Ayurvedic Treatment For Enlarged Prostate And BPH Problem


Transcript of Ayurvedic Treatment For Enlarged Prostate And BPH Problem

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Ayurvedic Treatment For Enlarged Prostate

Prostate gland is a part of male reproductive system and it

plays an important role as this gland releases prostatic fluid

which is a component of semen and this semen is required to

protect sperms from getting destroyed till they reach female

egg. Problem of enlargement in prostate generally occurs

after the age of 50 but there are many factors that cause

inflammation in this gland like infection in prostate that cause

this gland to swell, etc.

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Ayurvedic Treatment For Enlarged Prostate

Prostate may also become enlarged due to an increase in

the number of cells (hyperplasia). As the inflammation in

prostate increases, this gland squeezes urethra more which

further interrupts the free flow of urine and semen. Due to

this, bladder always remains left with some amount of semen

and urine. This leads to frequent urination problem as

bladder feels full with a little amount of urine also and causes

the urge to urinate immediately.

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Ayurvedic Treatment For Enlarged Prostate

Pressure on bladder also increases which results in semen

leakage problem. A man in turn loses ejaculation after every

some time due to increase in pressure on bladder. Losing

semen consistently causes weakness in men and one may

also suffer from BPH problem due to enlargement in prostate


Symptoms of enlarged prostate:

Difficulty in starting urination.

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Symptoms For Enlarged Prostate

A weak or slow urinary stream due to interruption which

happens because of pressure on urethra.

A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying due to pressure

on bladder.

Frequent urination all the time.

Urgency to urinate immediately.

Getting up frequently at night for urinating.

Straining to urinate.

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Prostocure Capsules

A urinary stream that starts and stops involuntarily.

Continued dribbling of urine.

Returning to urinate again minutes after finishing.

Men can use Prostocure capsules which provide the

most effective herbal treatment for enlarged

prostate. These supplements are completely herbal

and therefore one need not worry about side


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Prostocure Capsules

These supplements can naturally cure every reason that

leads to inflammation in prostate gland.

Prostocure capsules perform the following actions:

Reduce inflammation in prostate gland in an early manner.

Protect prostate gland from free radicals and toxins.

Prevent various types of infections that affect healthy

condition of prostate gland.

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Prostocure Capsules

Reduce risk of infections in kidney and bladder.

Increase production of prostatic fluid which is required to

make adequate amount of semen.

Keep urinary system healthy and reduce functional

problems in prostate.

Reduce possibilities of BPH problem in men.

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Ingredients In Prostocure Capsules

Prostocure capsules possess the following herbs:

Akik Pishti – This herb protects prostate gland from ill

effects of heat produced within body. Its cooling property

reduces inflammation in prostate gland naturally. Hence, it is

used in this ayurvedic treatment for enlarged prostate.

Shatavari Ext. – This herb contains antioxidants and also

increases effect of antioxidants in body. It keeps prostate

protected from free radicals and toxins.

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Ingredients In Prostocure Capsules

Gokshura Ext. – This herb contains components that

nourish cells, tissues and muscles in prostate and enhance

functions of this gland. It also enhances muscle movements

and physical strength.

Puga – This herb clears blockage from urinary tract to ease

flow of urine and semen during ejaculation. Due to this,

bladder gets empty completely.

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Ingredients In Prostocure Capsules

Varuna Ext. – This herb is anti-inflammatory in nature and

therefore reduces swelling effectively.

Putikaranja – This herb is analgesic in nature and therefore

gives relief from pain caused due to cramps in prostate


Elaichi – Due to its antiseptic properties, this herb reduces

risk of infection in prostate gland.

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Prostocure Capsules

These herbs make Prostocure capsules the most

effective ayurvedic treatment for BPH problem.

Regularly take this ayurvedic treatment for enlarged

prostate for 3 to 4 months to get the best results.

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