PROJECT NAME : WALK TO EQUALITY (Ensuring safety and empowerment of women) TEAM NAME : AZAAD TEAM COORDINATOR : (1) Syed Hashir Sher . Roll no : 1204056. Branch : ETC (2 nd year) TEAM MEMBERS : (2) Jayant Krishna Mishra Roll no : 1204030 Branch : ETC (2 nd year) (3) Tushar Venkat Karedla Roll no :1204057 Branch : ETC (2 nd year) (4) Anirban Kar Roll no :1204042 Branch : ETC (2 nd year) (5) Subham Subhasis Panda Roll no : 1204164 Branch : ETC (2 nd year)

Transcript of AZAAD

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PROJECT NAME : WALK TO EQUALITY(Ensuring safety and empowerment of women)


Roll no : 1204056.Branch : ETC (2nd year)

TEAM MEMBERS :(2) Jayant Krishna Mishra

Roll no : 1204030Branch : ETC (2nd year)

(3) Tushar Venkat KaredlaRoll no :1204057Branch : ETC (2nd year)

(4) Anirban KarRoll no :1204042Branch : ETC (2nd year)

(5) Subham Subhasis PandaRoll no : 1204164Branch : ETC (2nd year)

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The position of women in the present-day context in our nation is a depressing one.Women are subject to life-threatening crimes and their security as well status is endangered.

A country which has seen Razia Sultana, Nur Jahan, Mirabai , Sarojini Naidu, Vijayalakshmi Pandit and countless such women in the developmental stages of India; In a country where Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswati are worshipped; it is the same country which has become the most unsafe among the G20 nations of the world.


These are certain questions we need to think about. Ensuring safety of women and their empowerment is an issue that needs our immediate attention. We have to stop the gender insensitivity and make implementation

to change the scenario. We have to plan and act, because- “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”

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The National Crime Records Bureau reported that in 2010 growth in the rate of crimes against women has exceeded the population growth rate.

Acid Attack Female


Molestation and Rape

Domestic Violence




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Acid Attack Cause Consequence

Acid throwing, also called an acid attack or vitriolage, is a form of violent assaultdefined as the premeditated act of throwing acid or a similarly corrosive substance onto the body of another "with the intention to disfigure, maim, torture, or kill.It is prevalent everywhere from metro cities to remote rural areas of India.

Acid attacks are a form of revenge on women who dare to: Refuse a man's proposal.Go against her

family’s wishes tomarry her off to aman of the family’schoice.Raise voice against injustice or her

torturous in-laws.

Long term physical and social trauma.Medical and

psychological treatment are intensive and at times unaffordable for the families of victims. Investigative

sessions in such cases are as painful as the accident itself, reminding the victim recurringly of the mishap.

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Female Infanticide Cause Consequence

Infanticide is the intentional killing of infants. Infanticide of a child is more likely to be committed by the father or an elder member of the paternal side. It is commonly practised in rural India and among those from the socially-backward sections of society.


mentality wherewomen are associated withmisfortune andwitchcraft

Social degradation in such societies where infanticide is practised.Sharp decline in the

sex ratio.Alarming stats in the

child sex ratio where there are presently

just 927 females for 1000 males.

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Molestation And Rape Cause Consequence

Rape is sexual assault against a woman, which is carried out by force, coercion, abuse of authority or against one who is unconscious, incapacitated. Uncomfortable glares by men or passing of lewd comments on women,as well as forcing into undesired sexual activity is molestation.This is prevalent all over India.

Objectification of Women inEntertainmentWorld.Easy accessibility of

drugs and otherintoxicants.Illiteracy and

Immoralityresulting in GenderInsensitivity.

Depersonalization and dissociation of the victim from family and society.Extreme trauma and

long term psychological disorder.Pregnancy in some

cases results in social degradation as well as mental torture.HIV in many cases.

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Domestic Violence Cause Consequences

Physical violence, Emotional abuse, Sexual assault, are all parts of Domestic violence which is widespread in India. It is prevalent in all castes, socioeconomic classes, religious groups and regions.

Dowry demands are the prime cause of domestic violence, where women are tortured at their in-laws due to their incapability in paying the desired amount of dowry.Poverty or financial instability.

Bride burning.Mental torture.Psychological

trauma. Induces suicides.

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According to a global poll conducted by Thomson Reuters, India is the "fourth most dangerous country" in the world for women, and the worst country for women among the G20 countries.

Around 70% of women in India are victims of domestic violence, according to survey conducted by the Ministry of Women and Child Welfare, India.

According to a recent report by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) up to 50 million girls and women are missing in India's population as a result of systematic sex discrimination

NOTE : Rate of Crime against Women means number of crimes against women per one lakh population of Women.

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PROPOSED SOLUTION :Recruitment of more

women in Civil Service, Law courts,

Rehab centres.

Speedy justice for the existing cases, followed by

severe punishments like hanging till death, stoning

till death in public or chemical castration.

Strong censorship on inappropriate

content in programs in the

entertainment world.

Availability of intoxicants and acids

to be made inaccessible to

common public.

Self defence training camps, for women & extensive NGOs and Welfare Education

programs everywhere. for women.

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Government to make sure the laws dealing with sexual assault must be actively followed to punish the rapists, molesters and such tormentors of ANY AGE.Strong and Effective Censorship on vulgar lyrics of songs, films and pornography.

Purchase of intoxicants and acids restricted only to chemists and druggists, only on producing prescription signed by physicians, for medicinal purposes. Gender determination tests to be made illegal.

Online registration and volunteering programs for those who are interested in being a part of the educational programmes as volunteers in various areas. Women run public transport only for women.

Free and friendly rehab centres for victims, for the socio-economically backward victimsPosters, banners and handouts etc in regional languages to ask for participation and raising awareness programmes.

More NGOs and women welfare organizations to be run by women as much as possible.Educational programmes and family planning programs for both men and women in socially backward areas.

Central Level State Level District Level

Self defence training mandatory for women of all ages-students, housewives & working women.Moral Science to be made an important part of the educational curriculum by including theoretical and practical projects in the yearly assessment.

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For large scale recruitment of women as educationists,

civil workers, cops, etc a lot of motivation programs

are required because illiteracy is still deep-rooted in

the Indian society.

Capital investments to be made available for

educational and family programs to reach out to

each and every district of Indian states.

Bold and morally strong leaders required who

would fight unstoppably against the wrong

beliefs of orthodox Indian society.

Total banning of objectification of women content in

the entertainment world is far, but starting efficiently

from now and censoring the upcoming films, songs,

etc will one day make a huge difference.


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With theoretical as

well practical moral

lessons taken more

seriously, the

society would

become more

gender sensitive.

Severe punishment

and rigorous laws

against accused

criminals will

automatically instil

fear in the others

who wouldn’t dare

commit such

heinous crimes.

Censorship on

pornography and

objectification of

women will mean

no degradation in

he position of

women, rather

their respect due

to the


programs for all.

With more

women on the go,

i.e. women

driving vehicles,

working as cops

and civil service


everywhere. It

will raise their

confidence and

will help them

have a fearless



of drugs and

such acids or


mean no

availability of

such items on

the sale at

cheap prices,

which means

no acid attacks

or rape cases.


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