Azure App Service: Building workflows using logic apps

@SamVanhoutte Azure App Service Building workflows, using Logic Apps

Transcript of Azure App Service: Building workflows using logic apps

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Azure App Service

Building workflows, using Logic Apps

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Nice to meet you

Sam VANHOUTTECTO, CoditIntegration MVP – BizTalk V-TSP

International Focus - HQ in BE

2000 Belgium2004 France2013 Portugal

Microsoft Integration

2012 & 2013

Partner of the Year

FinalistApplication Integration


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Agenda – Azure App Service

• Context & positioning• The architecture• A technical deep(er) dive in API apps• Logic Apps: overview• My thoughts

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µazure microservicesazure app service


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API APPSEasily build and

consume APIs in the cloud

WEB APPSWeb apps that scale with

your business

LOGIC APPSAutomate business

process across SaaS and on-premises

MOBILE APPSBuild Mobile apps for

any device

App Service

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the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services

the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API.

the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities

the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery.

the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services

the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies.

What is a MicroserviceQuoting

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Mapping concepts to implementation

Application of small services

Own process, lightweight communication

Focused on business capabilities

Independently deployable

Minimized centralized management

Different programming languages & storage

Compose business app from gallery

Azure Websites & HTTP gateway

Gallery with codeless services

MS’s are separately upgradable

API Gateway (security, deployment…)

Web Sites (C#, node.js, PHP…)

ConceptApp Service

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µ demobuilding an api-app

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API & Connector Gallery (nuget-


Azure Marketplace


SyncAzure Portal

Resource Group

Microservice G


other Azure services…

Apps• Siena• Web• Desktop• Etc.

3rd party SaaS


Code API Apps

From gallery

Direct deployed

Workflow (also from gallery)

Workflow Definitions

Mobile (also from gallery)

Codeless API Apps

From gallery

Direct deployed

Custom Code

Regular code


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Microservice Gallery (nuget-based)

Azure Marketplace


SyncAzure Portal

Resource Group

Microservice G


other Azure services…

Apps• Siena• Web• Desktop• Etc.

3rd party SaaS


Code Microservices

From gallery

Direct deployed

Workflow (also from gallery)

Workflow Definitions

Mobile (also from gallery)

Codeless Microservices

From gallery

Direct deployed

Custom Code

Regular code


Isolated storageShared config

Secure token store

Microservice Gateway

Runtime• Name resolution• Isolated storage• Shared config

Proxy• API logging• API access level• Transforming API definition

Identity Broker• AAD & social login• Identity brokerage• Secure token store

All• external

inbound calls• calls between

microservicgo through the gateway

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Simplifying the picture


compiled packages

Customer A

resource group




FlightBookingCustomer B

resource group

Twitter FB E-I

E-I Twitter EDI

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µ demouse gateway api-app

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Gateway capabilities

• Platform Services– Discovery– Logging– Billing– Automatic Updates– Isolated Storage

• Metadata– Easily generate client libraries– Powers Siena and workflow

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Manual vs Automatic update (thoughts)

Platform assesses if upgrade is safe vs dangerous

Change type Detection Safe/DangerousBreaking change When major version of API app changes DangerousNon-breaking change When minor verison of API app changes SafeFootprint/billing change Dependencies / ARM template changes DangerousBilling / license change License property changes or billing changes DangerousBasic manifest change Description, Author, etc Safe

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The App Service SDK : Storage

• Microsoft.Azure.AppService.ApiApps.Service.dll• Encrypted Isolated storage (out of the box, light weight)


Runtime.GetUrlAsync("TwitterSearch");Runtime.SignHttpRequest(new HttpRequestMessage());

JObject response = await Runtime.InvokeAsync("TwitterSearch", // microservice id    "Twitter_Search", // operationId of the API method to call    new Dictionary<string, string> { { "keyword", "seahawks" } }); // parameters    

    public interface IIsolatedStorage    {        Task<string[]> EnumerateAsync();         // Return null if storage does not exist.         Task<Stream> OpenReadAsync(string name);        Task<Stream> OpenWriteAsync(string name);        Task DeleteAsync(string name);    }

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The App Service SDK : API dependencies

• Dependencies to other API apps

Runtime.GetUrlAsync("TwitterSearch");Runtime.SignHttpRequest(new HttpRequestMessage());

JObject response = await Runtime.InvokeAsync("TwitterSearch", // microservice id    "Twitter_Search", // operationId of the API method to call    new Dictionary<string, string> { { "keyword", "seahawks" } }); // parameters    

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The App Service SDK: Security & Identity

• Security & Identity– aad / facebook / google / twitter

• Use gateway login web page to get ZUMO token (mobile svcs)

• Get RAW tokens & claims for identity providersawait Runtime.FromAppSettings(Request).CurrentUser.GetRawTokenAsync("google");

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Monitoring capabilities

• Monitor Running Applications– Installed applications– Number of calls to components– Network traffic including endpoints– Detailed performance data– Up time & crashes

• Component Author– Crash logs for components

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µ democonsume an api-app

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inside logic apps

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LOGIC APPSAutomate business

process across SaaS and on-premises

New Logic Apps for easy automation

• No code designer for rapid creation

• Dozens of pre-built templates to get started

• Out of box support for popular SaaS and on-premises apps

• Use with custom API apps of your own

• BizTalk APIs for expert integration scenarios

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All of the Azure-native capabilities

• Full audit logs of all management operations• Role-based access control • Deployment lifecycle with Resource Manager• Resource Management API + resource

PowerShell • On-prem support with next release of Azure


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Same underlying engine…

Azure Resource Manager➔ 8 functions for basic referencing

and string functions

➔ Can only PUT resources into resource groups

➔ Auth must be through AAD

➔ Triggered manual through API

Azure Logic Apps➔ Over 50 functions from string

manipulations to math, to sets operations, to logical operators

➔ All HTTP operations supported on any arbitrary endpoint

➔ Supports many OAuth providers, AAD, Cert auth, or Basic auth

➔ 4 different ways to be triggered

Page 27: Azure App Service: Building workflows using logic apps

{ "$schema": "", "contentVersion": "", "variables": { "myWorkerSize": 0 }, "parameters": { "siteName": { "type": "string" }, "hostingPlanName": { "type": "string" }, "siteLocation": { "type": "string" }, "sku": { "type": "string", "allowedValues": [ "Free", "Shared", "Basic", "Standard" ], "defaultValue": "Free" }, "workerSize": { "type": "string", "allowedValues": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "defaultValue": "0" } }, "resources": [ { "name": "myplan1", "type": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms", "apiVersion": "2014-04-01-preview", "location": "West US", "tags": { "dept": "test" }, "properties": { "Name": "myplan1", "sku": "Free", "workerSize": "[variables('myWorkerSize')]", "numberOfWorkers": 1 } }, { "name": "[parameters('siteName')]", "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites", "apiVersion": "2014-04-01-preview", "location": "[parameters('siteLocation')]", "tags": { "[concat('hidden-related:', resourceGroup().id, '/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', parameters('hostingPlanName'))]": "Resource" }, "dependsOn": [ "[concat('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', parameters('hostingPlanName'))]" ], "properties": { "name": "[parameters('siteName')]", "serverFarm": "[parameters('hostingPlanName')]" }, "resources": [ { "name": "MSDeploy", "type": "Extensions", "apiVersion": "2014-04-01-preview", "dependsOn": [ "[concat('Microsoft.Web/Sites/', parameters('siteName'))]" ], "properties": { "packageUri": "", "dbType": "None", "connectionString": "", "setParameters": { "Application Path": "[parameters('siteName')]" } } } ] } ]}

{ "$schema": "", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "keyword": { "defaultValue": "logicapps", "type": "string" } }, "triggers": { "twitterconnector": { "recurrence": { "frequency": "Hour", "interval": 1 }, "type": "ApiApp", "inputs": { "apiVersion": "2015-01-14", "host": { "id": "/subscriptions/423db32d-4f58-4220-961c-b59f14c962f1/resourcegroups/bpmdemo003/providers/Microsoft.AppService/apiapps/twitterconnector", "gateway": "" }, "operation": "TriggerOnNewTweet", "parameters": { "triggerId": "@workflow().name", "parameters": { "callbackUrl": "@accessKeys('default').primary.secretRunUri", "inputs": { "Keywords": "@parameters('keyword')" } } }, "authentication": { "type": "Raw", "scheme": "Zumo", "parameter": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJtc25hbWUiOiJFTUEuUmVzb3VyY2VQcm92aWRlciIsImZ1bGxyb3ciOiJhbGwiLCJ2ZXIiOiIzIiwidWlkIjoic2lkOjE0Mjc0NzcwNjcxNDAiLCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46bWljcm9zb2Z0OndpbmRvd3MtYXp1cmU6enVtbyIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptaWNyb3NvZnQ6d2luZG93cy1henVyZTp6dW1vIiwibmJmIjoxNDI3NDc3MDY5fQ.ihuWiXgyOpsG64Du6sAnRXxZGM_wtrJF0CJH0y-Rxfs" } }, "conditions": [ { "expression": "@bool('false')" } ] } }, "actions": { "dropboxconnector": { "type": "ApiApp", "inputs": { "apiVersion": "2015-01-14", "host": { "id": "/subscriptions/423db32d-4f58-4220-961c-b59f14c962f1/resourcegroups/bpmdemo003/providers/Microsoft.AppService/apiapps/dropboxconnector", "gateway": "" }, "operation": "UploadFile", "parameters": { "FilePath": "@concat('tweets/logicapps/',triggers().outputs.body.Tweet_ID)", "content": { "Content": "@triggers().outputs.body.TweetText", "ContentTransferEncoding": "None" }, "overwrite": true }, "authentication": { "type": "Raw", "scheme": "Zumo", "parameter": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJtc25hbWUiOiJFTUEuUmVzb3VyY2VQcm92aWRlciIsImZ1bGxyb3ciOiJhbGwiLCJ2ZXIiOiIzIiwidWlkIjoic2lkOjE0Mjc0NzcwNjcxNDAiLCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46bWljcm9zb2Z0OndpbmRvd3MtYXp1cmU6enVtbyIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptaWNyb3NvZnQ6d2luZG93cy1henVyZTp6dW1vIiwibmJmIjoxNDI3NDc3MDY5fQ.ihuWiXgyOpsG64Du6sAnRXxZGM_wtrJF0CJH0y-Rxfs" } }, "conditions": [ ] } }, "outputs": { }}

Page 28: Azure App Service: Building workflows using logic apps

logic apps workflow functions

Collection (first, contains, length, intersection, take, skip…)

String (concat, substring, replace)

Logical (equals, less, greater, lessOrEquals, and, or, not…)

Conversion (int, string, float, bool, coalesce, base64)

Math (add, sub, mul, div, mod, min, max, range)

Date (utcnow, addseconds, addminutes, addhours, adddays)

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µ demobuilding a logic app

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Dependencies & sequencing

Implicitly whenever you reference the output of an action you’ll depend on that action executing first

Explicit “dependsOn” conditionyou can mark certain actions to run only after previous ones have completed“dependsOn” : “twitterconnector”

Explicit “expression” conditiona complex function that evaluates properties of other actions“expression” : “@equals(actions(‘twitterconnector’).code, ‘InternalServerError’)”

Page 31: Azure App Service: Building workflows using logic apps

Triggering a Logic app


RecurrenceAPI App TriggerAPI Polling

200: run202: wait

trigger state


POST{ “outputs”: { “par”: 20 }}

Page 32: Azure App Service: Building workflows using logic apps

• Loop a single action over a list of items• Runs the action N times• You can get at all of the statuses for each action

• Tip: when you have multiple collections use:


"repeat" : "@range(0,length(body('connector1')))“"inputs" : "@concat(body('connector1')[repeatItem()], body('connector2')[repeatItem()])"

Page 33: Azure App Service: Building workflows using logic apps


• Logic on a trigger or action– For triggers conditionals are post-conditions– For actions conditionals are pre-conditions

• You can do conditionals inside of repeats to perform as a filter

@parameters('hasSpecialAction') parameters

@greater(actions('a1').output.value, parameters('thrshold'))

@or(greater(actions('a1').output.value,parameters('thrshold')),less(actions('a1').output.value, 100)) or

@equals(length(actions('a1').outputs.errors), 0)) ex.handling

@not(equals(triggers().outputs.body.articleId, triggers().previous.outputs.body.articleId)) value change

Page 34: Azure App Service: Building workflows using logic apps


• Re-using values, or even complex objects, throughout the definition, which makes it easier to comprehend

• Separate out config from the definition itself, making sharing easy, as well as across different environments.

Dev Workflow Prod Workflow

DefinitionDeclares parameters

Uri: @parameters (‘endpoint’)


Declares same parameters

Uri: @parameters (‘endpoint’)

ParametersProvides DEV config

Endpoint : “


ParametersProvides PROD


Endpoint : “”

Page 35: Azure App Service: Building workflows using logic apps


• Large message support is built-in (<100 MB) • To handle binary blobs of data you can:

– 1. Externalize state (save it to Azure storage)– 2. Base64 encode it and return it directly in the

workflow (workflows are JSON)

• All messages are archived– Retention period depends on the App Service plan

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Debugging tips

• Try calling the API App directly:– POST {gatewayURI}/api/service/invoke/{api app

name}/{operation name}?api-version=2015-01-14– x-zumo-auth : {your token}– This may be a faster way to iterate if you are seeing failures

• Use to debug triggers – you can inspect all incoming requests

• Enable logging for the Web app hosting the API App• Cancel a Run if it is failed

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µ demoend to end travel app

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my initial thoughts

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µThe challenges

Right Messaging Engine for


Complex scenarios Granularity

Tools & management Billing model

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µWhat I love about it

Partner eco-system

Small unit deployment Scalability


modelOn prem


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