AWS Webcast - Four Tips for Faster Development With DynamoDB

Four Tips for Faster Development with DynamoDB David Pearson Business Development Manager AWS Database Services


Amazon DynamoDB is a distributed data store that delivers durable low latency at any scale. In this session, we will highlight the top four techniques that DynamoDB customers use to quickly build and scale new applications with minimal operations effort. We will also walk through recently-announced features that customers have requested in order to help them further accelerate their application development on DynamoDB.

Transcript of AWS Webcast - Four Tips for Faster Development With DynamoDB

Four Tips for Faster Development with DynamoDB

David Pearson Business Development Manager AWS Database Services

Amazon RDS

Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Redshift

Amazon ElastiCache

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


Application Services

Deployment & Administration


AWS Database Services

Scalable High Performance Application Storage in the Cloud


infrastructure scaling

+ application scaling


scaling only

Read Replicas Data Sharding Denormalization


Scaling Databases

Amazon’s Database Journey


distributed key/value database service


distributed key/value database service

simple API fast development =

predictable performance automated operations

durable low latency cost effective

massively scalable




primary key is unique 1. hash only




mandatory hash key





primary key is unique 1. hash only 2. hash + range

range key

hash key

attributes are associated

with items rather than tables (as in RDBMS)




sparse schema

range key

hash key

Faster Development

Customer Experiences

Weatherbug mobile app

Lightning detection & alerting for 40M users/month

Developed and tested in weeks, at “1/20th of the cost of

the traditional DB approach”

Super Bowl promotion

Millions of interactions over a relatively short period of time

Built the app in 3 days, from design to production-ready

Faster Development

Four Tips

design for scale leverage range keys use libraries & tools

develop & test locally

Design for Scale

Common Problem = inefficiently designed schemas Hot spots create premature throttling

Excessive payloads cost more to move

Design Goals:

• Optimize the schema to the access patterns

• Minimize multi-table fetches (for high-scale patterns)

• Minimize payload size for each pattern

partitions 1 .. N


• DynamoDB automatically partitions data by the hash key Hash key spreads data (& workload) across partitions

• Auto-partitioning driven by: Data set size

Throughput provisioned

Design for Scale – Partitioning

large number of unique hash keys

+ uniform distribution of workload

across hash keys

ready to scale!

1. Identify the individual access patterns

2. Model each pattern to its own discrete data set

3. Consolidate data sets into tables and indexes

Design for Scale – Efficient Schema Design

Access Patterns given userid…

• return all items by file name • return all items by date created • return all items by size • return all items by type • return all items by date updated

Abbreviated Example: File Sharing

• Enable modeling 1:M relationships

Range Keys

hash range attributes

userid=“@mza” postdate=“2013-09-12T20:59:28Z”

posttext=“New! Develop and test your apps with DynamoDB Local: … #aws”

userid=“@mza” postdate=“2013-09-13T09:17:37Z”

posttext=“Also! Copy DynamoDB data between regions with Data Pipeline: … #aws”

userid=“@werner” postdate=“2013-10-04T17:41:09Z”

posttext=“cool! RT @dialtone_: Worldwide DynamoDB replication for billions of rows a day? No problem! … @AdRoll can handle that!”

• Currently 13 operations in total

Range Keys – Simple API

Manage Tables

• CreateTable

• UpdateTable

• DeleteTable

• DescribeTable

• ListTables

Read and Write Items

• PutItem

• GetItem

• UpdateItem

• DeleteItem

Read and Write Multiple Items

• BatchGetItem

• BatchWriteItem

• Query

• Scan

• Query


• Available for hash+range primary key tables

• Retrieve all items by hash key

• Range key conditions:

• ==, <, >, >=, <=, begins with, between

• Sorted results. Counts. Top and bottom n values. Paged responses

Range Keys – Query

• Query treats all items as a single read operation Items share the same hash key = same partition

By contrast, BatchGetItem reads each item in the batch separately

• Example Read 100 items in a table, all of which share the same hash key

Each item is 120 bytes in size

Range Keys – Query and Efficient Reads

note: read capacity units are 4K in size

Query BatchGetItem

RCU Consumed 3 100

• Designed for high scale multi-tenant applications

• Index local to the hash key (= partition)

• Up to 5 indexes with no performance degradation

• LSI’s are sparse objects

Range Keys – Local Secondary Indexes

UserGames table

Hash Key Range Key Attributes

UserId = bob GameId = Game1 HighScore=10500, ScoreDate=2011-10-20, LastPlayed=2013-02-11

UserId = fred GameId = Game2 HIghScore = 12000, ScoreDate = 2012-01-10, LastPlayed=2013-05-19

UserId = bob GameId = Game3 HighScore = 20000, ScoreDate = 2012-02-12, LastPlayed=2012-11-07

UserGamesIdx index Hash Key Range Key Projected Attributes UserId = bob LastPlayed=2013-02-11 GameId = Game1 UserId = fred LastPlayed=2013-05-19 GameId = Game2 UserId = bob LastPlayed=2012-11-07 GameId = Game3

Use Libraries and Tools

Transactions Atomic transactions across multiple items & tables

Tracks status of ongoing transactions via two tables

1. Transactions

2. Pre-transaction snapshots of modified items

Geolocation Add location awareness to mobile


Find Yourself – sample app

Community Contributions

Use Libraries and Tools

• Disconnected development with full API support

No network

No usage costs

Develop and Test Locally – DynamoDB Local

Note! DynamoDB Local does not have a durability or availability SLA


DynamoDB Local

do this instead!

Some minor differences from Amazon DynamoDB

• DynamoDB Local ignores your provisioned throughput settings The values that you specify when you call CreateTable and

UpdateTable have no effect

• DynamoDB Local does not throttle read or write activity

• The values that you supply for the AWS access key and the Region are only used to name the database file

• Your AWS secret key is ignored but must be specified Recommended using a dummy string of characters

Develop and Test Locally – DynamoDB Local

Additional Options

Develop and Test Locally

Faster Development

Customer Experiences

"Since we had such a short time frame to build Digg Reader we had to lean heavily on some of the hosted AWS services, like DynamoDB, versus rolling our own.” – Digg CTO Mike Young

“If we used a different product we would have spent a lot of development time to reach parity with DynamoDB instead of developing our business.”

– Peter Bogunovich, Software Engineer RightAction, Inc

database service

automated operations predictable performance

durable low latency cost effective


Provision / Configure Servers and Storage

Repartition Data and Balance Clusters

Manage Cross-Availability Zone Replication

Update Hardware and Software

Monitor and Handle Hardware Failures

• As scalability increases, performance degrades

• Substantial effort is required to sustain high performance

Automated Operations

Provisioned Throughput • Request-based capacity provisioning model

• Throughput is declared and updated via the API or the console CreateTable (foo, reads/sec = 100, writes/sec = 150) UpdateTable (foo, reads/sec=10000, writes/sec=4500)

• DynamoDB handles the rest Capacity is reserved and available when needed Scaling-up triggers repartitioning and reallocation No impact to performance or availability

Predictable Performance

WRITES Continuously replicated to 3 AZ’s Always consistent Persisted to disk (custom SSD)

READS Strongly or eventually consistent

No trade-off in latency

Durable Low Latency

WRITES Continuously replicated to 3 AZ’s Always consistent Persisted to disk (custom SSD)

READS Strongly or eventually consistent

No trade-off in latency

Durable Low Latency – At Scale

efficient design

is cost effective

“Our previous NoSQL database required almost an full time administrator to run.

Now AWS takes care of it.”

managed services

reduce effort

Experiment Optimize

agility = time

Recommended Resources

AWS Mobile Development Blog

• Geo Library for Amazon DynamoDB (series)

• Amazon DynamoDB on Mobile (series)

DynamoDB Best Practices, How-Tos, and Tools

• Local development and testing tools

• Backup and archive

• Autoscale


David Pearson Business Development Manager AWS Database Services