Aziz Aris Placental Stem Cells PSC Technologies and Applications En

  VALUE PROPOSAL Embryonic-like stem cells (pluripotent ) isolated from placenta with non-immunogenic properties, making them universal for any recipients, are available at SOCPRA. These stem cells also specifically target damage tissues through chemotactic potency. Dr. Aris has identified an d developed a method of isolating and selecting these cells for high production needs. T ECHNOLOGY  The importance of embryonic stem cells in regenerative medicine is now well known, especially due to their pluripotent characteristics. Unf ortunately, since these cells are isolated from embryos, their use creates major ethical issues. Isolation of placental stem cells does not require the destruction of embryos and provides high quantity of cells for multiple treatments. Other methods and sources for using stem cells such as bone marrow and cord blood, have important drawbacks: problems of compatibility between donor and receiver, difficulty of obtaining sufficient quantities of therapeutic cells and inefficiency to ensure the guidance of therapeutic cells to target tissue. Thus, our technology provides solutions to these problems, offering sufficient quantities of pluripotent stem cells that are immune-universal and target-tissue guidable.  ADVANTAGES  50 treatments per placenta Universal to all recipients Directed toward damage tissues Isolation through standard sorting technique R&D STATUS On-going phenotypic validation Ready for application studies and open for collaboration works Patent Status: USp Filed March 6, 2012: 61/607,150.  Dr. Aziz Aris is a professor in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Sherbrooke. He is internationally known for his research in reproductive medicine and is a pioneer in regenerative medicine. Also, he is among Canadian researchers very involved in Environmental health. PLACENTAL STEM CELLS (PSC) TECHNOLOGIE S AND APPLICATIONS Chantal Michel, [email protected] , (819)821-7961 ext.: 105

Transcript of Aziz Aris Placental Stem Cells PSC Technologies and Applications En

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