AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam Study Guide · AWS Certified Developer Associate – Exam...

AWS Certified Developer Associate – Exam Study Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signup: Email: [email protected] for Exam Tips and Sample Questions Amazon Web Services Overview Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a large set of cloud-computing services in a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud platform. AWS has over 80 AWS services, but focus only the services that are mentioned in this exam guide. Some services are very important for the exam and others require basic knowledge of where and how they are used. Expect to get 6 to 7 questions from the basic use cases of these secondary services. Cloud Computing Characteristics of Cloud Computing Benefits of Cloud Computing History and Timeline of AWS Timeline of AWS services launched Insight to AWS platform and AWS Global Infrastructure Overview of AWS Platform AWS Global Infrastructure including Regions and Availability zones (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 2 to 3 Questions.) AWS Edge Locations and Endpoints AWS Services overview Focus your reading only on the use cases for these AWS Services: AWS networking services AWS computing service Storage and Content Delivery services Database services Application Services Management tools Security and Identity services Mobile Services AWS enterprise Application AWS Developer Tools

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Amazon Web Services Overview

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a large set of cloud-computing services in a reliable, scalable, and

inexpensive cloud platform. AWS has over 80 AWS services, but focus only the services that are

mentioned in this exam guide. Some services are very important for the exam and others require basic

knowledge of where and how they are used. Expect to get 6 to 7 questions from the basic use cases

of these secondary services.

Cloud Computing Characteristics of Cloud Computing

Benefits of Cloud Computing

History and Timeline of AWS Timeline of AWS services launched

Insight to AWS platform and AWS Global Infrastructure Overview of AWS Platform

AWS Global Infrastructure including Regions and Availability zones (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 2 to 3 Questions.)

AWS Edge Locations and Endpoints

AWS Services overview Focus your reading only on the use cases for these AWS Services:

AWS networking services

AWS computing service

Storage and Content Delivery services

Database services

Application Services

Management tools

Security and Identity services

Mobile Services

AWS enterprise Application

AWS Developer Tools

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Identity and Access Management (IAM)

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) allows you to control and manage access to AWS

services and resources for your Users and Groups. In addition to Users and Groups, you can create

and manage roles and policy documents. Use Identity federation to allow user identities outside of

AWS system to access resources under your AWS account, it is used also for organization who already

has its own identity system, such as Cooperate identity provider like Microsoft Active Directory or

from the AWS Directory Services. Expect to get 6 to 8 questions from this section.

Account Management: Managing the credentials for your AWS account

Password Policy and Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) (Expect a question)

IAM Users and Group: (Highly asked exam topic, expect 2 questions) Fundamental of IAM and AWS account management

Root Account vs. Power user

Default Permissions for a new user

Usage of Access Key Id and how it differs from account login credentials

Policy Document: Format of policy document

Difference between managed and inline policies.

Understand JSON structure (Expect a question)

Roles: (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 2 to 4 questions.)

Creation of a role

Relationship with policy document

Difference between trust and permission policies

Three types of roles: Service Roles, Cross Account Access and Identity Provider

Cross account access for Billing and S3 Buckets

Granting access to web identity and Single Sign-On (WebSSO) providers

Identity federation: (Highly asked exam topic, expect 2 questions.) How user identities outside of AWS system to access the resources under your AWS account

How identity provider like Microsoft Active Directory/AWS Directory Services

How to create mobile app or web application with access to AWS resources

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Simple Storage Services (S3)

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), provides secure, durable, highly-scalable object based

storage. Expect to get 6 to 8 questions from this section.

S3 Overview:

S3 storage type, data limit and data restrictions

S3 Buckets and its storage and naming convention

S3 Bucket: S3 Bucket and it purpose

Access of bucket using virtual hosted style or a path-style

Storage Tiers and Classes: (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 2 to 4 Questions.)

Use cases for Standard S3, S3-IA, RRS and Glacier(Focus your reading on this topic)

Size limitations, availability and durability numbers

Read after Write and Eventual Consistency models(Focus your reading on this topic)

Namespace and URL of a bucket

Static website hosting topics

Data Consistency Model(Focus your reading on this topic)

Versioning and Lifecycle Management: (Expect a question) Overview of Lifecycle Management

Protecting an object from accidental deletion using versioning and MFA

Object size and transition duration limitations

Cross region Replication(Focus your reading on this topic)

Access Control: (Expect a question or Two) Difference between bucket and user polices. (Focus your reading on this topic)

Usage of access control lists (ACLs)

Host a Static Website on S3: How to enable static website hosting

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, CORs: How to configure CORS (Expect a question)

Benefits of CORS

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Cloud Front with S3: (Expect a question) Using Cloud Front with Edge locations

Enabling Cloud Front to distribute S3 contents.

Transfer Acceleration: (Expect a question) Use of Transfer Acceleration in S3

Use of distinct URL to upload data in S3

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)

It is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is the backbone of AWS.

Expect to get 8 to 10 questions from this section.

Overview, Terminology and Benefits used in EC2: EC2 definition and characteristics

Terminology and concepts used in EC2

Benefits of EC2

EC2 Instance Types and resource usage: (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 3 to 4


Pros and Cons of Instance family General Purpose, Computer Optimized, Memory

Optimized, GPU and Storage Optimized

Current generation models of instance types

Support of Virtualization Type, Enhanced Networking, EBS Opt and High I/O

Instance Types and storage

Use cases for spot and reserved purchase options

Limitations of migrating instances between regions

Termination Protection

Amazon Machine Image:

Types of AMIs (Focus your reading on this topic)

Instance lifecycle

Creating and sharing AMIs between regions

EBS Volume: (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 1 to 2 questions.)

Instance Store as root Volume

EBS as a root device and saw its benefits

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EBS as a storage solution

EBS volumes types

EBS Snapshots and EFS: Creating and sharing snapshots between regions (Expect a question)

Status of EC2 instance during snapshot creation

Volume vs Snapshot

EFS and its features

Security Groups and IAM Role: (Highly asked exam topic, Expect minimum 2 to 4 questions)

Creating a security group, IAM role and launching EC2 instance with it

EC2 Using role vs access key to connect to other AWS services (Expect a question)

Security Groups with EC2

Characteristics of security group rules with EC2 (Expect a question)

Possibility of changing security group and IAM role after instance launch (Expect a question)

Default security group inbound/outbound rules, and various ports used (Expect a question)

EC2 meta data and User Data (Expect a question)

Placement Group and Elastic Load Balancer: Placement Group and its features (Expect a question)

Configure ELB with Health Check

Use of DNS address vs Static IP

Associate load balancer with an auto scaling groups

Launch configuration and Auto scaling: Launch configuration parameters and Auto scaling architecture (Expect a question)

Auto scaling and Health Checks, Manual Scaling, Scheduled and Dynamic Scaling (Expect a question)

AWS DB Services

This is the Amazon DB services which covers various forms of DB, instance and storage and backup

management. Expect to get 3 to 5 questions from this section.

RDS Basics: Overview of RDS

Characteristics of RDS

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Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and RDS

RDS Database Instances

Features of RDS Instances

Understanding the High Availability of RDS (Expect a question)

RDS Database and Failover scenarios (Expect a question)

RDS DB instance backups, snapshots, and Read Replicas: DB Instance Backups (Expect a question)

Automated DB Instance backups

Manual DB Instance backups

Read Replica creation and limitations (Focus your reading on this topic)

RDS Management and Maintenance: Management of DB Instance

RDS maintenance (Expect a question)

RDS Storage Types(Focus your reading on this topic)

Security Groups and its control access to DB Instance

Amazon Aurora On RDS

Amazon Elastic Cache and its Benefits

Amazon Redshift and its features

AWS DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB is a fast and flexible NoSQL database service. A fully managed cloud database

and supports both document and key-value store models. Expect to get 7 to 9 questions from this


Overview of DynamoDB: (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 2 to 4 questions.) Features of DynamoDB

Components of DynamoDB

DynamoDB Vs DB services

DynamoDB tables name and Primary Key

DynamoDB and Secondary Indexes (Focus your reading on this topic)

DynamoDB Streams and its use on DynamoDB tables

Query and Scan operations (Focus your reading on this topic)

DynamoDB Capacity and Throughput Management: (Highly asked exam topic, expect

between 2 to 4 Questions.)

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Capacity Management by DynamoDB

GetItem operation/functions and its benefits (Focus your reading on this topic)

Write Operations and Conditional Writes

DynamoDB and its Support of Atomic Counters

Configuring of Provisioned Throughput

Calculation of Read and Write Capacity (Expect between 2 to 3 questions.)

DynamoDB Access Control and Data Migration: Credentials for Accessing DynamoDB

DynamoDB Identity based Policy

Use of Web Identity federation for Third Party Identity(Focus your reading on this topic)

Cost Management

Focus on Billing and Cost Management Console of AWS Console. Expect to get 1 or 2 questions

from this section.

AWS Support Plans: (Expect a question) AWS plans and its features

Types of AWS plans

Billing and Cost Management

Consolidate Billing: (Expect a question)

Billing features for consolidated billing

Benefits of Consolidated billing

Volume discounts using AWS Accounts

AWS Trusted Advisor: (Expect a question) Trusted Advisor Best Practices and Checks

Trusted advisor and AWS environment

Recommendations from AWS Trusted Advisor

AWS Application Services

Amazon has various application services like SQS which is fast, reliable, and scalable and fully

managed message queuing service, its cost-effective and helps to decouple the components of a cloud

application. SNS which is web service enabling applications, end-users, and devices to instantly send

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and receive notifications from the cloud. Other Application services like SWS and SES appear in exam

too. Expect to get 6 to 8 questions from this section.

Amazon Simple Queue Service: (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 3 to 4 questions.)

SQS Overview and Features

Amazon SQS Architectures

Queue and Message identifiers

Visibility Timeouts and messages

Managing Visibilities Timeout

Message Lifecycle

Dead Letter and Delay Queues

AWS SQS Long Polling

Simple Notification Service (SNS): (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 1 to 3


SNS Overview and Features

SNS Core Components

Sending Messages using SNS


SNS through other services

Message Format in SNS.

Simple Workflow Service (SWS): (Expect between 1 to 2 questions.)

SWS Overview and Features

SWS Core Components


SWF and its Activities

Simple Email Service (SES): SES Overview and Features

Management Tools

Mainly focus on Cloud formation and Beanstalk. Lambda and Kinesis. Other Application services like

SWS and SES appear in exam too. Expect to get 5 to 7 questions from this section.

Amazon Cloud Formation: (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 2 to 4 questions.)

Cloud Formation Features

Cloud Formation Templates and its Anatomy (Expect a question)

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Cloud Formation Stacks (Expect a question)

Rollback Scenario (Expect a question) Amazon Elastic Beanstalk: (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 1 to 2 questions.) Elastic Beanstalk Features

Core Components of Elastic Beanstalk (Expect a question)

Elastic Beanstalk Architecture

Application support Platforms for Elastic Beanstalk (Expect a question)

Amazon Lambda: (Expect a question) Lambda overview and its Features

Creating Lambda functions Amazon Kinesis: (Expect a question) Working of Kinesis

Kinesis use cases for Order of Data record steaming, routing and consuming data

Using Kinesis Client Library

AWS Software Development Kit and Command Line Interface

Software Development Kit or SDK is a programming package that allows programmers to develop

applications for a specific platform. Also get familiarize with CLI. Expect to get 2 to 3 questions from

this section.

AWS SDK Overview: Basic Concepts of AWS SDK(Focus your reading on this topic)

Installing PHP SDK

SDK Usage in Client Object, Managing Credentials, SDK Class and Service operations

AWS SDK for Python or Boto 3

AWS Command Line Interface: AWS CLI- Installation and Setup

AWS CLI – Service Operation

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Amazon Route 53

Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service.

Expect to get 3 to 5 questions from this section.

Record Types: Different types of DNS record types support including A,CNAME and ALIAS (Expect a


Difference between A and CNAME records

Use case for ALIAS record (Highly asked exam topic) and Zone Apex Record (Expect a question)

Alias record integration with other AWS services mainly ELB, S3 and Cloud Front

Number of Domains per Account

Routing Policies: Simple, Weighted, Latency, Failover and Geolocation routing policies and use cases (Expect a


Difference between routing policies

DNS Failover: DNS failover components

Associating ELB and Health Check with failover scenarios (Expect a question)

Multi region failover support

Amazon VPC

Amazon VPC is a logically isolated section of the Amazon Web Services cloud where you can launch

AWS resources in a virtual network. Expect to get 5 to 7 questions from this section.

Concepts of VPC: VPC Overview

VPC Subnets and its types

Security Groups and VPC (Expect a question)

Creating a VPC (Expect a question)

Advance Features of VPC: Elastic IP Addresses for VPC (Expect a question)

Routing Tables Policies/Priority (Expect a question)

VPC is Network Access Control Lists

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Network ACLs with Security Groups (Expect a question)

Flow logs for IP traffic

Overview of VPNs and VPC Peering: NAT instance or NAT Gateway

NAT Gateway Configuration (Expect a question)

NAT Instance Configuration (Expect a question)

Using VPN Connection with VPC

Limitation of VPC

VPC Peering

Default VPC

AWS Security Features

Mainly focus on the security white paper. Expect to get 4 to 6 questions from this section.

AWS Security Model: AWS Shared Security Models

Shared Responsibility between AWS and Customers (Highly asked exam topic, expect between 1 to 2 questions.)

AWS Compliance and Environments Security AWS Compliance

AWS Physical and Environmental Security

Business Continuity Management

Network Security

AWS Access

AWS Change Management

AWS credentials for AWS accounts and resources (Focus your reading on this topic)

AWS Security logs

The AWS Trusted Advisor service for Cloud Monitoring (Focus your reading on this topic)

AWS Security for various AWS services

AWS Elastic Block Storage (Expect a question)

Amazon Elastic Load Balancer Security

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud security

Amazon Cloud Front Security (Expect a question)

AWS Cloud HSM Security (Expect a question)

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Amazon S3 Security (Expect a question)

White Papers (Must Read)

Focus on the following white papers:

Overview of Amazon Web Services

Overview of Security Processes

AWS Risk & Compliance Whitepaper

Storage Options in the Cloud

Architecting for the AWS Cloud: Best Practices