Awakened Wisdom: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Brilliance - The … · 2011. 12. 24. · Awakened...

Awakened Wisdom: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Brilliance - The Workbook - This Workbook belongs to: _______________________________ Call us to discover how to awaken your organization. Patrick J. Ryan Chief Waker-Upper [email protected] 1-415-413-0010

Transcript of Awakened Wisdom: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Brilliance - The … · 2011. 12. 24. · Awakened...

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Awakened Wisdom:

A Guide to Reclaiming Your Brilliance

- The Workbook -

This Workbook belongs to:


Call us to discover how to awaken your organization.

Patrick J. Ryan

Chief Waker-Upper

[email protected]


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Awakened Wisdom Experiences, Inc.® The Eight States of an Awakened Life©

©«GreetingLine» 1-415-413-0010

Divine Essence Versus Distorted Self

Divine Essence

We are human, on our journey home, back to the Divine. All of us have had moments in our lives when we’ve felt clear and connected to our Selves, those around us, and to our wisdom. If you recognize having had one of those moments, then you were most likely connected to your Divine Essence.

Divine Essence is that aspect of us that is clear, connected, open, resourceful, compassionate, wise, and joyful.

The Divine Essence is free from irrational fears, attachments, and aversions.

The Divine Essence is connected to and is one with Universal wisdom. The Divine Essence provides clarity and is connected to the “truth” of what is. We are talking about the real truth, not that which is imagined, illusionary, fabricated, or distorted.

The Divine Essence is not preoccupied with principles, egoist points, or being right, better than, less than, or anything that creates separation between beings.

The Divine Essence is connection, beauty, resonance, and congruency with the whole. The Divine Essence is in the present moment. Divine Essence is courageous, compassionate, generous, loving, and forgiving. Divine Essence experiences stillness.

The Divine Essence is our connection to the highest wisdom that is available in any given moment. As the Divine Essence is connected to Oneness, it is also able to recognize synchronicities (discussed in detail later on in this section)—coded messages and opportunities that the Universe is always sending to us.

Divine Essence is also willing to take risks, and therefore moves and guides us through life in a way that supports us in having a full life experience. The Universe is always available to connection, as One with us, and the Divine Essence is the portal to that connection to the Divine.

The full experience of Divine Essence is the closest we can reach as humans to the Divine. The Eight States of an Awakened life are outlined later in this workbook.

Distorted Self

Just as you recognized the experience of moments when you’ve been in touch with Divine Essence, you will surely also be familiar with those moments when you’ve felt disconnected, angry, judgmental, confused, or victimized in relation to others or things that have happened to you.

We have all had those moments, and they are indications that our Distorted Self has been activated. The more we slip into a distorted state the more we isolate to our Self. We create a chasm of separation between us and everyone and everything that could otherwise help us out of this state. The world becomes I versus you; we versus them. In a state of Distorted Self, we become victim or oppressor; superior or inferior; kinetic or comatose; distracted or afraid; unconscious or hyper-vigilant.

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Distorted Self is an aspect of us that is commonly referred to as the inner critic, the committee, the saboteur, or the super ego. I will refer to it here as Distorted, or Distorted Self.

Have you ever looked into a mirror that’s been bent and shaped to create a distorted reflection? Perhaps the mirror was curved to make you look very tall, or tilted in such a way as to make you look short or skinny or fat. You probably laughed when you saw your Self this way because you knew it wasn’t an accurate depiction of who you are. That is what Distorted does.

It takes what is happening and changes it into something different. It creates a distorted view of what is. Distorted Self, therefore, uses misinformation to create paralysis, fear, shame, guilt, paranoia, and anger. The challenge for us is to recognize when Distorted is at work within us. Otherwise we believe its messages and take them as truth.

In any moment when change seems imminent, Distorted will rise up like a wave of negative energy and attempt to shrink us back. Distorted believes that no matter how bad things might seem, the status quo is better than risking a change and inviting in the unknown.

In contrast to the stillness that Divine Essence knows, Distorted Self will create stuckness that is absent of resourcefulness.

The experiences of the Distorted Self are those of judgment, superiority, victimization, emotional overwhelm, sleepiness, or the distraction of busyness—all to keep you disconnected from the present moment.

Divine Essence Versus Distorted Self

The trick is to know, in any given moment, whether you are operating from Divine Essence or from Distorted Self. There is often no clear line that indicates one or the other. There is a lot of opportunity for shades of both to be present in any given situation. What we are talking about here are the degrees to which each may or may not be influencing you in the situation you are in. The following chart shows that progression.

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Dissonance Moving to Oneness Resonance

Distorted View Objects

Divine Essence View Beings

Object System Living System


Degree of Perceived Separation




Divine Essence Distorted


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A Good State of Doing

A Good State of Practice

A Good State of Effort

A Good State of Purpose



A Good State of Being

A Good State of Words

A Good State of


A Good State of

Understanding Divine



Mind, Heart, Body,


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A Good State of


I Am in a Good State of Understanding.

I understand that All and I are interrelated and as such we are One.

I understand that we are all part of the Wisdom Field.

I understand that my intention and words are powerful tools of


I understand that I am my own healer and that the healing and

balancing of my mind, body, and heart is a constant process.

I understand that holding a question is more useful than holding an


I understand that what I believe to be absolutely true becomes true

because I believe it.

I understand that I am the self-authority of the whole of my life and it

is through my choices that I author the unfolding adventure.

I understand that All is energy, and that energy just is, and that

energy is transformed according to the intentions of my thoughts,

words, and actions.

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I understand that I create my own karma. Every intention, thought,

word, or action has an impact and every impact has a consequence for

which I am responsible.

I understand that like the four seasons there is a natural unfolding of

events in this Universe and as such All is subject to cycles and timing.

I understand that all people, beings, things, and circumstances are

impermanent and thusly I understand the opportunity of each moment

is to be present for past and future live only as story or dream and the

moment of now is where all is One.

I understand the Law of Attraction, which states that whatever I put

my expectation and intention on is what I will create in my life. I

understand that I am in a dance with the Universe and therefore what

I call in will be in accordance with the larger unfolding picture of All.

I understand that this Universe is generous in its nature, abundant in

its possibilities, and filled with all the resources that all beings and I


I Am in a Good State of Understanding.

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I Am in a Good State of Intention.

From my Good State of Intention my thoughts arise, a stream of

conscious-ness. A stream that carries beauty and good intention along

with life giving energy out to all beings that are touched by her waters.

I notice each thought as it arises and choose whether or not to

encourage it, to feed it, to fan its embers. If through discernment I

decide that thought does not add beauty or is not life giving, then I

choose to release it.

My thoughts create beauty.

I understand that it is my responsibility to discern which thoughts to

give energy to, that I am responsible for each thought that arises, and

I accept this responsibility with ease and delight.

I know that as each thought arises a proportionate consequence is

created according to the underlying intention of that thought.

Therefore, I choose to only give energy to intentions and thoughts that

give life to, and that respect, all beings of any form be they human,

plant, animal, mineral, or spirit.

A Good State of


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My intentions burn bright with love and the willingness to be generous

with my time, my effort, and my resources, to all beings and myself.

I am tolerant and curious with those that I do not understand.

I am also compassionate with the negative and judgmental aspects of

my own Self. I realize that any sense of other, or separation from, is

of my own making and therefore I hold the intention and willingness to

remove any veils of separation that exist and touch into the oneness

that we are all of.

I Am in a Good State of Intention.

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I Am in a Good State of Words.

My words are created from my Good State of Intention.

My words create beauty and are life-giving.

My words honor all those around me, including myself.

My words create positive impacts on those who hear them and those

who they are about.

My words are chosen and I am responsible for their impact.

I use discernment to choose my words according to my Good State of


My words are not used as a weapon against others or myself.

My words evoke beauty, generosity, and appreciation.

My words inspire creativity in others and myself.

My words carry my breath and they blow encouragement onto the

embers of possibilities for others and myself.

A Good State of


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My words give life to what wants to be born and give completion to

what it is time to let go of.

My words cast the dreams of my wisdom onto the ears of other Divine


My words are truthful, kind, and needed.

My words express the Universe’s song of love and appreciation.

I Am in a Good State of Words.

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I Am in a Good State of Being.

I am living as One with all.

I am in right relationship with the three intelligences of body, heart,

and mind.

Because I am in a Good State of Being, my spirit is bright and joyous.

I am in right relationship with my body intelligence and therefore I

care for my body with kindness, good food, exercise, and care.

I am in right relationship with my heart intelligence and therefore I

check in often with my emotions. I activate my heart wisdom.

I am in right relationship with my mind intelligence and therefore

practice discernment of words and thought always.

When I am experiencing discordance with the wisdom of my Divine

Essence I look into the cause and ask what is needed. I then respond

and follow through.

I am in right relationship with God, the Great Spirit, the Universe,

which holds me.

A Good State of


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I am in right relationship with all and therefore I keep all my

relationships clean and bright.

I am in right relationship with the Earth and all the beings, including

the plants, animals, minerals, soil, waters, and every aspect that is of

the earth and the surrounding Universe.

I am in right relationship with the Wisdom Field and therefore I listen

into it and respond according to the guidance of my Divine Essence.

Because I am in a Good State of Being I am the source of my joy.

I am a beacon of light shining loving-kindness for all including myself.

I live in trust of myself and therefore move forward in a good way.

I am a lifelong learner and as such I allow myself to risk succeeding or

failing and to always learn.

I Am in a Good State of Being.

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I Am in a Good State of Purpose.

I am well-used in each day.

I listen to the yearning of my heart and I am respondable according to

the wisdom of my Divine Essence.

I am non-attached to any particular direction on my path and

therefore I am available to my dreams, purpose, and to the Universe’s

dream for me.

I honor the gift of this life and I unfold my purpose daily according to

the wisdom of my Divine Essence.

I understand that the ultimate purpose of this precious life is a great


I give myself over to the moment-by-moment unfolding as authored

by myself as I dance with the unfolding story of the Universe.

I allow my purpose to be revealed to me in each moment and

therefore I remain flexible to the wisdom and call of my Divine Essence

and the Universe.

A Good State of


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As I am in a Good State of Purpose, my livelihood is congruent with

and honors the values of the wisdom of my Divine Essence.

I unfold my purpose in a good way as the author of each moment of

my life.

I choose to activate my Divine Essence to guide my journey.

My success is not measured by the quantity or size of my impact, but

rather by the beauty that is created as a result of how I responded in

each passing moment.

I unfold my purpose simply through each breath and sweep of the


In each moment I am in-joy and therefore on purpose in a good way.

I Am in a Good State of Purpose.

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I Am in a Good State of Effort.

Because I am in a Good State of effort I am mindful in each moment

of my life.

I hold effort and mindfulness with ease and delight.

I choose to act or be still according to my Divine Essence’s wisdom.

I am at choice and apply my will to follow through and move forward

according to my choice.

Did I say that I hold effort with ease and delight?

As I am at choice I choose to live from the wisdom of my Divine


I use my will easily to follow through on my choices.

I summon up the will and commitment to hold the energy of

mindfulness lightly.

I apply the right measure of energy to follow through and complete

what I intend with ease, delight, and respect for cycles and timing.

A Good State of


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I actively appreciate and approach each moment with ease and


I am actively grateful for every being and every thing that I have

attracted into my life.

I am actively compassionate and forgiving to all including my Self.

I honor the cycles and timing and remain at choice about when to act

and when to be still.

I look into each moment and ask, What is needed? I then respond

according to the wisdom of my Divine Essence.

I Am in a Good State of Effort.

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I Am in a Good State of Practice

I create my day consciously and care for my state of being.

I design my day according to my Divine Essence’s wisdom and am

flexible according to the call of the unfolding mystery in each moment

of the day.

I care for my physical body; my mind; my emotional body; my spirit,


In each day I have a time of stillness, a time to listen to the beating of

my heart, to my breath, and to the breath and call of the Universe

around me.

I consciously appreciate all that shows up in the unfolding of my

journey, including the things that seem unpleasant or inconvenient.

I check in with the Wisdom Field each day and ask, what is needed?

And then I listen and respond according to the wisdom of my Divine


A Good State of


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I actively honor all the beings that are present in my life each day

including my Self.

I actively create beauty each day and all my thoughts are life giving to

all beings.

Each day I play, I laugh, I cry as a good response to what is unfolding

around me.

I practice the paradox of flexibility and intention as I move through

each moment.

I keep the agreements I make with others and my Self.

I keep the relationships with others and myself clean and bright.

Because I am in a Good State of Practice each day I create beauty.

I apply my will and a good measure of effort to honor and fulfill my


I Am in a Good State of Practice.

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I Am in a Good State of Doing.

My thoughts and words are congruent with my intention of creating

beauty and are life-giving; so it follows that my actions are in


The actions that I consciously move into in each moment are well


I am moving forward steadily while respecting the cycles and timing of

the Universe around me.

Informed by the wisdom of my Divine Essence, I choose when to move

and when to be still.

The moments in which I choose stillness as my doing are grounded in

connection with my Divine Essence.

My actions are called forth and inspired through my deep listening to

the Universe around me, to my heart wisdom and to the wisdom of my

Divine Essence.

A Good State of


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I take risks according to my Divine Essence’s wisdom and move

forward in a good way.

When I act I move in a conscious and intentional way and I do so

lightly with ease, delight, and with good effort.

I play and I release myself to the joyfulness of a child who, by blowing

the dandelion seed, releases and scatters joy to the world around and

then delights in the unfolding dream that each seed holds.

I move as one, as one of the people, as one of the many beings, and

every breath, every action, adds beauty and forwards the unfolding

dream of the Universe in a good way.

I Am in a Good State of Doing.

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