that the authorization and associated financial information used forthe preparation of Form 990 has been eernined by me and to the best of my knowledge is true, coned andcomplete and made In good fad

I have aiduded the 2008 Audit, Revlew or Compaction Report with an Supporting Schedules.

I am the President of the above AJ ei's Action Chi and I DO NOT elect the National office of theAlzhertner's Association to Include us in the IRS 990 Group Return for the fiscal year ended

June 30, 2008.

I have it ded the 2008 Audl, Review or Compilation Report with all Supporting Schedules.

I have inckJded a signed oopy of the "Filed 990".


Print Name

President Date

I hereby certify that the President is authorized to execute the above and did so_


Secretary Date

Print Name


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Alzheimer's AssociationYear Ended June 30, 2008EIN #36-3463656 Listing of Chapters of the Alzheimers AssociationGEN #9334 Filing Individually - Not included in Group 990


AZ 86-0402582 06 Desert Southwest 1028 E McDowell Road Phoenix



CA 95-3718119 012 California Southland 5900 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 1100 Los Angeles 90036

CA 95-3702013 017 Orange County 17771 Cowan, Suite 200 Irvine 92614

CA 95-3565388 019 San Diego 4950 Murphy Canyon Road San Diego 92123

CA 77-0006745 021 California Central Coast 2024 De La Vina St. Santa Barbara 93105

FL 36-3487166 037 Central and North Flonda 988 Woodcock Rd, Sude 200 Orlando 32803

FL 59-2378435 038 Florida Gulf Coast 9365 US Hwy 19 N , Suite B Pinellas Park 33782

LA 72-1038780 081 Louisiana 429 Murray Street, Suite 701 Alexandria 71303

MI 38-2378032 090 Greater Michigan 20300 Civic Center Drive Southfield 48076

MI 38-2380738 097 Michigan Great Lakes 107 Aprill Drive, Suite 1 Ann Arbor 48103

MN 41-1361624 099 Minnesota-Dakotas 4550 W 77th Street, Suite 200 Minneapolis 55435

MO 43-1237069 104 St. Louis 9374 Olive Boulevard St Louis63132-3214

NJ 22-2603592 113 Greater New Jersey 400 Moms Avenue, Suite 251 Denville 07834

NM 85-0287820 115 New Mexico 9500 Montgomery N E Ste, 209 Albuquerque 87111

NY 14-1634958 116 Northeastern New York 85 Watervliet Avenue Albany12206-2083

NC 56-1501117 129 Eastern North Carolina 400 Oberlin Road, Suite 220 Raleigh27605-


NC 56-1440727 130 Western Carolina 3800 Shamrock Drive Charlotte



OH 31-1067991 138 Greater Cincinnati 644 Linn Street, Suite 1026 Cincinnati 45203

PA 25-1510692 157 Greater Pennsylvania 3544 North Progress Avenue Harnsburg 17110

TN 62-1206312 164 Eastern Tennessee 2200 Sutherland Avenue Knoxville 37919

UT 87-0397943 178 Utah 845 E 4800 S , Suite 120

Salt Lake

City 84107

MS 64-0786327 205 Mississippi Chapter 1900 Dunbarton Drive, Suite I Jackson 39216

1 22


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Alzheimer's Association

Year Ended June 30, 2008EIN #36-3463656

GEN #9334Schedule for 990 PartLines A8a, A8b, A8c,

BI8a , B8b, B8c

Publicly Basis Publicly Net PubliclyTraded Traded Traded Securities

Chapter # Chapter Name Securities 8a Securities 8b 8c Gross Sales Other 8a Basis Other 8b.. . .. .... ... Net Other 8c Net Sale of Assets 8d

............. ......._...... .... ....... _.. .... 1 _..............._ _.. ..... _ ... 41 - . 1 ........_ _1. ..... .

69 Big Sioux „ 0.00i 0.001 0.001 2,180.001 1,000 001 1.180.001 1,180.0075 Central and Western Kansas........_._..........._............... ............. i 7,204 001.......... 0 001 7,204 001. 0 001 0 00! 0 001 7,204 00117 ( Central New York ! 0.001 0.001

.0 001

...................500 00, _ o do*

,* 500.001

...................................500 00

147 Oktehoma/Arkansas 0.00. ....................... 628.001 (628 00)............ 0 00 265001 (265 00)1 (893.00)182 outheastern Vi.9inia................ 0.00......_ . . . . . . . . .. . . 463 00_............ ..... _ ..... (463 00)_. _ ........................ O.OOT............... . 446 bb!................ ._ ..... ....... ..

.(446 00); ......_._ _.........

......... ..... ............ .909.00)

7,204.00 1,091.00 6,113 .00 2,680 .00 1,711.00 969 .00 7,082.00


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ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATIONYear Ended June 30, 2008EIN #36-3463656GEN #9334

Schedule for 990 Part ILines #9, 9a, 9b , 9c, 10a, 10b, 10c

Special Events Special Events BookSpecial Events Fundraising Net Fundraising Book Sales Expenses

Chapter # Chapter Name Fundralsing 9a Direct Exp 9b Income 9c 10a 10b

20 Nevada.....................

24L.............. ...........................................................


28^.. ........ ...............................................



:Southeast Florida46


€Georgia53 Aloha...................54

.. . . ...........,... .. .......................................................reater Idaho



:Central Illinois....................


€ Greater IllinoisL....................


;Greater Indiana

69..........................................................................Bia Sioux

73 .. .......... . .East Central Iowa

I. ........ ... .................. ... ......... .......................

2,334,926.00) 0.00............................. 1..

2,470,494.001 163,614.00........................444642^^i 0.........................:00325,285.00; 0.00... ............... ...

2,965,767.00: 79..........






.. ......................... 1 ..................................

301,525.001 40,403.00... „ .... ................113,146.00:.. 000

.....................I............................ ........

449,073.00! 47, 789.002110, 931.00: 250, 004.00


1,198,543.00: 0.00.............................

392,130.00' 76610.00.......................................

2.334,926 00: 12,385.00; 10,014.00;2,306,880.00; 10,078 6-,'9- 0-4 7,044.00:s 0.00..................325,285.00;

...................... ........ ..... . ....


.......... . ... ... .... ... ...

............ .................0.00

...................... .... .....2,286.211:.00

., 34 8 00 :: .000......................

261,122.00;...... . . .


0.00.........................................113:146: 00

..........................................................0 :000 :00 s........ ....







.. .......... ........

1 8


98, 543.00...., 1......1.231.00.: . ...................0.00

351,534.00; 48,617.0075 Central and Western Kansas

L154,582.00 10,170.00;


78....... .......................................................................

Indiana........... .

...... ................................. I.....

691,313 . 001..............................L...

102 , 352.00;.......



aine.......4.................... ... . .

........... .............................................

452,659 . 00:I


32 , 348.00:83

. . ..... .......................................

reater Maryland........... ....................................... .....

982,487 . 00:....... .... .................L...

115 , 502.00:..............87 .................... . ....

.......; ..................................................... ..................Massachusetts

................. . ... .. . .i........... .f.........

..............................,.....2,814,019 . 00


.................................80 , 317.00:

1 00 ... .. ........ ............. .......................... .

Heart of America........... ............. .......................... .....

642,793 . 00:.............................. L...

109,721.001.............1.0 ................... . .

....... r............................................ ..........................Mid Missouri

...........,................................. ......,.....150,069 . 00: ............. ..................

0.00:fb^.. .. . ...... .......................................................................

:Southwest Missouri........... ....................................... 1.....

294,911 . 001.................................

57 , 534.00:.............10.................................

.......r........................................................................ Montana

......L...... .. . .

........... . .....0:.,.....................................45,133 . 661"*5,133 . 0


..... ................................................. . ......

Great Plains........... . ...................................... 1....

309,981.00:.............. ................4...

0.001............10...... ...... r ...Mid..............lands

..................................... ..............: ........... . .........................81....7. .0......0:......


548 .00,..........................


...... ... ......................................

;Central New York......C.......................................................................

. 1 ................ ......................................

388,571 . 00;. .......... ................................. ...... .....

.............. ................ L...

68 , 131.00;............................ ...

118 NY4


594,682 . 00:.

47 , 664.00:......


.... ... ...................................................................

Long Island...... r.......................................................................


402,428.00;........... ....................................... ...


0.001... . . .. .. ?

121.......... .

, ..

:New York City 2,296 , 343.00 :...... I................................................................................... ....................................... .....

. . . . . ..... .......... ...

160,204.00:... ...........................:.....



Net Book SalesIncome 10c




.......................1, 348.00


.................................139.00 ;

.............................. I...............00;

......................................139.00. ........ ......

304.00:.......... ........ ..............







3,632.00............. ..... ........... .. .

0.00:................................... .. .............

0.00;.................... ........ .......................................

0.00............................... ......32,241.00:

.0 :32 241 00


.00;14,630..................... . . .

......................... .





00: ,30.........................................................................................

0 0 006

. 0.00.1 .............................)....................................................1

4,659.001 0.001 4,659.001......... ............................... .................................................. .



6522 6!22:00.

.: .. .

622 :00...... ....0.001

............. ....0.00:


543.00: 625.00'• 82:000:00; 0.001 0.00:....0:00€




0.00;........................................... . ...

0.001.................... ........26,038.00:


.....................................................10, 513.00:

309,981.00:..........................145 269.00320.440.001547,018.00:....... .. ..................... ..s ......


Page 26: B Check,fapprcaN Adores, Namechange Termination …990s.foundationcenter.org/990_pdf_archive/363/...Inea,renrn see 225 N. MICHIGAN AVE. 1700 ( 312) 335-8700 specific Termination hstn,c-

Chapter # .... . I ........................Chapter Name....................123 Rochester

............. ....................


Western New York...........135

. ...............................................................................::Greater East Ohio Areae.......... ... ..... . ... .........

13.. .. ....... .......... .....................................................

leveland Area.................................140


................................................................................Central Ohio

4..i .43

. ......................................................

Miami Valley ............................................................144 :Northwest Ohio


147. ..............................................



156 :Delaware Valley...... ............159

. R.hode.......I.......


R.. ................................... .......

161 Upstate South Carolina............. :...............................................................................162 `•. South Dakota


169. ............ ..............................................................................

Capital of Texas. :...................................................................... . . . ..172..... .. ..

.. . . . .Greater Dallas. . . .............

173 .STAR............174


..................................................................Houston & Southeast Texas

4.. ..............


I North Central Texas............179


:................................................................................:Vermont and New Hampshire.......

181 .....................................................................................

Central and Western Virginia:. ................................................................................1182 i Southeastern Virginia



National Ca p ital Area;.........................P......................................................185 Greater Richmond


190 ............4...............................................................................

Western and Central Washington:. ................................................................................191 :West Virginia


194................................................................................Greater Wisconsin


.........................................................;Southeastern Wisconsina.... ..............


Mid South:............ .....................214

................................................................................South Central Wisconsin



;Greater Iowa.............233


..............................................................................Inland Northwest


Special EventsFundralsing 9a

205,147.01442,206.0271, 886.0468,334.01384,711.01546,476.01






346,800.00727, 878.00..............................82,714.00


ipecial Events

FundraisingDirect Exp 9b






750,335.00:: 48, 304.00...........................01,874.00.....101,874.66!


..............................0.. .00.."**


379, 924.00:...................................

59, 510.00................345,115.00...1


............5.....9..,........732....00.................................. ..

1 846,191.00;.

478,027.00:369,885.00`• ** 0.00

...........................1,218,679.0d1* .....................---** 0.00...............................

388,907.061. .. . 1

..................................80, 574.00

. ....... ...... .






900,467.00: 0.00. ...............................480,887.001



........................... . ....

555,749 00. .

0.00: :1.66,296.00'........1 .

16,398.00......................... ... . .

1,000,000.00)';•. .. .

..............................3,957 , 189.00

.............9............$4.43. 1




Special Events BookNet Fundraising Book Sales Expenses Net Book Sales

Income 9c 10a 10b Income 10c........................ .. . .. . . . . . .. . .205,147.001



. ....... .0.00:



403,506 .00;...............................)

3, 002.00 i...............................$.....

230.00 ::...............................

2,772.00........... .251,842.001

............ .. .. . . )

.......... .0.001

............. . .....0.00:


. . .... ..............

403,444.00;............................. s.

1,733.001............................ ) .....

0.001.................. ...... . ....... ...



..................... ..........; .0




471,362.001.................... .................. :............................... .

8,426.00:. ...............................1.....

3,987.001.................................... ...........

4,439.00262,390.00:........... .. )

.... ...........................617.001)

.............................. .....499.00:

...............................................118.00.... .....................

1,203,994.00::................................................... .

2,842.001........................................... ,.....

0.00:............................. ................

2,842.00437 , 491.003:....... ............

....................0 001

.............................0.001 0.00. ..................

1,657,200.001............................... >............................... .....

0.001 0.00::................................................

0.00................ ............ ........ .297,470.00:

................ 1



............................. ......0.00:

........ .... . .

................. .... ...... ................3,610.00

727878.00; 0.00::..... . . ...............

0.00 ::...............................................

0.00.......... ......... . ....... .......... .74,150.00:

. . y

............................... .0.00;

............................. .....0.001


. ............



0.00 ::............................. ............... .

0.00..........787 213.00: 1,775.00;



450,404.00; 1,296.00; 0.001 1,296.00...863,301


.....................0.....00......:.. ........ .....................0.00:

...... ... .........000

................ .





.................... ).


...... ..... . . .... .





320,414.001. . . . ... ......

0.00;.............................. .....

0:00 :...............................................


................) .117.001



.............................. f .....



1,368,164.00; 0.00; 0.00: 0.00................ .............. .........369,885.00:

. . . 1


.............................. .....0.001


. . ........... ...............................).

1 ,218,679.001 1,668.00;........................................................)....................................................

0.00; 1,668.00.3.00's . 2,82100;.......... ..... . )



623,746.00;.. .

8,408.00;.............................. .....

37,085.001....................................... ......

(28,677.00500100.00:.....................................>. 5,562.00:................................ 2,474.00:................. ..... . . . 3:088.00900,467.00: 296.00;

. . . ... ......0.001


394,914.00:...................................... ).

.........2,035.00 :.

.............................. ).


.............................. )......


... .... .......... .

555.749.00: 2,677.001 0.00::................... . ........


........ .490.001•

.................. ......0.00:

..................... ..490.00

1,969.00)1$192,535.001 $106,676.001 $85,859.00


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ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATIONYear Ended June 30, 2008EIN #36-3463656GEN #9334

Schedule for 990 Part I

Line 16 , Payments to Affiliates

All Dues Payments made to National Office per our BylawsAlzheimer's Association225 N Michigan Ave

Chicago, IL 60601

Dues to# Chapter Name National

28 € Connecticut 109,155.00...............33


..... ..................................................................................................... .......................................... .... ...

.Southeast Florida 129,365.00a............... .... ..


. .. ...............................................................................

Georgia.......... .............................................................................................

. a. ......................

.. ...........................162,603.00........... .

53.. .


.. .............40,461.00

.. ............... . ................................................ .................. _....... _........................

54 .Greater Idaho.a.


.........................................................................................................Central Illinois


........................ ...........................42,439.00................... ................................................................_.....................................-a............................. _...................

69 Big Sioux 26,481.00


:Heart of America........ .


. ....................................................................... ................ ......

Southwest Missouri........................ ...........................

30 , 073.00...105

.........................................................................................................: Montana

........................ ...........................7,910.00....................................................................................................... .......... _.......... .

108 :Great Plains:.................40,159.00

109 ... . .. .

............ ..................................... ----- ................................Midlands


....................... .---.33..---


----------00:. .. . . .. ----..................---.......... .. ....................................................................

117 Central New York.


......... ...................................................................................New York City.

........................ ...........................271,212.00.............. ............................ ........................................ ............................. .....

123 Rochester.


100,735.0028 ..... .......

.......................................................................................................................................................Western New York 51,836.00..............................................


Greater East Ohio Area.

3,289.00143 ami Valley 51,517.00144 Northwest Ohio 66 , 622.00159

........................................................................................................Rhode Island

........................ ._........................39,159.00............. 1................................................................................................. .... .......................

162 € South Dakota. . ....

11,719.00169 .......... .

... ...........................................;Capital of Texas.

....................... ....2,-3-...............23 110:00.............. .......................................................................................................

174 Houston & Southeast Texas:.




. . . ......... .................. ... .... . ......................... ..th

.. ...Central




.......................... .



Vermont and New Hampshire.....................

7,882.00185 Greater Richmond . 219.00.............. .................................................................190 Western and Central Washington... -..... ....'- - .................................................................-' -- ' '*-

-* *


.......... .............

.... ...... . ......... . ......70,589.00............._... ....... ...

194a c no s i

WisconsinG er.............. . 67 , 865 .00195

. .................................................................................Southeastern Wisconsin

......................- --------.........._.......75 , 918.00

214 South Central Wisconsin 40,378.00_ .................... ............................. ............................................................................^$^^^^•^^^•1, 887 ,'798.00•


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DESCRIPTION AMOUNT----------- ------











TOTAL 2,479,871.

60196P 649RSTATEMENT 12

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TOTAL 5,853,277.

60196P 649RSTATEMENT 13

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Alzheimer's AssociationYear Ended June 30, 2008EIN #36-3463656GEN #9334Schedule for 990 Part II,

Line 22b, Grants Paid

































Cha pter Name Awarded To Address City State ZIP Purpose 22b Cash 2b Non Cash Total 22Northern California and Northern Nevada Thu -Vi Nguyen PhD 236 Laurel PI #1 San Rafael CA 94901 Res pite Care f500.00 $0.00Northern California and Northern Nevada Markus Britsch i 1415 5 Th Ave # 5 San Francisco CA 94122 Respite Care $500.00 $0.00Northern California and Northern Nevada Adrlane Mayda 2526 Duet Dr West Sacramento CA 95691 Res pite Care $500.00 $0.00Northern California and Northern Nevada Andrea Merlam Weinstein 430 Flllmore St A pt C San Francisco CA 94117 Res pite Care $500.00 $0.00Northern California and Northern Nevada Alexandra Jasmine Flocco 32 Rivoll St San Francisco CA 94117 Res p ite Care $500.00 $0.00Northern California and Northam Nevada N a Bien LY 23 Crestline Ave Da City CA 94015 Res p ite Care $500.00 $0.00Northern California and Northern Nevada Jason Simon Chang 1430 San Marine Ave San Marine CA 91108 Respite Care Si 000.00 0.00Northern California and Northern Nevada Jason M. Holland 2164 B Pop lar Ave Palo Alto CA 94303 Res pite Care $1,000.00 $0.00Northern California and Northern Nevada Phili pp Jaeg er Stanford University school of Medicine Palo Alto CA 94303 Res pite Care $500.00 $0.00Northern California and Northam Nevada Gan LI 727 Pablo Ave #209 Alban CA 94706 Res pite Care $1 , 000.00 $0.00Northern California and Northern Nevada Merry Sylvester 566 West Taylor Street Reno NV 89509 Respite Care $500.00 $0.00Northern California and Northern Nevada Bess Frost 507 Crestmont Drive San Francisco CA 94131 Res p ite Care $350.00 $0.00Northern California and Northern Nevada Nln Zhan 535 Pierce St #530 1 Albany CA 94706 Res pite Care $500.00 $0.00 $7 ,850.00Massachusetts Care Track

_Misc. Res pite Care $13000.00 $0.00 $13 .000.00 ,

Hudson Valle 1Rockiand/Weetchester, NY Coalition of NYS Cha pters Dues Payment Respite Care $6,04200 $0.00Hudson Valle /Rockland/Westchester, NY Susan Levine 1 80 Turn of River Rd , #510 , Stamford CT 06905 Res p ite Care $0.00 $275.00Hudson Valley/Rockland/Westchester, NY Joenel Torrlllo

Hudson Valley/Rockland/Westchester, NY Rod Mo Ica

Hudson Valle lRocklandlWeetchester, NY Anne Turchlns

Hudson Valle /Rocklandlweetcheeter, NY Lisa Adele Zinman 4

Hudson Valle lRockiandiWestcheeter, NY Anne Gauvin

Hudson Valle /RockiandlWestchester, NY Marlene Far ardo

Hudson Valle /RocklandiWastcheater, NY Michelle Bruno

27 Glenside Avenue, Apt. 0-1 ,615 West 113th Street , Apt. 44,295 N. Broadwa y,03 Palisades Avenue ,

915 E. 229th Street ,

227 Lexington Avenue ,7 Cresthlll Drive Apt. C .

SummitNew York







07001100251070110703 _1046607001 _10960

Res p ite Care

Res pite Care

Res pite Care

Respite Care

Resp ite Care

RespIte Care

Respite Care








$275.00$275.00$275.00 8 ,242.00

New York Ci ty NYSADSANew York City Ag ing In New York Fund , Inc.New York Ci ty Council of Sr. Centers & Serv. Of NYC , Inc

None ProvidedNone Provided

None Provided

Resp ite Care

Respite Care

Respite Care




$0.00New York Ci ty Ain In New York Fund Inc.Now York City The Geriatric Mental Health Alliance of NYNew York Ci ty Greater NY Health Care Facilities Assistance

None ProvidedNone Provided

None Provided

Respite Care

Resp ite Care

Respite Care




$0.00New York Ci ty Staten Idlsnf Inter-A g en cy Council for Ag in g None Provided Res p ite Care $50.00 $0.00New York City Fort Washington House Serv. For the Elderly None Provided Res Ite Care $750.00 $0.00Now York Ci ty Clotllde PisseauxNew York City Black Agency ExecutivesRochester Coalition of NYS Alzheimer's Associations 4

None Provided

None Provided35 E. Henrietta Road Rochester NY 10620

Res Ite Care

Respite Care




$3 , 705.00



Rochester Sym posium scholarshi ps Misc.


Symposium $0.00 $140.00 $3845.00South Carolina SAFE RETURN GRANTS Misc Respite Care $1 ,81000 $0.00 $1 , 810.00Greater Dallas Linda Kehn 201 S p incaster Lane , Pottsboro TX 70576 Caregiver $1000'00 $0.00Greater Dallas Jewel Strafford 1 2991 E. Hwy 82, Whltesboro TX 76273 Caregiver $1,000.00 $0.00Greater Dallas to Hall 3300 Pecan Crossin g Mesq uite TX 75181 Careg iver $1,000.00 $0.00Greater Dallas Carolyn Madison 8 10 E. Peters Colon 208, Carrollton TX 75006 Careg iver $1,000.00 $0.00Greater Dallas J uana Lira 2211 S. Vernon Ave. #102 , Dallas TX 75224 Careg iver Si 000.00 $0.00Greater Dallas Daniel Yarnell 1Greater Dallas Thl Ng uyen 3Greater Dallas Various

869 Oak Bend Or.509 Sa ebrush Trail







ScholarshipSafe Return

$2 ,500.00$2 , 500.00




$0.00Greater Dallas Cesia Valdez 1Greater Dallas Barbara Williams 5Greater Dallas Michael Brison 6STAR Coastal Bend Community Foundation N

0426 Kinslow Dr.,114 McKinney,522 W. Meadlist Circleone Provided




Corpus Christi ,











$4 ,976.00$22,17000


$9 ,064.00




STAR AAA NSTAR CAS Cares Inc. NSTAR United Way of El Paso N

one Providedone Provided

one Provided

EI PasoEI Peso

EI Paso








$0.00STAR St. Francis None Provided EI Paso TX Various $2,638.00 $0.00


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STAR Stern Foundation None Provided El Paso TX MA-Safe $234.00 $0.00STAR Cirlot Hunter Foundation None Provided El Paso TX MA-Safe $853.00 $0.00STAR CDBG None Provided El Paso TX Various $1 , 816.00 $0.00STAR AAA Corpus Christi None Provided Corpus Christi TX Various $3 , 352.00 $0.00STAR AAA Alamo and Bexar None Provided San Antonio TX Various $3 , 511.00 $0.00STAR McNutt Grant None Provided San Antonio TX Respite Care $1 , 290.00 $0.00STAR Ba ptist Health Grant None Provided San Antonio TX Careg iver $1 , 000.00 $0.00STAR Kronkosky Grant None Provided San Antonio TX Care Iver $1 , 000.00 $0.00 $27 ,866.00Houston & Southeast Texas Safe Return Misc. Careg iver $1 , 000.00 $0.00 $1 ,000.00Southeastern Vl InIa Carin g Touch 15397 Merry Cat Lane , Belle Haven VA 23306 Res p ite Care $10 ,000.00 $0.00Southeastern V1 InIa Catholic Charities 1802 Ashland Avenue Norfolk VA 23509 Resp ite Care $3 500.00 $0.00Southeastern Vl InIa De partment of Human Services 3432 Virg inia Beach Blvd Virg inia Beach VA 23452 Resp ite Care $7 ,250.00 $0.00Southeastern Vtr InIa Famil Centered Resources 11847 Canon Blvd Ste 12 , Newport News VA 23608 Res pite Care $5 , 250.00 $0.00Southeastern Vir Inla Creative Options/ HNN CSB 2501 Washin gton Avenue , 1st Floor, Newport News VA 23607 Res pite Care $5,400.00 $0.00Southeastern Vtr Inca Jewish Family Services 260 Grayson Road , Vir inla Beach VA 23462 Respite Care $6 ,500.00 $0.00Southeastern Virg inia M.E. Cox Center 644 N. Lynnhaven Road Virg inia Beach VA 23452 Res p ite Care $5,250.00 $0.00Southeastern Vl Ima Norfolk Senior Center 7300 Newport Ave # 100 Norfolk VA 23505 Res pite Care $6 ,000.00 $0.00Southeastern VIr InIa Peninsula Agency on Ag ing 739 Thimble Shoal Blvd Newport News VA 23606 Res pite Care $7 , 750.00 $0.00Southeastern V1 Inia Riverside Adult Day Care 1010 Old Denbig h Blvd Newport News VA 23602 Res pite Care $7 , 250.00 $0.00Southeastern Virg inia Sentara Adult Day Care 3751 Sentara Wa Virg inia Beach VA 23452 Respite Care $5 213.00 $0.00South east ern rg n a unr se House o s ane amp on Resp it e are

$180,614.00 $2,340.00 $182,964.00


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Alzheimer's AssociationYear Ended June 30, 2008EIN #36-3463656GEN #9334Schedule for 990 Part II,Line 23, Specific Assistance

CH# Chapter Name Awarded To Purpose 23 Total 2328 Connecticut Safe Return Id registration for $1,688.0028 Connecticut Chapter Res ite Relief of caregiver stress $25,712.00 $27,400.0046 Georgia Various Safe Return bracelet & $10,303.00 $10,303.0059 Greater Illinois Safe ReturniMedicAlert scholarshi ps pay for services to $4,832.0059 Greater Illinois Professional training fees train em ployees of not for $27,061.00 $31,893.0078 Kentucky and Safe Return and Caregiver Registrations Safe Return registrations $395.00 $395.0082 Maine Safe Return scholarships Safe Return reg istration $110.00 $110.0083 Greater Careg ivers not in Res pite Prog ram (Cash ) Respite $14,513.00 $14,513.00

100 Heart of America SEE ATTACHED LIST Safe Return $73,549.00 $73,549.00103 Missouri SAFE RETURN REGISTRATIONS Safe Return $1,873.00 $1,873.00105 Montana SAFE RETURN PAYMENTS SAFE RETURN PAYMENTS $55.00 $55.00109 Midlands resp ite p rogram res p ite $66,263.00 $66,263.00121 New York City Lost Client Recove ry Premiere Global Services $3,984.00121 New York City Client Registration Fees Safe Return Reg istration $76,686.00121 New York City Home Care Respite $95,305.00121 New York City Adult Day Care Respite $3,070.00121 New York City Child Day Care/Cam p Resp ite $713.00121 New York City Emergency Assistance Various $13,697.00 $193,455.00135 Ohio Area Patient & Family Services Safe Return, etc. $6,353.00 $6,353.00144 Northwest Ohio Safe Return Scholorshi ps Safe Return enrollment $245.00 $245.00161 South Carolina NUMEROUS FAMILIES RESPITE GRANTS $609,587.00 $609,587.00162 South Dakota Various Respite $40.00 $40.00172 Greater Dallas Various payments for famil y emergencies Emergency Hel p $1,350.00172 Greater Dallas Assistance for Safe Return Enrollment Safe Return $1,838.00 $3,188.00177 Texas Safe Return Scholarshi ps Safe Return $2,748.00177 Texas Counseling Services Counseling $1,620.00 $4,368.00181 Western Virginia Sue Liberman, 108 Brandywine Ct., Trainin g $123.00


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181 Western Virginia Kenyon Sheffer , 234 Myrtle Street, Training $220.00181 Western Virginia Sue Liberman , 108 Brandywine Ct ., Building Skills $68.00181 Western Virginia Judith Cleary , 5489 S . S potswood Trail, Building Skills $660.00181 Western Virginia Judith Cleary , 5489 S. S potswood Trail, Buildin g Skills $50.00181 Western Virginia Sue Liberman , 108 Brandywine Ct ., Building Skills $124.00181 Western Virginia Reba Keene, 822 Oakview Dr., Salem , VA Building Skills $378.60181 Western Virginia Judith Cleary , 5489 S . Spotswood Trail, Building Skills $660.00181 Western Virginia Bonnie Heller, P.O. Box 3222 , Lynchburg, Training $210.00181 Western Virginia Ken on Sheffer , 234 Myrtle Street , Training $660.00181 Western Virginia Judith Clea ry , 5489 S . S potswood Trail, Dementia Trainin g $660.00181 Western Virginia Kenyon Sheffer, 234 Myrtle Street , Building Skills $339.63181 Western Virginia Kenyon Sheffer , 234 Myrtle Street, Buildin g Skills $165.00181 Western Virginia Sheila Stone, 368 Windy Acres, Afton , VA Trainin g $35.00181 Western Virginia Sheila Stone , 368 Windy Acres, Afton, VA Building Skills $55.00181 Western Virginia Sheila Stone , 368 Windy Acres , Afton , VA Training $35.00181 Western Virginia Sheila Stone , 368 Windy Acres , Afton , VA Buildin g Skills $55.00181 Western Virginia Reba Keene , 822 Oakview Dr., Salem , VA Training $55.00181 Western Virginia Sue Liberman , 108 Brandywine Ct., Training $178.77 $4,732.00182 Virginia Res pite Assistance to Individuals, "Care Safe Return $7,287 . 00 $7,287.00185 Richmond Safe Return program Safe return $330.00 $330.00194 Wisconsin Reimbursements approved Safe Return $36 , 165.00 $36,165.00195 Wisconsin Safe Return Scholarshi ps Funding of Medic Alert $1,769.00 $1,769.00214 Wisconsin Various AFCSP Canidates AFCSP $112,818 . 00 $112 , 818.00232 Greater Iowa Respite for Various careg ivers Safe Return $3,205 . 00 $3,205.00

TOTAL TOTAL 23$1,209,896.00 $1,209,896.00


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,Alzheimer's AssociationYear Ended June 30, 2008EIN #36-3463656GEN #9334Schedule for 990 Part IILine 42, Depreciation

uepreciation uepreciation - Depreciatlon-Total Program Management Depreciation-

Chapter # Chapter Name 42a 42b 42c .Fundraising 42d

.................................•..........................................................................20 Northern California and Northern Nevada


......................................54:515 00

.............11.550 00Q

................. .1 :91900

24 Colorado..................................

47 635 00 38 724-66? 4,545 00;w

.4 366 00,

28 Connecticut......... ......................................................;

634 0028.... . .

... ........... ....... ..

009 00...... .. ...........,

3, 436 OOI33 Southeast Florida

. .............,.. . ..... .

12,149.00............................ . ,....

9,248 00.................

1:777 0041

1:124 00Georgia4........... .. . ......... I ................................................................................ ......

......54,637 00


..............20.307 00 34,330 00

.0 00!

53 Aloha......................................................................................;Q

8,077.00:.................................................... ..............

6,942.00: 331.00:.........................................................................

804 00;54

...................Greater Idaho

....:........ ................. . . ...........................................................,


...,.......................................,.2,032 00 182.00:

.................... . ....... ...

............. ............. ..............,391.00;

Central Illinois58................................................................................................. y




, 0938. . ... .


2,157.00:........................... _............ ,

540.00;59 Greater Illinois 75,902 00

... .. ........ ...............,....

53,207 00...................................q.........................


15,130.00: ,565.00;......................................................................................................... .... y. .......q

67 Greater Indiana 30:871 00........................................................................................ .... ;. ....

..............................., ....


540 00... ......... ..........................q.

2,528 004....................................

4,803661:69.._....-.... €Big Sioux . ......23.365 00 20:470 OOe 724 OOo ...171 00

East Central Iowa 4:062.00.............. ...


.....................272 001



Central and Western Kansas 4,679.00:........................................................................................... .............................

0 00'............... ..... ..

_4,679 00 0.00:

:Greater Kentucky and Southern Indiana..................................................... :,

13,390.00:_ .... ....... q....

10,230.00:................................... q.

1,297.00:......................................... ,


................................... .............................,Maine 9,264.00::


....................................1,158 00


83 .... Greater Maryland........................................................................................... 18324:00:. . 14:660.00: 1:832 00: 1 8320087 Massachusetts . 61.088.00


48.393 00 4.751 OOl 7 :944:00...... 1.00 Heart of America ......_16,163.001


.............1 9jT 00 1:616.00 1 :616:00101

....... .........Mid Missouri 10,257 00; 7,693 00 1,539.00:

............................................................................................;. ........ ... ...... .1,025.00;

103. . . .. . .... Southwest Missouri.... ........................................................................................;

. . .......................q....................................... q.,

11,722 00 9.671 OOq 879 00..... . ....

............. ......... ...................

1 .172.001105


. . ,

Montana 1048 00............................................................................. ... . . .

......................838 00 105 00 105 00

108.................... ... . .

Great Plains.... ........................................................... . .... ... ...................... .. . .. .

16,944 00..

12.791 OOq.........q.

2.171 00?................................_....... ,

1 :982 00109


. . . ................ _.Midlands



. ....... ....

.............5,527.00: 1,086.00:

... ..... .620 00

•11 7

. ,.

Central New York 16,420 00.....y.

. .. ....................... q....................................... p.

9,265 00; 5,596.00:................................. .. ... .

....................... ..................,


...................'Hudson Valley/Rockland/Westchester, NY

............ ................................................................................ .11,193.00:


q .

7,135.00:. ... .

.. ...............................


1,436.00;120 Long Island


6:662.00:.. .. ........ ................ q..................... ................. q.

5,996 00 333.00:............ ............................




:New York Crty 205,120.OOe....i ........................................................................





1... ............

Rochester............ . .............................................y.

. .................................. q....................................... q.

9.500.00: 8,386 00:: 664.00:. . .

................................ _.......


....Western New York

....I .......................................................................................;.5,795.00:

........ .. . . ... ...... .

,.. ....... ............................q.

4:529 OOq 811: 00e................................_.......,

45500.135 . Greater East Ohio Area............................................................................................,.

. ... . . .. . I

20.175.00: 15:938 OOq 2.219.00 2:018:00139

...................Cleveland Area

.. ........................................................................................... .32,898.00 25.571.00e 3.994 OOq 3.333:00



,Central Ohio 9,858.00: 8,379 00 887 00=...q ....................................................................................... ............................. .

592 00143 ...

y ,.

. . ..........,.............. ...... .................. ..

:Miami Valley '• 7,128 00 5,630.00: 428 00... .................................................................................... ;......... .................. ...... ..........................................

1,070 00;144................... Northwest Ohio.... ....... _............................................................................... .

, ...... ...................,.............. ........................ ,...26,419 00 2.378.00: 24,041 00


...... .................................. ,0 00:

Oklahoma/Arkansas........1.4......... ........................................................... .................... ... ;. 27,592 0 10....

,...._.................................,.23,453 00; 2,759.00:




.... I ............................... ...... . .......

.. _...... ......0

.._...,............................_....,............................. .........,.2,06 00€ 1,288 00 0.00:

..............,.................. ........772.00:

156. ...................... ................... ............................. , .................................. ....................................... .

;Delaware Valley 77 492 00 65,110 00€ 4,000.00:........ ... ..... .. ......



. ............................. ............................................................................................ ..... .. . . . .......Rhode Island 1,819 00: 1,457 00 362 00............................... ..,.......................... ......... ..........._....

........................... ..............

0.001161 Upstate South Carolina 11:071:00

,0 OO

...................... ,.11,071:OO?

......................................... ,0.00:

_...162.... South Dakota............................................................................................ .

....... . .q1,424.00: 854.00: 285 00......... ...... .. . . . . .

........................... .285.00:


. . . . .. ..,Capital of Texas 254.00:

........................................... ............................... ... ....... y. ..

.....,.......................................,.............................0.00: 254 00;

.........................................,0 00

172 ..._.

... .. . .

Greater Dallas.... ...... ......................... q..27 916.00

......................... . ......... .....

20,747.001.................................. .

3,473 00;...... ...................

...............3,696 00173


:.. ..............................................................................y. ..................................q.......................................q..:STAR 6,175 00 5:496.00: 679.00:

.............................................. .. ..... .................................... ........ .. ... .

................................ .........t0 00

.174.. ,................... .............. q...... .. .. . .........

Houston 8 Southeast Texas 32,412.00 25,606 00.... .................................... ......................................... ......................................,.

3,241 00?.........................................

3.565 00177...................

.,.. . qNorth Central Texas 16:279 00 13,512.00.... 488 00 2, 279.00:..............................._......................................................._. .....__.


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......................................... ..... ...................................Vermont and New Hampshire...................................................... . .. ..:

.... .

....................................810 00........ ................

..................•.• •.......,.648 00.......

.......................................81 00;

........................................,81 00



....... ,. ....... ...... .. ...... ,.......................... . . ,....Central and Western Virg inia 10,678.00: 0 00

........ . . ...............................................j................................ ........ .. .. .... . .. . . ... .. .

............. ......................... .........t.................................10,678 00 0.00:

1 02............

. q. . .. . .. . ....... . .... . ......................

Southeastern Virginia 5,363 00 4,076 00;....................................................... .................... . .... . . ..:

...................................... p..........................................<

697 00 590 00;....

184................ ................ ........ ............. ....... . . .. . . ..---............................. p............................ ..........<

National Capital Area 19.207.00 .3.382 00 15.767 00 58 00...................................................................................;.185


.Greater Richmond

.6,488.00 4,736 00 973 00'• 779 00


.70....... ........,.... ............................. ....... ,................................................................... .i6 , .. ................. . .

;Western and Central Washington ? 318 00 11.357 00.............................................................. ...._..._... ..........................................................................................

0012.565 00: 4.396... ....... q191 West Vr inia 3,300 00 2,597.00: 212 00 491-00;;........ ...................................................._.;.............................. .. ............ ............. ............ . .. .. ... . . .. ..... .......:194;........

. . ... .. ...-Greater Wisconsin. . .. . ...............:.. ....... .. ........ ............................. ....................

, ,.. ................. .................q.......... . . ... ............... . .<.....19,799 00 13,859 00 4,950 00 990.00:........... ................... ........... .................. .......... . . .............................. ..........

195....... . ......

. ,Southeastern Wisconsin 1,423 00;

.......:. .................................................. .................................. ............................. ......

, .......... . .. .......... .............1,091 00 134 00 198.00:

............... ..................... . ........ ...... . ..........


.. . .... .. ........... ......... ., ,

Mid South 6,767 00 5,211 00 406 00.......................................................................................................... ................................... ...................................... .. ........... ..


1,150.00:.................... ......


South Central Wisconsin,,

4,740.00: 0.00:. p........ . ......

4,740 00 0 00232 Greater Iowa

........................................................................................................ ... .26,657.00 20,510 00

................................... .................. ...........94600€

......................................5,201 00;

....................................... .q.

.233 Inland Northwest..............................................................................................,

2.806-00: ............... ... .105 00. ....... .. ... . ..............q

.281 00t. .

420 001,218 ,841.00 865 ,364.00 234,925.00 118,552.00


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FORM 990, PART II - OTHER EXPENSES--------------------------------------------------------------------




TOTALS 10,225,906.


909, 687.1,664,128.


406, 654.1,369,230.

103,194.430, 331.487, 942.




434,441.306, 994.89, 860.10, 000.1,144.6,118.

274, 032.




249, 886.271, 019.77, 624.15,582.2,907.



60196P 649R STATEMENT 20

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FORM 990, PART III - ORGANIZATION'S PRIMARY EXEMPT PURPOSE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


STATEMENT 2160196P 649R

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Year Ended June 30, 2008

EIN #36-3463656

GEN #9334

Schedule for 990 Part IV

Lines # 57c, 64b


er# Chapter Name

Land , Bldg &

Equip: Basis-

Net 57c


Other Notes


Description of Mortgages &

Other Notes 64b

20 Northern California and Northern Nevada 295,397 00 198,275 00 Capital Obligation Lease

24 Colorado 78,977.00 0 0028 Connecticut 111,406.00 0 0033 Southeast Florida 13,214.00 0 0046 Georgia 197,557.00 0 0053 Aloha 41,156 00 0 0054 Greater Idaho 8 ,843 00 0 0058 Central Illinois 106,788.00 0 0059 Greater Illinois 338 ,472.00 130,947.00 Cap ital Obli g ation Lease67 Greater Indiana 85,036 00 0 0069 Big Sioux 598,630 00 354 807 00 Loan Payable73 East Central Iowa 12 ,469.00 0 0075 Central and Western Kansas 96,571.00 0 0078 Greater Kentucky and Southern Indiana 35,546.00 2,755 00 Note Payable82 Maine 17,431.00 52,000 00 Line of Credit

83 Greater Maryland 112,954 00 43,243 00 Ca p ital Obli g ation Lease

87 Massachusetts 150,347.00 0.00100 Heart of America 155,735.00 0 00101 Mid Missouri 668,821 00 334 ,190 00 Note Pa yable103 Southwest Missouri 50,836 00 0 00

105 Montana 2,716.00 0 00108 Great Plains 60,191.00 19,617 00 Ca p ital Obli g ation Lease109 Midlands 16,222 00 0 00117 Central New York 175,945 00 0 00118 Hudson Valley/RocklandANestchester , NY 35,578.00 0 00

120 Long Island 17,113 00 15,018 00 Line of Credit121 New York City 1,438,278.00 0 00123 Rochester 35,425 00 , 0 00128 Western New York 16,026.00 0 00135 Greater East Ohio Area 77,364 00 0 00139 Cleveland Area 148,056.00 0001140 Central Ohio 17,576.00 000 1143 Miami Valley 8,435 00 000 1


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Year Ended June 30, 2008

EIN #36 -3463656

GEN #9334Schedule for 990 Part IV

Lines # 57c, 64b

Chapter# Chapter Name

Land, Bldg &

Equip: Basis -

Net 57c

Mortgages &

Other Notes


Description of Mortgages &Other Notes 64b

144 Northwest Ohio 85,310 00 0 00147 Oklahoma/Arkansas 103,836.00 0.00148 Oregon 43,751.00 0.00156 Delaware Valley 253,114.00 0 00159 Rhode Island 5,743 00 0 00161 Upstate South Carolina 20,352 00 0 00162 South Dakota 3,817.00 0 00169 Capital of Texas 0.00 0.00172 Greater Dallas 57,402.00 70,740.00 Deferred Lease Payment173 STAR 21,158 00 0 00174 Houston & Southeast Texas 76,175.00 0.00177 North Central Texas 42,900 00 8,701 00 Lon g Term Lease Pa yment179 Vermont and New Hampshire 2,822.00 0 00181 Central and Western Virginia 51,811.00 0.00182 Southeastern Virginia 16,895 00 0 00184 National Capital Area 59,019 00 0 00185 Greater Richmond 20,464 00 0 00190 Western and Central Washington 62,782.00 0.00191 West Virginia 7,568 00 0 00194 Greater Wisconsin 57,115 00 0 00

195 Southeastern Wisconsin 666.00 0 00208 Mid South 22,275.00 0 00214 South Central Wisconsin 25,833 00 0.00232 Greater Iowa 68,272 00 14,184 00 Unamortized Lease Incentives233 Inland Northwest 8,73-7-00 0.00

6,342,228.00 1 ,244,477.00


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FORM 990, PART IV - OTHER ASSETS--=-------------------------------------------------------------


DEPOSITS 376,714.---------------

TOTALS 376,714.------------------------------

60196P 649RSTATEMENT 24

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60196P 649RSTATEMENT 25

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Year Ended June 30, 2008

EIN #364463656

GEN #9334

Schedule for 990 Part V-ACompensation of current officers,directors,key employees listed in PartV-A

CH Mmo, T ifllvaitebie Hum Salary iemwif'd% nseAcct 'FotatCom nsaUon20 William Fisher / CEO 40 134 ,969 00 7 ,42340 000 142,392.4020 Herb Williams n/a 000 0 .00 000 00020 Edwardo Salaz nta 000 000 000 00020 Kevin Pringle n/a 000 000 000 00020 Merry Ged Na 000 000 000 00020 Clda Atlas Na 000 000 000 00020 Barbara Bangs nla 000 000 000 00020 Joe Cooney n/a 000 000 000 0 0020 Peter Daley Na 000 0 .00 000 0 0020 June Darmaman nta 000 000 000 00020 Sarah Epstein n/a 000 000 000 00020 Leslie Bishop Franco n/a 000 000 000 00020 Rafael Gonzalez-Amezcua n/a 000 0 .00 000 00020 John B Grubb n/a 000 0 .00 000 00020 Ladson Hinton n/a 000 0 00 000 00020 Eva Lai- Kit Jones n/a 000 000 000 0.0020 Grace Lee n/a 000 000 000 0.0020 Joan Marks n/a 000 000 000 00020 Doug Moorhouse Na 000 0 00 000 000

20 Lennart Mucke n/a 000 000 000 00020 Rick Smith n1a 000 0 .00 000 00020 Usa Sullivan r/a 000 000 000 00020 Howard Wahl n/a 000 0.00 000 0.0024 Susan M. Barnhill, Board of 1 000 0 .00 000 0.0024 Christopher L Binkley , Board 2 000 000 0.00 00024 Margy Christian , Board of 1 000 000 000 00024 Calhoun W Cox , Board of 1 000 000 000 000

24 Elenora Browner Chnchlow , 1 0.00 000 000 00024 Walt F DeHaven , Board of 1 000 0.00 000 0.0024 David G Hams , Board 2 000 0.00 000 0.0024 Richard H Heiney , Board of 1 000 000 000 0.0024 Nathan Hooks , Board Secretary 2 000 0.00 0.00 0.0024 Jose M Lafosse , Board of 1 000 000 0.00 00024 Jim Livingston , Board of 1 000 000 000 00024 Donald J. Murphy . Board of 2 000 000 000 00024 Dick Page . Board of Directors 1 000 0.00 000 00024 David G Powell , Jr, Board of 1 000 0.00 000 0.0024 Jim Prugh, Board of Directors 1 0.00 0.00 000 0.0024 Scott D . Richards , Board 1 000 000 000 0.0024 Kel ly Rogers, Board of 1 000 000 000 00024 Katie M. Rollyson, Board of 1 000 000 000 00024 Michael P Saracusa , Board of 1 000 000 000 00024 Kathy L Seidel, Board of 1 000 000 000 00024 Debi Tepper , Board of Directors 2 000 0.00 000 00024 John M Tighe , Board Vice- 2 000 0.00 000 0.0024 Frederick L Wolfe, Board of 2 000 0.00 000 0.0024 Joseph E . Wyskiel , Board of 1 0.00 0 .00 000 0.0024 Linda Mitchell President/CEO 45 $ 119,474 $ 7,805 127,279 0024 Keith E Swanson , VP of Finan 40 $ 93,683 $ 6,012 99,6950028 Patricia Clark , Executive 45 110.000 00 1,26900 000 111,269 0028 James Vumbaco . Chief 45 11,37500 000 000 11 .375.0028 Nan Leonard , Program 45 44,392 00 000 000 44,392 0028 Christy Kovel , Policy & 45 36 ,92300 000 000 36 .923.0028 Eric Rennie , Chair 0 000 000 000 0.0028 Rosaida Morales Rosano , Vice 0 000 0 .00 000 00028 Richard Fisher , Treasurer 0 0.00 000 000 00028 Carol Lenz , Secreta ry 0 000 000 0.00 0.0028 Chris Rupp , Director 0 000 000 000 0.0028 Christine Andrews, Director 0 000 000 000 00028 George Bickfors , Director 0 000 0 00 000 0.0028 Carole Edelman, Director 0 000 0.00 000 0.0028 Craig Johnson . Director 0 000 0 .00 000 00028 Jay Kearns , Director 0 0.00 0.00 000 00028 Jenniofer Keyes-Smith , Director 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


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CH Name, TiUeif-Avail 4e }tours UWY his nseAcct ' oWCom nsation28 Karen Kuhl, Director 0 0.00 000 000 00028 Maureen Mauro, Director 0 000 000 000 00028 Serafin Mendez-Mendez, 0 000 0 00 000 000

28 Carol Schaffer, Director 0 0.00 0 00 0.00 00028 Daniel Wollman, Director 0 000 0 00 000 00028 Julia Bronder, Director 0 000 000 000 000

Ferren, Samuel - Board Chair 4 000 0 00 000 000Ta n, Dr Ruth - 1st Vice 2 000 0 00 000 000Mrozinski, Phillip - 2nd Vice 2 000 0 00 000 000


Handle , Jan - Director 2 000 0 00 000 0 00Ka , Joseph - Director 2 000 000 000 000Sadowsky, Dr Carl - Director 2 000 000 000 000

33 Kearson, Patti - Director 000 000 000 00033 Kalck, Kathy - Director 3 000 000 000 0.0033 Pmeuo, Enriq ue - Director 3 000 0 00 000 0.0033 Brown, Ellen - CEO 40 88,952 74 000 000 88.952.7433 Grant-Brown, Grace - COO 40 81.434 00 000 6,00000 87,434 0033 Carson, Dorothy - Director of 40 72,100 70 000 6,00000 78.100 7033 Grasch, Barbara, Director of 40 54,81500 000 000 54,8150046 Leslie H Anderson (since 4108) 40+ 28.125 00 000 000 28,1250046 Vugima Helms. VP Programs & 40+ 96,304 00 3,10400 000 99.408 0046 Dave Houston, VP 40+ 78,073 00 3,82700 000 81,900 0046 an Griggs, VP Finance 40+ 83,095 00 3,30200 000 86,3970046 Jan Bequeath, President (thru 40+ 67,141 00 2,67300 000 69,8140046 Bennett Watts, Chairman 0 000 0.00 0.00 0.0046 Peter Armstrong, Chair-elect 0 000 0 00 0.00 00046 Bruce Flechter, Treasurer 0 000 0 00 000 0.0046 Iola Snow, Secretary 0 000 000 000 00046 Lee Robinson 0 000 0 00 0.00 00046 William Sandefur 0 000 000 000 00046 Lee White 0 000 000 000 0.0046 Dave Hastey 0 000 0.00 000 0.0046 Jackie Lenderman 0 - 000 000 0.00 00046 Alan Robertson 0 000 000 000 0 0046 David Jones 0 000 0 00 000 00046 Billy Small Jr 0 000 000 0.00 00046 Jennifer Kelley 0 000 000 0.00 0.0053 Thomas P. Brehm, Chairman 3 000 000 000 00053 Brett Flyn n, 2nd Vice President 000 000 000 00053M

Chns Shirai, Treasurer 3 000 000 000 00053 Tricia Medeiros, Secretary 2 000 000 0.00 00053 Michael F.K. Buck, Board 0 000 000 0.00 00053 Elizabeth A Lacy . Board 2 000 000 000 00053 Ronald Y K Leong, Board 000 000 000 000

53 Vicki Wookford, Board Member 1 000 60-0 000 0.0053 Adele Rugg, Board Member 000 000 0.00 00053 Christine Doty , Board Member 000 000 000 00053 Janet Eli, President, CEO 65 75,800 00 000 000 75,800 0053 Roger Higa, Director of 40 27,11500 0.00 000 27,1150053 Elaine Slavms 40 49,840 00 000 000 49,840 0053 Garret Tom, Board Member 0 000 000 0.00 00054 Garold Maxtield, President 0 000 000 0.00 00054 Rick Vogel 0 000 000 0.00 00054 Thomas Williams, 0 000 000 000 00054 Ton Jacklich 0 000 000 0.00 00054 Lori Foley 0 000 000 0.00 00054 Brenda Kolbet 0 000 000 0.00 0 0054 Heather Gillespie 0 000 000 0.00 00054 Cindy 0 000 000 0.00 00054 Scott Gardner, National 0 000 000 000 00054 Ben Krug 0 000 000 000 00054 Kettm Cauffman 0 000 000 000 00054 Allen Han, M.D 0 000 000 0.00 00054 Ma Suzette Albers-Tunnelm 40 68,250 00 0.00 4,800 00 73,0500054 HONORARY Board Members 0 000 000 000 0.0054 Jim Bruce, E 0 000 000 000 00054 Jake Plummer 0 0.00 000 000 0.0054 Gene Bleyma,er 0 000 000 000 00054 Troy Rohn, PH D 0 000 000 000 0.0058 Nikki Vulgans-Rodnguez, 40 60.77000 000 0.00 60,7700058 Brett Til ly , President 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 00058 Donna Marcacci, Vice 0 0.00 000 0.00 00058 Mike Kraft, Secreta ry 0 0.00 000 0.00 000


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CH tame. TWa if Available Horns 4a ft nseAcct Total Ccun ns Gtui58 Donna Marcacci , Treasurer 0 000 0.00 000 00058 Linda Buck , Board Member 0 000 0.00 000 0 0058 Susan Dawson-Tibbits, Board 0 000 000 000 0 0058 Kathy Fuller , Board Member 0 000 0.00 000 00058 Dr William Hall , Board Member 0 0 .00 0.00 000 00058 Linc Hobson , Board Member 0 000 000 000 0 0058 Sharon Kennedy , Board 0 000 0 00 000 00058 Dr Larry Lundahl, Board 0 000 0.00 000 00058 Dr Dennis McManus, Board 0 000 000 000 0.0058 May Meister, Board Member 0 0.00 000 000 00058 Krrsti Moushon, Board Member 0 0 .00 000 000 00058 Erik Pettd , Board Member 0 0 .00 000 000 0 0058 Kim Sanders , Board Member 0 000 0.00 000 00058 Marilyn Schroeder , Board 0 0 .00 000 000 0 0058 Karen Shaded , Board Member 0 000 0.00 000 0 0058 Kathleen Temple, Board 0 0 .00 0.00 000 00058 Jaidy Toro-Rodriguez, Board 0 000 0.00 000 00058 Adam White , Board Member 0 000 000 000 00058 Susan Wozniak. Board Member 0 000 000 000 00059 Erna Colbom . President & CEO 40 169 .550 00 45.53500 000 215,085 0059 Janet Devlin , VP, Finance & 40 100 ,405 00 25 . 789 00 000 126,194 0059 Lisa Lee, VP, Development 40 98 ,450.00 25,406 00 000 123,856 0059 Melanie Chavin , VP, Pr ram 40 92,047 .00 19,457.00 000 111,504 0059 Ju dy Buchanan , Chair, Public 000 0 .00 000 00059 Paul Caponigri . Treasurer 000 0.00 000 00059 Cathy Edge , Board Member 000 0.00 000 00059 Mary Elsner , Chair, Governance 000 0.00 000 00059 Stuart Gaines, Board Member 000 000 000 0.0059 Guy Geller, Chair, 000 000 000 00059 Stephen Hester , Board Member 000 0 00 000 00059 Tony Hirschtritt , Board Member 000 0.00 000 00059 Dani Jachino , Chair, 0.00 0.00 000 00059 Steve Mack . Board Chair 000 0.00 - 000 00059 Marilyn Martinez, Board 000 0 .00 000 00059 Mike O' Brien , Board Member 000 000 0.00 00059 Scott Perry , Board Member 000 0 .00 000 0.00

59 Chris Randolph , Board Member 000 000 000 00059 Bryan Selander , Board Vice 000 0.00 000 00059 Jill Stetson , Secreta ry 0.00 0 00 000 00059 Candance Watt, Board Member 0.00 0.00 000 0 0059 Sandra Weintraub , Board 000 0.00 000 00067 Heather Allen Hershberger 40+ 116 , 150 00 3 ,485.00 000 119,6350067 Wanda J . Lew 40+ 78,492 00 2.355.00 000 80,847.0067 Board of Directors Attached 0 000 0 .00 000 00069 Pat Gill 0 000 0 00 000 0.0069 Chuck Robbins 0 000 0.00 000 00069 Jeanie Hohenstein 0 000 0.00 000 00069 Ma Helen McManus 0 0.00 000 000 000

Melissa Willer 0 0.00 0.00 000 000Jim Feauto 0 0.00 0.00 0 ll0 000Barb Arens 0 000 0.00 000 0.00


Cindy tis 0 000 000 000 000Susan Durward 0 000 000 000 000Susan Fenceroy 0 000 000 000 000

69 Robert Meis 0 000 000 000 00069 Larry Sellers 0 0.00 0.00 000 00069 Nan Wenell 0 0.00 0.00 000 00069 Kevin McManamy 0 0.00 0 .00 000 00069 Richard Moore 0 0.00 0 .00 000 0.0069 Lon Shaffer 0 000 000 000 0 0069 Dave Grosenheider 0 000 0.00 000 00069 Ma Jo Sikkema 40 47.972 00 450 .00 000 48,422 0069 Eric Newhouse 40 38 , 153 00 1 ,200.00 000 39,353 0069 Darla Vander Plaats 40 30,950 06 1 ,00000 000 31,950 0673 David Kutcher 1 0.00 000 000 00073 Tiffa ny O'Donnell 1 0.00 0.00 000 0.0073 Januce Charles 1 0.00 0 .00 000 00073 Deborah Jones 1 000 0 .00 000 00073 Bob Vancura 1 0.00 0 .00 000 00073 Ga Wicklund 1 000 0.00 000 00073 Joel Kaspa rek 1 000 0.00 000 00073 Mona Knoll 1 000 000 000 00073 Anne Salamon 1 0.00 0.00 000 000


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CH Name. Thte if Available. Haurs 'gouty ifs. ExWrm%Uvt Total (om nsatam73 Bev McCadam 000 0.00 000 00073 Rick Skogman 000 000 000 00073 Eric Johnson 000 000 000 000

73 Joel Schmidt 000 000 000 00073 Debbie Craig 000 0.00 0.00 00073 David Good 000 0.00 0.00 00073 Kathy Good 000 000 0.00 00073 Nader Amr 000 0.00 0.00 0.0073 Joe Hartman 000 0.00 000 0.00W73 Patrick Allen 000 0.00 000 00073 Kel ly Hauer 40 61.738 00 1,439.00 000 63,1770075 Marsha Hills. Executive Director 40 39.852 00 000 000 39.8520075 Doug Watson, Chair 0 000 000 000 00075 Debbi Elmore, Vice-Chair 0 000 000 000 00075 Monica Cissell, Secreta ry 0 000 0.00 000 00075 Dwayne Broddel, Treasurer 0 000 000 0.00 00075 Suzanne Meeker. Member 0 000 0.00 0.00 00075 Kathy McGee, Member 0 000 000 000 0.0075 Mary Beth Steiner, Member 0 000 0 00 000 00075 Doug Stark. Member 0 000 0 00 000 00075 Bill Cobb, Member 0 000 000 000 00075 David Haase, Member 0 000 000 0.00 00075 Fred Hermes, Member 0 000 000 000 00075 Scott Gardner, National Board 0 000 0.00 0.00 0.0078 Terry Shirk, President/CEO 375+ 30.240 00 1,404.00 000 31,644 0078 Jan Penick, VP Finance 375+ 56.047 00 6,799.00 0.00 62,846.0078 Tonya Cox, VP 375+ 54,084 00 5,980.00 000 60,064 0078 Ellen Kershaw. VP Public Policy 37 5+ 53,352 00 1,727.00 0.00 55,079 0078 DeeAnna Esslinger. VP 37 5+ 21,642 00 2,81500 000 24,4570078 Tom Bodkin, Board Chair 2 000 000 0.00 00078 Susan Pope , Board Vice Chair 2 000 0.00 0.00 0.0078 Scott Pitts, Secretary 2 000 0.00 000 00078 Scott Olinger, Treasurer 2 000 0.00 000 0.0078 Linda Blair, Board 0 000 0.00 000 00078 David Casey, Board 0 000 000 0 00 0.0078 Janet Cerel, Board 0 000 000 000 000

78 Helen Kientz, Board 0 000 000 0.00 00078 Robert Maddox, Board 0 000 0.00 0.00 0.0078 Dr John Gallagher, Board 0 000 0.00 0.00 0.0078 Shelly Prochaska Trent, Board 0 000 0.00 0.00 00078 Karen Profitt Newman, Board 0 000 0.00 000 00078 Richard Richter. Board 0 000 0.00 000 00078 Cathy Nagy, Board 0 000 000 000 0 0078 Isabel Yates, Board 0 000 000 000 00078 Dr Richard Edelson, Board 0 000 000 0.00 0.0078 Sharon Reed, Board 0 000 0.00 000 0.0078 Joe Rosenberg , Board 0 000 0.00 000 00078 Ben Schoenbachler, Board 0 000 0.00 000 0.0078 Laura Wigglesworth, Board 0 000 0.00 000 00062 Manlyn Paige, President 0 000 000 000 0.0082 Karen Stram, President 0 000 000 000 0.0082 Shame Bergman, Vice 0 000 000 000 0.00

82 Carol Calcagm. Secretary 0 000 000 000 0.0082 Frank Parker, Treasurer 0 000 0.00 000 0.0082 Michael Bierte . At Large 0 000 0.00 000 00082 Amy Cotton, At Large 0 000 0.00 0.00 00082 Lori Desjardins. At Large 0 000 000 000 00082 Dr Jabbar Fazeli, At Large 0 000 0.00 000 00082 J.Scott Hersey , At Large 0 000 000 000 0.0082 Gail Richardson Gee, At Large 0 000 000 0.00 0.0082 Jennifer Schumacher. At Large 0 000 0.00 0.00 00082 Cynthia Cave, At Large 0 000 0.00 0.00 00082 Bob Armstrong , At Large 0 000 0.00 0.00 00082 Or Janis Petzel, At Large 0 000 0.00 000 00082 Deane Lan hear, At Large 0 000 000 000 0.0082 Kirby Whdney , At Large 0 000 000 0.00 0.0082 Laurie Trenholm, Du. of 35 64,044 00 5,687.40 0.00 69,731.4082 Elizabeth Weaver, Program 40 58,21900 797.60 0.00 59,016.6082 Kathryn Pears, Director of 25 35,71200 1,77625 000 37,488.2583 Eric Nichols, Board President 5 000 0.00 0.00 00083 Chad Malkus, E , Board Vice 5 000 0.00 000 00083 Robert Reitz, Board Treasurer 5 000 000 000 00083 Otho Thompson, Esq , Board 5 000 000 0.00 0.00


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CH Name, t# ifAvatfOb1 Rows Sa omits nseAeot ToRat Com nealioa83 Craig Cash, Board Member 2 000 000 000 0.0083 Melinda Fitting, PhD, Board 2 0.00 0.00 000 00083 Donna Gaver, Board Member 2 000 000 000 00083 The Honorable Verna Jones, 2 000 0.00 000 0.0083 Rebecca Li, CPA. Board 2 000 000 000 0.0083 Sylvia Mackey, Board Member 2 000 0.00 000 0.0083 mark McElwee, Board Member 2 000 000 000 0.0083 Lisa Merlensotto, Board 2 0.00 0.00 000 0.0083 Veronica Mozzano, Board 2 000 0 00 0.00 0.0083 Cathy Neuman, Board Member 2 000 000 000 0.0083 Chiadi On ike, MD, Board 2 000 000 000 00083 Robert Parks, Board Member 2 0.00 0.00 000 0.0083 Howard Pollinger, Board 2 000 0.00 000 0.0083 Samuel Ross, MD, Board 2 000 000 000 00083 Brian Scheinberg , Board 2 000 0.00 000 0.0083 John Schulze, Jr, Board 2 000 000 000 000W Carl Tuerk, Jr, Esq, Board 2 000 0.00 000 0.0083 Renee Wooding, Board 2 000 0.00 000 0.0083 Mary C Naugle, Executive 40 96,920 00 6.375.00 000 103,295.0083 Jessica Surnano, Development 40 69,698 00 4,828.00 000 74,526 0083 Ben amen R Winneberger, 40 67,133 00 5,05800 000 72,191.0087 Mary Ann Marion, Chair, Board 2 0.00 0 00 000 00087 Jeffrey Berry , Vice Chair, Board 2 000 0.00 000 00087 Paul Donovan, Clerk, Board of 2 000 0.00 000 00087 Paul Stuka, Treasurer, Board of 2 0.00 0.00 000 00087 James Wessler, Preside & 40 125,246.00 4,591.00 000 129,8370087 Elizabeth Prins, Vice President, 40 80.393 00 4,357.00 000 84,750 00100 13ebraR Brook, Executive 40+ 89,190.00 0.00 000 89.19000100 C Michelle Niedens. 40+ 59,000 00 O.Ib 000 59,000.00100 Patncia Coleman, Finance 40+ 62,000 00 0.00 000 62,000 00100 Board Members-See Attached 0 000 000 000 0.00101 George Carney, President 1 5 000 000 0.00 000101 Rachel Keller, Vice-President 05 000 0 00 000 000101 Armon Yanders, Secretary 1 000 000 0.00 000101 Peter Koukola, Treasurer 2 000 0.00 000 000101 Leah Beth Simon, Director 1 000 000 000 000101 Myra Aud, Director 1 000 000 000 0.00101 David Williamson, Director 1 000 000 000 0.00101 Donna Rice, Director 1 000 0.00 000 0.00101 David Oliver, Director 1 000 0 00 000 0.00101 Bill Grace, Director 1 000 000 000 0.00101 Philli p Orscheln, Director 1 000 0 00 000 000101 Evette Nietto, Director 1 000 0 00 000 000101 Aaron Willard, Director 1 000 0 00 000 000

101 Linda Newlartc, Executive 40 52,000 00 9,74000 000 61,740 00103 Rebecca Argilligos, 50 29,167 00 87500 000 30,042 00103 Lois M Zerrer, Board Chairman 4 000 0.00 000 000103 Karen Krittenbrink, Vice 4 000 000 000 000103 Vicla Karlovich, Secretary 4 000 000 000 000103 Katie Aton-Jackson, Treasurer 4 000 000 000 000103 Susan Sommer-Luarca, 2 000 000 000 0.00103 Betty Parnell, Director 2 000 000 000 000103 John Piatchek, Director 2 000 000 000 000103 Tom Short, Director 2 000 0.00 000 000103 Mary Newman, Director 2 000 0.00 000 000103 Gad Noggle, Director 2 000 0.00 000 0 00103 Rodney Quinn, Director 2 000 0.00 000 000103 Menlo Linn, Director 2 000 0.00 000 000103 Douglas Henry, Director 2 000 0.00 000 0.00105 ANN GROFF/Kelty Donvan - 0 000 000 000 000105 CJ DAHLE - VICE PRESIDENT 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00105 ALLEN WALTON/Kelll 0 000 0.00 000 0.00105 JACKIE OLSEN - SECRETARY 0 0.00 0.00 000 0.00105 SUZANNE BELSER - 0 0.00 0.00 000 0.00108 Karen K Noel, PresidenUCEO 40+ 62,750 00 3,903.00 000 66,653.00108 Rennie Walt, Board Chair 0 000 0.00 000 000108 Mike Bousquet, Vice Chair 0 000 000 0.00 000108 Margaret Small, Secretary 0 000 0.00 000 000108 Kyle Sitzman, Treasurer 0 000 0.00 000 000108 Rick Bai ley 0 000 0.00 000 000108 Arthur Anderson 0 0.00 000 0.00 0.00108 Jim Cook 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 000108 Laura Fuller 0 000 0.00 000 000


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CH Name,'r#Ue if Avaitabta Hours Waty omits nseAcct Total Compensation108 Chris Gillespie 0 000 0 00 000 000108 Wanda Huts 0 000 0 00 000 000108 Mary Rauner 0 000 000 000 000108 Caron Eberspecher 0 0.00 0 .00 000 000108 John Hanigan , Past Chair 0 0.00 000 000 0 00109 Duane Gross, President 8 CEO 0 0.00 0.00 000 000109 Wood Hull . Chair 0 000 000 000 0.00109 Kathy Coziahr , Treasurer 0 000 000 000 0.00109 Ryan Clark, Secretary 0 000 000 000 0.00109 La rry Guenther , Vice Chair 0 000 000 000 000109 Debra Marks Conley 0 000 000 000 0 00109 Kerry Heinrich 0 000 000 000 000109 Florence Brown 0 000 000 000 0.00109 Roger Brumback, MD 0 000 000 000 000109 Robert Dick 0 000 0 00 000 0.00109 Gary DeVoss 0 000 000 000 0.00109 John Sharp 0 0.00 000 000 0.00109 Brenda Berman-Evans 0 000 000 000 000109 Kristine Sullivan 0 000 000 000 000109 Verne Welch 0 000 000 000 000117 Sal Berry 0 0.00 000 000 0.00117 Roslyn Belford 0 0.00 0 00 000 0.00117 Helen Druce 0 000 000 000 000117 Scott Hams 0 0.00 000 000 000117 Christina Hasemann 0 0.00 000 000 000117 Larry Malfitano 0 0.00 000 000 U.-00-117 Martin Manning 0 0.00 000 000 0.00117 Paulette Nickerson 0 000 000 000 0.00117 Kay O' Brien 0 000 000 000 0.00117 Ma Pat Oliker 0 000 000 000 000117 Ga ry Olivella 0 0110 000 000 000117 Keith Rung 0 000 000 000 000117 Manan Schoenheit 0 000 000 000 0.00117 Edward Schoenheit 0 000 000 000 000.117 James Seeley 0 000 000 000 000117 John Smarrelli 0 000 000 000 0.00117 Edward Smith 0 000 000 000 0.00117 Ellen Somers 0 000 000 000 0.00117 Paul Stepien 0 000 0 00 000 0.00117 Andrea Zurbruegg 0 000 000 000 0 00117 Cathy James 0 60,440 00 0 09 000 60,440.09118 John Levin 0 000 000 000 0.00118 Karen Ganis 0 000 000 000 000118 William J . Higgins 0 000 0 00 000 0.00118 James B McEvoy 0 000 0 00 0.00 000118 Janet Newberg 0 000 000 000 000118 Steven A Schurkman 0 000 000 000 0.00118 Marie Tarver 0 000 000 000 0.00118 Elaine S roat, CEO 35 81,731 00 7 ,02700 000 88,758.00118 Meg Boyce, Director Programs 35 58 .654 00 6,07500 000 64,729 00118 Alison DaMore , Director 35 58,654 00 6.08200 000 64,736 00118 Jennifer Scheuermann . Director 35 61,539 00 2 ,602 00 000 64,141.00

118 Bret Jacobowitz , Chair 0 000 000 000 000118 Charlotte Ostman, Vice Chair 0 0.00 000 000 000118 Andrew B Sillian , Vice Chair 0 0.00 000 000 0 00118 Maureen Torelli , Treasurer 0 000 000 000 0.00118 Marian Crapanzano , Secreta ry 0 0 .00 000 000 0.00118 Debra Kagan-Bukeland 0 000 000 000 000118 Sue Bunce, 0 000 000 000 000118 Karen Foster Lesperance 0 000 000 000 000120 Mary Ann Ragona . Exec 60 88 ,80000 6 , 12900 000 94,929.00121 Mark Zurack 0 000 000 000 0.00121 Susan Kayser 0 000 000 000 0.00121 Ken Reiss 0 000 000 000 0.00121 Anne Murray 0 000 000 000 0.00121 Heath McLendon 0 000 000 000 000121 Jeffrey Tucker 0 000 000 000 000121 Jeffrey Jones 0 000 000 000 000121 Steve Pierson 0 000 000 000 0.00121 Richard Schneider 0 000 000 000 0.00121 Man Cohen 0 000 0.00 000 000121 Andrew Albstem 0 000 000 000 000121 Steve Boxer 0 000 000 000 0.00


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CH Name, T to if Ava 1abta Hours salwy 7s everweAccl Totaf Com neaUoa121 Andrew Fenniman 0 000 0 00 000 000121 James Haddon 0 000 000 000 0.00121 Sam Martini 0 000 000 000 000121 Anne McBride Schreiber 0 000 000 000 0 00121 Bill Brachfeld 0 000 0.00 000 000121 Sunnie Kenows -Irving 0 000 0.00 000 000121 David Geithner 0 0.00 0.00 000 000121 Larry Goldfain 0 000 0 00 000 000121 Jeffrey Halis 0 000 000 000 0.00121 Lou-Ellen Barkan 40 210,00000 10,500 00 000 220,500 00121 Jed Levine 40 126,52800 6,32640 000 132,85440121 Carol Berne 40 147.00000 7.35000 000 154,350 00121 May Woei 40 96.75000 4.837.50 000 101,587 50123 Teresa A. Galbier - 40 100,90000 9,26900 000 110,169 00123 Stewart Putnam - Board Chair 000 0 00 000 000123 Victoria Hines - Vice-Chair 000 0 00 000 0 00123 Richard Mueller - Secretary 000 000 0.00 000123 Charlie Runyon - Treasurer 000 000 000 0.00128 Linda W Sabo Executive 375+ 67,96600 67,966 00128 Board of Directors 0 000 000 000135 Pamela Schuellerman, 40 75,21800 000 0.00 75.21800135 Joan Sillasen 40 50.128 00 0.00 000 50,12800135 Dou MacKay 0 000 0.00 000 000135 Neal Colby 0 000 000 000 000135 Rex Ferry 0 000 0.00 000 000135 D Joe Fleming 0 000 000 0.00 0.00135 Elizabeth Kozenko 0 0 DO 000 000 000135 Jennifer Lile 0 000 000 000 000135 Robert Pacanovsky 0 000 000 000 000135 Les Perelman 0 000 0.00 000 0.00135 Mary Anne Rothermel 0 000 0.00 000 0 00135 Anita Shapiro 0 000 000 0.00 0.00135 Abigail Sheen 0 000 0 00 000 000139 Nancy B Udelson, Executive 40 78,000 00 0.00 000 78,000 00139 Nancy A Douglas. Finance 40 67,840 00 1,936 00 000 69,776.00139 Karen B Bain, Development 40 35.770 00 0.00 000 35,770 00

139 Sean W. Shacklett, Program 40 66,780 00 1,332.00 000 68,11200139 Thomas E Prevett, IT Director 40 64,977 00 1,832 00 000 66,809.00139 Board of Trustees Roster 0 000 000 000 0 00140 James Flynn, President (Chair) 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 000140 James Karsatos, Immediate 2 000 0.00 0.00 0.00140 Kirk Staffer, Vice President 2 000 000 000 000140 Gary Dowdy, Treasurer 4 coo 000 000 000140 Joame Johnson, Secretary 2 000 000 000 000

140 Dr John Burkhart, MD - 2 000 0.00 000 000140 Gregory Comfort - Director 2 000 0.00 000 000140 Mark Kel ly - Director 2 000 0.00 000 0.00140 Patrick Kel ly - Director 4 000 0.00 000 000140 Myron Leff - Director 2 000 0.00 000 0.00140 Pamela Liebeit - Director 2 000 0.00 0 00 0.00140 Micheal Louge - Director 2 000 0.00 000 000140 Sean Perkins - Director 000 000 000 0.00

140 John Petro - Director 2 000 000 000 000140 John Vorys - Director 2 000 000 000 0 00140 Chuck White - Director 2 000 0.00 0.00 0.00140 Michelle Chippas, Executive 40 78,00100 4,68000 000 82,681 00140 Man Dannhauer, Program 40 42,396 00 2,120.00 0.00 44,516.00140 Gad Thomas, Advocay & 24 13,68000 0.00 000 13,680.00140 Gregory Winslow, Director of 40 7,692 00 000 000 7,69200140 Kevin Fells, Director of Finance 40 50,627 00 3,038.00 000 53,665.00143 Judith F Turner. Executive 38 69.65900 11,868.00 000 81,52700143 Eric VanVtymen. Assoc Dir 38 51.63800 5,95900 000 57,59700143 Judith Fowler, Assoc Dir - 38 49,62900 8,786.00 0.00 58,415.00143 Teresa Thomas, Development 38 47,86600 5,659.00 000 53,52500143 Steve Arnold, Board President 3 000 000 000 0.00143 Micki Fitzgerald, Nom & 1 0.00 0.00 000 0.00143 Janette Forbes, Secretary & 2 0.00 0.00 000 000143 Beth Huffer, VP for Resource 2 000 0.00 0.00 000143 Claudia Jones, VP for Public 2 000 0.00 000 0.00143 Meenakshi Patel 0 00 000 000 000143 Donald Rineer 1 000 000 0 000143 Jim Stahler Ohio Council 2 000 0.00 0.00 0.00143 John Sullivan, VP Chapter 2 000 000 000 000


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CH Name, T lt# if Availab1 Hours %am omits xas nseAcut Total Ccun osa*k n143 Arthur Taylor 1 0.00 000 000 000143 Cynthia Wagner 2 000 0 00 000 0.00143 Wanda Willis 3 000 0 00 000 0.00143 Gary Conley 1 000 000 000 0.00143 Charlotte McGuire 1 000 0 00 000 0.00143 Bill Springer 1 000 000 000 000144 Beverly Cox, President 0 000 0.00 000 0.00144 Timothy Vice President 0 000 0.00 000 000144 Jeffery Cole, Vice President- 0 0.00 0.00 000 000144 Joel Jerger, Treasurer 0 0.00 0.00 000 000144 Scott Williams, Secretary 0 000 000 000 000

144 Marv Beauford 0 0.00 000 000 000144 Martin Connors 0 000 000 000 000144 Gail Doxsie 0 000 000 000 000144 Wendy Gramza 0 0.00 0 00 000 000144 Thonda James 0 000 0 00 000 000144 Michael Malone 0 000 000 000 000144 Cathy Melms 0 000 000 000 000144 Kristen Shook 0 000 000 000 000144 Tim Tolland 0 000 000 000 000144 Salli Bolhn, Executive Director 40 70,000 00 9.88164 000 79,881 64147 Judi A VerHoef President & 40 89,000.00 7,132 00 000 96,132 00147 Tonda Ames VP Programs 40 50.850 00 6,184.00 000 57,034 00147 David F Rose VP Finance & 40 70,399 00 6,396 00 000 76,795.00147 Sarah Frey VP Development 40 49,965 00 5,359 00 000 55,324.00147 Rev Linda Bnnkworth, Advisory 4 000 000 000 0.00147 Virginia Campbell, Advisory 4 000 000 000 0.00147 Or David Dearman, Advisory 4 0.00 0 00 000 0 00147 Suan Grant, Advisory Board 4 0.00 000 000 0.00147 Or Sue Griffin. Advisory Board 4 000 000 000 0.00147 Charles Hardin, Advisory 4 0.00 0.00 000 0.00147 Matt Henderson, Advisory 4 0. 0.00 000 000147 Sally Hood, Advisory Board- 4 0.00 0.00 000 0.00147 James Holman, Advisory Board 4 000 0.00 000 0.00147 Letdia Jackson. Advisory Board 4 000 000 000 0.00147 Jackie Koun, Advisory Board 4 000 0.00 000 0.00

147 Gay Larson, Advisory Board 4 0.00 000 000 0.00147 William Lissau, Adviso ry Board 4 000 0.00 000 0.00147 Richard Lrizin er, Secretary 4 000 0.00 000 000147 David Loftis, Advisory Board 4 000 0.00 000 0.00147 Sarah Murphy, Advisory Board 4 000 0 00 000 0.00147 Tom Plamer, Advisory Board 4 000 000 000 0.00147 Steven Remchuk, Adviso ry 4 000 000 000 0.00147 Paul Samuels, Advisory Board 4 000 000 000 000147 Harry Sheline, Advisory Board 4 000 000 000 000147 Margaret Svnmmer, Chair 4 000 000 0.00 0.00148 Mark Donham, President 0 000 0.00 000 0.00148 Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD, 0 000 000 000 000148 Ma Edmeades, Director 0 000 0 00 000 0.00148 Jennifer Mead 0 000 000 000 0.00148 Patrick Gillette MD, Director 0 000 000 000 0.00148 Laurence Green, Treasurer 0 000 000 0 00 000148 Tort Harms, Secretary 0 000 000 000 U.-00-148 Ruth Layton. Director 0 0.00 000 0.00 000148 Dave Rianda 0 0.00 000 0.00 000148 Judy McKeller, Executive 40 74,750.00 5,54820 0.00 80,298.20148 Tracy Madsen, Development 40 58,120.00 5,54820 000 63,668.20156 Wendy L Campbell 375 125,430 90 7,05864 000 132,489 54156 Board - See Attached 0 0.00 000 0.00 0001 59 Geofr Tremont, President 0 000 000 000 000159 Simonne Coutmo. Vice 0 000 000 000 0.00159 Evan Kantor, Treasurer 0 000 000 000 000159 Salvatore Tocco, Jr., Secreta ry 0 000 000 000 000159 Elu:abeth Moran , Ex. Director 40 78.93000 10,37700 000 89,307.00161 Thomas Van Matthews, Board 10 0 00 000 000161 Carrot Campbell, III, Board Vice 5 0.00 0.00 0.00161 Missy Johnson, Board Co-Vice 5 000 000 000161 Tom Kirby , Board Secretary 5 000 000 000161 Lykes Henderson. Board 5 000 000 000161 Cynthia Alewine - 40 85,000 00 5,100.00 000 90,10000161 Gail Marion - VP of Programs 40 50,000 00 3,000.00 000 53,00000161 Velma Hagan - OF 40 50,000 00 3,000.00 000 53,000 00161 Ashton Baker - VP of 40 40,000 00 2,400 00 000 42,400.00


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CH Name, ilia if AvaiWe owa $a SeneCd nseAecl ' ataE Cam162 Loren Diekman 2 000 000 000 000162 Arden Harvison 2 000 000 000 000162 Rev Jennifer Hallenbeck 2 000 000 000 000162 Dan Holdhusen 4 000 000 000 0.00162 Marc Feinstein 1 000 0 .00 000 000162 Mark Deak 000 0 .00 000 0 00162 Dr Matt Malone 000 000 000 000162 Ruth Schemmel 1 000 000 000 000162 Steve Bakken 000 0 .00 000 0 00162 Jane As as 40 45.000 00 000 000 45,00000162 C .F (Frank) Etter 1 000 000 000 000162 Scott Gardner 000 000 000 000169 Debbie Hanna 40 70,46000 000 000 70,460 00169 Clint Hackney , Chairman 0 000 000 000 000169 Ava Late . 1st Vice Chair 0 000 0 .00 000 0 00169 Ed . E Clements, Treasurer 0 000 0 .00 000 000169 D K . Reynolds, Secreta ry 0 000 000 000 000169 Margaret Morton Krasovec , 0 000 0 .00 000 000169 J E . "Buster ' Brown 0 000 000 000 0 00169 on DeVere . M.D 0 0 .00 000 000 000169 Lee Doughtie 0 0.00 0 .00 000 000169 Nub Donaldson 0 000 0 .00 000 000169 Rick Grundman 0 000 000 000 000169 Bobby Jenkins 0 000 000 000 000169 Jim Lydon 0 000 0 .00 000 000169 Jeanne Parker 0 0.00 0 00 000 000169 Sunny Smith 0 000 0 .00 000 0.00169 Jim Hinds , Advisory 0 000 0 .00 000 000169 Cookie Phillips. Advisory 0 000 0 .00 000 000172 Beverly Hudson Schneider , 40 79 ,58400 2,586 00 000 82,170 00172 John R. Gilchrist , Jr, Exec 40 4,385 00 0.00 5 ,669.00 10,054 00172 See Attached List 000 000 000 000173 Watkins , Denese - Executive 80 84.050.00 - 000 0 .00 84,050.00173 Verrecchia , Mana-Finance 80 60,000 00 0 .00 000 60,000 00173 Funk , Virginia-Development 80 60 ,000 00 000 000 60,000 00173 Moore , Carolyn - Program 80 50,750 .00 0.00 000 50,750.00

173 Spahn , Matt- Chair 3 000 0 .00 000 0.00173 Moss , Mitch - Vice Chair 3 000 0.00 000 000173 Smith . Diane - Tresurer 3 000 0 .00 0.00 000173 Barrett. Mana T. - Secrets 3 000 000 000 0.00173 Roden , Don 3 000 000 000 000173 Armstrong Carol 3 0 .00 0.00 000 000173 Goldman , Laura 3 000 000 000 000173 Kalt , Bob 3 000 000 000 0 00

173 McCartney , Genie 3 000 0.00 0.00 0.00173 Talarski , Elaine 3 000 0.00 000 000173 DePa uate , Don 3 000 0 00 000 0.00173 Garcia, Eddie 3 000 0.00 0 .00 0.00174 Gina D Patterson , President 4 000 000 000 0 00174 Victor J Narcisse , III, Immed . 4 000 000 000 0 00174 Jan Johnson , President Elect 4 000 000 000 000174 Kurt Goennger , Treasurer 4 000 000 000 000174 William E Fisher, Secreta ry 4 000 000 000 000174 Jim Saye , Board Member 2 0.00 0.00 000 000174 Melissa King, Board Member 2 000 000 000 000174 W Perry Zrvl , Jr., Board 2 000 0.00 000 0.00174 W Andrew Achenbaum, Board 2 000 0 .00 000 000174 Kate Allen Stukenbe , Board 2 000 0.00 000 0 00174 Lynn Bencovntz , Board Member 2 000 000 000 000174 James S Goodwin, MD , Board 2 000 000 0.00 0 00174 Royce Imhoff, 11. Board Member 2 000 000 000 000174 Janet Jackson-McCulloch, 2 000 000 000 0.00174 Ginger Kana , Board Member 2 000 0.00 0.00 0.00174 Joe Lucia , Board Member 2 000 000 000 0.00174 Kim Sanchez , Board Member 2 0.00 000 000 0.00174 Susanne Schmetz , Board 2 000 0 .00 000 000174 Tom Wertz , Board Member 2 000 000 000 000174 Richard Elbein , CEO 40 103 ,33400 11 ,468 00 000 114,802.00177 Theresa Hocker, Executive 40+ 78.44000 3 , 138.00 0.00 81,578 00177 Lyn Downing , Director of 40t 62 ,40000 8 ,353.00 000 70 ,753.00177 Susanna Jones, Director of 40+ 56 , 16000 1 ,904 00 000 58,064.00177 Jeanie Zinke, Finance Director 40+ 54 .080 00 2,163.00 0.00 56,243 00177 See attached list of unpaid 0 000 000 000 000


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tai Name,'Ifie if Available 1Lotus &ac nvAciA Total Com neaffon179 Randolph Brock, Pros Board of 0 000 000 000 0.00179 J Paul Giuliani , Treas Board of 0 000 000 000 0.00


179 Joseph Krawczyk . Sec Board 0 000 000 000 0.00179 Daniel Bean , Public Policy, 0 0.00 000 000 0.00179 Pamela Smith, Interim Exec 40 52 ,000 00 000 000 52.00000179 Laura Corrow , Program 20 26,095 .00 0.00 000 26,095.00179 Gad Deuso, Events Coordinator 20 16 .890 00 0 .00 000 16,890 00179 Margaret Lewis, Assoc Prog 20 8,350 00 000 000 8 ,350.00181 Ron Feinman , Esquire 0 000 0 00 000 000181 Robert Gilges 0 000 000 000 000181 Carol Manning , Ph D 0 000 0 00 000 000181 Barry Moore. PhD 0 000 0 .00 000 0.00181 E Williams Pelton , II. M D 0 000 000 000 000181 Brian Phelps 0 000 0.00 000 000

Margie Shaver 0 000 000 000 000William Stokes 0 000 00 000 000


Joyce Tipton 0 000 0 .00 000Jeffery Ulmer , CPA 0 000 000 000 000William Howard , CCIM 0 000 000 000 000

181 Ann Anderson 0 000 000 000 0 00181 Sue Friedman, President & 40 70 ,000 00 8385 000 70,083 85181 Ellen Bickoff-Phipps, Vice 40 51,000 00 4,97646 000 55,976.46181 Brett S dale, Vice President- 40 30 ,010 38 1,18439 0.00 31 ,194.77181 Valerie Washington , Director , 40 9,41826 868.64 000 10,286 90182 John H Kellam , President 0 000 0 .00 000 0.00182 Marcie McMillin, Vice President 0 000 000 000 000182 Nancy P Faison , Treasurer 0 000 000 000 0.00182 Sheila M Powell, Secretary 0 000 0 .00 000 0.00182 Gino V Colombara, Executive 40 67,87946 3 , 11051 000 70.989 97182 Patricia Lacey , Director of 40 45.131 26 1,260.96 000 46 ,392.22182 Patricia Bartosch , Director of 40 41,614.51 802.63 000 42,417.14182 Tifrnee Hamilton , Director of 40 24 .070 59 000 000 24 ,070.59182 Nicolas Lane-Roberts, Director 40 25,687 14 1,059 .78 000 26,746 92184 Anthony Sudler , CEO 8 40 140,041 70 15 ,236.00 4,03700 159,314 70184 David Vdlani , CFO/COO 40 113.300 00 8,09400 89200 122,286.00184 Ian Kremer , Chief 40 77,952 00 7,50100 5 ,28700 90,740 00184 Jane Priest , Chief Program 40 82 .400 00 7,50800 1.31300 91,221 00184 Ruth Hayes, Chief Development 40 31 ,250 00 1,276 .00 287 .00 32,81300184 See Attached for Non- 0 000 0 .00 0.00 000184 Board members 0 000 000 000 000185 Board of Directors list attached 0 000 000 000 0.00190 Nancy Dapper 40 85 ,000 00 7,25000 000 92,250.00190 Patricia Hunter 40 65 ,000 00 3 ,25000 000 68,250.00190 Sund Dutt 40 57 ,00000 2,85000 000 59,850.00190 an n 40 75,000 00 3.750 00 000 78,750.00191 Edward C Martin , Esq, 000 0.00 000 0.00191 Ga ene Miller , Vice-President 0.00 0.00 000 000191 Becky Deem , Secreta ry 000 0.00 000 000191 Barry Dobson, Treasurer 000 0 .00 000 000191 had Broadwater , Director 000 0 .00 000 000191 Andrew Brownfield , Director 000 000 0.00 000191 Christina Brumley , Director 000 000 000 000191 David Campbell, Director 000 0 .00 000 000191 Candace Jones , Director 000 000 000 0.00191 Debra McNeely , Director 000 000 0 .00 0.00191 Dottie Oakes , Director 000 000 0.00 000191 Samuel Scott , PhD, Director 000 0 .00 000 0.00191 Ann Stottlemyer, Director 000 000 000 0.00191 Jerry Walker, Director 000 000 000 0.00191 Amy Culler , Director 1 000 000 000 000191 Grace Wigal . Director 1 0.00 0 00 000 0.00191 Jane Marks, Executive Director 40 45 ,000 00 000 000 45 ,000.00191 Susan Graves, Finance 40 35 ,000.00 000 000 35,000 00191 Laurel Kirk , Development 40 37 ,000 00 000 000 37,000 00191 Melrssa Gandee , Program 40 38,000 00 000 000 38,000 00194 Ma ry Bouche 50 61 .834 00 0 .00 000 61,834 00194 Kim Marheine 50 31.13500 0.00 000 31,135 00194 Bec Reichell 50 43,797 00 0 .00 000 43,797.00194 Diane Dixon 45 11 ,886 00 000 0.00 11 ,886.00194 Michael Furgiuele 45 30 ,265 00 0 .00 000 30.265 00194 Sandra Shorey 45 36.272.00 0.00 000 36,272 00194 Dianne Jacobson 0 000 000 0.00 0.00194 Linda Negratti 0 000 0 .00 0.00 0.00


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CH Name, Tate ifAvaiWe, Hoses saw Sails hseACcE TOW Cam nisalinn194 Jan Ldlich 0 000 000 0 .00 0.00194 Daniel Wilhelm 0 000 0 .00 000 0.00194 Marty Anderson 0 000 000 000 000194 Brad Beckman 0 000 0 .00 000 0.00194 Linda Dekan 0 000 000 000 0.00194 Katie Dykes 0 000 0 .00 000 0.00194 Kathy L 0 000 0.00 000 0.00194 Steven Nooyen 0 000 0.00 000 000194 Joyce Weise 0 000 000 000 0.00194 Bonnie Weyers 0 000 000 000 0.00194 Larry White 0 000 000 000 000194 Diana Brown 0 000 000 000 000195 Diana Kerwin, President 0 000 000 000 0.00195 David Simbro , Vice-President 0 000 000 000 0.00195 Dale Muehl , Treasurer 0 0.00 000 000 000195 Beth Me r-Arnold , Secretary 0 000 000 000 000195 Luis Baez, Director 0 000 000 000 000195 Laura Barnard , Director 0 0 .00 000 000 000195 Anne Basting , Director 0 000 000 000 000195 Tom Baylerian , Director 0 000 000 0 00 000195 Ellen Basting Dizard , Director 0 0 .00 0.00 000 000195 Clanssia Jackson , Director 0 000 000 000 000195 John Kurowski, Director 0 000 000 000 000195 Bruce Lindl, Director 0 0.00 000 000 000195 Judith Murphy, Director 0 000 000 000 0.00195 Al n Olivier, Director 0 000 000 000 000195 Marianne Olson, Director 0 000 000 000 000195 Warren Pierson , Director 0 000 000 000 000195 Jacque nyRice, Director 0 000 000 000 000195 Gary Williams, Director 0 000 000 000 0.00195 Tom Hlavacek, Executive 40 83 ,36500 1 ,66700 1,73300 86 , 765.00208 Al Wiggins. Chair 0 0 .00 0.00 000 0.00208 Mike Brent , Treasurer, 0 000 000 000 0.00208 Carolyn Rice, vice Chair 0 000 000 000 0.00208 Bruce Duncan 0 000 000 000 0.00208 Chanda Crutcher 0 000 000 000 0.00208 Diane Prtzl 0 0.00 000 000 0.00208 George Jensen 0 000 000 000 000208 Jame Colley 0 000 000 000 0.00208 Karla Miller 0 000 0.00 000 0.00208 Kenneth Sakauye 0 0.00 000 000 000208 Melinda Vance 0 000 000 000 0.00208 Rick Regan 0 000 000 000 0.00208 Ron Haskamp 0 000 0 00 000 0.00208 Marcia Massengill 50 62 ,000 00 000 0.00 62 ,000.00214 Sue Abdz , Secrets 0 000 000 0 .00 0.00214 Grego Allen, Director 0 000 000 0 .00 0.00214 Mary Kay Baum , Director 0 000 000 0 .00 0.00214 Lmda Brei , President 0 000 000 000 0.00214 Susan Caldwell, Director 0 000 000 000 0.00214 Naomi Carter , Director 0 000 000 000 0.00214 Carol Koby, Vice President 0 000 0 .00 000 000214 Asenath LaRue, Director 0 000 000 000 0.00214 Tom Rasmussen , Director 0 000 000 0 .00 0.00214 Kim Petersen , Director 0 000 000 000 0.00214 Jeffe ry Supple , Treasurer 0 000 000 000 0.00214 Barbara Zabawa, Director 0 000 000 000 0.00

Paul Rusk , Director 0 70 ,012.00 1 ,401 00 4 ,776.00 76, 189.00Carol Sipf ie - Execut ive 45 83 ,047.20 3,038 00 0 .00 86,085.20Ann Riesenberg -Program 45 58,488 96 2,193 00 000 60 ,681.96NLisa Ste hany - Develo ment 40 64,75000 4,314 00 000 69 ,064.00Holly Bradford - Finance & 45 55,000 08 9 ,736 00 000 64,736.08Craig Miller - Immediate Past 000 000 000 0.00

232 Debbie Miner - President 000 000 0.00 000232 Curtis Ford - Vice President 000 000 000 0.00232 Missy Sister - Treasurer 2 000 000 000 0.00232 Fred Housman - Secreta ry 000 0.00 0.00 000232 Thomas Fischer Jr - Director 000 000 000 000232 Darshmi Jayawa rdena - 0.00 000 0.00 000232 Linda Forthmann - Director 000 000 000 0.00232 Mehrdad Razavi, MD - Director 000 000 0.00 000232 Steve Habenicht - Director 000 0 .00 000 000232 Thomas Cross - Director 1 000 000 000 0.00


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04 4arrle, €t jf Avali a Honks h x nSeAcc T01af Com nsatfon232 Judith Garside - Director 1 000 0.00 000 0.00233 Debra Benson, Board President 0 0.00 000 000 000233 Terry O'Lea , Vice President 0 0.00 000 000 0 00233 James Schafer 0 000 0 00 000 000233 Laura Col 0 000 0.00 0.00 000233 De n Cook 0 000 0.00 000 000233 Elaine Hopkins 0 000 0.00 000 000233 Patricia Johnson 0 000 0.00 000 0.00233 Lon Page 0 000 0.00 000 000233 Laura Papetti 0 000 0.00 000 000233 Mark Scrogin 0 000 0.00 000 0.00233 Dr John Tran 0 000 0.00 000 0.00233 Scott Gardner 0 0.00 000 000 0.00233 Joel Loiacono 40 40,700 00 000 000 40,700 00

9,315,820.94 540,660.55 40,794.00 9,897.275.49


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Alzheimer's Association

Year Ended June 30, 2008

EIN #36-3463656

GEN #9334Schedule for 990 Part V-A

Line 75a-Total number of officers, directors, and trustees permitted to vote on boards at Chapters

Name20 Herb Williams20 Edwardo Salaz20 Kevin Pringle20 Merry Gad20 Clda Atlas20 Barbara Bangs

20 Joe Cooney20 Peter Daley20 June Darmanian20 Sarah Epstein20 Leslie Bishop Franco20 Rafael Gonzalez-Amezcua20 John B Grubb20 Ladson Hinton20 Eva Lai-Kit Jones20 Grace Lee20 Joan Marks20 Doug Moorhouse20 Lennart Mucke20 Rick Smith

20 Use Sullivan20 Howard Wahl

24 Susan M. Barnhill, Board of24 Christopher L Bmkley, Board24 Margy Christian, Board of24 Calhoun W Cox, Board of24 Elenora Browner Chrichlow,

24 Watt F DeHaven, Board of24 David G Hams, Board24 Richard H Heiney, Board of

24 Nathan Hooks. Board Secrets24 Jose M Lafosse. Board of24 Jim Livingston, Board of24 Donald J Murphy, Board of24 Dick Page, Board of Directors24 David G Powell, Jr, Board of24 Jim Prugh, Board of Directors24 Scott D Richards, Board24 Kelly Rogers. Board of24 Katie M Rol n. Board of24 Michael P Saracusa, Board of24 Kathy L Seidel, Board of24 Debi Tepper, Board of Directors24 John M. Tighe, Board Vice-24 Frederick L Wolfe. Board of24 Joseph E W keel, Board of

28 Eric Rennie, Chair28 Rosaida Morales Rosano, Vice28 Richard Fisher, Treasurer28 Carol Lenz, Secreta ry28 Chns Rupp , Director28 Chnstine Andrews, Director28 George Bickfors, Director28 Carole Edelman, Director28 Craig Johnson, Director28 Jay Kearns, Director28 Jenniofer Keyes-Smdh, Director28 Karen Kuhl, Director28 Maureen Mauro, Director28 Serafin Mendez-Mendez,28 Carol Schaffer, Director28 Daniel Woliman, Director28 Julia Bronder, Director33 Ferren, Samuel - Board Chair33 Tappen, Dr Ruth - 1st Vice


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Get I^me33 Mrozmski, Phillip - 2nd Vice33 Handley , Jan - Director33 Karp , Joseph - Director33 Sadowsky , Dr Carl - Director33 Kearson , Patti - Director33 Kalck , Kathy - Director33 Pmeuo , Enriq ue - Director46 Bennett Watts, Chairman46 Peter Armstrong , Chair-elect46 Bruce Flechter , Treasurer46 Iola Snow , Secretary46 Lee Robinson46 William Sandefur46 Lee White46 Dave Hasley46 Jackie Lenderman46 Alan Robertson46 David Jones46 Billy Small Jr46 Jennifer Kelley53 Thomas P Brehm. Chairman53 Brett Flynn , 2nd Vice President53 Chris Shirai, Treasurer53 Tricia Medeiros, Secretary53 Michael F K. Buck, Board53 Elizabeth A. Lacy , Board53 Ronald Y .K Leong, Board53 Vicki Wookford , Board Member53 Adele Rugg , Board Member53 Christine Doty, Board Member53 Garret Tom, Board Member54 Garold Maxfield , President54 Rick Vogel54 Thomas Williams,54 Tony Jacklich54 Lori Foley

54 Brenda Kolbet54 Heather Gillespie54 Cindy DeanV.P54 Scott Gardner, National54 Ben Krug54 Katlm Cauffman54 Allen Han, M D54 HONORARY Board Members54 Jim Bruce, E54 Jake Plummer54 Gene BI maser54 Troy Rohn, PH D58 Brett Tilly , President58 Donna Marcaca, Vice58 Mike Kraft , Secretary58 Donna Marc2cci , Treasurer

58 Linda Buck , Board Member58 Susan Dawson-Tibbds, Board58 Kathy Fuller, Board Member58 Dr William Hall, Board Member58 Line Hobson , Board Member58 Sharon Kennedy, Board58 Dr La rry Lindahl, Board56 Dr Dennis McManus, Board58 May Meister , Board Member58 Krtstu Moushon , Board Member58 Enk Pettit, Board Member58 Kim Sanders , Board Member58 Manlyn Schroeder, Board58 Karen Shaded , Board Member58 Kathleen Temple, Board58 Jaidy Toro-Rodn uez, Board58 Adam White. Board Member58 Susan Wozniak , Board Member59 Judy Buchanan , Chair , Public59 Paul Caponu n, Treasurer59 Cathy Edge , Board Member


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CH Norm59 Mary Elsner, Chair, Governance59 Stuart Gaines, Board Member59 G Geller, Chair,59 Stephen Hester, Board Member59 Tony Huschtritt, Board Member59 Dam Jachino, Chair,59 Steve Mack, Board Chair59 Marilyn Martinez, Board59 Mike O'Bnen, Board Member59 Scott Pe , Board Member59 Chris Randolph, Board Member59 Bryan Selander, Board Vice59 Jill Stetson, Secretary59 Candance Watt, Board Member59 Sandra Weintraub, Board67 Board of Directors Attached69 Pat Gill69 Chuck Robbins69 Jeanie Hohenstem69 Ma Helen McManus69 Melissa Willer69 Jim Feauto69 Barb Arens69 Cindy Aspeotis69 Susan Durward69 Susan Fenceroy69 Robert Meis69 Larry Sellers69 Nancy Wenell69 Kevin McManamy69 Richard Moore69 Lon Shaffer69 Dave Grosenheider73 David Kutcher73 Tilfa O'Donnell73 Januce Charles73 Deborah Jones73 Bob Vancura73 Gary Wicklund73 Joel Kasparek73 Mona Knoll73 Anne Satamon73 Bev McCadam73 Rick Skogman73 Eric Johnson73 Joel Schmidt73 Debbie Craig73 David Good73 Kathy Good73 Nader Amr73 Joe Hartman73 Patrick Allen

75 Doug Watson, Chair75 Debbi Elmore, Vice-Chair75 Monica Cassell, Secretary75 Dwayne Broddel, Treasurer75 Suzanne Meeker, Member75 Kathy McGee, Member75 Ma Beth Steiner, Member75 Doug Stark, Member75 Bill Cobb, Member75 David Haase, Member75 Fred Hermes, Member75 Scott Gardner, National Board78 Tom Bodkin, Board Chair78 Susan Pope , Board Vice Chair78 Scott Pitts, Secretary78 Scott Olinger, Treasurer78 Linda Blair, Board78 David Casey , Board78 Janet Cerel, Board78 Helen Kientz, Board78 Robert Maddox, Board


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chi I^te78 Or John Gallagher, Board78 Shelly Prochaska Trent, Board78 Karen Profitt Newman, Board78 Richard Richter, Board78 Cathy Nagy. Board78 Isabel Yates, Board78 Dr Richard Edelson, Board78 Sharon Reed, Board78 Joe Rosenberg, Board78 Ben Schoenbachler, Board78 Laura Wigglesworth, Board82 Manlyn Paige , President82 Karen Stram , President82 Sherrie Bergman, Vice82 Carol Calcag ni, Secretary82 Frank Parker , Treasurer82 Michael Bierte , At Large82 Amy Cotton , At Large82 Lon DesIardms, At Large82 Dr Jabbar Fazeli, At Large82 J Scott Hersey , At Large82 Gail Richardson Gee, At Large82 Jennifer Schumacher , At Large82 Cynthia Cave , At Large82 Bob Armstrong , At Large82 Or Janis Petzel , At Large82 Deane Lanphear . At Large82 j Ki rby Whitney , At Large83 Enc Nichols, Board President83 Chad Malkus, Esq, Board Vice83 Robert Reitz , Board Treasurer83 Otho Thompson , E , Board83 Craig Cash , Board Member83 Melinda Fitting , PhD, Board83 Donna Gaver , Board Membera3 The Honorable Verna Jones,

83 Rebecca Li, CPA. Board83 Syl via Mackey , Board Member83 <ark McElwee , Board Member83 Lisa Mertensotto, Board83 Veronica Mozzano, Board83 Cathy Neuman , Board Member83 Chiadi On ke, MD. Board83 Robert Parks , Board Member83 Howard Pollinger, Board83 Samuel Ross , MD, Board83 Brian Scheinberg, Board83 John Schulze , Jr, Board83 Carl Tuerk, Jr, Esq, Boarda3 Renee Wooding, Board87 Mary Ann Marion , Chair, Board87 Jeffrey Berry , Vice Chair, Board87 Paul Donovan , Clerk , Board of87 Paul Stuka , Treasurer, Board of100 Board Members-See Attached101 George Carney , President101 Rachel Keller , Vice-President101 on Panders, Secreta ry101 Peter Koukola , Treasurer101 Leah Beth Simon , Director

101 Myra And. Director101 David Williamson , Director101 Donna Rice , Director101 David Oliver , Director101 Bill Grace , Director101 Phillip Orscheln , Director101 Evette Nietto , Director101 Aaron Willard, Director

103 Lois M Zerrer , Board Chairman103 Karen Krittenbnnk, Vice103 Vicki Kartowch , Secreta ry103 Katie Aton-Jackson , Treasurer103 Susan Sommer-Luarca,


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CH Lame103 Betty Parnell, Director103 John Piatchek, Director103 Tom Short. Director103 Mary Newman, Director103 Gail Noggle, Director103 Rodney Quinn, Director103 Monte Linn, Director103 Douglas Henry , Director1115 ANN GROFF/Kelty Donvan -105 CJ DAHLE - VICE PRESIDENT105 ALLEN WALTON/Kellt105 JACKIE OLSEN - SECRETARY105 SUZANNE BELSER -108 Rennie Walt, Board Chair108 Mike Bous uet, Vice Chair108 Margaret Small, Secretary108 Kyle Sdzman, Treasurer108 Rick Bailey108 Arthur Anderson108 Jim Cook108 Laura Fuller108 Chns Gillespie

108 Wanda Huts108 Mary Rauner108 Carolyn Eberspecher108 John Hanigan, Past Chair109 Duane Gross, President & CEO1l>9 Wood Hull, Chair109 Kathy Coziahr, Treasurer109 Ryan Clark, Secretary109 La rry Guenther, Vice Chair109 Debra Marks Conley

109 Kerry Heinrich109 Florence Brown109 Roger Brumback, MD109 Robert Dick

109 Gary DeVoss109 John Sharp

109 Brenda Berman-Evans109 Kristine Sullivan109 Verne Welch117 Sally Berry117 Roslyn Bifford117 Helen Dnice

117 Scott Hams117 Christina Hasemann117 La rry Matrdano117 Martin Manning117 Paulette Nickerson117 Kay O'Brien11 7 Ma Pat Oliker117 Gary Olivella

117 Keith Rung117 Marian Schoenhert

117 Edward Schoenheit117 James Seeley117 John Smarrell,117 Edward Smith117 Ellen Somers117 Paul Stepien

117 Andrea Zurbruegg118 John Levin118 Karen Gams118 William J. Higgins118 James B. McEvoy118 Janet Newberg118 Steven A. Schurkman118 Marie Tarver118 Bret Jacobowrtz, Chair118 Charlotte Ostman, Vice Chair118 Andrew B Shcian, Vice Chair118 Maureen Torelli. Treasurer118 Manan Crapa nzano, Secretary


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CH Ime118 Debra Kagan-Birkeland118 Sue Bunce118 Karen Foster Lesperance

121 Mark Zurack

121 Susan Kayser121 Ken Reiss121 Anne Murray121 Heath McLendon

121 Jeffrey Tucker

121 Jeffrey Jones

121 Steve Pierson

121 Richard Schneider121 Marilyn Cohen121 Andrew Albstem121 Steve Boxer121 Andrew Fenniman121 James Haddon121 Sam Martini121 Anne McBride Schreiber121 Bill Brachfeld121 Sunnie Kenowsky-Irving

121 David Gedhner

121 La rry Goldfain121 Jeffrey Halis123 Stewart Putnam - Board Chair123 Victoria Hines - Vice-Chair123 Richard Mueller - Secreta ry123 Charlie Runyon - Treasurer128 Board of Directors135 Doug MacKay

135 Neal Colby

135 Rex Ferry

135 D Joe Fleming135 Elizabeth Kozenko135 Jennifer Life135 Robert Pacanovsky135 Les Perelman135 Mary Anne Rothermel

135 Anita Shapiro

135 Abigail Sweeney139 Board of Trustees Roster140 James Flynn , President (Chair)140 James Karsatos , Immediate140 Kirk Stalter , Vice President

140 Gary Dowdy , Treasurer

140 Joame Johnson , Secretary

140 Dr John Burkhart, MD -

140 Grego Comfort - Director

140 Mark Kelly - Director

140 Patrick Kelly - Director140 Myron Leff - Director140 Pamela Liebert - Director

140 Micheal Louge - Director

140 Sean Perkins - Director

140 John Petro - Director

140 John Vorys - Director

140 Chuck White - Director

143 Steve Arnold , Board President143 Micki Fitzgerald, Nom &143 Janette Forbes . Secreta ry &143 Beth Hutter , VP for Resource143 Claudia Jones, VP for Public143 Meenakshi Patel143 Donald Rineer143 Jim Stahler Ohio Council143 John Sullivan , VP Chapter143 Arthur Taylor143 Cynthia Wagner

143 Wanda Willis

143 Gary Conley

143 Charlotte McGuire143 Bill S pringer144 Beverly Cox . President


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: Name144 Timothy Storms, Vice President144 Jeffe ry Cole, Vice President-144 Joel Jerger, Treasurer

144 Scott Williams, Secreta ry144 Marv Beauford144 Martin Connors

144 Gail Doxsie144 Wendy Gramza144 Thonda James144 Michael Malone144 Cathy Metros

144 Kasten Shook144 Tim Toland147 Rev Linda Bnnkworth, Advisory147 Virginia Campbell, Adviso ry147 Dr David Dearman, Advisory147 Suan Grant, Adviso ry Board147 Dr Sue Griffin, Advisory Board147 Charles Harding, Advisory147 Matt Henderson, Advisory147 Sally Hood, Adviso ry Board147 James Holman, Advisory Board147 Letitia Jackson, Adviso ry Board147RJackie Koun, Advisory Board147 Gay Larson. Advisory Board147 William Lissau, Advisory Board147 Richard Litzinger, Secretary147 David Loflis, Advisory Board147 Sarah Murphy, Advisory Board147 Torn Plamer, Advisory Board

147 Steven Remrhuk, Advisory147 Paul Samuels, Advisory Board

147 Ha rry Sheline, Advisory Board147 Margaret Swimmer, Chair148 Mark Donham, President148 Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD,

148 Mary Edmeades, Director148 Jennifer Mead148 Patrick Gillette MD, Director148 Laurence Green, Treasurer148 Tori Harms, Secretary

148 Ruth Layton, Director148 Dave Rianda156 Board - See Attached159 Geofrey Tremont, President159 Simonne Coutmo, Vice159 Evan Kantor, Treasurer159 Salvatore Tocco, Jr., Secreta ry161 Thomas Van Matthews, Board161 Carrol Campbell, III, Board Vice161 Missy Johnson, Board Co-Vice161 Tom Ki , Board Secreta ry161 Lykes Henderson, Board162 Loren Diekman162 Arden Harvison162 Rev Jennifer Hallenbeck162 Dan Holdhusen162 Marc Feinstein162 Mark Deak162 Dr Matt Malone162 Ruth Schemmel162 Steve Bakken162 C.F. (Frank) Etter162 Scott Gardner

Clint ackney, Chairmane, 1st Vice ChairClements, Treasurer


e olds, Secretaryet Morton Krasovec.uster' BrownVere, M.D.

169 ughtie169 Nub Donaldson


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CH Name191 Dottie Oakes, Director191 Samuel Scott, PhD, Director191 Ann Stottlemyer, Director191 Jerry Walker, Director191 Amy Culler, Director191 Grace Wigal, Director194 Dianne Jacobson194 Linda N ratti19.4 Jan Lillich194 Daniel Wilhelm194 Marty Anderson194 Brad Beckman194 Linda Dekan194 Katie Dykes194 Kathy Luce194 Steven Nooyen194 Joyce Weise194 Bonnie Weyers194 Larry White194 Diana Brown195 Diana Kerwin, President195 David Simbro, Vice-President195 Dale Muehl, Treasurer195 Beth Meyer-Arnold, Secretary195 Luis Baez, Director195 Laura Barnard, Director195 Anne Basting, Director195 Tom Ba enan, Director195 Ellen Basting Dizard, Director195 Clanssia Jackson, Director195 John Kurowski, Director195 Bruce Lindl, Director195 Judith Murphy, Director195 Allyson Olivier, Director195 Marianne Olson, Director195 Warren Pierson, Director195 Jacq uelyn Rice. Director195 GaryWilliarns, Director208 AI Wiggins, Chair208 Mike Brent, Treasurer,208 Carolyn Rice, vice Chair208 Bruce Duncan208 Chanda Crutcher208 Diane Pdzl208 George Jensen208 Jame Colley208 Karla Miller208 Kenneth Sakauye208 Melinda Vance208 Rick Regen208 on Haskamp214 Sue Abitz, Secreta ry

214 Gregory Allen, Director214 Mary Kay Baum, Director214 Linda Brei, President214 Susan Caldwell, Director214 Naomi Carter, Director214 Carol Koby, Vice President214 Asenath LaRue, Director214 Tom Rasmussen, Director214 Kim Petersen, Director214 Jeffe ry Supple, Treasurer214 Barbara Zabawa, Director232 Craig Miller - Immediate Past232 Debbie Miner - President232 Curtis Ford - Vice President232 Miss Sister - Treasurer232 Fred Housman - Secretary232 Thomas Fischer Jr - Director232 Darshini Jayawardena -232 Linda Forthmann - Director232 Mehrdad Razavi, MD - Director232 Steve Habemchl - Director


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Alzheimer's AssociationYear Ended June 30, 2008

EIN #36-3463656GEN #9334Schedule for 990 Part V-B

Compensation of former officers, directors, key employees listed in Part V-B

Chapter # Chapter Name Name Address CompensationContributions toBenefit Plans Expenses

TotalCom pensation

28 Connecticut Melanie Jordan West Hartford, CT 06110 38,817 00 0 00 0 00 38,817 00

28 Connecticut Stan Karasinski South Windsor, CT 06074 42,340 00 0 00 0 00 42,340 00

69 Big Sioux Mary Jo Sikkema Yankton, SD 57078 47,972.00 450 00 0.00 48,422 00

78 Indiana Linda Vanderhoff, CEO 4207 Sunny Crossing Or, Louisville, KY 40299 45,334 00 3,495 00 0 00 48,829 00

82 Maine Mary Brant 170 US Route One, Ste 250 Falmouth, ME 66,406.00 6,03976 0 00 72,445 76

82 Maine John Wasileski 26 Elm St Topsham, ME 04086 0 00 0.00 000 0 00

103 Southwest Missouri Patty Ingle, president Springfield MO 22,917 00 68800 0 00 23,605 00

140 Central Ohio Judi D'Orsi Columbus, OH 43221 55,000 00 0 00 0 00 55 000 00

140 Central Ohio Susan Berg Columbus, OH 43221 11,11500 000 000 11,11500

161 Upstate South Carolina Rebecca Davis 690 Camp Glisson Rd, Dahlonega GA 30533 9,93500 50000 000 1 10,435 00

173 STAR Marquez, Miguel 4687 N Mesa Street Ste 200 El Paso,TX 79912 45,096 00 0.00 0 00 45,09600

173 STAR Hester, Steve 7400 Louis Pasteur Ste 200 San Antonlo,TX 35,154.00 0 00 0.00 35,154 00

181 Central and Western Virginia Raymond Hutton, III 674 Hillsdale Dr, Suite 1, Charlottesville, VA 1,03846 0 00 0 00 1,038 46

181 Central and Western Virg inia Terry Gamber 674 Hillsdale Or , Suite 1, Charlottesville, VA 38,346 18 2,76702 0 00 41,11320

181 Central and Western Virginia Richard Randol ph 674 Hillsdale Dr, Suite 1, Charlottesville, VA 36,878 26 1,21282 0 00 38 091.08

181 Central and Western Virg inia Lawerence Zi ppin 674 Hillsdale Dr, Suite 1, Charlottesville, VA 0.00 4,001.34 0.00 4,001 34

184 National Ca pital Area Susan Chemey 11240 Waples Mill RD, Fairfax, VA 22030 66,787.00 5,439.00 3,445.00 75,671 00

190 Western and Central Washington Helen Payton 918 34th Avenue Seattle , WA 98122 68,000.00 34,000 00 0.00 102,000.00

232 Greater Iowa Emily Eisentrager - Treasurer Pella Corp 102 Main Pella IA 50219 0 0 0 0 00

232 Greater Iowa Michelle S rengelme er MD - Director 40 Longwood Drive Galena IL 61036 0 0 0 0.00

232 Greater Iowa Jon Bernhagen - Director Marketing Concepts P O Box 22114 Clive IA 0 0 0 0 00631,135.90 58,592.94 $3,445.00 $ 693,173.84


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FORM 990, PART VI - LIQUIDATION, TERMINATION OR CONTRACTION----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


60196P'649R STATEMENT 49

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ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATIONYear Ended June 30, 2008EIN #36-3463656GEN #9334Schedule for 990 Part VI

Line 90b, Number of Employees

CHP # Chapter Name Employees

20 Northern California and Northern Nevada 66

24 Colorado 40

28 Connecticut 16

33 Southeast Florida 14

46 Georgia 36

53 Aloha 8

54 Greater Idaho 5

58 Central Illinois 18

59 Greater Illinois 46

67 Greater Indiana 25

69 Big Sioux 13

73 East Central Iowa 8

75 Central and Western Kansas 6

78 Greater Kentucky and Southern Indiana 24

82 Maine 12

83 Greater Maryland 28

87 Massachusetts 47

100 Heart of America 17

101 Mid Missouri 6

103 Southwest Missouri 7

105 Montana 2

108 Great Plains 7

109 Midlands 9

117 Central New York 24

118 Hudson Valley/Rockland/Westchester, NY 22

120 Long Island 8

121 New York City 35

123 Rochester 23


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128 Western New York 15

135 Greater East Ohio Area 15

139 Cleveland Area 22

140 Central Ohio 11

143 Miami Valley 13

144 Northwest Ohio 28

147 Oklahoma/Arkansas 32

148 Oregon 15

156 Delaware Valley 35

159 Rhode Island 7

161 Upstate South Carolina 21

162 South Dakota 2

169 Capital of Texas 6

172 Greater Dallas 21

173 STAR 22

174 Houston & Southeast Texas 15

177 North Central Texas 18

179 Vermont and New Hampshire 4

181 Central and Western Virginia 12

182 Southeastern Virginia 11

184 National Capital Area 0

185 Greater Richmond 13

190 Western and Central Washington 28

191 West Virginia 11

194 Greater Wisconsin 21

195 Southeastern Wisconsin 23

208 Mid South 21

214 South Central Wisconsin 16

232 Greater Iowa 16


Inland Northwest 5



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TOTALS 3,193,244.

60196P 649RSTATEMENT 52

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FORM 990, PART VIII - ACCOMPLISHMENT OF EXEMPT PURPOSES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






60196P 649RSTATEMENT 53

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NAME AND ADDRESS----------------

DEVOTED TO POSITION-------------------


BENEFIT PLANS-------------








---------- ----------

TOTAL COMPENSATION 485,618. 24,886.








60196P 649R STATEMENT 54

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SCH. A. PART II-A COMPENSATION OF THE 5 HIGHEST PAID FOR PROF. SERV.--=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






TYPE OF SERVICE---------------






60196P 649R


96, 500.

66, 279.

60, 000.


------------277, 045.


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NAME AND ADDRESS----------------


TYPE OF SERVICE---------------







60196P 649R STATEMENT 56

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SCHEDULE A, PART III - EXPLANATION FOR LINE 3A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


60196P 649RSTATEMENT 57

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SCHEDULE A, PART IV-A - OTHER INCOME------------------------------------------------------------------------

DESCRIPTION 2006----------- ----

OTHER INCOME 802,146.------------

TOTALS 802,146.





4,232,407.------------ -

537,707.----------- -



4,232,407. 537,707. 440,474.



60196P 649R STATEMENT 58

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60196P 649RSTATEMENT 59

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Application for Extension of Time To File anForm 8868(Rev. April 26M) Exempt Organization Return CUB No 1545-1709

Department of the Treasury 1 P File a separate application for each return.Internal Revenua Semw

e If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I and check this box . . . . . . . .o If you are filing for an Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part II (on page 2 of this form).Do not complete Part 11 unless you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868.

MM_ Automatic 3-Month Extension of Time. Only submit original (no copies needed).

A corporation required to file Form 990-T and requesting an automatic 6-month extension-check this box and completePart I only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I* q

All outer corporations (including l 120-C filers), partnerships, REMICs, and trusts must use Form 7004 to request an extension oftime to rile income tax returns.

Electronic Filing (e-file). Generally, you can electronically file Form 8868 if you want a 3-month automatic extension of time to fileone of the returns noted below (6 months for a corporation required to file Form 990-T). However, you cannot file Form 8868electronically if (1) you want the additional (not automatic) 3-month extension or (2) you file Forms 990-BL, 6069, or 8870, groupreturns, or a composite or consolidated Form 990-T. Instead, you must submit the fully completed and signed page 2 (Part Ii) of Form8868. For more details on the electronic filing of this form, visit www.Irs.gov/efile and click on a-file for Charities & Nonprofits.

Type or Name of Exempt Organization , Employer identification number

print e ltiev. Sac1elf0rJ 3(0 : 3U6 3&S-(oFile by the Number, streetr^ and̂ room or suite no If a P.O. box, see instructionsdue date for J ai PifC^ i l l Ir7^

1/^7V0filing your v^

instruretum. SeeCity, town or post ofce, state, and ZIP co e. For a foreign address, see Instructions.instNClions. /

'QAA1 o XL. cp6(061rC^heck type of return to be filed (file a separate application for each return).

l form 990 q Form 990-T (corporation) q Form 4720

q Form 990-BL q Form 990-T (sec. 401(a) or 408(a) trust) q Form 5227q Form 990-EZ q Form 990-T (trust other than above) q Form 6069

q Form 990-PF q Form 1041-A q Form 8870

o The books are in the care of b--------N ,'vrdvq,l C (r,/t'b- rwa& G-} NA,}?d!^!

Telephone No. ti- (_31 3 3 - 5-•--- FAX No. P

o If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States , check this box . . . . q

o If this is for a Group Return , enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) . If this isfor the whole group, check this box ... .. fr q . If it Is for part of the group, check this box ..... D and attacha list with the names and EINs of all members the extension will covet.

I request end a}tt vatic 3-month (6 months for a corporation required to file Forni 990 -1) extension of time

until ___.F. -.1--_.._--- . 20- Q1, to file the exempt organizatio n return for the organization named above The extension is

for the organization 's return for:

q calendar year 20__.._--.or

tax year beginning ------- IA^^- -------------- . 20 and ending -- Y ---- ---- ---------- ----.20..4$.

2 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason q initial return q Final return q Change in accounting period

3a If this application is for Form 990 - BL, 990 - PF, 990 -T, 4720, cr 6069, enter the tentative tax,less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions. 3a $

b If this application is for Form 990-PF or 990-T, enter any refundable credits and estimated taxpayments made , Include any ptior year over a ment allowed as a credit 3b $

c Balance Due. Subtract fine 3b from line 3a Include your payment with this form , or, if required,deposit with FTC coupon or , if required, by using EFT?S (Electronic Federal Tax PaymentSystem). See instructions 3c S

Caution. If you are going to make an electronic fund withdrawal with this Form 8868 , see Form 8453-EO and Form 8879-EOfor payment instructions.

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Instructions . Cat No 27e16D roan 8868 (nev 4-2008)

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Form 8868 (Roe 4 -20066) Page 2

0 If you are filing for an Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension , complete only Part 11 and check this box b q

Note . Only complete Part II if you have already been granted an automatic 3 -month extension on a previously filed Form 8868o If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension , complete only Part I (on page 1).

IM^Rffl, Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension of Time. You must file orig inal and one copy.Type or Name of Exempt Organlzattc1n Employer Identification number

print !iJ j SoU4i16'j 3(o ; 346 • l(File by the Number, street d room or quite no . H a P O. box, see inptructi n-'s. `^ For IRS use onlyextendeddue date for )-S N. m1(^i'barJ Ave r S,,tk 1


IQ Vfiling the City , town or post office , state, and ZI code . For a fore :gn address , see instructions.return See G^^ Cinstructions

L (O(a/, IlJ

Check type of return to be filed (File s parate application for each return)

"--Form 990 q Form 990-PF q Form 1041 -A q Form 6069q Form 990 -BL q Form 990-T (sec. 401(a) or 408 (a) trust) q Form 4720 q Form 8870q Form 990 - EZ q Form 990 -T (trust other than above) q Form 5227STOPI Do not complete Part Il if you were not already granted an aut matic 3-month extension on a previously fried Form 8868.

o The books are in the care of D ----------------------------tall ---------------- G.7Qe.1......------------------

Telephone No D' (......... . ---------------------------- FAX No. r' (---------o If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States , check this bo (,^ . D q

o If this is for a Group Return , enter the organization ' s four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) P 3 3 . If this isfor the whole group, check this box ...... >'bff. If It is for part of the group , check this box...... P q and attach alist with the names and EINs of all members the extension is for.

4 I request an additional 3 -month extension of time until __._____ mi4-Y. -------------20_U /5 For calendar year --------- orother taxyear beginning ___-___ ..._._.--.. 20. 67. and ending - ------(4 ! 3--___-_--20.6 If this tax yeat is tot less than 12 months , check reason : q Initial return q Final return q Change in accounting period7 State in detail why you need the extension -------------- __ --------- ------------------

----- - --- - -- - --- - --- - --- - -- - - - ---- - ---------- - -----^,,., log. . 74 ,,A1

8a If this application is for Form 990 - BL, 990-0, 990 -T, 4720, or 6069 , enter the tentative tax,

b If this application is for Fomi 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits andestimated tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit and anyamount paid previously with Form 8868. 8b

c Balance Due. Subtract line 8b from line 8a . Include your payment with this form, or, if required, depositwith FT0 coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (Electron ic Federal Tax Payment System) See Instructions.

Signature and VerificationUnder penalties of pe tury, I declare that I have examined this form. including accompanying schedutns and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and rxt/ef,it is true, correct, and comp'ete. and that I am authorized to preptre this form

Title a D,r vi CI.Lltec 46011Ri1', Date b 1/41 /o'4

Fomi 8868 (Rev. 4-2cc8)