B. British in India



B. British in India. B . British in India 1. British East India Company a. Originally established trading rights in India in the 1600’s b. By the mid-1800’s the company controlled more than ½ of India *Decline of the Mughals (built the Taj M ahal ) and the defeat - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of B. British in India

Page 1: B. British in India
Page 2: B. British in India

B. British in India

Page 3: B. British in India

B. British in India1. British East India Company

a. Originally established trading rights in India in the 1600’sb. By the mid-1800’s the company controlled more than ½ of India

*Decline of the Mughals (built the Taj Mahal) and the defeat of Napoleon advance*The company employed Indian soldiers called sepoys to protect their interests in India

2. Sepoy Rebelliona. In the 1850’s tensions rose due to the sepoy’s Muslim religious beliefs

*The Sepoy Rebellion (Mutiny) called for Hindu and Muslims to unite against the East India Company

-The British crushed the revolt*Bitter feelings of resentment developed between Indians and the

British-Forced the British to change their policies toward the

Indians (harsher and more strict rule)

*Parliament ended the rule of the East India Co. in 1858 and the British gov’t took direct command of India

Page 4: B. British in India

B. British in India (cont’d)3. The Effects of British Rule in India

a. Positives:*New roads and railroads linked regions of India*Telegraph and postal systems united people*Irrigation systems improved farming*New laws meant justice for all classes*British schooling*Customs that infringed on human rights ended

b. Negatives:*Indian resources went to Britain*British-made goods replaced local goods*Farms grew cash-crops rather than food crops

*Top jobs and positions went to British*Indians treated as inferiors*Great Britain tried to replace Indian culture with Western ways